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guys what's going on we are talking about the biggest mistakes us tractor owners make so if you're a rookie then you know what maybe we can shorten that learning curve for you and help you avoid some of these costly lessons that we've incurred over the years for US veterans well I'm not putting myself in that group as some of you guys that have been using them your whole life and maybe you have 40 50 60 years of experience well you know I'm guessing that you've made a few of these and hopefully you learned your lesson on there and came out safe and it wasn't too expensive for you as well we're gonna talk about mistakes that you can avoid to save you time save you money save you frustration and have safe operation hey if you like what you see hit that subscribe button below go to good works tractors or check out the description a lot of links in there to Amazon store to my website to Facebook all that kind of stuff hit subscribe right below there hit that subscribe button if you like what you see would love to have you join the party here we go so I harp on this one all the time guys but you know what if I don't say it over and over there's gonna be people out there there's gonna be customers of mine customers that end up buying elsewhere that are gonna make a huge mistake which is not getting a quick attach bucket don't care if it's skid steer don't care if it's John Deere quick attach do not get a pin down bucket you're doing yourself a disservice big time and it's gonna cost you money down the road when you say hey I want to convert that over it's gonna cost you twice as much to convert it then as it is to do it upfront or to get a tractor that already has it on there but I'm telling you the quick attach bucket means you can take that bucket off in a heartbeat you can put on pallet forks you can put on a snow pusher you can put on a grapple you can put on a bale sphere you can put on all sorts of stuff on the front end of this open up that versatility you know a tractor and a loader they're just a basic tool okay you know everything else you attach to it on the front in the back that's what's doing the real work and so give yourself that flexibility that versatility don't make the mistake of buying a tractor that has a pin down bucket I'm telling you you're gonna regret it it's gonna cost you more money it's gonna make you mad and frustrated don't do it you know what guys I have done this one more times than I care to share that's gonna be something like this you run into a little bit of an issue here with overhead clearance okay and I've done it here I've done it at my house I've done to that other people's houses and I've also hit the sides you know you have your bucket that's on that's too large that's wider than the track you're backing up and/or a snow pusher I've done that and I needed to stop naming examples but the point is be aware of your overheads clear overhead clearance in your garage okay or your pool building or whatever it might be same thing in the wintertime you get a little bit of snowpack down there while that distance is gonna shrink okay so you got to be aware that to my forty sixty six are for instance it hits this weather stripping here okay it is very very very tight something like this this is a forty 52 M okay and so what you want to do you just want to fold your wraps your rollover protection system down most of these are gonna allow for that it's an eight-foot door here so I can get this to fit underneath but this is something that when it happens to you and you might be in a rare company if it hasn't happened to you if you had if you've had a tractor for long I think too many of us have joined this this club here where we've hit an overhead door and it's just all right it grinds you because you know better than that but it happens to the best of us hopefully we can save you some money of that one and save you a little bit of headache too now I've been preaching about ballast weight I've been preaching about counterweight and I'm gonna do it so right now because this is the number one safety thing that you can do stay safe on your tractor check out the ultimate ballast weight guide if you haven't done so already you need to get yourself some counterweight accomplish it through the use of one of these ballast boxes through the use of liquid ballast of a heavy hitch suitcase bracket with suitcase weights a combination of all the above a rear implement something on the back side of your tractor you know if you're picking up heavy stuff with the front end loader you got to have something on the back to offset that okay you get into a bad situation it's too late to recover a lot of the time you know especially if you're moving okay if you're driving and you're going across an uneven surface an uneven field driveway or whatever it might be in your yard you get out of whack boom away he goes too late could roll over could tip over it could be fatal it could be really harmful at the very least you can hurt your tractor you know and so be smart use ballast weight it's a huge mistake if you are not properly ballasting your tractor I'm telling you you got to use way more weight than you think that you you would need to use and so check it out refer to your manual watch that guide get you some ballast weight sometimes you have to spend some money to save some money and that's what we're talking about here maintenance grease for your machine okay this stuff's pretty simple tractors are very easy to maintain it's very simple stuff filters oils grease okay you know the most common thing you're gonna have to do is grease the darn thing all right but grease is easy especially with the system like this this is Lube shuttle you just screw on in screw it right into your grease gun okay and then screw it right back out change it out super easy to use that way makes it a breeze to do this simple or something is the more often you're gonna do it Lube shuttle you get a discount if you buy through the link in my description so go to that link in the description you're gonna get a discount if you use code GWT you know change in filters especially air filters and checking them on John Deere tractors Komodo tractors pretty much all these newer sub compacts and compacts is a piece of cake this is an outer air filter here very common that you're gonna see on a lot of compact John Deere tractors right here among others there is an inner core as well but if you're checking this outer one on a regular basis you know you can use an air compressor just blow it out if it gets dusty that kind of thing as well super easy these are not expensive either so when you need to replace it it should not be a deal-breaker for you I mean just go ahead and replace the darn thing easy cheap maintenance makes you feel better too when you change one of these I'm asked all the time what do you use new John Deere's what are using your Komodos I just go with whatever the manufacturer recommends typically you're not going to have a significant price difference there I would expect I would imagine that these guys when they're engineering their equipment are using it with their own recommended oils and filters that kind of thing and I get it there's a lot of good oils a lot of good filters that kind of thing you know I think Messick's did a good job on some of their filter videos there information that they did a while back check that out if you want to Messick's Neil Messick they're a Kubota guy I do a great job but again well there's John Deere Kubota in my opinion I always go with whatever the OEM recommends it's just not worth it to save a few bucks for me so what happens if you don't do this maintenance here okay well we all know it could be very costly right what happens if your engine runs out of oil if it's running on super dirty oil and clogged filters and that kind of thing for a long amount of time you're gonna have a major rebuild on your on your hands there eventually you know same thing with the drive shaft okay if you're not greasing that drive shaft like you need to I tell you you know years ago I had a John Deere 2320 and the manual it did not mention greasing this circle and so this happened to a lot of folks that had that model so pay attention to the model 2320 it's a compact tractor 2 series tractor from the mid-2000s maybe into 2011-2012 something like that anyway I owned it for one hour ok it had 380 some hours on it I owned it for 1 hour and guess what happened driveshaft sheared off inside the trans axle housing it was a $4,500 repair ok so lesson learned make sure you are greasing your drive shafts there again that manual did not instruct the owners to do so so that was really a fault of the manufacturer in my opinion should have been addressed under a recall or some sort of compensation there it wasn't so that's a big mistake in my in my opinion from manufacturer there so grease is your friend man filters are your friend the fuel filters the oil filters the air filters man long term ramifications very big problems down the road if you're not doing that minimal scheduled maintenance that recommended maintenance there makes you feel good you get to know your tractor a little bit better too because you're gonna be around at the different areas the different components that kind of thing recognizing and understanding problems before they become major deals so this next one here should go without mentioning however there's a reason I'm doing so you're gonna read online you're gonna read somewhere this has happened do not let it be you this is a really bad really costing mistake these cans are different colors for a reason okay so this is gasoline right here this is diesel these are both fuels only one of them works in a tractor guess which one it is it's what's in the yellow can alright you can get farm diesel you can get the diesel you put in your truck at the gas station either one is gonna work just fine alright so you're not doing yourself a disservice there do not put gasoline don't make that mistake if anybody else is using a bar on your tractor I've had that happen a few times where I've had somebody who's borrowed it and I've made sure it may seem stupid but guess what there's no easy fix to that problem so make sure you put diesel in there if you're using the farm use make sure it's only going in your tractor if you get caught putting that in your truck it's died a different color you save some tax money that way that's the reason folks do it but you'll pay a fine you'll you'll get in trouble if you use that farm diesel in your truck it will work just fine but that's the problem there but what you can do in the winter time at least is add something like an anti gel treatment I've done on this take a look on my channel but anti gel it's gonna help you out in the wintertime that's about the only other thing you want to add into your tank is something like this okay no gasoline diesel fuel and maybe a fuel treatment you know one of the quickest ways that you can damage your tractor damage the project that you're working on or even hurt yourself is by going too fast going too fast for the job at hand and so that can happen with a lot of things whether you're plowing your driveway with a snow blower or with a plow it could happen if you're using a rotary cutter you know say your motor field and it's an unknown field you know something with big ruts in it or stumps or boulders or obstructions that you just don't see because you have four or five six-foot grass you know so there's a lot of ways you got to go slow you got to use your head think ahead go slow whatever you're doing because if you're going too fast and you hit a curb when you're plowing for instance you've come to a sudden stop you know hopefully you have trip Springs on your plow and it's going to trip and release that kind of thing but even so it still might stop you in your tracks and it could shuttle you forward okay you could you can jam into the steering wheel you can jam into the trash we could break your wrist you could hurt your knee you know a lot of things can happen there if you look it up on forums you're gonna see cases where accidents like that have occurred not just plowing but also in the field okay same thing if you're going too fast and you hit a rut out in the field a hidden field say you have your load or even two or three feet up in the air you get your weight out of balance they're going too fast is a big problem I talk too fast I try to slow down all the time but keep that in mind you know tractors are not built for speed I was just tellin the customers that's the other day you know he was complaining this tractor didn't go fast enough and I said you know you got to enjoy it while you're on your tractor because you don't get enough seat time as it is so let it be what it is there go nice and slow you're gonna be a lot safer a lot more cautious that way and you're gonna be a lot better for it in the long run it's gonna protect you it's gonna protect your equipment it's gonna protect the project that you're working on hey you know what and that goes for you guys loading and unloading on your trailers as well take your time there we've all seen the accidents check out Kubota monster when he had his bx 23 s delivered to him okay big time issue there so you got to be careful use safe practices use caution when you're doing anything with the tractor it's easy to get out of control safety first misjudging the weight the size of these tractors and of attachments okay and the same could be said for misjudging the attachment for your trash but let's stick with the size and the weight of these tractors to begin with most folks are not under estimating the size of these machines most of them are in fact are over estimating the size based on the questions that I get from my customers so most of these tractors you take a 1025 R for example base way to that tractor is about 1,500 pounds I'm rounding up you add on a loader to that say it's 800 pounds you add on a mower deck just say you around you're under 3000 pounds that's for sure right so under 3000 pounds for a tractor that's nothing throw it on the landscape trailer a tandem axle you're good to go okay now let's talk about my four series my big cab tractor okay my for Ceres the largest compact tractor you can get yeah I know I get grief all the time from you big ad guys okay this this is not a mag tractor I don't deal them utility tractors too often or the big farming stuff so for me big is a four series but the trailer is something like that around you know that tractor there is gonna weigh about 6,000 pounds maybe 6500 pounds it's got loaded tires on it's got the male sway it's got the cab you know it's got everything going on but you get yourself a 10,000 pound car hauler it's a piece of cake it's a breeze to hold something like that around but most guys think they need to get some big huge 14,000 pound or 15,000 pound trailer just to be able to haul around one of these tractors and that's not the case okay so let's talk about length for example as well so a 1025 R with a backhoe on it even you turn that back out to the side you're still at like 13 feet something like that I just did a video recently on 1025 bar dimensions I took all those dimensions it goes in here and out the other but you're around 12 13 feet something like that it's not very long at all with that backhoe turned to the side I will say though if you have a brush hug on the back of a knee tractor subcompact or compact you're probably in the ballpark of 20 feet but brush hogs take up a lot of space that's gonna be something that you need to have a long trailer for but most of these tractors even like this l-39 on one right here you're gonna be at around 13 feet for this which is a you know a pretty good size compact my 40 60 6r again is about 13 maybe 14 feet long so these tractors aren't all that long unless you start adding on attachments to them but keep that in mind so it's easy to misjudge that length and the weight of these and thinking means something way larger than normal however don't discount the fact that you need extra space for those attachments brush hogs take up the most space okay but then you have tillers you have grapples pallet forks all that kind of stuff you might want to take you're hunting property or to a landscape job that kind of thing as well stuff to consider alright so guys really quick I want to tell you about some products I just got in you might recognize these as being heavy hich products you've seen the codes in my descriptions in the comment section you get 5% off if you order from heavy hich comm use code GWT let me just go through really quick here this is not everything they have just a few things that I got in that I wanted to highlight so you're gonna see first up here is gonna be this tooth bar they make these in incremental sizes just get the measurement of your bucket you can you can bolt it on actually getting clamp it on essentially so it's got these nuts on top here with an Allen you clamp it down tight right on there they work great you have seen them on tractor time with Tim as well these things are fantastic and I'm telling you they are heavy man it I didn't even know if I was gonna lift this up here I thought about just leaving it on the floor but I picked it up because I thought it made it better looking shot so the next thing here is gonna be a a trash can picker upper and so if you use this in combination with the 2-inch receiver I'm one of these heavy hitch weight brackets you can just back up if you say you got a thousand foot or a 1500 foot driveway just drive your tractor down there you put this thing right underneath the trash can little hook that sound there that they would normally put it into the into the the garbage truck with just hook it on there lift up on your three-point hitch and drive a bag on up the driveway you can actually get a combo of these so you have two of them with a bracket and if you have a recycling or two trash cans or whatever else get two of them at a time and take them up the drive you know I made a recent video complaining about no drawbar on a 1025 R or the the BX series as well well this kind of eliminates it right it's not a true drawbar but this is a two inch receiver there's a black plate that's on the back of your 1025 R you can take that off and bolt this right in place of that okay and then you got a 2-inch receiver here and if take the one that's out of your truck use it in here away you go so not a drawbar but you know gives you a lot of flexibility and of course we have the weight bracket as well this is going to be the double weight bracket that allows you to have as many suitcase weights as possible on there they have a single weight bracket as well got the chain hook on here as well that way you can grab something on there and drag it along also has a receiver really good heavy duty this thing again super heavy I thought about leaving on the floor but I'm not that big of a wimp so I picked it up some great products here heavy hich 5% off with code GWT as you can see made in the USA it goes without saying that all your hydraulic connections need to be made completely and securely so lots of times you're gonna run into instances where you think that you've got a quick coupler here connected and you actually don't and a good way that I always check is I give it a Yank I give it a Yank back and see if it'll pop out of there or not you know and so sometimes that's just well not a foolproof test and so it could still not be connected and one of those reasons ways that that can happen is if you have hydraulic pressure that's still in the lines when you disconnect them you know so when you go back to reconnect them that hydraulic pressure is still there it doesn't just reconnect you know sometimes you can't even get it to go in there at all and you need to relieve that pressure other times it'll kind of appear that it's in there and it's just actually not connected so one of your hydraulic responses isn't going to work like raising or lowering your loader or curling and rolling your bucket you know now if you have power beyond on a backhoe I had a call about that a few months back sold a customer attractor and had an aftermarket backhoe on it and he decided to sell the backhoe he didn't want that back though any more and so he had taken the backhoe off and then wanted to use the three-point hitch after that couldn't get the three-point hitch to respond the the rock shaft control and he didn't reconnect the power beyond circuit there when the backhoe was off and so all these circuits you know there's a reason that they have to work in unison and that they call him the circuit so they got to be connected from point A to point B to have that flow go where it's needed otherwise it doesn't have anywhere to go you're not gonna have the pressure that you need and and therefore not get the response you need so I'm this tractor here I'm going to show you what to do if you get in a situation that you have too much built-up pressure and you can't get this coupler put back on typically what you would do if you want to disconnect your hydraulic couplers is you would work this loader joystick in every direction before you disconnect him here by working it in all those directions you're gonna relieve that built-up pressure after the machine is turned off and it's gonna make it a lot easier to reconnect them later you'd be able to disconnect them either way which is what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna show you how you can't get it reconnected and then what to do okay so I'm going to go ahead and show you what to do in case you forget to relieve that hydraulic pressure before you disconnect your lines so I'm gonna go ahead and disconnect this one here okay I've gone ahead and disconnected that and now I'm gonna go ahead and try to reconnect it nope can't do it can't do it it just won't see it in there because there's too much hydraulic pressure inside this side right here okay there's too much fluid and pressure pushing this way on this nipple so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna cover it up here because there's gonna be pressure than there okay and so you cover it up because it's gonna keep it from spraying all over the place and then I'm just gonna push it on this piece of steel just like that you can see this squirts right through there it makes a bit of a mess but you can see all that pressure that was in there and now it's not and so what you can do at that point is then go ahead and reconnect that fitting and you can see I've made quite a mess here now I did that just for you guys hey you cheapskates listen up you know what you ever heard the saying by once cry once that applies completely to getting a tractor okay so often you know a lot of my inventory actually is is here because of the fact that folks are trading in trading up trading down trading to something different whatever it might be so get that paint over with the first time you know if you're on a tight on a budget and you're getting a cheaper tractor because of that it's not a smart thing to do you know you're gonna cost yourself more money in the long run figure out a way to maybe get a little more of a down payment or perhaps stretch those payment terms a little bit longer if you need to until a future date comes and you can redo that or you can pay more year from now whatever it might be you know you're gonna pay less overall it really hurts to trade in a tractor you're just simply not going to get the value out of it that you purchase it from it's just a reality so I'm telling you it happens all the time with me with other dealers around the country get the right tractor don't buy too small don't buy too big if you want a cab get one with a cab whatever it might be just get the right tractor for you the first time and I know that can be tough it can be a daunting task especially if you're a first-time tractor owner you don't know what to get you know and a lot of these tractors can do quite a bit of work sometimes you need to have a loader capacity a certain minimum lift requirement on a loader for instance like if you're lifting a round bale you know but lots of times if you get something like a 1025 are a really small subcompact you can still do the work it's just gonna take you a little bit longer you're gonna have smaller attachments so that's not necessarily a bad thing it's something if you have a certain minimum requirement or a maximum requirement perhaps its size or getting through a gate for instance or again with the round bales or you know sidewalks if you have something that fits on a sidewalk for commercial plowing or that kind of thing you know there's a lot of reasons to get a tractor make sure it's the right one the first time because it's very expensive an expensive lesson if you don't do so you know a big no-no a big taboo item in the tractor world is modifying your rollover protection system you're a wrap system do not go drilling holes in here do not go cutting it off and then we welding it shorter so you can fit it in your shed don't do that stuff you know it's a huge liability concern you're not going to be covered if something does happen because they're just gonna point to that it could lead to premature failure as well there's just a lot of reasons not to do that if you want to add on some lights to it get some clamps you know get some clamps on here you know utilize another hole that might be on here already that could be designed and engineered into the design of the structure you know and lots of times most of the time I should say these are gonna have folding rollover protection systems on them so you can fold it down to get underneath whatever it is you saw more of that modification where folks were chopping them off and real welding or just chopping them off and leaving them like that on the earlier generations of wraps when they didn't have the folding partition that they do now so again do not modify that it's a safety concern it's a liability concern and just something you want to stay away from so I'll here at my shop you know I try to keep all my tractor's stored inside as much as absolutely possible and when I get folded the brim you know I'm raising loaders up and I'll rest them on top of rob's bars that kind of thing just to keep stacking them in here and getting as many in as possible you know and so I don't know what happened I must not have connected a bucket the whole way but I had a bucket resting on top of a ROPS bar like this and I left it there for a couple days I must have been gone and came back out and the loader arms were somewhere down here and the bucket was halfway attached and halfway detached and just it was a it was a real dicey situation you know I had to try to figure out how to get this bucket back onto the loader it was partially on without falling down and crashing down on the tractor that was underneath it you know and then and get it back on there and off and you know those buckets this was on a 40 105 I think it was and so it was a big bucket you know a six-foot bucket on there not light and easy to maneuver around I think I had my brother helped me out with that if I'm number right what I'm trying to tell you hydraulics are gonna leak down over time it doesn't matter if it's a Kubota a John Deere whatever manufacturers so if you store your loader up and you don't have anything underneath there propping it it's going to leak down over time same thing can be said with a backhoe you know you've got little pins in here that can keep those things from drifting down that's the whole point of them you know hydraulics leak over time and so if you have a small storage space and you are storing everything in there is compact and nice and tidy as possible and think you're doing a great job make sure you account for the fact that it's gonna drift down over time unless you've got something to prevent that from happening so it can go through a shed wall and garage wall your drywall into something else you don't want to bang into it's happened to me I know it's happened to other folks something to be aware of don't let it slip your mind because it's gonna be a costly and frustrating mistake to make once you realize what's happened and when you realize it it's gonna be too late guys well that was enjoyable I had a good time so thanks for watching the biggest mistakes that tractor owners make if you've got some others to add to the list make sure you leave a comment in the section below down there give me a thumbs up give me a thumbs down make sure you hit that subscribe button if you haven't done so already if you have been subscribing I really appreciate it make sure you head on over to good works tractor comm check the description as well I put a lot of links in there I've got some good products for tractor owners and my amazon store light bulbs and other accessories that you can get for your Jeane as always thank you so much for watching until next time take care we'll see you soon
Channel: Good Works Tractors
Views: 310,158
Rating: 4.8973651 out of 5
Keywords: tractor tips, tractor advise, tractor advice, tractor help, how to, how to tractor, buy tractor, newbie, tractor newbie, good works tractors, advice, gwt, ttwt, tractor time with tim, outdoors with the morgans, stony ridge farmer, michigan, john deere, kubota, 1025r, kubota bx, massey ferguson, kioti, mahindra, rural king tractors, ls tractors, john deere dealer, kubota dealer, tractor dealer, tractors for sale, tips for tractor owners, how to guide, tractor mistakes, mistakes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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