Abraham Lincoln Museum and Library - Plus Bunnies!

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cruising over the mighty Mississippi we're heading into our final state of Illinois you [Music] hey well carpetbagger here coming to you live from the Midwest more specifically Staunton Illinois and it is the 11th day of our route 66 Trek we are in the final stretch just a reminder if you want check down the description got a t-shirt shop up and running got some classic carpetbagger t-shirt designs as well as some route 66 specific designs if you want to check that out so currently I'm here at Henry's rabbit ranch the attraction based not only on route 66 but on rabbits looks like they have their own ranch here of vehicles those are not Cadillacs there's some sort of Volkswagen there we go another day another giant rabbit looks like this is Henry's rabbit graveyard it's big red the rabbit elvis and mary montana queen of henry's rabbit ranch humpin - please that is interesting as you can see has like an old gas station set up here but this is actually not just a nostalgic route 66 attraction there's a functioning rabbit ranch down here you got some always a good idea right here no discussion of politics or religion on route 66 he's named after my dad he was Hubert Henry that's the other part his name's Henry down there little red bunny and we're down to four bunnies our all-time low I started off in 1999 was 15 of them and just had one yesterday during an operation passed away so as a fact of life you know it's hard and but in 2003 that was our glory days we had 49 bunnies things were really happening in moving and I do at that point I just kind of keep doing it the rest of my life I'm 71 now so I thought I'd out certain let them go down and as maybe a certain number pass away then maybe I'll bring one yet well this little guy here just you're going April the sex I've rescued him here and started so we enjoy what we do here you've probably noticed there's a lot of Volkswagens and you guys are frail old enough to remember what kind they were Volkswagen rabbits yeah yeah that'll make sense banana goes together but they came first my dad got me started on that in 1982 and I just kind of fell in love with him myself so when he passed away 99 I inherited all his personal vehicles I had 40 Volkswagen roads almost as many bunnies bunny rabbits no.3 and that's really been a lot of fun I hope to do this as long as I can these are two brothers down here they've been here the longest and they have outlived a lot of the previous ones that have passed away they'll be going on nine years that they've been here comes July yeah that time we rescued them my friend Tim and I who we did it together and in the bunny that during an operation yesterday had just passed away that was Phoenix this was his condo and Phoenix was quite the guy three and a half years ago mm-hmm he had to have a lung surgically removed the whole lot and and nobody thought he had even survived that he came home the next day Wow and then four or five months ago he had cancer on his right front fall and they could have cut it off of the paw and when it came back right away so thinking that we're doing the right thing we had them removed his right arm and you know he had another five months and he had a good life here he'll be buried with the rest of them it's been a fun time this is my 24th year doing what you see here and that just gets better he's very calm and relaxed he knows no fear that's how my dad was my dad and that has a word fear in his vocabulary does he might be embedded there yeah yeah hey buddy yeah hey buddy very soft yeah yeah he's a lion head that's his breed enjoy the people come and enjoy yourselves so cute so is this spring break yet it is we're just started no I'm sorry like no driving out here on the Mother Road can be dangerous and that's why we have the mother of Jesus to watch over its travelers now this is one of the oldest stretches of 66 this concrete was poured in the 1920s and here is a special marker the turkey tracks is when they poured this in the 1920s a wild turkey came out of the field and did a little little dance right there and its tracks are still here almost a hundred years later now I may be seeing things but I think there's a Burger King up that way you gotta love their basket as two hot dogs who are in love nothing melts my heart like two hot dogs in love and here's those hot dog lovers hitting the mother road the try the cozy dog is a variation of the corndog [Music] Oh which one forescore and 11 days ago we set forth on route 66 to travel across this great country of ours and now we have made it here Springfield Illinois to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum it's a little cool it's a little cold but I thought to myself would abraham lincoln be wearing a hoodie right now no no no no well that's George Washington George Washington wear the hoodie think it would probably wear a cool hat I've left my cool hat in the car as well so we're heading the library there is the Lincoln family they have Lincoln's three sons here his wife Mary Todd and there is the man himself [Music] now this is this says John Wilkes Booth even though there's no figure here apparently they thought that it was either creepy or disrespectful to have John Wilkes Booth lurking behind the Lincoln family now here's a young strapping Lincoln back when he had nothing to worry about except Aesop's fables in his awesome leather shoes there's Lincoln relaxing by the fire reading a book with his dog it's Russ's family's piled up in here and for some reason I'm those hams if you look over there there is a a hand and hanging down from the loft look at this display showing me evils of slavery with this evil slave owner here very evil looking face and he's pulling this family apart oh my god if he looks like the devil slave auction here all right we're hearing Lincoln's mic too close to Lincoln its alarm went off anyway we have a minute shop here here's the courtship between Lincoln and Mary Todd Knox College for Lincoln Stephen Douglas big tall a over there here's Lincoln's law office that his sons in here is absolutely running amok and destroying the place throwing bottles of ink at each other they're having an ink fight and look at Abe is simply over it man that endless laughing at something else more candidate Breckenridge slavery is a question of property not people your grandfather started with a bare patch of Earth you've built a way of life that will last centuries only now some men you don't even know want to come in and steal your property destroy your home and put you in jail - these men are state constitutions are so much Kim Jhansi Breckenridge ill fight for your rights your property your home people are pretty trees for Breckenridge having a penny smasher here at the Lincoln museum seems a little odd I mean there's not hurt you Lincoln on the penny you don't need to smash one on hahaha here's Frederick Douglas of Lincoln's good friends the sword journey our truth here is Mary Todd Lincoln is just getting her dress made right yeah it's women reaching underneath her dress just doing some alterations probably here's some anti Lincoln propaganda and the slanty room here Jesus check out this Abraham Lincoln as a monkey oh my gosh Lincoln's secretly the devil is this haunted room actually stretching or is it just your imagination it's kind of a sad scene of one of Lincoln's sons dying it's an interesting display of Mary Todd in mourning or the loss of her son apparently was around this time that she began to be interested in the occult and what a tense seance is trying to to contact her to see something that she would stay interested in the coal until after her husband died she actually attempted to contact Abraham after he was shot the Emancipation Proclamation goes too far doesn't go far enough oh my gosh it's Hall with angry man yelling in yo [Music] uh-oh this isn't gonna end well now here it is the faithful night at the theater where Lincoln's life would be ended you can see over here on the side that no-good terrorist John Wilkes Booth sneaking in there was actually supposed to be a policeman gardening the door but believe it or not he actually slipped away to go get drunk there's actually a fascinating story with this van right here the man next to Lincoln this is Henry Rathbone he was in the military and apparently he blamed himself for the assassination for Lincoln dying and he lost his mind and he would actually murder his wife here attempt to murder his children as well and end up dying in an insane asylum Wow this room has actually set up to replicate Abraham Lincoln's funeral this pax is actually used by Lincoln presumably to kill vampires actual children's area but wouldn't you know it Lincoln Logs it's an exhibit on the four presidents with connections to Illinois and their favorite pastime Obama joy basketball Reagan enjoy baseball grant enjoyed horse riding and Lincoln enjoyed axe chopping there's Michelle Obama's dress this is Barack Obama's go ahead I mean you won the Grammy yeah you did believe it or not go do it do you guys think Illinois is the best day yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay okay Abraham Lincoln salt and pepper shaker take off his hat that's the wait a minute why does he have holes in his in his head Oh oh dear [Music] Adam Adam yeah we got there again missed you I missed you too wrong wrong wrong wrong are you eating me I will give you jesus I'm trading out the old pith helmet for a stovepipe Adam I'm not bring stovepipe back look it's a beer a ham Lincoln so that has to be one most impressive you see if I've ever seen the wax figures the lighting the music it was all perfect too highly recommend the Abraham Lincoln use it here in Springfield Illinois well hey they're just enjoying a view of our 16th president as a young terrifying hideous ax-wielding maniac definitely appreciate you guys watching this as we cruise along route 66 route 6 route 66 check down in description below this interactive map that'll show you all the different places I've been also if you want to get yourself a t-shirt that link is in the description as well and he sent at least 3 dollars on patreon I will give you a postcard once a month from my road trips but for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 60,585
Rating: 4.9107585 out of 5
Keywords: wax, was museum, wax works, museum, roadside attraction, roadside america, springfield, il, illinois, route 66, henry rabbit ranch, the carpetbagger, jacob, adam the woo, weird, quirky, strange, turkey, muffler man, world's largest ketchup
Id: rdItNmbisbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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