This Land Hasn't Been Farmed In 30+ Years! Time For BIG BUD Iron!

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thank you foreign check it out it's got the 525  running this is a 1978 kta 525   big bud we're gonna be doing some work with him reason we got this girl out we picked up 500  Acres of CRP ground CRP is a conservation ground   that the government has run on the program they  actually still are but basically farmers in farm   ground for a lot of years got paid to just let  us at idle for the environmental reasons and   anyways with a lot said um it's coming out and we  picked a police on it and so we got to break it   up and turn it into Farm ground and you can't  just take CRP and just turn it right to farm   ground it's got to get prepped and we found out  of thousands of Acres we've done it multiple ways   the best way is you got to cultivate it you got to  break that sod up and get the the all the Alfalfa   broke up and the grass has broke up so you can  start the process to turn into good soil and then   then we'll go back to no-till so all you  guys out there that are all pro no-till   don't worry this is the process you gotta  do no matter where you're at in this world   to start get the ground ready to grow crop  now once we eliminate the sod layer that's   there from the established grasses and  alfalfas and the clovers and all that   then we'll only plant crop him only his chemicals  and there won't be any more angle to the ground   good glad we're on the same page there but  this is an old freak's dad I think it's a   50 some odd footer and might be a 48 and uh  it's got some chisel points on it so we're   gonna get hooked up to the old bud this  Bud he's pulling years and years ago we   use this once in a while and it's gonna  use again let's get to work yeah foreign thank you for those that may not know these  freaks dads which eventually became flexicoil   which eventually became c h industrial or Case IH  New Holland we're uh the Beast of the fields back   in the day these things have cultivated a lot of  Acres a lot of Acres and they were closely tied   into the Productions of big buds and the fall of  big bud actually almost brought down Frick's dad   amazing how it worked out but they're  still around we're still using them   and the old iron is still you know what it's  doing sounds like we got a problem here oh   there it goes let's put some air in the line get  the other side of lift up let's go over there foreign foreign foreign foreign CRP is coming up first time this ground's  gonna be farmed and oh I don't know 30 years   since the beginning of the CRP program so this  is that new lease ground that we picked up it's   500 acres here we're gonna do half of it this year  the 525 is running like a champ and the old freaks   dad's working so he's going to go One Direction  and go like a 45 another Direction and then we'll   bring in the sweep do the same thing and we'll see  how we're sitting down it pulls hard but this odds   uh it's pulling up nice so we gotta go back get  the other vehicle get some tools and uh we'll get   this done all right I'm in the five and a quarter  CRP just as uh Nick said for those who don't   know what crb means CRP was a program that the  agriculture Department of Agriculture of the US   decided back in the 80s to retire so much  of the Farmland that was highly a Rollerball   uh that means that it fell  into a certain classification   um and they would pay a yearly fee to keep  it out of production so quite a bit of land   around here they had a 25 cap of the Farmland  in each County no more than 25 could go in   and our County reached that within the two  years of uh of the programs uh starting   and the beginning of the program and  and so this field here along with a   lot of ours that was in the CRP back  then was put in at about 1987 1988. so we're looking at well over 30 years  on some of this ground that's been in CRP   the landlord that had this piece of ground   cited note that the program payment  was lower than what he could get back   in a period of time of cropping so he leased that  to us and we are in the process now of to carrying   the grass up uh cultivating the grass to try to  get it back into a Farmland let me show you Kobe he loves to be with me he loves to be  on the tractor oh he hurt the doors   shut let's let him in you want to come in Comey okay say hi I'm camera shy foreign this is the defender Max the  four-seater I've got a sippy cup for me   or maybe some others we're gonna go find some  rocks that I marked months ago spraying the field   so we're gonna load up the family we're gonna  drive around and go to where my tags my geotags   and see if I can find these rocks or hidden  randomly out in our fields and get them loaded up   because you guys think I should do that and it's  gonna be fun because it's a beautiful day and it's   fall and we're running out of these days so let's  take the Can-Am let's go get some work done the   kids will get it enjoy a little ride no here I've  got my maps this is just Google Earth the farm   and all those are geotags of rocks that we  found I don't think I'm gonna get them all today   but we're going to try to get as  mean as we can so uh let's go for   that one first right there okay is everyone  ready everyone buckled yeah ever got the shoes on   different rocks yet have you seen a rock  no okay all right we got everybody let's go found the first one thank you Levi how's your arm doing this thing show the  troll the camera oh somebody fell off the bed   so but he's only got about four days  left and he gets that thing removed   all right he'll be back to normal right to  drive to combine big bud Eagle Truck yep okay see any rocks Levi what about  now Rosie Rock is that it   is this the Rock that doesn't look big enough I  guess I get it anyways this is probably not it we found one and that wasn't on the  map we're getting it anyways let's go   the Big Rock Road that way  it's probably as much as I do look at all those bugs that are  there oh yeah that's 150 pound Rock I'm having an idea hey Rosie  wanna lift your feet up we got enough weight in the side by side  we're low enough I can roll it up in there scratch the paint ah I'll Buckle it in okay rock safe  drives there you got a footrest Rosie   see gotta think ahead okay here we go  let's see here yeah that looks good   oh no no we got a ways to go hope you guys packed  lunches did you pack your food Rosie lookie laughs oh poor Levi I think we gotta stop and go  home maybe we got enough rocks for today   we got another casualty back here  too and she's tired as well right foreign what you guys didn't see earlier is uh I did I did  put those in the side by side drop them off here   I just I forgot to film it I yeah I know that  tire I found that yeah I was there too so yeah   you can believe me it was true true story true  story real internet's true believe everything all right good day find something else  to do we got a bunch of Sleepy Kids okay went over in Western Montana uh had a couple  things to do stopped by the lake house   um but also we decided to go visit Northwestern  Montana Northwestern Montana the corner uh of the   state and we just went through the town of Libby  a little bit of history on the Libby uh area uh   there that's a super fun cleanup because of the  asbestos but there's also the Kootenai Dam uh   Big Dam on the Kootenai river which finally ends  up I believe in the Columbia uh out of Pacific   Northwest so this very mountainous full of trees  a lot of logging uh so we're gonna walk down to a   suspension bridge that goes across the Kootenai  River it's a little walk down there so let's go okay to give you a little bit of insight of  what we're doing uh we're actually Crossing   uh which is the Burlington Santa Fe railroad  which really was the Great Northern Railroad   which was put in in the 18 late 1800s and uh this  is the main line that passes our farm uh if you've   seen maybe in some videos all the freak of the  Grain cars going by a lot of traffic this is the   main line across the northern United States so  anyway we're going to walk down to the river we   gotta cross this railroad with this suspension  bridge I have my wife with me Isn't that cool   no she's hot it's cool about 45 degrees right  now okay uh first of all we're gonna go to the   falls the Kootenai Falls is this direction and  then we'll come back and we'll take a look at   that and walk across that suspension bridge  okay we're at the Falls uh part of the falls   there's just a lot of broken drops and uh when the  flow is greater it flows over quite a bit of the   right these uh uh belt group formations  uh this Shale this here as you can tell   as you look you can see kind of wavy patterns  and all these was a shallow sea at the time   and uh mud that flew that flowed into  this area and uh caused the ripples   eventually was buried hardened and that's  what we are now exposed after the glacier   okay here we are at the bridge we'll go  ahead and uh muster up the courage foreign show my masculinity foreign algae that was at when this was laid down back  uh extreme amount of years ago I mean ancient   years uh there was algae growing in the shallow  Waters very shallow and I believe this is what   they're talking about these are groups of algae  it's it's not current algae because I can run   my finger across there is no raised it's part  of The Rock but that's the imprint that's left he's the spiritual leader of the  squirrels that's a chipmunk okay   we are now past Libby going to Eureka  which should be going east from from uh the   urea Libby we just got to see the uh Kootenai  Falls and uh now we're gonna look at the dam   that's Upstream from Kootenai Falls  and so let me turn the camera around okay well we're at the top of the dam uh  quite a body of water that's filled this   Valley of the Kootenai River and uh it's uh it's  down a little bit uh probably I don't know 15   feet it does produce electricity I'm not sure how  much electricity of kilowatts but uh just judging   from the flow of the river pretty good size uh  generation and that is what you call blue energy that's liquid currency or liquid current all  right some of you guys might find that little   revolting but that's okay I'm ample to uh  take the abuse okay we're on our way home   uh back uh to the farm uh after a little  brief stay at the lake house in Western   Montana Kalispell and we're going to be driving  through Glacier Park uh in the mountains and   of course it's fall and beautiful colors so  I'll give you a few snap Snippets of the Fall okay this is a spot that we had they've since  put a trailer house in there there was an old   old railroad car that we used to have and uh um we  had it for probably oh I don't know 15 20 years my   dad actually had it and uh and then uh I I took  it over but it was fairly uh rusted rotted out   um there was mold issues so and at the  time we really couldn't buy the property   because it's owned by was owned by BN um  but anyway we used to look at this View that's Glacier National Park across this  River this is the Middle Fork of the Flathead   it's what we used to call Big River and we  used to float up there about eight miles   and float down this River and come out right here  at this bridge and oh I spent there's 12 years at   times we had a white water raft and we would float  that I've been down that River many many times   but it was a beautiful view really relaxing  up here um but we now can enjoy the lake   house okay the last Lake uh going through the  mountains west to east before we hit the plains   uh this right here what we call Mariah's  pass and this Monument here is a monument for   um actually the destination this is a continental  divide going all the way from uh south Alaska down   through Mexico and uh this is where the waters  of the Continental North America is divided   either that goes to the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf  of Mexico or the Hudson Bay or go to the Pacific   Ocean so this is the the line right here so we  are actually going over the Continental Divide   this is the lowest pass I believe across the  continental United States which is interesting   because that's Glacier Park anyway we're about  uh 80 miles away from home uh heading east but   just thought you guys would like to be a part of  being right on the Continental Divide west to east
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 1,203,714
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Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: STiQ4Nd-HfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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