Who is the Strongest Daedric Prince in the Elder Scrolls?

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Daedric princes have some of the most memorable and epic quests in all of the Elder Scrolls games from the Shivering Isles of Share gorrister Emmaus Moore's Apocrypha players have been mesmerized by these ancient beings for a very long time there are 17 Daedric princes that we know about in Elder Scrolls law and we've set out on a quest to decide which one is the strongest of them all on this quest we've enlisted the help of law master Zach the hacker on and this video would not be the same without his brilliant insight if you're interested in some awesome Elder Scrolls content we strongly recommend you head over to his channel and subscribe the link is in the description and be sure to check out his live streams too but to answer this question about Daedric princes we must frame it in a way that is law friendly and to find out how to do that we must first ask what is a Daedric Prince Daedra Adria and what are known as the Magna key are all original spirits that existed before the creation of the world what separates Daedra from Adria is that the Adria gave up their material forms in order to create the world sacrificing much of their power to achieve this the Divine's we see worshipped are an example of the Adria the magma McGee were original spirits who also started giving up their power but then decided to flee after feeling their power drain away they fled Mundus creating the stars and the Sun in the process these entities are close to full power but they're not quite there the Daedra on the other hand were original spirit throughout right refused to give up their material forms this is why Dadra literally means not our ancestors in the elven language by rejecting the plan to create the world the Daedric princes retained all of their powers and as a result they are the strongest original spirits in creation in fact prior to Queen Alice you're forming the pact with our Kitaj that sealed Mundus off from oblivion Adria and Dedra walked freely among mortals this is a very strange thought and at this time Daedra has the largest impact on the world now we know their origins but what we also find out is that each dangerous strength is actually the same from a practical standpoint since they are all just original spirits their power over the world can be influenced by how much worship they receive as seen with the mythic dawn of oblivion powering up mehrunes dagon we also know that the salmo want to cut away tell us worship for this reason they know that actually helps his power and influence grow but for the sake of this video we're not satisfied with all Daedric princes are equal to rate which Deidre is the strongest we will have to gauge their strength through what we know about them in the law essentially on their actions and what has happened to them which Jeju Prince has proven themselves either directly or indirectly as the strongest and most powerful we looked at many polls we found online that showed what people thought the most powerful Daedric princes were and it is mainly these that we shall discuss keep in mind that because there is no simple 100 percent pristine clear-cut way of finding the strongest that some of our decisions are subjective but anyways let's get through it the first stage was that I want to talk about is meridian many would be inclined to believe that she could be the strongest Daedric prince as she helped the aliens to dominate humanity prior to the slave queen's rebellion however meridia actually achieved this by acting through other agents through the half-elf boom rally unfeathered through her or roarin soldiers but why is this so well meridia isn't exactly a Daedra she actually became a Daedric Prince by consorting with them and there's not many details known on the whole event but technically she is actually a Magna key she was one of those who fled with magnets when they felt their powers draining away during the creation of the world whatever specifically caused her to be kicked out of a serious and end up in oblivion is unknown but living with all the Daedric princes and having her own realm she is now counted among them but she still isn't quite there equal as part of her power was drained that said her ambition arguably makes up for this in a way and it is said that her obsession with light is thought to be specifically the light of a serious she lost when she was kicked out by the way that's how sunlight can burn vampires it's the light of a serious dawn breaker is more or less a condensed version of that one contender we'd be foolish not to question is the legendary mehrunes dagon he is a very strong contender who not only invaded Tamriel three times but also invaded the realms of other Daedra namely the soul can and Nocturnals realms these realms suffered attacks at his hands during the events of Elder Scrolls legend battlespire Marant was defeated by a very nish you method each and every time he was beaten by a living God once by a mortal who got super lucky and again by a divine sacrifice so the fact is that mayor ins has been consistently beaten he has great potential as the strongest agent Prince but I don't think he is he's definitely the most ambitious though and still one of the most powerful based on his action now while Nocturnals realm was in fact invaded by mehrunes dagon she is definitely one of the strongest aging princes she is said to be the oldest of all the Daedra and has two of the strongest Adric artifacts the skeleton key and the gray cowl of nocturnal you can watch our video on the strongest Adric artifact to hear more about the power of these instruments again aside from Mehrunes invasion which technically wasn't successful nocturnal generally is respected by the other Daedric princes in the sense that they have been seen to refuse to mess with her in the past sadly even if nocturnal is the strongest though it's impossible to know due to her nature she'd never tipped her hand as to how powerful she is so I think she still deserves this honorable mention she also has loyal Nightingale servants and various large dungeon sized temples devoted to her her widespread worship especially among thieves definitely helps grow her influence and power as well that said she did have her own artifact the cow stolen from her and when her realm was invaded by mirrors many in her own service were corrupted and betrayed her first strength is very hard to gauge based on her mysterious nature boy Bal is another strong Daedra and was said to have had his way with a priestess of arcade killing her in the process and creating the first of the vampires and she rose from the dead it was said that the vampires Inspira deal originated from her bloodline people think this is a massive deal and it is while the creation of the vampire bloodlines is certainly something to behold I wouldn't say that makes him the most powerful Daedric prince of all time Enid also managed to invade with dark anchors attempting to merge his realm of Tamriel during the events of air--so but he was defeated here but what about hermaeus mora emmaus mora is another one of the oldest Daedra around and he's got all kinds of bydd knowledge from the past and from the future he also has really passed a lot of facts like the augment finian the thing about hermaeus mora however is that hamas mora himself creates nothing he can't create knowledge he can only steal it his realm is filled with stolen knowledge he has hoarded but nothing is truly of his own creation he gave Xerxes the knowledge to create the augment in iam something that he couldn't do himself and then usurped it as he is tall he uses mortals to do his work he also can't out the fates or do anything overly dangerous to the mortal world because the barrier between mundis and Oblivion prevents him from doing so same thing goes for most of the other Daedric princes another example of him needing help is when he didn't have knowledge from the skull and asked you for help in Skyrim so we know he really isn't an all-knowing Daedra but that said do not underestimate his power he is definitely one of the most powerful but not the most powerful especially based on his actions which is always thought to go off for this video Derek and I think that clavicus vile is also worthy of brief mention - for potential power although again all you have are his words want some back to full power one snap of my fingers and everyone in Skyrim will die put No More war it is he really that strong or perhaps is it his other half that lets him be that powerful remember in the quest a dangerous best friend you meet barbers whom you've met before in oblivion as a statue and in morrowind as creeper the scamp it's made very clear that in all the shrines and depictions of clavicus vile that he and his hound are a duo two parts of the same whole this is further reinforced by the fact that he can't return to full power until a barber's has returned to him but in Elder Scrolls for oblivion barber is the one who warns you not to give amber to clavicus indicating barbers is the voice of reason within a mad self-destructive Daedric Prince that is clavicus vile the canon choice of course has the player returning amber to clavicus leading to the Elder Scrolls novels the infernal City and Lord of souls again in Skyrim Barba's acts as the voice of reason making clever kiss keep good on his bargain with the player so is it possible that the very thing that might give him immense power is also the that keeps him in check it is an interesting possibility Ozora is a pretty big contender the spot and is credited by many with creating the kojiki is also known for creating the dark hill from the golden skin chimey she frequently expresses prophesy to her agents and even captured the soul of the ancient timer leader in Doral merrova as a punishment the tribunal for breaking their word to her in their OVA she forced an air of our soul to reincarnate until he fulfilled the narrow Varian prophecies in this process two living gods were killed and one went missing who is presumed dead the thing about Asura though is that she is powerful but she's very indirect she constantly sends people visions of herself and doesn't actually appear in the flesh how about sheogorath he could actually be the strongest a Jat principle he routinely ignores the laws of creation bending and twisting reality as he sees fit on another Daedric princes summoning day he can even just decide to take their place at will he can manifest in the Assyrian crux effortlessly to talk to the player during the events of Daggerfall he was able to throw a moon down at mothers to mock the self-proclaimed living gods the tribunal of morrowind he frequently does things that should be impossible given the barrier between mundus and oblivion his influence over mundus is insane just like him now before you say but hasn't sanguine directly influenced Mundus by opening up his portal there in skyrim technically in a small way yes he opened up was basically a little makeshift Oblivion gate to send you through but he still sends mortals to bring you in his portal sanguine is still powerful though especially due to how worship effects power it's not hard to convince mortals to worship the god of excess pleasure and sin but share Garth is still stronger in the time of Skyrim he pretty much just walks on in and snaps his fingers to begin chillin with a dead Emperor of his own agency and technically while this realm isn't in Skyrim it is actually in Skyrim at the same time see how Korra's created a kind of pocket dimension slipped into the space and called it his own share growth has also been shown to use his power of wit to defeat other Daedric Prince's at their own game he beat they Mina in a contest they had about making a man the most hated by the populace they mean our made him produced disgusting artworks which she sent him through his dream and this was found revolting by many people but many others actually enjoyed it then when it came to share grass turned he simply did nothing knowing that this would cause the man to lose inspiration and begin to hate Vanina eventually spouting hate to everyone through his writing sheogorath won this contest and won another competition with her scene where they created beasts to fight to the death Percy made a where'd a drop and share grass made a colorful little bird the bird perched itself on the day drops head which then clawed at it and took out its own eyes blinded the day lop swung to the chirping sounds furiously as the bird simply weaved around the beat causing it to kill itself we will come back to the topic of share guys but first let's talk about the strongest Daedric Prince of all time by technicality this stage in print was the most powerful but isn't anymore the Daedra I am talking about is jyggalag this stage with Prince was so powerful but all of the other Daedric Prince's had to seal him away they saw his realm of perfect order expand across the seas of oblivion with great speed and power and they were very jealous they feared his power so much that they had to team up to do something about it if that doesn't say he was the strongest aging Prince then I don't know what will you don't see the other danger conspiring to steal away mehrunes dagon forever now since the end of the third era jyggalag has actually escaped from being sealed due to the events of the player in the Shivering Isles DLC for Elder Scrolls for oblivion but in doing so he lost most of his power in order to free himself of the curse of share gooris jyggalag had to leave the Shivering Isles behind now remember to a Daedric Prince their realms are quite literally themselves so when jyggalag cut away from his realm it was like cutting off a massive piece of himself and therefore his power and leaving it behind I'll explain why it's his realm in a second but anyways in other words it could take jyggalag an uncountable amount of time to fully reform and recover from that he may never be seen in another Elder Scrolls game but if Bethesda decides to skip far ahead in time then there is a very small chance he could have recovered and if so it makes him the strongest Age Prince once again now just quickly for those who haven't played oblivion and are confused jyggalag was the Daedric prince of order who hated madness but because he was so powerful and successful the other Daedra teamed up and cursed him to become exactly that Sher Gora the Daedric prince of madness jyggalag was turned into sheogorath jyggalag was allowed to return to his original form once after each era he would then command his own Daedra and retake the Shivering hours from his mad alter ego share grass in an event known as the grey March also after being freed the player in Oblivion then assumed share grass position as the Daedric Prince of madness and jig like the part it's complicated stuff but the point is that jyggalag is in fact the most powerful Daedric Prince but at the time of Skyrim he's definitely not we'll have to wait for his return as he roams the Oblivion plains the mystery to any who wonder where he is and what he's doing now before departing jyggalag says to the player you will grow to your station which is why you don't instantly become a god when the main quest is over jyggalag is referring to the process of mantling where a person walked as a God does until no mortal can longer till the difference between the two by Skyrim 200 years later no mortal Ken tells a new shared grass apart from the old one because the hero from oblivion became him retaining his power the retention of this power is shown again in Skyrim as I mentioned where shared grass breaks the barrier between mundus and oblivion without any care or health creating a small space of his own so coming in a full circle I've already explained why shared growth is so damn powerful and that shared grass was actually made from the most powerful Daedric Prince jyggalag but now the true have been split into different entities was it extremely weak and jyggalag leaving the new shared grass in the Shivering Isles now this shared gorath is just as powerful and when encountered in Skyrim is spouting random words to correlate with quests from oblivion suggesting he is the main player now what we have to realize here is that jyggalag cut off the majority of himself his own realm and therefore his power the Shivering Isles which now belongs to share gora making him the strongest he may not be able to use the power of jyggalag in the highly organized order based domination way the Daedric prince of order did but he still has the manifest of power that belongs to the strongest agent print and is therefore the strongest even if he has forever become the chaotic god of madness unable to use his power in a way as efficient so efficient that it sends the other Daedric Prince's running in fear causing them to seal him away forever just be sure not to anger him though or he might send a moon your way subscribe to fudge Muppet for more elder scrolls discussion videos like these we're really grateful that you watched it this file we hope you enjoyed it please share this video with your danger worshiping friends and follow us on social media for behind the scenes fudge Muppet action my name is Michael thanks for watching and I'll nerd out with you again very soon
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 1,642,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fudgemuppet, elder scrolls, skyrim, oblivion, morrowind, daggerfall, arena, elder scrolls V, daedric prince, who is the strongest daedric prince, strongest elder scrolls, sheogorath, mehrunes dagon, meridia, hermaeus mora, azura, nerevar, nerevarine, nocturnal, molag bal, mythic dawn, martin septim, clavicus vile, umbra
Id: sotDHYllOww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2017
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