Who Has Met With Celebrities In Real Life? (r/AskReddit)

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people who have met celebrities how were they in real life met Daniel Radcliffe at pub in Dublin really nice dude I told him I liked his work and he thanked me then introduced me to his friends chatted for a little about life and let him be met both Jon Bernthal and DiCaprio at the Natural History Museum while I worked there and saw a couple others DiCaprio loves the butterfly enclosure and Bernthal was super cool and down to earth told him I was excited to see him as the punisher after confirming his credit card had his name on it and he made a joke about how as long as there weren't any walkers it would be pretty good he has two little boys with super long hair that were just adorable met drew Carey a few years ago outside a fancy hotel in DC I spotted him and nicely asked for a photo he said not now but he would return in ten he came right up to me ten minutes later and took the photo made a few jokes with my camera shook my hand asked me my name and had a nice small convo class act mr. Carey my buddy delivered his groceries several times and apparently he would always tip a handed bucks James Earl Jones is very gracious and at times even a bit humble really nice man I met Chuck at the Cheesecake Factory in Sacramento shortly after he invested in the Kings it was my brother's day and he said what happy birthday little man shakes his hand hey get my new friend here some cheesecake and he shook the rest of our hands and went on his way incredibly nice guy and huge I served Harrison Ford ice cream once he was very polite but stern looking he kept his head low like he just wanted to get his cone and gtfo before anyone realized who he was so I obliged by doing my best not to freak the freak out I am incredibly amused at the image of a serious-looking Harrison Ford trying to get his double scoop of rocky road without getting noticed when I was younger my grandmother and I ran into Robin Williams eating alone in a wholefoods we approached him and introduced ourselves and he immediately cleared a space for us to sit and chat with him I was pretty young at the time so he spent most of the time trying to make me laugh by doing voices I may have been too young to truly appreciate it at the time but looking back I can easily say it's one of the greatest moments of my life and Robin has always had a special spot in my heart because of it I used to wait tables at the airport and waited on willem dafoe several times always very nice quiet great tipper he would leave 40 for a 20 to bill that would honestly be my favorite part of being rich and famous tipping the Frick out of people Shaq came into my store one night he went to the beverage cooler and grabbed a vitamin water which he was sort of a face over the time that he came up to the registers and hung out for about 45 minutes he left his vitamin water on the counter almost empty it was about 20 minutes later when we realized Shaq just stole that drink from us he never paid for the vitamin water so Robin Williams at an ice cream shop I was on vacation I got my ice cream and went outside to eat and then he came out with his and actually sat down at my table we talked for a solid 45 minutes best day of my life I met Marilyn Manson emo 16 year old me's hero and he let me pet his cat while I freaked out about getting to meet him he's nowhere near as scary in person as his persona or stage character he's actually very sweet and somewhat shy he really didn't know how to handle a young girl absolutely bullying tears of joy just from his presence haha he also picked up my sister for a picture because we couldn't get both him roughly six feet - and my sister roughly 410 together in frame overall he's a really chill guy I've said this before but I met Kanye as the Montreal Airport back in the days between his college dropout and late registration album so he was known but not as famous as he is today we were at the same gate it was an all day like a Tuesday or something so it wasn't really full we were both flying to New York I was with my parents I came up and said hey and he was very cool about it we spoke about music mostly he asked what I was listening to and what was my favorite sport he even made me listen to some of his favorite tracks all in all may be a 15 minutes convo I was 15 back then and even though people always seem to give him crap I can't really shake the feeling of that young and chill upcoming artist he gave when we met a decade ago maybe the fame got to him maybe it's just his persona also very soft hands I've met an array of celebrities with the people who were the most memorable include Haylie Duff met her after seeing her off Broadway she spelled my name wrong on my play-doh then immediately went to get me a new one so she could race I'm as she was so sweet Paul Rudd just as nice and pleasant as you'd imagine met him after a Broadway show and he stopped to take pictures with everyone who lingered Michael Shannon was in the same show as Mr Rudd took the time to chat about movies and sign my play ball something about this dude's distinct and sometimes freighting facial expressions always made me feel a bit intimidated but he's very friendly and kind James Franco definitely odd but I had a friendly interaction was at the height of the Franco selfie craze he instructed me on how to take a good selfie together met him after a Broadway performance so it was pretty crazy but he tried to interact with as many people as he could most recently Guy Fieri went to a book signing semi ironically to put a cap on a very drawn-out furry fandom joke turns out guy is super nice and definitely not a meme in real life the book signing was sold out with about 150 people in attendance he was a bit late and apologized for it ensuring everyone would get a picture he followed through and really took the time to meet and greet everyone definitely have some real respect for the mayor of flavortown now I was surfing up in Nantucket when I was like 16 and there was a film festival going on a big guy who has clearly never been on a surfboard before is paddling my way on a big beginner board basically barely managing to stay on as he gets closer I realize it's john c reilly the other guy in Will Ferrell movies I paddle over to him to say hey and he says to me deadpan hey man I'm just trying to hang out with my surf gang we call ourselves the dark bastards and paddles away in 2005 when I was 19 and had a really bad stutter I met Green Bay Trek who'll pointed and laughed in my face mimicked my stutter said freak out much and just walked off when I tried to talk to him cup - 2014 Green Day again in town a friend and I decide to go bowling walk into a bowling alley on Street I live in and are completely surprised to discover Green Day are in there bowling I walk up to bar to get a drink Trek who also walks up to bar and says hi to me by sink frigate and say hi you know I met you a decade ago when I had a bad stutter and you mocked me for it so check it out no stutter now he apologized and said that he knows he was a dong back then he probably thought I was so know of him that I couldn't talk apologized several times and gave me an triple-a pass for the gig the next day and said come hang out tomorrow so I can prove I'm not honor so yeah well and truly accepted that apology and no longer think the guy is a declared met David Bowie once was torn between melting into a frothing mess and pretending I was cool with it all I'm sure it showed I have zero poker face skills I handed him the papers he came in for he paused smiled at me ever so slightly and wished me a good day I don't think I breathed the entire time he was there I was so tightly wound can't even remember if I said anything I just remember the pause and kinda smile I used to work in a coffee shop and had a second job in a restaurant when I lived in LA a few years back I got to meet Will Smith who was a complete sweetheart with a loud-ass booming laugh Eddie Murphy who would order the same drink was always very kind but would come in with a different girl every time Vin Diesel who was really nice and courteous it was especially nice seeing him enjoying some time with his family his kids were so cute and well-behaved and Christine Taylor Ben Stiller's wife who I talked to about 10 or 15 minutes about t if she was the absolute nicest person ever met Bryan Cranston once at the Bellagio whilst on holiday in Vegas I was a [ __ ] fanboy and blurted oMG it's Heisenberg almost immediately his facial expression went angry and he walked straight up to me and actually muttered how dare you call me out like that if people knew who I was I wouldn't be in this business next time you call me out like that be ready for a barrel then he smiled and starting laughing and we ended up talking for about ten minutes or so about b-b-but gave me an autograph I was so happy asked him if he wanted to join a few of us for a drink but he politely declined as he was waiting for his missus and daughter cool guy my son was a make-a-wish kid a few years ago while he was battling cancer he wanted to meet travis pastrana we went down to Arizona to watch him race NASCAR and hang out with him for a while he was almost a little uncomfortable being the center of attention but so so nice my son was eight at the time and kind of clammed up when Travis showed up he talked dirt bikes with my son and showed us around his nazca trailer he made a point to kind of get on my sons level so to speak and soon they were talking dirt bikes Nitro Circus and kind of joking around my wife and I were very grateful that he did that for our son I passed by Linda Hamilton's House of the way to work each morning whenever I see her outside she smiles and waves so I guess things are getting serious Tony Bennett nicest guy ever I was coming home in military uniform he sent a breakfast from first class back to me met Terry Crews at wdw waiting to ride Tower of Terror with him my friend and I just nonchalantly said hi to him plus that we liked his work no one else seemed to know who he was besides us he said he was trying to spend time with his daughter and to not make a scene ten stroke ten would respect a celebrity trying to have family time again nice guy when I was in high school I worked at a local amusement park and we constantly had celebrities in and out of the park some of them were incredibly nice while others were incredibly rude my standout moment of someone who was very rude is Justin Bieber I was putting him on a roll coaster and he was a total smart belt about it told me that his life was worth more than I could imagine and I have to make sure he's secure I slammed the bar down quick the Jonas Brothers are another group who were quite awful I don't know them well enough but one of them looked me dead in the eyes and told me his sunglasses were worth more than anything I'd ever owned and I better make sure they do not get lost Lil Wayne is also terrified of roller coasters which was pretty funny to experience helped Sandra Bullock at a clothing store I used to work out find shoes for her and her son Louie she absolutely glowed wonderful woman would suggest meeting her so nice cute kid ten stroke ten would help try on shoes again may the cast of The Office in 2008 using my make-a-wish on it this was the height of John Krasinski's fame and he knew it just came off as cocky Pam too unfortunately she was just not into hanging out in stuff I could see it was awkward for her however Steve Carell was far and away one of the nicest people I have ever met not even just saying that he was like insanely awesome just to rady me around the set for like an hour and we all had lunch together and he like pulled up a seat for me and stuff it was amazing they let me sit in the scene for certain shots it was like an out-of-body experience watching them film episode titled new boss meeting Andy and Ryan whatever just gonna use character names was cool too and he was like so hyped to say what's up I was kind of looking around in or the whole time and he goes how old are you 16 17 like to party I reply yeah I'm 17 he goes I got this movie coming out called The Hangover I think you'll love it turns out it's now hands down one of my favorite comedies about halfway through the day we're just hanging out and Ryan pops in through the door and everyone including the cast bombard him with hugs and hellos and questions and all that he had apparently been gone for some time we got to meet him and exchanged hellos and whatnot then he asks me kinda what had asked me my age he told me with the biggest grin on his face I just got back from Germany filming a world war 2 movie with Brad Pitt he was so dang happy I would be willing to bet it's all he talked about the next month everyone not mentioned was awesome Kevin Oscar Angela all the nicest folks you could imagine Cree definitely just plays himself in that show the dude was bonkers I met Robin Williams an SF at a local skate shop we were both looking at the same t-shirt racked when I heard him ask one of the dudes working there for another sighs something clicked and I was like hold on I know that voice turned around and we both looked at each other and I pointed at him and he smiled and pointed back I told him I was a huge fan and he just kept smiling and said thanks so much how do you like this place we just kept talking about random crap in the shop until he said he had to get going it was funny too as my friends walked in from another store and saw me just talking and laughing with Robin Williams the look on their faces was hilarious he was genuinely an amazing guy and I'm really glad I got to meet him and have a moment the skate shop was FTC if anyone was wondering met Anna Kendrick at a tube station a couple of years back she was incredibly sweet despite being stressed about not being able to find her way somewhere I helped her out also she's tiny like five feet I went to a film premiere where I met David Tennant Pixie Lott and Hugh Grant all perfectly lovely people but by far the best one was Nick Park creator of Wallace and Gromit he was so incredibly humble and just a wonderful genuine person had a lovely chat with him Kid Rock greasy but Pleasant slimy yet satisfying I met Tony Hawk while I was working at Congress and some Lobby was bringing him in to do meet and greets with congressional staffers it was kind of a weird experience I don't think that this will surprise everyone but he was basically a teenager in a 40 year olds body we asked him if the meet and greets were the only thing he was doing that day and he said he had actually just come from a middle school where he did some kind of speaking events for the students he said it was funny because a student asked him how much money he made in his response was basically I don't know dude I have people that handle that it was very odd because it made him seem very of touch with reality but in the most innocent way like a teenage young recognizes they need money to pay for stuff but not the actual value of any money they acquire met Adam Sandler once in a restaurant in NYC we were out to dinner for a friend's bachelor party a group of about a dozen guys Adam stopped by an hour table and said congrats to the groom-to-be and asked some genuine questions about where we were all from and what we do he then took a few moments to tell us that he had seen us earlier having fun and laughing together and about how important that is in life being with friends and laughing and enjoying our time together a kinda sounds cheesy now but in the moment it was very sincere and meant a lot to us overall it was maybe a 5-10 minute interaction but something none of us will ever forget I'm from Alaska and Sarah Palin through the opening pitch for opening ceremonies for little league as I was leaving I walked past her and she grabbed my hat off my head and signed it without asking the confused 12-year old me took my hat back and scurried off before realizing the governor just signed my heart did a bunch of movie work over the last few years got a chance to meet a few and see them in action Robin Williams months before he passed he is exactly the person you want him to be everything he said was a joke or setup for a bigger joke and he genuinely seemed like he cared his demeanor was very inviting I didn't feel like I had to be some hotshot producer to talk to him and like Ben Stiller who was the opposite he had some of us removed from the set because we were looking in his direction I worked with Ryan Reynolds during the whole production of Deadpool and the guy was a sweetheart I felt like he made an effort to put me at ease and make us feel like equals he was engaging as much as possible given the work environment and funny he had such a vested interest in the movie I legitimately feel that the editors and post-production folks screwed him over by not including some of the funniest scenes or at least not having an extended version of the movie I met Steven Cobert backstage at his old show he was very nice and pleasant seemed smart too so not too different than what he portrays on television but it's not like we were hanging out casually or anything so he was probably a bit on at the time anyway we were nobody important just a few of us there as staff for the guests at night he took the time to take pictures with each others after the show used to meet Santa Claus once a year he looked different every time oh you have been visited by the super landshark comment not today to make sure he doesn't eat you if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 137,773
Rating: 4.9364324 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, rude celebrities, r/askreddit celebrities, askreddit famous, askreddit celebrity
Id: SlU110-Dl1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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