With all this suffering, how could there be A God?

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if there's a God why all of this is a chaos in the world of tornados earthquakes they have increased in intensity just like Papa mama slalom said they would tremendous number of earthquakes today several hundred earthquakes have happened since I've been giving you this speech right now along with that pestilence violence wars occupations and family abuse serious problems Chuck there's a gun what is all that stuff happening it means the person asking the question doesn't even have the basic understanding of what Islam taught Islam never taught us that this was the Jenna huh what you thought you were in paradise look what Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said he summed it up with one of the simplest most beautiful little teachings you could ever imagine a duniya signal movement what genital careful this material existence that we're in called hyep to dunya life of this world is the prison to a true believer but it's the only paradise to a disbeliever he narrowed it down to two things believers and disbelievers we know as believers that this is the hardest thing we're going to go through because when this is over that's it it's done you're not gonna be put in any more tests but you start seeing the results of the tests you know that goes but for the disbeliever this is their paradise and that's why they want so desperately to build the big things here and the fancy cars the beautiful homes the best of clothes you know what I'm saying you know strut your stuff baby this is what they're looking for two people would be brought on the day of judgment one of them he had everything he asked for in this life even to the extent when he was dying he wanted a beast set before him and he got it the other person he didn't get anything you asked for even to the extent when he was about to die all he asked for was just a drink of water and he didn't even get died now on the day of judgment don't want to let everything he would be pushed into the Hellfire like you put a needle in something and pull it out just then that instant he would be asked now hurry had everything and your whole life did you ever see any good he said well what in my whole life I never saw anything good it wiped it all out the other man that had nothing suffered in this life would be put into paradise like you put a pin in something and pull it out and then he would be ass in your whole life did you ever see anything bad it would say well what and my whole life I never saw anything that no hardships so why did this guy who had everything has to go to hell and one of the other guy goes in paradise nobody is perfectly good and nobody's perfectly bad the man who had everything in this life actually he was a very bad person Allah hated him so we don't have that concept by the way God is love and he loves everything and everybody no matter how bad they are no no no no we know that God is the love in our what dude and ready to love anything and everything is good but he's also capable of while Shadid alayka dealing it out heavy duty and you don't want to know about that so this man who Allah hated who had done so many monstrously bad things to people yet he gets good deeds so allah paid him in this life for his good deeds so he would not even smell the paradise that he could be thrown directly right straight into hell the other man this gentleman actually was very good and all i loved him but he did some bad things he made some mistakes but because the law doesn't want him to even smell the Hellfire not even for a nanosecond so Allah let him have his punishment here in this dunya so that he could go straight into the paradise stop and think about it doesn't that make sense doesn't there really need to be a day of judgment because otherwise how could any of us look at the things that are going on around us again and again and again and see how the tyrants and the aggressors and the oppressors throughout history again and again and again not only do they win these battles and Wars but they go away with all the spoils of wars well the really good people the honest kind giving generously to charity giving people are suffering literally starving to death but that's because this is at dunya
Channel: FreeQuranEducation
Views: 10,553
Rating: 4.9585252 out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Free Quran Education, Animated Reminders, Darul Arqam Studios, Learn Quran and Islam, animated video, combating islamophobia, yusuf estes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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