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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adeptus predicates podcast i'm one of your hosts dk diamantes and here at the adept it's ridiculous my co-host bricky will be teaching us all about the most ridiculous shenanigans in warhammer 40k but before we get into that our patreon has been going absolutely wild we say this every single time but you guys just keep breaking barriers and um bricky we are less than ten dollars away from you making doge van dyer merch oh oh that's actually happening last i checked this morning it was like 5991 on the patreon oh [ __ ] so you better start picking up some doge merch i i thought it was just mainly a joke nope you're doing it oh [ __ ] by the time this episode comes out it's probably gonna be well over that so i hope you have something in mind i i i definitely have ideas yeah okay oh oh [ __ ] i didn't realize we were getting this close oh no well well while bricky has his existential crisis uh if you enjoy today's podcast please be sure to head on over to adeptus ridiculous and support the podcast you'll get access to the discord to bloopers there's some really cool uh digital hd posters that come out you definitely want to check those out so if you enjoy the podcast definitely adeptus ridiculous hopefully i've given bricky enough time to sort of recompose himself uh because actually i don't know what today's episode is on what no what are we doing today brickie well real quick i want to mention that merch thing real fast oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so we're we're sold out that's right yeah um it was sold out in like 24 hours give or take um i did i did not expect this i was i was woefully unprepared if i mean i everyone's gonna get your shirt you know it's gonna arrive it's gonna be great but i'm just like wow i should have had more shirts so don't worry i've ordered more shirts they should be coming i've ordered quite a few you know uh i'll tell you when they arrive probably in the next episode and then i'll be like go back on it check it out but until then you know hold tight you guys it's quite a lot as expected and and you know we've got some doge van dy or something later on too yup yup um so big thank you to everybody listening anyone that's bought shirt anybody that supported the patreon it's been overwhelming like it actually has i spent a good like four hours yesterday packing shirts just just putting them in packages instead of the post office i was like oh jesus what have i done but apparently something really great apparently apparently something nice and fashionable for our wonderful patrons but speaking of fashionable i i don't have a segue uh we're doing necrons but we're doing like the major necron episode like the the whole full-on talk of the quran's today oh i love it i so far everything i've heard of the necrons is has been amazing from their pokeball catans or i always get mixed you're right you're right whatever that's the other one's a demon engine this is a pokeball god you know um and and the necron that doesn't remember that he's a robot tries to eat food and drink and never never store zandrick zandrick yeah oh man i i'm if it's a necron day i'm always gonna be happy i'm i'm very pleased because i have spent the last few weeks painting up my necron army um because i'm i'm trying to do necron stuff over it like dice check and i've been spending all this time painting painting painting up necrons necrons necrons and i'm really hyped to be playing them and so i'm really hyped to be talking like so in case in case anyone doesn't realize or understand the point of this because we already covered necron lore we covered the silent king that's our second episode mm-hmm ever yeah i think so i i really was the craig yeah yeah and if you want to do like a 40k overview it would be the war in heaven so yeah um necrons were our second ever episode if you're curious about the silent king and you want to know about how the necrons became the necrons and kind of like the basis of 40k in general you can go ahead and check out that episode i'm sure shai will link it but it's the second one we have and this one is more of like an army overview i'm talking about where the necrons are at now in like the current age of 40k we're talking about like more specific units of the necrons uh we're talking about the different kinds of dynasties you know a little bit about the hierarchy it's kind of like an overview kind of like we did of ad mech and orcs right and the tao well i'm looking forward to it good good more necrons are always fun oh yeah i'm i'm in it i'm in it let's go let's go so i want to talk about a little bit more about the necrons as they are known to the world because necrons are probably one of the races besides maybe tyranids that are not at all known by a regular imperial citizen oh i guess that's true like i guess there haven't been too many encounters with like the imperium and the necrons have there and like if uh if a citizen is going to see a necron they've they've pushed all the way to tara and that's bad that's that that or they're not going to live to tell the tale yeah otherwise tara's about to get conquered and and that's going to be very bad five minutes yeah uh overall the necrons basically like worlds go missing or die like in the hundreds every year like it's just the way it works in the imperium things just constantly go missing things lose communications they go check it out there's just it's just rubble sometimes it's necro and sometimes it's not and some of the times when it is necrons sure it's taken a note of but honestly like no one lived long enough to ever make note of the necrons and so like as a regular citizen because the necrons are probably besides like maybe the jukari are probably one of the smallest races in 40k along with like um well the smallest like footnote i guess the tao is up there too but it's the fact that the necrons are are kind of rising back up in their tomb worlds and they're kind of going like hey we're getting back up back up back up and so well there's still like a ton because there's a ton but they're all asleep so we don't really know where they are so the only reason they're small is because all of them haven't woken up yet like the the ones that are awake are a fairly small faction but if like every tomb world woke up they'd be [ __ ] massive abs oh it'd be ridiculous if every two world woke up the two things holding back necrons kind of like how the things holding back orcs are their stupidity as the only reason why they're not [ __ ] overpowered the only thing holding back necrons is their sleep dementia all the problems they're currently having when waking up and like the decay they've suffered as well as just the sheer size the largest necron dynasty currently the biggest one is known as south tech and that's and it's 80 worlds 8-0 oh that is not many well in terms of 40k like i know everybody's like 80 worlds that's a ton it's like in 40k that's like a pin that's a drop yeah that's dropping a big old bucket yeah it's eight it's currently 80 awoken tomb worlds which i mean a tomb world is like holy [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] tomb world but even so like with the imperium having like roughly a million [ __ ] planets it honestly it just isn't that many if you think really see the comparison damn the imperium has over a million worlds i i mean that's how they always refer to it in the lore they're always like the imperium of man a million worlds over a galaxy of of murder and and elves and other debauchery i mean i know it was a lot but damn like a million like planets is a lot i think i think we i think we did the math a bit ago because if i yeah okay so you look up this you look up stars in the milky way galaxy right and the answer how many stars are in the milky way and the answer is a hundred thousand million stars um at least astronomers estimate there is about a hundred thousand million stars in the milky way alone and if you think about it if we have how many planets in our solar system is at nine are we counting pluto i don't know dude i don't think pluto is a planet how dare you um pluto's a dog what no put your drum set away put your drum step back get it out it's gone it's gone it's gone it's stupid yes okay mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn or uranus neptune blue nine i was right it was nine okay we're counting pluto [ __ ] you so anyway if you think about it like we've got nine planets god knows how many planets are on all like if if there's only one planet per star there'll be a hundred thousand million planets right oh yeah so so honestly at this point like a million worlds in considering the sheer level of imperium expansion how much humans like that [ __ ] i think population makes a decent amount of sense especially given the time frame it's stupid i like let me rephrase that it doesn't make sense it's stupid but you know when you really truly think about that kind of like scale of the galaxy we aren't running out of planets anytime soon no no we're good so uh the necrons yeah millions of worlds appears got millions you know whatever they like their ships are made of cathedrals all right whatever [ __ ] you it's perfect um the so anyway necron dynasties are very strict in their protocols and their processes the necrons as a dynasty are all like a royal kind of stature uh the main people above are all known as nobles so back in the day your dynasty was like tradition family right right now it's a lot more physical it's like actual programming because you know the robots ah okay like normal next how does the dynasty work with robots i know right it's a little strange at the time it was like a legitimate dynasty of family and hierarchy and all that stuff but now it's still considered dynasty but now the robots now it's actually like the functional programming is through all every single dynasty so like normal necrons right a necron warrior a teeny little boy has almost no brain function in fact it almost doesn't operate at all on its own and it has to be commanded to even do anything but the higher you go up there the nobles themselves are individuals and besides the common cause of you know [ __ ] aliens uh get money they don't generally have very similar goals in mind uh the one of the things that necrons go hand in hand with is political turmoil they love to [ __ ] each other over they love to try to make a coup to try to get someone off the throne to try to like dethrone the the the noble king yada yada like all that kind of old school stuff they there's always scheming going on with their little robot hands you can't have a proper dynasty you can't have proper nobility without trying to [ __ ] each other over and [ __ ] each other's houses over it's just it has to happen even if you're robots it's it's it's not nobility and it's not a dynasty without it you gotta have it it's yeah shy says it's game of thrones but i wish there was like a i wish it's game of crons oh no yeah you know it's your drum set away you put that away we don't need any more but no more drums for anybody no one gets drums today no more drums today this is a drum drumless episode this is a drum free zone now so a dynasty's hierarchy right so if you want to know like who's the big bad kron you know who's the big dick kron that is always known as the feron it's p-h-a-e-r-o-n ferrons so almost like pharaoh but with an n yeah gw isn't subtle um it's the pharah and then beneath the fair on are overlords and then you've got lords beneath that and then there's some other ones below that but they're all a bunch of [ __ ] it's overlords and lords so those are the big three you got you can have lots of overlords and tons of lords but there's like the one big bad boy and that's the pharaon now there are some subservient titles that are given depending on the situation uh example nemosaur is bestowed upon a commander of a military campaign so our good boy nemosaur zandrick is actually an overlord but he's given the title of nemosaur because he is actually like he's like the general the main general of a campaign oh okay so that's what makes him a little bit different besides the fact that he's insane he tries to eat crumpets and [ __ ] just imagining him trying to eat food and like drink drink and having it all just like slosh down his metal body never doesn't amuse me that's always a great image to just cheer up your day god it's such a good day to not be a robot what is this guy's like does he try to like seduce the ladies i mean if he doesn't think he's a robot and he thinks he's a person i mean the sins of the flesh right it's like b beat boop hello sororitis i may i may attempt to to believe in your emperor it depends on how much you want to persuade me oh i know what kind of fan art you're getting after this episode i don't want nemostar zandrick fan art he's he's old he probably doesn't even want to bang he probably just probably doesn't work he's probably just just like man all these horny [ __ ] kids why can't they just enjoy battle like i can why can't they have a good time come come obrin these strange necrons with green paint yelling wobb must die onwards talia tally ho i just had a horrible thought of like what would happen if he actually managed to seduce a lady because he's just a robot it's just smooth metal down there like what yeah but it's but it's smooth metal he's an overlord he gets good [ __ ] smooth okay good to know what he like what she takes off his like overlord cloak and it's all wrinkly and [ __ ] he's like oh god he's old no oh move on next topic oh this has gone to a bad place [Laughter] oh man i am like wiping my hands on my shirt trying to clean them for starting this conversation the blood's on my hands okay don't worry about it um [ __ ] every time oh yeah that's right the hierarchy um okay so each pharaon or overlord right they're also served by something called the royal court so you gen it's basically like you know your advisors your big political advisors um it's what the president would go into the war room with right right and these people assisted administration military campaigning all that kind of stuff it's filled with lords overlords general deferron himself and also something called cryptex and cryptex are basically a variant of necron hierarchy but they're like the engineers and uh technology kind of people i generally consider them as engineers um their powers though are [ __ ] insane uh you can almost assume that they are like psychers but they're but they're they're not though that's the thing it's like they'll have powers that operate almost as if they are a psycher but it's just extremely highly advanced tech that seems like it breaks reality to our feeble minds wow so like are they like shooting lightning bolts and like doing like space magic because like i i assume they can't like or can they read people's minds like can they oh oh people psychically oh absolutely uh here's an example there's one called the psychomancer who is the harbinger of despair and the psychomancer has this thing called the nightmare shroud and what he does is a small black cask and when it is opened the worst this is quote on the wiki the worst terrors of a thousand eons are unleashed on their foe assailing the enemies with phantasms of dread as potent as any real danger so like they he almost like cask and then he everyone around him immediately thinks that they are [ __ ] going to die and like suicide is born is like a better alternative and they'll just like all kill themselves [ __ ] whoa whoa geez man this is this is an edgy boy psychomancer harbinger of despair oh i'm not even i'm not even done i'm not even done let's not we gotta talk about the veil of darkness with a simple wave of its skeletal hand the cryptek can summon a billowing sheet of almost intangible shadow enveloping it and nearby allies before disappearing along with the enshrouded necrons and when the darkness ebbs the cryptek and his comrades have disappeared only to re-materialize some distance away [ __ ] what i know it's so cool it's so [ __ ] edgy they're so edgy i love it i now now i'm like look i i gotta get me a psychomancer and i gotta get me a veil of darkness because the veil of darkness is actually a relic you can take on the tabletop uh basically what it lets you do is the the bearer and one unit get to be removed from the battlefield and set back up anywhere else on the battlefield a certain distance away from the enemy that sounds good it actually is pretty solid i like to take it with a giant blob of like warriors and just drop it right in the face and be like hello and just blast them that's pretty great so so yeah cryptex are neat like this is [ __ ] that you would think is [ __ ] space magic but in reality it's just really good tech damn uh oh hello oh hello uh the chronomancer or the harbinger of eternity um he has the uh chrono chronometron the bearer of this arcane device exists slightly outside the flow of time allowing him to glimpse possible futures and modify his recent actions accordingly a cryptek utilizing a chronometron appears blurred its movement sudden and spasmatic as a primitive picked reel or the a degraded hololith so basically he's able to appear into time and adjust what he was going to do in case and he looks like a film reel where he's like constantly jittering like a like a vcs or vhs [ __ ] vhs that's lightning fast vcr repair this is necrons how may i help you that's so cool though so he literally you can just look into the future and be like oh yeah if i take one step to the right i'm going to step on a mine and blow up so let me go ahead and not do that like how does how does how does how does he ever lose well of course there's the assumption that god damaged i just lighting fast vcr repair how do i ever lose exactly yeah well i mean obviously obviously i'm assuming that you can't just do it forever and it's not the fact that he just like is constantly able to move but more the idea that he exists like the device exists and he can like glimpse these these slight features and it makes him seem a little bit like blurred but he could still get shot um okay i think the table top it allows the chronomancer to give a unit like a five-up inval save and that invulnerable save is the idea that like okay they're like kind of jittering in time and so they're really hard to hit right right or they're just really good at walking aside crypto these guys are dope like now i'm just cryptic cryptex i call them a crypt but whatever um cryptex are super dope and they look [ __ ] awesome they have a really cool design they have like they're a little bit more like i don't know how you say it but they're a little bit like more um they look less humanoid i mean they still have they're still like bipedal with arm and leg but they definitely have a little bit more of like a strange look to them um oh do you know that one guy we mentioned a bit ago illuminor zerez he was the guy who created biotransfer and he like tortures eldar and he's like your screaming is too loud he's a cryptek ah that well i guess i suppose that makes sense yeah they tend to have like that singular eye they normally have like one eye i don't know if that's like that's there's a reason for that but they tend to but yeah they're they're pretty nasty and anyway um that was the whole court the royal court cryptex necron lords etc uh but i want to talk a little bit about some of the the famous dynasties that are around so in the um in the actual game there are six dynasties that you can play as then you can create custom ones uh one of my more favorite ones um is the mephrite dynasty during the war in heaven they were all about stellar destruction uh and the they possessed the ability to supernova stars oh well that's pretty cool right yeah that's that's pretty pretty dope yeah the silent king were good fans of them uh he would tend to use them whenever they whenever he had a world that was a bit troublesome and he was like hey he'd point out to space and they'd see like a giant doomsday weapon and be like don't [ __ ] with me and often they'd be like okay solid king yes sir silent king we're not gonna fight you anymore we'll join your cause yes sir i don't want my entire star system to explode whatever you say sir please don't supernova our sun sir please whatever you want but most necrons actually didn't like them because necrons actually have a um ironic that we talked about tau and and and the eastern influence but necrons are actually very honorable the milan necrons at the time don't like they don't enjoy that kind of supernova because they find it very dishonorable and against the necron code but the metford guys didn't give a [ __ ] they liked it they were like you what you're scared of us what little [ __ ] what are you gonna what are you gonna do huh boy startup [ __ ] you wow they were they were stoked um they they have a cool color scheme they're uh you know how that controller have that green color yeah they actually have like a bright orange because they they suck the energy from the stars to power their weapons so they're like all orange or is this they have like an orange glow to them basically take all the green glows you see on a necron and change it to orange oh that'd be pretty dope actually they look really cool yeah and they're sounds like you don't [ __ ] with them no you tend not to um they're basically the the super shooting dynasty if you're playing them on the tabletop they are all about their guns they have like longer ranges higher armor penetration they hit harder all their guns have like super powerful really nasty orange orange supernova glows there feron was a guy named kyrik the eternal he actually died during the great sleep a bunch of eldar assassins killed him because they were like exploding stars not a fan and so uh after that of course every overlord was like well i guess i got to be fair now i was like no i guess i gotta be fair now and they all just started like what's that edda and anything like when they get into a fight and like there's like the dust ball with like all the limbs flying around and that just happened for all of the method dynasty um there is one guy though named zarathus holy [ __ ] give me a moment oh boy oh boy this is gonna be a good one uh zarathusa the ineffable oh all right sorry the ineffable [Music] you don't f with them whatever happened to the drum set dk i thought we got rid of it i didn't test okay there's no drums thank you you're welcome but anyway oh no shy so she's good at drums in post [ __ ] anyway zarathusta the the the [ __ ] this guy uh he seems like he's the guy who's about who's really wrestling control he seems to be the guy who's making it um he's kind of an ass he's really mean oh okay but you know he's just some dude i don't know he looks cool he does look cool he's neato looking he's uh he has a whole thing with a shield of ball campaign which is a thing with the blood angels um he's also i think they're attempting to fight off the highly fleet leviathan and stuff there's a lot of things going on with him but um it's more like zaru susa oh boy i i i'll be in my head i like to imagine that when he rules he gets really mad when people can't pronounce his name right so he's just in this constant state of being upset because nobody can say zarathus says right that's pretty very interesting because these guys are robots they shouldn't have that power of a tie or i like to imagine there's like a necromancer like zarth and then his head just explodes because he can't get it right because he has like the the command protocol the first time someone says his name wrong they just like power down to die and he's just surrounded by court it's like why did you kill all these people like i didn't they just couldn't say my name because i i programmed it before the great sleep i didn't know it'd be stuck i was it was in my earlier days i was very upset i'm sorry anyway that's the method dynasty they're pretty cool uh there's also the um oh boy uh some people call it the nylock some people call it the the neolock i call it the knee hill lock because i think it's funnier the knee hell lock uh took a bunch of treasure from a vast amount of worlds and they hoarded under for themselves under the command of pharaon krispek um which is actually originally known as uh farron chipsek but it was british so now he's chris beck um i can't take that name seriously anyway the dynasty like it flaunts its giant wealth and strength but it's become really territorial with its treasures uh it does not like people getting near its domain it gets very angry and so they're slowly making their way forward a little bit but they're trying to play more and more for themselves they've also ally with the silent king since its return which is quite nice and ever since the fall acadia they've been beginning uh hunting chaos forces uh they also were the one of the main groups that defended the pariah nexus which i should tell you about the pariah nexus real quick this is one that's very new a lot like it came out like a year ago oh so super new the pariah nexus is this area of space it's also known as the zone of silence and there's this weird material in 40k it's kind of like a mcguffin it's called blackstone and blackstone is a warp manipulating substance uh necrons have a vast amount of it uh though the admek are starting to really enjoy it because they're like study weirdos but the necrons love it and it's a really good way to get a whole lot of i guess like it's a good way to manipulate the warp like there were giant pylons on cadia that were made of black stone which i'll talk more about in the fall katie episode in like four years or whatever whatever the hell we get to that but so how how does this blackstone like manipulate the warp exactly if you have a piece of it like like how are you manipulating the warp with this material uh well the wiki itself states that it has is very highly resistant to the powers of the warp and it's known to hold back like the empiric energies of it oh i don't think there's any like real like reason why it's just this rock does this you know i mean initial properties yeah it's just special properties but the main thing like for instance um like illuminor zarez has a big chunk of black stone on his model and uh i i i believe it's like a little black stone like a weird like emitter type deal and so when psychers are near near him they have a higher chance of having like problems because he's got this little piece on him um the pariah nexus is a region of space that after using large amounts of black stone arrays are cutting off huge amount yeah it's basically it's basically warp kryptonites black stones warp kryptonites that's the best way to describe it i thought it was more of like a shield a warp shield but yeah okay yeah it's it's more like kryptonite because it it makes like psychers suff it's not makes them suffer but basically they're creating this giant like it's really it's really cool it's actually [ __ ] terrifying um they create this array of black stone around this area of space known as the pariah nexus and in these areas demons and warp creatures are having insane issues of even passing this region of space like they can't even like get through it in general and everything inside the region feels like they're they're currently next to a sister of silence like there are tons of human worlds in the prior nexus and it slowly slowly drains like the minds of the people there to where basic human functions just kind of go away so there'll be a full world and then people just kind of start moving slower and and then they just like won't eat and then they just won't move and then just kind of like wilt and die and just they'll just like all stop oh that is that is terrifying and so whole world will just be like turned into bones like it there won't be a sign of a battle there won't be a sign of anything like people just lose like the will to live and then they just stop and they just and they just they just lay down and die okay uh that reminds me of serenity when they find that river home world where all of the berserkers are gone but the only people that are left are the people that went like they're just like they've become so docile that they just don't care to move anymore and they just grew old in their chair and they're just dead wha what's serenity um you ever see firefly the the serious firefly it's like the it's like the canon movie ending because it got cancelled oh oh i didn't know about that one i i only saw like up to episode five or so firefly it's a good movie it's a good movie is it a good movie is it is it worth it for the people who are like firefly was the greatest thing ever we lost it um yeah i think so i thought serenity was pretty good oh i wasn't a huge firefly fan but whatever oh this guy it's when i watched i watched like three years ago so it's pretty recent when i watched i was like you know this is the the production quality is really low um but it's it's got that mass effect char it's like mass effect one mm-hmm you know it's got that charm and it's got that good story and it got the good characters but everything else around it is a little bit jank it's gross it's pretty sure he's sick of listening to people talking about firefox it's like so that's 20 years ago i'm over it i want to be gay six now oh wait oh wait no i don't oh no no i don't anyway the um i don't know about firefly i'm pretty sure warmer fans love firefly probably i'm sure someone in the comments section right now is just like oh my god firefly that's my favorite show ever i will never forgive you fox and then i don't remember who i don't remember i'll never guys give you same guys like how dare you serenity was a travesty or something and it's like oh no what have i done [Laughter] yeah i imagine i imagine someone is going to be like really upset he's yeah um anyway serenity anyway anyway um that's a firefight thing yep right now there's no firefly there is only there's only pain so anyway the entire pariah nexus area of space is like being cut off from the warp in areas and since the necrons don't have souls they kind of don't care so they are they are basically able to take a section of space and and remove it from like chaos and the warp that's that's i bet that comes in handy it's extremely handy and yeah like there's no chaos in here or at least there's like damn few in any chaos that there is there has a really hard time operating like they've done what is basically the impossible which is create a null zone in space where chaos and the the warp cannot function that's that's a big deal it's a very big deal that's a huge so if they made enough like could they make more of these pariah of nexuses oh just like cancel the warp in a majority of space i don't know the thing is that so the pariah nexus is just like the the term for like this section of space um it's like around maybe 20 or 30 planets give or take it looks like honestly i have no idea my assumption is they probably can but it's also most likely very very very it's like almost expensive but that much blackstone probably is not extremely easy to get and also we remember the necron forces are kind of small in a sense so i'm not quite sure i know that the imperium was there and trying to cause problems for the pariah nexus it was actually a source of frustration that lewton had because there's a particular sister who's kind of like a psycher and but she was in the nexus and she was using her abilities like the faith abilities and like but i thought i thought the faith was supposed to be taken from the warp but if this thing cuts off the warp like as and so that that's i'm not that big of a lore person to give a [ __ ] but i know it set him into a tizzy he was very he was very upset for luton or luden or luton anyway that's the uh the nihalak dynasty um they've been kind of making their way out uh oh here's a cool one there's nephrik they are noticed yeah dude if you like that image of that kid in the in the high school class were like the vein popping out of his forehead where he's like sweating really hard that's gw writers or any necron guy who can't put a kh in their name it's always kh anyway his name's very egyptian like nephrik is like that sounds that sounds like an egyptian like uh pharaoh or something oh yeah well i mean that's the whole necrons they have giant pyramids scarabs yeah but anyway they're located near the galactic core and that allows for a lot of energy but their main goal isn't to become flesh and blood but to become beings of pure light oh that's an interesting goal for a robot it is they've been fighting the thousand suns consistently lately actually um magnus and the thousand suns are trying to steal or figure out the technology on how they turned the catan into slaves oh and so they would they want to get that for themselves for whatever [ __ ] purpose that could be for uh it's just mass destruction and you know why wouldn't that one magnificent i thought we were done with the drums man let's go siege pokeball go [Laughter] but they i mean they use they use the the stars neglected core to power up the weaponry of like methrip but they are able to actually become that pure light for short periods of time allowing them to like blink across the battlefield in literally a blink and teleport through solid matter and [ __ ] um in the in the game they can like move through certain objects and [ __ ] just by like blinking through it it's pretty neat they actually do become beings of light for a short period of time like they can for a very short oh that's yeah that's pretty dope actually yeah they have like bright gold armor they're they're really bougie looking i i was gonna say at first i was like look if they're fighting a thousand suns i have to hate them because that's those are the first minis i bought you know i gotta represent but they sound really cool these these light beings robots sound really cool netflix are pretty cool uh they're probably one of the weaker factions in game but they are pretty neat um oh speaking of good factions though novak and you know kh they back in the days before biotransference they had the custom of adorning their faces and arms with the blood of their enemies so they've got red uh a red-faced armor it's their main like like robot skeletons it's all in rem they're like super brutal butchers they're like sharks they're mellow and then once blood is spilled they're like engrams go haywire they turn into like killing machines currently they're like robot berserkers they're like robot sharky berserkers yep sick they're super cool they're currently engaged with thousands of orcs uh even they're also engaged against the tyranids because they deem that all organic life must die that sounds very necron sure very necrony and they're actually uh they've unfortunately grabbed the attention of a certain man known as mortarium who has released a a biomechanical thing called the ferric blight and destroyed like four tomb worlds uh by having this mechanical blight just ravage the planet whole so they pissed off the wrong man yeah it seems like in 40k out of all of the chaos gods or factions that you could piss off you really really don't want to piss off the death guard mortarian or grandpa nurgle i mean not that the other ones are great but boy they seem to really [ __ ] they do and if like that's the thing is you know you can kill the corn guys but then but then then nurgles rockets they're there and it's really you need a lot of like hand sanitizer yeah you've really got to work distancing masks the whole nine yards for them and and then and then you try that and then this giant wing do the scythe comes down and just kills you it's like ah [ __ ] why not even bother you so after after that you have the zarikan dynasty this is the main one of the silent king they look kind of like brass colored um he took a large amount of his royal court into the galactic void with him uh the two worlds without him being there have kind of suffered eldar attacks warp storms etc he's finally come back though and he's reawakening them all pretty quickly a lot of them aren't pleased uh some are some are like oh my god our savior's back let's go some of them are like you left us [ __ ] you and then he just absurd he just forces them down anyway so it doesn't really matter um they generally subject pretty quickly but they're like they're the new kids on the block um the zarakin is was added just in this recent necron codex and you know it's the main one of the silent king and he just came back finally so it makes sense yeah um and then lastly we have south tech south tech is the classic silver and green that you see everywhere 82 worlds uh the third most powerful dynasty before biotransference big bad number one now okay they're fair on is immatek the storm lord who is an absolute chad who was like silent king you are a coward and a [ __ ] i will never join you [ __ ] off and the scary thing is he actually has the say to do that because he's a lot stronger with his two worlds than the sound king currently is oh really oh he's got a lot of tomb worlds okay like immatech he made his way to power because everyone above him was completely what's the what's the word again for um incompetent was very incompetent he said all right i'm just gonna kill all of you and take it for myself and he's been hard at work killing the imperium and is hyper expansionist and he's going all the way out he wants he wants to full-on return the galaxy to necron rule and he legitimately has like the go-ahead he has the power because the silent king is back and he's gaining followers and he's pretty scary but immatech is a big force and well he's not gonna like try to kill the king because that just feels counterintuitive like why war against each other right but he he's like imitech is like the ad mech back in the days of um of the like great crusade or maybe like maybe the king is like the ad mech i don't know point being is that regardless it's like okay i guess we could fight but maybe we shouldn't um i'm trying to remember like because obviously his name imitech is very close to emo tap and i think i think emotep was very similar where like he was he was a pretty strong well-known priest and he did a lot of backstabbing and betraying because he thought he was better and stronger than the pharaoh so sounds about right that ima tech is kind of like his namesake i suppose although i'm sure i'm going to get actually for that because i don't remember what imotep actually did ah it's whatever imitech is is a neat guy he's actually the pharaon of the south tech dynasty he's the big bad um he is the guy he you can actually use him in game too um he is like uh yes so south tech south tech dynasty in game is considered one of the weaker ones uh but i it's one of those ones where like you read it and you're like eh this seems kind of meh but then you get access to immatech and nemosaur zandrek because zandreck is part of the southtech dynasty and then you're like oh wait a minute these guys are insane so it's one of those things where you don't take it for the special rules you take it for the characters oh okay emitech is pretty insane he is a hyper grand strategist probably the greatest strategic mind in the galaxy um that's like like everybody possibly um whenever he like attacks it is literally impossible to determine if it is the main force or if it's a decoy to bleed reinforcements and turn back and and with like a millisecond his mind can change because of his commands and the way his protocols are he's versatile he has millions of faints and counter strategies and he's got contingency plans and he he is a master master general um here oh we gotta do we gotta do a uh uh quote of course oh yeah gotta do quotes do it um let me tell you of my future my hand will reach out into the stars reshaping the galaxy into a place of order and unity under my reign the kingdoms of old shall live again reborn to an age of power and glory the like of which you can only imagine i will rule every planet touched by the light of this star and even the darkness beyond my name will be whispered with fear and respect is it order unity obedience we taught the the galaxy these things long ago and we will do so again immatech is a is a is a boss he's super cool that that is a hell of a speech that's a that's a rallying cry jesus christ i mean his weapon's called the staff of the destroyer he's he has a flamethrower built into his hand called the gauntlet of fire the guy the guy literally can call lightning strikes on planets with no [ __ ] lightning the guy is insane that's why he's called the storm lord in in the tabletop you can call a lightning strike to do damage to your enemy it's so cool how how how exactly does that work how does he just call lightning from nowhere necrons necrons what is that necrons through yeah who gives a [ __ ] necrons necrons let's go so when you play necrons in the tabletop like do you have to play like a specific dynasty because i'm assuming you can't just be like oh yeah i'm gonna just mix dynasties like do you have to stick to like one i mean you can kind of mix them but you actually lose some benefits if you stay only one um they have a new thing called command protocols it's like an extra buff but so if you mix them you can you can be like i'm gonna run one patrol of novak and one patrol of south tech which patrols are like how you create your stuff but normally you like to run one because it allows you to gain the benefits of said group right south tech is pretty good in the case of the characters because you can only run immatec and like nemosaur zandrak if you want kooky old man necron uh if you want to if you want to run him which i actually painted him like yesterday um if you want to run him you have to run south tex so emitec is is super cool he's super cool um so if you want the named characters you have to run their dynasty yeah certain name characters in um it's kind of the same way with a few other factions as well like i can only run uh lord creed of the imperial guard if i run acadia you know right right right it's not like you could run like the silent king and emo tech uh well you can actually uh the issue is that only one of them can be your major warlord oh right right right there it's also a little redundant because if imitech is your warlord you get a bunch of benefits but if the silent king is your warlord you get a bunch of benefits so it's like why lose one you know just just take one of the other also they hate each other yeah i was gonna say like there should be some rule where like they cannot be on the same team because they despise each other yeah um there's actually a couple things about the other necrons because those are the main dynasties at the moment uh there's a few other things i want to talk a little bit about necrodermis real quick and i also want to talk about a few of the units because the we kind of talked about some of the specific use and if you'd like to learn a little bit more about the cryptex i could tell you more about them too um i do the uh good good because i like the cryptics a lot um so there's like the necro so the main thing when you think about necrons is of course the robots but there's a thing in the game called reanimation protocols that's the main selling point and it's called it's this thing that the necrons have called necrodermis it's often described as living metal uh and the name literally means corpse skin necrodermis you know yeah derma sounds like uh that sounds like your skin sounds like yeah endodermis yeah um but basically what it is it's adapted to create the bodies of the katan but it's like a strange unknown chemical molecular structure that's almost like a flowing metal and so sometimes it can act almost like a liquid or sometimes like a solid so sometimes you'll like shoot a necron dem and it'll fall over and then it'll like move and then it'll just kind of like like the the lights on it will re-light up and it'll just kind of stand right back up like a zombie um so in in the tabletop often like if you kill maybe 10 necrons i'll have to roll my reanimation protocols and for every like five or up let's say row three then three of them just go like and they get back up again so it makes the necrons really tanky and then they have like characters like a technomancer which is a cryptek and you can go to the necron warriors and be like okay you can revive up to three of them and they just get right back up with their living metal um necrons have an ability where if any of them have lost any health then when it's your turn they regenerate one health because their living metal is repairing itself oh boy so it's they're like a counter punch you know you try to try to shoot them down or beat them down they just get right back up correct me if i'm wrong but i think in like the last necron episode didn't you say like originally the necrons were kind of based on like terminator oh yeah because reanimation protocols was originally called will be back right it sounds an awful lot like liquid metal sounds an awful lot like a t-1000 thing to me so i'm just like that absolutely does if they started off as terminators now they have liquid metal that can just like be liquid or harden into like a weapon or repair them hmm yeah it's a little it's a little weird it's not super liquidy they still are generally pretty like metal boys but it has the ability to like almost seem like it flows in a weird way it's super cool necron warriors are obviously your main like frontline troops of the necrons um they have no autonomy they are completely mentally bound to the commander's will outside of very small instructions they have almost no tactical awareness and that's the whole point is that necron warriors are just like hundreds of them are instantaneously moved and fired and used entirely by the overlord's will he he just kind of like uses the command protocols in his head and just has them adjust in milliseconds and the creepiest thing about necrons silent oh yeah well i guess they wouldn't be talking would they because they're just nope they're being yeah it's the overlord that's doing everything and moving them and making them fire so they move in like lockstep all in the exact same movements with no words and then until you hear like the powering of their weapons it's pretty terrifying i i never thought about how terrifying that would be to see on like a battlefield where every soldier is just moving in like complete unison and not saying anything and it's just like one big well-oiled machine and then they get shot and then they get right back up oh gross um so if you managed to take out the overlord would all of the subservient like uh necrons just power down uh no not necessarily i'm sure they've got command stuff on like ships on in orbit or like the monoliths and stuff oh um though i i do believe you you will cause problems it's kind of killing a big bug in tyranids it's like a link that might have an issue uh in the tabletop it makes you lose out on some buffs and some abilities but overall it's not a huge difference though i'm sure i think i'm pretty sure there will be some issues will occur but i mean good luck killing the overlord behind his legions of of [ __ ] warriors that are all moving in unison and do whatever he wills yeah who are getting back up oh i got here's i was looking at the quote for the warriors and i was like hey look one from imatech again hey what care are i that my legions are faceless identity matters only to those who have the ability to think my immortals and lich guard perhaps lords and cryptex certainly for the remainder of my vessels well suffice to say that the concept of glory is wasted on the inglorious that's a great quote he's a prick he's cool though he's a super quick but he's right like none of them have any real like identity they don't care they're just they have no autonomy like they're so bound to the overlord what do they [ __ ] care about glory or identity or whatever they're just there's some they have lots of different interesting weapons in the necron arsenal gauss blasters are their main this is the main weapon for the main like the main necron is a gauss weapon and a gauss weapon strips the target down to its very molecules and then reduces its into its subsequent atoms in seconds oh so so you become atomized when you get shot by necrons oh god and and all and that's their main weapon so they have a lot of these it's not like that's just one special guy in the back that only one person like all of them can do that yeah um actually i think shy posted a gif of the cinematic where it happens um i'm not gonna click on it cause i can't it's not registering that's actually i think a pretty i think it's actually a very like accurate description or visual description of what a gas weapon does because it just immediately burns it down to its of atoms it's pretty horrifying yep oh god that is that that's a really cool effect though that's the that's the basic weapon that is the lowest warriors carry that that is the lowest level weapon that necrons carry there's how does it get worse than a d atomizer well let me tell you dk so we got one of my favorite guns which is called the tesla carbine uh and the tesla it fires uh like lightnings you know that arrive and then cracks around which uh like melts armor and has its uh fuse to skin beneath and just char the flesh off of like off the bone um but as they consistently like arc and this electricity arcs more and more almost like it has a mind of its own crackling around the object that's being fired at it actually has very low armor penetration but i love it in the tabletop because it has good strength but the the gimmick is that if you roll your dice let's say like you need to hit on threes and you wear like two threes and a six for every six you roll you get two extra hits so normally if you roll you got like three hits you would then roll three more times to hurt the person but because you got one six you actually roll five because it's the two the six and then the two extra oh and so sometimes i'll roll these and i'll get like four sixes and i'm like wow cool eight more hits coming your way lightning light them up light them up god that just sounds horrible that just like melts the armor to like your flesh and ah oh yeah it's nasty jeez that's gross that's like whenever there's like a heat gun that's just like oh yeah it's literally baking you inside of your armor it's like ah jeez like yeah your flesh just melts because you're getting roasted in your own armrest ah real nasty ow let's not forget about the flayed ones do you remember the played ones are they the ones that literally wear human flesh or something you know it yes scrub cloth let's go let's go the night lords are big fans they got gigantic long dangly like knife fingers and they're just like oh let's let me wear it because they've got like some kind of flayed one virus which makes them hunger for hum for like flesh that makes no sense because you know they're they're robots yeah uh is that a picture of one that shy just posted covered in that that mini that thing is horrific yeah oh yeah that's a um that looks like it's a uh a custom made one as far as i'm aware the more recent flayed ones they actually just recently had a new a new kit uh come out and they do look pretty good this is like super recent oh they're they're really nasty and they look [ __ ] awesome i i am so happy with the flayed ones update i love and hate the fact that there is a very obvious face on his shoulder i know right isn't it cool that is both amazing and so disturbing i highly love it once there's a flesh it lowers like enemy leadership he's they get a whole bunch of effects with their killing um when they if they kill uh uh fleshy targets not vehicles pretty great free pretty great pretty slick pretty oh jeez i would speaking of things i would definitely not want to see on the battlefield or have to fight on the bat that's crazy though like it's like oh yeah do you have to really worry about the atomizer sure do you have to worry about a lightning gauss cannon yeah of course you do but then you also got to worry about these [ __ ] they're going to slit your face off and use it as ornaments for their armor is is there anything you don't have to worry about and then like it's it's all bad oops it's all nightmares oops only nightmares oops all nightmares great well oh well we can't stop now though we gotta talk about destroyer cults of course we do so there's a necron virus uh which is known as the destroyer virus which or it's it's destroyer [ __ ] destroyer virus i i've read the name of it but basically it's it's turned this entire cult of just of these special kinds of necrons whose only goal is the eradication of all life of all life in general all they want and these are known as the destroyers there's a couple of these there's uh they recently came with melee variants um the ones that shia is posting are the uh necron destroyers and destroyer lords um they're like they're they generally have gigantic fuck-off anti-tank weapons um oh that all that new that's the mini i have that's called the locus heavy destroyer he's chunk he's chunk and he's got a chunky gun jesus oh yeah he do he will all right the destroyers question mark they are weapons nothing more and should be expended as such they are necron and form only having been reborn to a madness deeper than any other so which i have borne witness whilst i held nothing but approval for their drive and efficiency i can present no logic adequate to justify their ultimate goal a warrior's proper function is to fight for a profound objective to leave behind works or deeds greater than himself given free reign the destroyers would leave behind nothing not life nor art nor glory only dust would remain i am a soulless machine yet even i feel pity for their victims quote unquote zarek the silent king holy [ __ ] he's like even he's like dude you're not even you're not like at least fight for something these guys just want to kill everybody i'm a soulless machine and even i pity them like whoa another reason why the silent king is a chad yeah god damn so what would it what the [ __ ] is in that gigantic cannon that that destroyer's got like is that um is that just a giant de-atomizer i think oh yeah okay hold on i gotta put my phone out real fast um i got because i got this so that is so that is a locust heavy destroyer is is a brand new model that was just recently released and the locus heavy destroyer carries that gun is known as the gauss destructor uh he also has another weapon called the animitic exterminator if he so feels like it um it is basically one shot it's a one shot um send you back to your mother cannon it is pretty great i'd like that send you back to your mother cannon yep like a lot of the necron anti-tank stuff does insane damage but it's very low shot it's like you got to sink that shot in there um there's also like there's different kinds of arcs like there's the doomsday arc and the ghost arc which are these like kind of uh look really funny um they're these super cool like um what are they called like egyptian egyptian arcs that carry a whole bunch of warriors very similar to like the arks you would see in ancient egypt like on the water oh right right right you have like command barges and annihilation barges but i actually uh there's a lot of stuff right there that's pretty cool but i want to talk a little bit more about the cryptex stuff because not just um not just cryptex but also things called canoptic units and canoptic units were always like a supplementary force but you can kind of make one in your own right now if you feel like it canoptic are these kinds of they're very much like subservient robots in the sense of they're they're used for tools they're like servanters i suppose but in different variants um they're meant to be more like bug-like and more like worker like drones like drones oh okay are we talking like scarabs yeah so so the little scarabs are known as canoptic scarabs that's their full name panoptix scarab swarms and these canoptic units are generally seen over by cryptex okay and that's kind of thing is like a overlord will see over a domain of warriors where a cryptek will see over the domain of canoptic units pray that the night is upon us for if this twilight is the work of the necrons we are all dead men lieutenant krakow some like the the imperial guard like there's things like the scarabs which we all know they eat anything and everything and if they eat anything and everything they turn it into any materials there's canoptic spiders which are used to refill scarabs and cause of the problems there's canoptic wraiths which are really creepy they have like a wraith whip coil body and they like transfer between [ __ ] walls and they can like slither through objects like a wraith form they look like giant murdery rates they're really cool those are real what am i well one of my favorite favorite ones i say favorite a lot but [ __ ] you i i like it um is the more recent edition called the canoptic doom stalker and it's a gigantic war the worlds with a giant like [ __ ] you gun on the top oh my that is definitely war of the worlds there's no that that's where they got the inspiration but [ __ ] jesus is easily war of the worlds it is so cool it is so big and like it's i mean obviously it has four legs not three so it's not quite a tripod but who gives a [ __ ] it's war of the worlds it's very clearly uh only tom cruise can stop that thing thank thank god for tom cruise thank god listen listen the storm lord listen invite the reason you haven't conquered the galaxy is because you don't believe in scientology oh tom cruise you'll never live that down oh oh tom cruise so cruz so i got two more things i want to talk about i want to talk a little bit more about cryptex and then i want to go over a little bit of what the silent king has okay oh there's pimp machine [Music] yes the silent king and his pimp machine let's [ __ ] go it's important so it's important so other let's see uh the cryptex so the cryptex that we currently have in in-game are tech they're they all end with mancer it's technomancer psychomancer chronomancer and plasmancer there's also two other ones called the ether man sir and the alchemist which is the other one doesn't have manster apparently um but the technomancer is very much the recreation and mandolin mandolin handling slash managing excuse me of canoptic units as well as the necrons themselves the whole point especially the tabletop is to regenerate all the different kinds of units revive them the usual um on the picture that shy posted he's the second from the left the guy who's given a little peace sign uh the uh the guy on the far left is the chronomancer that's the the time the guy the harbinger of eternity um for instance he has something called the time splinter cloak which is a weave of disparate strands of time creating a shield against any attack that does not originate from the time stream of this precise moment okay which you know all right okay all right that's cool nice nice cloak bro the uh the far the far right is the psychomancer that's the guy we mentioned earlier with the nightmare shroud and morale and stuff um the other guy on the on the second to the right is known as the plasmanser he's the harbinger of destruction i like him because he's got a little pointy finger and he's like pointing at you he's like oh you let me get you he's got something called the gaze of flame which is hidden weaponry inside their own bodies and basically what happened is that ins wouldn't battle the eyes of the cryptek who was granted himself the gaze of flame has like an unnatural ghostly fire he also has like solar flares and solar pulses and he'll like like he has an ability where he just points at a unit in the [ __ ] tabletop and he just does damage to them it's called like harbinger of destruction or some some [ __ ] like that it's fitting name it's a it's a it's a good name for someone that just i think i think it really is called that yeah harbinger of destruction yeah point at guy do damage like living lightning if you're near him it like zaps him it's so silly jesus the ether oh they're they [ __ ] so hard they're so cool god damn ether manser is all about lightning crackling fields of lightning and arcs of lightning uh storm clouds appearing out of nowhere and then of course there's the alchemists which is the harbinger of transmogrification uh which has like the harp of dissonance which is a harp like casket that has perfect precise levels of tension and when a note is properly played it'll burst the molecular bonds of any material oh so he's like wow boring carbon is now dead [ __ ] you bring whoa i mean that's these guys are insane so necrons are like i mentioned before right numbers and their sleeping problem is the only reason why these guys do not rule the galaxy yeah i mean even with their small numbers i imagine there's still a big problem cause holy [ __ ] look at what they got like if if if all the tomb worlds woke up it's [ __ ] over there is no fight they win like yep 100 100 there is there is no surviving jesus i didn't realize like i knew the necrons were beefy i knew they had some cool [ __ ] but oh my god especially the cryptex are like how do you fight that that i mean that's the thing is the cryptex don't tend to enjoy being on the battlefield much because they're like little they're nerds they're scientists and they're working on stuff but i mean often you know how do you fight that well when you play the imperial guard you gotta have like 9 000 guns and eventually i don't it doesn't matter one of those happens to be the right timeline and again you get [ __ ] they just happen to be in the right time oh [ __ ] oh we forgot about the hex mark destroyer hex mark destroyer let's go okay this this is a dude right it's a dude and he's got he's got a bunch of pistols peace all right he's got six he's part of the destroyer cults he's got six pistols six separate pistols and with each pistol that he that he has he's got like all these little arms and he he hits like a cowboy man and and he he has all these like little guns he fires them out into different kinds of areas and he's basically doing he's basically doing the reaper thing from overwatch where he's just firing them in all directions [Laughter] please tell me all six of his arms have six shooters they're all sick shooters six arms i think they're just single shot pistols but it doesn't matter it's still he's still cowboy man yeah he's still a cowboy for sure he's he's super cool he just pops in he's got all of his guns and he's like yeah your beat boot partner yeah uh oh yeah he's cool he's a that's a sick mini he's a sick ass mini i didn't mention one last one death marks oh i gotta i gotta talk about death marks uh they're they're uh snipers oh okay they're snipers and a assassins and they lurk in hyperspace which is in a separate dimension of the v of the area that they're currently at and what happens is that they'll they'll lurk in wait and then they'll materialize directly into the dimension that they're supposed to be in and immediately like [ __ ] snipe out an enemy commander and then just re-materialize back into their dimension and go away what a bunch of cheaters i know they're just going sip blimp zip zip you can't see me oh my that's [ __ ] jesus they're actually in uh warhammer mechanicus and they're the most annoying enemy in the whole game if you like walk past them they shoot you as an overwatch and then they teleport somewhere else on the map they are complete degenerates man like that it's just there's the necrons have so much good [ __ ] mm-hmm did you know that nemosaur zandrak hates death marks he considers them to be cheating because he's an honorable robot and he's i was gonna say because they're dishonorable and they're they're hiding in another realm and uh you're a bunch of [ __ ] loser cheaters because you can't fight the honorable way and yeah it makes sense that makes sense yeah it's a very nervous sort of zander thing there's also litchgard litchguard are the personal uh bodyguards of like the overlords and pharaons um like pew loyalty um these guys are really cool but at this point i think we've covered a lot of necron stuff between the cryptex and the overlords and the and king is i thought i had more to talk about with the king but i realized i didn't i it was there's not a whole lot of talk about his like his uh get up and his pimp thing besides the fact that [ __ ] kata is on it he's just got he's just got a god ornament a former god ornament just like he's like he's like he's like it's got it's like hamster i think his hamster on the wheels like keep moving you move him oh i guess we should talk about monoliths okay and maybe like tesseract vaults too sure oh yeah because we didn't really talk about models in the original did we oh yeah i guess so okay so monoliths are a very i'm sorry i would be i would be very upset i didn't talk about monoliths because they're important a monolith is a giant [ __ ] pyramid and it's a massive mobile fortress that arrives from the sky and will immediately start teleporting necrons into battle just at will oh boy they are huge pyramids that float across the battlefield with tons of guns and they are not unkillable because they just keep on regenerating their armor and there's a thing called i think i mentioned this before there's a thing called the eternity gate which allows the necrons to just spill out from anywhere like like it's an entire mobile assault you know because they they take the necron warriors from a tomb world like three star systems away and just like you know just let them flow out of the monolith um but their eternity gate also operates as like a weapon so the neck uh the necron monolith and melee can like attack a space marine and they suck them through the gate and they just like teleport him in the middle of space somewhere we'll never be seen again oh that's messed up it is but it's kind of funny it's just like mace out in the middle of space and he's like he just died if you see a monolith you know that trouble is a coming and it's time to maybe maybe get off world monolith is the true testament to your planet is being invaded full-on invasion prepare yourself because you kill that monolith now or it's going to keep on spawning warriors and it will not stop also if it's a pyramid why is it called the monolith why don't they just call it a pyramid because i get because same reason they call him immotek and not whatever just because they don't want to be too obvious i guess i i guess they were monoliths in egyptian time weren't there big monoliths i don't know it's i don't know i don't know it takes who [ __ ] cares it's it's whatever there's also the um there's also the tesseract vault which is something really neat oh it's the gigantic vault that holds a guitar inside holy [ __ ] that is a that's a that's i don't know can you really call that a mini yeah a mini right but it's basically it's basically a giant power station that holds the katan inside but also allows it to amplify its powers so the guitar becomes even way stronger it's pretty it's pretty nasty um it's not very good on the tabletop because it's too expensive but it's still pretty nasty and i don't even really think we need to talk about the catan dewey because we know what the catan do they have gigantic insane powers of that defy reality oh yeah because that's the whole point what does that little katan bindi thing do exactly does it like so it uses the katan's powers and it amplifies them for the next it's a it's a moving prison it is a it is a prison of the of the catan that is just taking him around the battlefield as like do kill things okay so essentially that's how they use a katan to kill other people they got him in prison to do their bidding so he's using his katan powers that are being amplified by the prison for necron bidding yeah and like the katan powers are ridiculous like uh the transcendent catan is able to unleash a huge meteor composed of entirely anti-matter to fall from the sky and annihilate all normal matter and range um like with a flick of his hand creates earthquakes that crush people uh oh sky of falling stars reigns blazing meteorites from the sky into the ground it's just like i wanna i wanna rewind here for a second did you say he can make a meteor out of antimatter yeah it's called anti-matter meteor that's the power it's the thing in the game it's a legit meteor scientist of antimatter that will that's a that's a planetary destruction anti-matter explosions are no joke it's not an explo it's not they're not exploding it he's just throwing it at you right but once it collides shouldn't it just and just wait wait is that the problem times arrow mutating the flow of causation and re-molding the temporal stream of space-time continuum the katan cast its foe back into the darkness before time was time erasing them from existence as if they had never been but the ansi matters the problem here i didn't realize that was a thing too okay fairness and the only reason i bring that up is because uh i'm i you know used to used to warframe a lot and my favorite frame is nova prime she has the the anti-matter drop and it's a small little ball of antimatter and the conversation was always like oh yeah if if there was one warframe that was real who would be the most devastating it was like it's nova because she's making antimatter and she is exploding it that is a big boom and that will that's planetary destruction potentially so i'm just like there's a meteor sized version of that yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like i mean yeah your system is done like holy [ __ ] it's pretty nutty all the katan powers are just [ __ ] like the uh as the gorod the nightbringer he has one called gaze of death and whatever he does he looks at you and then you and then and then you just die you gotta keep those stoner shades on so we can't see you right you gotta you gotta put on those like eight bit like deal with it shades and then he's like [ __ ] you and all he sees in your eight-bit glasses is reflection and he kills himself you did it he did it you did it you killed a shard of the nightbringer anyway anyway we're at this at this point we're just doing shenanigans we've been going for an hour and 20 something minutes yeah we want to talk about the stupidity of the kata and the stupidity of the [ __ ] necrons and they're they're pretty ridiculous they are but that's what makes them so great like i didn't realize how much crazy [ __ ] they had and just exactly how strong they were like i always knew everybody liked the necrons and equines were necrons were super strong i didn't realize just how much insane crazy batshit warhammery stuff they had um so now i'm a big fan of the cryptex so they're [ __ ] whackadoo there is something there it is i i thought that we should mention one last thing uh just just because sean wants to talk about the seraptic heavy construct i don't really care it's just a really big forge world mall that looks cool it sure does it's just i don't i don't know anything really about it lore wise it just looks neato and it's forged world so i try not to care much because it's probably like 500 [ __ ] dollars [Laughter] it's a size robot bug brickie whatever it's a robot bug they have lots of those they they do it it's like a it's a giant rusty spider walker that's what it is yeah it's it's neato um there if i'm not mistaken there's this one thing just in case you want to make sure that the necrons are truly truly overpowered um there is something i'm not if i'm not mistaken there is something called the celestial orberry aurora um it's a special device located at the necron crown world of thanatos uh which is definitely not um no and also at all subtle uh but it is a star chart with tiny various glowing lights that represent each of the stars in the galaxy and apparently all they need to do is go boop and then the star on that chart explodes what what they have a star chart and they can just boop it and the star explodes no questions asked it just happened uh let's see an act that snuffs out any of these lights leads to its physical counterpart undergoing a supernova millennial before its time that destroys all the nearby worlds that circle it thus the celestial orari is capable of immense destructive power but that destroying a star must be done with careful consideration as would upset the natural order of the cosmos and create a critical chain reaction so the only reason they don't do is because it would [ __ ] up things but if they wanted to they could like some dude might just walk in their trunk you'd be like and do that thing you would do with an elevator in a hotel just like slap all the buttons oh no it's the soul system by tara boop just the sky lights up in orange what happened and there's just a drunk necron that stumbles out of the area and he's like oops and it was nemosaur zandrak like like drunk on oil because he thinks it's real because he thinks yeah he's he's he's simulating what it's like to be drunks like i [ __ ] had all the [ __ ] buttons it's like oberon where are you why didn't you help me over and drink some oil jesus that's that's crazy like i i i'm not even going to ask how that already works i'm sure it's just not important it's not important it just does it just does necrons are the most powerful race in the galaxy and the only thing keeping them back is all those other issues it is it is shenanigans it is is insanity but you know what it is the most is damn fun oh it's supposed to say ridiculous adapt is ridiculous there's no more drum sect there's no more drum sets what is it it's ridiculous ah take us home brickie there's the car oh okay damn it thank you all very much for watching this episode that's ridiculous you can find dk and dk diamantes everywhere and all well most things it's fine instagram is stupid anyway yeah yeah that's your fight use it anyway quite shy good quite shallow any quara quite shy are those i'm bricky find me a bricky next week we are doing hey don't blueball me like that man you can't you're gonna get you're gonna get fans real mad at you [ __ ] [ __ ] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 525,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, necrons, destroyer cults, flayed ones, necron lore, warhammer necrons, necron dynasties
Id: XX7DwRH95sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 10sec (5170 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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