International Funeral Foods Taste Test

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The Chastertaker and Cotton Candy Randy tag team champions of the world.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NNytsud πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m a straight man who’s never been particularly attracted to blondes, tan people or muscle so I’m not sure what’s going on, but Link/Ken is the sexiest man I have ever seen. Something about the dark eyes/muscle-suit-accentuated jawline and bright blonde hair has awakened something in me. He could probably achieve the same effect with a skin-toned turtle neck and a 90’s heartthrob haircut

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jsharp1312 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't know why, but somehow Link looks so much like Steve Carell in this episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TresorKandol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Do you think there’s a point where Link will lose so many times in a row that they will just discontinue the game? How many times? 10? 15?

β€œβ€¦ or would you rather have a QR code on you tombstone that directs to the Mythical Store?”

Rhett: β€œOooh!”

My God, they are such whores (affectionate).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/prismabird πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

i like these days to see more Jamaica and caribbean things in the show ! one thing i put back on census was it can be nice to have more from Jamaica on the show, food and these things and I am sure not just me saying this... I am not sure if it is from us who put it on the feedback or just by a chance but any reason why it's very nice :) (on the fruits episode and pizza and this aswell)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Jewli_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link looks like Ellen DeGeneres, it's making me uncomfortable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TaintedSquirrel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Brilliant concept for a Halloween episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m always impressed by Rhett’s knowledge of food

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Expected_Toulouse_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

When Chase said "If I could be serious for a minute..." I thought he was going for a Lance Storm quote, which... deep cut, dude.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_drjayphd_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today we eat the food of the dead. - Let's talk about that. (groovy music) - Good mythical morning! - And happy Halloween. - Hey! Candy day! As you can see, we decided not to dress up this year. I'm sorry. I'm also sorry that on the way here, our shirts and jacket sleeves got sucked up in a freak windstorm. - Totally by accident. - Yeah and I guess we also kind of look like the iconic duo, Ken and Ken. - Old Ken and Ken. - Either way, today we celebrate the spookiest day of the year by facing our own mortality. - Yes, the biggest regret I have about not being able to one day enjoy my own funeral is that I'm not gonna get to see what kinds of food is being served. And it turns out, countries and cultures all over the world have their own funeral food traditions and today we're facing them dead in the eye. (bats fluttering) (spooky music) It's time for- - [Both] Where in the world do these international funeral foods come from? - The Mythical Kitchen has recreated- - Whoa, you see how close you got to just poking me with that like- - No, I didn't, I'm not wearing my glasses. - It went through my hair. - Whoo, boo boo boo boo. - Okay, okay. - Oh, he grabbed my arm. He grabbed my arm! The Mythical Kitchen has recreated a lineup of funeral dishes from all over the world. - I'll stab you in the kidney if you slap me. - Now when I say funerals, I'm also including wakes and annual celebrations of the dead that we may not be familiar with. We're gonna throw a dart at the country we think those dishes come from and Chase, the Underchaser Cartographer is gonna measure how far we are from the correct answer. Hello, Underchaser. - Yeah, can you dig it, sucker? - (laughs) Wow, that was so good, Chase. - Yeah, Undertaker. - It was so good, you've been practicing. - Yeah, yeah, it's that time of year, man. I don't know what it is about Halloween, but it just, you know, there's an energy in the air. - Everybody just gets, just looks their best. - Lowest score wins. - Now since I won last time and the previous five times before that, Link gets the special advantage dart, the Shallow Grave Dirt Dart. And the loser of today's game must deliver a one minute eulogy of the winner in "Good Mythical More." - Now, dearly beloved, let us feast. (upbeat organ music) All right, so some sort of- - There's some stew. - Carrots and I'm gonna try what the meat is. Mm, that's nice, boy. - That's good meat. - Mm-hm. - You got some beans here. - [Link] Beans in the rice. Carrots in the stew. - Man, what is that? β™ͺ Somebody must have died β™ͺ (crew laughing) - That is the only good thing about a relative dying. - Comfort food. You want comfort food when they're coming through. - Man, that's so hardy. - So did I hear correctly that I haven't won in a while, so you're going first? - Yeah, five plus one. You know how many that is? Mm-hm. - Yeah. - Six. - Underchaser says six. - "Six," he says. - When I tasted the stew, I thought to myself, "Zimbabwe." When I saw the beans in rice, I thought to myself, "Jamaica." I have had something in Trinidad and Tobago. You were there. It was roti. Remember that? - Yep, oh yeah. That was like some sort of- - It was goat, and we ate it in a mall. - I remember that. And you wrap it in a pita and it had bones in it. - I think it might be Jamaica. - All right. - Oh gosh, that's a horrible throw. - Is it that you're bulked up? (Stevie laughing) - No, listen, this- - Hoorah! - The fact that I lost my sleeves earlier today in that accident, and I suddenly gained a little muscle... Prepare yourself, it's a different throwing motion. (Link grunting) It's a different throwing motion. - Shoot, man. Is that a little bit of bean in the rice? Yep. - That's so tasty. - I don't know. I don't think this is Jamaica. Everything's got a little bit of spice to it around Jamaica, right? It could be Argentina. But you know what I think it is? Mongolia. - Okay. - I think it's Mongolia, so I'm going way over there. - Well, that would be a great opportunity to take a big lead. - I gotta win one of these one day. Oh yeah! I'm feeling it! (Link grunting) - The only thing about my accident that I had earlier is that I'm just, I'm somewhat of a big man. - Oh. - So I gotta... - Pull your Ken britches up, boy. - Yeah, you know, everyone has an outer belly button, and then some people have an inner belly button, and my inner belly button is there. (crew laughing) - Stevie, tell me it's Mongolia. - [Stevie] You just had goat curry, usually served with rice and beans and seasoned- - Goat curry. - With plenty of spice. It can be made in large quantities, which is why it's often served at large family gatherings, including funerals in Jamaica. - How did you freakin'? You, you. - I mean, I didn't throw it well. (Rhett laughing) - Meant to do that. - All right. If you can smell what the Underchaser is measuring. - The Underteacher? - [Rhett And Chase] The Underchaser. - He's the Underchaser, that's his thing. - Yeah, I'm doing Underchaser catch phrases and stuff. - And Rhett- - [Rhett] Yeah, yeah. (laughs) And stuff. - And Rhett has 18, and Link has 50. (crew laughing) (bell dinging) - You could've missed the board and tied that. (upbeat organ music) - Oh, look, we got a pie here. Ooh yeah, give us a slice, Ken. - You wanna share this pie? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's just eat this one slice here. - Oh, I love the crust. - Cinnamony, raisiny. - That's a raisin pie. - Is that a raisin? I can't see details. When I go full Ken, everything's a little blurry. - Well, just trust me. They're raisins, I think. Where are they gonna be eating raisins in their pie? - I bet you they're not from Jamaica. - Well, I live in the United States of America. I've been to several funerals, but have never had a raisin pie. - I can't say it's fabulous. - The crust is good. - Well, it's a crust. - Trevor, you did the crust? Congratulations. Trevor really knows his way around a crust. (Stevie laughing) - Calm down. - Oh, where would they do this? Where is this taste something direct? - I have my answer. I'm not gonna change it. I'm not even gonna listen to your answer. - Okay. I'm gonna say Greece. - Blah, blah, blah. - And the reason I'm gonna say Greece is because it's the closest to the Middle East, In the Middle East, I've had like rice that had raisins in it. So I'm just going with somehow that they got influenced over there. I gotta take to account my extra muscles today. - Woo. Nice throw, nice toss. Now... - Now. - My answer was Estonia because the word Estonia means "stone people," and as you know, the stone fruit is a raisin. I don't know, man. I've just been so bad at this game. - It's cool how you tried to seem smart for a second. - Like, you'd say stuff and then you guess and it's right. And even if you don't throw right, I just don't get it. I really don't get. - Well, you should study me more. - But I'm gonna stick to my guns. - Okay. - Estonia. - Before you throw that though, I do want to say, I didn't know if I was gonna bring this up, but it's been kind of a thing this week. - You know what? Then don't bring it up, 'cause I have this feeling that I know what it is. - No, I have to bring it up. It's about Herb, specifically the ghost of Herb, has been following me around this mythical place. I know that you can't see Herb, but she's been around and she's been really, she's almost haunting me. (items crashing) See, I mean, things like that are happening. (spooky music) Oh, there she is. Hey, guys! I'm still so sad. You see how the same, (chuckles) she is so sad. Why you sad, Herb? Because this jerk killed me. I'm so sad and I'm actually sad and mad at the same time and I can't reconcile these emotions. - You know what? - You see what you've done? - Herb, I figured that you would come back around that I thought I need to be prepared for this. - Prepared for what? What are you talking about? - For your return. So. - Oh no, what is going on? - I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Dirt Devil. - Oh no! - Hi, I'm Mr. Dirt Devil. I wanna be your friend. Can I give you a kiss? (vacuum humming) (Herb shouting) - Now I'm inside of this vacuum. It is so cramped in here. - That's where you belong. - I wanna say something, but I don't have a wrestling reference that works with that even close. - Yeah, it's tough to come up with 'em in situations like that, when you're seeing a bit like that. - Estonia. (crew laughing) - [All] Whoa! - See, not being able to see does help my throwing ability. - That was good, man. - [Stevie] The dish you just tasted is actually called funeral pie, made with raisins. Some people say the pie's overwhelming sweetness temporarily relieves grieving families who bite into it. Its recipe allows it to be made on short notice and to travel well on long journeys. Just a part of the reason it has a long history at Amish funerals here in the US. - What? - I told you I haven't been to one though. - Is the United States on this map. I didn't even notice that. - That's why I said,. "I live in the US but I have never seen," and that was the whole point. - [Link] I was wondering why. - Because it was up there. - You can't see me, The Underchaser. That's what the Underchaser says. - That was the best one yet, Chase. - Do your thing man, do your thing. - Link had 37. Rhett had 42. - I beat you that round. (bell dinging) - You did. You're coming back. (upbeat organ music) We've got some cabbage leaves and some dill. - I just thought it was an egg roll. Like, it is a cabbage. - And then some white sauce. - Is it sour cream, or is it yogurt? - It looks like yogurt. - Sour cream. It's a juicy cabbage roll with, I have to go totally on taste here 'cause I... - What is that? - It's a strange flavor of meat. - I gotta get a better taste of that because... - That's good though, man. - It is sour cream. It's like weird. It's good. - And then what's, what's the other stuff there? - The sour cream is really throwing me off, 'cause if it was yogurt, I'd be in the... - You'd be thinking like Greek yogurt? - I'd be thinking in the Greek area. - Grecians. - I mean, actually there's quite a bit that's still keeping me in Greece. - That's what I'm thinking. - Because you've got the beef, you've got the rice, you've got the dill. You've got a dipping sauce for cabbage leaves. - But I've never been to a Greek restaurant and gotten any, like a cabbage roll. - I've had a cabbage roll at like a Middle Eastern place before. Again, that's not an option. I gotta go Greece, 'cause I got no better guess. - That's... All right, so what do I do now? Do I do I try to get closer to Greece, 'cause the only thing I got going for me today is my accuracy? And my tan. But I could also descend my lack of a lead by going for something like Mongolia again. - Yep, that's true. You could go right back to Mongolia. - I gotta try for Greece. It was what I was thinking. It's what you were thinking. I'm not that far behind. - Yeah. - Oh. (Rhett sputtering) (crew laughing) - Well you got a little, you a little slippage? It might be Zimbabwe. We don't know. Zimbabwe's just as good of a guess. - I hope it's Zimbabwe and you know, I'm gonna try to keep it positive. - Let's keep it positive. Let's keep it positive. I mean, look at us. We've been working out together. It's really, she's really paying off. Been suntanning. - [Stevie] Okay, you just ate- - Go ahead. - [Stevie] Cabbage rolls. Immediately after burials in this origin country, there's a small feast of pastries, wine and vodka held in the graveyard. After that, it's time for another feast in the home of the mourning family where a traditional dish of cabbage leaves stuffed with ground beef or veal and rice is served. This all takes place in Estonia. - Estonia, Estonia. - Estonia. I guessed that earlier for something else. - Yeah, you did for something else 'cause of the stone people. - Rhett, you had 17. Link, 26. Ooh yeah! (bell dinging) - So he is kind of doing multiple, he's doing multiple wrestling references there. Because I mean, the Undertaker has a few things that he can do. He's kind of going through all the popular things. - Just don't... Why? You're saying everything that's happening. (Rhett and crew laughing) - Link is losing badly. (upbeat organ music) - Hey, check out the Rhett and Link Youtooz Collectible. This thing is us doing our semi-famous red carpet pose which we originated back in our high school prom days. This high-quality vinyl figure is available to the 3rd Degree members. Today is the last day to join 3rd Degree monthly in order to get this thing. And you know what? We'll make it a little easier for you. If you wanna join 3rd Degree and get this thing, Again, it has to happen today and we'll give you 15% off, today only. - No, we can't do that. - It's a flash sale. - We can't do that. - 15% off 3rd Degree monthly. - Are we doing that? Go to and you will get this. Pretty awesome. - Link, look at this white Christian mound. - Okay, so it is kind of like a burial mound. It does have the cross on it. That's a hint, so it's like some sort of a, looks like some sort of a Catholic cross. Let's taste it. - Well, usually... - As opposed to- - Jesus is on the Catholic cross but I do agree with you that the Catholics are a little cross-crazy sometimes. - What's happening to it? What is this? - It's almost like a fruitcake. - It's nutty. - It's a bunch of nuts and raisins and fruit. - It's chewy. - Pomegranate? - Is there pomegranate? - [Rhett] Mm-hm. - I mean, I am really at a severe disadvantage. - Because you can't see? - Yeah. But I'm committed to the Ken and I need an excuse for losing so poorly that doesn't have anything to do with my knowledge of world cuisine. - Have some Ghiardelli. - Oh, is that a hint? - They probably don't use Ghiardelli. So, some place where there's Catholic folks who like pomegranate and raisins, feels like that could be Ireland. - All right, go for Ireland, man. - No, but I'm actually... I feel better about either Peru or Argentina, which are heavily Catholic 'cause this feels more Catholic to me. So I think I'm just gonna do the safe play, split the difference between Ireland and Peru and Argentina, but there's two countries on the south, so I'm gonna split a little bit closer to the south. Okay. - Is that where you wanted to go? 'Cause that was pretty good. - Yep, that's where I was aiming. - So you gave me some hints here. You were thinking that it was Ireland, but then you were thinking it's Peru and Argentina. - Yeah. - So I'm going for Zimbabwe. (Rhett and crew laughing) I mean, the Christian religion has made its way into so many places around the world. - [Rhett] Pretty much everywhere. - Certainly Zimbabwe is no exception to the missionary experience, you know. So let me position my dart on Zimbabwe, or just Africa in general. - Didn't you? You have a cheat dart though. - I forgot to use it. (crew laughing) No, I got one more round. I'll use it next round. - Okay, well, all right. - [Stevie] What you just had is called koliva, which is a mixture of grains and seeds sweetened with honey or sugar. The whole grain of the wheat plant used in this dish is meant to symbolize everlasting life. Orthodox Christian families honor the memory of deceased loved ones with this special dish, which is served at funerals scattered throughout the Balkans in Russia, but especially in Greece. - Greece? So this is, that was an Orthodox cross. - Yeah, well, because again, the Catholic cross a lot of times is a crucifix. It has Jesus on it. This would have like a Jesus figurine on it and we probably wouldn't do that. (Link moaning) - What you're gonna do when Underchaser mania runs wild on you? You're gonna listen to the measurements. (Rhett sputtering) (laughs) Rhett had 22 and Link has 10. (bell dinging) (all clapping) - I have won two rounds so far. (upbeat organ music) What do we have here? - Well, it looks like pho, but this right here, my friend. Oh gosh. - What is that? - It's, yeah, take a bite of that. - Ah! - Yeah. (Link spitting) - Yeah, that's, it's just- - It's actually not as bad as it could be. - It's straight up blood, man. - Taste it. It's not the worst. - Well, you certainly made it seem. (crew laughing) - It's not as bad as you think it might be. You might like it, especially when you get the juice on it. And then, what's this one? (Link coughing) - You're right. - Taste that one. It's not the worst. (crew laughing) - You're right, that wasn't as bad. - Yeah. Especially if you get it down in the juice. - That's pretty good. - And then this one, the darkest one, the chewiest. - That's just beef, and then- - That's the best one. - We got some very, very strong chili paste. - Spicy, spicy. and some, some bean sprouty. - I mean, this just looks like Unexpected Pho. - Mystery item. - Number 17, I'll have the Unexpected Pho. - Yeah, it's got everything in it. I'm gonna use my Shallow Grave Dirt Dart. (bells ringing) - Now, because you have won two rounds, Link. You're only 24 centimeters down, which that's actually easily overcomeable. - You're shakin' in your boots. Oh, and you know what? I meant to ask you. Are you smooth down there too? - Let me see. - Right. (crew laughing) I mean, underneath that, in the jeans. - [Rhett] Don't you wish you could do that in real life? - It's smooth all the way around. (crew laughing) - Don't you with you could do that, if you were feeling a little self-conscious? (crew laughing) - Yeah, just let me. Let go. Let go. Let go. - Oh gosh, that is, that is no. (laughing) - Yeah, smooth down there. Me too, man. - Oh, talk about a Ken doll. (laughs) - Easy to clean. - Hey, you want me to do that to you? - Easy to clean. Nope. - [Chase] Whoo! - All right. - Well, it was pretty fun for me. - So I'm gonna go second. Any place that's not marked on the map, fair game, Ken. - I'm sure that this type of cuisine has spread to different parts of the world, but I only know this type of spicy noodle soup with various meats in it as being something from Vietnam, so an Asian country. So I'm just gonna try to go for basically just kind of the Vietnam area. - Good luck with that. - That was a horrible Herb impression. Okay. - [Chase] Oh! - Not great. Not great. - You know what is great? A handful of soil. So what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna try to make sure this is all mushed up, 'cause I got 24 centimeters to make up. - And yeah, I mean, you could definitely... - And if I nail it, I gotta get closer and hope. I don't think you're 24 centimeters away from Vietnam, but I gotta give it a shot. Um, huh, whoa! Did you see that? That's the most spread I've ever had. - That's an incredible coverage. - And trust me, I can spread. - I mean that's basically... - [Link] I feel good about that. - [Rhett] Across the whole map. - [Stevie] Okay, this is called Bun Bo Hue. It's a hearty spicy beef noodle dish with larger round noodles, pork hocks and coagulated pork blood and it's served at funerals in, you guessed it, Vietnam. - Way to go, Rhett. I mean, I swear, I can't, I can't be too down on you when you're actually good at it. - Yeah, I'm pretty good at this game, Link. I'm pretty good. - [Link] Did I nail it? - (inhales) Now if I could take a moment to just to be serious here, my grandma was a wrestler and she passed away a few years ago and I really, really miss her, so this was a really fun homage and yeah, that's all I got for you, but Rhett- - Chase! (all clapping) He's not lying. I've seen pictures of his scrappy grandma. - Austin Crab was her signature move. - My grandma's dead too. It's a funeral episode. It's a theme. - Hey, I've got two dead grandmas. - [Chase] Oh, nice. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I still have one that's alive. (crew laughing) - Okay, who's not in the club anymore? (laughs) - Way to brag. All right. Rhett, you had 10 and Link, you got zero. - Yes! - Yay! (bell dinging) - But I still didn't win. - You've won three rounds though, but that's not how we scored this. - Three rounds, y'all, but that's not how we scored this. Is that the majority of the rounds? - But you know what that means? - I got something to feel good about. - You've lost seven times in a row now. I think maybe next time we give Link, let's just get more creative with our cheats. How about that? So, an eighth time- - I'm okay. I'm okay. - Eighth time, I would just feel bad. - Yeah, it was really close, Rhett. - But I am looking for a one-minute eulogy from you to me in "Good Mythical More." - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey there, Rhett and Link, the name's Christian from North Carolina and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality, ooh yeah. - (laughs) Oh man. - Happy Halloween, dude. - I like that. (bright music) Click the top link to watch us play, "Would you Rather" Funeral Edition in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Today is the last day to join 3rd Degree monthly to get the Rhett and Link Youtooz Collectible. Visit
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,852,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: lW9vp8PN0Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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