We Try On 37 Different Hats and Slowly Go Mad

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- In our line of work, we wear many hats. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning! - We get to do a lot of fun things on this show, but there's one thing we rarely get to do, and that is wear hats. - We've been pretty disgruntled about it. - Very disgruntled. - So today, we're making up for it by wearing hats. - Lots of hats. - Every single type of hat that's ever existed. - [Stevie] Well. - Okay, lots of types of hats, enough to make us completely undisgruntled. - Definitely enough to find each of our favorite type of hat. It's time for Hat Check: Every Hat Edition. - [Stevie] It's hat time, boys. You'll be presented with every single style of hat we could find, that is, every single modern-day, Western civilization-oriented, non-culturally-insensitive hat, and no hats exclusive to professions, like hard hats, for example. - No hard hats? - Hard hats? - [Stevie] No hard hats today, but maybe hard hats tomorrow. - No culturally insensitive hats? - [Stevie] You'll try on each hat and rate it based on how good you think you look in it on a scale of one to 100. You'll also rate each other. We'll take your combined scores, and at the end, we will definitively know which cap you each rock the best. Are you ready? - 'Cause how you feel about your own hat, plus how it appears to other people, that's the perfect combination of hat for you. - Huh. - It is. - [Stevie] Okay, so this is like a gut check. Once we get going, we're not gonna stop. - Ever. It's like a hat check. - Are we gonna do coat check after this because it seems like we're asking for it? - I hope so. - [Stevie] If you feel your heads need a palette cleanser-- - Just pour water. - [Stevie] ... you may massage each other's scalps at any time you feel is necessary. - Okay. I'm probably gonna be fine. - [Stevie] Are you ready to commence the hat fest? - Yes. - My hair looks so good, though. - [Stevie] We're gonna start off easy with a baseball cap. - Oh. - I'm not gonna let the fact that it's a Mythical, official Mythical hat, okay, influence. - This. I mean, this is-- - It's kind of a dad hat. - This is dad hat. I mean, am I selling it by doing this? Boy, I love the craftsmanship of this hat, but it looks crappy on me. (crew laughing) I'm gonna give myself a two. - A two out of 100? - Oh. (laughs) I thought I can't... I don't have a chart! - Wow. Give this man a chart. - Where's my chart? - Chart check! - Scoring help? - One to 100, so 20? - I'm gonna give myself a 20. - Okay. Yeah, Link. This is a bad hat, man. This is a bad hat. I'm gonna give you a 22. - Yeah. It doesn't work. Will it work better on you? (Rhett laughs) When you're a dad, there's no irony in wearing a dad hat. - Okay. - Make the right face. Make a normal face. No. Make a normal face. Just don't make a face. - It's hard. I'll give myself a 37. (crew laughs) - I'll give you a 31. - 31. Okay. - Yeah. Now, you start. Next one. - [Stevie] Trucker hat. - Okay. Trucker hat. - Now, we're in... Oh, we're merching it up again, huh? Okay. I see what's up. - Now, let me just get this one set, because what I do with this one is I stuff stuff. - You stuff? - This is the kind of hat- - All the hats aren't ours. - This is the kind of hat- - This is not a commercial. - ... that I'll currently wear. I'm gonna... I feel solid in this hat. I give myself a 74. - Oh, I was gonna give you a 83 in that one. - Well, thank you. - Yeah. - Now, let me... - You have to go another dot or so, another dot. - My head and hair combo is a little smaller than yours. - Oh, good hat, man. - I'm gonna give myself an 80. - Wow. Okay. You know what? I think there... I think there might be better hats for you. I think I look a little bit better in this hat, so I'm giving you a 74 versus 75. - Okay. - [Stevie] We have so many hats to get through. - We gotta speed up. - Let's go faster. Just go faster. - We gotta speed up. - [Stevie] This is a casquette. - Brooklyn! (crew laughs) - [Rhett] Oh gosh. - Or a cycling hat. - This... I'm a cyclist. Good gosh. - All right. Score it, brother, brother. - I've gotta give myself an 18. - Yeah, that's a bad hat for you. I'm gonna give... I'll give you a 22. - Now, you give it a shot. Now, start low and then reveal it. (crew laughs) I mean, it looks like... If you wore it backwards, it would just look like a swim cap beanie. - Yeah, man. This is not, it's just not working with my facial structure. Maybe this. That helps a little. - Oh, that helps. - Yeah. - Oh, turn it sideways a little bit. 20. - Oh! Ho, now! 44. - I'm gonna give him a a 38. - [Stevie] Bucket hat. - Bucket hat. Oh, that's your vibe, dude. - Man, yeah. I look like I'm a good time. - I'm gonna give you an 80 here. - I think- - That's really working for you. - Uh... 72. - Okay, let me try it on. - I like that. (crew laughs) It doesn't go with... The tie-dye, especially, doesn't work with my vibe. - Yeah. I'm just thinking about structure. I'm not thinking about color at this point. - Mm. - Also, you're not, your shirt doesn't go with this, so it's like- - Don't. - Block your shirt out. - Don't look at it. - I'm just isolating your head. Uh... This isn't bad, man. It's not a bad... (crew laughs) Yep. It's not a bad hat. There you go. - How's that? - Not a bad hat for you. - Don't make that face. Make a cool face. Make a cool... (Link laughs) Make a cool face. 67. - 44, man. - Oh, really? I kind of liked it. - I can't get over the tie-dye. - [Stevie] Visor. - Oh, yes. - Visor. I mean, with the hair coming up. - With the hair situation. - Coming out of the top. - I kinda feel like this. - Just like, really? - My goodness. You know what I'm saying? You're like, there's a hat that's a brim, and it lets your hair come out of the top. - I mean, it doesn't mess up my hair. - 81. - That's the thing. - It's a great hat for you, man. - And I can take it off, kind of like unstrapping something. - What do you give it? I have to also put it on. - I don't know. I'm gonna give it a 50 'cause I like this part of it. (screen beeps) Just give me another hat. We'll do two hats at once. - I'll hold it in place. - So- - Look at that. - [Link] That is wild, dude. - Me in motion. - [Link] What am I gonna give you? - I'll give my... Oh, I like... 69. - 69? - Yeah. - 38. It's still not gonna work. - Beanie. - All right. Beanie time. - Well, wear it like you're supposed to wear it. - I thought maybe I would show some bangs. (crew laughs) - You're not allowed to cover your forehead, huh? - I kinda like it. - Well, I don't like the way you're wearing it, but if you were wearing it right, I'd give you a 71. - I'm gonna give it a nice seven zero. - Okay. - So I think that works for you. - There's two ways to wear a beanie. I want to give you both. There's this, which is like hitting the slopes. (screen beeps) There's this way, too. - That's very gnome hippieish for you. (crew laughs) Both seem to work for you. - Dang, I look good. (crew laughs) - I'm gonna give... (Rhett laughs) I'm gonna give you a nice 79 for that. - I'm giving myself a 90. (laughs) - And then what is? What's this. - [Stevie] Fisherman beanie. - Oh, it's a different kind. - This is like the tight one that just goes right there. - Oh, does it? - But because because my hair is so tall, all of a sudden it's like, what happened to this guy? - Yeah. - What happened to his hair? His identity changed. - Complete transformation. - This is in 23 territory for me. - It's very Wes Anderson, though. - See if I move it forward a little. - Oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Getting better. Getting better. - Tilt to you a little. - [Rhett] 39. (crew laughs) - See if I do that, at least... Take it. That goes up. This is like... Uh-uh. That doesn't work as good- - No. - ... for you. 60. - Really? It's not horrible. - That's generous, man. - It's not horrible. - 49. - Yep. - [Stevie] Phrygian cap. - Huh? - I don't know what that is. - I think this is another... It's pretty gnomish. - [Link] Phrygian? So it's like a sock for your head? - What? - That actually works for you. - I look a little too sleek. - I'm gonna give that a 85. - This is way too like a character. This is like a gnome. - No, it's not. Give it a score. It works. - I mean, 72. Oh! You gotta put it on, too. (screen beeps) Ooh. Why does it look like a condom that's too big on your head? (crew laughs) - Well, you gotta fill it up! - Gotta fill it up! - How did that happen? - Whoop whoop. Good night! (Rhett laughs) Okay, so that didn't work for me. - Yeah, I'm gonna give you a 29 on that. - Yeah. I'm gonna give it a 20. - A beret. - Oh, now we're talking. Now, I'm hoping this works. - Okay. Sophisticated. - How do I? - [Rhett] Oh! - [Stevie] Oh, oh! Oh, oh! - [Rhett] All right. Okay. Yeah. - Ding! I feel like... - Yeah. - Ding! - I like it. I think it looks pretty good, man. I think I might put you at a 78 for a beret. - Thank you. - Yeah. - Yeah. I think maybe I could go beret. I'm gonna give this a nice 81. (screen beeps) - I can stuff all the hair in there, dude. - I'm gonna give this for you- - If you gave me time, all the hair would be in there. - I think you need a pipe, and I don't want to endorse pipes, so I'm gonna give this a-- - It's still a hat! - [Link] 68. - It's still a hat. It's such a versatile hat. - Take this seriously. (crew laughs) - I am taking it seriously! I think I'm gonna give it 73. - [Stevie] Tam o' shanter cap. - Okay. So this is... - This is like a Scottish beret. - This is my people. At least I thought it was my people. - This is like, I'll see your Frenchness, and I'll raise you some Scottish Highlands. - So is it kind of like? - Yeah. Sideways. Payne Stewart. I'm gonna give it a 60. - The Highland Games? Yeah. I don't know if the pattern looks great on me. 50. (screen beeps) Nope. - I mean, I could paint. - [Rhett] No, you need a French look. I'm gonna give that a 44. - Yep. 38. - [Stevie] Ascot cap. - Okay. So. - I've seen... I knew a guy who did this. This was his thing. He found... He did what we did and found out that this was his thing. - Is he still alive? - I don't keep in touch with him because I just couldn't stand to keep looking at that hat. (Rhett laughs) I mean, it's not bad, but it's such a low profile. It's a little flat. It's a little flat for your face. - It makes this part of my face look so big. - 39. - Yeah. 36. (screen beeps) It's not horrible. Yeah. - Yeah, it is. (laughs) - 41. - 18. (screen beeps) - [Stevie] Greek fisherman cap. - Oh, okay. - It's a little tall. - This has a little rope on it. - Oh yeah. I see that. - I like that. I like the braid. - See, this is getting some height. I'm not hating myself in it. - Yep. That's better. Could it puff even more? - But still, I'm going 60, 61, 61. - I mean, I wasn't gonna be that generous. 57. - Oh. (screen beeps) - I just think you have to have an outfit that goes with it, and you never wear those type of outfits. It's gotta have-- - That could be a tank top. - You might need to be double breasted. You might have to... It's gotta be tweed or something. Like old professor or the guy who wrote the "Game of Thrones" series. - I don't think that... I just don't think this hair and this hat go together. 17. - 40. - Yacht hat. - I'm being a lot more... Oh. Yacht hat? - Okay, now I really want this to work. (screen beeps) - A ponytail. - [Link] Rhett, we don't have time for you- - I love the idea of sailing. - ... to style your hair. It's not gonna work. 18. Even worse. - 50! You look less like a sea captain and more like a blimp pilot. (crew laughs) - Flying over the event. What event is it today, Ron? (laughs) I'm gonna give it a 15 for me. - I don't think it's bald. You look better than that. 33, easy. - Thank you. - [Stevie] Biker hat. - Now, we got the- - Oh, AC/DC - The S&M captain. See, I can't wear that. I can't, I just can't wear that. And I need a mustache. I need a mustache, and maybe this will work. - [Rhett] Well, that can be arranged. - And I need to be naked, I think. (crew laughs) I mean, picture me naked, and then I'm gonna give this a... Well, that's not how we're doing this. I can't see myself anymore. - You can't wear it with the glasses. - No. 11. - I think this is gonna suffer the same fate as... Oh, it's a little bit higher, though. - [Stevie] What'd you give Link, Rhett? - Mushroom. Oh, to Link, 17. (crew laughs) Now, if I was to arrest you in this, I'm arresting you for not being sexy enough. - Right. This is a sexy hat. - Yeah. I might give myself a 23. - I'll give you an 11, too. Not working. - [Stevie] Panama hat. - Okay, here we go. - This is something I think you've actually tried on vacation. - It's a little bit tight. It's a little tight. - The look on your face when you look at yourself (crew laughs) in hats. I think I do the same thing. When I look at myself in the mirror, I'm like... - [Stevie] Yeah, it's called mirror face. - Does everybody do it? - Yeah. - 'Cause Lando makes fun of my mirror face. He's like. - I'll take a martini. (crew laughs) - This is actually a little too commensurate with your age. Hmm. - 74. - I don't like it. I mean, I'm gonna give it a 47, but- - Really? - Yeah. I'm gonna invert you. But it seems like it could work. I mean, if I'm lounging, this could work. - I don't know. It feels pretty versatile. - I might give you a 63. I will. 63. - I don't like it. I feel like I gotta do this. I gotta be taking a nap to make this thing work. 20. I don't like it. - Okay. - [Stevie] Sun hat. - Sun hat. - Ooh, these are real good. And they have a chin strap. - It's got a chin strap on it. (crew laughs) I mean, this is just for function. I get... Things get pretty mysterious under here - You can set your hands dirty in that hat. - Shh. Come close. I'll tell you a secret under the brim of my hat. - Let see the bow. - There's a bow in the back? - Are we sure that's not the front? It should be for you. I don't like this, either. 10. - Huh? Yeah, it's not great. 12. - It's a little too garden lady. - I'll do bow in the front just to humor you. - There you go. Yeah. That doesn't fit you, man. Four. - Well, I declare. - [Link] Four. - Six. (screen beeps) - [Stevie] Boater hat. - Boater? - 'Ello! I'm on the boat! - Uh... - Chim chimminy ree! Who does this? - A barbershop quartet, man. (Link vocalizes) So cheesy. (vocalizes) So I gotta give this an 11. - I think you're going too hard on yourself. 59. I think it's not bad. ♪ Yadda, yadda, yadda ♪ - Now, I did. (Link vocalizes) (Rhett vocalizes) Doesn't work. Doesn't work. Maybe if I didn't have the hair. - 23? - I'm gonna give it a 17. - [Stevie] Cloche hat. - Okay. (screen beeps) - Talk about old lady. Oh, man. - Well, don't think about... Think about it if you were an alien being introduced to hats for the first time. - Okay. Eight. - It's nicely balanced. (screen beeps) I sort of like the way it complements everything. 67. - I gave you an eight. It ain't gonna happen. - [Rhett] It looks awful on you. - Right. Four. - Six. - [Stevie] Fascinator. - The fascinator? - How does this? - That's barely a hat. It's barely a hat. (crew laughs) - A fascinator. - It doesn't really have the intended effect with your hairstyle. - I need this hair to do... - It's not getting better. - No. - Four. - This is... I mean, see what you can do. - Oh, I think my hairstyle could... - [Stevie] You have to score it. - I have to score it? Oh. - I mean, yeah. - One. (screen beeps) You gonna get married in that? - Yeah. - I'll give it a 12. - Oh, it looks... Okay. No, just the color's not... Everything about it except the color's really working. - No. - 17. - Hoo! - I'm exhausted. - [Stevie] Pillbox hat. - This got a strap, too. - This is church lady material. Okay, yeah. Don't get any better than that. (crew laughs) 90. - This one supplies you with oxygen. (Rhett inhales) - That's a one, man. That is just a one. - I could run anywhere right now. Actually, I can't breathe well. - Yeah, there's not oxygen flowing through this. - One. I'll give it a one as well. - Let me see. - See if you can get it to catch your nose. Yeah. - Ow! (crew laughs) - See how that feels. (screen beeps) - Hi. - Oh, man. You're like a different person. - I'm the consultant that you hired to come in and pick your life apart. - The way it reveals your teeth at rest. (crew laughs) That's... - I'll be following- - That is so good. - I'll be following you around for the next three months, taking notes and whatnot. I'll be silently judging you and scribbling on my pad. At that point and only at that point- - Uh-huh. - ... will I give you a grade. - 41. - 30. - [Stevie] A campaign hat. - A campaign hat. - [Stevie] Slash Smokey Bear hat. - Oh shoot. - Oh, oh, oh. Stevie, watch out now. - Let me get this down here. Now, it's a little cosplay. - Okay. - And it takes a special, special lesbian to pull this one off. And I'm just the gal. (crew laughs) - I think this looks pretty. - Stevie, didn't you have one of these? - [Stevie] Not exactly that. But yeah, I mean, we're in the territory. - Kind of, kind of, yeah. - We're in the territory. - It's a pretty good hat, man. - I would have to keep it kind of level. - I think I might give this a 73 on you. - For me, It matches the glasses. You know, I might have to become a ranger, but I'm gonna give it 74. - Huh. (screen beeps) You seen Daryl? - I think you're trying to get a little rancher, but this is clearly forest ranger. - Smells like he came through here. - I'm gonna give you a 50. You're a tracker? - Yeah. (sniffs) - 50. - What is that? Oak and vanilla? - [Link] I'm on the fence about It. - Smells just like Daryl. (growls) Not working for me. 50. - [Stevie] Cowboy hat. - Okay, here we go now. - We tried to pull this off in high school. (Rhett wheezes) (crew laughs) (Rhett wheezes) - Happy cowboy. (Rhett laughs) (Rhett wheezes) (Rhett laughs) Wow. I mean, if you're doing that. (Rhett laughs) Is this Happy Hank Jr.? I love it. (Rhett laughs) That is great. - That's pretty good. - I gotta give that a daggone 86. - Yeah! When I'm happy. (Rhett laughs) - He's real happy. Wow. - It's hard to hold onto myself. 77. (screen beeps) (Link wheezes) - You're scaring me a little bit. I don't want to be next to a you in a campfire. - There isn't a word for that. - I don't know why. - I'm trying to get that wheeze in, and it's like, I just don't have the happiness that you do when I wheeze. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. (Link wheezes) It's just, it's different. It comes from deeper. - It's like a desperation. You know what it is? - You look like you're being squeezed by somebody. - 21. - I'll give you a 47. Oh. (screen beeps) - This is an Aussie bush hat. - I'm Coyote Peterson. (Rhett laughs) I let stuff bite me. - [Rhett] Oh, yeah. (screen beeps) - I'm riding a gator. - Yeah. - Does that help? - It's just, it's kinda costumey. I don't know. 30. - Yeah. Mm. Yeah, I agree. 30. (screen beeps) - Uh-oh. I think I may have found something. - But you have to back it up. You gotta be able to back up this attitude. You gotta be able to... (crew laughs) Stand up, number one. - It's slippery back here. - Number two, you gotta be able to handle reptiles and get bitten by things. Can you do that? - Oh yeah. - No, you can't. Yeah, I can. - You can't. - Yeah, I can. This is inviting expectations that you could never live up to. - Come and see me down in Pine No Shores. $7 will get you in for half an hour. - [Link] I'll give it a 53. - It's not working as well as the cowboy hat. 56. - [Stevie] Fedora. - Okay. I did this for a while. - I hope this doesn't work. I mean, fedoras need to just die. - Well, they're- - [Link] I've never seen anybody look good in a fedora. - They're timeless! - [Link] At any time. (screen beeps) - Mm. - Three. - No, it's better than that. It's a 17. - And I don't want this to look good on me. - Well, it doesn't. You look like a newspaper guy. - Last time I wore one of these, I was playing that character with the braces. And I don't wanna be that guy in real life. Three for me, too. - Well, hats, hats, hats. How many more hats we got? - What is this? - Cordovan. (screen beeps) - I'm completely indifferent. 50. - I was hoping I could make it work. I think it needs tassels going all the way around it. Uh. Mm. 22. (screen beeps) You're much more of a hat person than I realized, a lot more than me. - This is like in one of those westerns where they just zoom in on just the eyes. (dramatic music) (screen beeps) - I'm gonna, yeah. I'm gonna give that a 79. (hands tapping) Okay. Just give it a score. Good God. - It's a serious business. 72. - [Stevie] Top hat. - Okay. - Big and rich much? - It's better than I thought it would be. - Yeah. There you go. - I'll give it a 47. - Dang, man. 76. - Oh, thank you. - Yeah. It's just... Doesn't work. Doesn't work for me. I just don't have enough hair under here. - [Rhett] Yeah, right. I wouldn't have thought the hair was gonna help me in so many scenarios. - I need more, I need to get my hair out more. 49? - Yeah. 39. - And then this one. - Bowler hat. - This one's even worse. This is like literally a clown hat. Clowns do this. - I feel like we could paint your face, and you would look great. - They've already done that. I'm gonna give this one a, mm, 13. - 14. - Look at yourself. Give it a score. Take it off. - Oh. I just keep surprising myself. (crew laughs) I don't know. I think I- - Does somebody like looking at themselves in the mirror a lot? - I think I'm gonna hate it, and then I... Eh. 56. - 21. - [Stevie] Bearskin hat. - Oh. - Oh, yes. - This is like a... This is like- - Something you wear. - Protecting the king. - What? This looks like professions. - Well, it kind of- - [Link] There's no occasion where you could get close to pulling this off. - But I feel like, I feel like- - Four. - ... of the people who would wear this hat, I feel like I'm in the top 10 percentile of people who wear it. But I don't, I don't. It's a little too troublesome. I'm already very tall. 17. - Yeah. It makes you nine feet tall. (screen beeps) It's like a hairy pope's hat. - Uh-huh. - Is it not? - Four. For both of us. - Oh, 41. - [Stevie] Cossack hat. - Oh. - Oh, yes. - Okay, so this is like a Russian hat. - This is cool. - [Rhett] It also kind of looks like your hair. - Do I have to, I have to wear a mink coat to go with this. - But look. It just looks like your hair, man. I don't know. It doesn't look like your hair. It looks like it's your hair if you wore your hair like that. - Yeah? I could wear this if I was really cold. I would like that. I kind like the idea of this. 67. - 58. - Try it. - Oh. - You look like a dag-gum nutcracker. - I think it's pretty complementary. Um... - [Link] I'd like it in a different color on you, but. - 67. - Could be pink. - 67. - I'm gonna give it a 61. - [Stevie] Davy Crockett hat. - See, this is, I think, what you were thinking with the last one. - Yep. - No, put it sideways. Put the hat. Put the... There we go. It's a little too kooky. - Yeah. - You know, I don't think this works. This is like something that a child would wear. - I feel like if it was a real raccoon, it'd be working a little bit better. 50. - 15. (screen beeps) - Put the tail right in the front. - Hey, you wanna play in the woods? (crew laughs) You wanna come play in the woods? - [Rhett] No, we don't. - We can see if we can find some dirt. See? - Can you put the tail right in the front, right between your eyes? - Like a raccoon's taking a dump on my forehead. - Yeah. Right. Yeah. Doesn't work. A 17. - 11! - Trapper hat. - Trap! - Okay, trapper. - Oh yeah. - So many hats in the world. - How do you... Which way is front? You got this, and see, look at me. By day, or by night. - Okay. I can see you wearing this. - And then you flap it up. - I might give you a 73. - I might give, I'm gonna give myself, I'll give it a 70. It's not bad. And then when you put it, you can get the height. Take it. (screen beeps) - Would you like to take a trip? (crew laughs) Would you like to take a trip with me in my helicopter? - No. I don't even want you to tell me where the nearest latrine is. - It has no gas. - Okay. Don't fasten it. Rate it and take it off. - Uh... 72? - No. 48. - Really? (screen beeps) - [Stevie] Deerstalker cap. - Deerstalker? - Oh, this is like a Sherlock Holmes. Nope, not right. (crew laughs) Sherlock Holmes. Front and back. Turn it sideways. Let's see the profile. - Whoa. - There's another brim back here. Keep going. There's another brim. - Okay. Now, I didn't have high hopes for this. I like the pattern and the color. - But you would never wear this. - 62. - 61. Oh! - It's like, you can't tell if I'm coming or going. - Right. - Am I coming or am I going? - It's pretty good on you, too, man. - Really? 'Cause it wasn't that- - It's what you imagine the inside of your head would be shaped like. - It's potential. - I don't know, man. I think it's a 65 on you. - Even 60. - [Stevie] And finally- - Oh gosh. Finally. - [Stevie] Graduation cap. - Nobody looks good in these. (crew laughs) - [Rhett] You look smart, though. - Five. It's like the proudest day of your life, and this is what they put you in? - Five, six. - [Stevie] I like the idea of wearing this recreationally, though. (laughs) Like you just show up at a party. - What's up? - I mean... Nope. Too flat on top - Two. - Seven. Two. - Are we done? - [Stevie] You've now tried every hat in the world, sort of. - Wow. - Give us a minute to tally your scores. (upbeat music) - Quick reminder, we want you to fill out the Mythical Census. It's really helpful for us. It's just a short survey. It's designed to help us gain insight into what you enjoy most from us. - Mm-hmm. - Survey opens on Monday 6/12, and it runs through Friday, June 24th. And hey, we'll give you 15% off mythical.com just for participating. So thank you for doing that. Go to mythicalcensus.com. Go over there now. Open a tab. Have it up. Do it. Thank you. - [Stevie] And now, the moment we've all been waiting for. - Yes! - [Stevie] Rhett, your top-rated hat was the beanie. - Oh! - The beanie. Classic. - [Stevie] And Link, yours was the beret! (Rhett laughs) - Was it really? Okay. Yeah, I mean- - Look at us. - I mean, even if we didn't- - Look at us. - And there's so many different ways you could do it. - Hey. - And this is not one of 'em. - This is what we're gonna be doing, man. I mean, for me, I kind of feel like, people will be like, yeah, he just has on a beanie. For you, they're gonna be like, he's got a beret on. - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? - 'Cause this is your hat now. - Yeah. - This is your hat from here on out. - I actually think this is Sierra's hat. I saw it had a label in it. (crew laughs) - Wow. - Yeah, - You can get lots of different berets, and I can get lots of different beanies. Let's go hang out somewhere. - Can I take a nap first? That was exhausting. (crew laughs) Thanks for subscribing, clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Asher from Sugarland, Texas. This is my form of the Vanilla Wafer Top Hat, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - That's an excellent Nilla Wafer Top Hat. Click the top link to watch us match slang words to their decade in "Good Mythical Morning." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land, do us a huge flavor and take the 2023 Mythical Census at mythicalcensus.com, and we'll give you 15% off the Mythical Store.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,463,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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