Why Am I Like This (Self Love) | Pressure | (Part 11) | Jerry Flowers

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it's that time it is that time i didn't even start clapping yet y'all used to be clapping huh it's that time and it is that wonderful time for thursday night service welcome welcome and i am just listening i am just honored i am honored that week after week i have the opportunity and the privilege to serve you spiritual nutrition is anybody here tonight that's like you know what i'm just growing this the pressure series heart rehab even tried me from last year i am just growing it is my honor and it is my harsh desire to make sure that you grow so make sure that you grow because you were not cosmically created by god for you to remain immature we're gonna give mature up in here and don't forget we just have a few weeks left june 17th june the 17th is our grand reopening of in person service i miss you guys so much i can't wait to see what god is going to do on that thursday night in the great city of houston texas so go ahead and tag us let us know where you are in the world and how this pressure series is blessing your life if you're a first timer let us know this is your first time if you've been faithful for like listen i've been faithful for all 11 parts now of this pressure series let us know and i pray that this word is going to bless you on tonight out of every segment in this pressure series this one hit me personally hit me personally to a different level and i'm explaining why due out throughout our shamanic journey mark chapter 12 the gospel of mark mark chapter 12 and we're going to launch our verse reading at verse 28. it says one of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating noticing that jesus had given them a good answer he asked them of all the commandments he's speaking to jesus he asked him of all the commandments which is the most important the most important one answer jesus is this hear o israel the lord our god the lord is one love the lord your god with all of your heart with all of your soul and with all of your mind and with all of your strength the second is this love your neighbor as yourself there is no commandment greater than these the the power the power of our texts the power and this biblical narrative the power in this foundational text if i just be honest it has left me wrecked this this is probably going to be one of the most vulnerable and transparent sermons that i have preached thus far in this pressure series because as i was studying this particular message this particular verse has had me wrecked since tuesday monday night formulating it since tuesday discovering where god is taking us on tonight i have been wrecked personally and i have read this verse before i've read this before so many times i've read all the gospels the synoptic gospels all 39 books in the old 27 in the new but this this one particular time when i was reading this biblical text it left me wrecked have you ever heard a word that just left you wrecked like oh oh that word it wrecked me that that sermon it just it just wrecked me that that message it just wrecked me that verse it just wrecked me have you ever been wrecked i have a sneaky suspicion throughout this pressure series there has been a message that god has graced me to preach that has just wrecked you it just left me wrecked and it's actually a good thing because that is just irrefutable evidence that the holy spirit has made your heart his construction site his construction site there's some walls i need to tear down because of some walls i'm trying to build up there are some pillars i need to tear down because of some pillars i need to build up would you allow the holy spirit to be a wrecking ball i need to knock down that pride and knock down that lust and knock down that entitlement and knock down that resentment and knock down that bitterness i'm trying to do a work in your heart i'm trying to do a work in your heart and lay the foundation that promotes growth and spiritual maturity it left me wrecked it left me wrecked i was weeping during my sermon prep reading this verse it left me wreck and this this particular scripture that is going to be the boarding pass for the cruise line of this sermonic journey on tonight lives and takes residence in verse 31 where the king of glory says love your neighbor as yourself there is no commandment greater than these don't miss it love your neighbor as yourself love your neighbor as yourself this this is highly problematic for a lot of us and you probably didn't think about it this way and i didn't think about it either until i actually began to study i said man this this is problematic and this this proposes a bigger issue because how do i love my neighbor as myself when i don't love myself i don't love myself i i don't love myself i don't love what i see in the mirror i i don't think good thoughts about me i'm verbally abusive to me but the bible says love your neighbor as your self this has nothing to do with me standing before you trying to be a love doctor or give you relational wisdom i am telling you tonight that there is a kingdom agenda there is a kingdom ethic there is a kingdom code that we have to live by as christ followers there's a kingdom code love for the christian it is our dna it is the litmus test that reveals if we are organic or if we are false it is it is our birth certificate of being reborn is revealed in how we love one another for this all men will know that you are my disciples by the way you preach it's not what it says by the way you post that's not what it says either by the way you do good things and post it so everybody else could think you're this spiritual mature post and that's not that's not what it says either the bible says love by this all men will know that you are my disciples by the way you love one another ephesians chapter 3 verse 17 tells us that our our roots should be in love we should be rooted and grounded in love love your neighbor as yourself but how do i do that church family when i don't love myself i'm talking to somebody when i don't love myself it's this text is revealing that your love ability has a breach in it please hear me your love ability has a breach in it when you don't love yourself because you cannot pour from a place that is in a drought did y'all just hear what i just articulated you cannot pour from a place that is in a drought there's a daughter and there's a son probably watching this message probably watching me live right now there is a son and there is a daughter who needs a love from their mother or a love from their father but they're not receiving it because parents can't give you a love that they don't have for themselves because i cannot pour from a place that is in a drought so i'm limited on the love i could extend because i'm bankrupt of that love within there there's a husband there is a husband probably watching me who is in need of the love from his wife but he is not getting it because she can't love you from a place of what she doesn't have you cannot pour from a place that is in a drought and so i'm limited i'm limited on my love extension because i'm bankrupt of that love within there is a church member there is a church attendee there is a love that you need from your pastor there's a love that you need from your shepherd there's a love that you need from your spiritual leader but you can't get it because he kept pour from a place that is in a drought and so i'm limited oh i'm getting in trouble maybe this is the reason why the miraculous seems to be limited in a lot of our churches it's because the preachers haven't experienced the miraculous themselves and i cannot preach to you from a promised land that i have not entered i i cannot preach to you from a spiritual discipline that i have not experienced myself this is how people use the name of jesus and nothing happens because i can't operate in an authority that i'm not under it is likened unto being outside of a community with the gate closed you can't get in this subdivision because you don't know the you don't know the access code is you actually have an intimacy with the lord i cannot pour from a place that is in a drought and so i'm limited on the love i could extend because of the bankrupt state of love that i have within that there is a wife right now who is experiencing a deficit in her marriage because her husband cannot love beyond the capacity that he loves himself because i cannot pour from a place that is in a drought and so my love extension is limited because of the bankrupt the bankruptcy of that love within i'm gonna give you bible i'm gonna give you a bible ephesians chapter 5 verse 28 look at this it says in the same way husbands are to love their wives as their own bodies he who loves his wife loves himself are y'all saying this are y'all seeing this he who loves his wife loves himself let's say this backwards if you don't love yourself i'm trying to help somebody on tonight i'm trying to get you to recognize there is a love there is a self-love this is not just about romance this is a kingdom agenda there is a love that you have to have for you if you're going to be able to love your neighbor how can i love my neighbor as myself when i hate myself when when when i don't know i don't even know how to love me what what does that even look like and i can't speak i can't speak for anybody else but when it comes to this particular conversation the reason this hit me so hard and the reason it has so much weight on it because if i be vulnerable before you on tonight i'm not preaching at you i'm preaching with you if i be vulnerable i struggle with loving myself i struggle with loving myself and and and i've been in church my whole life my story is different from from other people i've been in church my whole life 33 years and 9 months i've been in church my whole life and i have never heard a sermon i have never been taught i have never been discipled nobody ever sat me down and gave me a biblical exegesis and showed me in the scriptures listen it is important for you to learn how to love you it is valuable for you to know your value it is a necessity for you to know how to love yourself not because culture says so but because it is a kingdom agenda you have to love your neighbor jerry as a pastor there there are people who are gonna look to me because each and every week you give them doctrine and your ability to love them is tied with how you love me and how you love yourself i just feel like i'm talking to somebody on tonight do you struggle with loving yourself less less times looking in the mirror as i don't like what i see and now it makes sense it makes sense i could never embrace or engage in celebratory moments i can embrace and celebratory moments that i have achieved because i minimize all of my milestones and i billboard all of my screw-ups i minimize all of my milestones because they are eclipsed by everything i have done versus everything i am becoming holy spirit help us listen i'm trying to teach us on tonight how to fall in love with the process of who you're becoming versus shaming yourself for who you have been did y'all hear me i'm trying to get us to fall in love with the process of who you are becoming versus your mistakes and your failures and your shortcomings and how you missed the mark and if you would have done this and if you would have done that i'm trying to get us to fall in love with who you're becoming with who you're becoming now now i understand why jealousy is so prominent in the church i understand why jealousy is so prominent in our hearts now because you can't applaud organically for them if you don't know how to applaud you really don't know how to celebrate them organically if i don't know how to celebrate me because i cannot pour from a place that is in a drought now it makes so much sense it make it makes so much sense on why i can't celebrate them listen listen the lack of self-love is the epicenter of us projecting our thoughts on other people did y'all hear me the lack of self-love is the epicenter on why we keep projecting our thoughts on other people they don't like me and they don't think this is gonna be good no you don't like yourself and you don't think it's gonna be good that post was about me they they being petty i know they're posting about me they always have something negative to say about me they always criticize me could it be that post is not even about you ma'am that post is not even about you sir is you spend so much time criticizing yourself y'all y'all ready for this this is why for many of us rejection is so hard you know why because you have rejected you before they ever rejected you you have rejected you before they ever have rejected you so when they reject you it is confirmation for your self-hatred taurus did you hear what i just said it is confirmation for your self-hatred because since i already rejected me when they reject me it is a confirmation that i'm not worthy and i'm not good and everything i do falls short and i'm trying to help somebody on the night fall in love with the process of who you're becoming versus shaming yourself for who you have been a lot of us you gaslight yourself you you gaslight yourself no wonder no wonder we tolerate being cursed out i'm getting all in somebody's business no wonder we tolerate being cursed out no wonder we tolerate verbal abuse you're verbally abusive to yourself you you curse yourself out this this is a thought this is a thought that i really believe the holy spirit gave me as i was studying the holy spirit was revealing this to me jerry if you were to talk to your wife if you were to talk to tanisha the way that you talk to yourself you will be considered an abusive husband i don't even know if she would stay the way you talk to you i'm being vulnerable right now the way you talk to you the thoughts that you entertain about you if you were to speak the same way to yourself speak the same way to her as you do yourself you would be verbally abusive and i wonder this is a judge-free zone i wonder how many of us are verbally abusive to you i called my wife in the room i held her hands she's looking at me all confused and i said tanisha i need to apologize to you she's looking all confused what are you what are you talking about what are you talking about baby i said i have not been loving you the way that i can love you it's like jerry i feel love no i have not been loving you with how i can love you because god is showing me god is showing me that i need you to love your wife right there in ephesians i just read it to you a husband who loves himself loves his wife and if i could fall in love with how god made me if i can fall in love with me you haven't experienced love yet because now i'm on the quest of becoming and she was at the studio working on a song and she came back to the house and i said i'm proud of you you you you went over there and you worked on your song you worked on your music and she said yeah but i just gotta stick with it i gotta i gotta stick with it you know i've started stuff before and i haven't finished and i said no we're not doing that we're not doing that fall in love with who you're becoming we're not shaming ourselves for what we have been i am honoring you that you did something today that you did not do yesterday and tanisha my ability to notice your efforts are higher now because the holy spirit has been dealing with me about falling in love with who you're becoming and so now i'm learning how to appreciate who i'm becoming and you know what that did for me as your husband it caused for me to appreciate who you're becoming i thought i was before but now i have a whole nother tone before i probably would have said yes just formulate a schedule and stick with it because you have to birth this in the earth but now i'm like no i'm so proud of you i know i said i'm proud of you before but now i see that you are becoming something and i will not hold who you have been against you and i think a lot of us not only do we need to ask god for forgiveness because self-hatred is saying god you made a mistake when you made me not only do we need to ask god for forgiveness but a lot of us need to forgive ourselves for the way you talk to you for the thoughts you think about you and here's the crazy thing y'all you are always there for you you're always there for you you you brush your teeth hopefully you brush your teeth you wipe your behind you bathe your body you blow your nose you feed your stomach if you get sick you take care of you the nights were you crying alone nobody knows it but you and god you wiped your tears you were there for you how much more how much more confident how much more anointed how free would you be if you actually learned how to love the you god made you i wonder how your joy meter would look i'm talking to somebody i'm looking right at you i wonder how your joy meter would look if you were to fall in love with who you're becoming versus shaming yourself for who you have been because i'm trying to get us to see this is a kingdom agenda jesus tells us love your neighbor as you love yourself and i'm trying to get somebody to understand you cannot love your neighbor if you don't love yourself by this all men will know that you are my disciples by the way you love one another and i'm trying to get somebody to see that if you don't love you you're limited on your ability to carry out this kingdom agenda so god right here right now i i just feel your presence god just like i felt it when i was studying i feel that somebody is being spoken to right now from this word and just just like i said if you ever heard a message that left you wrecked some of us in the intro are wrecked because we recognize i have not been loving me i've not been loving me i've been magnifying all of my failures i've been magnifying all the places i've missed it i've been magnifying all the areas i've fallen short and i have not been giving myself great space i have not been loving who you are building me to become i've been shaming and gaslighting and being verbally abusive to myself because of who i've been and i repent and god in this moment would you please in this moment let it be said that it was on this day may the 27th of 2021 where the files of my life changed because i stopped looking in the folders of my past but i start embracing the folders of my becoming in jesus name and everybody who agrees with that prayer would you drop in the room a man there are broken people there are hurting people and they are lost people who need to encounter the love of jesus and jesus is saying listen love them like you love you and i want to help somebody on tonight to learn how to love you i want to speak around this thought from this subject just for a few more moments why am i like this why am i like this and i'm answering your question i might do a part two to this i don't know but i'm asking you a question maybe you're like this because you don't love you i understand they're experiences that have shaped us but who you become is strictly tied to your yieldedness of the spirit the way you think about yourself engaging in kingdom living and loving you loving you there's a confession this one right here i need everybody to say it if you're watching on youtube you're watching on facebook i need everybody if you're watching on our online campus i need everybody to put this in the room in all caps i felt power as i was formulating this message and this confession i need everybody to put in the room at all caps can i get you to say god forgive me for not loving me because how i love me affects how i love them powerful y'all one more time god forgive me i feel tears bro god forgive me for not loving me because how i love me affects how i love them and i just i really want to just get straight to points i want to give you like 10 points 10 methods 10 steps on how we could get to the place to where we love ourselves since we have this obligation this duty in the earth and i understand there is a pressure for us to not like us am i telling the truth there's a pressure for you to feel as though god made a mistake when he made you there is a pressure for you to believe that you cannot recover from that mistake there is a pressure for you to believe that this is as good as it gets there is a pressure for you to believe due to all these children i have nobody will want me now there's a pressure to believe the market is too saturated who will embrace my business or who will come to my ministry there is a pressure for us to believe negative thought after negative thought about ourselves and i want to combat them with the word of god and i just want to give you some steps on how we could embrace this beautiful journey of who we're becoming versus shaming ourselves for who we've been but first i do want to break down what what self-love is what self-love is i could not confine this or compartmentalize this to just one definition i felt as though the holy spirit gave me several different meanings on what self-love is so i'm going to give them to you first one self-love is nothing more than cherishing the work of the potter this is so good self-love is nothing more than cherishing the work of the potter and who is the potter our god because how you view you how you view you is the syllabus you give others on how to treat you i'ma say that again how you view you is the syllabus that you give others on how they treat you self-love and this is required for you to carry out a kingdom agenda self love is not being conceited or self absorbed it is to make a conscious choice to believe the good about yourself versus the bad self self-love this is a requirement for us to carry out the kingdom agenda self-love is to believe that when god made you and he looked at you and said it is good he was telling the truth self-love is to believe when god said you are the head and not the tale he was telling the truth self-love is to believe when god said you are above and you are not beneath he was telling the truth self-love is to believe when god said that you are blessed going and blessed coming that he was actually telling the truth self-love is to believe when god said that you are beautifully and wonderfully made he was telling the truth you're not a mistake self-love it is a requirement for us to carry out the kingdom agenda listen self-love is not the omission of chapters in your life but rather it is refusing to let that chapter be the title of your life my god did y'all hear me self-love is is not the omission of chapters in your life it is just refusing to let that chapter be the title of your life yes in that chapter you made a mistake but that is not your title you are a mistake yes in that chapter you made some very foolish choices but that's not the title you are a foolish person self-love is not the omission of chapters but rather it is refusing to let that chapter be the title of your life and a lot of us we hate the very thing that pushed us in a position to have surgery it took that heartbreak it took that betrayal it took that pain to get you to this place and a lot of us hate the very thing that god allowed to form us it's not the omission of a chapter it's refusing to let that chapter be the title of your life self-love it is requirement for us to carry out the kingdom agenda self-love is not thinking more highly of yourself than you ought to think culture kind of believes that about self-love self-love is not thinking more highly of yourself than you ought to think but rather is thinking the same thoughts about you that the most high thinks this is so good man self-love is not thinking more highly of yourself than you ought to think but rather is thinking the same thoughts about you that the most high thinks because i want to learn how to love what god loves and watch this god loves you did y'all catch that i need to learn how to love what god loves and god loves you i'm not i'm not arrogant and i'm not thinking more highly of myself i'm just thinking the thoughts about me that the most high thinks about me look at this jeremiah chapter 29 let me give you a bible jeremiah 29 verse 11 it says for i know the thoughts that i think towards you says the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope god saying listen i know how i'm thinking about you and the thoughts i'm thinking about you are good and the thoughts i'm thinking about you i'm trying like all my thoughts are about giving you a hope and giving you a future look at this philippians chapter 2 verse 5 it says let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus so the text if we were to marry these two passages of scripture god is saying listen i know the thoughts that i have towards you i have good thoughts i don't have evil thoughts like i'm thinking about your future and i'm gonna give you a hope this is how i think and philippians chapter two was saying all right the way the lord thinks let that same mindset become your mindset i understand his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts but he's saying listen i need you to learn i need you to learn and get intimate with the lord enough so that i start to think the same way about things that he thinks about him if he thinks i'm chosen i need to start thinking i'm chosen if he thinks i'm anointed i have to start thinking i'm anointed if he thinks i'm called i have to think i'm called he's telling you i know the thoughts i have towards you and not that you're stupid they're not that you're a mistake they're not that you're so dumb the verbal abuse that you keep on saying every time that you fall off and every time that you fall short and every time that you make a bad decision all those words that you're saying about you i'ma give you a shock and illumination god knew everything you would do before he even called you and he still called you self-love this is a requirement for us to carry out the kingdom agenda is this this love pattern the love for god the love for me and the love for others this love pattern the love for god and the love for self and the love for others i'm seeing how these scriptures are married y'all i'm seeing how they have this covenant these scriptures are married i know the thoughts that i have about you thoughts of good and not evil let the same mind that was in christ jesus also be in you i need you to think thoughts about yourself that i think about you i i now understand i now understand when he says seek ye first the kingdom of god and all of his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you maybe one of the things is love the love pattern love god love yourself love people if i seek first god and i learn how to love god by default i'll start to love what god loves and god loves me the more i begin to spend time with him the more i begin to bend sermons the more i begin to have devotion because i stated it before if i don't know the voice of god and devotion i won't know it in direction and a lot of us aren't devoted enough to be able to devote our thoughts to the thoughts that god has about you love god love for yourself love for others if i don't love god i won't be able to love myself if i don't love myself i can't love others and jesus says this is the greatest the greatest commandment that there's no commandment greater than loving me with your whole totality and loving your neighbor as you love yourself this is not this is not just about romance this is a kingdom agenda that as christ followers we have to follow okay so how do we how do we do this jay i hear you but how do we do this point number one no more verbal abuse no more can i get everybody to put this in the room no more verbal abuse i'm going to stand here and sweat and wait until you drop the comment in the room no more verbal abuse y'all think i'm playing i'm literally going to stand here and wait i need you to put it in the room in all caps no more verbal abuse the way that you're talking to yourself no more the thoughts that you have been thinking about yourself no more the negative language that you've been saying over yourself no more no more verbal abuse why why i already showed you the scripture i know the thoughts i have towards you so the thoughts that you have towards you are not the thoughts that god has about you i know the thoughts that i have towards you and god does not have verbally abusive thoughts towards you no more verbal abuse there you go keep putting it in the room no more verbal abuse why point two because i need to learn how to speak life i need to learn how to speak life can we go a little deeper let's go a little deeper okay you do understand that one of the assignments of angels is to carry the word okay let me give you bible all right psalms chapter 103 verse 20 it says bless the lord you his angels who excel in strength who do his word other translations say who carry out his word who do his word heeding the voice of his word blessed the lord all you his host you ministers of his who do his pleasure now watch this watch this listen now we have to understand a lot of us your angels are unemployed your angels are unemployed because you're not speaking the word for them to carry god watches over his word to perform it now it makes so much sense why proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 tells us death and life are in the power of the tongue what are you speaking you need to speak light because it is the job of angels to carry the word and when you speak the word it is their job to make sure that that word comes into fruition in your life and god watches over his word to perform it and his word will never return unto him void what words are you speaking but be careful be careful because demons are fallen angels and they carry our words too so when i tell you no more verbal abuse and i tell you speak life i'm actually giving you weapons on how to engage in spiritual warfare i may think it but i don't have to speak it i'm not speaking those things because they bring forth life or death what is the condition of your mouth if you're if your tongue brings forth life and death which one is your tongue a delivery unit or a grim reaper did y'all i just need to pause say la on them boys i just need to pause if death of life is in the power of your tongue what does your tongue produce a delivery unit something's being born or a grim reaper something's about to die speak life point number three what does daddy say about me what does daddy say about me before the pandemic i was taking my daughter on dates and as we go out on these dates i always tell i said listen i pray that jesus comes back before this time happens but just in case he doesn't um when you get of age you see how daddy treats you you see how daddy respects you you see how daddy talks to you if he doesn't do what daddy does he's not an option that's how i've been training baby girl she's just six a daddy dating her listen if he doesn't do what daddy does he's not an album he's not an option so one day we were walking together and somebody saw her and said oh she is so beautiful she's so cute and she said my daddy tells you that confident in what daddy said what did daddy say about you do you believe what daddy said or do you believe what their post said do you believe what daddy said or do you believe what that narcissist said i'm getting in trouble do you believe what daddy said or do you believe with that religious person in the pulpit who really is just a businessman with a bishop scholar do you believe what they said uh-oh do you believe what daddy said or do you believe what your ex said believe what daddy says about me what did daddy say number four is huge grace space i just don't understand why so many of us are so non-gracious to yourself no grace you make a mistake man you're stupid give grace to yourself you're becoming you are in the process please hear me when you come to christ you are in a process of learning and unlearning at the same time and you have learned wrong longer than you have learned the way you have learned wrong longer than you have learned the way grace space grace space forgive yourself for all the times you made choices in ignorance and in rebellion space give yourself grace for the times you missed it reward yourself for the times you hit it not because it's by works that any man should boast but i'm learning how to love myself y'all this is so basic when i first got my dog when i was training him how to use the potty outside when i was training him tricks every time he did it right i gave him a treat this is how his master was training him and i believe every so often when you live a life of obedience the master gives you something it may not be something tangible but it might be peace it may not be something that you could possess that you could buy from a store oh but it might be joy every single time we seek the lord and we're striving to obey him if you draw an eye to me i draw nine to you and i am a rewarder of those who diligently seek me great space number five the power of no i'm trying to help somebody how do you fall in love with yourself the power of no not necessarily the people but to thoughts you're no good no i'm not gonna believe that this is gonna fail no i'm not gonna believe that what you did was too bad no god told me all things work together for the good of those who love the lord i have made a mistake but like i've learned on tonight that is a chapter not my title the power of no this i kind of already stated this one before i got ahead of myself number six reward the becoming reward who god is allowing you to become number seven temple care i gotta take care of this body did this okay if the whole if your body is the holy spirit's house what is it what is the condition of your temple i'm not just talking about physical exercise that is needed but i'm also talking about what what words are you allowing to come in your ear gate what are we watching that is allowing it to come in our eye gate because that affects the way we think and as a man thinketh so is he number eight we dealt with this on sunday that's none of my business what you think about me it's none of my business why because number three was what does daddy say you might have thoughts all about me but jeremiah 29 lets me know that god has thoughts about me and they are good not evil so how you think about me that's none of my business and i do know my business is to advance the kingdom and for many of us your business right now i have to invest in loving me because i want to love what god loves and god loves me number nine rest rest a lot of us you're tired and i get it pandemic burned out can i get an a-man in the room just pandemic cove it burned out need a rest sometimes rest is not always actually taking a nap but it's taking a promise and resting in it taking a promise mine for years has been he's a rewarder of those that diligently seek him and be not weary and well doing for in due season you will reap a harvest if you faint not and i've been resting in that promise and if god rested to set forth a model because he didn't need it maybe we should look at the word of god and see sometimes i'm not me when i'm tired and if god rested i need rest too maybe not on a pillow or on a bed but on a promise last one i must have recreation i understand right now you're edifying your spirit man tonight i just wanted to teach how do we get to a place till we start loving ourselves but i have to do things i enjoy that's not sin i have to do things that i enjoy that is not sin because if i don't love me the kingdom command the kingdom mandate i'm not going to be able to fulfill how can i love my neighbor ask myself when i hate myself and now maybe this makes sense on why there's so much hatred in the world because there's a lot of hate in me and there are a lot of people walking around who hate themselves and it's being manifested as acts of violence so i just want to come on here tonight and encourage you love what god loves and you know what he loves you and by this all men will know that you're my disciples by the way you love one another god teach me how to love me let me let me feast on this word god we don't want to just hear messages that make us shout all the time god we want to hear messages to help us grow i thank you god for the practicality and the well-roundedness of the spiritual nutrition so that you can cause people to begin the beautiful journey of loving what you love and what do you love you love us help us to love ourselves be gracious to ourselves because you love us and you are gracious to us we understand that self-love is not thinking thoughts of ourself more highly than we ought to think but it's rather thinking the thoughts that the most high thinks in jesus name we pray amen
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Rating: 4.9648647 out of 5
Keywords: redefined tv, RedefinedTV, Jerry Flowers, Pastor Jerry Flowers, Why Am I like this
Id: N2oYzbsXAkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 32sec (2852 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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