Making a few Performance upgrades to the John Deere and testing them

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morning so government came took the shop we're back over here now so it's for sale at [Music] auction [Music] obviously I'm joking getting some stuff out of here that uh BJ needs for a project got to find it yeah yeah there we go yeah yeah lights on I feel like I'm a cave really well lit and super warm in here isn't it yeah we're just above freezing my outside right now oh look at that yep you're good there's a whole box in here but this is uh like you stick that stuff on her and roll it out yeah BJ runs the 9410r and having some heat issues not like overheating but basically all the insulation under the cab has been eat on by varmits and his feet are getting warm so forgot I had some of that stuff laying around that a sound deadening SL insulation barrier it should help Propel some of that heat from and then dad's also got couple brakes it won't release so I'm just going to whack him with a hammer while he tries to release him I one ain't releasing break off hey there we go well maybe not this one's releasing just that one's hanging and time to do some sketchy stuff Jesus aay that sounded terrible I'll be darn they released well they're kind of hanging sometimes that one's not released dead gam it's locked lock again so we are going to be spreading with the pro force today it's over here in the building to get it backed out and let it get warming up but I have one load I need to do with that Oxo last time I was using it it got dark I couldn't see anymore so I quit spreading in the field over here and I want to finish it up with that because well the coverage map and all that stuff's in that monitor might as well just go ahead and finish it so got to do that too skunks in here it's happened before that's not what I want H what what in the world this is extremely annoying why is this thing dead what the well I guess we're going to be spreading with the Oxo that sucks this one holds more now we got a try to remember where all the remember have it jump this thing I think it's in here pretty sure I'm I'm 100% sure now we got to go hunt a battery charger in one of these buildings over here so I don't know if the Raven has a draw on it like that Pro Force has a raven control I don't know if there's some kind of draw going on never had an issue with that tractor it's been got parked there 8 days ago turns out it was hiding from me well we'll let that charge while we spread uh the rest of that field with the Oxo the more I get to thinking about it I may have left the AG leader on that thing I don't remember now last time Ian ran I was in a hurry but that'd be the one of the first times ever done that so maybe maybe not I don't know either way let's go get something done when we're waiting so it's kind of borderline it's a little a little tacky we had a little bit of snow over the weekend I think we had couple inches of snow so little little tacky still so we've had a lot of bridging issues someone actually told me to put that triangle piece on top of those braces had to do some studying on that so those braces right there that triangle piece that keeps it from bridging up and stalling out your belt so you kind of want that but uh maybe if we did raise it up it' be a little better we're not going to do that right now afternoon morning good mid morning 10:22 uh today's project we got to anybody else drive a big fourwh Drive John Deere and get hot feet so yesterday we found out no insulation underneath the cap there's supposed to be like a heat shield directly beneath the cab and a couple years ago I had to run some raccoons out from underneath there and I think maybe they took the heat sh with them um it's parked over in our hoot building raccoon tend to like to play over there they tend to like to climb on equipment it looks like maybe they pulled the heat shield out shiny foil pulled it out and then uh the wind took it so today's project Brian had some some stuff that he had used on the under side of his AR V and we are going to pull the rubber floor liner out of the cab and insulate the cab with that and see if that helps with my hot feet this floor liner comes out I guess I was led to believe it comes out there we go so we're going to peel that up we're going to line the bottom of it or the bottom of the cab anyway with whatever Brian called this stuff so hopefully it makes a difference couple people have said it will and while we're doing it it's a good opportunity to actually clean out some of this stuff I try to keep this area fairly clean but stuff tends to fall down in there and just piles up so we'll get that good and cleaned out while we're at it okay good news bad news I started peeling this up someone's already been here oh boy so yeah someone someone's been here I don't know if that's Factory or previous owner said tractor also had hot feet um but yeah I think we're going to abort the mission I'm going to take go ahead and take it out and clean it up get the dust and dirt out of there might as well I'm already this far yeah I don't think that's uh going to improve things a whole lot so we'll go ahead and get this pulled all the way out and see what they've got in there I don't know maybe we can put some more in it and add to it we'll see all right sorry for the the huffing and puffing but I'm fatting out of shape got the floor panel pulled out of there wasn't exactly it's a little more difficult than advertised U I want to find out that I'm I'm glad I went ahead and took it out because this this only went to there I mean that's not where my feet even sit whoever was in the uh the Buddy seat or the trainer seat probably had nice cool feet but I need insulation right there so this is what's this say huh yeah this is somebody previous owner put this in there so this is like insulation out of someone's shipped in medication yeah we're going to get rid of that we're going to clean all this crap up and uh yeah see if we can't get her a little more more insulated so that floor mat is like 50 lbs of dead weight it's kind of like carrying your toddler around all day at National farm machinery show if anybody there can relate so I'll come in with the shop back got the big dirt dust come back with a wet towel got it fairly decent then hit it with a dry tow to dry up moisture well let's see if the fin will start now I hope so cuz the other one was bridging up quite a bit ah there we go we've got some codes going on here and nothing's lit up over here except for those two things basically this thing didn't have one of the controllers didn't kick up or boot up whenever I start because of the low voltage so now I need to disconnect it to wake that thing up the only problem is you know the batter is not exactly fully charged so I am going to let this thing run a little bit disconnect the battery go find me some lunch cuz it takes 15 minutes for the battery to disconnect in this bad boy and uh then we'll get to spread fun times fun times hopefully I just left that monitor on and there's not some kind of draw going on like I've never had issues that's the only thing has changed but I could have left that monitor on I uh I could not remember what Brian was calling and stuff it's actually it's killmat and uh that backing right there is an adhesive says you cut it to the size you want it you peel the adhesive off and then you use one of these little tools to roll it down and kind of get it bonded with with the metal okay so we're going to try installing our first piece and see how this goes I mean that's pretty simple um was fairly surprised how easily this stuff cut the scissors even some cheap Dollar Store scissors that I had in my desk I was afraid I was going to need 10 Snips or something a little heavier if my knife was a little bit sharper you could probably cut it pretty easily with that that rolled on pretty good and bolt heads are still exposed so we can get this plate off if we need to right on'll take some more measurements and uh yeah see what we can do here with the rest of it okay so here is here's what I'm going to roll with um got stck pieces of kilm adhered to the floorboards um mainly where my feet are and then I also put a couple pieces over here where uh where the Buddy seat is for anybody that's riding along I wasn't going to do that but I also got to think thinking someone mentioned that this stuff helps deaden noise if you've never been in one of these tractors it is a very noisy cab so help hopefully that will help out with that a little bit I am going to take previous owner's sheet of insulation and try to keep it positioned right there got some 200 mph tape I'll tape down the edges that way it doesn't move underneath that mat or try to move when I put the mat in um but this is what we're going to roll with it can't be any worse than what we had before um believe me when I say at night when I went home the heels of my feet hurt because it was so hot on the floorboard um I was sitting in a cab and if you stick your hand down below the operator seat here you could immediately feel the the temperature change so I'm going to do this a couple other things we're going to do uh got a radiator I'm going to take outside and clean it up um try to make sure we're cooling as good as possible air filters have been changed um oil is good coolant is good I put a new water pump on the other I did not put a new water pump on uh one of the John Deere guys come out and did that for us um so shouldn't be any reason after today that uh we are charring the heels of our feet in this cab yep so floorboards insulated and it looks like we've used all the ingredients for Farm approved repair duct tape billing wire PB Blaster hey look you there we're back in business I hope this thing comes out because we are really full I got our piled in there just pouring out the product so let's talk a little bit about this under for pro force behind me here you may be wondering why are you running this did you buy this what's going on here this is a demo from under um we have a a selfpropelled spreader obviously I was in that earlier that is at least machine and at some point it's going to go back I don't know if we will buy it out or not but if we didn't this is definitely something that we would be interested in we're not demoing this with the expectation of buying it that was not why they brought it here um they bought it here for some content exposure but um so far I have really we just ran out got put all my remotes in float but anyways so far I have really enjoyed running this spreader I really like the capacity of it we spread lime pretty much every year uh we don't spread lime on every acre but probably 6 700 tons a year and the ability to hold this much lime in this spreader is awesome and when we start spreading fertilizer the ability to hold that much fertilizer is going to be awesome awesome I really like that and it just it spreads really well it has a really nice even spread pattern on the lime so I would imagine it will in the F but that's why this is down here uh it's not something that we're going to be purchasing at least until that uh that that U Oxo is Off Lease so figured I would address that before someone asked but uh yeah so far I really like this thing now the one drawback for us would be that usually we're spreading during planning season and we'd be short ATT track now the workaround for that would be uh you know getting the fertilizer spread earlier than we have been so radiator scare the crap out of me cleaning I don't know I'm always afraid I W damage those fins yeah this little bristle brush ain't doing a whole lot for dirt you see it's packed in pretty good so what we're going to try to do is rinse it out with some water turn the hose on those two small radiators kind of kind of making a cordion outward one of them is for the Hydraulics one of them is for the uh uh yeah something or other I don't even know I knew yesterday see that's not doing a whole lot that's not doing [Music] much this might help all right so radiator's cleaner it was a lot cleaner than it was um yeah we're going to take this out and try it probably put this on the uh routine anytime I'm around the water hose first thing in the morning check at least once a week maybe more dustier conditions um and uh you try to keep this from happening again didn't realize this little guy right here is needs to be loosened up so the water can drain I had that guy Plum full so yeah all right guys we have made it the field um yeah we're going to see how things go here coming down the road normal operating temperature about 183 um yeah we'll see what happens here we're going to run for I don't know Mason gets out of school at 2:45 so we'll run for an hour and a half at least and uh just have to see what happens going to unfold the enforcer it's about I think 25 acres here maybe give or take doubt we'll be able to get it done before I have to fold up and go back over to the barn to get a truck to get the kids unless I can talk Brian into getting Mason for me either way I still got to get out of the tractor and go get him someplace we'll see what happens get most of it done I think all right so we made a pass so far my feet are staying plenty cool going to hop out check things over though we might be pushing the limits of how fit this ground is well baskets are staying pretty clear it's tacking up on the the tires on the southord a little bit oh I got to level my baskets again dag on it forgot about that see right there I don't know what the heck the deal is there that one's always just a hair out looks like the wing sitting in a hole there that's why the looks like it's not level all right so we're about 20 minutes into our run um some things I've noticed since insulating the floor cleaning the radiators Chang the air filters mechanic put on new water pump charge the AC since doing all L our engine staying right around 183 um even we're not even dropping below 1900 RPM that often if actually we're not period um it's not a whole lot of grade to pull well I'm pulling a grade right now and I'm about 1950 it looks like but uh engine temperature stayed a lot cooler my feet do feel a lot better um still a little bit of heat I do have my my little format that I made the other day um I'll probably throw that down here after a bit to see if that makes a difference I don't know that it really deadened any of the sound I think a lot of our noise is engine noise not transmission noise so that would make sense engines in front Transmissions below so um but performance- wise I mean I I think it's definitely helped the tractor out quite a bit like I said we're not lugging up for power nearly like we were the other day before I cleaned out the radiators and uh had all the service work done wish I could have tried uh tried the machine out after every little thing we did to see what actually was the the trick that was making the engine run cooler but I have a feeling the radiator is not uh not hurting at all all right so I've determined my wet feet wet shoes might be the issue today because if I stick my hand down here I don't feel any heat at all man it feels very comfortable before I can do that and you could tell immediately below the seat here that there was a temperature change so yeah I I I think if I had some dry socks on and different shoes probably a okay I might change shoes and socks when I get Mason from school I think I will so every once in a while you run a piece of equipment think man I need to adjust something but I'm not really sure it is but you know you're trying to get work done and then the mood hits you to get out and actually check things over and by that I mean your bladder fills up so the right wing on this sfer doesn't appear to be getting as far in the ground as the other side I've done everything I can in the cab the nearest I can figure is that needs adjusted that is it I'm going to call it 3 in to the well well call that right about 3 Ines to the weld there let's go over the other side that appears to be roughly the same so what the heck man pretty darn close to 7 a qu [Music] we're going to run it right there and see what happens I'm not overly optimistic and I'll tell you why here this all right so Brian is actually going to pick up Mason from school for me uh made the adjustments to the southford uh hard to tell right now but when I was over there in running in uned ground uh it looked a whole lot better so I'll show you again once we get in a different field but uh definitely happier with the way it's pulling um not going to I don't think it'll be streaking like it is now um this right wing basically was not not very deep in the ground so it's basically scattering residue and a little bit of top soil got that adjusted so I'll show you that here at the next F all right the heck with it I'm going full Canadian both boots off big BJ is his baby [Applause] boy and bur a little [Applause] bit listen to her eat so BJ had noticed that the sulfur that got out of adjustment a little bit and I can see it when I pulled in the one gang really wasn't going in the ground very much but you got to adjust it now it looks good tillage after dark it's not yet too late it's only 6:30 or so trying to get it as much as this done as I can this evening I'm going to go home as soon as I get done what I want to do in this video there's probably uh 15 Acres left or so uh phone cough from the wife both the kids are sick great oldest one has a fever congestion cough runny nose was home from school today uh he's up all night coughing going around basketball team pass it around school's been it's running through the school the little one I think is having sympathy sickness I don't think he's terribly terribly sick just yet does have a cough but it's normal for him this time of year so tomorrow you might get Brian in the cab with this thing if I'm home with kids or if I fall ill this evening I don't know I hope I don't fall ill much rather be in the cab of this thing all right 8:00 it's going to be a wrap for today's activities kids see you next time
Channel: Brian's Farming Videos
Views: 87,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iXta1XjkC0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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