How Do You Steer a Drill Below The Earth?

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In December 2019, the City of Fort Lauderdale,  Florida experienced a series of catastrophic   ruptures in a critical wastewater transmission  line, releasing raw sewage into local waterways   and neighborhoods. Recognizing the need for  improvements to their aging infrastructure,   the City embarked on a plan to install  a new pipeline to carry sewage from the   Coral Ridge Country Club pumping station  across 7 miles (or 12 kilometers) to the   Lohmeyer Wastewater Treatment Plant.  But just drawing a line on the map   hides the enormous complexity of a project  like this. Installing an underground pipeline   through the heart of a major urban area while  crossing three rivers is not a simple task. Underground utilities are usually installed by  a technique known as trenching. In other words,   we excavate a trench down from the surface, place  the line, backfill the soil, and repair whatever   damage to the streets and sidewalks remains. That  type of construction is profoundly disruptive,   requiring road closures, detours, and pavement  repairs that never quite seem as nice as the   original. Trenches are also dangerous for the  workers inside, so they have to be supported   to prevent collapse. Beyond the human risk,  in sensitive environmental areas like rivers   and streams, trenching is not only technically  challenging but practically unachievable because   of the permits required. In fact, trenching  in urban areas to install pipelines these days   is for the birds. When the commotion of  construction must be minimized, there are   many trenchless technologies for installing pipes  below the ground. One of those methods helped Fort   Lauderdale get a 7-mile-long sewer built in less  than a year and half, and is used across the world   to get utility lines across busy roadways and  sensitive watercourses. I’m Grady and this is   Practical Engineering. On today’s episode, we’re  talking about horizontal directional drilling. This video is sponsored by Curiosity  Stream and Nebula. More on them later. If you’ve ever seen one of these machines on  the side of the road, you’ve seen a trenchless   technology in action. Although there are quite  a few ways to install subsurface pipelines,   telecommunication cables, power lines, and sewers  without excavating a trench, only one launches   lines from the surface. That means you’re much  more likely to catch a glimpse. Like laparoscopic   surgery for the earth, horizontal directional  drilling (or HDD) doesn’t require digging open   a large area like a shaft or a bore pit to get  started. Instead, the drill can plunge directly   into the earth’s surface. From there, horizontal  directional drilling is pretty straightforward,   but it’s not necessarily straight. In fact, HDD  necessarily uses a curved alignment to enter   the earth, travel below a roadway or river,  and exit at the surface on the other side.   Let me show you how it works and at the end, we’ll  talk about a few of the things that can go wrong. The first step in an HDD installation is  to drill a pilot hole, a small diameter   borehole that will guide the rest of the  project. A drill rig at the surface has   all the tools and controls that are needed.  These rigs can be tiny machines used to get   a small fiber-optic line under a roadway or  colossal contraptions capable of drilling   large-diameter boreholes for thousands  of feet at a time. As such, many of the   details of HDD vary across projects, but the  basic steps and equipment are all the same. As the drill bit advances through the earth,  the rig adds more and more segments of pipe   to lengthen the drill string. Through this pipe,  drilling fluid is pumped to the end of the string.   Drilling fluid, also known as mud or slurry,  serves several purposes in an HDD project. First,   it helps keep the drill bit lubricated and  cool, reducing wear and tear on equipment   and minimizing the chances of a tool breaking  and getting stuck in the hole. Next, drilling   fluid helps carry away the excavated soil or rock,  called the cuttings, and clear them from the hole.   Finally, drilling fluid stabilizes and seals  the borehole, reducing the chance of a collapse. I have here an acrylic box partly full  of sand, a setup you’re probably quite   familiar with if you follow my channel. Turns  out a box of sand can show a lot of different   phenomena in construction and civil engineering.  Compared to soils that hold together like clay,   sand is the worst case scenario when it comes  trying to keep a borehole from collapsing.   If I pull away this support, the simulated  borehole face caves in no time. If I add   groundwater to the mix, the problem is even  worse. Pulling away the support, the wall   of my borehole doesn’t stand a chance. Let me  show you how drilling fluid solves this problem. I’m mixing up a handcrafted artisanal batch of  drilling mud, a slurry of water and bentonite   powder. This is a type of clay created by  volcanic ash that swells and stays suspended   when mixed with water. It’s pretty gloopy stuff,  so it gets used in cosmetics and even winemaking,   but it’s also the most common constituent in  drilling fluids. If I add the slurry to one   side of the demo, you can see how the denser  fluid displaces the groundwater. It’s not the   most appetizing thing I’ve ever put on camera, but  watch what happens when I remove the rigid wall.   The drilling fluid is able to support the face  of the sand, preventing it from collapsing. In   addition to supporting the sand, the drilling  fluid seals the surface of the borehole to reduce   migration of water into or out of the interface.  In most HDD operations, the drilling fluid flows   in through the drill string and back out of the  borehole, carrying the cuttings along toward the   entry location where it is stored in a tank or  containment pit for later disposal or reuse. So far HDD follows essentially the same steps as  any other drilling into the earth, but that first   ‘D’ is important. Horizontal directional  drilling means we have to steer the bit.   The drill string has to enter the subsurface from  above, travel far enough below a river or road   to avoid impacts, evade other subsurface  utilities or obstacles below the ground,   and exit the subsurface on the other side  in the correct location. I don’t know if   you’ve ever tried to drill something, but  so far when I do it, I’ve never been able   to curve the bit around objects. So how is it  possible in horizontal directional drilling? There are really two parts to steering a drill  string. Before you can correct the course,   you need to know where you are in the first  place, and there are a few ways to do it.   One option is a walkover locating device that  can read the position and depth of a drill bit   from the surface. A transmitter behind the bit  in the drill string sends a radio signal that   can be picked up by a handheld receiver. Other  options include wire-line or gyro systems that use   magnetic fields or gyroscopes to keep track  of the bit's location as it travels below   the surface. Once you know where the bit is,  you can steer it to where you want it to go. I’ve made up a batch of agar, which is a  translucent gel made from the cell walls of   algae. I tried this first in the same acrylic box,  but the piping hot jelly busted a seam and came   pouring out into my bathtub, creating a huge mess.  So, you’ll have to excuse the smaller glassware   demo. My simulated drill string is just a length  of wire. There are two things to keep in mind   about directional drilling: (1) Although they seem  quite rigid, drill pipes are somewhat flexible   at length. If I take a short length of this wire  and try to bend it, it’s pretty difficult, but a   longer segment deflects with no problem. And, (2)  you don’t have to continuously rotate the drill   string in order to advance the borehole. You can  just push on it, forcing the bit through the soil. My wire pushes through the agar without much  force at all, and a drill string can be advanced   through the soil in a similar way, especially  when lubricated with water or drilling fluid.   The real trick for steering a drill string is  the asymmetric bit. Watch what happens when I   put a bend on the end of my wire and advance  it through the agar. It takes a curved path,   following the direction of the bend. If I rotate  the wire and continue advancing, I can change the   direction of the curve. The model drill string is  biased in one direction because of the asymmetry,   and I can take advantage of that bias to  steer the bit. I can steer the string left,   then rotate and advance again to steer the bit  to the right. I’m a little bit clumsy at this,   but with enough control and practice, I could  steer this wire to any location within the agar,   avoid obstacles, and even have it  exit at the surface wherever I wanted. This is exactly how many horizontal directional  drills work. The controls on the rig show the   operator which way the bit is facing. The  drill string can be rotated to any angle   (called clocking), then advanced to change the  direction of the borehole. Sometimes a jet nozzle   at the tip of the bit sprays drilling fluid  to help with drilling progress. If the nozzle   is offset from the center, it can help create a  steering bias like the asymmetric bit. Just like   the Hulk’s secret is that he’s always angry, a  directional drill string’s secret is that it’s   always curving. The rig operator’s only steering  control is the direction the drill string curves. And hey, if that sounds like something you’d like  to try for yourself, my friend Dan Shiffman over   at the Coding Train YouTube channel built a  2D horizontal directional drilling simulator.   This is an open-source project, so  you can contribute features yourself,   but it’s also really fun if you  just want to play a few rounds. If you’re into coding or you're wanting to get  started, there is no better way than working   through all the incredible and artistic examples  Dan comes up with for his coding challenges.   Go check him out his video on HDD after  this one, and tell him I sent you. Once the drill string is headed in the right  direction, it can just be continuously rotated   to keep the bit moving in a relatively  straight line. The pilot hole for an HDD   project is just an exercise in checking the  location and adjusting the clock position   of the drill string over and over until  the drill string exits on the other side,   hopefully in exactly the location you  intended. But, not all soil conditions   allow for a drill string to simply  be pushed through the subsurface. Rocky conditions, in particular, make  steering a drill rig challenging. An   alternative to simply ramming the bit through  the soil is to use a downhole hydraulic motor.   Also known as mud motors, these devices convert  the hydraulic energy from the drilling fluid   being pumped through the string to rotate a  drill bit that chews through soil and rock.   This allows for faster, more efficient drilling  without having to rotate the whole drill string.   The housing of the mud motor is  bent to provide steering bias,   and the drill string can be clocked to  change the direction of the borehole. Once the pilot hole exits on the other side, it  has to be enlarged to accommodate the pipe or   duct. That process is called reaming. A reamer is  attached to the drill string from the exit hole   and pulled through the pilot toward the drill  rig to widen the hole. Depending on the size of   the pipe to be installed, contractors may ream  a hole in multiple steps. The final reaming is   combined with the installation of the pipeline.  This step is called the pull back. The pipe   to be installed in the borehole is lined up on  rollers behind the exit pit. The end of the pipe   is attached to the remaining assembly, and the  whole mess is pulled with tremendous force through   the borehole toward the rig. Finally, it can be  connected at both ends and placed into service. That’s how things work when everything goes  right, but there are plenty of things that can   go wrong with horizontal directional drilling too.  Parts of the drill string can break and get stuck   in the pilot hole. Drilling can inadvertently  impact other subsurface utilities or underground   structures. The pipeline can get stuck or damaged  on pullback. Or, the borehole can collapse. The controversial Mariner East II pipeline in  Pennsylvania experienced a litany of environmental   problems during its construction between 2017  and 2022. Most of those problems happened on   HDD segments of the line and involved  inadvertent returns of drilling fluid.   That’s the technical term for the situation when  drilling fluid exits a borehole at the surface   instead of circulating back to the entrance  pit. The inadvertent returns in the Mariner   East II line created water quality issues in  nearby wells, led to sinkholes in some areas,   and spilled drilling fluid into sensitive  environmental areas. The pipeline owner was   fined more than $20 million over the course of  construction due to violations of their permits,   and they are still mired in legal battles and  extreme public opposition to the project to date. In the case of Mariner East II, most of  the drilling fluid spills were partially   related to the difficult geology in Pennsylvania.  Clearly HDD isn’t appropriate for every project.   But in most cases, trenchless technologies  are the environmentally-superior way to   install subsurface utilities because they  minimize disruptions on the surface to the   people in urban areas and sensitive  habitat around rivers and wetlands. This video’s sponsor is actually two sponsors,  Curiosity Stream and Nebula, which is awesome   because you get access to both for less than the  price of similar services. Nebula’s a completely   ad-free streaming service built by and for your  favorite independent creators like Wendover   Productions, Real Engineering, and me. It’s a way  for us to try new ideas and longer videos that   might not work well on ad-supported platforms  like YouTube. My videos go live there the day   before they go on YouTube, and one of my favorite  parts of Nebula is rewatching some of my favorite   creators’ back catalogs of videos without any  ads. And, we’re super excited to continue our   partnership with Curiosity Stream, a service with  thousands of documentaries and non-fiction titles   on pretty much every subject you can imagine.  Curiosity Stream loves independent creators   and wants to help us grow our platform, so they’re  offering free access to Nebula when you sign up at I know  there are a lot of streaming services right now,   and if you add them all up it would be hundreds  of dollars a month. That’s why this bundle   is such an awesome deal. You get access to  two platforms (Nebula and Curiosity Stream)   for less than $15 a year. I have kids,  so when we have the TV on in house,   I want to make sure it’s something that expands  their minds. Curiosity Stream has a huge library   of kid-friendly content, like this series that  covers every single national park in the US.   This is the stuff that used to be on TV  when I was a kid, and it’s so good. Plus,   watch Sam from Wendover Productions try to break  the law while evading his production team in the   Nebula-exclusive series, Crime Spree. This bundle  is a great way to support my channel and a whole   host of your other favorite educational creators.  Plus it’s just a good deal. Do us both a favor and   click that link in the description. Thank you  for watching, and let me know what you think
Channel: Practical Engineering
Views: 2,999,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Underground utilities, trenchless technologies, horizontal directional drilling, HDD, trenchless technology, laparoscopic surgery, curved alignment, borehole, drilling fluid, drilling mud, bentonite powder, gyro systems, agar, reaming, Mariner East II
Id: JAhdb7dKQpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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