Who Do You Think You Are? (Romans 2:1-11)

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wait a minute before the service starts we would like to invite you to the behold he comes bible prophecy conference and to stream the conference online you simply need to go to beholdycombs.org and you could do us a great favor by telling as many people as possible let's make it a great event turn in your bibles too romans chapter 2 romans chapter 2. yeah you heard me right it's romans chapter 2. [Applause] only took us months to get here romans chapter 2 i will begin reading in the odd numbered verses if you'll read the new king james version of the bible in the uh odd verses or the even number of verses for you it'll be on the screen if you don't have a new king james but romans chapter 2 beginning to verse 1. therefore you are inexcusable o man whoever you are who judge for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself for you who judge practice the same things and do you think this o man you who judge those practicing such things and doing the same that you will escape the judgment of god what an awesome verse that is verse 5 but in accordance with your hardness and your impotent heart you are treasuring up for yourselves wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteousness righteous judgment of god eternal life to those who by patient continuance and doing good seek for glory honor and immortality tribulation and anguish on every soul of man who does evil of the jew first and also of the greek for there is no partiality with god amen wow father bless we pray in jesus name and all god's people said amen amen church you can be seated and as we get into romans chapter 2 it's amazing to realize that there should be no surprise to us whatsoever if you have been with us in romans chapter 1 a chapter that is most avoided in churches pastors struggle with if they teach the whole chapter they're going gonna have to deal with the heavy lifting of romans chapter one and romans chapter one deals with what we would say the underbelly of life and we saw in our four-part series earlier that much of it is dedicated to the bible exposing the things that would not only mark the last days before christ returns but it is something that has been within the human culture but jesus said it would increase and that is sexual aberrance not only just sexual immorality but extreme manifestation of sexual immorality to the point the bible says that it would be public to to such levels but nobody would be ashamed of it and in fact people would endorse it and that's in romans chapter 1. and listen the temptation upon us as we enter into romans chapter 2 is for the last several weeks for you to be thinking about those people that he pointed out and for us to look at them and say oh how could they boy i'm glad i'm not like them god aren't you glad that you have me in your kingdom and uh i'm oh i would never and it's almost where you you you take your robe i have a picture in my mind right now where you take your righteous robe of being a christian and you pull it in snug so as you walk by the heathen you don't get tainted by their sin and i i see them i see that happening i it happened to a group of us we were in moscow we were in red square preaching the gospel in the early 90s and the priests of the russian orthodox church no doubt could see and hear the the noise i mean there were hundreds of people gathered around us in red square and we're preaching the gospel with amplification and what is called the metropolitan very powerful religious man and with his entourage and with his mighty hat dressed as he was with his robes he very sternly walked straight toward us and then oh you know that dracula remember how dracula pulls his cape up he pulled his robe up and pulled it up against him and then literally tiptoed by us as a display of disgust because we were preaching that all men can be saved if they come to christ that jesus died on the cross and put your faith in him and live and he didn't like it and so in his very descriptive act condemned us by his action he pulled his righteous robe against his body and stayed clear of us i'll never forget it and paul the apostle is speaking to the believers in rome and he's warning he's actually going to go on to tell us that those who practice sexual immorality adultery fornication homosexuality sodomy all of those things paul is going to teach us that those sins are obvious psy rogers told me personally jack you never have to convince a homosexual of their sin he said we know that we're sinners you know who doesn't know they're sinners the people found in romans chapter two they're religious people there's hope for the other gang but when somebody thinks so highly of themselves because they have all of the trappings they've got the robes of righteousness so to speak that they dare not get near the world i wouldn't get near those people i am not asking you to consider getting near those people to do what they do i'm asking you to get near those people to show them the love of jesus if in fact the love of jesus is in you because if the love of jesus is in you then you will not be looking at people by saying you know what that hooker over there in the corner there in hollywood and vine that hooker oh i wouldn't get near her well no duh the way that you're thinking of course you're not but can you put on christ for a moment and realize that you are going to walk over to her and say excuse me and by the way you should put your hands up just in case so cops don't think you're soliciting her and yet not to do it alone either have your friends with their cameras on across the street but say excuse me i don't know your name and i don't know your life but you don't look happy and i want you to know something jesus christ died on the cross for my sins and it wasn't only mine he died on the cross for your sins and you and i are the same but i know jesus do you know jesus and you can ask her right there or the guy doing the drugs or the guy that's babbling to himself as he's looking up at a telephone pole and we pull in our robes and we say oh my goodness a sinner and god looks down from heaven and says wait a minute you're a sinner and if it wasn't for my blood you would be just like them there's only one thing separating you and i from those that are lost and on their way to hell and that is the fact that god by his grace touched our hearts and we turned toward him and we cried out to him and said oh god right be merciful to me a sinner and he was merciful but how will they hear how will they hear if we do not tell them so our message is entitled who do you think you are who do you think you are no it depends on how you answer that the christian today would say i know exactly who i am and i i lift this by the way because i don't i i lack the authority i think of convincing you so i'm going to borrow from a heavy lifter i'm going to borrow from dr h a ironside dr ironside said regarding who we are when we get to heaven we're going to stand there and there's going to be this big beautiful gate an entryway and we're going to look over the top and it's going to say all ye who will enter in come and we're going to walk through there and we're high-fiving each other oh man this is amazing and then we get in there's a huge table where we're going to sit down with abraham and all those with faith and we're going to maybe sit down and ironside says then we're going to look back to the doorway that we pass through and on the back side it's going to say sinners saved by the grace of god that's who's going to be at the table who do you think you are i know exactly who i am i am a sinner saved by the grace of god well what about romans chapter 1 i'm a sinner saved by the grace of god but now we're in romans chapter 2. and paul i'm telling you he's going to dig down because he now looks into the religiosity of religion and if you can handle it i mean look i preached my guts out the last four weeks trying to empty out this church no but i was honest i was honest i gave you the truth i gave you exactly what the bible said i let the bible stand on its own and it didn't work i met someone yesterday that came up to me and said i came the first day before you started romans i came that first sunday and i loved it and then i came back the second week and i hated you i'm not kidding i hated you i said i would never go to that church again and i found myself coming back the next week and then the next week and then you know why that happens truth jesus said my sheep know my voice and they follow me it's his truth amen and so it's quite amazing and it should be no surprise to us that when we as a cleaned up people by the blood of jesus i pray and trust or we could be a people that we think we are cleaned up by our own self-righteous deeds and if you can stay for the next few weeks it's possible that for some of you who view yourselves acceptable to god but you have a qualifier i'm acceptable to god because my dad was a pastor my mom played the trumpet in the band and my brother's a missionary what does that matter oh i i'm a christian and i'm going to go go to heaven because i because you what no it doesn't work that way are you guys okay already i mean we're just we're just into this and i've already fried your face off i think already right uh we have a tendency to look at two extremes you know there's those that are horribly condemned and and you can see the fumes as it were of their sin rising and then there's those over there that glow in the dark in righteousness but the problem is they it's just a bunch of flashlights it's not any righteousness they just they're so impressed with themselves they're legends in their own minds and so listen a little bit of background of course in fact this is very powerful stuff this background that we need to know and you ought to write in your note taking that first of all remember that the book of romans and you're going to see why in chapter 2 and 3 the book of romans is the magna carta of the bible it's the declaration it's the charter of freedom let's remember this everybody as we get into this we need to put our our armament on habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 remember says behold the proud his soul is not upright within him but the just shall live by what is a church that was horrible let me ask you again the just shall live by by faith and from that the jew paul the apostle converted to christ now born again echoes that in romans 1 17 when it says for in the righteousness of god is revealed from faith to faith for it is written and he quotes habakkuk the just shall live by faith faith romans chapter 10 verse 14 romans 10 14 background to this how then shall they call on him whom they have not believed how do people hear the good news how does a sinner become a saint how does the lost become found someone's got to reach them someone's got to go to them and how shall they believe in him whom they've not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and i'm going to say all of us don't point your finger at me i'm pointing back at you we're all in this together church right we are the preachers okay verse 15 how shall they uh preach unless they are sent and as it is written how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace who bring glad tidings of good things but they have not all obeyed the gospel for isaiah says lord who has believed our report verse 17 so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god let me interrupt myself on this this is precious to me and it should be to you i believe jesus christ is coming back soon and the tempo or the nearness of his coming has stepped up it's stepping up faster and faster and faster and one of those things is this that we together are making an impact by fulfilling the scripture that you may well as i say you may or may not be aware of i'm not even aware of because i'm shocked with the things that i'm hearing but together so i preach and teach the word but through your support of getting this stuff out onto programs all around the world now be it either internet or television or radio people are giving their hearts to christ and that's awesome don't get me wrong i love it but the biggest impact that this church is having around the world is making disciples there are people who are saying i thought i was saved but i didn't even know this before or i've been saved i've been saved for 50 years but i've had like one year experience just repeated every 50 years but since i've been hearing the word of god the bible's exploded in my life you know how that happens listen there are preachers there are they're goers and they're senders and because you and i are living in the last days you don't have to get a passport and fly to some foreign country and hack through the jungles to preach the gospel to somebody we are such in the last days that all you need to do is to shout as it were from the rooftop the gospel is coming out of radios and rental cars the gospel is being dropped into enemy occupied territory so to speak in korea in china north korea where the where the gospel is forbidden there's the way now through the internet and through other ways to drop the teaching of god's word every single one of us now the hour is so late every one of us are missionaries to some degree know i can take my dollar bill and send it to a pardon of the world where i can't go how do you do that by supporting for example jay vernon mcgee or this ministry or dr david jeremiah you got to be careful pray about i mean those guys are great but there's a lot of goofballs out there a little side note anybody who says if you don't send it if you don't send in your money if you don't send in your money people are going to go to hell because they didn't hear the gospel it's all because you didn't support let me tell you listen don't send them a penny if they're pressuring you like that forget it if god's broke we got the wrong god okay we've got to be willing to go we've got to be willing to send but how shall they hear unless the word goes out we have to remember that question how did you hear the word of god when you got saved how did you hear it where were you think about that for a moment was not god pursuing you and you didn't even know it and then when that veil was lifted from your face you realized oh my goodness now things make sense remarkable what an awesome god so i want you to write this out this is all an introduction it's clear by the time we'll never even get to verse one probably not even the if you've never heard of the romans road i'm going to give it to you right now it's you ought to memorize it when i was younger i had it memorized uh as i as i age i barely can make it home sometimes but if you're going to get a tattoo get a tattoo of the roman road and here's here it comes in fact that's pretty good actually if you have a problem with your memory go ahead and get it tattooed on your arm and you you can just never mind um number one romans road check it out listen up everybody romans wrote number one romans 3 verse 10. as it is written there is none righteous no not one can somebody say amen so listen if you are that hooker from uh hollywood and vine or if you are the incredibly well-groomed businessman whose office is in the corner and everybody thinks you're just perfect the roman road to salvation begins by saying there is none righteous no not one and we in our human thinking think like this and i don't know if it's from the school we went to or if it's just flat out our human condition but we have a tendency to grade on a curve right man i hope everybody gets a d in this class if everybody gets a d then everybody passes well life's not like that and god's not like that well pastor i'm the guy i brought here today is my neighbor he i mean i brought him today he is a major loser my neighbor is such a sinner jack you don't know excuse me if if you brought that neighbor that neighbor out to turn to you right now and say to romans 3 10 there is none righteous no not one now you may be sitting here today you mean watching right now and you're thinking i don't like you you just said i'm not righteous that's right join the club none of us are righteous the word righteous here is the righteousness that god must accept it's the righteousness that only god could accept it's the righteousness listen that only jesus can provide there's no man-made righteousness that's acceptable think about it my friend you're you're becoming enlightened the god is dropping as it were epiphanies of knowledge and you're waking up and it's like wow and you decide with that revelation instead of falling on your knees and accepting christ you think the thought wow i'm really i'm really connecting with god i'm going to tell my friends maybe maybe they want to talk to me and you start to think something of yourself and guess what happens you start preaching a false gospel and you start getting impressed with you and you start forming the little group this is how cults start and you wanna you wanna follow us we're better than everybody else i mean once you join us you'll see what i'm talking about the moment you do that the righteousness that you are declaring to be the standard is broken from the beginning because how can you start to create some cult of righteousness when what you start with is corrupted does that make sense the moment we wake up to even the gospel jesus died for me what what do i need to do do you need to fall in your face before him and say god i can't do anything nuts it's not due it's i'm done because the moment you try to be good enough to get into heaven the moment you try to establish your little holiness group you have forgotten that we've all sinned and we're tainted with that sin and so paul is speaking to the religionists but he's speaking to the believers in rome just remember this there's none righteous no not one here's number two romans road chapter 3 verse 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god see there's no escaping this see jack is this good news i came here this morning for some good news this is the best news this is the best news it'd be like this if you want to go from here to where do you want to go uh from here norway not texas texas okay texas depends on the weather so if we're going to go to texas hypothetically so we're going to head to dallas we're going to drive if there's if there are numerous highways that we can start out from here hello we're in southern california we have more freeway numbers i mean you need a calculator to figure out the freeways around this place and which one which one do i go with you listen there's so many but eventually one will get you to dallas are you with me you can start where there is just a a spaghetti noodle bundle of decisions to make but eventually there's only one that gets you there and that one that gets you there is a route it's a road that starts out with saying there's none righteous instead of being offended by that you should say okay that's okay really i thought all you christians were like super holy rollers no we're not you got that from the religious person the christian who knows jesus knows exactly who they are and they know what they are and listen when we know who we are and what we are we have a tendency to walk closer to jesus than others why because we know who we are and we know what we are okay in other words jesus hang on to me and if i try to wiggle out don't you let me go uh you just glue me to you you know what i'm talking about listen we don't do good on our own i think weekends are too long weekends should be shorter because weekends you could get in a lot of trouble in a weekend okay number three romans 6 23 says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life in christ jesus our lord boy you know that's true right so i don't believe that well you know what the bible says the wages of sin is death sin is to miss the mark that's what the word sin means miss the mark it's an it's an archery term it means that the archer takes out his arrow the judges are there watching and he releases and instead of hitting red he hits yellow and i'm not joking in ancient days the judges would look back at the archer because it's so far away but just to confirm and the judges would say sinner i missed let me try again sinner the guy can shoot everything and he misses the mark every time and with every time the judge shouts back center he doesn't get offended he doesn't call his attorney he's not all woked out he's oh man no he's man i got to really work on my target and the whole point is this according to god before we wake up to the fact that we even have a bow and an arrow in our hands and that there's a target god says you've sinned so you haven't even shot yet to you you haven't shot yet but you remember when you were 13 and remember when you're 17 and no remember when you're 21 out there behind you missed the mark and you went yes i guess i did but that shouldn't bum you out it should cause you to understand something wait a minute god's available to everyone his love grace and forgiveness is available to all and yes it is see the danger for you today is to look back into chapter one and say i'm none of those people but god doesn't listen great on a curve he doesn't say that those uh that get a d and an f are those in chapter one but those who sin in chapter 2 they're like a's and b's no because we start from the point or place of being sinners there's nothing acceptable to god that we can do now you're going to write me a letter you're going to say are you telling me that my excellent morality doesn't matter to god that when i feed the homeless and in belize uh and give them so much money to have uh dwellings built in tijuana that that doesn't matter to god let me see how how i can answer this accurately no no it doesn't matter well then why should i do it exactly your motive exactly the motive was wrong the bible says we don't even know our hearts so what do we do this is an awesome thing about obeying god please be set free with this when you read the word and you say i'm going to obey listen one of the tricks satan will use against you is hey hey christian you're getting all fired up you heard that sermon you're going to go out there and save the world are you go out there feed the homeless listen satan lost you to jesus but he won't give up he's not going to get you back you you belong to jesus there's no snatching you out of jesus hands but what he'll do is he'll get you to be sterilized so you don't reproduce and here's how he does it now that message you heard today just take it easy i mean jack was a little goofy first of all to begin with he he barely even did the announcements right so you're saying to you know just take it why did you pray about it for a week this is satan speaking i've heard him a million times i know the bible says this but why don't you just wait on the lord yeah but that guy's bleeding right now why don't you just pray about it you hear him saying you don't like what i'm saying though do you do you hear this is it not true when god says do this say this be this the moment we stop well i'm gonna uh i'll pray about that the enemy is going ah that's a great trick by the way read screw tape letters by c.s lewis you're right read that book that'll change your thinking the moment you begin to realize that when god says this and we're to obey god but when we wait and ponder and rethink we do what the enemy did in the garden has god really said oh come on eve god's holding out on you watch out be very careful be very wise we begin this with a an awakening that we have sinned and the bible says that sin pays dividends at the end of the quarter you'll either have a profit you'll either break even or you'll go broke and the bible says the sin that wages pay is death you get a statement in the mail in its death we all know this is true but thank god the gift of god is eternal life in christ jesus wow see this is beginning to build the road it was pretty foggy there at the beginning but now i'm starting to see a little bit of clarity step 4 romans chapter 5 verse 8 says but god demonstrated his own love toward us and that while we were still sinners christ died for us can we have a can we thank god for that wow if you are arguing if this is an argumentation or a debate class this is a toughie because i love the fact that i believe that this verse proves the existence of god regarding our salvation when it says that god demonstrated his own love toward us that wild some of your bibles say well we were yet or still yes sinners christ died for us let's be honest why in the world would you and i pay anything for somebody who is the antithesis of who we are or what we like or want think of it think about somebody in this world that you can encounter in life that is the opposite of everything you believe in and god says die for them so imagine charlie manson condemned to death and you you step in and take charlie manson's place that's what god did for us who does this god did this this is the good news that god would step in and say listen jack are you guilty and see here's the thing can you understand this can you imagine if you say man i love that person so much oh you know them no i don't know them but i've watched them on the un on the tv show and then the court the court tv thing and i've i just love that person and my heart goes out to them oh that's cool i guess yeah right on where's do you know where this courtroom is where's the stores the studio where is this going on and you go there and you do whatever you need to do to get there and then you come into the room and the judge says who are you i'm so-and-so well who cares well i'm here to pay for his judgment his judgment's death dude okay that's fine where do you want to kill me can you imagine if the guy that's condemned says what are you nuts get out of here what drove you to the courthouse what caused you to intervene was the was what you said earlier love people think you're crazy how could that possibly be the love is offered judgment can be relieved the guilty can go free but the guilty turns to the innocent and says are you nuts get out of here and every day in life that you say to god i don't need you i don't need your salvation you are a guilty lost condemned sinner and he barged into your life with an announcement and it's happening right now it's been happening since you walked into this building jesus died on the cross for your sins jesus rose again from the dead you can't go to heaven by being good don't judge other people we'll get to that eventually maybe next week hopefully that we have no authority to judge other people we can't do it because we're judging other people from a tainted position you say well i don't do what you do and god goes over here and says i don't do what you're doing and who's the real judge he is so we all throw our hands up and say oh god have mercy and god will have mercy on any soul that will turn and ask him you know the story right i'm sure i'll flub it up but it goes something to this effect there was one particular battle i forget the village i forget the scenario but once napoleon's troops had captured that area you know they would parade the the soldiers right back into prison or off to death they often put them in shackles the babylonians would put fish hooks made out of fish bone in the jaws and they would link they would link the hook to the back of this guy's neck that's in front of you and so you're hooked together and that's how you display the triumphal entry by the way remember jesus in the triumphal entry the triumphal entry in the roman empire was the conquering general for example russell crowe comes into rome with all those that he captured and he's on a white horse and behind him are all it's all the gold and all the booty and all the stuff that they captured and the people and they're chained or they're hooked okay and so you just just keep that in mind they're bound they're hooked together they they are tied together condemned it's an absolutely horrific scene but for one to step in so this was going on with napoleon and a woman comes from the crowd your majesty your your majesty and she falls on her face before napoleon and she says have mercy on my son napoleon have mercy and he said ma'am your son was found warring against me he deserves justice napoleon said stop right there was napoleon correct 100 percent he's the enemy this man's the enemy he was warned against us he deserves judgment on what grounds i'm the victor taliban now rules afghanistan we call the shots now on what grounds we won so the woman says oh your emperor i didn't ask for you to show judgment and justice i asked for you to show mercy and i don't know if this next part's true it's debated that napoleon was so touched by that that mercy was passed along i don't know if that's true or false but do you get the point yes hell says justice on you hell says justice on jack i cry out in mercy and based upon the expense of jesus christ at the cross his death in my place he purchased my salvation my he purchased my declaration it's a big word it's propitiation he became the payment watch this he became the payment that i owed god which was impossible but not only that once he paid the bill he turned around and said this is hard this is hard to even say because we don't often say it right in our english when we say i've been justified it's true yes you have but the level of which how god justified you what does that mean it doesn't mean there's something lingering over here according to god the righteousness of jesus christ has been imparted to you when god looks at you he sees the righteousness of his son this is hard for me to say but it's theologically accurate but it's tough i don't know if i have that much faith when god looks at his son jesus he goes i'm well pleased when god looks at you who are in christ a christian god says i'm well pleased oh how did that happen jesus it's not like i'm so well pleased in my son and so you know my son do you you're associated with him all right you can come in oh no the bible says a grand full entrance will be provided to you on that day that you see his glory is that going to happen to you will that be you i hope that will be you and the fifth and final step to the romans road is chapter 10 verse 13 for whoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved and no there's no and how much know how much well what's the hook no hook it's just tough this is hard and i can tell you why it's hard god's salvation is free and you're supposed to accept it or else it's hell for you that's pretty clear right is that clear did i did i fudge it up anywhere longer so i don't like that well there's one more thing you're not going to like god says accept my salvation just receive it people listen i'm one of them and it's pure pride it's absolute arrogance i'm telling you right now i am confessing to you it's pride and arrogance and here's what it here's the deal it happened in fact it happened in two different ways this last week for me number one we went out to dinner with some friends normally i have a system because i have to pay i want to be a blessing but then i found out you know i like it and then it becomes something like oh no you can't pay for me so i usually if i have to call ahead or if i speak to the person first or just go like this and just hey before the bills before the food's even ordered it's covered are you with me yes because i want to be a blessing to the person or people this i i was distracted something happened and i didn't get a chance to do it so the bill comes and it comes right to our friend and i it's amazing because i went what are you doing and he goes i just want to be a blessing and no don't do it come on excuse me ma'am can you help bring that back over here and the whole time god's going knock it off just stop it so i'm hearing god it's me and god now right jab left hook i'm not landing any he's landing everyone i'm like hey and and so he paid and god spoke to my heart in your good deed jack is corruption there's so much pride wrapped up in what you just did it's like oh man so just the other day there are a couple of gentlemen that i wanted a bless and so i went to give them a blessing oh no no it's okay no no i i want and you should have seen this these were three grown men in a parking lot it looked like i don't know if it looked like a drug it probably looked like a drug deal because there are envelopes and here take it no you take it no don't stop no i'm serious you have to take it no i don't have to take it take it and drop it floor pick it up and people probably watching from that's a major deal going down there [Applause] hey listen a major deal went down on the cross jesus died for you listen we're gonna we're gonna do this we're gonna give you an opportunity to choose christ today it's been a while since we've done that let me tell you how this is going to play out you have to ask yourself by the way this is kind of cool now it all it's it's over now it's just for you and god i'm going to ask no one to leave uh your car is not going to be able to leave before anybody else i'm going to ask you to listen it's a holy moment every one of you raise your hand if you're a christian already raise your hand i need all of you to be praying because satan would not want this next thing to happen number one if you have never publicly acknowledged jesus christ as lord the bible says that we have to do this and it makes sense in a relationship if you don't if you don't want to announce your husband or your wife something's wrong jesus said if you acknowledge me before people i will acknowledge you before my father which is in heaven that means right now some of you are already starting to get a knot in your stomach i remember that not 44 years ago i remember that knot that's the holy spirit has now begun to speak to you right now that's why you feel what you feel right now you're the only man oh i can't believe he's doing this today i should do this but i'm not going to do it you're thinking right now you've never acknowledged him you you raised your hand a moment ago but nobody knows you're a believer and then listen there are some of you who you need to become a follower of jesus today you need to have your sins washed away you might even be impressed with your morality but your your morality is broken just like mine and you need the transformative power of god the holy spirit in your life but he can't come in because he has to have a place to stand and the holy spirit stands upon the blood of christ and the blood of christ can only be applied to you if you invite jesus christ to take your life so i'm going to have the worship team come out i want you to bow your heads and prepare your hearts and for those of you who are going to have the biggest tornado going on inside of you i mean i'm serious the greater the intensity the louder the call of god upon your life if you're tempted to think what will my neighbor think i wonder if my wife's thinking the same thing maybe if she moves first if she moves her foot what if she trump if she gets up lord show me a sign show me a sign no he's not going to talk to anybody else but you you need to obey him right you thought you're going to come here and get out alive huh not a chance you need his life so christians be praying and i'm going to ask you as this song begins i'm going to ask you to come on up and you guys stand in front and we'll pray and if you don't come then think about it billy graham said whenever a message like this is given decisions will always be made some will be yes and some will be no but have you gone public with jesus and then i'll lead you together with whoever or no one at all but if you come i'll lead you in a prayer so you're ready you're going to pray you're going to invite him in and here he goes lord as i introduce to you these who you have known before you ever put a ring around saturn before you ever put that beautiful blue hue on neptune before there was ever a heaven and an earth your bible tells us that you knew these people that are standing here today and that doesn't surprise us being the kind of god you are so father i pray as they pray in a moment i pray that you'd overwhelm their lives as a church body as a family i pray dear god we pray together for them that you would take hold of them in this late hour of human history and that you would take lord i see people from young and old alike god that you would so capture them and father that you just so possess them that you would just do what you do so friends will you pray this out loud church family you want to pray with them dear lord jesus i come to you now and i ask you to wash away my sins in the blood of jesus i confess christ as my lord and savior crucified for me dead risen from the dead alive i give him my life thank you lord in jesus name amen well hey thanks for listening and we appreciate you and of course we do in this time and in this age us being together and linking up together to get the word of god out is actually ministry being fulfilled and in fact if you would like to subscribe please do so hit the subscribe button tell your friends about us and listen if you'd like to help us get this out on a broader scale you can support us by hitting on the give now button and look we're going to continue on with or without you we're inviting you to join us no pressure but if you'd like to link arms in this venture you'd be greatly appreciated so listen keep praying for us we're praying for you god bless you and we'll see you back here real soon
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 84,285
Rating: 4.9380803 out of 5
Keywords: Jack hibbs, real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs latest, jack hibbs romans, book of romans, book of romans explained, bible project romans, jack hibbs sermons, jack hibbs teachings, jack hibbs romans series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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