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hello everybody my name is farmer Phil and in today's video we are getting the first cut silage into the pit at long last 3 weeks late or than last year but we're getting it done so I've been away all morning bailing just back so I have to drop off the Bor throw the cane onto the 7618 me sister Jess is on the pit at the minute is her first time ever being on the pit they're not long after starting the issue we had was they were waiting for bro to come back from raking in front of me and I was actually keeping well up behind them there's only maybe 4 Acres ahead of me so bit of a late start now just because of that the 3690 is on the can and I think Brendan is drawing in it he shook out the rest of the silage there this morning so with the 3690 and the AAS Liv is in the 6290 I think with one of the trainers so I get the cane on this and then I'll swap with Jess and let Jess start drawing waiting on the black Massie George to come as well and when he gets this far then we'll fairly start motoring into it but be into the yard we get Fusion off trailer on swap a chess and then I'm going tip down to the field with the Drone cuz we're taking the full width of the pit which I'll explain why later we haven't done it in quite some time we get ourselves reorganized and we get her in just have the can trailer on and I've encountered an issue as you may see here the little nipple on the end is after collapsing into to it spring must have gone and what's happening is the way the Hydraulics work is that little nipple there there's a nipple on the inside there and when you shove that in the two nipples meet and they push each other open so then oil can flow between the two and because that is now the spring probably broken inside so that nipple is not there so when you put it together this nipple on the tractor end isn't getting pushed back to let o allow the tractor to flow in to tip the trailer and that's why you always check Everton before you leave the yard you always check that everything works you tip your trailers you press all the buttons you do now is get a new end um just want to get going so I'm going to find an old end or off something or there might be one in the workshop shelf shelf and stick it on just to replace that but yeah TR the machine and we're back trying to get this open it's always hard get these open we got it so that's what happened so that lad sits in in the bottom of us with the spring and the tip this is where cor up that's what's inside that what's happened is that's after breaking out so then this fell down so it wouldn't push stick on this one we check the this tips and then we send we check up on Jess and we send her on our merry way make sure it's got tip all the way yep back back and we check up with Jess you seem quite happy there Jess uh new job new job huh first time on the P what do you think it's Grand when there's only two drawn that tractor and trailer is ready to go there was a you want well you want to stay here uh there's no pressure on so no I want to push up you can do it after you gone done video and out that way okay I'll draw a load or two I was going to go out there and fly the Drone but I suppose I can there's Brandon come all right have fun I've been just put out of a job so for anyone who's wondering where's Lee today Lee has been pushed up basically all the pits so far this year I got to spend about 3 hours on one one day Leo is off today and he's taking today and tomorrow off there's a 3690 coming in there now the hering on we'll be on with this draw a few load get some footage in the field I'll fly the Drone later when I'm not drawn cuz I can get better footage when I'm drawn and trying to fly the Drone that's tough that is tough we B onto the field they're lifting the new ground first so that's our ducks and nettles as me and live have decided to call it and put that in on the bottom of the P be on up the road and we'll see how they're getting on so we're just here now there's not too much left of the new fight new Farm field call the house Fields is the house in it but um yeah doesn't look too bad this road up nicely they they're not the biggest for CU what is we get H underneath this spout Eric seems to have put two rows side Bes side so one of the things I was always told when drawing silage is to fill the back of the trailer first reason for that is I can see how the trailer is filling in so that fatter fill can pay attention to what's in front of them if there's any obstacles around in the field that maybe there shouldn't be our stones or sticks or whatnot so I always aim get the back of the trailer fill then to the front to the back and then F field just tops off the load the only exception to that is if you're in really wet ground or you're on really tricky B of going metal detector really tricky B of going you um fill the front first you have more weight in the tractor makes it easier right metal detector Big G up around probably a small be wire it quite literally takes absolutely nothing to set it off yeah break forward and Away off but down the camera cuz there's more H than as work I this job back on again George is here now so we're on all four of a strong so we should start shifting this quite nicely quite quickly and that's our F so yeah I won't be coming back here anyways I going find out where he's going next back to the yard and tip and um I'll just keep going till Jessica's like uh can I swap be HT and you know something too she not doing too bad a job of it not doing too bad of a job of it at all eventually here we are Big Field bro is going to be under pressure because he is literally just about two rounds ahead of the Harvester it's not yeah he's going to be under pressure so this is p looks like Ted out it's just about underground now 24 hours that's in superb shape that that is in superb shape that's some as tedar does a serious job anyways so that's the rose so just have to wait now for the Harvester so I'm going to stick up the Drone there maybe catch him driving down the road and um yeah got some nice drone [Music] forood I walked in Friday night looking for a girl feeling all right dubox playing loud and true Willie was singing that crazy tune there she was getting down riding that bull people crowding around she stepped off and walked the room got me hooked nothing I couldn't do I can't deny that I'm meant to you she locked me up in her beautiful truth this cowg girl's got me singing the blues she got me hook yes she got me up to the bar to get her a drink the shooting star had me on the brink she said Cowboy why you talking to me you ain't John Wayne stop pretending to be lose the boots and your steps and hat a real man doesn't need to act why be him when you can be you don't make Cowboys like they used to but I can't deny that I'm in to you you lock me up in your beautiful Tru this cowg girl now is singing the blue you got me hook yeah you got [Music] Meo oh [Music] yeah [Music] woo she said don't make Cowboys like they used to she said the don't make Cowboys like we used to but she got me hooked yes she got [Music] me so I'm just leaving the field after flying the Drone there catching everyone drawn a bit and as much as I thought Jess would be under pressure bro is going to be under percious pressure to keep up cuz the pass them out as you seen we were just like going harder than he can with four trailers on the draw even three trailers is probably enough because George is just full there now he's basically follow me out the field and live is already there to run under the spout so four trailers is definitely going to keep the Harvester from not having to stop for a second this will go into the dark of the night could be one or two in the morning when we get it finished but we're just going all outad because everyone is leaving us tomorrow live is going tinkling to see our family Jess is going to a concert Brendan is away um I W or something and Lee is away um he took the weekend off so it's basically just me me Eric and Father Phil and George if if we need if we if we were going to draw silage which that basically leaves to if Eric was finished I don't know where we're going Jess wants to swap there now think she's under pressure have the straight have to straighten it out chest do I oh yeah I've never done a before well you weren't doing too bad there till um got bit busy it got busy but put the camera somewhere and we straighten it [Music] up everyone has stopped so it's time to get some grub fing up nicely now 3690 seems to be running pretty good A weep off the front there that's quite wet engine oil Rock recover gasket what that is that needs to be done oh D something anyways we get some grub we're back in after the tea I now have my mascot berty with me is that right berty that's right berty so if you're wondering why is berty in the cab is because he come into the yard and he's standing around the yard and it's just like no happen to him if I pick him up and he's in the cab with me I know he's not going no he's not going to come to any harm I have the door shut so that that's not going to be an issue so they're about halfway through the Big Field I reckon I'm starting to look at the size of the pit I left to go into it and I'm getting a little bit concerned that we may not have enough so the big thing is the last couple of years we have been putting our first cut into that side of the pit and we'd leave the right hand side empty we wouldn't put anything into it and the reason for that was we'd put first cut there four crop there second cut on top then last year we went and we put in a third cut which was a little bit messy with the whole crop but this year our goal is no whole crop you heard it here first we're not going to be cutting any whole crop this year if things work out ideally now there's two reasons why we're not going to be cutting whole crop this year number one is now we have a grain dryer one of the reasons we used to cut whole crop was it was a a pretty safe bet that you would get your crop harvested regardless of the weather and you get your grain kept then you're strong you know you you get the crop and it was straightforward simple you didn't have to worry too much about it we won't need to cut B crop cuz we a to dry all our grin the second reason and probably the main reason why I suppose this is between the two is we think it'll be more efficient or beneficial for for financially beneficial for us to combine it feed them extra barely basically because half your barely was coming from the whole crop the other half you're feeding in straight barley so we think it' be more financially viable for us or better financially better off if we combine it all we can increase they still get same amount of barely it's just in a different form but we also end up with all that straw that we'll have extra for sale over and above what we'd have of a normal year but the price is STW at the minutes or the price yeah basic you could see at the minute while it finished up at the end of the year was colossal but that's why from this outset we're not going to be cutting H but that may change if we get a really shitty back end and there's no hope of us getting over CAU we may put in on the whole crop header take a few Fields over but yeah that's why we're going with the wide pit I suppose I won't say too much till we finish till we have it all in and then we'll look at the pit and we'll see then how we're looking cuz based on that then depends on how much of our second cook goes for Bales or goes to the pit and then how hard we try and push a tur cut cuz the push for a tur cut is going to need we're going to have to buy some extra Ura and buy basically just buy extra Yu and just be able to push a tur out of some of the ground we're waiting for that to tip I'm just going to show you cuz I'm looking Ahad all day now maze is shocking absolutely Ely shock and poor that's her Feld Ma you can see the runs with the poing that's doing fine that's doing as you would like maybe a little bit behind but the uncovered stuff is poor why is that the cold weather it is incredibly mild or more it's better I say better to say it's incredibly cold for this time of the year hardly any 20° heat days that's not good for the maze especially not under potin plastic what call it so the crop is looking quite poor quite quite poor if we don't get some hot weather in the next 2 weeks it the crop is going to be near enough a r hot because it will not C it will not C it won't reach its potential it's going to be short and it'll be just like a crop a straw but there's nothing we can do about it if we had potin we had some chance but without it it ain't looking good if if now they're talking after the weekend it may start to get warmer but they said that about last weekend and they never came I'm going to stop ranting and Raven and pick up the pace a bit with these loads because now I have two loads tipped all right party we pick up the pace we pick up the pace party we get more done yeah goodby Prett hectic here so excuse to stay at the pit at the minute and is just trying to keep it up out way and trying to keep the pace short they nearly finished The Big Field they're well on into it the more of a road you get on it not only is it for fermentation getting more air out with actual Sage pking a h and that but it also makes it easier to push grass up cuz you have a more firm surface for the wheels to get traction them to keep it push well that way and the reason for that is I'm taking a cover I do not want if I let it all out to the front and made a nice gradal slow B but I'd have a lot more covering to do just in tipping her load she's the last load out of The Big Field B up up more than the TOs after we had the team so there Jess just H another coming from the next Farm the only issue I'm having is I forgot to say it earlier there is a b of all silage in this so there's it's hard to know how much exactly but there was kind of a bit there and then a small bit all across the front and that all was just kind of pull back the waist taken from it and just left at the back of the pit just kind of pull back of it so it's not on top but there's a fair bit of it just over there and every time I roll out there it kind of just smudges this way away from me the first load off the last big rounds last big round we remot it's that really really heavy crop so I lift this spook it up here and you should be able to see it's not as green there's more Brown and more paler in it so that's the sign of the butt in at the underneath the the green that lush green is where all the photosynthesis is taking place cuz the green is the chloro man is acience all over again is the chloro I think that's what it's called I'm going say Chlor form but I know that's something that's not about is chlorop something like that but that's the green pigment so where the sunlight doesn't get your plant goes a darker color cuz it does it's of no advantage to the plant there so just have to get a message from live there and so bring that last p as I said I haven't been mod in 2 years anyways and looks like we hit wire in the field so I got a message hit all wire in that corner it's for bailing so I actually got it's for baking but that's a CRA for you and the next thing is well to show how heavy it is is blocked no it's not good when you see everyone P it off was the verdict just blocked just blocked did it block from one end to the other or yeah yeah it's saw block it blocked at the end of the spow well at least the spow is falling apart so it's not too bad makes easy get it out does it easy access easy access how's that looking yeah huh the way so it's blocked from right up there all the way down I didn't pull out the [Music] wire why did it block [Music] it just went just have a look at the rules ear at that it's actually seems to have Tred I it's not doesn't feel very sappy that but yeah is heavy all right there's enough grass on them anyways I think we're back back in Action I think it must be half 1 now so not half 1 half2 yeah it's just after half2 so about half an hour down time think what the issue was cuz they were picking wire in the corner cuz once you pick wire it stops there stops there that could have been what was wrong so I'm going to have some bailing to be done here tomorrow when I go bail in the multi species for H whatever they don't lift here I'll have the bail [Music] detector I feel like I'm going to have a lot to bail tomorrow so I do like the to the pit for me but give an estimate what do you think what time do you think where we finish that I reckon depending on wire the guts of at this day 3:00 I reckon somewhere between half 2 and 3:00 in the morning we should be finished okay d a [Music] saage there's one job we done I think two retreat ago now with all the silus trailers we put on two extra red markers and an LED flasher on all the silus trailers a some bloody job to do it okay we'll have to get the green trailers done we have the lights are there just time to get them done is a issue but Savage J never have enough lights so I had two phone calls one after another very interesting phone calls first one ffield three more load when George gets this F so it's probably about four or five more loow pit is pretty big second next phone call Liang me front wheels after blowing off the 6290 why no so thankfully she's just beside some of the land that we have on the main road and she's right beside the gate so she's just going to rim it in the field and we'll assess the situation tomorrow goodbye bye-bye that is the last of a deer and it started to rain M so it is 20 2 in the morning I'm going to spend half an hour to an hour on this just shove it all up tidy it up roll it tidy the edges just give it a bit of a tidy give it another roll tomorrow before we cover up but just like give it tidy compacted so that we do get a lot when there's no massive amount rain in the for cast but just have it nice and tight and it might take too much rain but anyways that's the crack and then we'll see what Stories We Live tractor tomorrow and cover the P we get this job wrapped up and we pick it up so it is the next morning we're in the 3690 and you may be wondering thought you said you were going to stay and and roll it well that's what I wanted to do but the veneri had other issues so is um just as I was finished I was just trying to tighten up the face to pick him a bit of a Fluff up just you know up on a nice Edge on it and next thing there was a d and I could hear oil running and I bust there and I just back to back there and knocked it off and it seems to have pissed a lot more oil since yeah so the Lord suffer first applied something in the chest valve between the front axle is where all the chest valve all the pipe work goes for the loader somewhere in there there's something bust so I just like to find not off I suspect this and as F fi would say it's still Superstition bad things comeing trees or things breaking trees so we had the Spy un blocked live blowing off a tire off front of the tractor and in the Lord shovel blowing up busting a pipe or chest valve we don't know that'll be Monday morning's job training in that H cuz we'll be back at Pits on sh Tuesday by the look days so I has we fix Monday so we finish this off it's not too bad I might I might have done a little bit more bits of leveling or that but it won't be too bad and try and get rolling out the 3690 or do a bit before I go and just waiting on her to service the r and then I'll be off behind them so and then I'm just going to try and get her packed down a bit we'll cover it later on when we get the bailing done all those days and to be fair every pit we done so far we had a full team run B hand not even a punch run a trailer get this pit roll best we can and we get recovered on CH enjoy so it's the next evening and yes I'm on the phone again because I just don't have the camera with me so live the tire went in her just coming up here so she literally couldn't have went in a better spot but she says the tire is gone yeah the tire's gone and and that's only a like a new tire yeah yeah that tire look I don't know how old that tire was but wasn't that tire bought new the time the 64 broke and you bought them for clean to go plowing cuz the front wheels are p no that's from the r that's where she bushed down there down there Tire's bollocked she needs a tire that that was B the back too has a a patch off off um kind of a matching so we're just on the new Farm Bullocks are just out there so they cross the road we put them here we've all our fencing done the farm is fully fenced now except for uh have to do some internal paddocks in The Big Field out there but that's the story for another day Bulls are on out there then but all the old growth is gone maybe we might do an update on the new Farm if you want if you want to see an update on the the new Farm we've taken how things are looking just let me know in the comments say yep update on the new Farm or whatever if we get 20 comments saying have a look at the new Farm we'll do so we'll make a video specifically on how we're getting on with it but anyways this is the the crack just happened to go on the right spot though for live yeah that happened further down the road or that yeah all saying it's better be born lucky than Rich even though it's unlucky to have it happen but it's lucky where it happens and for some strange reason every time things seem to go wrong with us it seems to be in a relatively lucky spot B
Views: 31,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, agriculture, tractor, combine, slurry, countryside, cows, bulls, farming, ireland, farmer, dog, machine, machinery, feed, silage, jcb, ursus, massey ferguson, new holland, fendt, john deere, work, work wear, farm work, cattle, calves, crops, cereal, corn, business, johndeere, ford, farmlife, tillage, irishfarmer, farmtofork, sustaniblefarming, dogs, claas, grassmen, joysoffarming, farmlifebestlife, farming in ireland, irish farming, farming life, BRITISH
Id: grIxbPs5FgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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