America Prohibition Museum - Savannah, GA

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the south more specifically savannah georgia and even more specifically than that we're in front of the pro a bishop museum the american prohibition museum celebrating well we're not celebrating but chronicling the point in american history where alcohol was illegal ironically enough the prohibition museum writes smack dab in the drinking district here savannah georgia surrounded by these outdoor barges this bar outdoor bars as people guzzle alcohol drink their beers in the shadow of the american prohibition museum so please follow me [Music] you feel pretty good take pictures ask questions only requests are not to touch the artifacts or wax figures and in light of covets masks on over the nose at all times [Music] the woman up there setting out her laundry this is actually really cool right here kind of an old style uh warning poster just keep your nose unexposed stop the spread of covet so something that they would have had back then to uh fight coven this paperboy here it's a sign liquor bashing crusader billy sunday tonight hear the popular evangelist bring his wrath down on king alcohol let's see the man driving his beer truck here being stopped by these protesters this anti-alcohol protesters the wax figures back there looking in the saloon door incorporating these modern signs very clever healthy epidemic use the floor markers to maintain social distancing [Music] tent revival billy sunday the evangelist preaching against the evils of alcohol so we go up the stairs you see first you take a drink then the drink takes a drink then the drink takes you temptation is the devil looking through a keyhole it says in 1908 georgia became the eighth state in the union to go dry prior to national prohibition so georgia actually became a dry state before prohibition that's interesting we see these cops breaking into a wall taking out these barrels of booze this man is chopping the barrel booze with an axe to destroy it but it is spewing out for into the streets where these children are scooping up booze um and i guess they'll probably be drinking it or maybe they'll just maybe just be selling it to uh to people 21 and over little girl carrying a booze bucket here we have the grim reaper shaking hands with a bottle of whiskey saying mr bottle you are my strongest ally here outside the black rabbit tavern and the police officer guarding the door very serious looking and uh some more warning signs for covenant i'm sorry i'm fascinated by these i think these are really clever prevent disease careless spitting coughing and sneezing spread cobia 19. we wear masks to protect you save lives here we have these two drunkards out on the street see him guzzling that little bottle of liquor buddy here reaching out hey let me have a of a chug of that liquor and hear him say wanna they're sharing that one little bottle this room talks about some of the groups that opposed liquor the anti-saloon league american temperance the washingtonians worldly against alcoholism women's christian the temperance union the scientific temperance federation looks like maine passed a prohibition on selling alcohol way back in 1851 there's wayne wheeler he's the man responsible for creating and promoting the prohibition movement what what what a what a fun guy let me see a little kid saying vote dry said that they actually have little kids protesting prohibition saying that the sugar used to make alcohol should it be used to make candy for kids instead there were some literature and handouts used by members of the prohibition party drink and the downfall of nations it says the dries argue that barley used in beer should instead be used for bread to feed world war one soldiers i think some of those soldiers may have preferred the beer instead so enter this area this was 88 bar you can see it has been completely smashed to pieces it would have been smashed to pieces by this woman right here carrie nation who was an infamous member of the temperance movement who would literally go into bars with an axe and smash them as a way to stop alcohol from being sold you can see the cash register it's been ravaged the bar smashed the bits you can see the carry nation actually became a very popular uh figure in the temperance movement you can see these little souvenir axes with her name put on them lapel pins of hatchets to show your support of uh smashing bars and making it liquor illegal over here we have a taxidermied buffalo face let me see now here the law has been passed the saloon has been boarded up closed for violation the national prohibition act look at that knocker it looks like satan here we have a car full of very very happy women they're all celebrating the passing of the 18th amendment the making selling and transport of liquors in or out of the united states is now prohibited they're all saying hooray we have outlawed alcohol this is definitely going to last forever waving and celebrating drunkenness forever defeated you can see here they're holding a funeral for john barley corn here we see john barley horns casket apparently john barley corn a fictional character representing alcohol and drunkenness but sadly there is a downside to outlawing alcohol so we see these poor alcohol makers these poor liquor distillers are now sadly out of work liquor bottlers have done their part now do yours this just in liquor production halted to make way for a manufacturer of alcohol-based hand sanitizer and that's true a lot of the liquor companies did manufacture hand sanitizer when there was a shortage due to copen here are some attempts of uh liquor companies to make uh other products we had coolers coors malted milk that's that's interesting and bud brand of frozen egg product well made i guess uh budweiser started making frozen egg substance and i didn't seem to go over as well as beer prohibition sends stills to the hills during the moonshine making section here we have one of the most infamous moonshiners marvin popcorn sutton they had to make moonshine to make ends meet this is a way of life this is just a family here it's in a traditional virtual moonshiner yeah prohibition stall yeah cool mission says moonshine still here in the shadows i've been shining down there i'd buy drinks well guess what that was great for the moonshines i moved that bit isn't [Music] come closer oh a little drinky down down there okay okay so i guess she's sending a little little subtle pants to come into the old bore get ourselves a drink now she's kind of staring he's talking about loopholes that people use to get around the the bars being illegal they said they would sell tickets to see a blind pig so someone would come into the house see the blind pig and then be giving liquor complimentary who wouldn't want to see a blind pig and i guess blind pigs are probably more interesting when you've had a drink talks about how people would actually make liquor at home stove top moonshine still right there she manufactures some homemade liquor and then transports it here in the baby carriage talks here about how doctors can actually write prescription for alcohol so these are medicinal liquors badger brand hops that's interesting what would you get a prescription for uh whiskey for like doctor doctor my family's super annoying and i hate my job write me a prescription for whiskey this case here has some ways that people snuck alcohol see that book there actually has a nozzle on it could uh pour some liquor out of there's a pretzel with a cork in it so you could pretend like you're eating a pretzel when you're really chugging liquor there's a camera here that has you take out the inside that has four test tubes full of liquor inside there's a looks like a roast chicken that secretly dispenses alcohol very very very creative now enter the crime room where we see how prohibition actually contributed to organized crime they're the tools of the gangster trade the infamous tommy gun some pistols brass nooks and a telephone here's actually some fake guns used in prison breaks you said it's carved out of wood get a shotgun a fake shotgun carved out of wood fake tommy gun turned out of wood i don't know would you have fallen for that i guess maybe from a distance someone has like their arms around it may look a lot more real looks kind of phony right there it seems like i don't know if i would fall for that if i was a prison guard but it's always scary to have a gun pointed a new direction also it looks like maybe a bomb it's just a alarm clock with a fake stick of dynamite wrapped to it here's one of those creepy pictures i've ever seen in a museum kkk ferris whale you can see it in the ferris wheel being rode only by clan members they have a chip of brick actually from the site of the saint valentine's day massacre you can see the poker chips and dice and money and look at that we may authentic 1928 thousand dollar bill i've never i've never seen a thou do they still make thousand dollar bills do we have modern thousand dollar bills surely we do i've never owned one maybe i'll go to the bank next time i get a thousand dollars and say i just i just i just want a thousand dollar bill and then go to the gas station and buy a candy bar with it here we see an infamous lineup of criminals bugs moran there and al capone infamous gangster from chicago and machine gun jack mcgearn but he liked using machine guns you can see this old-timey car here where things have gone very bad as you see some machine gun bullets along the side the driver has been shot so severely that his eyeball's hanging out and this couple living the gangster lifestyle has unfortunately been shot to death you see gangsta style right here just pour striped suits and fur coats and cool hats you see a real rum running skiff boat using 1925 up there is a 400 gallon moonshine still found in virginia all right here we can learn how to dance the charleston from this uh diagram right here we have a mirror so we can watch ourselves but let's see yeah looks gonna swing swing our heels out let me see if we go there we go that's the charleston i assume this talks about the flapper style and culture that came out of prohibition here's the flapper wardrobe right here some of the makeup and whatnot what really sticks out to me is the creepy little monkey thing right there does it have makeup inside why is it a monkey that is a flapper bathing suit very uh comfortable and appropriate beach wear you look here see the little viewing glass a little button to ring and right here in the middle of the american prohibition museum we have a full bar well apparently this was one-way glass so everyone in the bar could see me doing the charleston very nice there's a light they could turn on there was a raid in progress the cops were showing up flip on the raid light and as guests sip some alcohol we can read about how prohibition was repealed and everyone's celebrated with giant beers and here this garage area talks about how moonshiners actually created nascar so we can see here the moonshine runners that actually modify their cars to make them super fast and able to outrun the police and then eventually they would start racing each other to see who could make the fastest car and this gave birth to nascar in the gift shop you can stock up on gangster items as far back as i remember i always wanted to be a gangster there's some gangster hats some tommy guns some cigars and some clothing dress up there's a flapper girl oh there's a garter flask and all boas are 50 off in the gift shop they have a section dedicated to an iconic statue you're in savannah the bird girl statue made famous for being the cover artwork of the book midnight in the garden of good and evil and there's the dvd of the movie version starring you know that guy so thank you for joining me here at the american prohibition museum a great attraction here in the city of savannah georgia love seeing the great wax figures too i love seeing wax figures used in a modern museum this museum has not been around forever it's not a it's not a decades-old attraction it's you know been here i don't know the treat exactly when it started but it's in the last decade it has been placed here but a great attraction fun attraction here in uh savannah georgia if i see other places i've been uh please check the interactive map in the description of this video if you'd like to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also selling enamel pins in the etsy shop all that information is in the description of this video until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 30,958
Rating: 4.9427547 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, american prohibition museum, savannah, ga, georgia, fun, museum, roadside attraction, prohibition, history, roadside america, wax museum
Id: jBPilUKy4wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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