Being Friends With A Celebrity - What's It Like? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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redditors who are friends with famous people what are the benefits or disadvantages you encounter do to your friends fame two of my friends were pretty tight with Dave Chapel for a while he'd text them to see if they'd want to hang out of some of the less crowded bars in the city he's married and has children so I wouldn't see him very often and it took a couple times to not be weird around him people actually started treating him like he's a person until he went back on tour I was able to watch chuckle show with him doing live commentary that was pretty incredible an old childhood friend of mine became a screenwriter he mainly co-writes and stars in indie films relatively small budgets by Hollywood standards but he and a colleague have been able to cast a few a-listers and have netted several awards as far as the advantages I've been offered small roles in their films they invite me to parties and I occasionally get to meet some stars writers composers etc the disadvantage if anything is that he tends to be busy and it's difficult to hang out with him these days unless there's an event of some kind but we're adults and this tends to happen regardless I'm very happy for him and whenever we do cross paths we pick up right where we left off so this is how my Space Jam 2 movie will get married PM me I'm pretty good friends with a professional football player we were really good friends when we were younger I live a few hours from the city he plays in so when I visit we just hang out at his place it's hard to go out in public there but when he visits me a few hours away in a small town we can go to a bar and it's not too crazy he's pretty much rich but has never gave me any money though he always buys a beer and dinner and pays for anything my family does with him I don't really talk to him during the season other than a text here and there I know a QB for an NFL team he always paid for stuff and gifted me tons of gear even though I wasn't a fan of his team he is really nice about people recognizing him and I thought that was sweet my mom's cousin is Steven Tyler from Aerosmith growing up we were going to all of his shows and always had all access passes to do whatever we wanted we could eat anything from backs grab anything from the gift shops etc he would take us on stage before the shows and show us around through him I met Pamela Anderson Kid Rock and Eminem I have a lot of limited-edition stuff signed from Uncle Steve Tyler but other than that it hasn't changed my life all that much my mom would never take money from him even though he would always try well it's not a friend of mine but the father of my best friend since childhood he's one of Norway's most famous comedians pros free tickets to everything which they would bring me and my friends he would occasionally drop some funny jokes cons really annoying walking around with him in public and him getting recognized by fans and two little kids dosent exactly enjoy waiting all the time when we are going for ice cream or some crap my father was team doctor for the Oilers in the 80s Earl and Conway used to tickle the crap out of me when I was five buddy of Mines father was a huge star in the 80s he's a main character in one of the most famous 80's teen movie you could imagine and this kid holy crab he is like identical looking to his dad I really didn't see it as a big deal when I was a kid looking at it now I mean God dang he sees his dad on the tube by accident all the time one thing that stood out to me though there's later was a comment he made when we first started hanging out we did theater together and my dad a local cop was also a carpenter and would volunteer to build these bad assets and design all sorts of neat stage props and pieces like really cool intricate things my buddy had always admired my father he turns to me and says your dad builds things and fights crime he's pretty much a superhero your dad rules my dad passed away from brain cancer pretty recently and the whole statement meant very little in comparison to what it means now this kid's dad is a celebrity and here he was very often bragging about my father kind of bizarre 'but i wish my dad heard me brag about him more my cousin is in the zac brown band he's fairly successful I know my parents and a lot of my other family have mooched tickets and hotel stays off of him I'm not into country music though so his concerts never interested me oh goodness I like country enough to have gone to attack Brown show that someone else had tickets for and damn it I'm glad I did they skimmed through a few of their famous tunes but mostly played 20 minutes jam covers of classic rock to everybody in that band as their crap together and kicks ass your cousin is a fantastic instrument player whomever he be well Phillip Phillips is my second cousin so he's been in my home and workplace it's kind of annoying when I'm out with him at a bar or something and a huge crowd gathers for autographs and things Jonah Hill is my cousin it's fun I'm actually shocked that no one in this comment thread has made the if anyone's gonna freak my cousin it's gonna be me reference yet in high school my best friend's cousin was very famous pros backstage VIP passes and meeting other people who were famous at the time and I might have mentioned our association a few thousand times in my life cons none for me although I have cringed at some of the career choices made by the celeb still lasting 20 years of the entertainment industry I still feel proud I'm going to guess Backstreet Boy not quite a celebrity but my girlfriend's father is the CEO of a large wealthy well-known company and though I don't know the extent of their wealth a simple Google search puts the family over $1 billion as for advantages I only have to mention their name to anyone in town and my status has been elevated even my boss mentions it as dating a local celebrity I try not to bring up the detail unless people push me for it because I don't like to brag or consider it anything more than it should be my girlfriend and her parents in terms of disadvantages I would say I feel in flux with my status mentioned with the family they are an old established family and have more formality in their family than I ever had such as my brother whose favorite phrase to use around people especially family gatherings was si nugget I feel expected to meet this formality at times even though I prefer not to my girlfriend isn't a fan of it either and feels bad inviting me to things where I have to dress up and be formal it's hard to talk to these people when your main topics of interest are physics computer programming metal and video games I usually lean on sports since that is a safe topic I also enjoy her dad is also a little weird about us dating after two years he referred to me as his daughter's friend and not boyfriend which may be more of his delusion that his daughter is dating someone while it is more formal and sometimes awkward for me everyone in her family and extended family have been nothing but nice to me so far while I was looking for a job her parents allowed me to stay at their place until I did and even then her dad physically helped move me into my apartment because outside of work he's your average Joe he even built a chicken coop and is raising chickens just because he wanted to all in all the good definitely outweighs the bad even though the bad is more just me adjusting to a different situation even though I'm a fish out of water I try to be myself and focus on making my girlfriend happy because that mutt is more than what her family thinks in a branch manager with a cushy $38,000 a year and I am personal friends with Tom Skerritt not a bad life is it just give me back my daughter I work in film and TV so I have a couple of famous people I am friendly with advantage they give you free see disadvantage they give you free see I'm pretty decent friends with Penn from Penn & Teller the advantages are I get to go to pretty much every show in Vegas and he got me tickets to comic-con not too many disadvantages I'm friends with Chief Keef man I do not know how to describe the dude he's sporadic but I love him he's a pretty scary guy if you don't know him but when you get to know him he's kinda like a black Iron Giant anything he talks about in his songs it's true sadly he's got all the guns he does all that gang banging crap I used to be a part of that but since he got famous he's given me and my family enough money to move out where we were in to a nicer place I'm an Atlanta right now talking with music executives he's really gotten me on my feet had me on some songs etc I'd say the benefits are that he loves helping people and he's a giant teddy bear I'll call him up and say hey Keith what's up and he'll give me a rundown of his day he's in LA right now for rehab and I hope this shapes him up a bit all I can't think of while reading this is God dangit I would love to hang out with famous people and do exactly what my friends and I normally do I'm friends with that pastor who got defrocked for officiating at his son's gay wedding haven't been invited to a single party defrocked sounds like such a dirty word defrock me baby defrock me good and hard I'm friends with Adam Scott when he was in Australia in 2012 I played a round of golf with him he's the nicest most down-to-earth guy dang got all excited because I thought you were talking about the Adam Scott from Parks and Rec who I'm sure is also a perfectly nice person I was friends with a pretty famous actor when he died recently I didn't get to find out through his family or other friends instead the media had made it their top story within hours of the accident and I had to find out that way instead I had to be reminded every time I went on the computer turned on the TV went to the grocery store I would say that's a pretty huge disadvantage my dad works at Nintendo so I know Reggie and he said that if you want to get me you have to turn your game on and off 165 times then go into a battle he tells everyone he knows this so people in public like him you're probably the kid that told me I could move the truck to get mu interestingly enough I'm friends with a DJ who's known for being a pioneer in the techno world I say interesting because he's kinda well-known here even though he got his start here but if we hung around in Europe I'm pretty sure I'd be swimming in strange I am friends with a Hollywood celebrity he comes out to Australia all the time and we hang out when he does benefits will be all the cool things I get to go to and see for example getting backstage and I get to meet other celebrities another funny benefit is the famous by association assumption we had drinks after a performance at the Opera House and there were two international celebrities one national celebrity and myself a girl asked for photos and autographs and she kept on giving me a weird look before asking for a photo with me and asked for my autograph I work a nightie disadvantages would be for us to have an actual catch-up unintel in the hotel room or my house out in public everyone comes up and says something and wants to say hi also I am always the guy taking the photo at the aforementioned concert at intermission there was a line down to our seats that people lined up in and I just took photos for the full intermission I'm guessing Matt Lucas I live next door to one of the guys and Def Leppard pros he is an incredibly nice guy he's not loud at all lives a clean and decent life has a lovely wife and gives me tickets and backstage passes for shows the cons honestly none sometimes his dog pops but really he is awesome I worked for an a-list actor for a while he was a multiple Oscar winner and at the time a walking green light we were friendly so when we traveled for work we would hang out the most stark reminder I had that he was not in Earth mortal was one night when we went to a club in South Beach the front of the club was mobbed by people trying to get in so we headed to the back entrance this too was mobbed though with more attractive people we walked to the front of the line in the moment the security guard saw his face he lifted the velvet rope a different security guard escorted us up a back stairwell we were met inside the club by the club's owner who was a minor celebrity in her own right she must have been alerted that we were coming by the security guard she led us to the VIP area of the club just as we sat down at our table which was the best table right in the center of the VIP area a waiter plunked down a nice bucket with a bottle of my way the club owner asked as if champagne was alright the actor said he actually would prefer a cosmopolitan within minutes a cute bartender shows up with another ice bucket inside this bucket is a bottle of Absolut cranberry juice and lime juice she also has glasses a shaker and a bottle of Cointreau she makes us cosmos and then withdraws to the side when we wanted another we would look at her and she would make us another right away she was our personal bartender for the night people outside the VIP area could see that the actor was there and there was screaming from the dance floor trying to get his attention inside the VIP area we were surrounded by a crescent of gorgeous gorgeous women wearing tiny outfits they were just staring at him I was never much of a fan of going to clubs and after that night I knew a big reason why I am NOT famous for famous people clubs a wonderful something else he always liked flying private but he didn't own a jet nor did he ever pay for one as far as I could tell he borrowed them his assistant would hustle whatever jet she could find the sony jet Harvey Weinstein's jet etc once we went to the Hamptons did we drive of course not we took the Sony helicopter cost to him $0 it's good to be famous I'm friends with an actor you'd all recognize if I said his/her name big advantage Disneyland you get a person assigned to you to take you to the front of every ride multiple times if you want and we did the whole park in about four hours we were asked told politely not to take pictures of the behind the scenes areas but it was cool to see them disadvantaged watching them pose with pictures for an hour as you're trying to leave a restaurant observation people do not treat celebrities like people I've seen people come up and say your last movie wasn't very good was it why do you think that is almost as bad are the people who act like they have some sort of inside joke with them just because they've seen them on TV would post pics but none contain a banana so scale is impossible to determine everyone assumes you're rich everyone gets disappointed when you're not also famous people bug the freak out of you paparazzi following around newspapers fill up with rumors unless you have money fame isn't that fun sure you can get women but only so they have a story to tell their friends or to get benefits from you eventually you have no idea who is a real friend and who isn't fun if you're sociopaths I guess everything's fun when I'm a sociopath you have been visited by the enamored koalas comment slow and happy to get a relationship as good as that over koalas if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 215,306
Rating: 4.9244671 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, famous friend, friends, famous, star, benefits, disadvantages
Id: Y1mxv_GzY7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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