Don't Respond To That | Pressure | (Part 8) | Jerry Flowers

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come on come on in the room now listen you have been warned this message on tonight anytime i come in the room clapping anytime i come in the room clapping you're going to have to guard your edges tighten your lace front guard your big toe your pinky toe all of your toes all 10 of them even your corns calluses guard them all this word on the night you know what it's going to do it's going to help us mature it's going to help us engage in spiritual maturity because that is my desire for you to evolve i just firmly believe god did not cosmically create you to remain immature can we get a man just an introduction amen amen and look we have one month and one day until we have our grand reopening of in-person service on june 17th of course we're still having online but i pray if you're willing join us god is going to do something amazing in the house let us know where you from where you are in the world last week we had ireland we had china we had south korea we had brazil and of course the beautiful united states represented all over the nation thank you so much for joining us and this word on tonight are y'all ready are you ready all right let's go the gospel of matthew the gospel of matthew chapter 27 we're gonna read just two verses the gospel of matthew chapter 27 a few verses verse 12 says when he was accused by the chief priest and the elder speaking of jesus when he was accused by the chief priest and the elders he gave no answer then pilate asked him don't you hear the testimony they are bringing against you but jesus made no reply not even to a single charge to the great amazement of the governor what what i would like to highlight and what i would like to bring front and center for the time that we have together on tonight as we are continuing this pressure series of these five powerful words five powerful words that we see are located in our foundational text these these five powerful words they should be the goal they should be the goal for anybody who wants emotional and mental soundness this should be our bull's-eye for anybody who's like listen i want and i value internal peace i want internal peace and calmness and the reservoir of my soul if you want to be able to not respond to people on the level that they came at you on this text is showing me for certain people and certain situations we have to be likened unto an outer service elevator out of service elevator you pushing buttons but i am not required to go to the level you just demanded let me say that again i believe for certain people and situations we need to be likened unto an outer service elevator yes this circumstance is pushing my buttons but i'm not going to the floor that it demanded yes ma'am you trying it you pushing my buttons but i refuse to go to the level that you demanded you sir you all won today and you tried me but you know what i'm not going to allow you pushing my buttons to make me go to the floor that you demanded i'm out of service to you can i get somebody to put in the room i'm out of service like i'm out of service say it with a little attitude i am out of service if you have to clap i'm out of service i'm out of service to you i'm out of service to your petty i'm out of service to your disrespect i'm out of service to your negative energy i'm out of service of being cursed out y'all not talking to me i'm out of service over everything that you've been saying about me i'm out of service to your thoughts about me please hear me y'all i just feel like preaching tonight i'm out of service to your thoughts about me because the fastest way to be incarcerated to mental exhaustion and to have the prison warden be your overthinking the fastest way to be incarcerated due to mental thinking and to have overthinking be your prison warden is for you to constantly try to recreate the version that people have of you in their head listen listen to constantly try to recreate the version that they have of you in their head what you think about me is none of my business [Applause] we gonna help somebody on the night what you think about me that's none of my business because listen i cannot care what everybody thinks well i'm trying to be effective with my assignment i have to have some i don't care to me i don't care what you have to say that you think holiness is old school i don't think it's old school i think it's biblical you have to have some you know what that that's that's none of my business that's none of my business i have articulated this several times before it is exhausting if you constantly try to recreate the version of yourself in everybody's head if i put 10 people in the room all 10 of them are gonna have a different version of you all ten of them how you get exhausted is when you go to person one and try to recreate the version that they have of you in their head you go to person six and you try to recreate the version that they have of you in their head you just gotta get to this place the version that you have of me and your head that's none of my business that's none of my business oh but i do know my business though so maybe this is the problem we don't know our business your thoughts about me that's none of my business but i do know my business my business is to advance the kingdom my business is to maximize my singleness my business is to love my wife like christ loves the church my business is to raise up my children in the ways of the lord because the kingdom man in the home changes the narrative i know my business do you know yours somebody drop in the room that's none of my business that's none of my business y'all have me sweating like this in the introduction that's that is none of my business this text foundational text reveals to us five powerful words that are in the beginning of verse 14 and those five words are but jesus gave no reply but jesus made no reply we're talking about accusers all around him critics all around him naysayers all around him negative comment after negative comment can we modernize the text negative review after negative review one star rating after one star rating unfollow after unfollow unsubscribed after unsubscribe here we go the cancer culture jesus you cancelled you canceled and all your disciples all your boys you canceled and everybody is saying all these stuff about jesus and what does the text say that jesus response was what does the text say that the king of glory's response was nothing nothing they had so much to say but but jesus said nothing he made no reply and if you continue to read verse 14 it says not to a single charge you talk about maturity not to one single charge what if i told you that there is a pressure to clap back yes here we go what if i told you that there is a pressure to give people a piece of your mind that there is a pressure to keep tabs on people it's getting real there's a pressure to keep tabs on people especially when you feel i let that help us slide last week especially when you feel i already let you slide ma'am i turned the other cheek last week ma'am last week sir i let that little rebuttal that little remark that you made under your breath you think i didn't hurt you but i let you slide because i didn't have time oh but today i got time cuz today i got time i feel like the back of somebody's neck is getting hot yeah yeah today i have time i let you slide last time turn the other cheek jesus gave no reply i i didn't have time last time you said something no but i have time today i have time today what if i were to tell you that there is a pressure for you to be reactive yeah that there is a pressure for you to respond to that racial slur there is a pressure for you to respond to the disrespect there is a pressure for you to respond to the petty i feel like i'm losing my whole amen corner and i can't even see if you saying amen or not but i just feel like it's getting silence in the chat i feel like there are a lot of people who are saying okay jerry what you asking you asking for me to be a doormat no i'm asking you to be christ-like [Laughter] you asking for me to be a doormat no i'm asking for you to be christ-like but jesus gave no reply christ-like christ-like i know somebody said listen but you don't understand i have so much tea on this person i can spill so much tea if you don't know what spill tea is that's like a millennial and generation z terminology for me i got dirt on somebody like you just don't know i got receipts i got screenshots i have so much on this individual i can spill so much tea you would think i'm hosting a like you would think i'm hosting a tea party i have so much tea on this individual i have a whole vibe for them and i hear you i hear you but i came here tonight to let you know carnality is not a vibe uh-oh here we go here we go carnality is not a vibe operating in the arena of offendedness and emotionalism due to the comment of somebody who is not even a critical component to your destiny they are not even a critical component to your destiny that is not you having a vibe that is immaturity you responded to somebody at the same level that they responded you that's not having a whole vibe that's immaturity yeah you taking off your crown sir i'm talking to you man of god my dude you taking off your crown to let somebody know listen bro i haven't been saved my whole life i love jesus but i also now throw hands doing that is not a whole vibe it is immaturity and i think somewhere somewhere throughout the generations we have made mockery of the statement turn the other cheek we have minimized it to where listen i'm saved but i i still throw hands i'm not talking about not defending yourself but i'm talking about not being offended by people who do nothing for your destiny not offended not offended please hear me please hear me maturity is when before you even respond before you even respond or communicate to this individual you consider three things number one do they even know me do they even know me like like can they call me what's that they don't have your number then they don't know me they really don't know me they don't know me do they know my middle name do they know that my name is really not jerry it's gerald that is my birth certificate name do you even know my middle name what's my favorite color what city was i born in do you even know you don't know me well enough for me to value what you are attempting to articulate do they know me do they know me number number number two is this a person that is a critical component to my spiritual evolution because offendedness will have you to where when people in your life try to tell you the truth who love you and who will help you evolve and mature you won't receive it because you're forgetting that this person is in your life to help you spiritually mature spiritual maturity is considering do they even know me is this somebody that helps me spiritually mature and number three do they even have the mental maturity to have a healthy and holistic dialogue and conversation to consider another perspective rather than the one that they have conjured up in their head or the one that somebody told them about me if they don't even have mental maturity i don't even need to waste my time trying to have a conversation i'm trying to help somebody on the night i'm trying to help somebody spiritual maturity is tied to the condition of your mind and of your heart which is manifested out of your mouth and y'all hear me spiritual maturity is tied to the condition of your head and of your heart which manifest out of your mouth as a man thinketh so is he out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks spiritual maturity is tied to the condition of your heart and your mind a slow fuse the ability to have a slow fuse is the byproduct of pursuing wisdom i'm trying to help somebody on the night people who have a slow and long fuse the byproduct of that individual is one who pursues wisdom spiritual maturity is the ability to overlook oh i'm sweating because i'm just hot for y'all i was like god it's just gonna get real it's gonna get real spiritual maturity is the ability to overlook now let's break down the word overlook can y'all believe i'm just an introduction let's break down the word overlook overlooked first definition of overlook means to miss you have a paper you overlooked a grammatical error you made a mistake you overlooked okay overlooked means to miss that petty statement you said missed my heart that that immature thing that you said missed my emotionalism this is how certain people will come to you and be they'll begin to apologize and say you know what bro i'm tripping last week i was just all one and you know what your response will be what you talking about what are you talking about last week on our ship girl bro i didn't even notice that and i i'm so good it missed me because i'm living with the level of spiritual maturity and spiritual maturity is the ability to overlook that petty statement that attitude missed my heart missed it the second definition of overlook is to examine repeatedly to try to identify an error before i turned in this test i'm overlooking i'm looking continuously and repeatedly to see if i have some incorrect answer some incorrect formula when you live a life of spiritual maturity to where you could overlook things i am constantly and repeatedly overlooking my behavior so that the holy spirit can point out to me this was incorrect the way you responded that was not biblical the way that you cursed them cursed them out that was not christ-like spiritual maturity is the ability to overlook i'm overlooking and evaluating myself continuously with the holy spirit and doctrine can correct my living you all ready for this last one overlook spiritual maturity the ability to overlook it means when you look down from a place above it is when you're looking from a higher position so we have i'm overlooking the valley from the hill i'm looking from a higher position i'm looking from above to something beneath me so when you have spiritual maturity i'm above your petty drama so good y'all this is so good if i didn't eat my towel i would throw it it's so good i'm above cursing people out no i'm not better than nobody i'm just above that can i get somebody put this above me like i'm above that them they said this well i'mma say that i'm above that i have the spiritual ability to overlook i'm gonna give you a bible because y'all getting hot i'm gonna give you bible proverbs chapter 11 proverbs chapter 19 excuse me verse 11 it says a person's wisdom yields patience it is to one's glory to overlook an offense i want to help somebody on the night i would like to help somebody on tonight because too many people have been treating you like elevators whatever they say whatever they do whenever they push your buttons you automatically go to the floor that they demand it what if the goal is for you to stop letting the insignificant actions and words of others cause for you to step out of your kingdom character cause for you to step out of your kingdom character will you be perfect absolutely not absolutely not this message is not a message for perfection you will not be perfect sometimes you will miss it sometimes you will fall short okay but emotional maturity the state of being unbothered and having self-control is our goal that's where i'm aiming because if that is not where i aim i will be emotionally aimless so powerful this is powerful this blesses me i promise you during study time i get blessed it's blessing me no i won't be perfect i won't be perfect but emotional maturity and the state of being unbothered and having self-control which is a fruit of the spirit is the aim and when i do not have that as my aim i will be emotionally aimless and whenever you are emotionally aimless bystanders get hit this is why certain people don't want to be around you because i keep getting hit with your nasty attitude oops this is why i don't want to even have a chance to work with this individual because i keep getting hit by their jealousy i don't even want to be around them because you're emotionally aimless so now everybody around you is a bystander of you having no target for your emotions oh give you more bible proverbs chapter 12 verse 16 it says a fool is quick tempered but a wise person stays calm when insulted romans chapter 8 verse 29 for whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son the goal is to conform us into the image and the likeness of jesus be imitators of god the goal is to be like christ and christ five words but jesus made no reply god could you help us to get to a place to where we stop replying to things that don't matter stop replying things that don't matter god this one might be tough but would you help us understand that it is not your desire for us to remain immature it is not an excuse to say god is not through with me yet for me to engage in carnality or behavior that does not represent the kingdom would you help us oh god to be able to produce the fruit of self-control which is the fruit of the holy spirit in jesus name we pray and everybody who agrees with that prayer who can't believe that was just intro can you say amen a man a man all these people are accusing jesus they're saying false things about jesus lying about jesus and i believe everybody's turning up pointing out all of these things about him and pilate's like yo you you don't hear the stuff they're saying but jesus gave no reply not to a single charge i would like to speak around this thought for this subject for part eight of our pressure series don't respond to that yeah don't respond to that it's confession time because i feel like it's real right now it is confession time can i get everybody to put this in the room and all caps everybody put this in the room and all caps being offended is a choice and i refuse to give you that much power i'm unbothered one more time somebody needs to probably like you know what write that out put it on your mirror in your bathroom frame it this needs to be a declaration because the way your mouth is okay let me get back to the get back to the confession god god being offended is a choice and i refuse to give you that much power i'm unbothered i am unbothered ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters you would be surprised how many of us step out of character due to this rather if it's the keyboard on your iphone your android your desktop your tablet your ipad you will be surprised how many of us have gotten out of our kingdom character due to a person who is behind this i'm talking about bad moods for the whole morning because of somebody behind this is so real to where we have questioned our giftedness our peace meter has been affected certain individuals even have suicidal thoughts due to what somebody has used this keyboard to say or somebody's mouth i know i'm telling the truth there's somebody right now god has told you to write a book he's told you to start a podcast he's told you to record that song and upload it he's told you to start a youtube channel but you're not obedient because you're more concerned about people who have these you're more concerned about what are they gonna say here we go somebody else is watching this message you have wasted a whole hour of your day and hours four percent of your day you have wasted a whole hour of your day exchanging words back and forth with somebody you do not know you do not know they don't know you nor do they know your middle name they don't know the name on your birth certificate all they know is the profile and the hashtag and the caption that you have placed on your social media they don't know your name but you are now emotionally hot hot going back and forth refreshing your social media i'm talking to somebody refreshing your social media to see if they have commented back and you are upset because of what somebody is saying behind a keyboard or could you be stuck due to what somebody has said with their mouth it is the bait of offendedness the bait of offendedness i'm trying to help somebody i i just believe that we should learn how to protect our peace i can't speak for anybody else but for myself especially in the middle of a pandemic for myself i have arrived to this place where my peace is non-negotiable can i get somebody to say hey man bruh not bro but bruh b-r-u-h a-man bruh my peace my peace i'm serious my peace is non-negotiable what you said or what you didn't say what you liked or what you did not like will not cause me to lose calmness in my soul okay because petty people birth drama listen petty people birth drama it is their oxygen and when you know how to protect your peace you take their breath away did y'all hear what i just said petty people birth drama is there oxygen and when you have learned how to protect your peace it takes their breath away my peace right now my peace in this season is non-negotiable and i've articulated this to us before but repetition is the mother of learning peace is a kingdom exclusive it is exclusively for those who reside in the kingdom it is exclusively for those who have made up their mind they have drawn a line of demarcation in the sand and you have said for me and my house i'm going to serve the lord peace is for you and the evidence the driver license the driver's license of the holy spirit driving your life is peace because the holy spirit one of the fruits of the holy spirit is peace how we get frustrated is when we want the fruit the holy spirit gives but we don't want to surrender the will the holy spirit wants to drive there it is how we get in trouble is when we want peace you putting it all alive i value peace i'm about my peace protect your peace protect the peace i need peace protected you all about peace but you want the fruit from the holy spirit oh but you don't want to surrender the will so that the holy spirit can drive your life the id of a life that has been driven and is being navigated by the holy spirit is a life of peace now don't misconstrue what i'm saying i'm not articulating to you that there will be peace around you but i am saying that there will be peace in you what does that look like naturally it's like you driving on a highway with the windows up i'm not affected by the wind around me but when i roll the window down the clap back here it is when i roll the window down to curse somebody out when i roll the window down to engage in non-christ-like behavior now i am affected by what's around me and it's blowing on everybody in me everybody in my circle everybody in my home everybody in my life is affected because i keep on rolling the window down cause ain't nobody gonna talk to me like that but jesus gave no reply i'm trying to help somebody growing tonight i'm trying to help somebody grow maturity i wonder what your peace meter would look like if every time somebody said something ignorant foolish or crazy to you you immediately looked for the exit versus walking through the entrance of offendedness i wonder what our peace meter would look like where as soon as they say something crazy i'm looking for an exit versus me walking through the entrance of offendedness can we unpack this one of my favorite books in the bible is the book of exodus my personal opinion i just think exodus is just one of the books of the bible that just shows off god's personality it shows the might of god the miracles of god the wonders of god all 66 all 66 books are amazing their love letters god has given us but one of jerry's personal favorite is the book of exodus it's just a lot in that biblical narrative and that passage of scripture where i just learn a lot about god and i think sometimes we have forgotten that exodus means to exit there are many descriptors that we could use in an attempt to articulate who our god is but there's one descriptor that i think we often forget and that is he is the god of an exit [Laughter] the god of exodus he he is an exit strategist he's the god that knows how to make a way out of no way and once you really get to learn and really begin to be get intimate with the lord you begin to discover he's not just the god who can make a way out of no way he is the way y'all better come get me he is the way john chapter 14 verse 6 jesus tells us i am the way the truth and the life this is so real that way back in the psalms the psalmist told us in in psalms chapter 121 that i will look to the heels to where my help comes from therefore if he's the god of an exit this means i may be surrounded but i'm never trapped did you catch that he's the god of an exit i may be surrounded by obstacles but i'm not trapped i may be surrounded by dead end after dead end but i'm not trapped i may be surrounded by pitfall after pitfall but i'm not trapped i may be surrounded by petty after petty but i'm not trapped to walk through the doors of offendedness he is the god of an exit can i get somebody to say there's a way out there's a way out but look it takes maturity for you to look for the way out versus to look for a way to get them back yes i'm trying to help you grow i told you this process here is just different it's not like heart rehab it's not like world changer this series right here if you want to grow if you actually want to be a mature believer pressure series is for you i just felt like the holy spirit quickened me before you do another segment in this series you have to dedicate one about offendedness because it's going to be hard for them to follow me and be sensitive and easily offended it it's going to be hard for them to be trend setters and people us at the same time that's gonna be very hard it's gonna be hard for them to experience me and know me at the mountaintop when they seek validation and approval from people in the valley it's gonna be difficult it's gonna be difficult that there has to be a biblical education presented to my people that they could understand and remember i am the god of an exit so every single time something comes that agitates your emotions and your feelings before you respond look for an exit look for an exit and i begin to think maybe we need to like re-label this maybe everybody is not an introvert sometimes they're into hurt but maybe everybody's not an introvert could it be their into peace they're into peace and what you think is an introvert is no this is not healthy for my peace so i i really can't hang around y'all it's nothing personal it's just my peace is too valuable no i'm not an introvert i'm into peace i'm into peace that that's what i'm into i'm into keeping peace i'm into being able to sleep i sleep great at night every time i get off the phone with you i have nightmares like i have a good day when i you have that just listen do you have that person who calls you when as soon as their name pops up oh no and sometimes it's your mama sometimes it's your daddy it's your brother blood does not mean they don't disturb peace okay all right so this is why last week i presented us with this acronym of peers i said there has to be health and our total self peers is an acronym the p was for your physical self the i was for your intellectual self the e was for your emotional self the r was for your recreational self and the s was for your spiritual self and i said okay we have to make sure that every part of our totality is being catered to and there's wholeness in each area you remember that your physical self intellectual self emotional self recreational self and your spiritual self the reason i'm bringing that back to this conversation is because a lot of us operate out of levels of offendedness because one of the levels of our totality is on fumes so if your physical self that's the area of your temple care if you're not taking care of your temple and somebody says something disrespectful about your body due to me already not investing in this area the temptation for me to respond out of offendedness is higher than it would be if i was investing in the area of my physical self does that make sense in the area of my intellectual self if i was reading because leaders must be readers if i was studying if i was listening to podcasts if i was doing devotionals because i'm trying to learn the things of the scriptures i'm not just trying to say amen to something that sounds good a biblical punchline but i want to have some biblical depth and accuracy i want to be able to exegete the word of god and the only time i open my bible should not be when pastor says turn your script turn your bibles to scripture so and so when i want to learn and i'm pursuing to grow in my intellect and if you don't do that and somebody says something like you're stupid because this is an area in your life that is not being cared about or you're not putting fuel in that tank the offendedness is higher does that make sense so when i'm when i am diligent with catering to my physical self my intellectual self my emotional self my recreational self and my spiritual self when somebody makes a comment that attacks one of the layers of my totality it doesn't bother me bother me because i'm already full there ah this is so good y'all this is so good so let's let's break down offense and i'm gonna get out your way i think this is enough you can handle okay offense what is offense offense is the attempted forced entry to gain unauthorized access to the room of your peace did y'all hear me offense is the attempted forced entry to gain unauthorized access to the area of the peace maybe before you clap back and you respond think this is an attempt for a person to gain unauthorized access to my peace and my peace is non-negotiable maybe in this particular moment i need to be like matthew 27 verse 14 five words but jesus gave no reply offense offense is our emotions defense mechanism to defend our pride lord have mercy did y'all hear what i just said offense is our emotions defense mechanism to defend our pride the only reason you clapping clapping back is because your ego was hurt but peers awareness physical self intellectual self emotional self recreational self spiritual self when i have an awareness of all of those totalities of my being it will cause me to not give into the bait of that offendedness offense offense is the invitation to attend the wedding of foolishness and strife hosted by your ego just let that say live for a second you have to replay this message i already know offense is the invitation listen y'all every time somebody says something disrespectful every time somebody says something foolish view viewed as an invitation it is an invitation for you to attend the wedding of foolishness and strife and it's hosted by your ego give your bible second timothy chapter 2 verse 23 it says don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments some of y'all didn't know the bible said that don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments because you know they produce quarrels the word guys like listen uh uh timothy as you're navigating this leadership of this new role as pastor i'm telling you when people start to argue about foolish stuff that's none of my business don't even engage in it because if you do it's gonna produce quarrels because offense is the invitation to attend the wedding of foolishness and strife they get married and your ego is the host offense is the decoration at the entrance of wasted time my god offense is the decoration at the entrance of wasted time and your pride is the waitress that persuades you to come in and take a seat it's an invitation yo they clapping back you clapping back too let's go let's turn up no keep i what we doing it's an invitation for you to come in and your pride is the waitress this is come on and take a seat offendedness but peers awareness helps me resist the bait this last one right here hits us all in the throat offense is the bait that tempts you to take a bite on the hook of trying to get people to change how they view you and once you bite the hook your flesh will reel you out of the waters of character y'all hear what i just said see what i just said offense is the bait that tempts you to bite the hook of trying to get people to change the way that they see you i already told you that's none of your business you're trying to get them to change the way that they see you and once you bite that hook your flesh will reel you out of the waters of your character so now you're acting out of character because you're trying to change the way somebody thinks about you let's get out of here let's get out of here number one so how do i get to this place jay i don't have no more scalp i'm bald how do i get to this place because i tell you i like my mouth is anybody honest enough like right now this is like a free transparent room honest enough to say my mouth like i my mouth is all one it's all one like i i'm not there thank you for teaching on it because it is a pressure but how do i resist this number one you have to know your assignment please hear me you have to know your assignment i believe in that moment jesus standing before pilate he's a liar he's trying to overthrow rome he's fake he did all this lie he's trying to steal from caesar he's doing all that the reason jesus didn't say anything he knew his assignment i have to die i have to i have to die what sense does it make for me to try to tell you okay no i'm not trying to overthrow rome no i didn't steal any money from caesar no i'm not trying to build my own empire what sense does it make for me to respond to all of that when i know my assignment is to get to the cross when i know my assignment then i could be like verse 14 five words but jesus made no reply and when you know your assignment when somebody says something to you i don't even have to make a reply because i know my assignment since he knew he had to get into the since he knew he had to get to the cross he didn't have to engage people who were saying things about him because he knew his assignment number two and number one are kind of married number two is you have to know who you're assigned to after you after you know your assignment this is so good y'all after you know your assignment you have to know who you are assigned to because there is an audience that you have been cosmically created to reach there is when i try to impress the audience or try to reach the audience that i don't have the grace to reach and i'm not going to reach i then begin to underserve the people that i am called to serve know who you're assigned to i'm not for everybody and i'm okay with that but there is a remnant there are remnant of people in the earth that do desire to live life based on reestablishing the kingdom agenda and i help edify if i don't that's okay that's okay i know my assignment and you have to know who you're assigned to and i'd like to challenge you a lot of us are arguing with people that you're not even going to reach they have majored in misunderstanding you and the more you keep on trying to go back and forth with them you're minoring in your assignment give your bible proverbs chapter 15 verse 28 it says the heart of the godly thinks carefully before speaking but the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words think mental spiritual maturity is tied to the condition of my mind and the condition of my heart as a man thinketh so is he out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks number three so good know yourself no you know yourself in a few weeks i'm dealing with a message about self-love i don't know what the title is but i was just studying for my own time and since the tracy this is just something i never saw before jesus says to love thy neighbor as thyself but if you don't even love yourself how could you carry out that principle do you know yourself do you know yourself like there was this was like months ago somebody made a comment like he's a hellfire and brimstone preacher you know why i didn't respond because i know myself i know i'm not and when you know yourself you don't have to respond to what you're not i said it before my beautiful german shepherd i showed y'all a picture of him on thursday if you walk in my house and you call him stacy he's not even looking at you stacy you go brandon charles he just gonna keep he's not even paying you any attention why because this soulless beast knows who he is and we are the apex of god and we're responding to stuff that we're not know who you are so that you can stop trying to explain yourself to people who don't even know who they are and last one apply the no apply the no if you know yourself apply it you know your assignment apply it when they say something petty apply what you know about you knowledge is not power applied knowledge is if you know if you know what god has called you to do if you know your mission your assignment you can stop responding to things that you're not if i know my assignment i know who i'm assigned to i know myself and i apply the no and i'm seeking out to get knowledge of knowing who god is maybe then we can resist the pressure of giving in to offendedness and just maybe we could be just like jesus they make accusations they post they say whatever they want to say but jesus knew assignment but jesus made no reply i came here on the night to try to challenge somebody are you replying to things that are disturbing your soul care because a part of the christian faith is to possess the fruit of the spirit of self-control and one of the ways i exercise self-control as i control my mouth so god this one could be difficult but could you help us to remember first that we're striving to be like you we're striving to be like you you're not asking us god to just let somebody beat us up and not defend ourselves but you are asking us god to have character to be spiritually mature enough to overlook be spiritually mature enough to engage in christ's likeness even when people aren't treating me christlike help me god to not allow sin against me to produce sin in me it is your goal and it is your desire to conform us to the image and likeness of your son and father we lay here naked and prostrate before you saying would you perform surgery would you perform surgery so that we could be a billboard in the earth a pa system of heaven in jesus name we pray amen
Views: 23,338
Rating: 4.9813581 out of 5
Id: PV9KeVvNrpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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