Who Can Start A Fire Faster? (Challenge)

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- What can you really learn in two minutes or less? - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) Good Mythical morning! - Now, all of us have skills that we want to pick up. Things that we've always wanted to learn, like, say, I don't know, learning to shoe a horse. - Not really. - But ultimately, we usually shy away from doing so because taking classes or teaching yourself would take way too long. - But what if it only took you two minutes to master a new skill? - Two minutes to shoe a horse? It's not possible. Trust me. Of course, you wouldn't know, but maybe there are some things we can master that quickly. - Let's see how viable speed running skills in real life can be. It's time for "I Like Learning New Skills. Don't Get Me Wrong, But I'll Need More Time to Knit a Fancy New Thong." Is that part of this? Do I get to leave of my own thong? - I think we have to trade. - We happen to have a very talented Mythical crew with all kinds of secret skills and talents, and a few of them are about to teach us how to do what they can do, but they only have two minutes to show us what we absolutely need to know. - Okay. Okay. - During that two minutes, we can only watch and ask questions. No touching objects allowed. - No touching in general. - No touching in general. - Now, once time is up, we'll attempt it ourselves and whoever completes the task between the two of us first wins around and there's a very special trophy at stake. I love trophies! - I've got the spot on my shelf ready. (upbeat celebratory music) Welcome to the Danger Zone! (Rhett cheers) I don't know why it's the danger zone. Are we in danger? - Mr. Mike Pasley. What's your nickname? What do we call him now? - Dad Magic. - Dad Magic Pasley. - Dad Magic, what are you going to teach us today? - Today, I'm gonna teach you how to start a fire without matches or a lighter. - Oh, yes! So this is gonna help my prep for "Survivor". - [Rhett] Oh, no. - Are you serious? - [Mike] Oh, yeah. - [Rhett] We're gonna start a real fire? - Well, I'm gonna start a real fire and then you guys are gonna try to start a real fire. Yeah, I think you can do it. I really believe in you. I believe in myself to teach you. - All right. Okay. All right, how long did it take you to master this skill of fire starting? - Well, it's a lifetime achievement. So infinity, I would say. No, a lot of failed attempts and then several internet videos of learning like, the few tidbits that I've been doing wrong. - Okay. - I'm break this down right now. - I'm really glad to be learning this. - Yeah. - Because I am a huge "Survivor" fan. - [Stevie] You ready? You're gonna have two minutes starting right now. - First thing you wanna do, this is your kindling. It's kind of like, soaked in wax and so that's gonna, once you get this lint start on fire, that's gonna like, really keep the fire going. - [Link] So this is like, laundry lint? - Yeah. Some of this came from my belly B. - I don't believe that. - It's not true. Secondly- - A lot of hair in it. - This is your flint and the little scraper thing. We're gonna quickly, we're gonna take this string off because this is gonna mess you up later because it's just gonna screw you up. You don't need that. - Okay, I can't touch anything. I keep wanting to. - This thing's got a sharp edge. There's one sharp edge and one less sharp edge. Find the sharp edge and we're gonna use that sharp edge to scrape this, right? You see how nothing's happening? (Link yells) You see how nothing's happening at first and then it starts? You gotta scrape all that black off. So once you get it- - [Link] What? - Now here's the important part. You're not peeling the carrot. You're starting the lawn mower. So you keep this here. You start the lawn mower. - Oh! That's the key. - [Rhett] Oh, gosh! You did it just like that! What, you did it so fast! (crew applauds) - Starting the lawn mower! - Start the lawn mower, baby. You don't peel the carrot. - It's not real, though, is it? - You start the lawn mower. Yeah, it's real. - [Stevie] One minute left. - I think they want me to put it out before we have a... - [Link] And what about these rocks here, though? Are we gonna? - Those are for fun. Fun rocks. - [Stevie] Less than a minute to any questions you wanna ask. - Man. - This is the much easier version than "Survivor". I'm gonna work up to that, but like, you gotta build the thing. - He made it look so easy. - You gotta burn the the string. - You remember the things I said? - No, don't tell him. - Yeah, I don't need to know anything. I don't want him to learn anything else. - All right. - [Stevie] You ready? - Not really. - [Stevie] Well, you used less than the two minutes that you were allotted. - Heck yeah, I'm ready. Heck yeah, I'm ready. - You can do it. - [Stevie] Okay. Let's go ahead and start in three, two, one. - All right, so we're gonna put all these down there. Put this right there. Gonna put that right there. All this on top of here. And then we're gonna take this off of here because if you don't do it, it's gonna mess you up. Oh, gosh. This, I know you said. Yeah, it is gonna mess me up. Crap. How do I untie this? Why is it tied? You said it. I haven't even gotten to the point of striking anything yet. But you didn't do what Pasley told you. - Because I couldn't get it off. - I know this isn't what you said to do, but. - You might as well do it. (flint scraping) - [Stevie] Wait! - [Link] Are you watching, Jeff Probst? - [Stevie] Link has fire. (Rhett groans) - I have fire. I have fire. Oh, look at what I've got. Look at what I've got! I've got fire! - I had a flame that went away. Dang it! I couldn't get it to catch. - Hey Jeff, I can do this, man. I'll bring one of my kids on. We'll do like, a blood versus water thing. Come on~ You know what? At least just let me watch like, the finale in person. (upbeat celebratory music) Emily! (Emily groans) - What you gonna teach us, Emily? - All right, so I'm gonna teach you how to fold a shirt in five seconds. - Okay. Can I forfeit? (laughs) - Why? - Fold a shirt? - Because this is the, I can't do this kind of thing. I just can't. - I promise you can. - No. - If I can watch this on YouTube for like, 10 minutes to figure it out, I promise. - I like, there's an active rebellious streak within me that will not allow me to fold a t-shirt, but I'm gonna do my best. - What do you mean? You've never folded a t-shirt? - Not properly. Like, I can't do it. In fact, you showed me how to properly fold a t-shirt, so I think you've already gonna know how to do this and I still couldn't do it. Like, you show you did it one time and I was like, I just have no idea. - [Stevie] You ready for your two minutes to start? - So am I just gonna do it? (crew laughing) - Yeah, yeah. Just do it. - All right, cool. Let me get prepared. - You have two minutes to show us how to do it. - Do I do play by play or I just do it and you figure it out? - Please help us out. - You can explain what you're doing. - All right. Okay. - Explain what you're doing. - You're the teacher. We're the ones competing. You have nothing to prove here. - I just think you're very competent grown men and you don't need me telling you what to do. - Wait until you watch me try to fold this shirt. - All right, here we go then. Okay. Okay. - [Stevie] Time starts now. - Hold on. - Wait, wait. It starts now. All right, so what you're gonna do is you're gonna find the little middle part of the shirt right there between the shoulder and the neck. Then you're gonna travel on down to where the middle of the t-shirt kinda is, around here. - Like below the nipples - Yeah. Like, that's where the middle is. And then you make sure that they're lined up like that. - [Link] Yeah? - [Emily] And then you're gonna do this and you're gonna- - [Link] What? - Take that and then touch the bottom of the shirt and then this and then that and then that. - The only words you're using are "this" and "that". (crew laughing) - [Emily] Well, you can see it. - Can you do it again? - All right. I'll do it again. - But also, do it better. - Clear your shirts. They're getting in my way. - Lady just folded a shirt faster than while you were doing it. - Also, this table is not good. - Emily, I'm not gonna touch you, but you seem like you need to be comforted. - That's okay. You can touch me. - No, that's the rule. I can't touch anything. - Oh. There's rules. Okay. - Listen, listen. Hey. - I thought I made the rules. - You have nothing to prove here. - I know I have nothing to prove, but- - We have things to prove. - They told me to do this episode and I wanna do a good job! - Hey, you did good. Do it. - All right, all right, all right. The two minutes. - [Stevie] One minute. - All right, so the pinchy pinch. - Go slow here because this is the part. - And then pinch. - And then the left hand... - You go like this to the bottom, like down where it was. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then you grab that. - And then you just hold onto it and then you go like that. No. (crew laughing) I swear to God. Hang on. Let me go over here. Move this. Here, take that. - That's my shirt. - Yeah, I know. Hang on, let's see it. So let me try it over here. Hang on. I'm gonna need another one. - How much time does she have? - [Stevie] 30 seconds. - Okay, so you're gonna take the- (stutters) And then the- (stutters) And then do this. Wait, no, it's this one. - Yeah, yeah. About to say, that felt weird. - The right hand here. That one here. And then you're gonna do this down here like that and then you just gonna pull it and then see? If I had more room, it's better. - Hey, you know what? That would work. Hey. (crew applauding) - Just make sure the hand goes under, like when you pull this so you got the right hand down here. Left hand up there. Go under. - That's good enough for American Eagle, but not Abercrombie. - Not Abercrombie? - [Stevie] And time. - Emily, thank you. That was amazing! (crew laughing) - Hey, Emily. Let me tell you right now. - Eat your heart out, Marie Kondo. (grunts) - You did better than I'm going to do, okay? - Do I stay here? - [Stevie] Yes. - Stay here. - Really? Okay. - [Stevie] On your marks, get set, go! - So you grab it here and then you grab it somewhere here. - What the... - And then. - Hold on. You did some kind of magic there. - You gotta pinch the bottom. You gotta pinch the bottom when you bring it to the bottom. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Link] And then you go... - No, no. You keep it on the table. Don't pick it up. Not yet. No. Wrong hand. - And then you go like this. - [Emily] Yeah, there you go. And then you pinch. - [Link] I mean, that's pretty close. - Put it down. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Pinch that. Now do it. - I definitely did it. - Now lay it down. Wrong way. (crew laughing) - I think Link just got it, though. I mean, Link did as good as Emily. (bell dings) - So... - Oh, yeah, Link. - I did that a long time ago. (crew laughing) You've been watching him the whole time? - Well, because this is a disaster. (laughing) (upbeat celebratory music) - We're still good! - We're still good! - It's the game that we developed with our friends at Spin Master. Look. - Here it is right here. I just love looking at the box. - Yeah. - We're on it. - Almost as fun as playing it. - Looks cool and then when you open it, there's like cards and rules and it's simple, but so much fun and you know what? So many of you laughed in the face of disaster buying this game that it was sold out at Walmart, which is a disaster, but we're still good! - Because it's been restocked! - That's right. - Again, you play by filling in the blank with the best words to create a ridiculous disaster and then you compete to write the most positive spin for that terrible situation so you can say, "Don't worry, we're still good!" - We're Still Good is available at walmart.com and select Walmart stores near you. Invite your friends. Play it up. - All right. - It's awesome. - Are you gonna keep it there? - I'm gonna keep it here. - Let's invite in Mr. Matt Carney. - Mr. Carney, come on in. - Hello. Hello. - Former Hot Dog on a Stick employee. - Yeah. I used to work there. - Matt Carney. - Yeah. Used to work there. - I told you guys that? - Yeah, you told us that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. We heard about it. - So what you got here under your duvetyne? - I do not have a hot dog on a stick, but a alto saxophone and I'm going to teach you how to play in two minutes or less. - Is that what Kenny G plays? - No, he plays the soprano saxophone. - Okay. - I'll bet you he can play all of them. - I'm still interested. - He probably can, yes. Okay. So have you guys any familiarity with the saxophone? - No. I've held one for a pro as a prop at one point. - Lisa Simpson? - Yes, correct. Okay, so this will be good. - Bill Clinton. - Yeah, this will be great. Okay, so. - What about you? What's your point of reference? - Never touched one. No, just kidding. I've started playing the saxophone fourth grade through high school and it's been 20 years since that, since I picked one up, so. - Okay. All right, okay. - Has our time started? Because his backstory need not be part of it. - [Stevie] No, no. I'll let you decide when your time starts. - Okay. So what do you need to know? Two minutes. - Is that part of it? What you just did? - I've preassembled your saxophones for you so you don't have to deal with that, right? - All right. - That part could take a whole- - Good! - Here, take a look at your saxophones. There you go. - Oh, no. See, it's not on there. - Well, I didn't want to damage the reed and reed could be easily damaged, so those aren't on yet. - It goes down, though. - It goes down. - The reed goes down. - All the way down. Okay. So here we go. So your challenge is going to play the entirety of The Beatles' "Strawberry Fields." - (laughs) Oh, God. - Just kidding. No, we're gonna do "Hot Cross Buns." - Okay. All right. - We're even gonna do "Twinkle, Twinkle" and we're like, "Twinkle, Twinkle" is too hard, so "Hot Cross Buns." All right, I guess we can put time on the clock now. - [Stevie] We're putting it on the clock. Okay, here we go. Go! - Great. So saxophone, you have six. It's like 10 and two for your hands, right? - Oh, my gosh. - These six. This is where your main fingers are gonna sit and you keep them open, but the hard part is the blowing. You don't wanna blow like this. (Matt blowing raspberries) It's really a tight thing here. Resting on your bottom lip. Teeth on top of it, right? So it's like- - Teeth on top? - Mm-hmm. (Matt playing saxophone) - So. - That's pretty impressive. (Rhett clapping) - Are you making a sound? You're just blowing. (blows) You're blowing from your diaphragm. You're keeping this tight and keeping this tight and pushing through. (Matt playing saxophone) - It looks like you're blowing hard. - You have to push a lot. - Teeth on top. - Teeth on top. And then, so you got this. - I thought you had to wet the reed. - You do. So I'm gonna tell you guys- - [Stevie] One minute. You got to lick the read a lot, right? - Well, hurry up. - [Rhett] I love licking the reed. (Matt playing saxophone) - Holy! (Rhett laughs) I said 20 years since I played this. One more time. - Can I touch you? - Yeah. - You need practice. (laughs) (Matt plays saxophone) (crew laughing) - I think we got these on a discount. It's a sax, but- - (laughs) Yeah, it's definitely not user error. (Matt playing saxophone) - It's only three notes. - I got it. - You got it? - I got it. I got it. - [Stevie] Your time is technically up, but you know, I wanted to give you a little something extra. - So the squawk doesn't count, huh? - Yeah, I need. Okay. - All right, okay. - It's up to you guys. - I'm preparing myself for a Link's queen sweep at this point. - I've never tried to play a saxophone, though. I mean, a recorder, this is not. - No. Same principles. - [Stevie] We're gonna do this one a little bit differently so you're not both playing everything at the same time. - Yeah, I was gonna let him try. - [Stevie] So yeah, one try for one of you and then stop and then we're gonna go to the other guy. So Rhett, you can go first. - So if you blow it, it doesn't work, that's your attempt. (Rhett playing saxophone) - That's great. (Rhett playing saxophone) - Okay. That's just my blow. I'm not trying to play the song yet. - You look scared. Are you? (Rhett plays saxophone) Are you scared? - Very. (Rhett plays saxophone) - Is it my turn now or? - [Rhett] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Then you have to stop blowing. - I'm sorry. I'm not blowing anymore. - Yeah. Hands off the sax. All right. Here goes. I'm going for it. - I believe in you. (Link playing saxophone) - I'm hitting these and they're not changing the notes. - Yeah. - [Link] Should I close all these up? - It's one of those things where it's like a muscle memory. No. - Okay. - Okay. So back back to me. (laughs) - Back to you. - Back to me. I'm gonna get it now. - I feel like this is the one. (Rhett playing saxophone and laughing) - All right. Whoever can hold a single note. - That's fine. (Rhett playing saxophone) - Why do I do my neck like that? What is that? I don't... - You gotta really choke up on it so you don't wanna bring it to you. I mean, you want it to come to you. (Rhett playing saxophone) - Yeah. It's the same note. - Same note. (Rhett playing saxophone) Yeah, but that wasn't the song. - Okay. - Are you done of you give up? - That, yeah. I mean, it was supposed to go until I did one wrong note. How long did that take? (Link playing saxophone) (Rhett laughs) - God. - Pull from here, bring it up, and concentrate the air right here and push through. (Link play saxophone) - You're good at that note. - But then when I push this in, nothing happens. (Rhett playing saxophone) - Oh, that wasn't it, though. (Rhett playing saxophone) - Hey. You all gonna see me at the Third Street Promenade! (group laughs) Who's the tall man with the sax? (laughing) - Santa Monica. (Rhett playing saxophone) - That note right there where these three close, just it's hard. You just go. (Rhett plays one note on saxophone) Oh. (Link playing saxophone) (Rhett playing saxophone) - Yeah! I'll give it to you, man. (bell dings) (crew applauds) - Now harmonies. (group playing saxophones) (screen beeps) - All right. I'll give you that one, man. - Okay. - That was tough. - So, I mean. I didn't do great, but I kind of almost prevented a queen sweep. - Bring me my trophy! - You still get your trophy. - I gotta throw a tantrum to get a trophy around here, Lucas? - [Lucas] Sorry. - Oh. - There was an attempt. - (laughs) Congratulations, man. Put it on your shelf. - And what is? So that's a star that sucks. - Yeah, it's a star. There was an attempt to make a star. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. (Rhett plays saxophone) - My name is Jared Briley. I'm from Beaufort, North Carolina. I'm in the summit of my last mountain for the Catskill 3,500 Hiking Challenge in upstate New York. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - He met a lady up there! - Yeah, he did. Why do you think he was up there? - Yeah. Click the top link to watch us explain everyday things you don't understand in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. "We're Still Good" is available at walmart.com and select Walmart stores near you.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,448,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: BH8_FkQ3ct4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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