Movieland Wax Museum - Niagra Falls

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yes fault this is windy and true begins yeah this is employers to hire the best movies and TV shows yes hey off carpetbagger here coming you in the Arctic north Ontario Canada more specifically and I Agri boss I am outside of Movieland Wax Museum now there is a movie land much revered Movieland Wax Museum that is was in Hollywood California that will shut down I'm not sure if this has any affiliation with that or not either way we're gonna check it out follow me alright I'm not sure who that is but at first I just thought he was a really bad semester store ah ah Tom Selleck phone booth does anyone actually remember this movie you call that a knife seriously though harvest knows even maybe starting some cocaine scary thought Crocodile Dundee on cocaine now this Batman that's not wax this is like a plastic mold although this Jack Nicholson as the Joker is pretty awesome welcome to the uncanny valley okay I am absolutely stumped on this one who is that I don't recognize the actress she's got like a bomb strapped here that her hands tied maybe Oh swordfish okay hadn't stepped up of detonator right there so I guess John Travolta's going to blow up her Halle Berry swordfish they smell these movies movies are a little dated I think early 2000s it's like the cut off here Oh Will Smith in Hancock seriously I think this museum is like a time capsule for the early 2000 pick the tiger guessing Mexica click may be a Bollywood movie err we're in Canada I mean our Bollywood movies popular in Canada they were out there now now I hate being over-critical but this this is kind of an abomination here that's worse Michelle and Barack Obama I've ever seen all right here we have the Godfather without Al Pacino right there and check it out check out Marlon Brando's cat that's super super realistic horrible noises coming madam Jamis all right there we have a box of chocolates along laughs Forrest Gump check out this Michael Myers this is a catchphrase err time you walk by him danger is my middle name very shagadelic yeah yeah baby it's freedom by the yeah there was shower gel or Shelley Shannon idea I really don't want to shag this sort of thing in a wax figure anything Mike Myers oh hi the invisible predator what oh my god all right look this is the Kevin Sorbo from Hercules not the Kevin Sorbo from God's not dead ah freakin alligator scare me alright here we have King Kong apparently oh the Dilophosaurus ah that was terrifying luckily Brendan Fraser's here at Jurassic Park to keep us safe check out his hollow feet America's most racist man Harry you're a wax figure curiously enough no lightning bolt tattoo I've said it before I'll say it again nothing goes better together then taxidermy and wax figures like peanut butter and chocolate I was not trying to be racist they're crispy oh my god it's no white in the seven doors but I have no idea why the dwarves are so ghoulish look at what a dhobi he looks like gremlin oh my god I'm speechless here look at this push this certain ones okay push happy happy lights up bashful lights up slide up that creepy Dobby seriously you gotta be kidding me this is a wax museum Edward and Bella hanging out in their cabin with their pet rabbit that's a very mediocre commodity every creature has free doors especially therefore scary I record the authority my gosh Simpsons look a 3000 times creepy 3d why our guards pants off this a huge Simpsons fan this is this common settling all right here we have all the key character to Star Wars Darth Vader why is that Darth Maul and Darth Jar Jar oh yeah there's Yoda looks like looks like they that that's very much a discount Chewbacca right there doesn't have any eyes mostly Jim Brown some years up with his hair his hair like that amazing I was 11 people like you and slow floral hardest this is their job to get this oh geez what was that seriously where that noise come from gave me a heart attack give me a jump scare oh my gosh that's supposed to be Hannah Montana these witherspoon from walk the line where she married Elvis Presley that's why I'm the spokes mistress for the adult the zombie foundation we're affiliated with the inhumane Society Creature from the Black Lagoon I have no idea who that is so what then Michael Tao looks depressed whoever do oh my god she toid that frisky all Emir's I have a confession to make because I feel like it's important to be completely honest in these videos that I stood by the door the haunted house section and followed another family in there because I didn't want to get jumpscared being jump-scare that's the worst kind of scared isn't anyways yeah great wax museum very wouldn't know what to expect would be a lot like Hollywood Wax Museum or Madame Tussaud but very unique got like a few things in there that move some really strange things as well so definitely worth checking out appreciate you guys watching like subscribe share WWE Harbor back you're going to send me a few dollars on patreon I will send you postcards on my journeys and I'll sell t-shirts and those links are all down below appreciate it
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 100,515
Rating: 4.8576269 out of 5
Id: 4vB6nITGVGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2016
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