We Had To Break Up | Try Me | (Part 15) Jerry Flowers

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yes greetings everybody joining me once again on this beautiful Sunday night I'm so ecstatic and grateful that you are here with me once again you guys have been absolutely tremendous and faithful can y'all believe this is part 15 I don't know what we're doing I'm just letting God like drive this ship I'm like how long we gonna do this i'ma just keep doing until he says okay let's go that way I hope that you're ready this might be a coming for your life type message I'm not gonna be before you long but I am gonna be strong so I hope that you're ready go ahead and take your screenshot tag us let us know where you're from if you're your first time in the room say this is my first time but this is your 15th time I want you to say I've been here for every single part I'm so honored to serve you and I believe God has a customized word just for you and it's coming for your edges on tonight so I hope that you're ready so if you would First Samuel first time you chapter 16 I'm gonna do a little hop scotch I'm gonna reverse one and then I'm gonna hop down to verses six and seven First Samuel chapter 16 verse 1 is where we're gonna start it says now the Lord said to Samuel how long will you mourn for Saul seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel fill your horn with oil and gold I'm sending you to Jesse the Bethlem ight for I have provided myself a king among his sons now let's hop down to verse 6 hop down to verse 6 it says so it was when they came that he looked at ela and said surely the Lord's anointed is before him but the Lord said to Samuel I don't look at his appearance or his physical stature because I have refused him for the Lord does not see as man sees is there anybody thankful for that that God does not see you how man sees you for the Lord does not as man sees but man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart father I think that you blessed this moment you bless your word anoint my lips to be the PA system of heaven Oh God we are in high expectation for what you have to say to us encourage us convict us inspire us motivator shape us chisel us so that we could be the kingdom representatives that you have called us to be and everybody who agrees with that prayer would you drop in all caps in the room a man a man a man a man our verse of concern our Clause of consideration lives and takes residence and as chilling in verse one of our foundational text where our biblical narrative asked us asked us this important and imperative question that I would like to orbit around for the time that we have together on tonight and that question is how long how long how long will you mourn over Saul how long will you be bitter how long will you blame them how long will you be angry how long will you be insecure how long will you hold on to that relationship that you will constantly keep justifying but it's causing you to drift further and further away from devotion and further and further away from prayer how long how long will you hide that secret sin how long will you cling on to that addiction church family I firmly feel for the part 15 of this try-me series I have a question that I want you to ask yourself and that is how long how long for part 15 of this try-me series this statement that I'm about to articulate to you might be a shock to others but just a reminder and confirmation to others and that statement is if you did not know it if you are a Christ follower it always comes with the break up always comes with the break up somebody just came in the room so let me repeat it and break it down to the lowest common denominator if you claim to be a Christian if you claim to be one who is a follower of the wave if you claim to be a believer and you are living a life that is led by the spirits and yielded to the spirits functions if you claim to be a face Christ follower it is always followed by a breakup when your relationship with God changes your relationship with sin changes when your relationship with sin changes your relationship with God changes everything changes everything changes the way you view people changes what you attracted to changes your preference changes the things that you were silent on changes because we cannot be a fearful church and then expect to be a voice for a fearless generation everything changes and life changed terrifies Hill life change terrifies hell that's confirmation for somebody watching this message that you've been having hit after hit and trial after trial and blow after blow and you're wondering what in the world is going on that is just hell as nervous and the enemy is trying to see do I still have a grip on their emotions do I still have a grip on their mind do I still have a grip on their flesh or am i terrified because I'm thinking he'll just lost one change change change it comes with change closeness comes with further clothes comes with further the closer I get to purpose the further I get from meaningless the further I get from distraction the closer I get to focus everything changes everything changes everything changes the problem then becomes when we're saying you know what I don't want to break up with this and I'm cool with Jesus being my side chick I'm cool with Jesus being my side chick nobody really knows that we're together but I still want benefits and privileges from you see I I think we should talk around this thought from this subject for part 15 of this try me series for the time that we have together I would like to speak from this topic we had to break up yeah we had to break up cuz somebody dropped this comma in the room it's over boo-boo it it's over it's over we had to break up why not try moving on I'll be moving on try moving on we had to break up and all I'm attempting to articulate to you is anybody who claims to follow Christ it will always be shadowed by a breakup it'll always be shadowed by a breakup peradventure could this be the reason why our world has this unrest could it be that this is the reason there's so much tension in the world and specifically in our nation in America is because there is a group of people who claim to be with Jesus but they haven't broke up with injustice they can't they claim to be with Jesus but they haven't broke up with racism they claim to be with Jesus but they haven't broke up with the mindset that everybody deserves equality and not just that particular issue there's a lot of us who claim to be with Jesus but we haven't broke up at that porn yeah we haven't broke up with that vibrator I'm coming all down your street yeah we haven't broke up with that secret addiction we haven't broke up with getting faded and getting drunk we haven't broke up with being silent and speaking up for each other we haven't broke up with certain things and we're wondering where is the power of God and I believe God is saying listen if I'm coming into your life I want you to know I come with the break up somebody say break up break up I come up the break up I need you to break up with your laziness when it comes to your spiritual disciplines how long and how many more days will you allow to pass by with you not addressing the fact that you have allowed your Bible and prayer closet to be a dust collector Jesus is saying I come at the breakup I'm your new babe and I'm not cool with you staying in contact with your ex I'm your new babe and I'm not cool with you staying in contact with your ex idols now if you're watching this message and if you were with somebody you wouldn't like it if they the person that you're with if they were in still contact with their ex still sleeping with their ex going on dates with their ex liking the pictures of eiji from the ex you wouldn't like it so how much more do you think Jesus how do you think Jesus feels he's like listen I'm your new BAE and now coming to break up and I don't want you to stay in contact with your ex stop saying in contact with stuff that you asked me to save you from I come with the break-up I come up to break up I come up to break up Samuel I know that Saul was your boy Saul was to do it he was your bro but I'm over that and I need you to move on I'm not saying that it's not gonna be difficult I am saying that it's necessary I'm not saying that this doesn't hurt but I need you to move on how long would you cry over that which I have rejected how long you cry over that relationship that my hand is not on how long would you cry over a place that I'm not at I need you to move on because if you don't move on you won't be able to hear my forward instruction because your remaining informal reflection ooh as y'all hear what I just said you won't be able to hear my forward instruction because your remaining in former reflection I need you to move on I need you to move on don't marinate on it don't revisit it don't think about it and don't try to lie to yourself and like well maybe they changed maybe it's different I feel God is like no the very reason why I ended it's still there the reason I brought you out it's still there the reason I changed your circle is still there trust me I understand that it's difficult but I have greater for you and I understand it's okay for you to fight for somebody who loves you but it's a problem if you're fighting for someone to love you I come at the breakup I come at the breakup I come at the breakup Jesus wrecks your plans when he sees that your plans will wreck you I come with your breakup I come at the breakup I come at the breakup you can't have me and have them I come at the breakup I come up to a breakup and I'm trying to get us to understand I'm trying to get us to understand that a lot of us we are mislabeling the beckoning of the Holy Spirit as moody so you like man I just feel some type of way I'm just in this mood I'm just in this funk you know I I just feel frustrated I just feel irritated that you know there's just something that's not right in my soul in my body that's not gasps that's not gasps that's not what you ate last night that is the beckoning of the Holy Spirit please listen because this is one of the lowest taught on the radar discussions on how to identify God's voice it's when there is a tension on the inside of your soul that is the beckoning of the Holy Spirit saying let it go let it go I know it hurts but let it go I know that this is all you've ever known but let it go I know that this is scary but let it go because it's better for you to move forward then for you to say stuck in the place and never experience the promises the dreams and the abundance that God has for you let it go let it go let it go I come with the break up let it go please hear me you didn't lose what God had for you you lost what was blocking what God has for you I didn't say that again you didn't lose what God had for you you lost what was blocking what God has for you and ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters and everybody under the sound of my voice I feel as though my assignment my task the mandate that has been given to me on tonight for the time that we have together it's the best of my capability to assist to convince and persuade the people that you've been here for too long you've been here for too long you've been here for too long how long would you lay in this doubt how long will you lay in this bitterness how long will you lay in this substance abuse how long would you lay in depression how long will you lay here some of us some of us have been so lazy that we are getting spiritual bed sores spiritual bed sores you know what a bed sore is its when you lay it in the place for so long that you begin to bruise you begin to Bruce and what if I told you the pain that you're feeling is not due to a devil the pain that you're feeling is not due to a demon but pain that you're feeling is due to you not moving the pain that you're feeling is due to you not letting this go the pain that you're feeling is due to you not moving on but ever so often heaven sends a woman of God ever so often heaven sends a man of God that has some anointing on them that takes all the embodiment of a nurse and I'm busting through your Retina display on tonight and I'm pushing you and say you know what you've laid here for too long and I don't want you to bruise God has better God has more he wants to take you to a new dimension he wants to take you to another realm he wants you to go from glory to glory he wants to take you to a different platform he wants to give you peace he wants to give you wholeness he wants to give you soundness but you got to stop laying in this place it's time for you to move it's time for you to move because many times when we lay in this depression see I don't even think we if we allow God to be the person that rearranges things you'll see things from a different perspective I want you to see this word depression okay just just just the word depression if we could just put depression on the screen I want you to see something because if God comes in your life and you really allow him to change you if you really allow him to break up some things that you used to have in your life right here you see depression but God says you know what if you allow me to come into your life and change some things around and rearrange I don't see depression I see I press on y'all missed it y'all missed it if you allow God to come in your life you'll see that the very thing that have you depressed is the very thing that God is using to press you to press on and I don't know who it is this for but God is saying person I know it hurt but that is not the title of your life that's just a chapter in your life but for you to experience this new dimension of grace for you to experience who I've called you to be you have to break up a dad you have to break up with that I can get the whole church to shout if I begin to say God is about to walk you into a season where there's nothing but doors everybody thank you Lord God's about to send you to an area where there's nothing but open doors but then if I say God is about to send you into a season of closed doors I'll hear nothing but crickets and I said it before many times I believe we're mislabelling it perhaps it's not a closed door it is a dressing room can I get everybody in the room just say dressing room yeah perhaps it's a dressing room I want you to see this when you and I get saved we have all of these garments right all these garments now God you're coming into this dressing room he has this white coat for you because he doesn't see you by what you've done he doesn't see you by your past he doesn't see you by your failures this is what it looks like when you accept the Lord you can all this guilt you can hard this shame you can all this stuff you're dealing with and God saying give it to me we're gonna close the door nothing's gonna pop off because believe it or not God does not get glory out of embarrassing you God doesn't want you to fail publicly but he doesn't mind if you fail privately because this is between me and you I'm putting you in a dressing room this is not a closed door this is a dressing room and you know while putting you in this dressing room because you have a whole lot of Jacob on right now but I know I've called you to be Israel you have a whole lot of Abram on you but I've called you to be Abraham you have a whole lot of Simon on you you bad you'll cut somebody's ear off but I've caused you to be Peter and so I have to close the door so you could take that layer off you're like God I got so much shame I so much I went through said okay give me that I'll take your shame but God you don't know I've had an abortion I've been her Strip I used to sell drugs God I've shot at people before I haven't horrible stories I understand give me give me your horrible story give me your history and I'll tell you his story y'all missed it give me your history and let me tell you about his story about how he died that all your screw-ups have been hung up gaba has got so much fear I don't know I don't know if I could really trust that you're gonna be provide I'm facing so much okay I haven't given that spirit just get it to me okay God what am I supposed to do about what my mama did what am I supposed to do about all the pain and the childhood trauma because like we said a few weeks ago I believe trauma is Hill's attempt to put a bookmark on your story and God if I'll be honest I haven't been able to read on based on what happened and that season in my life when I was 12 when I was 13 when my uncle took me down in the basement and said it's tickle time but it really touched me inappropriately God how am I supposed to get over that how am I supposed to forgive him he says I understand it hurt give me all your childhood trauma give it all to me give it all to me God I I'm lonely and so I keep making decisions that are detrimental for my purpose because you said that you're gonna be there for me but I don't feel your presence I really feel alone many times okay I understand give me a loneliness I have a new garment that I want you to wear then when it comes to a particular garment somebody say oh there's always this one thing that we don't want to give up there's always now we want to put on a clean slate we want to put this on but it's like man I love my money though I love my money I you know God God ain't doing me yet you understand you know I love my money Lord I can't I can't do it I'm sorry I you've been awesome and you've been great but I love my money maybe there's no money this could be your lust god understands you awesome and all but I I really can't let this go and so this is the crazy thing Samuel is in this place and God asked him this question he says how long would you mourn over song and this makes me begin to think maybe you're really not waiting on God maybe God is like I'm waiting for you to take that off because you are not coming out this room until you take this off because there's a new wardrobe I want you to put on there's something else I want you to put on here's the thing God loves us so much that he'll be patient okay I'll wait you like that jacket go ahead wear it go hippos in it you ain't going nowhere you're not gonna live on under an open heaven you're not gonna experience my abundance you're not gonna spirits next level blessings you're not gonna get any revelation you're not gonna get any understanding you're gonna constantly be in situations where you're deceived by people because you keep on where or something I said you gotta break up with it you got to break up with it and here's the thing that I want us to understand whenever you're about to level up that also requires for you to update your standards see and this the dangerous thing there are a lot of people who they came to Christ with all of this baggage and there's one thing that they don't want to let go and here's the problem but all their friends are still wearing all of these outfits and any time it's time to change who you are that often requires for you to change who you with because all your friends are dressed in this but God is saying I need you to be dressed in this but you like god I love this and he's okay as long as you love this you can't put on this you can't put on this and then we'll mistake it will be that way for a second will mistake it and then we'll say dear I feel stuck I feel like Ivan is just stuck seasoned man and I I don't know what's wrong but like I hear from God you know I just don't feel this presence anymore I just feel stuck and I believe the Lord gave me an acronym for stuck anytime you feel stuck could it be because you're still trying ungodly connections knowingly that's good could it be the reason you stuck is because you see trying ungodly connections knowing that God wants you to put on a new outfit so are you really stuck are you really stuck is it that God is not really answering your prayers or is it I'm not really being obedient I'm not really being obedient and here's the crazy thing later on I'm getting ahead of myself in this text Samuel goes up to Jesse's house and the first thing he says when he sees Elam is wow this is the Lord's anointed and I'm like man how is this dude who hears from God about to pick really wrong how was a real man of God about to be really wrong could it be he didn't heal right and when you don't heal right you can't undress right you can't undress right so a lot of us are in this season of our lives were like man I just I want to feel his presence and God I said I'm ready for you to feel my presence but how long would you justify this garment that I've telling you to take off how many more messages must you hear how many more try me series and try me sermons or whatever sermons that you're bingeing how many more messages were you here until this begins to eat you so much until this begins to get someone comfortable that you have no choice but to take it off God said listen I want to take you higher but you gotta take this off you got to get rid of this because I need you to put on a new wardrobe now before we put this on my wife and I were on a cruise a few years ago and when we were on this cruise there was this block of ice just its regular chunk of ice and then this artist came out and he spent some time chiseling on this ice but it started off as just a block of ice I want you guys to see this just a regular old block of ice nothing special about it nothing unique about it it was just a block of ice and so I'm sitting there just looking at this dude I wonder what he's gonna do with it and he begins to chisel away and he just spends some time she and then after about 30 minutes he took a block of ice and turned into an ice sculpture I'm sitting here like wow how did this a man create something so beautiful from just a block of ice and I believe the Holy Spirit was revealing to me the beauty was there the whole time they just had to surrender were being chiseled what's on the inside of you it's been there the whole time there's just extra layers of ice that Goss and ELISA if you allow me to chisel that everything that you've been called to be everything that I'm trying to do in your life every single place that I want to take you I could do it but you gotta allow me to chisel you and I don't know who I'm speaking to but I feel I'm coming for somebody's life right now God is saying win win win win win will you allow me to chisel you you've been crying every night you've been complaining for years about what you don't like and I'm telling you I don't have you in a closed-door season I have you in a dressing room season but you got to take off the garment you got to take off the garment because there's something else that I want you to wear there's something else that I want to put on your life you have to break something off your bloodline girl you have to break something off your bloodline dude there's something I need you to put on there is holiness I need you to put on there's understanding that I need you to put on there's purity that I need you to put on because I got a scene you to a generation I gotta sing you to a people I gotta sing you to a community I gotta sing you took to a government I got to send you to a place where you can represent me and I have a new wardrobe I want to put on you but are you willing to give all this stuff up of your pastor see God I'm done with it I'm done with it I'm done with it I'm done with it and whatever you want to do in my life however you need to choosing me however you need me to be whatever you need to do god I'm willing to do it everything that is not you God take it and everything that is you god I want it that's the place where God wants us to get to I firmly believe that God is talking to somebody on the night and he's saying when are you gonna allow for me to chisel you so I believe there's this travel paradigm the there's this travel paradigm naturally and then also in our world there's this travel system every time I go to an airport I see the same language departure layover arrival departure layover an arrival and it's the same thing with our faith with God we have a departure season you know what your departure season is that's your dressing room that's the season where God is getting you to take everything off that doesn't look like him that's the season where all the pain of your past God is getting you to take that off that's your departure season and believe it or not there are some people who never depart because they never want to get naked they never want to hang all their past up so they never could depart and then here's the crazy thing after you depart sometimes you have a layover anybody ever had a layover I've had a layover one time for six hours layover this is the season a lot of us don't like because this one you gotta wait but if you really break down what the layer layover is for number one is for you to connect maybe God has you in the place that you're in right now because there's some people he needs you to connect with there are some people who have influence he needs you to connect with because of where you're going number two lay overs are when people who started with you people who started with you they not going with you and a lot of times we could hurt because we think the very people who departed are also gonna be the people who arrive but no we're switching flights this is how far they can go with you for this journey and I said it before a lot of us we have to be like an outer service elevator to people when they come in our lives and they push our buttons you don't have to go to the floor that they demand it I'm out of order to your request I don't have to go to the floor of anger I don't have to go to the floor of clapping back I don't have to go to the floor of being petty I don't have to go to the floor of Loess I'm out of service to you God has pre-programmed for you to go to the top everybody watching this God has pre-programmed for you to go to the top what we have to do is when people get off on for flight on the fourth floor don't press door open let him go let that door closed somebody say closed don't you just sit there be holding it with the door let the door closed you know why because if you keep level five people with you the level twenty people that God has for you to the level twenty people that's coming in your life if you keep living five level six level seven level eight level line level ten if you keep all these levels by the time you get to this level there's no space for the people that God has to come into your life because you're holding on to stuff that God is saying break up you got to break up a level six you got to break up a level seven you got to break up a level eight I know they've been there since level one but they're not going to be conducive for your level twenty God is the author of your story and he can see right now who you with in Chapter seven is gonna be hurtful for your chapter 20 so I have to remove them right now I have to remove them right now so on the door closes let it close and another thing about elevators they have a weight capacity they have a weight capacity if you keep holding on to too much you ain't going nowhere maybe this is why your life feels so waiting maybe this is why you feel like you have so much weight you're holding on to stuff that you're supposed to break up with a level two three four five cars got coming so hard like this there's some stuff guy said hey you can't go to that level with that I know that's all you've ever known but you can't go with that you have to leave that behind and then the third part arrival that's your aha moment that's your this is why moment and some people never have it they never embrace the aha moment because they never let God remove it they never broke up with it so they never really experienced the layover and here's the thing about lay overs you best stay by the gate you gotta stay by the gate and they say this is the last call flowers last call flock if you not that gating you way down a Chili's trying to get you some of them egg rolls because you were hungry if you out of position if you're out of position when they call for you to board you will miss your flight and then now your layover turns it to a stay over because you're out of position gotta say hey I understand it don't see my stuff's boarding your life right now stay by my feet I understand it seems like stuffs not popping off in your life the way that you want it to pop off stay by my feet I understand you haven't got the understanding and you haven't got the clarity yet that you want to get you stay by my feet so that when I call your name you could board your flight departure layover and arrival so how how how do we get stuck how do we get stuck point number one I firmly believe is because we haven't mourned right we haven't mourned right Samuel as a prophet of God Samuel is a prophet of God Israel wanted the king God never wanted for his people to have a king he wanted to be their only King but they wanted to be like the nations around them so God gave them what they asked for because I believe sometimes God gives us what we asked for so that the next time he says no you won't question him he gave him what they asked for God gave him an assignment I need you to execute judgment on his town he doesn't do it he keeps some of the stuff on himself Samuel arose upon the scene he's still hearing goats and he still hears cows and it's like okay what are you doing bro and saw begin to be like calm down man listen I'm gonna sacrifice all this for the Lord and then Samuel asked him this question some of us heard this before is not obedience better than sacrifice God tells Saul because he didn't obey me tell Samuel because he didn't obey me I'm gonna strip the kingdom from him and give it to somebody better so this mess Samuel up Samuel of the crime oh boy this is my dude I understand how did he listen I tried to help him he's crying and gods like amen oh how long you gonna warn over that how long you gonna cry over him I reject the him bro I already have another King and I need you to go see some of us this is a word for you you crying over a fool you crying over joke in Gaza I got a king girl you you crying over this girls I got a and this always isn't relationally a lot of us were in foolish places but God is gonna give you a kingdom upgrade and you like how long you gonna continue to cry over there don't you understand I got better for you says you go fill your home in oil and you go to Jesse's house I have a king amongst his sons and so he gets a Jesse's house and look at this verse 6 he gets to Jesse's house and it says so it was when they came that he looked at a lip and said surely the Lord's anointed is before him but the Lord said to Samuel hold on wait a minute don't look at his appearance and I'm like hold on bro hold on you you a prophet man he's not like these proper Liars that were here today this dude was about to give a prophet he was about to prop a lie he was about to anoint the wrong King and I'm like how does a man of God how does one who hears from God about to pick wrong until I begin to do a little research maybe he didn't mourn right because Saul was 64 broad swole 200 plus he looked like a king Allah is tall 6-4 broad look like a king I want you to see this when you don't allow God to heal you you'll keep going back and picking what you used to have godly I hope you always seen this look he was used to this and God said hey I'm no longer there I need you to move on so a lot of us you moved on for the situation but you haven't moved on from the pain and when you don't move on when you don't heal right you won't pick right so you are gonna keep dating the same dude they just got a different name you gonna keep on entertaining the same type of depression just a different name the same type of addiction just different name because you don't hear right you can't pick right and so I believe in that moment samuel was picking his history because pain blind him from seeing god's destiny what he went through hurt him so much that he wasn't able to see you picking the same King and I don't know who this is for but I wonder are you picking the same thing but expecting different results got a heal right and me because he didn't heal right he was about to pick the wrong one and I'm just trying to encourage somebody maybe the reason you're stuck it's not always because you're still trying on garlic connections knowingly sometimes you stuff because you haven't healed you haven't healed and so you keep picking your pain because you have a trauma bond and you're used to the pain you're used it's possible for you to get so used to dysfunction that you choose dysfunction and you think what is functional is actually dysfunctional but no you just learn how to function with a dis okay we have it morn right point number two sometimes the reason we're stuck it's because we haven't released we haven't released there's something that God is saying hey I need to let this go so that you could go I want you to see a snapshot real quick of the story with Jonah right God gave Jonah some instructions this is hey I need you to go to Nineveh he doesn't want to go to Nineveh because those people were like bullish to his people someone should catch this he gets on this boat he's heading to Joppa let's hop down to verse nine Jonah chapter one verse nine all this stuff has happened the storm is going on man what's going on it it confront Jonah and John says oh I'm a Hebrew and I worship the Lord the God of heaven who made the sea and the dry land this terrified them and asked what have you done what have you done they knew he was running away from the Lord because he had already told themselves sidebar anytime you're hanging our data with somebody who's running from God you're harboring a fugitive so whatever they experienced you go and experience because you're trying to harbor somebody who's running that's for free I don't know who that's for this seat was getting rougher and rougher so they asked him what shall we do to make the seat calm down for us pick me up and throw me into the sea John's like I'll rather die than obey pick me up in the sea pick me up and throw me into the sea he replied and it will become calm and I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you instead the men did their best to roll back to land but they could not for the sea grew even Wilder then before what if you're going through something because you have a Jonah on your boat you have a Jonah in your life this guy even your storm and you don't have to get win from a storm that's not yours you don't have to get wet from a storm that's not yours and these people were stuck because of who was on board when Jonah was on board there was a storm when Jonah was over board there was peace when Jonah was on board there was a storm when Jonah was over board there's peace who have you let board your life they're stealing your peace and maybe that's the reason you're stuck or you could be scared to let them go but I want to encourage you your destiny is never tired to who left your destiny is never tied to who left and sometimes just like these sailors and if you'll really break down the story the Bible says they begin to throw their cargo overboard the stuff that they needed to keep him what are you throwing overboard to keep what God is saying that has to go overboard because I'm trying to take you to another dimension last point we haven't discovered or remembered our assignment maybe this is why you're stuck because you haven't discovered and you don't remember your assignment Samuel how long will you mourn oversaw seeing I have rejected him as king I need you to fill your horn with oil and go to Jesse's house if you know anything we talked about this but oil this is anointing I'm singing this text goddess saying look bro there's a level of anointing that you'll never have until you move on and I don't know who this is for there's a level of oil God wants to pour on you but you'll never be able to receive it if you don't move on and not just that it was his job to anoint the next king you will never never be able to be an effective oil carrier if you don't move on you're so hurt by what they did it was messed up it was painful but you have oil on your life to break some things and you have oil on your life to pull on somebody and until you break up with this you'll never arrive into that it is not God's will that you stay in departure he wants you to arrive I want you to consider what is God calling for you to break up with it's not always a person sometimes it is it's not always a person if you're watching this I believe the Spirit of God is saying hey I come with breakups I come with breakups and the only way you're gonna go there is you gotta break up or what's here so god we bless you we understand that you're not cool with being a side chick you want total commitment total faithfulness total obedience so that we can be surrendered to you because you have what's best for our lives god help us to trust you because you're not cool with us staying in contact with our eggs God we ask that you give us the strength to embrace the dressing room and take off whatever garment take off whatever fear take off whatever depression take off anxiety take off the stress so that we could put on your glory help us to put on the garment of praise help us to understand that worship focuses and shifts our focus to the problem solve our first of the problem and whatever it is in our life we have to end so that our spiritual life can begin give us the strength so that we could be your vessels and your representatives in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Views: 69,559
Rating: 4.9631476 out of 5
Keywords: redefinedtv, redefined tv, jerry flowers, pastor jerry flowers, pastor flowers, trymeseries, try me series, michael todd, dharius daniels, we had to break up, jerry and tanisha flowers
Id: YTuJ-oNEUgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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