Can We Beat The Hardest Game In The World?

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- We're striving to be our mythical best critical thinkers. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat theme music) Good mythical morning! - If you've watched this show before or at least the intro then you've seen the Cockatrice before. And while you might've assumed it's our mascot, in reality his name is Belvedere and he's kind of our god. (thunder rumbling) Oh did I say "kinda"? I meant, Belvedere is 100% our god (Rhett laughs) and I love him very very much. - I too love him very very much. But word on the Cockatrice heaven streets is that we haven't been showing that love enough. So Belvedere the Cockatrice has decided that in order to prove our loyalty we must compete in a challenge filled with mental and physical hurdles the likes of which we've never seen. - And Belvedere has also demanded we include a member of the mythical crew in this whole dumb thing. (thunder rumbling) I mean this important show of fielding. It's time for Belvedere says. - Welcome to the show Nicole. - Thanks, it's a pleasure to be here always. Am I gonna get sacrificed like a lamb? - I don't know, depends on what Belvadore wants. - Just say something about, Belvadore? - Oh hey Belvade-- - Bell. Belvedere. - Belvedere! Are you there buddy? - [Announcer] Yeah! (Rhett and Nicole laugh) - [Announcer] Belvedere doesn't speak, he only speaks in the thunder. - Nice. (Nicole laughs) - [Announcer] Yes. I'm also losing my voice so. - Oh my god I didn't know that was you. - [Announcer] Okay so each of you separately has already competed in Belvedere's demands, but now we're going to see how you all did, because you have no idea how the other competitors did. - Right. - Nope. - [Announcer] How do you individually feel like you've done? - Y'all go first. (backstage workers laughing) - I think I'm a winner always. (Nicole laughs) - I mean I just felt like after I was done I was like well there wasn't a lot to that. (backstage workers laughing) - I will just say it's taking me a few days to recover. - [Announcer] Okay, well the winner today gets to sign the praise a doodle coop. - Oh this? - Whatever that means, we will, oh look there we go. - What is this? - [Announcer] It's that. - We have to sign it? - We. - [Announcer] You get to sign it. - Only one of us gets to sign it. - Are you excited? - We sign it and then we burn it for Belvadore. (backstage workers laughing) - [Announcer] Okay let's see how you kicked things off. (light music) - It is I! (backstage workers laughing) Are you playing cool music? - You're not fooling me this time. - Let's do this. - Well hello great Belvedere, I see you have given me a great bounty of golden eggs. - Hey buddy. - Zero. (egg clinking) - To appease Belvedere the Cockatrice you must meet his five demands without leaving this room. - You may not read the next demand until the preceding demand is met. Your time starts when you open the first demand. - Fastest time, fastest time. - Fastest time wins Belvedere's favor. What? - Okay, I'm setting this down here and I'm going onto number one. - Your time starts when you open the first demand. Do I open another demand? This is my first demand. (backstage workers laughing) To, okay, hold on. I'm gonna open another egg. - Number one, number uno, the time starts now. - Erect a tower taller than you, okay. - Erect. (backstage workers laughing) A tower taller than you. - Erect a tower taller than you, oh okay. - Easy. - I'm five three so I can do so many things, okay. - I'm gonna, think fast man, think fast Bret. I call myself Bret when I'm thinking 'cause I'm using my brain. (Rhett laughs) Look at the brain on Bret. - I'm glad I stretched before this, moving my body a lot. (backstage workers laughing) - So this is definitely (pot clinking) Crap! All right, so this. - Why are you laughing? (backstage workers laughing) That's rude. (stool clinking) (Rhett grunts) (backstage workers laughing) This is a tower taller than me. On to the next! (backstage workers laughing) (Nicole laughing) - You took everything out of the box for no reason just so you could pick it up? (Rhett laughs) - Wow! - Is that what you did? - I thought I couldn't be able to lift the box and I was-- - So you took everything out of it. - I took everything out of the box to put it up and I erected a tower. - Yeah you did great Nicole. - Thanks, you both did well as well. - You specifically did great. - The bookshelf. - Thanks. - You didn't erect. - I put something on top of another thing which in my means erecting. - That's stat not erecting. - No she erected a tower! - Pull up a dictionary, someone help me. I don't know, it makes sense to me. - No judges, that's according to the erect judges, that is correct. - Thank you erect judges. - But only the erect ones. - I mean the argument could be made that you outsmarted both of us. And how come I used, my tower's taller. - The same things. - [Link] Than your tower. - [Rhett] You used the same objects as me. - [Nicole] Plus one. - And plus an unnecessary one. (backstage workers laughing) - Yeah. - That made it really really tall, like taller than it needed to be. - I'm just glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know when the time started. (Nicole laughs) - Thanks yeah. - [Announcer] Okay let's see how you did next. - Okay. (light music) Number two. (Rhett grunts) - There are several eggs hidden throughout this room, find and balance an egg atop. (backstage workers laughing) The tower. - Once it's balanced yell any single word of your choosing. - Oh gosh. That's not gonna be great. You guys knew I was gonna use the cactus you! - Find an egg, find an egg in this PVC pipe. - Let me see something. The tower is taller than me, it doesn't necessarily need to be at the top of the tower right, so we gotta find some eggs. (wood clinking) - Find an egg, find an egg, find an egg, find an egg, trash can, nothing in the trash can. - Find some eggs. Okay that's a ball. Oh I found an egg! Okay. - Find an egg, find an egg, ha! Oh, find an egg, find an egg. (Link shouts) Found an egg! Oh that's a real egg. (backstage workers laughing) - Well technically listen, I mean, let's be real here, these are eggs, these are eggs, these are eggs. (backstage workers laughing) - Crap, I need this to get up there. So now I'm gonna need, ah. Okay, okay, okay. - Don't overthink it, don't overthink it Bret. - Oh. (backstage workers laughing) Find another egg, find another egg. (backstage workers laughing) - Egg! (backstage workers laughing) (Link moaning) - I can't even find an egg. (Link laughs) I found an egg! (backstage workers laughing) Okay, okay, okay. Find an egg. (backstage workers laughing) (Link shouting) - Balls! (backstage workers laughing) - Find a pipe! (pipe clinking) (backstage workers laughing) - I hope you're having fun Belvedere. Okay, okay, number three. I'm doing so good right now, so much confidence. (pipe clinking) (Link groans) - There's egg on my hand! Find an egg. (backstage workers laughing) Find an egg. Find an egg. (backstage workers laughing) (Link shouts) I found an egg! Okay, okay. This is a bit of a cheat but I need some pity. (Link moaning) God why did I do it this way? (Link shouts) (backstage workers laughing) How many eggs were hidden? (backstage workers laughing) It's because I wore a winter coat, I'm so hot, I'm so hot. Find an egg. (Link moaning) Oh god. At a certain point I've lost. It is an egg. (Link shouts) (backstage workers laughing) Hillary. I'm only on number three. - Using any condiment you'd like, write the word you just yelled on the egg. Do not touch the egg or tower. - [Link] Using a condiment you'd like. - Do not touch. I can't touch the egg but the thing can touch the egg, okay that's good. - Okay well this has a writing tip. - I'm glad I didn't say like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, that would've been really bad. Okay, let's use pasta. And let's cut it in half so there's no, let's. - Okay, this will work. - Wasabi sauce, goldilocks. - Nothing to see here, just writing balls on an egg. - Hillary. (Link and backstage workers laughing) Hillary. Lotta letters in that word. - Wow. (egg clinking) (backstage workers laughing) - We're not allowed to touch the tower, oh. (backstage workers laughing) - What in the crap? - I can't touch that egg, touch this egg. - E. Mother fricker. Oh I know what to do, I know what to do, I know what to do. Okay, I'm gonna take this, and I'm gonna dip it in this because this is more stable. - You know what? Half an egg is still an egg. (backstage workers laughing) - E. - H. I. L. R. E. Hilree, E. (Link clearing throat) - Look at the brain on Bret, balls! - Egg! (backstage workers laughing) Egg. - Hillary. All right, four. (egg clinking) - Lick the egg completely clean while repenting your sins to Belvedere. - Now it didn't say I couldn't touch it, it didn't say I had to leave it up there. I'm smarting, I'm smarting you all out. - Belvedere, wherever you are, (backstage workers laughing) Bret is so sorry. (backstage workers laughing) Belvedere Bret, he's using his brain but he's so sorry about how he's violating the rules. (Rhett laughs) - Okay. (egg clinking) - Oh Belvedere, I'm so, I'm. - Hey. (backstage workers laughing) I'm really sorry about all the bad things I did. - I don't have a lot of patience with this game. I don't like sriracha. - One time I stole an Oreo in like fifth grade from this girl that I didn't really like. - I just have a negative attitude right now and I'm beating myself up and I don't think that's fair to you or me. - And I got detention. I'm sorry about that. - I just wanna say I'm sorry. (backstage workers laughing) I'm so sorry. (egg clinking) Okay, number five. This is it, this is it. Put everything in the room back where it was before you started. (backstage workers laughing) (Rhett laughing) - Wow the look on your face man. The wonderful thing about watching you Link is that at every step I'm just anticipating. - So bad. - How is this gonna go wrong? (backstage workers laughing) - Everything went wrong. - Every single step. - Yep. - Nicole, you were really-- - Nicole, hey. - Using your thinker. - Smart. - Yeah I tried to take the task and hit it straight on as fast as I could. (Rhett sighs) - Well sometimes you went around, like with the thing. - Yeah I do love a good loophole, I always have so. - Yeah you were thinking outside the box, not putting it completely. - You were thinking below the box. - On the top. - Which is still atop the tower, I don't know about that. - I mean the judges will have to be the determiners of that. - But what about half an egg? We agreed on that. - Well half an egg is still an egg. - Yep and did we end up licking the same egg? - Oh I really hope not. Who went first? - Well you had the white egg, you had a real egg. - Oh yeah, I had a clean egg. - We had the numbered egg and we were-- - I went first. - Was I licking your egg? - And it was the zero egg I believe for both of us. - Did you wash it? - [KG] I did. - But it was the same egg? - Same egg yeah. - Thanks KG. - KG said-- - You washed off the stuff but here I am-- - She washed it. - You're the best. - Licking the same egg as you. - I washed it with my tongue. (Nicole and backstage workers laugh) - Yeah I was feeling pretty defeated at this point. - [Rhett] Yeah that's appropriate. - I knew it was over. You I hope you were feeling good. - I felt like a winner, I meant it when I said it. - Well I think, I don't know what time is anymore, but I think that you're winning. - It's between the two of us and I think you might-- - Oh really? - I think you might be a little bit ahead, I don't know, let's, we're gonna find out. - But before we do, just wanna remind you that we have re recorded our classic "My Hair Goes.." song. Now that my hair goes up and Rhett's hair goes. - Down. - Down. It's a totally new production available on vinyl exclusively on the mythical society. You've been asking for it and we're giving it to you. Plus on the B side we've got a completely original unreleased song from us called "Relevant". It's an autobiographical song. - Just join third degree monthly by April 30th and you can get this thing. Visit - Okay so we stopped-- - Cool huh? - [Announcer] The cliffhanger there because you saw what Link's space looked like. - How on earth? - So. - Am I gonna clean this up huh? - [Announcer] Exactly, let's take a look. - Put everything in the room back to where it was before you started. (cups clinking) - Nothing ever happened, nothing ever happened. (backstage workers laughing) This was here. - And this sculpture goes right here and this. - Okay. (backstage workers laughing) - This was here. (stool clinking) This was here. - Right here. (stool clinking) - I think this was here, this was here. - These were here. (wood clinking) (Nicole grunting) - Oh my god. (wood clinking) - Look at this. These. Where did this go? - Oh my god I found another egg! (backstage workers laughing) What do I do about the egg? Do I have to go back to, oh my gosh, do I need to do this all over again? (backstage workers laughing) - I know that this was here, this was here. - Do I need to do this all over again? You can, give me a hint, someone wink, someone say "no yeah". Okay I'm just gonna do it again. I'm gonna do it again. (backstage workers laughing) I'm doing it again, sorry. - I feel like my parents are coming back home early and I'd thrown a rage at the house. A rager? (backstage workers laughing) - Is this a hard boiled egg? (egg clinking) Oh my god it's not a hard boiled egg! (backstage workers laughing) - Oh god. And then where is the container for this? - Okay, okay. - Oh. (Link blowing nose) Okay, all right, just be aware of that. (backstage workers laughing) And this was here. - I'm just gonna go now. (backstage workers laughing) - And this, these weren't here. Just be aware of that. - Balls! (bell dinging) (backstage workers laughing) - I don't know where the container is for this! And then this, this was here. And then this was here, and then. (backstage workers laughing) (bell dinging) Oh god. - Is there, I'm not even gonna search for more eggs. (backstage workers laughing) (Nicole laughs) Okay, I'm done? (bell dinging) Oh, I leave. Bye bye. I hope I did a good job. Bye everybody. (backstage workers laughing) See ya later. - I'm done. - I'm crying. (backstage workers laughing) - Nicole. - I'm crying. - You started, you gave me. - Oh man. - You gave me hope that maybe I could win. - I found another egg and I panicked. - You got in an egg loop. It happens to the best of us. - And then once I cracked the egg I was like I can't do this anymore, so I just had to abandon ship. - Oh well you know how I felt like an hour earlier when I was doing my exercise. - You made quite a mess, quite the mess. - Okay we have side-by-sides luckily so let's take a look at Rhett's room before and after. - [Nicole] Okay. - Okay. - Decent, decent. - [Announcer] And Link's room. - [Rhett] Okay. (backstage workers and Nicole laughing) - Be aware of that, just be aware of that. - Few things off there. - Residue. - [Announcer] And Nicole's. - [Link] Oh that's pretty good Nicole. - [Rhett] Oh pretty good, pretty good, pretty good, pretty good. - [Link] Well the box is in the wrong place. - Yeah the box. - [Link] And there's an egg up there that shouldn't be. - That's right that's right. - You need to start over. - That's right, that's right. - Oh man, I don't know what y'all were trying to do but you successfully broke at least two of our spirits. Right? (Nicole and backstage workers laughing) Don't you just feel like? - I still feel like a winner, I still feel like yeah. - Oh really? - Yeah I think you did great. - Well-- - Thanks. - Hey you left with a smile on your face, Link left like. - Defeated and frazzled hair like that. - I'll tell you it took me days, days. - [Announcer] Yeah at first it was funny-- - To be able to show up for this. - And then it just became sad. (Nicole and backstage workers laughing) - It was sad, it was tough to watch. - [Announcer] Before we reveal the times, now the erect judges-- - You could've won Nicole! - Did wanna bring up-- - Maybe I did. - [Announcer] Some things. - Okay. - [Announcer] One, Rhett wrote balls on a different egg than the egg that he was supposed to write balls on. - Write. - Oh okay I didn't know that. - [Announcer] Two, I mean this is on the list but like Link there's a long list for Link but they'd like to point out that-- - I know I didn't win. - [Announcer] Nothing made it back into the spot really for the clean up. And then also Nicole, you touched your tower in the tower, while grabbing your condiment you touched the tower and you weren't supposed to touch the tower. - Touched the tower. You're both disqualified. - [Announcer] And one of the erect judges would really like to show you the clip. - Oh. - Do not touch the egg or tower. I'm glad I didn't say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, that would've been really bad. I'm glad I didn't say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. What I didn't touch it. Where did I touch? (backstage workers laughing) Oh my god, oh my god. - Yep you touched the tower. - Are you kidding me? - That is your tower. - Oh my god are you kidding me? Who edited this episode? I'm gonna have a talk with you. - Look at that. - I mean. - Whosever you are. - It had to go to the booth, it had to go to the booth. - No no no. - You touche the tower. - Do you see that? There is like a clear black mark. - Nope. - There is no daylight in there. - You touched the tower Nicole. - You touched it. That's a demerit. - You'll be hearing from my team. (Rhett laughs) - [Announcer] Okay, with all that being said, and I mean I'm gonna give you the times, but then you're gonna have to work out who the true winner is. We have Nicole coming in at eight minutes 13 seconds. - Okay. - [Announcer] We have Link coming in at 12 minutes 36 seconds. - Hey! - Okay. - That was, that's not bad at all. I was thinking it was gonna be longer than that. - I can suck fast. (backstage workers laughing) - [Announcer] Okay. - So I beat Rhett huh? - [Announcer] And. (Nicole laughs) Rhett with the final time of five minutes 35 seconds. Now I'm giving you all that information. - It's pretty fast. - But. - [Announcer] And taking into account all the things. - But you didn't write on the right egg. You know what, I'll take one for the team just to simplify things, I will win. (backstage workers laughing) - Okay. - Okay. - I mean listen, there's a lot at stake here because the winner gets to sign. - Sign this for Belvedere. - Praise a doodle coop. - And that's a big deal. That's a big deal. - Which is gonna win favor with the mythical beast. - It's between y'all but I mean, you did touch your tower. - I mean. (Nicole sighs) - Barely. - Here's what I'll say. - The hair. - I feel like my demerit of using the wrong egg is a more substantial demerit than your grazing of the tower. - Okay, fair. - But I'm a full like more than three minutes faster right? - [Announcer] Yeah, do you wanna go to the erect judges on this? - Yeah I think we gotta leave this up to the erect judges. - Yes. (backstage workers laughing) Where are the erect judges? - [Announcer] They are very erect for Rhett. - My eyes are closed. I was thinking we should let Nicole win because she seemed to do a lot better than. - Than you? - Yeah. - But that's okay, I think you win, I think you deserve it. - All right you can win but you have to sign it Hillary. - Okay. - H-I-L-R-E-E right? - Hilree. - Hilree. (backstage workers laughing) A marker doesn't really show up. (backstage workers laughing) - Man talking, this is just a series of failures isn't it? - So its Hilree otherwise known as Bret. - Oh Belvedere! We have sought to appease you with our measly efforts. Have we succeeded? - Whoa. - That would be a no. (backstage worker laughing) - No there was no thunder it was just light. (Rhett laughs) So I think we're going pretty good. - [Announcer] And last time you made fun of Belvedere's voice so he didn't wanna come back. - Right yeah he's embarrassed. - Fair. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hey, I'm Adam from Manahawkin New Jersey and I'm in my backyard repping my mythical merch and celebrating my 50th birthday party with some of my favorite people on planet earth. And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Happy 50th mythical birthday. Click the top link to watch us debate the best next bite in good mythical more. - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality's gonna land. Join third degree monthly, the mythical society by April 30th to get the "My Hair Goes..." remake on vinyl.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,279,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: lWeoRsrhTGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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