The STRONGEST Moves in Black Clover RANKED and EXPLAINED!

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the mark of a good battle shown in anime is usually a good power system the kind of power system with rules stipulate stipulations different scenarios that make them stronger or weaker counterbalances actions that individual characters can take to make their power stronger in short a fleshed out system that makes sense in the universe in which it resides but simply creating a cool power system that works isn't always enough cia's battle Shonen runs on as many of them tend to do the power system needs to be updated it might have been a simple power system in chapter 1 by the time chapter 300 rolls around has to be a touch more convoluted there has to be different caveats and power-ups that get introduced throughout the duration of the manga for Naruto it was the mangekyo Sharingan in sage mode and chinchuriki cloaks for One Piece it was hockey an awakened devil fruits for bleach it was bunkai and while these are all incredible examples of Power Systems adjusting to a higher level of power within their Universe ironically New Gen anime has creeped away from the concept of introducing new things into a power system to make it stronger instead relying on the same Powers introduced in chapter one however training said powers to a higher level a great example of this would be my hero Academia where all the important characters outside of Deku have the same quirks that they had in the beginning of the manga but now they've just made those quirks strong but some new gym manga do follow the old manga rules and the best example of that is the manga we're going to be talking about today Black Clover see Black Clover is quite honestly a master class when it comes to a power system that evolves and changes as the universe around it evolves and changes what originally started as basic magic spells coming out of a grimoire book has evolved into something much more complicated and much grander for things like combination magic true magic and monosomes being introduced and while the three things that I listed are all incredibly important in scaling up the level of magic and Black Clover to where it currently is the most important out of those three is the last monozone Simone zones as it currently stands are pretty much the peak of power and magic in Black Clover but there's still a relatively New Concept so what are monosomes how do they work how do they boost the match the people who use them and more importantly than anything where do certain monosomes fall in terms of power in regards to each other well we're gonna be answering all those questions and more because today we're doing the top 10 monozones in Black Clover ranked and explain but before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and if you guys want to get up all in my Moana zone go ahead and follow my anime podcast that I'm doing with Danny Mata called The Talk who's Anonymous where we break down everything that happened in anime this week talks around Black Clover very much included it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcast so monizones the domain expansions of the Black Clover Universe an incredibly powerful magical technique only accessible to nine magicians thus far in all of Black Clover even though the magicians who can use them are exceedingly rare they are getting used more and more often in the manga and it's because the current opponents in the manga couldn't be defeated with anything less than a very powerful monozone so what is a monozone how do they operate and why are we using them well before we get to ranking or explaining any anything we should probably start this video off in the way that we tend to start these videos off by answering the easy questions don't monozone what is it well in the simplest terms possible a monozone is an advanced monotechnic that allows you to control and manipulate the Mana around that is to say by activating a monozone you get to control the Mana within a certain radius of you and considering the fact that Mana resides in everything in the Black Clover Universe like chakra and Naruto being able to control all of the mono within a certain diameter of yourself is very powerful but how does being able to control all of the Mana around you a system Mage well one consistency between every single monozone is that every single monozone helps the Mage who launched the monozone to gather more match if you're in control of all of the magic around you you can gather that magic around you into your own magical spells as opposed to just using the Mana within your body that is to say by creating a monozone you have now essentially taken over all of the Mana around you to boost your spells not only giving you increased attack and defensive potency but also giving you greater stamina and the ability to use more spells continuous on top of this for a large swath of magical spells and increase the amount of magic being funneled into them actually increases their range which means the activation of a monozone increases how far away you can be from somebody and still launch your magical attacks at them monosomes actually give you a lot more than even that see since to control all the Mana in a Mana Zone like you would control all the Mana in your body your monozone essentially becomes an extension of your own body and that's important because it opens a whole lot of doors for you think of casting a magical spell as holding one gun with this one gun I could shoot a water spell directly in front of however upon creating a monozone that's usually a circle around the magician who casted it you are now given infinite guns infinite guns that point in every single Direction simultaneously because those who create a monozone are able to launch their magic in and from any direction within their monizer meaning even if I'm facing towards the camera I could flick my wrist and shoot water magic backwards so long as it's within my monozone and this makes sense because I control all of the mono within this circle which means I can manifest a Mana attack in any direction I want which makes fighting against somebody who's using a monozone incredibly unpredictable because an attack can come from anywhere this means if hypothetically I step into somebody else's monozone they can generate a bunch of spells around me to completely Encompass me and make Escape impossible in that capacity it is very similar to a domain expansion because the second you step into the circle of Mana that I control I can hit you with a Mana attack from anywhere from under you from above you from behind you or just straight up in front of you and this usually isn't the case as magical attacks are manifested from the grimoire or the magical wand of the magician launching them there are some exceptions to this rule but by and large it's usually how it works on top of this if hypothetically you try to use a Mana attack within my monozone I can manifest my own mon attack within yours and destroy it because remember all Mana within this circle that I exist in is now controlled by me but these are just the offensive capabilities of monosone there are also a ton of defensive capabilities see monizone defensively also operates a lot like n in Hunter Hunter as you control all of the Mana around you and it essentially becomes your own body it greatly heightens modded detection and reaction time because the second that something interacts with the Mana you control you know which means if anybody or anything wants to enter your monizone you'll know and since I'm on his own could have anything from a three meter radius to the radius of an entire country this is kind of broken it can give you additional seconds to dodge an attack that otherwise you wouldn't have had and it pretty much eliminates all blind spots on top of this it's the user of monizone is now controlling more Mana than they usually do they can use the additional Mana to buff their Mana skin or any other reinforcement magic meaning even if hypothetically an attack does slip through your monozone you will have higher defenses than you usually would which gives you a better chance than not at deflecting or tanking this attack and much in the same capacity as a domain expansion monozones also battle against other people's mods a good example of this is during the dark triadar as both Xenon and lucifero had wide reaching Mana attacks that could take up entire rooms for Xenon it was his spatial Mana domination and for lucifero it was his gravity magic see spatial Mana domination while not a monozone operates very similarly to one it's a rare adaptation of spatial magic that allows Xenon to take control of all of them Anna within a certain queue now the reason this isn't a monozone is because Xenon doesn't take control of all the mono within this queue he dominates and negates all Mana within this Cube meaning any Mana or magical attacks wielded by an enemy within this Cube are instantly nullified the only way to battle against something like this is a monizer which is what we saw from longrous as he was able to wrestle control of the negated and dominated Mana within this spatial Cube and control it for himself which allowed him to continue using his spatial magic the same could be said for lucifera's Gravity magic as the only way to negate the massive gravity inflicted through this magic was to take control of the Mana being used to push that gravity down and in this capacity monizones are very similar to a domain expansion battle or when one person activates their domain another person will activate their domain and they will begin a battle of whose domain expansion is stronger it's also very similar to opening a simple domain within a domain expansion to negate the guaranteed hit fact and on top of all of this send to control all of the Mana around you those who are using monizone are also able to stand in the air or even fly as you can control the Mana in the air to either hold you up or push you and that's pretty much everything you need to know about monosomes now let's talk about monosomes but more specifically breaking explaining the top 10 that we've seen now those of you who have actually been listening are probably confused as to how we're doing a top 10 list when there's only nine people who can use monizo and if you had picked up on that thus far well then congratulations you get a gold star for the day today we're going to be kind of toeing the line between individual users and monozone techniques see ranking and explaining the monosomes isn't actually all that easy because a lot of the people that we've seen use monizones only use monozones to increase the power of their techniques which is cool and obviously we can say this person is stronger than this person and therefore their monotone is stronger than that person's but rather than talking about the individuals using the monotones which we will do I figured it would be more fun for everybody to talk about the individual techniques used within monizone because a lot of people have multiple so like I said we're going to be Towing the line between the nine people who can use the mono zones and the techniques used with monazum that's a technique tied into a monizone is probably stronger than just using a monozone to increase the power of your magic unfortunately all those who we've only seen use monizone to increase the power and amount of magic that they have are going to be at number 10 which leaves us with a three-way tie for our 10th spot now once again I would like to hammer home the fact that I do not believe that all three of these monozones are equal in power they're not but saying that one person's Mana zone is stronger than somebody else's when both of them are just used to increase the power and range of the magical spells they're launching isn't really a conversation revolving around monosomes because their techniques are doing the same thing the real difference in power is the difference in power between the respective Mages that's like two different people taking steroids and both increasing their PRS by 10 percent and then saying that the person who was lifting heavier in the first place had a better roid cycle I don't know that much about steroids I don't know why I chose them so in our three-way tie for Tenth we have Teresa Lumiere and longrus however if I were to rank them strength wise obviously it would be Teresa on bottom longer second Lumiere first but who are these three people tied for 10th and what did they use monozone for well Teresa is a nun and a former member of the Crimson Lions she's currently responsible for running the orphanage that Marie gaucha's little sister lives at she's an incredibly powerful fire Mage who actually taught Fuego Leon and mariliona their magic however after seeing the deaths of children on the battlefields of magical battles she decided to retire from the Crimson lions and become a nun that could protect children now Teresa so far as we've seen has three different types of magic Fire magic healing magic and creation magic and even though she's 65 years old and it said that her magic is substantially weaker than it used to be her abilities like shining flame cross and soothing Holy Light are still very powerful and one of the ways that Teresa negates her decline in magical prowess is through the use of her monizo which he uses to increase the power or range of either her fire or healing magic but it was actually Theresa that showed us that if somebody is in your monozone you can create magical spells within their magical spells to destroy them as is the thing that Teresa mostly focuses on when activating her monizo now this makes sense for Teresa because she's usually focused on protecting the children around her or de-escalating a conflict now the second person in the three-way tie for Tenth is longrous we've actually already covered the moments when longrus used his Mana when he used it against Xenon and lucifera to negate their magic obviously being able to indicate the magic of two out of the three of the dark Triad is insane and it's why if I was just ranking the usage of monosomes and no abilities on top of it longer should be second only to the first wizard King however on top of all this longer also used his Mana Zone to reinforce his reinforcement magic not only negating the magic of both Xenon and lucifero but also buffing his defense and offense and magical output so a lot stronger than Teresa's monazone but not nearly as strong as the first wizard Kings lamel specifically lamel silver million Clover the original progenitor of every single royal family of the Clover Kingdom and the original wielder of light magic now the first wizard King is one of the only people in the entirety of Black Clover to have a five in every single one of his power categories those being power magical wisdom stamina and vitality and he like you know wielded a four-leaf clover grimoire now technically his monizone does have a name it's the lamp of avior Gloria but we're not super sure how it works and and we do know through the uses of his monotone he was able to speed Blitz zoggren however while he had this monazone active zagrid was also able to cut off his arm the usage of this monazone appears to just allow him to travel at significantly higher speeds than he previously could he also upon activating this monazon was able to generate a light sword that pierces stomach however he could already generate light-based weapons before activating the monozone so I don't think this is specific to the activation of the monizo so more than anything it appears as though the first wizard King's montezone just increases his physical attributes like speed and strength and the ability to generate more magical spells everything a monazone usually does now fortunately these three monozones are the only Mana zones that we see activated and don't know the abilities of but the nice part about knowing the abilities of all the monozones moving forward is that we know exactly how strong they are which is why we're aware of the fact that coming up at number nine is our weakest of the monizones whose abilities we know Lolo peshkas listen I'm not sitting here and saying that lopeshka is a weak magician or even that her monizone is weak Lola peshka is a spirit wielder she has a contract with undeen the water spirit she is the queen of the heart Kingdom and if she had a more combative nature she would be one of the strongest magical knights in terms of offensive output out of anywhere however alola peska is a pacifist by nature which makes her in the rather combative undeen kind of a bad match but that doesn't stop them from creating a monozone together that's not only powerful but also incredibly wide reaching however to say the little peshka is taking our nine spot is kind of misleading because Lola peshka actually has two variations of her own monotone so she's actually gonna have both our nine and our eight spot however these two monozones are distinctly different in terms of strength and what they do so at the nine spot we're going to be talking about Lola peshka's kind of passive monizo lopezko's passive monozone is bigger than any monozone we've seen from anybody else in the entirety of black clove too much in the same capacity of any other monizone Lola Patrick can control the Mana within her monizo however where she definitively differentiates herself from the three people tied in tenth is the fact that her monizone is the size of the heart kingdom yes that's right Lola Patrick can control all of the Mana in the entirety of the Kingdom she rules over meaning in essence the entirety of the heart kingdom is an extension of her magical body because of this little apeshka is able to control all of the water in the Integrity of the heart King meaning if you are anywhere in the heart Kingdom not only can she sense you she can disrupt your magic and she can also communicate with you through the medium of making an avatar of herself out of water so while technically this monazone isn't any different from any of the other monozones we've discussed thus far will your range is an entire country you gotta be separate however little peska has a stronger secondary monosone and that's what we're going to be talking about in our eighth spot and that secondary stronger monozone is a ludic sanctuary see this monizone uses three different types of magic natural magic water magic and spirit magic it works by the Lopez summoning a pillar of water that swallows up her enemy she then pulls all of the water from the surrounding area to create a bubble of water around her enemy and herself making her monizone physical as her monizone becomes the water she then upon pulling in all the water from her surroundings combines that water with undi and since undeen is the water spirit she has an incredible Mastery over this monazon after this large swirling top-like magical spell has been created Lola peshka creates natural rooner race these Rune arrays increase her strength with water magic it also increased her Mastery with the monazon and she creates three of them one on top one in the middle and one below any Target pulled into this massive physical monozone has all of their magical prowess deluded that is to say any magic you try to fire off in this monizone is significantly weakened by the monazone water and on top of this it comes with the standard attributes of buffing all of the abilities of the Caster once again this monizone separates itself from all of the other ones on the list because it passively dampens the magic of enemies and while obviously every other monozone on this list has the capability to disrupt Magic from people within their monozone the Lopez ludic Sanctuary doesn't require input and since it's not only amount a Zone but also enhanced with Spirit magic and natural rooner race three of them to be exact this monizone is substantially stronger than all the other ones previously listed but unfortunately not as strong as their number seven entry because coming in at number seven we have dark prison hunting ground now dark prison hunting ground is the monozone of knocked the vice captain of the black Bulls now this monazone does operate a lot like the other monozones dark prison hunting ground is essentially just not spreading out his shadow as far as he can spread it and as his Shadows spread through the medium of his shadow magic and his monizone gets wider Knox abilities get stronger however instead of focusing on dampening his opponent's magic or even strengthening his own dark prison hunting ground kind of has a different use see obviously knocked is in control of all of the mono within this Zone but the reason knocked uses this technique is to cut off all light actually in this capacity it's very similar to chimera's Shadow Garden but upon launching this monizone noct is able to slip into the shadows as knocked like a user of the 10 Shadows technique is able to travel in Shadows which means within the confines of this monazone Knox can appear anywhere and since knocked has a contract with the devil GE Modelo which allows him to use the Ability clone where he clones himself not can activate that Union and use his clones in conjunction with his actual body to launch attacks from any angle and in that sense it operates a lot like a monozone it's just a standard monizone allows you to attack from any angle in any direction so long as the person you're trying to attack is within your monizo but where nox is separate from a regular monozone is one he disappears which adds to the element of surprise but two when he disappears into the shadow any sense of his key is also erased and we understand the key in magic in the Black Clover Universe are very different things Siesta isn't able to sense magic because he has no magic but he is able to sense Ki which is more about tracking somebody's Essence than magical output which means that if you get caught in dark prison hunting grounds you can be attacked from anywhere and you won't be able to sense it not to mention eerily like Chimera Shadow Garden since now there's more shadows and all of those Shadows are being controlled by knocked all of his shadow match is substantially powered up in this monazone like dark present hunting ground and Chimera Shadow Garden are literally the same thing with genuinely the only difference being that in Chimera shot a garden you have to reinforce whatever part of your body is touching the Chimera Shadow Garden with cursed energy so you don't fall into the Shadows outside of that big thing I wonder who came up with it first but speaking of magic that brings us you're on the list because coming in at number six we have Yami I know I said we're gonna be talking more about the techniques than the people but yami's got a lot of techniques as it pertains to monosomes and if I was to rank every single technique that he has as it pertains to monozone he would be like half the list yummy has five monozone techniques we're gonna be talking about four of them at this number six spot now the majority of yami's Montezuma attacks are built around his monizone ability Black Moon see black moon is a very logical upgrade to a monizo in order to pull this off Yami has to create a monozote and then he manifests a black moon to put at the top of that monozone this black moon then sits at the top of the monozone and Taps into the controlled Mana of Yami when these two things are combined it massively improves both see the black moon tapping into the Mana Zone increases its range of absorption that is to say that when the black moon goes to the top of the Mana Zone it is now able to absorb everything that touches the Mana Zone because the black moon is a black hole but a selective black hole what do I mean by that well Yami upon manifesting this black moon is able to decide what techniques get absorbed by it and what don't so this technique is one step above the ludic sanctuary see with the ludic sanctuary naturally dampens the abilities of enemies caught in it any technique fire to yami's Mana zone so long as the black moon is on top gets absorbed if he wants it to meaning so long as Yami is within his Mana Zone he's Untouchable tie that into the fact that he's able to make sure that allies techniques don't get absorbed by the Black Moon which means those within his Mana zone so long as their allies could launch attacks while not having to worry about attacks coming back and it's a super broken ability tie all that into the fact that all of this is tied to a modern Zone which greatly increases all of his abilities and you already have one of the crazier abilities in Black clover but yami's not done Yami is also able to use the black moon offensively can pull out his sword and pull the black moon to the tip of his blade yummy is then able to fire the black moon at somebody at an incredibly High Velocity that completely decimates anything it touches it's like firing a personalized black hole and the area of effect is roughly the size of somebody's torso this ability is so effective that it was able to completely eviscerate Dante's torso in one shot and while this didn't kill Dante because Dante had a regeneration Factor if it had gone up against anybody who wasn't a devil it absolutely would have killed them this isn't even the only move where Yami uses the black moon offensively he also has the dark cloaked EI slash a technique where he covers his Blade with the black moon and once an enemy comes into range he slashes them with an EI slash now EI Jutsu is basically what zenitu does it's an ancient Japanese swordsmanship based on pulling your sword out of your Hilt in a fast slash with its ability Yami was able to speed Blitz and slash open either a 50 or 80 awakened Dante the true height of yami's Montezuma attacks actually don't even depend on the black moon as his greatest monoson attack outside of the one we'll talk about later is actually dark cloak Dimensions slash Equinox see this ability is just dark cloaked dimension slash which for those of you who don't know allows Yami to cut literal Dimensions he was able to cut through a dream realm which is a separate Dimension and a slash that's able to cut through a dimension is able to cut through anything on earth now the Equinox edition of this slash is dependent on him activating his monizone first and upon activating that monozone the reach of his Dimension slash is greatly improved to the point where he was able to slash his agrid with it from a couple hundred feet away that's enough about Yami why don't we move to somebody else with multiple entries on this list because coming up at number five we have mayor Leona been talking about marilionas very similar to Yami because she has three separate monizone moves which makes sense when you consider the fact that we learned what monozones were from mayor Leona and she is one of the most proficient if not the most proficient user of the monizone out of anybody in Black Clover however just because she's proficient doesn't mean she has the strongest monozone out of any but mariliona's monizone operates a lot like yami's manazone in that there's a bunch of different moves all that are roughly the same based off the same sequence of abilities except instead of being based off the black moon for mayor Leona they're based off the kaldias brachia talidus brachia honestly my brain is so used to Japanese words you throw Latin words in the mix and I just shut down whatever moving forward the weakest of mariliona's monazon attacks is caledus brachium barrage this technique is built on the fact that a monozone can launch an attack from any angle but so this technique basically has merilion opening up her Mana Zone to Encompass the person she's fighting after taking control of all of the Mana in the area she begins to launch a barrage of fire pillar attacks from all around her opponent these fiery blasts pummeled her opponent from all directions making impossible to defend against or escape from this attack because you can only defend in One Direction and there's fire behind you however if you thought that was scary wait until you hear about purgatory this technique takes mariliona's Flames from red to blue this technique focuses Less on surrounding you with punches and more on just eviscerating you as a stream of blue fire punches are fired at who's ever unlucky enough to be in mariliona's monizo in the Flames of her blue fire punches are so powerful that they literally melt Stone the mariliona is only able to pull off blue flames with her monizone because after using this technique even though she's pulling in Mana from all around her and therefore not using just only her Mana she's usually left defenseless that is to say that using this technique uses so much magic to heat her Flames to such a degree that it Taps her out well that is to say it used to if anybody's getting stronger every single chapter in this manga it's mariliona which is why in chapter 275 of the manga we got caledus brachi in purgatory Abyss which is very similar to Purgatory except way bigger like so much bigger that it only took a couple of punches for her to basically defeat one of the ancient Devils that only the first wizard King had ever been shown to defeat now unfortunately this technique wasn't enough to actually kill this devil but Austin was but still being able to flatten one of the strongest enemies in the entire manga what are the things that is considered on par with the first wizard King the progenitor of the three Royal clans of the Clover Kingdom insane ameriliona's only getting stronger he's actually having a moment in the manga right now but we're not gonna spoil that after mayor Leona we have our first and actually only Union monizer that's because coming in at number four we have kids playground well the name may not sound super intimidating trust me you don't want to be caught in it the kids playground is actually a union magic monizer between Shadow and dark magic and therefore naturally it's created by yummy and knocked captain and vice captain of the black Bulls the kids playground pretty much just combines the dark present hunting grounds with black moon and while that might sound simple it's not it's terrifying she has two people controlling a monazone simultaneously they are able to take in more Mana than just the one person would be able to now since knocked is controlling all of the Shadows Yami is also able to pop in and out of Shadows within this modest meaning not only do you have to worry about knocked who's now having his key presence erased but you also have to worry about Yami and both of them can be cloned by gu Modelo meaning you now have to worry about two of the strongest magicians in the entirety of the manga and clones of them and not only can they pop out of any of the Shadows generated by kids playground but any technique you try to use yummy can selectively send into the black moon meaning so long as you are within kids playground you can't use any magic and two of the strongest people in the entire universe are probably gonna pop up behind you and Cut You Down not to mention since Shadows create Darkness there's infinite Synergy between these two types of magic which means even though a montezota buff both of their abilities individually since their types of magic are heavily synergistic they're buffed to an even higher degree and who knows if knocked in yami's doppelganger attack actually landed against lucifero there's a possibility it would have cut him down now obviously he read through it and it didn't land but they're also fighting the strongest devil related to the tree of quell off in his perfected four so uphill battle to say the least after kids playground we have a slightly controversial take because we're gonna be talking about a monozone technique used over a hundred chapters before kids playground that would be spirit's hush to dance see this is monizone technique used by you know and just like with the lopeshka this monizone uses Spirit magic however since it's you know we're talking about it's Silph the spirit of wind this technique starts like any other monizer yuno takes control of all of the Mana around it however by tapping into the spirit magic of self you know I was able to do something incredible he's able to predict in evade attacks I know I know that doesn't sound like much even yami's Black Moon ability allows him to predict in evade attacks in actuality any singular monozone should allow you to predict an evade attacks as the monizone acts as essentially your end anything that comes into contact with your monizone you feel sense and should be able to step out of the way but you knows is boosted to an ability that no other monozone can compare to see we all know that you know is the strongest wind magic user in Black cloak and with when magic comes speed tie that into the fact that he is now a saint-level mage meaning he has complete Mastery over his connection to silf and you have probably the fastest person in the universe and therefore through the usage of this Mana zone yuno is able to dodge anything even a barrage of light magic attacks which are the fastest attacks in the Black Clover Universe outside of I guess maybe time match and gaining speed that allows you to dodge hundreds of late attacks is gonna put you pretty high on this list but not high is the thing we quite literally just mentioned time magic because coming in at number two we have chronostasis grigora ironically we're going even further back into the mangada chronostasis gregora is a time-based restraining magic spell and if you thought you know dodging light magic attacks was cool wait until I tell you about what this does do we all know that Julius novocrono the current wizard King wields time magic however when he opens his Mana Zone which is massive mind you any spell that enters his monozone is immediately caught in time stasis meaning so long as Julius novocrona was within the confines of his own monizone nothing can hit him now this is a little bit different than yami's Black Moon because yami's Black Moon can be overpowered for Julius novocona the Spells are caught automatic any offensive ability launched at him is simply caught in locked in time and the reason that I put this above Black Moon is because we saw it able to react to and catch light magic the fastest magic in the universe and not on some small scale Julius was able to catch light magic that was descending upon the entire Kingdom all at once with one monizone expansion being able to stop every single sword that was about to destroy his kingdom in one move meaning that his monizone defensively is not only comparable to Black Moon but is also comparable to Lola Lopez in terms of Rage so yeah it's a pretty easy number two spot but if the current wizard King's Mana Zone expansion that's able to cover the entire kingdom is number two then what's number one Nick well it literally just happened like a week ago because coming in at number one with the strongest manazone in Black Clover is Never Never Land now for those of you trying to avoid manga spoilers here I'm gonna try my hardest but if you really don't want to hear about what's going on in the manga currently recommend stopping the video leaving a nice comment and saying see you next time because never Neverland is used by you know is the much stronger of the two monosomes he has see never Neverland is created using three different types of magic star magic wind magic and spirit magic do we know currently that yuno has two separate grimoires one which confers him wind magic and one which confers him star magic and therefore actually I lied when I said the kids playground was our first and only Union Magic monizone here because never Neverland is a wind spirit star union monizo with this technique Yuna was able to make him on his own bigger than the entirety of the Clover Kingdom's Capital this mod is Anna's swirling stars and while these Stars swirl around in the bubbles Silph blows a horn that creates a bunch of copies of her cell now Silph in her copies controlled the flow of magic within this monazone now while that might sound kind of basic it's not because not only do you know and self control the flow of magic in a monozone larger than the capital of the Clover Kingdom but they also control time yes that's right within this monizone you know in self-control Tai and that's not mentioning that every single Ally in this Mana zone is buffed while every single enemy is nerfed so it's like if you took julius's Lola peshkas and somebody else's regular monozone and shove them all together in the less talked about benefit of this monozone is if somebody in there tries to use offensive time magic you know can nullify it immediately I'm not going to talk about why that's important but that is currently very important so yeah it makes sense that the monazon that takes all the best features of all the best other monizones and then makes that monizone bigger than the capital of the Clover Kingdom would be number one and it's why it's gonna be a super tough election and for us that a try and Win Wizard King I remember that guy with like five different types of magic who managed to Encompass the entirety of the Clover Kingdom capital in his monizone yeah he's got my vote meanwhile asta's in the land of the sun hanging out with yami's parents hey it's a tough look during election season is all I'm saying but that's it everything that you need to know about the domain expansion of Black Clover monozones what's your guys's favorite montezod who would you vote for for Wizard King tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti belt we can either have the foreign dignitary who's refined he comes from a great family he doesn't scream all the time or who can have the buff five foot guy with a sword you tell me who you're voting for I'd still probably go across them thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 108,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, black clover, black clover explained, black clover manga, mana zones, asta, yami, yuno, dark triad
Id: fjQPT0YJNhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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