White Raven Trading Co. - Curiosity Shoppe and Museum of the Strange

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the West more specifically Tombstone Arizona even more specific than that we are from the white Raven trading company Curiosity Shop and Museum of the strange have an awesome collection of bizarre oddities including the world's largest collection of wooly buggers and the world's largest frog band it's gonna be good follow me only the world's largest broadband the world's largest ramen that's amazing that's the hardest front man I've ever seen so I can give you that verification last count was close to 100 figures there's one turtle in the back I still want to put some music on that kind of pops in here okay so you got the frogs like drinking up here in the front playing cool and then all these oh yeah yeah I see that in the very back hidden my turtle hey who invited you turtle like this guitarist made completely out of matchsticks matchstick guitar and it has the guy's name Dale Brown he used like fingernail clippers to clip the ends off coffee to dye the the neck and I made it made it in prison made it in prison yes yes but the site belonged to Ed Gein oh wow the neighbors had it and after he got busted and all the tools and stuff they borrowed they start selling from the neighbors talking about it so who knows he could have butchered someone Berta corpse with that good and uh and actually got a signature on its from 1984 from that famous golfer book and that was the year he died the signatures my miniature trying to rough look at yeah right and of course the Dillinger death mask you need one of those in every curiosity Museum okay so that's john gacy painting Dillinger is yeah so it's like a crossover almost or collaboration it is so this Roderick Farrell says he was a member of the Kentucky vampire clan what's the back story behind that I I've seen it on TV um remember he was the guy that had the 14 year old girlfriend in Florida and she was complaining about how she hated her parents okay yeah I have her him and his buddies took the car went down to Florida killed her parents stole their minivan and went to New Orleans I guess we're all vampires go okay and what do we have here if he does getting busted that's a pair of his his boots that he wore that his mom bought him okay so on the back of the letter I her on the back of the the pitcher taken in our living room this is from his mom I guessed his mom was cashing in on a lot of his stuff so his mom was selling off his murderer stuff his mom was selling off all the stuff that's like his little childhood color in blue hello yeah everybody loves Prison shanks prisoners are so creative when it comes to making things you'd think they would have used that creativity in real life to invent things instead of just coming up with different ways to cut and stab each other and the Heaven's Gate drinking glasses did they I wanted were these used to drink the kool-aid with they came from the crime scene but I'm not sure they're the ones that was used for the kool-aid let's not let's get some cool is the residue is that I think that she's blond to dust I don't know oh my goodness I haven't drink out of them yet I've kind of wanted to yeah I have a little kool-aid session I don't know if it's an appropriate question but can I pick up at Gein see you sure can please do oh my gosh holding Ed Gein safe that he used to mutilate corpses and you turn to me with it I'm sorry I don't know why everyone straight to you worried about this oh my gosh I've held the same weapon Ed Gein that's insane Oh at a you crazy crazy man look at this this is a sea horse that is quite a sea horse right there an actual horse of sorts we got a two-headed shark down there and of course you've got to have the Fiji mermaid oh I love him look at fish man that's his fish man what is he I don't know what he is I guess he's a fish man I think that's pretty safe to say and we have our shrunken head there in the back there appears to be a shark with Spock ears that's that's pretty interesting oh wow I've seen a lot of devil fish but I've never seen a devil fish family you can see that one mama devil fish is holding your devil fish baby what is it I don't know what it is looks like some sort of terrifying flying fish eel monster oh my gosh there's an actual booger from Blackbeard the pirate it's black so that makes sense all right this is a Charles Manson painting with human blood now you were saying that it's got his so this that is it Charles Manson's blood or is it they know it's that it was a volunteers blood I believe it's Ryan's blood okay but but but his ashes are in the painting yes his ashes are in the eyes and then and that's his hair is real Manson hair right there real Manson here in this watch to go oh wow uh-huh that's creepy oh I Love New Orleans too and we always be would stay in the French Quarter and just do all the booty tours every night all the ghost tours and so this is like so this is almost like a voodoo altar it is right that came from one of the shops down there really found a seller he was only-- Bay it got shipped a Louisiana it was in a storage locker and he said it was on display in the French Quarter for close to 50 years Wow I've heard this before the mummified cats apparently were used to ward off evil spirits sealed like at the wall of homes to protect against spirits yikes the Blowfish they're the Veneman blow flavors actually used to make real zombies it's a real thing look it out I'm not I'm not just saying that look at this Abraham Lincoln's last turd oxford pudding veal and Terrapin soup so let's via be an interesting to hurt and there's no Lincoln life mask a little small piece of pine from Ford's Theater here's the Purvis doll it's a creepy doll with human hair and this no was attached to the dowel and it says Melvin Purvis killed April 12 1912 by his wife Millie age 47 god bless his soul that's a creepy note to be attached to a doll look at this we got the Jackalope hair there now I believe this to be the largest collection of wooly buggers aka a squatches that I have ever seen do tell me about these about these about these a squatches over here yeah oh we've been collecting a squatches for a long time our first one was this guy right here and yeah everybody loves them redneck taxidermy at its finest everybody uses the front of the deer so why not use the back of it I knew something with it and this one right here happen I mean that that has by far to be the best one yeah just as realistic looking I like this one I like his little hat and it uses the deers ears - okay so it's the deers ears placed on the deers rear and then a little hat out and this guy Scotland double tusks right there the sheepsquatch and then this whoever did this one just kind of got lazy they just stuck eyes on a deer body just stuck guys over here but this looks like a buffalo here and this is probably the meanest looking a Squatch I've ever seen well here we got some little tiny ones what's the skull here it's one of the Peruvian elongated oh yes I love this love this little guy hey he's he like you worked he works as a short-order cook and he's and he's he's a deer's be whole and then there's a stone baby like a cyclops skull right there saber-tooth Cobra oh yeah like it's got the those big teeth hanging out make wine uh who wouldn't want to be one with a big Cobra head in it to be a bro print chupacabra in Florida awesome the petrified fairy is off life berry and then we got the the giant sewer rat some ancestor skulls and what is this one right here a vampire child's heart yes that's how you get rid of a vampire child here's a trigger finger the famed Mexican outlaw Pancho via the rope squirrels from the island of macrame and his intense little piranhas right here a little two-headed squirrel and a man fish says he was discovered in 1982 researchers from the University of Florida at Turkey Point nuclear generation station 2 miles east of Homestead Florida ants there is a two-headed turtle right there and then we have a devil toad or a Lagasse flesh-eating toad a vicious-looking and this guy I love this guy here turtle boy how happy is look at that a sixth foot Gator not sixteen feet in length as you might think but 16 feet protruding from his body and then this Gator here two headed Gator to face skater I like uh Villa has one eye in the middle I think that really adds to the awesomeness this is the rattle Gator to the most scary things in the world a rattlesnake in an alligator combined this is a cowboy frisbee which is apparently a giant turd with eyes it's a no-good two-faced cow oh look at this adorable two-headed calf that's a good calf look at the door of a little monster here and and then the two-headed rattlesnake jet that's you to two bites that want to bite you on each leg at the same time just double kill you some cow hair balls and then because all this was removed from the bowels of cows cows aren't smart they did they'll just eat anything this piece of Lizzie Borden's house piece of Bonnie and Clyde's tourist cabin I like your fur great trout is brown that's it that's more rare to have to have the brown one then the white ones yeah yes that's just a weird old looking fish head delicious bass has poor fake fangs oh I love this this knife sheath fits like alligator head there's too much Kirby blade oh my gosh and they all come out and those are wicked yeah I did that so like the handles are alligator - yeah that is yeah some serious alligator weaponry right there this is one of the most classic taxidermy setups of all time the Mongoose versus the Cobra I like these ones are just like absolutely going face-to-face that's awesome there's a skull and there's a Egyptian mummy arm and the notorious lobster boy Grady Stiles that's his uh hand cast it's just a crazy backstory there I need to get into that sometime this fish was caught with a live turtle inside his mouth that's very interesting and here we have a skull made out of human teeth these would always be teeth but normally that would just be bone this alligator gar is even more alligator than normal there you go there's the sockeye salmon so our Museum and shop is located in the historic China Mary House China Mary brand all the Chinese workers and tombstones so if you wanted a Chinese worker you went to her you paid her and she would send the worker over she also brought in all the opium and the Chinese red light girls or if you wanted Chinese wife so supposedly underneath the house are the Chinese opium dens but we've yet to find him I've crawled underneath here dug around like okay who dug around looking for opium den that would be a great tour yeah no people do so that's a genuine shrunken head boom Hayley please so what's a stuff with it's it's got nude a bird just kind about with these papers you had to hold the shape but you can see in the back where he's so not oh my gosh I've never never never held a shrunken head before oh my gosh that was that was somebody's head okay so we have a real skull from the Paris catacombs that one's got a nice little ponytail is that a lady scholar it's a lady skull oh she's real red here red-haired mistress it says and there's a little double piglet in there okay these are blood paintings they have a beetlejuice or Reagan from The Exorcist barbershop posters so they'd have these so you could pick which haircut you wanted you could but what I didn't understand is they had one with like Bob Marley on it we sold that one with Marley's not letting anybody cut his hair so he's the mr. t look his Papa this is like British mr. t love her hair lover boy haircut oh yeah so this will be out that you'd say pick which one you want that's amazing oh yeah here you get your American style haircut fine expert it's quite a Fiji mermaid can I touch it okay pick it up of all the feejee mermaids I've ever seen I've never held one there we go it's so cute I know he's adorable this here is a a cane made out of part of a bowl you know you know you know what part it is I'm not gonna I don't know I don't have to tell you huge thank you to Graham for being such a gracious host and his awesome oddities shop letting me handle some things I've always wanted to handle yes the woolly booger collection is something special as is the frogman as has the entire place I definitely would recommend anyone in this area to check out the Museum of the strange here at the white Raven trading company if you'd like to see other oddities shops I've been to as well as other museums amusement parks and there's roadside attraction some random strange things check the interactive map in the description it'll tell you where I've been and you could tell me where I need to go also let you contribute to the channel consider buying a t-shirt consider donating to patreon three dollars or more will get you a postcard once a month but for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 24,813
Rating: 4.9157538 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, tombstone, az, arizona, curiosity, shop, shoppe, woolybooger, white raven, trading co., frog band, freaks, oddities, mermaid, merman, fiji, fish man, true crime
Id: 2DHqZPz1K54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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