"I Met A Celebrity But Didn't Let On That I Knew Who They Were..." | AskReddit

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what's your I met a celebrity but didn't let on that I knew who they were story my dad and I bumped into Michael Jordan at a Walgreens near Chicago this was back in 2006 or so we were picking out birthday cards for my mom and MJ and his son came in the same aisle browsing some cards my dad kept his cool and continued to look through different cards giving him his personal space I on the other hand was nine years old and in all sort of staring at him after MJ picked out his card he winked at me and gave me a walk-by fist bump didn't really set in until I was older how cool that was I worked at a Barnes & Noble in Arthur Clark but once or twice I'd be called over to the install Starbucks cafe to help out whenever they were understaffed one time Alan Rickman came up and ordered something I can't recall what I wrote Hans Gruber on his cup though he smiled at me when he noticed it I was in a bookstore INRI and was in the horror section picked up a book by Stephen King and flipped it over and saw his picture on the back or inside the cover I don't really remember I look up and in the next aisle over right across the bookshelf from me is a guy that looks exactly like Stephen King so I hold up the book and say is this you yeah good books Thanks and that was that my husband was vacationing in Arizona killing time in a bar over a burger and a beer a guy sits next to him and my husband has a nice chat with him the guy leaves and my husband goes to close his tab and the bartender tells him it's been covered by the guy he was talking to the bartender asks if he knows who he was talking to my husband has no idea Chuck Norris it was his bar I helped Steven Spielberg move his daughter's bags into her college dorm I was working a shift helping first-years move in and I see a guy in a hat and sunglasses who is unmistakeably Spielberg I strike up a conversation ask if he needs help with the bags etc first names only we are from circa my wife Kate and I sent all our kids to East Coast school though stuff like that later when his daughter opened the door for the first time he whipped out a camcorder and wearing the biggest dad grin recorded the whole thing before turning the camera on my friend and me to ask us about the city so I have a supporting the luggage speaking role in a limited release home movie film shot by Steven Spielberg I used to be a server at a Mexican restaurant right outside LA in the late 90s one day Leonardo DiCaprio came in with who I assume was his mom to have lunch this world been post Titanic so really at the peak of his breakthrough mega cell abstainers he was wearing a bold cap sunglasses and unshaven but I recognized him anyway I didn't let anyone know and I wrote something like your movies are awesome I hope you liked our food on his receipt when I dropped it off at the table after he left I swung by and picked up his payment and he had left me a note back that said thank you so much for not blowing my cover with a $100 tip [ __ ] was awesome I was only like 19 I went and got some PlayStation games with it after my shift ended was walking out of a gas station over on Crescent Heights and sunset and heard a hey hey coming from a crack's window on tinted out Range Rover that was parked at one of the pumps I walk over to the car to see Jeff Goldblum who had somehow seen my gold ring I was wearing on my right hand from 20 feet away he proceeds to tell me how he loves my ring and has been looking for one just like it and asks me where I got it I tell him it was my grandfather's and he asks to see it up close I hold my hand up to Jeff Goldblum he takes my hand gushes about the ring for a minute and thanks me I said sure and walked back to my apartment I like to think we are friends now samuel l.jackson was on my flight I was second-to-last aboard the flight and there was all this commotion with the flight attendants and gate crew once I approached the door of the plane I realized they were all looking at samuel l.jackson he was standing by the cockpit making himself available to passenger / fans I played it cool didn't say a word turns out I'm shy around celebrities I'm just glad I didn't make a snakes on the plane joke in the mid-90s I was a cab driver our service was like a cross between a limo and a taxi and we serviced some fancy resorts as I dropped off my passenger at a resort another guy asks if I'm a taxi and I say yes so he tells his friend their cab is here his friend got in the car and said this ain't no cab smells too good to be a cab in that unmistakable Chris Rock voice he and his friend just bullshitted with each other for the 15 minute drive to a local nightclub there was a white kid trying to talk to a yellow cab driver ahead of us in the parking lot and Chris Rock started imitating the kid like I need a ride yeah I'm drunk but I need a ride and I was trying really hard not to laugh out loud he wasn't nearly as famous yet at the time that I had seen his stand-up routines on Comedy Central and knew exactly who he was but didn't go fanboy on him 10 tenths would drive Chris Rock again Conan O'Brien my college friends dad owned an Irish restaurant in Manhattan and she waitress there back in the 1990s she said he was super rude to the staff and was a bad tipper one day a bunch of us were walking in the city and we saw him at a sidewalk cafe we stopped and stared and he noticed we were talking about him my other friend went up to his table and asked him to take a picture of us and handed him her camera his friends at the table had a huge laugh at his expense as we posed for a picture without him in it we never let on we knew who he was now we all hold dear an off-center photo of us with a funny back story my mom is a big sports fan one time she was shopping at and saw a really large fit looking man if she didn't immediately recognize but seemed familiar she thought it must have been a professional football player or something so she went up to the only other person in the shop who was this smaller weird-looking guy and asked him if he knew who the athletic looking man was the short guy looked at my mom and said that's my bodyguard I'm Elton John not sure if this counts as a celebrity but last fall I was flying from LA to Dallas and the person sitting next to me was a Real Housewife from Bravo I didn't recognize her since I don't watch her show but she did mention it to me multiple times during the flight she wanted to apologize in advance in case there were fans hounding her at the baggage claim spoiler alert there weren't hours later when I was checking into my hotel she was there in the lobby and made sure to tell me again that she was on TV not sure if this counts but when I was 15 I was really into playing Starcraft being a three month filled game at the time on battlenet I did mostly 3v3 games after finishing this one particularly epic match close game we won we all got into a chat room to talk about how fun that was like one of them says something to the effect of not sure if you all care but you just beat Ben Affleck of course we all asked him to prove it so he told us to wait a minute and visit his official web sites message board burn a fork come or something like that he had just made a post in red red being Ben Affleck himself about just losing a game of Starcraft we briefly chatted with him and that was it Robin Williams used to walk around my own childhood country town near SF I saw him once after hearing many rumors about his sightings not entirely unlike Bigfoot or Nessie sightings my brain didn't fully comprehend what it was seeing but I could tell he was trying his very best to remain incognito and not draw any unwanted attention we locked eyes he smiled I smiled and not in back and we both went our separate ways I was sitting at the Genius Bar at an Apple store one day and a very large man with dreads came and sat next to me he was bringing his phone in to get fixed because he dropped it and didn't have a case I overheard an employee jokingly say you wear a helmet when you play football shouldn't your phone have the same protection I knew it was Larry Fitzgerald but I didn't want to be a fanboy so I started asking very broad questions about what he did as a profession to stay engaged in a conversation with him Larry Fitz is to this day one of the nicest most humble people I have ever met I met Justin Timberlake and had no idea it was him until someone told me afterwards went to a basketball game with my dad and we stopped by the bar area in the arena first the game had just started so it was pretty empty except for the bar itself my dad goes to the restroom and I walk up to the bar to order a beer there's only one seat at the bar next to a guy in a baseball cap and sunglasses I politely ask if the seat is taken and he just says nope it's all you man we shoot the [ __ ] for a couple minutes he's sitting on my right and eventually he says he and his wife are going to go to their seats he extends his hand and asks my name I tell him and ask his name he says Justin nice to meet you dude have a good night he and his wife leave and the bartender comes up to me and says you know that was Justin Timberlake right I immediately did a double-take and couldn't believe I didn't recognize him even with the hat and sunglasses I told my girlfriend at the time who was a huge Justin Timberlake fan and she couldn't believe I met him without knowing it was him she wouldn't let it go for like a month met Ellen Musk in a Tesla store in LA really wanted to meet him but didn't want to be that guy decided I had a plan so walked up to him and said excuse me do you work here he replied i meanyeah kind of I say are what can you tell me about the entertainment console of the Model S he says let me see if I can find someone to help you to which I say now I'm just [ __ ] with you he laughed and shook my hand and walked off my dad met Robin Williams in an elevator he got in and they wrote a few flaws in silence they stopped on a floor and this bunch of fans ran in and started getting pics with Robin my dad said he was gracious and took pics with everyone the doors closed and they wrote a few more floors and my dad turned and said does that ever get old and Robin smiled and said nope never then my dad got off on his floor and they nodded to one another my dad went on with his day I was 10 years old in 2002 when my mom took me to the Bronx Zoo for the first time it was a rainy day so we practically had the whole place to ourselves except for three British kids running around chaperoned by a woman my mom quickly befriended the woman while I made like a kid and joined the horde looking at spiders and scorpions and sharing in the or and excitement of the animals after about an hour when we said our good-byes my mother told me that the kid Daniel who I had been hanging out with had played Harry Potter in the movie that came out last year I had thought he looked familiar when I was younger with fewer responsibilities I used to just drive around for the hell of it to me driving is a hobby late at night was my favorite time the streets are empty my uncle is like this too I asked him if he wanted to meet at American Coney Island we sat down in a booth a couple guys walked in after us and sat down behind us Eminem drive red and a guy I later found out was Jimmy Iovine we paid them no attention but we knew who they were they finished before us and as they were walking out Eminem nodded at us and said thanks for not making a big deal about this we got you he and the other guys disappeared around the corner jarred Leto I work in an outdoor goods store in Boulder CO which for those who don't know is one of the biggest climbing towns and lead us he came into the store to get some stuff as he's known to travel here and climb with other big pros notably Alex Honnold who is a buddy of his he had been out head in the middle of the footwear department by a Cal Curran mine in front of a big group of customers so by the time he got over to the climbing area where I work he was really on edge and unfriendly I walked up to him and honest he just acted like Lee wasn't hot [ __ ] I acted like I didn't really know who he was and just spoke to him like any other customer even breaking conversation with him at several points to answer questions for other folks as opposed to giving him my full undivided attention after about five minutes of that he totally relaxed and his entire demeanor changed he went from being somewhat rude and cold to being very chill calling me broad cetera and I ended up walking around the store with him for like 25 to 30 minutes helping him shop the only time I implied I knew who he was was towards the end as I was ringing him up he asked me to recommend some climbing spots close to town like the flat earrings it was a beautiful Saturday and I said to him that those places are great that he will get bombarded by people if he goes there and I recommended some spots just outside of town instead he saw two leaned in and thanked me for my discretion and that was it it seemed like he really just wanted to be treated like a normal guy I met Simon Pegg when I was working as a cashier at Borders it was like a Tuesday in the afternoon and the place was empty he came up to my with some stationery and I started ringing him up the entire time I was thinking he looked so much like him but I didn't think it was him since I wasn't in the UK and as far as I knew he wasn't filming a movie in Chicago so it was a pretty quod transaction after it was done and I was handing him his bag with his stuff I jokingly said has anyone told you that you look like the guy from Shaun of the Dead he replied I'm the guy from Shaun of the Dead Wolf Blitzer was a monumental douche in 2004 I was working in Atlanta and staying at the Omni Hotel which also hosts CNN headquarters drinking in the hotel bar one night after an exhausting day of work just wanted a drink and some socializing but not too much so I sit next to this dude and get a drink keep in mind we are sitting close together at a bar so I never really turned to look at him small talk ensues and he talks about his work and how his travel schedule is killing him we commiserated as I traveled a lot back then I could tell he was baiting me to ask him more and more questions that I just wasn't into it finally he infers implies that he was on TV so I bet oh yeah have I seen you on anything in particular incensed he responds yes I'm wolf [ __ ] Blitzer sorry dude I paid my tab and left I met a celebrity but I didn't realize who he was I posted before on a thread buried in 10k comments doubt anyone saw it years ago like 20 years ago I went to see Adam Sandler stand up as a small comedy club clearly I knew who he was because I got tickets to his show my date and I were running a smidge late and ran into a guy in the lobby a guy I used to work with so I was like hey Danny how are you doing what have you been up to he was like I'm good how are you I responded that I was good but running late for the show had to run and he said okay have a good night and walked off as my date and I walked into the club he said you know who that was it wasn't Danny it was Adam Sandler but gotta say he played the part of Danny well one of his better roles
Channel: Humor Studios
Views: 645,405
Rating: 4.9427595 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, EmKay, GioFilms
Id: KIl5Ewq8HRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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