Is The Vaccine The Mark Of The Beast?

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey welcome to real life and a special edition of real life and i can honestly tell you right now for a lot of reasons but a few of them this is going to be a program that you're going to want to watch i can promise you right now it's going to generate emotion in you and passion in you because the the topic that we're gonna take on and uh there for you there may not be a right answer just yet uh for me there is i'm sorry to say i'm i'm looking to the bible for the answer not that you're not but we're gonna hit this head on today because it is one of the number one topics in the christian church in the world today with what's going on but with me before we dive into this with me is my good friend for many decades now uh and close friend amir serfate a mayor has been um blessed of the lord where he is a rare a rare jew for this reason uh the bible tells us that the veil has been placed over the eyes of the jew which is amazing corinthian tells us that the the believer the non-believers of the world have been veiled by satan you could never say that about a jew because the bible says that god has blinded the jew but in his sovereign move god lifts the veil in amir is one of the people of god the jewish people who he has pulled back the veil and he knows uh yeshua jesus as messiah and so for those of for those who do not know they don't know that you and i have a great relationship together we've known each other for 25 years exactly it's crazy you know my son uh you held him when he was three months old i remember he's married now he's married and i feel very old right now um i'm just saying that um yeah we've known each other for the longest time and uh and we went through so much uh with this country so much with this country so much uh where you've had you and i have had amazing opportunities to speak in various parts that's true on bible prophecy and it's been amazing to me and if i die today i mean this sincerely if i die today i die a rich man in the faith it's been great by the way here we are in the 21st century in the world that we're in and i'm publicly thankful for your consistency with jesus uh same here we're running a race and there's less now than there were at the beginning you know so so listen as we were talking about in the intro um here's the big deal and this is very unrehearsed um everyone's talking about the the mark of the beast that the vaccine or vaccines are in fact the mark of the beast that we are somehow being tricked that we are in the tribulation period the antichrist is here somewhere and that the vaccination pushed by these nations and by these uh manufacturers is the mark of the beast um honestly i must confess i i'm sad to hear that kind of dialogue we have something called happening now which is designed to answer things like this but here you and i today just bringing it up right now there's people angry at me right now because i'm not saying it's the mark of the beast run look regarding you getting the vaccine or not that's not what i'm talking about that's up to you the the vaccine i don't know is it safe i don't know uh is it effective i don't know forget about that part is it does it contain uh embryonic uh human tissue i don't know and i'm not gonna get into that that's not the topic friends listen push it off to the side is getting the vaccine according to the bible receiving the mark of the beast why if it is why if it's not a mere why well first of all it's not it's not for at least four reasons first of all it's not because in order to have the mark of the beast you need to have a beast and the beast is not a system as they suggest so it is already here and then the antichrist is the leader of his system the bible says the beast is an individual exactly and the bible doesn't say and then comes the leader of the beast that's right then comes the beast the beast is the person so that's the first thing right second thing the res the mark of the beast is a sign of when you are deep into the tribulation which we haven't started tribulation number three the mark of the beast is something that is on your forehead or your right hand and number four it's a token of worship this is key yeah and why is it key because it doesn't say that believers will lose salvation if they take the mark of the beast believers cannot take the mark of the beast because they don't worship the beast so my point is of all these for all these reasons a we're not in tribulation there is no beast the vaccine has nothing to do with forehead or your right hand necessarily and no believer that he's taking the vaccine today is pledging any worse allegiance or he is worshipping satan incarnated which is the antichrist yep we have to remember that this good we have to remember the fact that that satan when he comes in and remember he's going to inhabit the antichrist it's a very creepy thought but satan is going to possess a man and think of satan looking out of the guy's eyes and satan is trying he wants worship remember he told jesus just bow down and worship me satan wants worship you're not going to be tricked into accepting the mark of the beast okay like for example what amir just talked about i don't believe we're going to be here i believe the church has to be off of the globe off of the world before the antichrist can be revealed second thessalonians 2 i think is very clear about that so first of all know that 2nd thessalonians 2 but the other thing is this that satan wants the allegiance of the populace of this world he is not going to trick you and say i got you you you none of you i pray but if you are left behind friend if you experience him coming he is going to require you to worship him you're going to want to by the way you're going to get in line hello because you will agree with his policies and with his agenda the bible says the world will worship him and they will they're going to get in line to get his mark and by the way that mark is regarding revealed in scripture selling buying and selling it says in the bible revelation 13 specifically buying and selling and so we need to turn down the panic i understand the passion and we're excited that you that you're you're uh you're watching but we have to watch with a biblical wisdom and this vaccine look i'm old enough to remember when credit cards came out with the mic with the strip the magnetic strip a lot of christians thought this was the mark of the beast and the barcode the barcode barcode was the mark of the beast and then they came out with the the chip the hologram chip or water wasn't that mark of the b listen you will have to see the church removed from the earth in the rapture you will have to see the coming of of at least four global leaders that come out of ten and then one man will arise predominantly the bible tells us and the three and a half year midpoint part his true colors are going to come out we're not there and we're not we're we are not going to get there yeah because we are the church and it's sad because a lot of of those who believe it's the mark of this are pre-trib rapture believers i'm like how can you be a pre-tribulation rapture believer and and tell people of something that is a very very amazing uh a chapter in the tribulation itself the bible says when jesus spoke to the um the um the angel of philadelphia he says behold i'm coming quickly and then he said i will because you have kept my command to persevere i will also keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world to what to um to test those who dwell on the earth and why is it saying that test those well we will not be dwelling on the earth we're not earth dwellers that's it we never have we will with christ so that's the point and it's also important that people understand that um revelation 13 and there yeah is the foundation for the mark of the beast you don't take me to daniel and talk about some world systems and then throw that in because it makes no sense if you want to talk about the mark of the beast go to where the mark of the beast is exactly right and it's in revelation 13 and it has nothing to do with vaccine or and by the way pastor jack as as you said whether the vaccine is something you want to take or not that's up to you but some people like soldiers nurses doctors some missioners even they need to take vaccines in order to to serve in their lives first responders many places in the world right now and at this moment first responders except for being required to have it and they they're great being required to have it am i going to tell them you just lost your salvation you know missionaries going to africa yes they need to take certain vaccines or else they can't go yes and those vaccines that they are taking have what people try to say that the the covet vaccine has and yet they must take it so look we must remember whether again if you have a problem with vaccinations we're not talking about the ethics of it forget the ethics we can do another program someday about the ethics of it that's fantastic but don't take it to the spiritual realm of losing salvation by which of by ways of insinuating that you are receiving the mark of the beast and by the way how can you receive the mark of the beast as a believer well it's not going to happen because the holy spirit wouldn't allow it to happen on top of the fact that again in what is known as pre-millennial pre-tribulational theology right is the fact that the church is the vehicle notice how i say this the church is the vehicle by which the holy spirit restrains evil we do not have the power of the ability to withhold evil the holy spirit in the earth right now since the day of pentecost mind you has been restraining evil the bible is very clear in second thess lines too that the holy spirit will step aside we understand that the antichrist will be revealed once the church is delivered yeah john 14 1 verses 1 2 and 3. when that happens then this onslaught of deception is going to come and this man shall be revealed it says right there he shall you know and by insinuating that you may have lose your salvation that means the blood of jesus is weaker than the vaccine the blood of jesus is weaker because a drop of something from a an injection is stronger than the blood of christ how i mean come on let's let's be real nowhere in scripture and again this is another topic but nowhere in scripture can you or does it declare that once you have been born again you can be unborn again and this is a very critical thing there are a lot of believers jesus said in john in matthew 13 regarding the sower and the seed he even said these are they speaking of the seed that fell upon uh ground that was uh the seed was really ripped out by cares and the deceitfulness of riches and fear and all that jesus said these are they who believe for a while isn't that interesting you need to make sure friend that you you're that your belief has brought you to faith because those who have come to faith in christ and you're born again there's nowhere in scripture that you can show me where you get unborn again you are sealed with the holy spirit unto the day of redemption okay and that's a very serious teaching and doctrine right then and there but the fact is this none of god's kids are going to in the church age be tricked into taking the mark of the beast and wake up and lament that while they were sleeping something happened to them ain't gonna happen secondly those who are in the tribulation period in those days who are believers isn't it interesting it says that they're gonna die for their faith they're going to be beheaded exactly look they're not tricked they know so clearly tribulation saints not the church tribulation saints are going to realize this guy is imposing this mark and pledge allegiance to him and worship him not going to do it yeah well you're going to do it or you're going to die and you know so where do i get in line at least one scriptures that they take is from the words of jesus of how the elect might be deceived they take it out of context that's israel you know the elect the elect in that in that in the context exactly so they say oh even believers can be deceived by the antichrist that's amazing i just heard this i was driving yesterday listening to christian radio and a notable pastor said we you need to you need to watch out because because even the elect are going to be deceived and i went no no because the bible jesus said that deception's coming in such a way that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived number one if you want to wiggle the church into that go ahead if you want to wiggle israel into that so you should here's the point if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived that means it's not possible for the elect to be deceived that's how nasty and and crooked and deceiving the days are that are coming but you the believer will not be deceived and tribulation saints clearly will not be deceived because they will wind up dying for that's what makes them saints because they're not being deceived yes because they are taking it all the way look they are probably going to be even pro bolder than we are and and and uh think about it yep we don't have that either you believe or uh either you believe and have your head chopped off yeah or you just uh you know aligned with satan we don't have it right now right that's the only option they have in in in in the tribulation think about it think about the intensity of that because as the church the church is called to live for jesus now are there elements of the church that have been brought to the realm of martyrdom absolutely since stephen and it's going to continue until the church is out of here but the tribulation saints they're not called to live for jesus isn't that interesting they're called to die for jesus they are exactly and that proves to you that even the tribulation saints will not be deceived and you're not going to be deceived either regarding this vaccine talk um it's a yeah it's so important and that brings us to another confusion between the church and the saints of the tribulation you see when you start making a big salad uh from the all of these things then you take things that are from them and you apply them to here and that's when you're wrong yep in fact i'm glad you just brought that up because you are going to be doing some ministry tonight in my mind preparing for that one of the verses i'm going to go to tonight in light of what's happening in america and what's probably soon going to happen in the world because people are looking for excuses to act up anyway is in the last days jesus said because love will grow cold lawlessness will abound now i'm going to use that verse tonight to reference the violence that we're seeing in our world but i'm actually pushing the envelope of biblical interpretation by saying that yes you say well jack what do you mean there is violence in the world yes yes i do i understand but the truth is what jesus said then regarding matthew 24 for example is regarding the tribulation period it's very important to know that are we going to see more violent days increase yes those are birth pains but there is a time coming when ultimate violence will hit the earth and jesus was referring to matthew chapter 24. he was speaking to his people his brethren to israel that's why matthew 24 is so jewish when he says when you are on the housetop come down and flee you don't live on your housetop exactly and they're the they're the one that that he referred to when he said uh for the sake of the elect those days have been shortened exactly that's for the jews exactly and that's the point when you take things out of context that's when you fall into that trap of of misinterpreting the bible and uh and that allows you that opens the gate for you to start applying the wrong things to the church today yeah and you know what as if we need all of this as if we don't have enough pressure right now and let's face it in america at least there's a new era yeah you get to fly to dubai soon i yeah so i have to stay here yeah can i go with you can i go to do my words well i can tell you one thing um america today is today at the date that we are reporting right now america today is not the america that we had until uh january 6. that's it it's a different country i've i came to america to watch history i didn't think that's the history i'm going to see you saw history but it wasn't history different one than i anticipated exactly i anticipated some uh you know courageous act to by a vice president correct to restore the trust of people in your election system and uh what i saw was actually the end of the republic and the beginning of something of something like almost equal to uh civil war man i know oh it's a bummer we only have a few minutes left but that as much as it pains me to say this as an american this is a weird thing to say i don't expect you know only a christian i think will understand what i'm about to say i barely get it myself but what's happened to america is it pains me as an american as a christian it it causes me to draw closer to the kingdom and to look up even a little more vertical because this has to happen israel must be abandoned for ezekiel 38 to take place yes uh wow because we all know we all know that trump being president he would have defended israel and given israel anything and everything i wanted to defend itself and we know that because he did it and you can speak to that i can't i mean i paid for it and you guys got to play with it these were the best years exactly and those are the four good years like you know joseph had seven good years and now unfortunately we're gonna have uh whatever it is it's we all know it's gonna be bad and we know it's gonna be bad because the bad people rejoices right oh wait yeah listen everybody they're bad people if you i don't know how you voted and i don't want to know if you live in the states but it's a pretty bad day when the person that wins the election gets the praise and adoration from iran and china and russia that they say congratulations on your election we're so happy for you not a good day no if you voted for uh what makes iran happy not a good day not even for iran believe it or not it's not a good day and it's not a good day that uh the president of the united states he is being taken off the social media and the president of iran is being kept on social media when it's the president of iran that called from social media on that platform for the destruction of israel and yet so my point is this the good became bad the bad is turning good darkness is now light light is now darkness bitter becomes sweet and sweet isaiah 5. i mean we are watching some it's amazing it's it is amazing where just the other day uh we heard joe biden say we need to all come together and then in less than 24 hours uh the the the chant was they need to pay we need to go get them we need to destroy their businesses we need to crush them we need to make sure that they never have a chance to vote again and all this stuff and i'm i'm laughing because i'm not surprised you're not surprised it's the people that they've always been but listen when you give when you give a chainsaw to it a two-year-old that's not a good thing not every everybody not everybody can handle power and we're seeing that right now and um the republic uh prophetically speaking time wise prophetically the republic is probably over uh could god save the republic god could do anything he wants yes but is it god's will i don't know because judging by what we see well we're not sure not sure but judging by by god's divine judgment the shoe fits it makes sense it makes sense that we be destroyed by whatever means because don't think for a moment the united states is going to escape the judgment of god we've killed we've murdered 60 million people i'm not talking about covet we've murdered 60 million people in the womb since 1973 and god saw every one of those things and he holds nations accountable for human sacrifice but we have good news the christians have the promises that others don't and these are the dark days where the light of christ can shine much brighter in our lives and through our lives i believe there's a lot of scared people among the non-believers and i believe that unfortunately there's a lot of scared people among the believers also but i think that broadcasts like this are are designed to restore the hope uh in in people's life because our our hope is not in the things that we see but in the things that we cannot see but are promised right here as you say that the thought comes to my mind you're speaking right now and you're speaking truth and your body your physical body's able to do that because his body is breathing invisible air think of it it's the invisible that's keeping you alive exactly in the spirit realm the promises of god isn't interesting and we'll have to wrap up timewise with this you guys we love john 14 because it's all about jesus coming to get us but wait a minute oh yeah yeah and my father saw so many mentions wait wait verse one says let not your heart trouble be troubled jesus never wasted a word that statement in verse 1 probably means it's going to be a very troubling time didn't the scriptures didn't the lord say to paul don't be don't be troubled there's many people in this city why did god have to encourage paul because paul was discouraged when jesus says regarding his coming for us don't let your heart be troubled that presupposes it's going to be a trying time friends hope in christ jesus trust him listen this book has never failed every promise that's been fulfilled has been fulfilled as written and every promise that is yet to be fulfilled shall be fulfilled amen as promised you can trust him jesus christ the lord the savior almighty god savior of the world died on the cross for your sins and mine and rose again from the dead trust him listen if you'd like to find out more and study more of the bible with us you can go to where there's a ton of studies there for you to become more familiar and intimate with the lord jesus christ i hope he comes soon i hope he comes now if he doesn't we'll see her right back here god bless you guys and the mirror god bless you thank you thank you brother [Applause] [Music] welcome to real life radio with jack hibbs god's word never will return void god's word is spirit it's power and it has its effect [Music] so i want to encourage you to grab your bibles open them up and get ready to learn from god's word god did not give us bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us but i think you're going to get a lot out of it and one of the great reasons you are the light of the world jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does it happen by the power of the holy spirit you're going to get excited about what jesus christ wants to do in and through you jack hibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful no-nonsense presentation of the gospel to this generation who is searching for answers and truth will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways we ask that you commit to support real life each month with the gift of your choosing in return our gift to you for becoming a real life partner we'd like to send you this world view dvd it's titled what you believe defines you call now 1-877-777-2346 that's 877-777-2346 or by mail po box 1273 chino hills california 91709 or simply go to real life with your gift will be faithfully put to work because it's our desire that through jesus christ you will know real life
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 467,346
Rating: 4.719533 out of 5
Keywords: coronavirus vaccine, covid 19 vaccine, mark of the beast, end times, bible, amir tsarfati covid vaccine youtube, jack hibbs amir tsarfati
Id: Eokb-chsz2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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