Match The Crew To Their Tweet

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Welcome to "Good Mythical More." Apparently, Mythical Crew members tweet. Oh, they do? And we're gonna read some of those tweets, and then we're gonna see if we can match them up with the crew member. Well, that sounds like a lot of fun. You know what sounds like fun too? What? Boogie Down Now. Come on in, guys. Boogie on in now. Hey. Hello, tweeters. It's Emily. Hi. How's it going? Hello. It's Jamie, she's producing our podcast. Hey, long time no see. It's Meghan. And it's Trev Daddy Turbo over here. So you guys are still tweeting. Let's all scoot, and let's give Trevor a little bit of the sun here. Are you also threading? No. Oh, you're not threading yet. Listen, I'm already giving my information to one horrible bajillionaire. Why am I giving more to another one? Threading, you talking about eyebrows? I'm not doing... Well, no, I don't do that. Yeah, yeah. Okay, everybody's got a good eyebrow game today though. I hope so. Thank you. Thank you, that's very kind. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are we gonna... Was that just a joke or- It was just a joke. I'm on Threads. I was immediately on Threads. Okay, just wanna- Just threading it up. Have you threaded anything? Nope. I have. And I'm also not on Twitter really anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just you gotta join, and also not Thread. I was getting off Twitter, and I wasn't trying to get on another thing just like it. So I'm not really doing any of that. My first Thread was a picture of you guys. Oh! Well, I don't follow you on there, so I guess I have to now. You follow me on Instagram. Do I automatically follow you if I follow you on Instagram? I think so. Okay, then I follow you. Don't look at it. It's only if you push the thing whenever you're setting it up. I think I pushed something. To follow everybody. Oh yeah, I was like, follow everybody I follow on Instagram, so I follow you. I literally never go on there. You don't follow me. I do not follow any employees intentionally. That feels like it could be a smart route. I started following Trevor because there was an awkward moment in some episode. There's been a few of those. Yeah. There's one now. I knew as soon as Trevor said, "I'm on Threads," he made a face was like, oop, I hope you don't look at what I've done. Well, I would show you guys. I feel like it's pretty on brand for me. It's pretty dumb. Let's just let it go. Someone could pull it up. I mean, they're giving us a hint. This is the only reason I joined Threads, I think. Okay, well, you know what, this actually is probably gonna be very helpful information for placing this first tweet, which was tweeted on August 18, 2022 at 12:46 P.M., "My horny ass can not watch 'Good Mythical Morning.'" What? What? What do you mean? "My horny ass can't watch 'Good Mythical Morning?'" Yeah. Why do you think this is me? No matter who it is, what does it mean? So what do you think it means? I don't know, ask Trevor. I don't know what it means. We're gonna ask him later, because- It's a good tweet. I really hope it's Trevor, guys. We don't need to be... I don't want us to have- Why? What a shocking turn of events would that be. I mean, all of us have an ass. You didn't work for us then. Wow, wouldn't that be weird? So that would be weird. Oh wow, okay. There's a whole backstory here. You worked for us and you worked for us. Wait, are you talking about the date? Yeah, when was the date? Yeah, the date. Oh yeah. Oh, I worked here. Yeah, Jamie was here on August 2022. Okay. Vintage. I was new, so I could be having some thoughts. That was like a year ago. Sorry, Jamie, I thought it was before that, or whatever. Okay, okay, okay. Let's move on. But we're gonna come back to it. Yeah, yeah. April 25, 2021 at 12:04 P.M. That's further in the past. Everyone tweets around noon. Because they're on their lunch break. So far. And they only tweet on their lunch breaks. "Saw a self-storage place next to a cemetery. "Kind of the same thing, if you think about it." Don't laugh at your own jokes. Okay, it is a writer joke. Meghan, let's start with Meghan, because Emily wouldn't have laughed at her own joke. I don't know, Link. Never, never! Never. But it kind of the same thing. Yeah. Well, that's unnecessarily small font. Especially a mausoleum, you know? Where you see almost like the drawers? I remember when we first moved here, you insisted that we get a public storage locker. Here? For bodies? Yes, when we first moved here. Well, we had a bunch of crap and we didn't have any place to put it. I know. What an anecdote. We didn't have an office. I remember being against it. Yeah. 'Cause I was like, you realize once you put stuff in there, we're never gonna use it, see it. All of our... Everything that we brought related to our business that couldn't fit in my garage, which was also a guest house and our guest room and our office. And our studio. And you didn't have a garage in your house, did you? Yeah, I did. Why didn't we put it in your garage? No, I didn't. So you didn't have a garage. This is when we lived in the apartments. In Encino. Oh, yeah, in the apartments, of course we had to have self-storage. Yeah, I'm not saying you were wrong, I'm just saying I was against it. Do we still have that? Exactly. We need to go back there. No, I remember that we did get the stuff out, but only because I was like, we have to, we can't just leave the stuff there, that's so trope-ish. And then when we tried to pull the truck out- Yeah, don't bring that up. Every time I go past that place in town... What road is that? I'm gonna tell you, but- You're looking at the one who doesn't drive, like I know what roads are. When you get off the two, and you're going towards Echo Park. Yeah, the two becomes like Glendale Boulevard. Yeah. And it gets a little bit busy there, especially when you're a boy from North Carolina, who's not used to all that city traffic, and there's a self-storage place, and I had a U-Haul and I got stuck sideways in the road trying to back into it. Everyone was so mad. I mean, every time I drive past that spot, my heart rate increases a little bit. Trauma. December 12, 2022, 9:00 P.M. Oh, okay. Night tweeting. "Pretty sure I'm in a rom-com movie. "A scammer texted me and I decided to prank him "by saying he was my long, lost dad, "and I was his adult son. "We'd been texting for hours "and neither of us have broken character." I know this one. I know this one too. "A scammer texted me and I decided to prank him "by saying he was my long lost dad, "and I was his adult son. "We've been texting for hours "and neither of us has broken character." This is quite a creative exercise. Sounds like a fun evening. Yeah. It could be me. I could see Emily doing this. I don't think just because it's son it has to be Trevor. That's true. I think it's all part of the role play. Going into character, right, right, right, right. Let's try this from Emily. November 23rd. I mean, we all get bored. That's true. Some of us get more bored than others. That's true, Link. You think I'm bored? Well, I didn't say boring. Oh, well, either way I don't like that. I bet you get bored. Sure. I don't know, actually. You never get bored? I'm usually one extreme to the other. Bored is in the middle, I'm either like super happy or ah! Okay, so this could be- That's what it takes to get you to switch? I bet Jamie gets bored. I'm never horny. But is your ass, that's the thing. I've never seen a cemetery. And we can switch these around. November 23, 2022, 4:39 A.M. Now it gets dangerous. Ooph. 4:30. 4:39 A.M. I mean, that's so late, that's actually early. Now I've been doing a little sleuthing here, okay? November 23, 2022, this could be someone who was back home for Thanksgiving on the east coast. So it was actually 7:30 A.M., and they had just woken up, and they tweeted... Oh, actually no. "Nothing tastes better than drinking sink water "straight from the spout at 4:00 A.M." So all right, I should've read the tweet. So this was someone who drank sink water straight from the spout at 4:00 A.M. The reason that happens, is because you've been drinking a lot the night before and you need to be hydrated. Maybe you just enjoy salty foods. Or you had a lot of salty foods the night before and booze. Sink water. Self-deprecating. Who's the most sink water person here? Public sink water drinker. Okay. Hey, listen, I drink sink water at my house, we do have a filter that's on it in some place, you know, that is changed regularly, so I just don't feel bad about it, but I'm a sink water guy. Maybe it's your tweet. She-she. Yeah, maybe. Have you ever tried to drink directly from the refrigerator? I haven't been up at 4:30 A.M. in the last five years though. That's hard. Yeah. We'll give it to Emily, she doesn't have any. Process of elimination. All right. We're gonna give sink water to Emily. All right, so do we wanna switch any of these? Sink water. What is this, I can't read them. This is the role play. Make some fonts bigger, please! The role play thing with the- Scamming the scammer. Scamming the scammer. Scamming the scammer, storage quip. I feel pretty good about this, but before we get a reveal, let's reveal something else. You guys didn't look at mine. We remember what yours is. Check this out. You know what this is? This is a bottle opener, and it's also a can opener, and it's Mythical, and it has a magnet here, and boy, that feels nice. And by can opener you mean like a soda can. Whoa! Look at that. Wow. Just comes right off. It can be done in a less aggressive and messy manner. I was doing it like a bartender would do. Yeah, yeah, that was cool. But I'm not a bartender. That was sick. So there's that. And for the can, you wanna do the honors? If you don't have fingernails, you know, you can come up here and pop the top. Shut the front door! And you come over here and finish the job. There's probably another way to do it, that's not a two-stepper. Give me another can. Now what I typically would do- Don't do it as a two-stepper. Well, I just go like this. I get it under there and pop it like that, just so I can get my hand on it, then I just do that. That's what I do. So it's basically so I don't have to try to do this little thing here. But you could also turn it. You can do it better than we can. It's magnetic, so you can- Stick it to your fridge. Stick it to that. Oh, yeah, that's nice. Also your fridge. I think maybe it'll mess the mic up. And it says, "You Know What Time It Is" on one side, and it says "Mythical" on the other. It's time to drink something. Dude, that's sick, up top. Let's start with the one that we- Not helping your case. Let's start with the horny ass. Read it out loud and then say it's you. "My horny ass can not watch 'Good Mythical Morning,'" with the crying emojis. Yeah, this is me. Yeah. What? And not only is it me, it's my pinned tweet. Yeah. And not only. What does it mean? His horny ass can't watch this show. I've wondered the same thing. I don't understand. So basically what it means is that my horny ass can not watch the show that you two gentlemen make, because I would get up to no good if I did. That's right. Yeah, yeah. In jest, guys, come on. I'm not confused. You know, we're in the work place right now. I understand. Link seems to be confused. The ass ain't horny at work. You seem to be confused. Yeah. You're saying that we arouse you? Well, I mean, to speak for Trevor- Go ahead. So Trevor knows that it would be funny for Mythical Beasts everywhere, or maybe just a certain type of Mythical Beast that appreciates this type of humor might find it funny if Trevor were to tweet something that implied that he is sexually attracted to one or the both of us. Right there, on the money. And the way he put that was, "My horny ass can not watch 'Good Mythical Morning.'" Do you get it now? Yeah, I totally get it. I totally get it. Yeah. It was totally a joke. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was a joke. Yes. For sure. To be clear. Okay, disappointing. Okay, moving on to Meghan. Meg-in, anybody ever call you that? No. Anybody ever called you Meg-in? The soft G? Well, there is an H in there, so maybe. Meg-han. Meth-an. Wouldn't Meg-in be a hard G? Yeah. Yeah, Meg-in. No. No? Meg-in. You can start. Guh is a hard G. How about Meg-on? Yes, that's been done. Okay, yeah. Read that out loud and tell me if that's you. "Saw a self-storage place next to a cemetery, "kind of the same thing if you think about it." No. Oh! Oh, that's Jamie. Okay, okay, okay, so what's the next- It's definitely Jamie. Now that you've read it out loud, I should've known that from the beginning. Really? It's that podcast producer humor. Now that you have two more people to choose from, I know it! It's gotta be Jamie. Switch it with Jamie. Yep. Okay, so we're saying that you did the scammer role play. Yeah, well, you don't have to read that one. It's a lot, yeah. Yeah, that was me. Tell us about this, and how did it end? Were you bored? I was bored, yeah. See? So I get bored, I'm sorry, Emily. That's okay. Meg-in gets bored. He comes in with his full name, he's like, "My name is Ryan Carter, "and I am from T-Mobile, "and if you give me all of your information, "I will give you money." So immediately I was like, "Papa, is that you? "It's me, your son." And then he immediately went into it, and we went back and forth for a long time. I like the orphan language. Papa! No, no, no, if I'm going to be a little boy, I'm going to be a British little boy. Yes, that's what I mean. From Victorian era, yeah. Yeah, yeah, Victorian orphan. Yeah. So where's the relationship now? He ghosted me. I know. Again, second time. Second time. Abandoned. Abandoned again. Sorry. I should've known this was you. Read it and own it. "Saw a self-storage place next to a cemetery, "kind of the same thing if you think about it." That was me. Yeah, see? Sorry, my reading wasn't as good. Was it the Hollywood Forever cemetery? No, I live in the Valley, so I don't go over there that much, but I took this tweet from my depression era and it was great. Oh, nice. Yeah. I was very observational during that time. Yeah, April 21, April 21. Yeah. All right. Okay, and sink water over here. You implied that's over. Sink water over here! Yeah! That era's over. That era has sailed. That's great, that's great to hear. Good for you. Nice. Okay. No, yeah, and I think if you look at the times of when I tweet often, you will notice a pattern. Let's read it again. "Nothing tastes better than drinking sink water "straight from the spout at 4:00 A.M." And yes, I was back home during this. Oh! Why were you so thirsty? 'Cause I was drinking, like that's for sure what it was. I just came back from visiting Nashville, and I'm pretty sure I did this again. My dad and I stayed up 'til 5:00 A.M. and drank an entire bottle of rum. You just came too off the kitchen floor and right to the sink? No, I mean, listen, the Flemings don't end up on the floor. Right. Hey oh! We end up on our phones. That's what happens, it's bad. But no, we just stayed up talking. There's at least one night when I go home that my dad and I just drink and talk until like 5:00 A.M. And you can drink that Nashville sink water. You can drink Nashville sink water. I'm not sure. It tastes better than LA sink water. I just think it's probably cleaner. Yeah, there's just something about when you're really thirsty, you don't wanna go downstairs and get the glass and stuff. Right. You just wanna... You know? Yeah. 'Cause you gotta pee when that's going on. At the same time. My dad left to get soda for the rum, on the back porch, 'cause we had the big cooler full of ice, and he was out there for a while, and I was like, what is he doing? And then I opened the door, he was just pissing off the deck. I was like, "Dad!" And he goes, "There's something nature "and being a man." I was like, okay, like, whatever. I mean, the edge of a deck is a great spot. It's asking for it. Yeah, and the sad thing is, it goes into the neighbor's situation. Oh! Oh, okay, even better. I don't know how powerful the stream was. Especially if it's completely dark and you don't know what it's hitting. Yeah, yeah. You have to judge it by the sound it makes when it hits. I didn't stay there long enough to hear it. I think that was a wagon. And if that sound is this . Oh, gosh. Crack open a cold one with the new Mythical bottle opener, available now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 324,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: 8Y89niaDkrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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