The Pentarchy of Blood EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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get a guys and gal not all Space Marines are created equal some are just way better at killing than others but that's not all in some cases entire chapters are better at killing than others with five standing above the rest five loyalist chapters so terrifying ruthless and violent that the Imperium has group them together as a bit of a special insurance policy when something in the Imperium needs to be killed these five chapters are called upon they are called the pentar of blood which is not only an awesome name but it's full of awesome chapters some of them are fan favorites and some of them you may not have heard of but regardless each of them could turn you inside out with their pinky before we get started I have some good news firstly we had our largest ever send out of the Big E orders today I once again apologize for how long this has taken and I want to thank you for how patient you guys and G have bean I will make it up to you many times over for the delays but we're almost there the second bit of good news is that the majorkill 2024 cosplay calendar is nearly done and man it's another level we've improved every single aspect from the previous year the biggest bit being being that I was able to get in contact with some seriously hot models as I didn't have to like autistically explain my vision for it like I had to do last year which ended up putting a lot of people off so we got the creme de La Creme this calendar also features an extra model one of the most talented and renowned Warhammer cosplays in the world who is doing some Prim Marky cosplays for the calendar I'm very keen to show in the coming weeks the team who will be sorting out the calendar orders is different from the Big E team so there will be no overlap or slowdown in Big E order dispatches today we'll go over the pentak of blood what is it why it was formed and what they have done before diving into a bit of lore about each of the chapters within it let's get into it different space ring chapters specialize in different things the Raptors are expert in Recon the Imperial fists are awesome at defense and the lamenters are Kings of getting throat [ __ ] by the Galaxy however there are others that are just really really good at killing [ __ ] the best of these chapters were chosen to form the pentak of blood these include the space sharks the flesh Terrors the charal guard the red Talons and the death Eagles even if you haven't heard of all these you can probably agree that their names are super badass and suitable for chapters that are great at killing the pentar of blood was formed in direct response to a massive heresy that occurred in the 33rd Millennium this heresy was called The War of the false Primark and while it's mostly a mysterious unknown Affair that I'll cover in a different video what we do know is that 11 space ring chapters broke off from the Imperium now if there is one thing that the Imperium doesn't tolerate it's people trying to leave it so they declared these 11 chapters as traitors in need of extermination the pentarchy was formed with the Imperium deliberately choosing the chapters that they knew had zero hesitation and zero Mercy chapters that didn't give a [ __ ] about the bonds of Brotherhood between other chapters and wouldn't be swayed by whatever a force had takeen the original 11 the pentak proceeded to exterminate the 11 chapters which is nuts to think about five chapters verse 11 should be a very one-sided War but as far as I can tell the pentak did it without too much drama it's not clear if it was because they did a 5v1 11 times or if they were just so good at killing that even being outnumbered over 2 to one they still came out on top for good measure they also destroyed each of the trador chapter's home worlds as awesome as the idea of the pentar just taking out the 11 chapters in one epic battle the war went for 80 years so I assume it was a lot of skirmishing followed up by the pentak seizing their chance to Massacre each chapter one by one although this was the end of the pentak as an official thing these chapters are remembered as fantastic Space Marine killers and utterly ruthless so they often used to put down Renegade chapters for example during the the badab war were in a similar fashion to the war of the false primarch a bunch of previously loyal chapters Banner together against the Imperium the spay sharks emerged from the deep of the Void to lick some tits in another ruthless instance the chinel guard purged hundreds of billions of people who are believed to be tainted something not many space ring chapters would agree to the point is these guys kill first and just never ask questions so now we know what the pentarchy of blood is let's look at some of the more interesting fun law regarding each of its members let's start with the space sharks since they're probably the most wellknown the sharks are a very isolated chapter that prow the edges of the Galaxy intercepting and killing potential threats that try enter into the Milky Way they are mostly a ravengard successor but due to their brutality and severe mutations it's also believed that their Gene seed is actually a blend of multiple Legions notably the night Lords and even potentially the world eaters that would explain a lot these mixed chimeric chapters are known for being incredibly powerful but also with some drawbacks with the space shock genan seed making them look very scary and also giving them a chance to develop the ch of the void a strange mental illness where the space shock becomes extremely antisocial and extremely Keen to kill the bad guys sometimes the space shars will be gone from Imperial space for so long that when they return nobody knows who they are and only by verifying their ancient but still valid codes are the space sharks accepted the chapter Master of the space shocks is tyros the red wake the largest Space Marine in the Galaxy who is an absolute beast in battle wooding chainsaw lightning claws which may have been coris kx's old Siege gauntlets he also has a [ __ ] terrible skincare routine cuz man is very ugly but since he's killing tyranids 24/7 around the galactic Rim I'd say that isn't the biggest deal next up is the chal guard and man what a name something to consider is that all these chapters are super old since the war of the false Primark was only a couple thousand years after the Horus heresy the chal guard considered to be a successor of the blood Angels chapter however the blood angels themselves don't recognize them as such which is bizarre after all they were one of the chapters that defended ball from the tyranids and would actually survive that incursion they also distinguishable by their very long K9 team even longer than normal blood angels GW loves sprinkling in a bit of mystery in some of these older chapters with the channel guard being a good example like when they are on campaign they literally just put themselves in stasis cripts this is just a random head Cannon spitball but maybe they are the result of an experimental mix of blood Angel and space Wolf genan seed explaining their elongated canines their extreme brutality and the blood angels not really accepting them just the thought next up we have the red Talons these were one of the rare iron hand successes that were created at the end of the Horus her hery I say rare cuz a fuckload of iron hands died during the heresy so there wasn't really much of a legion left to split up during the heresy a lot of iron hands kind of lost their [ __ ] which is pretty understandable half of them teamed up with Shadrach medusan for tactical cold gorilla Warfare a big bunch split into small teams that did what they could behind the scenes while the remainder joined up with ortech Mo and went hectic genocide mode on the traitors destroying their Recruitment and Supply worlds killing a shitload of people in the process when the heresy ended all the super angry unstable and volatile iron hands form the red Talons as a part of this it seemed that they had abandoned their practice of their parent Legion in regards to the cutting off their hand and replacing it with a bionic due to their Rage of what happened to their Legion anyone they see is Unfaithful or unloyal they exterminate with extreme prejudice making them ideal for killing CH Space Marines or even just Renegade chapters the death Eagles are an interesting one although they seem super emo and goth and allegedly have ravengard genan seed there may be more to them than meets the eye firstly because the ravengard have fuckle successes and the ones they do have are all super sketchy and weird see space sharks Ashen Claws and so on but also because the death eagles's original colors were purple and white and there was a Detachment of The Emperor's Children called the death Eagles what is more than likely is that this chapter was a force of Emperor's Children that stayed loyal to the Imperium and fought against their Legion during the heresy then upon surviving the heresy they would have approached the higher ups of the Imperium in secret being rewarded for their loyalty by getting a fresh start and having their genan seed Origins obscured perhaps the chapter was actually given ravengard genan seed to use from then on with only maybe a handful of the original Emperor children genan seed still floating around in the chapter this would explain why they'd be so ruthless they are purging the taint of their history making amends for the crimes of their forbearers there's also a good chance that they found indebted to the Imperium more so than usual for giving them a second chance so they were happy to join the pentak of blood a role that would ask a lot from them the death Eagles are a pretty obscure chapter though with they're not really been much in the way of hectic law about them killing a bunch of bad guys and finally last but definitely not least we have of the flesh Terrors it's pretty much a given that the flesh Terrors would be on this list nothing shouts pentar of blood more than these dudes the flesh Terrors are one of the most hardcore violent and vicious blood Angel successors they see the red thirst and black rage as important to the culture of the blood angels the struggle against it making them who they are as such each flesh terror is constantly tethering on the edge of the rage each battle losing themselves in a similar way that a world eater does there have been instances that upon killing the enemy the flesh Terrors will then kill their Guardsman allies as well as they are so blood Fu that they lose sense of friend and foe the chapter was created by n Amit taking the most violent and wrathful blood angels to join it blood angels that wanted Eternal retribution for the death of their father despite that n was also a man of Honor who said what no one else would he was the one that said to sanguinius after they were ambushed on signis Prime oi Dad I think Horus is a bit of a [ __ ] traitor eh the sirit would die at some point with the implication that he fell to the black rage however their modern day chapter Master Gabriel Seth is a legend in his own Ro right as he honors the legacy of his chapter while trying to save it from Extinction like nessia Seth is a massive [ __ ] but he's also a straight shooting honest man who would have your back there is no one better to have in your corner than a flesh teror so those are the five chapters you may see some common things amongst each of them they're all outcasted in some way maybe because they are so violent or maybe because they're Gene seed is sus as [ __ ] either way I do hope we continue to see more and more of these chapters they are just good oldfashioned fun if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where we have not only a boatload of battle m 40 million hentai but also a bunch of live action new cosplay photos hit the Subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more bloody content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace B to [Music] me
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 131,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: RgCs6DOY354
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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