Session with our dear Br. Yusuf Estes

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well hums a lot of bill out of me and you're watching Gattis TV coming to you live all the way from right here in Memphis Tennessee yeah thought I heard a hallelujah yeah I know where we are we're actually Memphis's been labeled as the buckle on the Bible Belt did you know that this is the buckle on the Bible where'd this come from no no no I say okay I take it in the butt okay yeah you know what I'm gonna tell you something to see in the water thing I'm gonna tell you something the other night somebody brought me a bottle of water and I said oh thank you very much you know cuz I like good water to drink water that you know you're sure of and I looked on it and it's from the same neighborhood where I live and we never drink the water there I said are you joking right this is a place in California where I live no way anyway a little bit out of me this brings us to one of our topics that we're talking about about people being worried about what they drink what they eat and now even who you shake hands with because excuse me so don't worry about it whoa what does it mean yeah you already got it right everybody got but it's not really a joke is it it's not funny but most of you I don't think you need to worry because I think I'm like the oldest guy here and that they said that mostly it just happens to old people that are infirm so if there's one in the room Hey yeah right anyhow so did you know there is something in Islam for this if I if I got it on my phone there is a drought that the Prophet used to say for exactly this would anybody like to know what it is anybody like to know yeah the problem I forgot my glasses again I can't read it I can't see it huh no it's in my house in California we'll wait oh so yeah maybe I can make it bigger I think you can do that with this phone right let me see oh yeah I can make it bigger it's a door that you make seeking refuge with the law from skin diseases skin disease all right and I had a reaction to roses one time insanity pen you watch the program and you can figure that one out leprosy and all major illnesses this is a door for all of this in one dua of the millenia turning this is from the Prophet SAW Swami said allahumma inni our old bika min Allah al bara bara C well June Unni well Jotham e 1 min se e as calm that I get it right how many know with this one yeah how close was I 50 50 yeah more than 50 50 Sao Paulo all right with no glasses that's pretty cool so this door ah if a person is having man in the law and he's making this job this is seeking refuge with Allah the creator of the universe and I've talked to doctors maybe do we have any doctors here tonight any medical in the medical profession let's do that okay all right so any doctor who's been doctoring for a while you can ask him did you ever see anything that was really strange and even before you say what you mean by strange you'll say yeah yeah seems strange things like a patient who has nothing wrong with them you've checked them out they're good to go and then they like get real sick or die the very next day that can happen and I'm gonna talk about in a car wreck just so called natural causes also somebody could be diagnosed with some real horrible thing and then a few months later they come back and they there's no trace of it then you started suspecting that maybe maybe somebody made a mistake in the lab maybe they mixed up somebody else's report or whatever could be you know but actually in the reality of things everything is really up to a law is that right and I've had medical doctors from the Arab countries especially but from everywhere Muslims who when they tell you take this medicine and inshallah it will help but they like to say inshallah oh thank you so much thank you so much yeah hamdullah I just remembered something I just remembered something you know you can say bismillah under your breath just like you know you don't even have to move your lips when you eat or drink so my little daughter when we were first coming into Islam she was new to everything just like I was but she's little so one time we're eating she said daddy did you say bismillah I said yeah I didn't hear you so I said bismillah she said yeah but you're already eating so now you have to say bismillah here Wallow al carro ok bismillah here wala wala yeah it is good for us to set the example though for our children if we're gonna be an example for them set the example masha'Allah we've been talking now about a couple of things before we started the program up I was telling the brothers and sisters here about an ayah in the Quran actually a surah in the Quran and hadith of the prophets of allah wa sallam the the surah is called sir a class and it goes like this i will initiate on a regime bismillah r-rahman r-rahim hoo hoo Allahu Ahad Allah who some had them your lid Willam you lad well em you know who won I had the meaning of it plus or minus in English this is really about monotheism or tell heed in Arabic language because it's featuring exactly who God is and who he isn't it's saying say the first word is say now we find this in the Bible we find this in the bye in the Book of Jeremiah there are a number of the verses is start out say and say why just like that so this is for anybody who doesn't know much about Islam and you hear this and you say why does it say cool well it's coming from the same God all right and by the way he didn't take my permission to send it so I don't know all right let's let's leave it at that anyway it says cool who Allah who I had say he is Allah I had now what is I had that's why I said monotheism mono meaning one mono is one a mono monolithic means something is one by itself or a mono line if you're using for fishing it's just like one line mono so that this is the idea mono I had an Arabic when you're counting the word for one is wide wide Ethne the love the horrible comes like this but when you come to this word it's different but it's from the same root I had and why had the sounds alike but you just reversed something why had a head what's the difference because no two is going to come after it it means uniquely one there's not anything else like it so that sets a tone for what we're going to say who Allah who I had say he is Allah he is uniquely one Allah who summit then it goes on to say and Allah is some ID what is Samadhi that's one of his name's attributes or characteristics it's saying that he is independent of his creation he doesn't need the creation but the creation needs him he's totally independent of everything he's not dependent on anything that's one translation of it then it goes on to say who Allah who had Allah who cement then you live what Islam Lam means no way no way plain English no way Lamia did not the father of anybody Lam you lied and not the son of anybody well let me oh cool Baku fauna had and there's nothing like him at all he is I had back to that subject of monotheism that cool now for a Christian they might want to argue with that because some Christians are saying Jesus is God Jesus never said that not even in the translations of the Bible he doesn't say that but it does say very clear in the Bible in the book in the Old Testament in the Book of Numbers chapter 23 verse 19 it says it real crystal clear God is not a man Wow that he should sin and God is not the son of man that he would need to repent humans sin all humans make mistakes but by the way fYI for your information that's why Allah created us he didn't create us to be angels did it did did you think that you were supposed to come into this life and not make mistakes huh I used to think that I used to think I was a real bad person because I made mistakes when I come to Islam I found out no you're supposed to make mistakes don't do it on purpose that's a different kind of mistake but you were supposed to make mistakes Allah didn't create you to be perfect that's what angels are for they are perfect but they have no choice oh now this opens the door for something else you have a choice in everything you do you have free choice but by the way I have to stop right here and give you another message you do not have free will what yeah that's a misunderstanding and it's a misuse of the English language when you say somebody has free will they use it all the time all the time you got people talking about I want my free will my free will that free will will means that you can will something to happen God does that Allah does that He willed for the universe to be in existence He willed for there to be light He willed for there to be a world he willed for you to be born that's his will he can do that now if you think you have will power try it out let's find out if you do maybe you do I don't know the see everybody like Lamborghini is that ok can we go for Lamborghini is it all right maybe Bentley something like that all right so what I want you to do just will that there's gonna be a Lamborghini with my name on the license plate in the parking lot when we get done wait a minute and a gas tank that never goes empty go ahead we'll wait actually one time I was in a prison when we were talking with somebody a group actually and one of them he said I don't believe in God I am my own God I said really he said yes I am God to me I said you mean you you really said I have willpower I said oh really you can will yourself to do whatever you want to do he said yes I said okay the rest of us in the prison right now we were all curious to know why God wants to be in here seriously willpower is exclusive only for the one who has will and that's a law what we do have what we do have is choice you have choices all the time you can choose to try to do something will you do it inshallah maybe moonkin yeah is that true maybe you will do it maybe you won't but that was your choice or Nia your intention so once we understand this now we're beginning to get the idea behind God and us there is a difference we are not gods we are not we were created by God and Allah created all of us in the perfect way that he wanted us to be created and when we were born we had the best relationship with him innocent innocent Islamic in Arabic all of us were born on Islam that's what the Prophet peace be upon him taught us all of us were born in that condition it's our parents will raise us to come up to be Jews Christians Madhu see you know fire worshiper or whatever we become is that right of course the influence of what you grew up in the first seven years is really big the Catholic Church used to say this about converts and raising the children up they said get them before they're seven before they're eight before it's too late because the magic number seven right there they want to get because by seven years old you pretty much got the direction you're gonna go in your life get them before they're eight before it's too late that's what they used to say anyway to come back to the subject choice you have choices do you know what my choices are gonna be no of course not do I know what your choices are gonna be no of course not nobody knows anybody elses real choices you can see what people do but you don't know what their intention or their Nia was that true or false but the one who created us not only does he know all the choices you're gonna make he already knew the choices you would make before he created you but he created all of us on an even playing field all of us were created equal in that we all have this one thing when we're starting out as Lama now I want to jump to another subject you know I think you can figure it out after you hear it suppose somebody goes into court and he has a lawyer with him and the lawyer is going to defend this person against some charges and now the judge has heard everything and he's going sounds like this guy is pretty bad the lawyer stands up and he said and I want you to finish this segment for me okay no Your Honor my client is as innocent as a newborn baby exactly now there's a problem with this if you're a follower of the Old Testament it says these babies are born in sin but that's not what islam teaches no no babies are born innocent you're born into a family maybe that's making sins and then by the age seven you're gonna pick it up yep that is exactly what we know but the baby itself is born innocent all right now why am I talking about this because this is where a lot of our brothers and sisters Muslims are going out of Islam on this it's called the clutter of a law everybody knows what's color put your hand up if you know what its color of a law you got it cutter okay somebody doesn't know put your hand up you don't know what's the color okay cutter it means that Allah has everything already designed already worked out and it's all going to happen according to his plan there's nothing you can do to surprise the law because he already knows everything that's going to happen even before he created there are many Hadees about this but I'm gonna skip over that for the benefit of the folks watching this at home we're gonna get to the point some people will say well if everything's already designed that means no matter what I do it was already prescribed for me I have no option I couldn't help it right no it's not right you always have the choice yes or no I said that you got choice you don't have will unless I've seen that Lamborghini in a parking lot with my license plate on it tonight I know you don't have any will and by the way I don't mind eating my words if you can make it happen but just focus for a minute on something we are not God so you and I we can't even begin to comprehend the mentality you're trying to put something like put her Ocean in a thimble you can't that's crazy and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has all of this all planned out he could have created us and just put us as soon as he created us he knew right away this group is destined for Hellfire and this group is destined for paradise he could have done that it would be so easy and no fault of his but the ones in the paradise would be saying I must be here because I deserve it huh yeah I'm pretty cool look at me I'm in paradise and the ones and the Hellfire would be saying what I do I didn't even get a chance now do you see now we go through this game chessboard or whatever it is that we're doing called the hide to dunya the life of this world we go through this and then when we die oh good news good news I have very good news everybody gets brought back that's good news for an atheist because they don't believe that they'll be brought back everybody gets to be brought back yes regardless of what religion you are or lack of it you'll be brought back the bad news is not everybody's going to Jenna not everybody goes to paradise is that right oops oops now we see the problem so what your choices are now Allah already knows so how does it make it fair do you know what's gonna happen I don't but he does the reason it's fairies because you don't know you make your choices you do your best I love you the rest simple as that we're gonna take your short break we're gonna be right back right after this but I want everybody to stay exactly where you are especially at home watch this it's coming up right now it's not a commercial we don't do commercials but we got something we want to show you so watch stay there stay guided with goddess TV thank you our viewership has increased almost double in the last year and a half and it keeps increasing on a daily basis we've seen just in this 2020 already an increase of about 20 to 25 percent across the board and that's amazing consider that we have constantly around a million viewers just on social media before we even talked about the satellite satellite covers all of Canada all the United States Hawaii Alaska even Bermuda and parts of the Caribbean and even the part of the northern Mexico is that cool yeah so when we go back on I should say something in Spanish right my tex-mex when told by mixed together right it's a good chance for me to do this and we're back we told you you would just be just a short time I want to pick up exactly where we left off we were talking about the color of a law we're talking about people's choices we're talking about how it is that life is really fair sometime people will say that's not fair your dad it's not fair life's not fair really really maybe the choices that you're making are not fair maybe the things that you're expecting are not fair maybe look at this if Allah already knows everything that's going to happen then why would we have to go through this it isn't for a long does Allah need us to do this one of the big mistakes is to think that God needs us that he needs our love that he needs our obedience that he need he has no needs we already determined that with the first part of the surah that we read Samad he has no needs he doesn't need anything from any of us if all of us came together you know the hadith if all the humans in jinn came together and try to benefit along that won't help that won't make a difference to him and if all the humans and all of the jinn come together to try to take away something but won't it won't take anything away from Allah nothing so understand that you're only here in this life so that on the day of judgement you have no excuse now what about that I I think like this my mother taught their children she that's what she did so I saw a lot of these kids that can't really think straight they can't they don't have the IQ for it they don't have the makeup for it so I asked about that they said this is mentioned in hadith that those who are not able to comprehend they'll only be asked what they could understand have you ever noticed by the way I don't know if you had an experience with special-needs children but some of them are very very simple very easy to love and easy to be loving very simple because they don't have this complicated idea of what I'm gonna get out of this dunya so let's wrap this up and on the mighty about the hadith the cutter of Allah simply put is Allah already knows the choices you make so how is it fair because you don't you don't know what choices you will make you don't know what's gonna happen but he does because he knows what's gonna happen he knows the choices you're gonna make so you're already destined forever you're gonna go now you could be on a path to go one way really bad but wake up and then decide you know what I need to change and you will change that destiny because that really wasn't gonna be your destiny anyway because Allah knew you would change and that you would do the good things hopefully and be a true believer so that's the understanding of the clutter and the prophet saw Swami said in the last days that this is the problem Muslims would have over the cutter and we have seen it I've seen Muslims actually argue about this and they don't believe in it even some people calling to Islam saying that Allah doesn't know what's gonna happen what his name is al aleem hello that means he is the knowledge it doesn't mean he has knowledge he is the knowledge there's no knowledge in the whole universe except that come from the one who created it yellamma ma baina a to him with my come with love you eat tuna be saying minima he Allah be my child wow he said it clear he has all knowledge of everything and you don't have any knowledge except he gives it to you Wow so yeah he knows now let's go to the second one the second one was the hadith of the Prophet SAW cinema doing usage no movement or genital kappa dunya what is dunya it's a word in Arabic that is very low low and a base it is like let me put it to you in Tennessee terms Texas terms Tennessee terms the same thing you will walk into a cow pasture you know and I look down at my boot and I look at oh man I stepped in dunya yeah you got that right there your yo this is dunya the Hyatt the dune Hyatt means life the life of this world hiya to dunya and the Prophet SAS enemy said a dunya Cygnet movement what is sitting or decision prison jail what is movement a believer so this world that we live in is a prison to a true believer what Jenna and Paradise Alka for to the disbeliever the people who want to make this life that we're in a paradise are really the biggest suckers on the planet suckler you know what's like a con man pulled a deal on you and at the end you got nothing no thing you think about it just a second hold on anybody seen Graceland you've been by Graceland you know how big it is it's nice so you want a house like Graceland okay and it's got a big curve drive and it's got a fountain in the front the water's going all over the place and you got a swimming pool in the back tennis court over on the side yeah you've got it that's it that's this is your house here all right and maybe you got a bitly or a Lamborghini in the front yard in that circle drive whoa all right huh and ladies you got a man with a six-pack and not one that he carried in from the store but actually though the you know the stomach thing yeah and you're like that's cool and guys you got Dolly Parton for your wife okay this is your goal this is your goal I want I want I want actually lusting for these things is exactly what the Bible tells us about and the Quran tells us about and the hadith of the Prophet system all saying the same thing if you're going after this world it's a big mistake Prophet Muhammad sighs sometime he said anything you have more than what you need for a day is the excess have you got enough to feed yourself for a day Hum Dil uh you got it you got enough for today good to go everything you need for dunya is there is there anything in Islam said you have to have a PhD degree know there's anything in Islam that said you have to have a big marble house no in fact when a person dies how much of all of that are they gonna take in the grave with them now some people in Texas I don't know about Tennessee but some people in Texas they wanted to be buried with their favorite car they did know they put the car down in can you imagine that poor guy in there when he finds out oh my god what did I do all this this doesn't work all of the things that you're working for this 501 401 401 K 401 K until I don't have one right 401 K bank accounts stocks investments I got this I got that ha ha ha I'm not saying you you shouldn't work and do things but be sure what you're near is for because if it's just you piling it up I need that I yeah what is that what is it this is a good example right here this I didn't plan this but this is a good example of what I'm talking about how many do you need how many do you need one the only reason you would have more than one as if it runs out of ink is that right now we're maybe like this in front of a law we have a purpose you have a purpose and the Quran tells us the purpose that you have what is our purpose well ma khalaqtul jinna insolently a balloon allah said in answer of Daria that he only created us to worship Him alone that's what we were created to do just worship God alone without any partners that is the first commandment that we read in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament I'm the Lord your God that brought you out of the land of Egypt in the house of bondage you know no God beside me beside me there's no God you shall have no other God beside me and he said it three times like that is that it's kind of clear right is that what we have yeah same thing no God beside God now you're created to worship something all people are created to worship something did you know that oh yeah even if they don't believe in God they worship something have you ever seen people little football game to go crazy paint themselves up and go nuts absolutely nuts if you say something against their team they're ready to kill you huh is that not worship a team you're all excited about that to the extent that you are willing to go out and break somebody's head Wow but there are people that do that there are people that are so in love with some of the created things that they go nuts over it what we're talking about is very simply how are you worshiping something other than the Creator because he created a lot of things he said I created you and what you do that's in the Quran I created you and what you do now if this pen ran out of ink if this pen right here ran out of ink what would you do throw it away you don't need it and the love didn't even need us to start with we we determined that in the first part of this program a lot doesn't need us anyway so what if we don't do what we were created to do ooh he tells us about these people now you heard about nice people right this is a nice person he's a good guy he takes care of his neighbors you know even in my garbage can he pulled my garbage can back out of the street all of the things that we know about this guy is good stuff but but he doesn't believe in God the Quran tells us clearly that the one who didn't believe in God on the day of judgment that cancelled all of his good deeds and with that I would like to encourage all of us to stay tuned right here to find out more about Islam Muslims and what you need to do what you don't need to do stay tuned stay guided with guidance TV and Hum did a lot of a bit on the mean so our program is not over here with us it's just over there I wanted to be sure that we understood that all the things that we have in this world have no real value to us in the grave except for three except for three and this was from the prophet muhammad salallahu alaihe wasalam he said there are only three things that continue in the grave has anybody heard this hadith before what's the first one sadiq Acharya alright somebody following along after you're gone of something you set up for teaching or learning etc and the third one a righteous child is making doll for you now based on what I just said would you like to have one of those three going on for you in the grave are you willing to give a gallon of gas for it one gallon of gas would you do that who would do that for one of those well we have a special tonight you can get all three of those for one gallon of gas two dollars a day to sponsor a child who is needing education who is an orphan and by the way there's another hadith of the Prophet says tsunami said the one who takes care of the orphan is like this with me and Jenna and this is the program we have mercy without limits and to tell us more about it we have Muhammad Hassan share do your thing we're going to have a question-and-answer session after I finished my six minutes presentation they can eNOS audio cinemas commissary in a la mesilla Mubarak Muhammad Ali of Habibi notability Iranian Jean Lazare - jimana Heather - the mom we're home hours after Frogner and body Tovar okema soma well as Ralphie Nagasaki and Omaha my dear brothers and sisters in Islam Salaam aleikum wa barakato my name is Muhammad Hassan I work with this organization mercy without limits we are not new in the field under oblong I mean we've been around for the last seven years we have eight offices around the world one in Turkey in Syria in Iraq Jordan Bangladesh Sri Leone Ghana and Lebanon when we decided to help people out I mean we we have created many programs but we focus only on one program which is orphans and the reason for their because those children that they supposed to grow up with safety whose family was future those children that they found themselves in the middle of conflict and they don't know why they became orphaned they do not know why they became in the middle of this conflict some of them or many of them they don't know how to read or write many of them they don't know how our what looks like to sit in a classroom in a school hamdulillah I mean mercy without limits when we decided to take care of the orphans each single orphan will get seven programs not just food and shelter no food children clothes this is given we have something called psychological care because those children that especially that they were born in the last five years they have seen more deaths than life we have education honorable I mean imagine 10-15 years from now if we did not educate our orphans today what kind of ohm are we going to have we have something called physical as we do in here twice a year unless the kidney be to be seen by a doctor and the last one which is mother education we show the mother how can she take care of our orphans all of these programs just cost $60 a month for 12 months subhanAllah I mean if we are talking about this life at the Sheikh was talking what six dollars can be used for in this life maybe you can buy some groceries for $60 maybe you can put some gas in your car for $60 but subhanAllah blimey what's in it for you if you decide to sponsor one orphan number one you get a rama microfarad the blessings the forgiveness of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala number two and so Allah he going to be the companion of Rasulullah salario seldom in Elgin as the ship said an hour carefully a team can attain this is the Congo for Super Mario Salaam the one who sponsored a a team the orphan will be my companion agenda like that also you're going to get a report everything you need to know about the boy or the girl you have the choice of choosing a boy or a girl to sponsor also you have the choice to sponsor a certain orphan from certain country ham Valera blimey you get to know everything you need to know about your orphan not just that we facilitate for you if you want to a phone call through Skype to talk to this orphan that you have sponsored not just that if you haven't that you are travelling to one of these countries that I just mentioned will facilitate for you to meet face to face with the orphan that you sponsor because it's not only about money my dear brothers and sisters in Islam I'm not here today to just encourage you today to pay sexy dollars a month to sponsor an orphan no these orphans can rebel army they need to feel worn they need to know that someone is taking care of them so Hannah Lara blimey daddy imagine if I die today one of my Muslim community to take care of my children it's not just about money so I'm going to take only three minutes out of your time is there anyone in tolerable I mean tonight willing to sponsor maybe three orphans inshallah bismillah three orphans Allahu Akbar takbeer takbir brothers and sisters I'm from Dallas Texas and when we say takbir the neighbor called 9-1-1 for us tag where our first sponsor tonight is a sister hamdullah horribly me can I have someone pass this over the inshallah can I get one come on baby come dan can give those back to the sister in shallower Brandon okay do we have the second one for three inshallah I mean three orphans bismillah Baraka love it there's some pains to anyone who saw her for three orphans anyone bismillah type two orphans escalara blimey two orphans that's hundred and twenty dollars a month Allah Akbar takbeer we have number one two orphans Allah who's going to be the second inshallah bismillah the second Allah are you raising your hand were you dead bismillah anyone two orphans inshaallah tonight bismillah tiger inshallah i like to see everyone to participate in them because those are our own Muslim orphans imagine there are many entities I would say waiting for us to fail so they can sponsor our own Muslim kids inshallah blimey one child Sharla for 12 months $60 a month of Salah bismillah who's going to be number one bismillah Allah Albert number one we'll have number two how about those he give you one I have some pins too if you want pins here's number two bismillah where's number three in child abuse millaa millaa anyone $60.00 allah in the back if you don't want to raise your hand that's fine so Allah but I'll give you some bit but we need to encourage one another in child it's a good opportunity bismillah I have only two minutes left jacana bismillah two minutes left inshallah bismillah and do not wait till Ramadan if you wanna we can start charging your car in Ramadan but do not wait to Ramadan to sponsor someone or to donate because we don't know whether we're going to be here in Ramadan or not or you know what we don't know actually whether we going to be here for tomorrow morning fashion prayer or not let's grab this opportunity just right now it's adorable I mean fill out those pledge card inshallah I'll be waiting here it's adorable I mean one more minute and so a lot to collect those bismillah anyone else raise your hand okay so the brother can give you the pledge card bismillah anyone else you want more of that here god this will take some pins OD bismillah bismillah any from the sister anymore from the sister Intolerable sister in the back yes she raised her hand in Solara blimey can you go back intolerable and we have plenty of those we have child children from Lebanon we have from some horrible army from Bangladesh we have from Syria we have salami so you can write down on it where which country wanted to sponsor a kid from and write down whether it is a boy or a girl me one minute Clifton shall Lorelai me and you have if you have any question I'll be here till the end of the program intolerable I mean we wanted to collect those right now bismillah are you done with those because I'm done and we'll go back to the ship and somewhere I mean anyone has a question ceremony really quick before before we have going back over here Shawn Lata de Sena wotty why do you come sit down with labor to cut the I'm usually I am the general manager of guide us to mean the only Islamic TV channel in America men this mic is hot mush all along so really quick what I want for what I what I want to be able to deliver right here right now and Shawna Tata is that is there anybody here that would like to be like this with NW Muhammad SAW Lala no cinnamon Jinnah anybody here raise your hands you all better raise your hands mashallah is anybody here that knows someone maybe it's your mother maybe it's your father maybe the uncle maybe it's here and maybe is your best friend is there anyone here that knows somebody that you would like for them to be like this with them to be Muhammad SAW no matter send them and Jinnah y'all better raise your hands again everybody pull out your cell phones we're gonna give you a simple link that you can send it to someone as well as opposed on to your social media that you can help to deliver this message as well as to support our own orphan children when should you think of these kids as if they are your own children why because they are they are all the times you guys see on social media about go fund means and what not like that help to with my kids imagine that it's your children but now again I want you to know that it is your children these are just my kids the same as they are your children there are Muslims they say let alone Osama so again pull out your cell phones pull out your cell phones we're gonna do something simple very innovative Binda it is very good way in order and charlotta to share this pull out your cell phones make a text message pull out your cell phones all of you don't make me come back there I see you acting well ah cell phones mashallah he doesn't perform well hobby masha'Allah so what you want to do is to make a text message the phone number is seven one seven seven seven the phone number again seven one seven seven seven you're gonna send the message m as in mercy W o L M W o l Marci without limits send it to seven one seven seven seven phone number again seven one seven seven seven send the word M as in mercy m wo l okay m wo l two seven one seven seven seven send that off cool got the link back first masha'Allah just like a lock I don't take and click on the link now it may say that it's gonna charge your phone I promise you it will not charge your phone click on the link when it comes back to you when you click on the link look at the bottom you're gonna see right at the bottom there to where you can share it you can put it on your Facebook you can put it on your Twitter for the autumns and you can also take and send it in an email or in a text message you can send it to your friends you can send it to your family again post it on to your social media at least and you can share it off in charlotta recycle head on or cinematical allah he or a cat before we start some honeycomb rubber too long before we start with the question and answers I would like to first finish off what we were just talking about I said that a gallon of gas I'm assuming that you would pay a dollar two dollars for gas is that right per gallon right so one gallon of gas a day will be 60 a month is that right so if you could spare two gallons of gas per day you can handle two of these children and if you can handle three gallons of gas per day that you could spare that that you would be willing to give that to save literally save them from unbelievable difficulties then you're helping three of these kids he only went up to three but I'm telling you if anybody can sponsor a whole oil well that would be great too you can do that right Mohammed has son has actually contacted us about this and I had to check it out before I got involved because I don't like to put our name of God is to be with something that is you know questionable and I was very impressed with the work and also impressed with this my wife and I have been sponsoring these kids for a while and you will you'll see this thing right here it has a picture of the child on it well after you get going with it you'll get a whole thing that comes in the mail from the child you actually will have them write to you if they're old enough to write they might be writing in Arabic especially the ones that are in Turkey so if you know Arabic you're okay if you don't you don't have to get somebody to help you translate it and also it'll be able to write back to them this makes a huge difference in their life they're waiting all like two three months to get this letter from you when they get it there you go absolutely crazy they can't they their feet won't touch the ground they're so excited and you bring that kind of happiness in there not just by the money because they don't even know about the money they don't think about that they know that somebody cares about them if you were in that condition yourself feeling it you would know exactly what I'm saying and then we'll go back to what I've told you about the wealth of this world and what is it really worth so don't let this chance get by you now he's still walking around here so if you would like to do something maybe you just want to do something one time he's got a box there you can put something in it and as he passes by you need to go slower and you need to look in their faces and go like this like that come on get with the program anybody else want to do something tonight just put your hand up he can pass by over there and you can do it marshal along all right now how many of you have a car anybody has a car you have a car does it have bumpers some countries don't allow bumper stickers did you know that I was shocked because I just from Texas that's how we hold our bumper on actually it's with lumber stickers we have this one for goddes TV it says worship the Creator not the creation worship the Creator not the creation simple as that that sums up the whole talk that I was given tonight so much so there was a brother that he has I think it's a Lamborghini of one of these kind of cars anyway he put this in the back window of the car because he wanted to wait till it got washed to put it on the car and a man passed by and he saw this worse the Creator not the creation he started asking him questions he said is this what does this mean so he started talking to him about Islam what it means Islam is the surrender to God on his terms that's what it means he said really next thing you know they're calling me and I go up there there was in New York upstate New York within 20 minutes the man accepted Islam and guess what the next day he sent a text message he said this is the best day of my life and it all came from a piece of paper many people see these many many people see these and maybe you don't know it and they don't even remember but they start worshipping God without partners not praying to Mohammed not praying to Jesus praying to the God that they prayed to and that's Islam as soon as somebody's praying directly to God just like the prophets told them to do they're hooked up and it's up to a lot of guide them don't worry about that they don't have to go through our websites they don't have to read any certain book they don't even have to read the Quran they don't but they do have to do one thing all of us have to do the one thing we have to be sincere with our Creator if we're not all the reading all the thinking all the actions everything is worthless so I just want to mention that and we have some of these out there and you don't have to buy them I don't sell anything you've donate whatever you want to do to help us do more and we use a hundred percent of this whatever is donated for our efforts that's as good as you can get under the luck all right so we took a question last night but the question the answer to it took so long so we didn't have time for any more questions so if anybody would like to ask a question tonight the sisters if you would like to ask a question you can write it down and send it up and we'll try to our best to do that if you can write it down send it up for Muhammad you're back there if you can if they tell you something if the ladies have a question if you can get that relay it up to me no questions I was hoping nobody would have a question then I get away free that's a good question and one that I can't sneak around either he's asking a question about Dawa that's what we do I gave up my business my wife and I had a business in the plastics company we gave it up because we has so much effort for this dough it takes time and hamdullah it was the best decision I ever made in my life but now I'm responsible for everything like ten times more when you ask a question about when we started the Dawa is it changed any there are certain things obviously that won't change like for instance it's still mandatory to try to give it it's in the salat tonight the Imam Muhammad II read the ayah in the Quran he said the translation of it who is better who is better than the one who is calling to Allah and it's a rhetorical question because anybody calling to Allah calling to God to worship God alone without partners that's that's what it's all about has it changed I don't think that Dawa has ever changed I think since the time of Adam Noah Moses all of them they were calling their people they're the same thing however I think I've changed a lot in the way I call I started out watching these videos of Ahmed Deedat Rahim alone and reading a a translation of the Quran that had a lot of commentary in it at the time I didn't really know anything other than that about Islam that and what I was learning from individuals at the mustard but experienced to see the people who come to Islam and then asking them what was it you know what was it that motivated you why did you do it what was what was the thing that you saw that that attracted you and after listening to some of the responses I realized this is not a contest it's not salesmanship you're not trying to sell used furniture you're not selling a piece of property you're not selling an investment the reality is that you're just calling people to a law that's the reality there are two factors one they go to a law the other they go to on right is that basically it you need to go to Paradise and be with Allah or go to hell fire and be with the devil as simple as that so why would I want to debate somebody about anything that they believe because as soon as you start a debate you automatic we put them in one corner in your in another corner and you drew a line like kids do in the play yard you know I draw a line you step over that line and I'm gonna eat you and I step over the line bla bla bla that's a line there and I'm gonna say my side and you say your side nicer maybe somebody would come to Islam from that maybe not but how about this when I first met the Muslim that helped me I was trying to convert him to be a Christian and I was trying to play that game you know salesmanship but the first thing that wound up we were sitting there together in a shop having tea not across from each other he was sitting next to me we're having tea how do you like your tea little sugar little em'ly and something like that not a debate a friendship at least companionship somebody with you and we're on the same side already I want the guy to go to paradise right I really care about the person so if I'm gonna do this and I really believe in God Allah is the one's gonna guide him not me is that true so what if I just give somebody a bumper sticker and I never saw him again what about did that if that's all I did and they came to Islam would Allah know that would he record that yeah is the Sun too bright for you there's sunglasses ah very good thank you yeah you can leave that here if you want to huh masha'Allah all right anyway the idea of the Dawa for me is not to try to put somebody away from Islam to just let them understand what Islam really is and how can you do that how could anybody do that if you're trying to make it like a competition it's not a sport that makes sense so any opportunity I get to sit and talk with somebody and here's a key try not to say everything you know listen to them sometimes you'll hear something from the person and realize they're a lot closer than you thought they were or they've got some ideas that are in line with this limb already they are human after all they came from the same God so they probably do have a lot of stuff already in line just need to realign some things don't think that the Christians are far away from Islam they're not they are not in fact the prophets had some problem muhammad peace be upon him ii said it the closest to you meaning the Muslims are the Christians but look what Allah said about that subject in the Quran in the Quran there's an ayah that a lot of people know the first half of they don't know the second half when I was a Christian I did not like somebody to read half of a verse then half of a verse from somewhere else and another verse from somewhere else and then try to tell me God said this God said that yeah if you put it together like that if you want to pick and choose the words just say whatever you want to say usually Muslims will recite the whole verse but I don't know why this verse winds up being only half and it's the verse that all the people in Dawa always use I will be blaming Shaitan regime cooking foil aluminum okra deadliness tap Naru Nabil Marouf what Ana how not on hill moon karwa took me new Nabila how many of you know the verse you've heard it before at least you've heard it that's only half the verse the translation said you are the best you are the best raised up for all of mankind because you called to my roof you forbid our moon car what took me new Nabila and you believe in Allah and I was questioning this this part of the verse because everywhere else in the Quran you always find I mean oh I'm a loose Ally ha you always find that the belief in God is first then the actions of that Ramallah but in this verse it said and you believe in Allah and the scholars they said how are you translating my roof and Moon car I said well you're calling to good and forbidding evil they said no that's not right that is generally speaking but in this case it's the ultimate calling to good what's the ultimate culture of the ultimate good lai la la la you're calling - la la la la you're calling to Allah and you're forbidding what takes people away from Allah and you believe in a lot and if you didn't do that how could you say you believe in Allah oh now it makes sense what's the rest of it well our mana al-kitab' laconic our Elohim men who move move my new noir Akhtar o Farsi kun the people of the book the people of the book if the people of the book the Bible the Jews and the Christians believe correctly it's better for them men whom from them our movie noon are true believers from them are true believers well Akhtar oh ho Mufasa kun but most of them are fasiq fisk corruptive disobedient I showed the translation of that to a pastor one time talk to him about it he said you're talking about my congregation aren't yet he really thought that I'm talking like y'all yeah I know they're like that I said this is in the Quran said what yeah so that and that is why I like to focus on finding what we have in common how we can get together Allah says in the Quran I don't know why we keep getting this feedback here maybe if I put it over here I don't know huh okay and this of shut self like this yeah it's off now yeah is this better yeah man I was hurting my ears in the quran allah subhanaw taala he says and we hear this about every Friday Juma we hear this all the bulimia Tana regime yeah your ladina harmony with tequila haka Tecate he will at a mutiny allah wa antum muslim moon everybody knows that one right yeah o you who believe give Allah his Huck his rights by what by having taqwa what is taqwa anybody know what's taqwa in English it means a shield a partition to put yourself behind a partition against the laws Gotham out of fear of what you know it's going to happen on the day of judgement that's the whole long story behind it but they will say god-fearing or pious Nisour something like that but doesn't really get the meaning out the word taqwa is shield to put something between you and something else that's stuff wa so that's a loss right you do that and you be alright and then he said and don't die except as a Muslim one who is in surrender submission obedience sincerity peace security and safety were the law all of those words out of Islamic from sillim scene Lam Meem imagine anyway but look what happens right after that Allah is actually setting it up for the next verse and nobody ever reads it almost nobody well I does he will be heavily Leahey Jimmy I will love the particle now I'm doing I'm guilty of what I just said I just don't give you part of a verse but it's enough to continue and all of you Jamia hold on to the Rope of Allah habala hold on to this rope of allah together and then he said well a lotta particle what is for it what is faric separate don't separate do muslims separate themselves from each other we're not supposed to are there different groups of so-called Muslims in the world people call himself Sunni Muslims people call themselves Wahhabi Muslims Shiite Muslims Sufi Muslims yeah which one's best that's a trick question you know that right that's a big big trick question as soon as you say well the one that I'm in that's Shaitaan waiting for you he's waiting for you what what was the big mistake of Shaitaan did he kill somebody no he steals something no what was his big thing he's going to help forever what was it arrogance exactly exactly whoever has this Kippur that's that's a big problem and how many times have I been around Muslim groups and they always tell me they're the best group join us were the like Muslim Brotherhood or the Hamas or the and I'm not saying anything wrong with them but just the idea why do I have to a group I joined Islam is not enough is it according to one name of Halloween anybody heard of a Halloween Halloween huh Allawi yeah I called him Halloween because the examples that I met are really way out there I met one he said they don't have to pray he told me that we don't have to pray and he also told me you're not a real Muslim I said really what did I do wrong he said you have to be born a Muslim and your father has to call the Adhan in one year and the Akama in the other year really hey call me on the phone it was shouting at me one time and then he hung up he was also waving a gun inside the mosque it and they picked him up for that but yeah so yeah Halloween so there are a lot of groups out there but a lot told the believers leave of that just stay with the Muslims can I call myself a Muslim yeah a lot coldest Muslims well lotta Muthu nila Wellington Muslim hoon Allah calls us Muslims in the Quran and he even said that Wow and he told us not to divide up into groups he said it so what group do you want to be I'm gonna be your chef II I don't like you what is that I met a convert one time he they only been in Islam six weeks and I I was old timer I've been in it so I'm a whole year anyway hey when I walked in the door I saw the guys Hey something he said saw Michael the water coming Salam he said no you have to give it to me more I said okay welcome Sam I'm robbing to Liberty country six weeks he did learn a lot he said what might have are you I said well yeah I know what Samantha I said actually the method of the rasoolullah Orlais was so low he said no that's not good enough I said whoa really he said no you have to choose one there are four actually there's a lot more than four but anyway there's four you got to choose one said really yeah Hanafy Maliki Chafee handling choose one hmm hmm can't think about it what is that actually what did Imams Imam Abu Hanifah Imam Malik Imam Muhammad even eat grease who is the Imam Mohamed even need race anybody no Imam Shafi yeah that's his real name yeah and if you don't even know his name how are you saying you following this guy and you don't know anything he said really it was I'm not mistaken Nasser Dina a lot of money rahim allah is yeah that's where i got it from he gave us quotes from each one of these great Imams and they're so similar there you could just put it all together basically they're saying if you find anything in Quran and Sunnah is that it's contrary to what I said take what I said and throw it away basically I make mistakes some days I'm right some days I'm wrong but that one and that was him I'm Alec he's pointing over at the grave of the Prophet SAW selami said he didn't make any mistakes so whatever he said you take that so I hope and pray that we will all stay on this Dean the Dean of real Islam and he does have a question say no I told you say no by the way if you want to ask me a question be sure I know the answer it makes me look smart our brother's asking the question amount some people they have a lot of intellect they have a lot of knowledge but at the same time how much do they really know is are they not aware of what is Islam or what is the Quran yeah they have a PhD in the Bible but do they know and that the question is so general that I have to say Allah Allah because I don't know all these people and an individual even if I know one individual I would still have to assume some things about him for instance there's one that comes on television and here a lot of people watching my Muslims like to watch him - out of Houston Texas his name is Joel Osteen anybody ever heard of Joel Osteen yeah do you know why you'd like to watch him because you keep waiting for him to say something that's gonna really put him over and but at the end of every one of those he makes sure to say in the name of Jesus do you know he does that because he doesn't want to lose his Christian followers they have taken him to task in the past because he didn't focus enough on who Jesus is so I don't know what he knows I do know that from the one who was with him we gave shatar to one of his close people a bishop from the Christian Church accepted Islam with us named Micah and he traveled with us for a while and he shared with me about joel osteen and about his dad and about things that they do know Joel Osteen was a cameraman for his father when his father was on Christian TV and he knows a lot about framing shots now we're just using this little simple operation here but when you have cameramen that have the earpiece in there have a director and the directors telling each one of the cameraman how to go in get close pull back get a fuzzy shot now get a clear shot all of the things that they're telling them to do this is all scripted because they know exactly what he's going to say where he's gonna go and he gives signals to them but but walking over to this spot they have marks on the states and he when he stand here you're supposed to have the camera like this and when he walks over here and turns this way that camera and so on all of that is staged all of that is staged and it really gets his point across you can't help but watch his stuff if you like good old boys he's a good ol boy and he's telling about stories that happen in his life so does he know I don't know is he aware of what it this is about I'm not sure and there are others like that as well there are some that have really thought that they were going to convert me back to Christianity and then we sit together and talk for a little while and then they just walk away or they accept Islam but they know they don't want to get in a debate what is there to debate really with a Christian anyway why why would you want it why would you want to take somebody out of their religion and expose them to chance they become atheists because that's what you're doing instead let's help them get closer to Islam and if you can't do that leave them alone does that make sense or no either help them or get away from them but don't expose them to some of the knowledge that you might have that could leave them without any hope because if you expose the fact that the Bible really is impossible to be from Allah because they don't have it they don't even know exactly where any of it is anymore not a scrap the smallest the the largest piece is a very small little piece that I saw in Manchester England in a museum and we took pictures of it and everything but it's two centuries after Issa to sent two hundred years later that's when it was written two hundred years later that's as close as you can get no they have manuscripts that refer to other manuscripts are gone but the bottom line they've got zero that they can actually point to and say this is this or this is that the Hebrew of the Old Testament is very clearly gone very clearly gone that's why when they discovered that Doug Hammadi Scrolls in Wadi Qumran they call him the Dead Sea Scrolls but then what Akuma runs for the parents anyway those scrolls that they found this is why the Catholic Church got involved and why the yahoodi got involved this was found on Muslim property this was in Jordan yeah it's 10 o'clock we gotta roll out anyway just to give you some idea they were very very concerned that they're gonna find out something and that's why they shut it down those scrolls were not permitted to be public access for 40 years 40 years they went through and examine examined and along the way I'm sure if there was anything that compromised it it gets pulled out so we'll wrap it up with that I don't know what's in anybody's mind I don't know what they're thinking people do have PhDs in the Bible I know one particular Muslim from Egypt who is he is a PhD is a professor at the University in Bible manuscripts and in the Hebrew language and he's Muslim so what's he thinking I don't know home did a lot of bit of I mean let's make some doireann Chawla ask Allah spawn tell it to guide all of us to keep us on the sirat al-mustaqim to keep us and our families away from the trials tribulations and chaos of all of the things that done is trying to stir up around this I mean and help us to be real callers to the real Dean I mean Robin Antonov in dunya Hassan well feel accurate she hasn't won kina dabin or rebend a lot to see cool about a bad day he's had a ton of Wahab lana min ladunka rahman innaka anta Wahab allahumma salli ala muhammad wa ala ali muhammad common select a Libra him while I Libra him and I can hum a deer in my Jade and Hum there's a lot of bit loud I mean and don't forget about that do our that you can make for sickness and illness and diseases etc zakhm Allah here
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 16,057
Rating: 4.8628159 out of 5
Id: 8CGUgdKmKlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 8sec (5528 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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