THE MAD GOD Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Escapism - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] I am a part of you little mortal I am a shadow in your subconscious a blemish on your fragile little psyche you know me you just don't know it you can call me Anne Marie but only if you're partial to being flayed alive and having an angry immortal skip rope with your entrails if not then call me sheogorath Daedric Prince of madness as a died Rolla gist I've toiled over countless records blown the dust off of enough tomes to fill the realm of Apocrypha twice over and have explored the intricacies of ancient epochs but of all of my research I've come across no entity more fascinating nor more terrifying than the Daedra lord known as sheogorath if you're watching this video hear my warning the mad one's mind games are often subtle even whimsical on one of the princes whims you may see a man transmogrify before your eyes into a wheel of cheese as punishment for growing a beard or another fall from impossible Heights to splat against the stone surface of punishment point simply for wearing too much cologne there is a simplicity to Prince's like Bowie fear or her seen on Molech bowel they're almost impossible for mortals to truly understand but you can make efforts to unearth their alien motives and rationale she Agoura however no amount of research nor mental gymnastics can make him simple or predictable his insanity is pure gnar 'but rarey insanity is far more volatile than evil because you cannot prepare for it fortunately I've been able to draw one conclusion about this prince in relation to his subtlety and that is why I'm issuing this warning she Agora coaxes the vulnerable and feeds their weaknesses he lures them into paranoia and anxiety he guides them on the path to insanity and subsequently to his realm of the Shivering Isles he encourages them to retreat inside their own minds and to seek an escape from reality so my warning is this if you've ever played one of the Elder Scrolls games and felt yourself becoming immersed in the virtual experience you are a great risk for sheogorath is lurking in your subconscious waiting to pull you under to envelop you in folds of your conjured fantasy until real life becomes the fiction hey guys it's drew the Daedra lodgest here and welcome back to fudge Muppet if you've made it this far and stuck with me through my delirious rambling it will all make sense soon enough but in this video we're going to get to the bottom of the Daedric prince sheogorath even if it means losing our minds in the process I believe the mad God is actively working on corrupting each and every one of us as I say this right now but after this video you may just be able to escape an eternity in the court of knew she off let's start with the basics by getting to know who this Prince is she Agora is the Daedric Prince of madness the Lord of the never there and the sovereign ruler of the Shivering Isles he also features as the fourth corner of the done merry house of troubles wisely identified by the Dark Elves as a Daedra to be very wary of a common fred found in the Immortals of the older scrolls is the idea of duality law construe ality can be seen in the form of the moon's Asura's comes in the form of the positive and negative sides of vanity depictions of Shi Agora and his realm of full of duality imagery his suit is split down the middle purple and red his realm is split between dementia and mania and their protectors are the opposing forces of the golden Saints and the dark seducers it is an extreme form of duality that supposedly brought sheogorath into being she Agoura froze once jyggalag jyggalag is the Daedric prince of order he represents logical order and deduction and has taken account of every detail of the world and of every action that has ever taken place on Mundus or Oblivion long before it actually happens as a result he believes in certainty and determinism and that the concept of individuality is an illusion determinism is one hell of a rabbit hole we may just burrow into in a later video about this prince but for now I'd say we're preoccupied with the rabbit hole leading to the Shivering Isles anyway [ __ ] lacks control made him powerful more so than the other princes could allow to go unchecked so the remaining danger Lords combined their efforts to curse jyggalag turning him into the very antithesis of his fear his order was replaced with chaos and he took on the form of sheogorath the champion of sir Adele's presence at the conclusion of the third era during jiggle acts Grey March actually allowed the two princes to separate and the Prince of order was free from madness once more but as with jiggle acts fear his grey March is a topic for another day with this context we can see just how insane sheogorath is his creation meant he was the farthest fathomable thing from order and certainty he's completely incapable of acting logically or orderly Xie Gaurav has seven known artifacts and there are likely more we don't know about there's Neb Cresson the blade which gives the wielder a compulsion to kill there's the folium dis cognitum which is a victim full of knowledge written in the form of incomprehensible manic ramblings then there's the staff of the other scamp which summons forever escapes in service of the wielder there is the staff of Xie gorath which is required to assume the title of Mad God and to sit upon the throne of madness in new Shi off there's also the gamble putty a glove which makes the wearer both stronger and weaker simultaneously the penultimate of his artifacts is the fork of her epilation or for Kia Xie Gaurav is prone to calling it this seemingly ordinary fork has a unique relationship of the forces of magic ER it can drive the wielder to do some unusual things and she Agora often forces its wielder into committing gross acts and finally his most noteworthy artifact the Webber Jack this odd staff is engraved with gaping mouth faces and is notorious for its unpredictable effects when activated it can make the target vanish it can turn them into an animal an inanimate object add Remora it can set them on fire or frenzy them the effects seem limitless with the power of the Webber jack in your hands you are privy to the knowledge that cats can be bats can be rats can be hats can be gnats can be that can be this is and that doors can be boars can be snores can be floors can be roars can be spores can be yours can be mine such profound knowledge is surely worth what the side-effects come in tone with the thing as we touched on briefly she aghoris realm of oblivion is called the Shivering Isles or maybe the madhouse or the asylums just like she Agora himself this plane once belonged to jyggalag and once embodied order now though tis a silly place the northern half is called mania and represents the more lighthearted whimsical side of she aghoris madness here the grass Basques in the daylight and kaleidoscopic mushrooms decorate the landscape in the southern lowlands aliphatic haze hangs over the swamps and the leafless trees if you're lucky you may come across landmarks like the hill of suicides where the ghosts of those who took the easy way out linger in a tortured limbo cursed to think eternally on their suffering this half of the madhouse is called dementia and displays she aghoris darker side what I find especially intriguing is the paradoxical nature of she Agora fear by definition you'd think insanity is impossible to mimic or attempt to understand yet she Agora is not unlike all of the countless mortals on Tamriel who are mad meeting a truly insane person is pretty similar to meeting sheogorath it is their unpredictability that makes them predictable a good mortal example of she Agora of spear in action is the story of one particular emperor of Cyrodiil did you ever hear the tragedy of emperor Pelagius the third I fought not it's not a story the aedra would tell you Pelagius septum was not always perceived as mad in fact in his youth he was described as a handsome personable boy who liked sport magic and music eventually he became the king of solitude while his cousin ruled the Empire it was here where his eccentricities came out in the public eye he apparently lost and gained weight sporadically and within a five-month period he was described as a hale and hearty soul with a heart so big it widens his waist and then as a skeleton by the princess her first hold he's known for having locked the princes and princesses of silver gnar within his rooms and for removing all of his clothing during a speech at a local festival when he was crowned emperor he fainted during the ceremony he insisted on speaking to an ambassador from Black Rose in grunts and squeaks he was even seen defecating on the floor in a misguided attempt to remedy the boredom of the servants after that just finished cleaning Pelagius is madness soon became a burden and he lived out the remainder of his years in an asylum story such as these owashi Agora Fizz often portrayed as happy-go-lucky eccentric and queer but documented stories regarding the Prince of madness a quick to show the darker side of him in the videos on her scene ver meaner and Malikov I spoke of the 16 Accords of madness in these accounts she Agora Fizz anything but playful his trickery is much more akin to cruelty than it is to good-hearted fun the 12th Accord comes to mind is especially brutal in this a young or quiz in the process of forging his legacy the humble bastard born underdog named Emmett Gro Kyra famously saved merchant caravans from bandits and liberated and slaved beasts folk he was on the fast track to becoming a Tamriel legend and there is no doubt that this potential is what drew XI Agora attention the sadistic prince materialized before the young hero and offered him his artifact near Crescent the visitors cloak parted slightly revealing nothing but faintly glinting buttons in the pale moonlight and a bundle was withdrawn and tossed to the side of the fire between the two and make cautiously removed the rags in which the object was swathed and was dazzled to discover the item to be a wide curved blade with an ornately decorated handle the weapon had heft and Amega realized on brandishing it that the elaborate pom will disguised the more practical purpose of balancing the considerable weight of the blade itself it was nothing much to look at in its present condition for the orc but once the tarnish was cleaned away and a few missing jewels restored it would indeed be a blade worthy of a champion ten times his own worth Xie Gaurav preyed upon a men's desire to be a heroic warrior and presented him with a generous gift it was an act of benevolence any bastard would cherish she almost seemed like a father in that moment but the mad Prince his gift soon turned sour and Neb prescient sinister properties caused a Meg to commit a great crime butchering an innocent girl a mixed glorious future died gruesomely along with the girl and cough the proud patron was forced to put down his most promising disciple she had agoraphobia to scorn a Daedric Prince story such as this one often lead fans of the older Scrolls to criticize sheriff's betrayal in later entries to the series in Oblivion she aghoris eccentricities are more endearing than they are egregious and in Skyrim he's a jaunty jolly old codger the closest we really come to sing she aghoris darkside is in the dementia region of the Shivering Isles the land is a manifestation of the prince but the prince display signs of mania far more than dementia I'm not going to argue against that criticism but I do have a theory as to why he acts this way or is at least perceived this way through the eyes of the protagonist I think the perspective of the champion of Cyrodiil and the last dragon born justifies why we don't see so much of his dark side firstly in the words of Chamberlain Haskell my master is the Prince of madness yet for some reason you expect his realm to follow the same rules that regulate your own bland little world do you wonder why I have no interest in visiting Tamriel it's an act of mad charity that lord sheogorath pays it any attention at all gyah Gaurav has a fondness for the flawed nature of mortals in the mortal realm and that's part of the reason why his own realm mimics some of Monday's quirks like the presence of time for example if one of the more belligerent Prince's successfully managed to bring about the apocalypse on nirn the mad God would lose so many mad souls to toy with so when the last dragon born pays him a visit do you think he'd be cruel to mortalities only hope I know I'm making the mistake of trying to apply reasoning to she aghoris deeds but I have another possible reason for why we only really see his quote good side and this is the focal point for the whole video each time our protagonist meets with sheogorath they are meeting with him for the first time and generally speaking as legendary heroes they are also in a resolute healthy headspace she Agoura insanity and his power lies in his ability to erode the psyche of the subject gradually slowly pulling them into the embrace of madness he doesn't do it with the click of his fingers not only that but it is the vulnerable who are the most susceptible to his trickery as the last dragon board we could transport to his pocket realm inside plages his mind and we could tackle all of the former Emperor's demons before hopping jauntily back to reality with a nifty prize in tow but support Pelagius these trivial problems we just solved were back-breaking gut-wrenching and mind-melting components of his complex mental illness as we learned earlier his paranoia his anger and his night terrors talked him down from the glory of being Emperor to an isolated insane asylum it happened slowly as if every step of the way she Agora was inside his mind taunting him and goading him into the next crazy deed as I said right at the beginning of the video quoting the princes own words right out of the horse's mouth she Agora is a blemish on your fragile little psyche you know me you just don't know it does that sound like a prince who comes barreling into your frontal lobe executing a mutiny of your conscious mind before operating you like a marionette no as I stated at the start she Agoura his subtle Xie gaurav wants his subjects to believe the world is a cruel place and that everyone is out to get them paranoia reigns supreme among his teachings it's his weapon that doesn't kill you in one clean sweep but rather drains a drop of your life force at a time when you hear laughter and think yourself to be the butt of the joke that's him when you're not present to hear a conversation there is no doubt in your sane mind that they are speaking about you slandering you mocking you so if you're vulnerable enough to become susceptible to she aghoris internal whispers how unearned you combat it well she ago if we'd have you create your own world inside your head which you can escape to with your head in the clouds and your consciousness in your own fairytale land the harsh truths of reality can't touch you at that point what makes reality more real than your conjured realm if you're lucky and you're truly gifted at escapism you can even escape your own inferior world and joined Shia Gaurav in his pre-made dreamscape the Shivering Isles in these circumstances she aghoris mania is far more enticing than his dementia you're not going to follow the Shia gorath who tricked em egg are you but the gleeful garrulous Shia Gaurav we meet in Pelagius his mind or he's much more pleasant as if you wouldn't follow him to the madhouse in that regard I'd argue that the smiling Sheriff is infinitely more terrifying than the scowling sheogorath to bring this video to an end I'll finish by addressing my original motivation I'm not telling you about the mad God just for the fun of it this is supposed to be a warning one you should heed with the utmost seriousness Hsieh Gaurav strategy revolves around escapism he wants his subjects to disconnect from reality and get lost in their own imagination does that sound familiar to you everyone who plays the older scrolls is giving in to Xie Gaurav Sphere if you seek an escape from the grim or the simply mundane facets of real life and your search takes you to the Elder Scrolls universe well you're on the road to a permanent residence in shio Shivering Isles be very wary remember that time you felt so completely immersed in morrowind or oblivion or Skyrim or Daggerfall when your character felt more real than your hands controlling them for that FM Errol moment you were wandering into sheer gaurav's domain you were for a fleeting second giving in to his coaxing becoming his loyal subject if you've made it this far and you haven't been distracted by the fault of gorging yourself on a wedge of cheese well you might just be safe as for me I'm writing this by candlelight in a cozy tavern called the cheesy beggar thanks so much for watching guys I've been drew and I will see you later [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 431,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, oblivion, shivering isles, skyrim lore, elder scrolls lore, sheogorath, sheogorath lore, mad god lore, shivering isles lore, greymarch, daedric prince, daedric prince lore, fudgemuppet
Id: E108ACBKw-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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