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within the confines of naruto there are dozens of ways to be powerful you can be a talent entity to user a talented genjutsu user a talented ninjutsu user but of all of those abilities and all the ways to be powerful one is truly the most interesting and the most fixated upon by us as a fan base and of course that power system would be none other than dojutsu you see dojutsu also known as ocular jutsus play a massive role in the naruto universe the uchiha are born with the sharing gun the hugo are born with the biaku gun and all of this descended from the otsutsuki and from the otsuki we gained three major dojutsus also known as the three great dojutsu and those are the sharingan the renegon and the biakugan however there's a lot more dojutsu than just the three great dojutsu and that's what today's video is about well it's also about the three great dojutsu it's just about all dojutsu and all of naruto specifically explaining every single one of them and ranking them in terms of power but before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notification while you guys are clicking and typing go ahead and type in ncgamer23 which is my other youtube page where instead of talking anime i play video games or hammer's collection where instead of sitting while i talk about anime i talk about anime while building giant statues so the dojutsu one of the strongest weapons in the entirety of naruto as a whole entire wars being waged in order to control them entire clan lines wiped out to eradicate them why are dojutsu so powerful where do they come from how do they work in which is the strongest well we're gonna answer all of those questions and more but first let's start these videos as we usually do at the beginning before we get to talking about all of the dojutsu i want to talk about where dojutsu as a whole got their inspiration from you see it wasn't kishimoto who thought of powerful eyes that have mystical abilities that came from literature long before kishimoto kishimoto is a bit of a history buff and incredibly well read which is why he was inspired by two previous works in order to create the dojutsu in the naruto universe the first bit of literature that inspired kishimoto to make the dojutsu was the kuuga ninja scrolls this was a novel written in 1959 about two warring ninja clans sound like a familiar concept but these two wore ninja clans in order to get stronger than each other use selective breeding within their clans and by only breeding selectively these two ninja clans became stronger by gaining mutations with the heirs of each clan holding mysterious dojutsu abilities kishimoto was also inspired by the journey to the west in this story after monkey god king sun wukong eats all the pills of immortality and all the fruit of immortality and basically anything that extends your life ever he's captured by heaven because they wanted all that immortality stuff and once they capture son wu kong they seal him inside of lu zoo's eight trigram furnace essentially this is a big old god-sized furnace that was supposed to burn sun wukong into ash so that the god specifically lu zoo could get his pills of longevity back from the ashes but after being inside of the furnace for 49 days sun wu kong broke out you see in those 49 days sun wukong had actually been refined by the fire of the furnace and not burnt by it and with that refinement his eyes gained a fiery glow and essentially with this new cosmetic look he also got the ability to see evil in whatever form it presents itself in that is to say if somebody has evil intentions around him but they're trying to masquerade like they don't he can see through it immediately so it's a red dojutsu now that we've talked about where kishimoto got the inspiration for jojutsu's we should just talk about well yo jutsus now there's technically 11 canon dojutsus but there's also two non-canon dojutsus and since longer videos tend to do better on this page than shorter videos i'm going to be covering these two non-canon dojutsu's first we're not going to really rank these two non-canon dojutsu's against the canon dojutsu's just because technically they're non-canon so like why rank them against the canon things but i am going to explain them because people like when i do that so the first non-canon totutsu that we have is shion's dojutsu this dojutsu doesn't have a name it's just simply named after the person who has it cheon xian was one of the main characters in naruto shippuden in the movie which was naruto putin's first movie and arguably it's most forgettable shion is a priestess in the land of demons and she inherited an ability from her mother to see the future but because shion lives in the land of demons and she's a priest this her other ability is sealing away demons it's basically her entire life she and her entire lineage of priestess have to steal away demons whenever they appear but she's rather good at sealing away these demons because she's almost guaranteed not to die while sealing them away what do i mean by that well her dojutsu works as a defensive mechanism essentially her dojutsu gives her a connection to her future self if her future self senses that she's about to die she will send a message back to her past self to tell her who's around her in that future scenario that's kind of confusing so let me break it down a little bit better let's say in a week's time i was gonna go rob a bank with three of my closest friends if i was about to be shot in the head during this bank robbery i could make a connection to my past self who's a week younger than me and tell him hey brian's next to you tell brian that he's going to die in a week so he's motivated to protect you during the bank heist and this is essentially how shian's powers worked for herself she would get a message from her future self telling her who's around her when she's about to die in order to motivate them to protect her so that they die and she doesn't but she can't control this power voluntarily meaning sometimes she'll just see somebody and see their death as it is connected to her so in the scenario of me robbing this bank if i just was to bump into brian i would be like hey man i saw you die in a bank heist a week from now and according to an archer spoon in the movie she has made a hundred of these predictions and never once been wrong now obviously the ability to see the future is powerful but if you can't control when you get to see the future and the only future you get to see is the deaths of those around you well that's not a great power especially when you consider the fact that the only reason that she gets to see the future is so she can sacrifice those around her when she's about to die which means that if you're a person who people don't care about a lot they're not going to sacrifice themselves for you obviously as the descendant of the priestess line of the land of demons she was an important person in that area so people would sacrifice themselves for her safety but if i told brian he was going to die in this bank ice and unless me and brian are secret lovers he's not going to give up his life for me technically if we were ranking these non-cannon dough juices with a can of dough jutsus that would still be the weakest and technically this next one would also be the second weakest so maybe we are just ranking them because the next ojutu that's non-canon is yom's dojutsu yom or yome is a ninja from the hidden sand and she kind of has a dojutsu like it's classified as a dojutsu but like is it really a dojutsu let me explain essentially yome or yom is able to dilate her eyes to such a degree that her eyesight improves to a superhuman rate essentially upon the dilation of her eyes she can see the reflections in many water droplets in the air and this essentially allows her to see several kilometers in one direction the only problem is that this doju starts to fall apart if there isn't a lot of water particles in the air like if it's a very dry day and because her pupils are so dilated it also makes her very susceptible to things like flash bombs so it's just like a really really shitty biaku gun especially when you consider the fact that in close combat she can use his pupil dilation dojutu to enhance her combat ability because you can see reflections in the water droplets around her she can basically see behind herself giving her pseudo no blind spot until you flashed but speaking of the biakugan our next entry on the list is a non-canon version of the biakugan yeah that's right there's actually three i forgot about one of them what do jutsu are we talking about well we're talking about renmaru's keke genkai this is a keke gangkai or dojuzu specific to renmaru renmaru is a young orphan from the hidden mist renmaru is a bit like haku actually renmaru basically has the exact same character arc as haku renmaro was a young orphan in the hidden mist who was essentially being raised by all of the farmers in the area then one day he accidentally exposed that he had a kekegenkai in the form of his dojutsu and the farmers basically kicked him out was at this point that renmaro too young and too weak to feed himself basically began to die on the side of a street in the hidden mist and this is where ryga a member of the seven swordsman of the mist the wielder of the kiba blades found him now ryga was going to kill renmarrow and tell renmaro exposed the fact that he had a dojutsu it was at that point that ryga decided that renmaro would be useful to him and started to use his visual prowess to up his own power but what did rinmaru's dojutu do well that's a great question basically everything that biakugan does but let me get into it renmaro's dojutsu gave him extra sensory perception meaning that he could see great distances even through objects but what he had that the bianca gun doesn't is that after seeing that great distance let's say two kilometers away he could hear what's going on at that location and just like the biakugan he can see chakra within a body but he can actually see a lot more than just chakra he can also see physical life force within a body because he could see a human's life force he could see whether they were dead or alive but he can see more than just chakra in life force he can also see into your innermost thoughts and therefore exactly predict what series of attacks you're about to pull off essentially giving him the ability to read your mind and if that's not ow like i was saying and if that's not enough it can also put people under a very powerful genjutsu a genjutsu so powerful that even if you know you're being placed under it you can't resist it let's say he's competing against somebody with a biaku gun he can create red dust that hinders their ability to see chakra and also weakens their resistance to genjutsu oh and technically he has the one's own life jutsu you know the jutsu that granny chio created where she can transfer her life force into a puppet in order to make that puppet live and therefore she used this jutsu to bring gara back to life yeah renmaru can do that just without giving up his own life let's say i got stabbed a bunch of times and i was about to die renmaru can transfer his life force into me in order to bring me back to full life it's like medical ninjutsu without any of the hassle as to whether or not that ability's tied to his dojutsu we don't really know so if this dojutsu was canon i would say it's stronger than the biaku gun but it's not canon so we're not talking about it but since we are talking about the biakugan let's get to the biakugan because yes it is the weakest canon dojutsu in the entirety of the show i know hot start to the list but unfortunately it's true gotta use something to knock down the hugos they're always talking about how they're the strongest clown in cold wall which like considering the fact that they haven't been massively eradicated is probably true now i've done an entire video on the biakugan that you can see right here but let's quickly talk about its history and its abilities the biakugan is only found in two clans the otsotsuki and the hyuga and unlike a lot of the other dojus on this list this though tutu doesn't have to be activated by a certain set of emotions or events any clan member of pure enough blood of the hugos of the ototsuki is going to be born with a biakugan now obviously this is an exception in people who aren't full-blooded hugos or ottotsukis like himawari who can activate her biakugan but usually she has light blue eyes or mukai kohinada from itachi's light novel whose family split from the yuga's generations ago and therefore he only has one biakugan now this is obviously the base i for an odzotsuki because hamura hageromo's brother never awoke to a sharingan his descendants i.e the hyugas and also the clan on the moon that toneri descended from had the biakugan now on to the abilities of the biakugan well it's a lot like ron marou's dojutsu essentially the users of the yakugan have a near 360 field of vision meaning that they can see in all directions in a bubble around them the only exception to this being the blind spot above their first thoracic vertebrae and on top of being able to see in a perfect 360 bubble all around them they can also see through all objects meaning they can see through trees look underground look through a human being or look into a human being and with training the range at which you can see can be increased in part 1 edgy is able to see 50 meters around him but by the time the war comes around he can see 800 meters in all directions but should a user of the biakagan decide to focus on one point they can actually see dozens of kilometers away outside of being used for things like recon the gun can also be used to see all 361 tenketsu spots in a person's body these are essentially little spots of chakra that can be attacked using the huge clan ability gentlefist and by injecting chakra into these 361 tenketsu spots you can either shut down or increase the chakra flow through that point which could either increase somebody's chakra ability or completely shut it down certain users of the byakugan most notably mukai kohinada are so good with gentle fists they're actually able to cut ninjutsu shot at them in half using it so that it passes around them and since the b gun is technically the best at seeing chakra out of all of the dojutsu a user of the gun can see if somebody's under genjutsu and even distinguish shadow clones from the original and that's basically it unfortunately for the biakagon basically all of its abilities are also abilities of other dojutsu's the sharon gun can basically do everything that biakugan can do just a little bit worse and the only way to level up a byakugan is to be an otsutsuki so for your average person yes it's the weakest ojutsu now i might get a little flack for this because yes i am saying the byakugan is technically weaker than the ketsurigan you see the katsurigan's history is a bit lesser known than the biakugans ketsurigan was originally shown off in sasuke's shinden sasuke's light novel well one of sasuke's light novels this is a doju so that only ever appears in the chinoiki clan so the chinoiki clan is a very old clan actually being present during the warring states period and they were a very powerful mercenary clan present in the land of lightning however unfortunately after the conclusion of the warring states period one of the members of the chinoiki clan married the land of lightning's daimyo and when the land of lightning daimyo died everyone blamed it on the chinoke wife now believing that the entirety of the chinooke clan was evil they were banished to the valley of hell and they were banished there by the uchiha who were hired to send them there and in this valley of hell because it was incredibly hot in all of the water there was so iron rich they were thought to have died out over the ginoiki clan not only figured out how to use this water to keep themselves alive but they also learned how to control it given that shinoki clan the ability to control liquids with high iron content with their dojutsu meaning obviously like things like the iron-rich water in the valley of hell they could control but more importantly they could control blood because blood is incredibly iron rich meaning that the ketsurigan essentially gives you the ability to bloodbend so that is to say if you're in combat with a member of the chinoiki clan and you're bleeding they can literally suck your blood out of the cut they can then turn that blood into a weapon like the emcee of beyond the boundary or simply just suck all of your blood out of you they can also control and weaponize their own blood giving them a pseudo version of magnet release if instead of like sand or iron or gold you just used blood which they can harden using the iron in it so it's basically iron sand defense but outside of the ability to control liquids that are high in iron content the ketsurigan also gives users genjutsu abilities essentially just like the sharing gun should you make eye contact with somebody with a ketsurigan that's activated you will enter into a genjutsu however unlike the sharingan if somebody using the ketsurigan simply touches you they can also put you in genjutsu sharing on obviously you need to make eye contact unless you're talking about kotoro matsukami in which case you don't but that's an exception so with this dojutsu you are essentially conferred an ability to bloodbend and put people under kenjutsu simply by making contact with them or eye contact with them and while unlike the byakugan of the sharing gone the ketsurigan conveys no ability to track chakra you don't really need it when you can control blood and put people in genjutsu but since we're talking about the zaragon it's next on the list do i really need to talk about the abilities or the history of the sharing gone no but i'm gonna do it anyways sharon gone like the other three great dojutsu came from the otsutsuki well sort of you see the outsuzuki don't have sharingan i know what you're saying you're saying nick romo had a show and gone before he had rini gone that's filler everything we see about haguro and hamura's life during the war arc is all filler hell half the we saw about indra and ashrae was also filler but since they're talking about indra he is technically the person who first manifested a sharing gun in the manga and yes technically he's in otsotsuki but let's be really doesn't have pale white skin he's basically a human he's not a no totsuki otsuzukis like true blooded ozotsukis actually have reni sharingan that's the eye they get in their forehead only eat enough chakra fruit or absorb another otsotsuki now because indra otozuki was technically the first person to manifest a sharingan a lot of the sharingan's history actually sort of got jumbled up you see indra started the curse of hatred against his brother ashraf because hagoromo chose ashrae to continue his will this made injura hate ashura and therefore they started a decades-long war against each other and this started the curse of hatred which essentially led to the uchiha and the senju battling for 2000 years because of the curse of hatred it was largely believed for 2000 or so years that one had to undergo a lot of traumatic emotions in order to awaken their sharing god however that's actually not the situation we learned in boruto specifically from sarita that one simply has to experience a large amount of emotions around somebody they love in order to activate the sharing essentially if an uchiha member experiences a large amount of emotion towards somebody they love be it good or bad their brain will release a special kind of chakra that goes to their optical nerves and this special kind of chakra is what actually activates the sharing god however the activation of a sharing gun can throw off the user of said sharingan because the extra century perception given by the shaharan gun is kind of a shock to the system therefore when users of the sharingan activate the shotgun for the first time their timing seems to be off and they're kind of useless in battle and when a sharing gun is activated for the first ever time it only has a singular tomei well actually there's an exception to the rule when hoggaromo awakens his sharingan he has all three tomei instantly once again filler you see the sharon gone is the first entry on this list that has different tiers however there's a common misconception around a sharingan's tomei see people largely believe that with extra tomei the sharon gun acquires extra abilities however this isn't the case from the second that you activate a sharing gun you have all of the abilities that you will ever get with a sharing gun the talmay just denote your proficiency with said techniques think of it a bit like getting on a mountain bike for the first time now that you've gotten on this mountain bike you could technically do whatever you want on this mountain bike you could go bomb down a mountain you could do back flips off jumps but for the moment it's your first time on said mountain bike so you're probably gonna bike it up and down the street for a while and as you become better with said mountain bike you will unlock more tomei but we keep talking about the abilities of the sharing gun but we haven't actually talked about the abilities of the sharing gone yet so what can the sharingan do well unfortunately for me that is a very broad question you see a sharon gun essentially breaks down into two categories the eye of insight in the eye of hypnotism new chihas when they awaken their sharing guns can either get two eyes of insight two eyes of hypnotism or an eye of hypnotism in an eye of insight moderate himself said it's technically best for an uchiha to have an eye of insight and an eye of hypnotism to give some examples of uchiha's here and what eyes they had itachi had an eye of hypnotism with a tsukiyomi in an eye of insight with his amaterasu chesui had two eyes of hypnotism both with koto matsukame the same could be said for obito having two eyes with kamali now technically these rules are loose it's not to say that an eye of hypnotism can never do inside abilities or vice versa it's just loosely implied by moderate that certain eyes are better at certain things an eye of insight can do things like c chakra like a biakagon but not quite as well however even though it can't do it quite as well as a byakugan doesn't mean that it can't do it well because an eye of insight can track chakra jessica biakugan and even track chakra through objects though not as many as the byakugan and an eye of insight can actually even see if somebody's under again jutsu just like a byakugan on top of the synaye of insight gives the user extra sensory perception meaning that they can do things like mimic hand signs or read lips or even see on a cellular level yes it is canon that sasuke's eye of insight can see on a cellular level using these perception abilities a fully formed three tome sharing gone can give a user basically future sight basically meaning that by reading the movements of their opponent they can predict exactly where they're gonna move and dodge it this perception ability also gives users of the sharing gone the ability to predict people's hand signs copy them and then shoot the same jutsu back at them it's kakashi's whole shtick however this doesn't only apply to ninjutsu it applies to taijutsu and genjutsu sasuke was able to watch rock lee's front lotus copy it and then modify it to make it his own lion combo as for the eye of hypnotism it's a bit more straightforward essentially if you make eye contact with the sharingan user that can put you in a genjutsu now the skinjutsu can vary from anything from tsukiomi to kotoro matsukami to whatever obito put yagura in any user who awakens a sharingan also has access to two of the most powerful abilities in the entire show you see this is a common misconception about the sharing gun people believe that you need an ms to unlock izanagi or izanami but you don't twelve-year-old sasuke who had a one tome sharing gun could have used izanagi though it wouldn't have been very useful in his hands in order to explain that statement let me quickly explain izanagi nizanami essentially any user who awakens a sharingan has the ability to blind their eye as a sacrifice to access some of the most powerful jutsus in the entire show izanagi for the cost of blinding an eye allows the user of said sharing gone to essentially control the universe izanagi gives one the ability to use creation of all things a yin-yang release where somebody is able to rewrite reality well izanagi is most commonly used to stop somebody from dying like let's say i've been impaled with the sword if i have izanagi active i can actually make the body that was just stabbed again jutsu and create a different body of me transport my consciousness to that body and then bing bang boom we don't even have to worry about that old body that is to say for a variable amount of time depending on who's activated izanagi you are the god of the universe your imagination can be reality as long as you have enough sharingans in chakra you can just create a new body for yourself if the one that you are using gets stabbed shot or mutilated now this is technically the only way we've ever seen izanagi used though it is heavily implied that while they were describing izanami and izanagi's backstory that shiha members used to use izanagi to control events outside of their own body meaning that for the minute or so that you have izunagi active you could just blink people out of existence rewrite entire towns histories basically anything you want but because the sharingan is so precious to the uchiha and so many people were blinding it in order to use izanagi izanami was created izanami is again jutsu and for the sake of not getting into a very complicated thing i've already covered in its own dedicated video right here we're just going to keep it at genjutsu essentially a sharingan user can blind one of their sharingan to put somebody in an endless loop genjutsu and the only way to ever break out of this genjutsu is to accept that you cannot change the events of history you know because that's what izanagi is changing the events of history and any user of the sharing gone has access to either of these abilities in either of these abilities would have been very useful against the next person we're going to talk about ishiki and his dojutsu now ishikistojutsu doesn't have a name it's just that ishikistojutsu that doesn't mean it's not scary powerful you see shiki for those of you who haven't watched boruto is the strongest otsuki member we've seen thus far unless you count that panel we got the sea of the otsutsuki god see this doju2 allows ishiki to use the ability sakuna hikona sakuni kona allows ishiki to control his own size or any inanimate object essentially this means that ishiki at will can shrink himself or grow himself down to cellular level or do that with any inanimate object and the way that he uses this in both the anime and the manga is by shrinking little metal rods and throwing these at his enemies and once they're in his enemies he grows them back to their original sizes this leaves massive gaping holes in them because now you're impaled with a rod this also makes ishiki borderline impossible to fight because you can't fight somebody who's the size of a microbe and since most ninjutsu's are physical things he can shrink those things with this ability to make them obsolete this dojutsu also gives him the ability daikokuten which essentially allows him to place anything he shrunk into a different dimension where time doesn't flow that is to say imagine he shrunk one of these statues behind me he could upon shrinking it place it in a different dimension and then grab it whenever he wanted throw it at you and grow it back to its original size so he has a limitless dimension he can access at any point where he can store whatever he's ever shrunk giving him basically a limitless amount of items to throw at his enemies on top of this the dojutsu also allows him to summon massive black heavy cubes that can disrupt center type ninja's ability to well sense this dojutsu also gives him the ability to see a human's life force and because he can see a human's life force he can estimate how much longer they have to live obviously this doju isn't the only thing that made ishiki very powerful but the fact that hishiki used this though jutsu so effectively to basically mop both sasuke and naruto means that it's pretty high up on the list here but since we're talking about boruto exclusive dojusu's the next entry on our list is also aborto exclusive the senrigon we don't know a huge amount about the cenrigon currently it is only in boruto's manga the anime hasn't made it to the cenrigon yet but it's a dojutsu possessed by a woman called ada and it's absolutely terrifying you see the center gun allows ada to project her consciousness anywhere in her own dimension instantly she could project her consciousness to be here instantaneously and watch me make this video and i know what you're saying you're saying well nick that's kind of cool the ability to be anywhere when you want to be consciously is nice and all but stronger than the sharing gun stronger than ishiki's dojutsu you haven't even heard all of it yet ada can not only project her consciousness to any present moment in her dimension she can also project her consciousness to any past moment in her dimension that is she can send her consciousness into the past until the moment of her birth but to put that into perspective that means that hypothetically if i had a cen recon i could see any event of the last 26 years i could project my consciousness to the white house to watch presidents talk about whether or not aliens are real you could project your consciousness to a bank manager telling their new employee the vault code enter it the next day and bing bang boom see you later it is ultimate clairvoyance for all of the years you've been alive that is meaning that during your lifetime there is hypothetically nothing you couldn't know there is some drawbacks to the century gone if a conversation happens in a different dimension or in a mental space like how the yamanakas communicate telepathically she can't tap into that if you had a communication out loud in the last 26 years she can hear it well we actually don't know how old she is so it could be like five years and she could just look old we don't we don't know but enough about boruto let's get back to naruto the next entry on our list is the mongiko sharingan this is the evolution of the sharon gone only ever awoken by a handful of uchiha members and unlike the strong gun itself this unfortunately does have to be awoken through trauma you see just like with the sharingan there was some misconceptions about how to awaken the ms siddiuchiha for thousands of years knew that in order to awaken your ms you would have to see somebody you are very close to die however because black sets who changed the stone tablet for thousands of years the uchiha thought you had to be the one responsible in killing your closest friend and because of this people like shish we made sure that hitachi killed him in modera and he's not killed a close friend of theirs to awaken their ms but you really just have to see it we know that because obito woke his ms without actually having to kill rid now upon awakening ms you keep all the abilities of a standard sharing gun however you awaken two new abilities in each individual eye now these abilities can be exactly the same like how shifts we got kodua matsukame and both eyes are obitoga kamowi in both eyes however these abilities can also be separate like how sasuke woke to amaterasu and kagatsuchi but these aren't just lightweight abilities the abilities awoken with an ms are some of the most powerful abilities in the entirety of the show amaterasu is a black flame that burns you until you die or the person who lit you with it releases it tsukiomi puts you in a 72-hour genjutsu that actually only lasts three seconds kodomatsukami can quite literally rewrite somebody's entire personality without them knowing and you don't even have to make eye contact with them in kamowi allows you to quite literally transport yourself or something else to a different dimension these aren't even the entirety of the abilities given to somebody with an ms upon awakening ms in two eyes you are also granted the ability to summon a susana susano also known as the perfect defensive jutsu where a dual ms user assuming they perfected susano is able to create a massive chakra samurai that is basically indestructible it can swing swords so large it sliced his mountains in half not to mention things like indra's arrow or the totsuko blade or the yada mirror however unfortunately the use of susano or ms abilities makes the user's eyes bleed and slowly but surely kills them and makes them go blind however all of these repercussions can be avoided if you take the ms of a close family member and then either by taking your own eyes out or squishing that family member's eyes onto your eyes you get eternal mangikyo sharon god i say by taking your own out or squishing them together because we quite literally don't know how you acquire ems like the procedure of it though we assume they merge because the ms techniques of the original user and the person they took the eyes from do merge and getting ems gives you the ability to use all of the things i just listed but with no repercussions but you know what's cooler than ems the third evolution of the sharingan the rinigon now to call the renegade evolution of the sharingan is a bit of a stretch though that is technically exactly what it is according to data books and the manga and all of that it's not really an evolution at least not in my eyes because there's a way for most of chihas to obtain an ms from a sharing god however the only way to obtain a rinigon is to essentially become mahagaroma you see one obtains a rinigon when they combined the chakras of indra and ashura hagaromo's two kids the only people who would ever be able to do that are reincarnations of indra and ashrae aka matara hashirama naruto and sasuke and the rinigon is only accessible from the lineage of hagaromo because he's technically the only canon person from the otsuki clan that we've seen with a rinigon once again i hear you screaming nick or rashiki has rini gun not cannon see hagaramo like a lot of the other ototsuki's had a rini sharing god in his forehead but his standard eyes were rinigon so the story of the rinigon being an upgrade from the sharon gone is based up the story that hagoromo had the sharing gone and then his eyes ascended to a rinigon which is based off filler information that hagoromo ever had a sharing gone in the first place but enough about all that let's talk about the rinnegan's abilities wait nope i'm dumb literally every otsuzuki has running gones in their hands in moments she didn't have a renisharan gone he had a regular renigon well now that we've got the fact that i'm dumb out of the way let's get to talking about the runny guns abilities well the renegon technically has different abilities depending on who it's in like when moderate has his renegade he has the ability of limbo clones which are essentially invisible clones that moderate can create up to four of you're not able to see these clones unless you have a ring on yourself or you can sense them using sage of six paths chakra and sasuke has his heavenly hand power ability that allows him to change places with things of similar size to him essentially he can teleport but every single user of the rinigon has six basic abilities and those six basic abilities are referred to as the six paths one of those paths is called the devapath that allows you to control repulsive and attractive forces think almighty push almighty pull the oscillopath allows one to mechanically alter their body you can make your arm into a rocket launcher to shoot rockets at your enemies or you can grow yourself a giant metal serrated tail the human path allows you to pull people's souls out of their bodies the animal path allows you to summon multiple massive summonings the predapath allows you to absorb chakra from your enemies and the narcopath allows you to summon the king of hell the king of hell is a very interesting ability you can either walk into the king of hell's mouth yourself and it'll heal you completely or you can use the human path's ability to throw souls to the king of hell the king of hell is an interrogator's best friend any soul grabbed by the king of hell will have to answer truthfully to any question it's asked if you lied the king of hell your soul is ripped out of your body and you are dragged into the king of hell which means that you will never ascend to the pure lands but even if you answer truthfully you keep your soul but you can be crippled for the rest of your life by the process on top of this the renegade gives the user the ability to stomach the demonic statue of the outer path which is the 10 tails husk that's sealed on the moon and then obviously there's additional abilities that are unique to people like sasuke like his ability to open portals but the ability to open portals is most likely due to the fact that his written gone is technically a six-toe mate rinigon and not just like a base running on the kaguromos nagatos or moderates but speaking of upgrading eyes the next entry we have on the list is an upgraded biakugan though technically one no hugo member will ever be able to achieve that's right next on the list and our second most powerful dojutsu is the tens saigon now the tencei gun first appeared in narrow to the last naruto's only canon movie and a tenseigon can only ever be awoken if an otsotsuki transplants themselves with the biakugan of a hyuga clan member and essentially just like how an ems is created the fusing of these two chakra clan lines creates a tense seigon we see the tensei gun awaken when toneri implants hinabi hugo's biakugan into his eyes and here's the thing there's a reason that 10 saigon is the second strongest ojutsu on this list first off let's talk about what toneri's plans were with the power of the ten second with the power of the ten saigon toneri planned on throwing the moon into the earth and eradicating the human population that's not where his plan ended he then wanted to use the power of the ten saigon which literally translates in english to reincarnation i to bring the entire planet back to life but under his control however before he can do this obviously he comes into combat with naruto but tonera uses the power of the tenseigon to create a stone golem the size of full chakra cloak karama he then also uses the 10 saigon to enter a 10 second chalk remote which grants him the ability to fly and use truth seeker orbs see access to truth seeker orbs are truly the reason that this dojutsu is second on the list true secret orbs are a kekemora which means of the combination of all five basic chakra natures and yin and yang and because of the combination of every single chakra nature that means that no ninjutsu of any of the five basic nature types is going to be able to destroy a true seeker ball the only real exception to this rule possibly is one of sasuke's arrow which appeared to pierce one of naruto's true seeker orbs but we don't know if naruto simply used a true secret orb to deflect the arrow or not regardless true secret orbs are probably one of the strongest weapons in the entirety of naruto therefore dojutsu giving you access to those it's gonna be top of the list or at least close to it because the true top of our list is the rini sharing gone see the rinishar gone is the ultimate form of dojutsu as we understand it currently it's a rinigon with nine tomei three more than sasukes and as far as we understand it currently it's specific to the otsutsuki well sort of see the first person we ever saw awakened to the renishar and gun was kakia she awoke to it after she ate the fruit of the god tree and this is where it gets a bit wiggity you see because the renishaw and gone is also possessed by the ten tails the rainy gun is possessed by the ten tails because the ten tails was originally created by kagia merging with the god tree meaning that the ten tails got the rini sharing gun from kagi which is why when moderate became the perfect ten tails jin turkey he awoke to the rini sharon god so in a sense he was kind of just projecting kagia's rini sharing gun that was projecting through the ten tales i don't like it either however ironically even though the renisharingan is considered like the god of all dojutsu's we don't know a huge amount about it essentially from a power standpoint all we understand about the rinishar and gone is that it can be used to cast infinite tsukiomi and it allows kagia to shift through alternate dimensions but those are two very powerful abilities so let's get into them essentially any user of the rini sharon gone is able to reflect their renishar and gone off the surface of the moon and cast the entire world into infinite tsukiyomi infinitsukiomi obviously being an infinite genjutsu that pulls everybody on earth into it and now obviously infinitsukiomi is used to distract people from the fact that the god tree is slowly soaking away all their chakras so they can get turned into a chakra fruit but obviously being able to put the entire planet under an infinite genjutsu using the power of a dojutsu is gonna put you at the top of the list and that's without even talking about the fact that cocky can use the power of the renishar gun to teleport between dimensions kind of like the kamowi except unlike the commonwealth she can go to multiple dimensions basically at any time she wants now this is obviously ability that sasuke's six tome rinnegan has is able to spam it now that's because she's in osuzuki and that's an otsuki chakra pool and sasuke simply doesn't but still the ability to teleport between dimensions and put entire planets under an infinite genjutsu is terrifying and that's it every single dojutsu except for the joke on you see i hesitate to even put the joke on on this list because the information that we have on the drogon currently let's just say is uh is jumbled the joe gun for those of you who aren't watching or reading boruto is the dojutsu that boruto was pseudo born with and it's in a super weird place of canon ocity essentially the jogon wasn't manga cannon for a long amount of time but now it is manga cannon so basically all of the times that we've seen the joe gone be used in the anime or anime canon not manga canon but now the kishimoto has really taken control of the manga he stated that the jogon is canon and will be worked into the manga and it technically maybe already has been because after shiki dies then he becomes a force ghost to go and visit code he tells code about how every otsutsuki is trying to rise to the height of existence of an otsotsuki god and in the image of the ozutsuki god that we receive it's basically just a celestial being covered in white eyes and that white eye looks a bit like a joe gone so we're theorizing as a fandom that an otsutsuki god is simply just covered with jogon and that's why all otsuki's is so afraid of the joe gun that boruto has so if the strongest race of people's strongest person in an ototsuki god is covered in this dojutu you kind of have to assume more likely than not it's the strongest ojutsu out there and at least what we've gotten from the anime in boruto has slightly pointed towards that fact you see in the jogan alone we've seen abilities that are unique to each of the three major dojutsu we've seen that joe gone have the ability to track chakra like a biaku gun or sharing god this allowed borato to see changes in somebody's chakra network and track them using their chakra they can go so far as to actually see tenketsu points like a bayakugan it also allows boruto to anticipate people's movements like a sharingan and it can also see invisible barriers that connect dimensions like a rinicon so in one dojutsu we've seen the abilities of the three major dojutsus leading a lot of fans one of which that looks just like me to theorize that the jogon is the base of aldojutsu but for the moment that's quite literally all we know so will it be the most powerful dojutsu will it outperform the rini sharagon in terms of power down the line maybe but for the moment we're tentative and now that is it all of the dojutsu in the entirety of both naruto and boruto what did you guys think is there any doju2 i missed do you think the list is incorrect do you love me tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell listen i'm not saying that we need a borato kai or aborto brotherhood but imagine if boruto was just the 62 manga cannon episodes that exist right now it would be so hyped up [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 955,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, otsutsuki, itachi, sasuke, madara, indra, hagaromo, kaguya, asura, pain, nagato, uchiha, hyuga, hamura, toneri, momshiki, ishiki, otsutsuki god, jougan, sharingan, byakugan, tenseigan, eida, code, kiwaki
Id: OT6Xe54BDDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 36sec (2376 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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