Movies We've Cried To (GAME)

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<i> - ( rooster crows ) - ( lion roars )</i> Welcome to "Good Mythical More." What happened, Rhett? - "Didn't See That Coming." - Didn't see that-- Oh, Preparation H. Oh, yeah. Chase always keeps it on his person, to throw at us. Ready for anything. - Okay, crewmembers. - Man: Thank you. Come on in. You know what? The fact that you're here with us right now makes this special. This is a special moment. You know, there's lots of people who they might watch one video, might watch two, some people might watch three, but you, I'm assuming, have watched four unless you just skipped to this. And you know what? You're special for a different reason. - Either way. - Hey, guys. - Hey. - Scooch on up here. Let's be a family. I have a list of movies, and one of these movies made one of you cry. We're going to match them to the crier, starting with "Shawshank Redemption." Haven't seen "The Shawshank Redemption" in such a long time. I recall it-- I'm glad you kept that sentence going. I was going to be more offended than I normally am when you haven't seen a movie, but you haven't seen it in a while. What year did that come out? - Was it the '90s? - Uh, '93? - Really? - It's an old one. - Rhett: Wha-what year? - Woman: '94. - '94 .- Ooh. I don't know their list. There's a chance I've cried at more than one of these movies. Okay, that's true, but you know which one you entered into this game. Yes. Yeah. It obviously isn't "Shawshank Redemption," though, because you wouldn't have said that. - ( laughter ) - Okay. - I'm working on my poker game. - You never know. Uh, "Shawshank Redemption." I think my man right here is just a classic movie-- - Yeah, yeah. - He loves-- - I'm on the same wavelength with you, John. - He loves a good prisoner movie with opera records. Thanks for thinking I'm a classy man. You gotta-- you just-- I didn't say "classy." I said "classic." Oh, all right. - You've got classic tastes. - I do. You like-- you like vanilla stuff. ( overlapping chatter ) So he's basic? ( overlapping chatter, laughter ) Link: Oh, that's the word I was looking for. ( laughter ) - No, no, no. - My name is just John, so... If you said-- well, you said it made you cry. You didn't say it was your favorite movie. If you said this was your favorite movie, - that's a very basic thing. - That's basic, yeah. - Oh, uh-- hold on. - Sorry for the... Hold on a second. Everybody loves "Shawshank Redemption." It's not saying anything to say you love it. Well, it's just saying you have opinions that are like a lot of people. - I mean-- - Basic. Isn't that what "basic" means? - "Shawshank Redemption" is in my top ten. - I don't know. Does that make me basic? - Yeah. - ( laughter ) "Soul Surfer." - Uh... - This is about the girl who got her arm bit off by a shark. Mm-hm. And then a month later, the shark vomited it back up, and she reattached it. That's how it went, yeah. - That didn't happen. - It looked right. I was testing you. I was testing you. Dennis Quaid's in that movie. Randy Quaid? No. Dennis Quaid. - Just Quaid from, uh-- - Any Quaid. Quaid from what? I have a friend named Quaid. I'm running out of the mov-- The Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, "Total Recall." Quaid from "Total Recall." Okay, I can see Chase crying at this. He was also very quiet when we talked about it. ( laughter ) Uh-- uh... I-- I mean, just gonna go with instincts here. You're wrong. This is 100% Jen. - Wow. That's very decisive. - There's-- true. - Uh-- - I know what's up here. Okay, here's what I'll say. I was thinking when I just looked at it, before we discussed it, this was definitely Jen, but then I just went off reaction, so... I wasn't looking at the reaction. But no, so-- I mean, you could be definitely right because I was thinking Jen. When I saw "Soul Surfer," I was like, "Oh, Jen," but then when he got quiet, I thought, "Maybe it's Chase." Jen-- it's got an athletic element to it, though Jen has never surfed. - She loves-- - I have surfed. ( laughter ) She loves this movie, and I would-- I would-- I would-- I'd bet my arm that it-- - Ooh... - Wow. - ( overlapping chatter ) - Did I say something wrong? No, it's just, like, you're really confident. That's all I'm-- right, yeah. That's a lot of confidence. So are you switching or no? Well, let's just-- we can switch, sure. His arm is on the line here. I mean... Let's not keep bringing that up. All right. All right, "In 'Bruggess.'" Mm. Yep. ( pronouncing correctly ) "In Bruges." Great movie. I don't remember this being sad. Uh... ( laughter ) Got 'em! ( laughter ) Wow. Got 'em. That-- Our kids don't even say that anymore. That's how uncool it is to say. But when you get somebody, you gotta say it. - Gotta say you got 'em. - Holy crap. Defend yourself. Well, I mean, it's a-- Martin McDonagh, who also wrote "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri". He's a very funny Irish playwright, but over very dark, uh-- storylines. So you're not defending yourself. You are admitting that this is your movie. I love this movie. I love this movie. I'm not saying it is my movie, but I love this movie. But, yeah, it's my favorite playwright. And, yeah. That's good. But it didn't make you cry. Chase: Dark humor. Uh, it did not make me-- - Well, I don't know. - ( laughter ) - Both: Got 'em! - ( laughter ) That wasn't as good. Okay. All right, uh... Okay, "Men in Black 3." - ( laughter ) - Link: Now... I'm trying to think of the teary points. Could I, having not seen any "Men in Black"s, can I just skip to this one? You remember that movie? Uh... I don't know if I saw the third one. Yeah, I bailed on "Men in Black" zero. - ( laughter ) - You saw the first one. - First one's good. - I haven't. I thought about watching it with my kids, but aliens... - Oh. Oh, okay. - ( overlapping chatter ) No, that was another meme. I was speaking in... meme. - Uh... - Is that a language? I thought you were gonna show your kids aliens. Rhett: Oh, yeah, the aliens meme. - I was like, "Don't do that." - Is it "Because aliens"? Did I get it wrong? What's the meme? You know, the alien guy, what does he say? He's just like this and the crazy hair. Jen: And it just says "Aliens." - Yeah, and then it says... - It just says, "Aliens." It's always kind of a mind-blown sort of meme, I guess. Or it's just, like, his hair's crazy. When you can't explain something, it's just like, "Aliens." Lily is now speaking in meme, and I'm starting to catch that from her. Interesting. What's she saying to you? What's she saying to you? Like, it's not just say-- like what I just said about, like, "aliens." ( mock chuckles ) Like you're supposed to get that. But then she'll also-- if we're just in a normal dinner conversation, she'll say, "Ooh, have you seen the gif?" And then she'll look on her phone. It's like the way she contributes to conversations is by showing memes. She communicates by meme. - By meme, yeah. - Interesting. I do that too, so... Right, it's very healthy for-- - It's a new language. - for anyone who loves "Soul Surfer," they understand. Okay, so are we gonna just say that this is Chase? You know what? I feel horrible for calling you basic. - Oh! - Woman: Not him. I'm not calling you basic. I'm just erasing the fact that I said that. You wanna bet your arm on this one? Don't! - ( laughter ) - Whatever. All right, that's it. Okay, this is what we're going with. Let's start with Basic John. I'm not basic. Uh, "Men In Black 3." Oh, you should've! - You should've. - Oh, you got me! - Hah! - So what part? The end, man. It all comes together. It's like you find-- I don't know if I wanna-- spoil alert. But turn on your headphones, but you find out that, like, Agent K knew Agent J all along, and was, like, protecting him his whole life. Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba... - It was good. - It is. It's a really good movie. Man, it got me. I was not expecting to get those feels, but I got it. I got it. - Rhett: Okay, yeah. - I teared up at that part, too. Okay, "In Bruges." - Oh! - Oh, no! No "Got 'em"! I'm the basic one. Me! - Yay, girl. - Yeah. Man, you got us... big time. She did, man. Oh, man, that is a great movie, though. - It's really... - You really got us. I think that's a hilarious movie. I don't-- it's very dark, but it's very funny. - Don't know how to describe it. - She got you. Okay, well-- did they get us all? Because Jen... This is definitely me. ( laughter ) Every day all day she's talking about that "Soul Surfer." I watched it on a plane, and it was a terrible idea. I just sobbed the whole time. Really, really. Yeah, you gotta be real careful those ones you pull up on a plane. Oh, gosh, yeah. I've made that mistake before. "In Bruges," huh? Yeah, I laughed and I cried. And there-- when you find out... - It's a perfect movie. - ...why they're there, and, like, it's just-- you see a little kid, and, oh, it's just sad. It was sad. You'd be a great movie critic. "You just see-- you laugh, you cry, you see the kid, and then it's sad." - Sad. - Don't you wanna see it now? Don't you know him so much better - than we do? - Yeah.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 373,376
Rating: 4.9646645 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett movies we've cried to game, link movies we've cried to game, rhett link movies we've cried to game, movies we've cried to game
Id: YbL3lcdvjyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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