Dr. Pepper Museum

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the great state of Texas more specifically Waco and more specifically than that I am in front of the dr. pepper museum it's the old Dr Pepper bottling plant from the 1960s course dr. pepper the most famous soda to come out of Texas and one of the most famous sodas all around the world and they have here in Waco an entire museum dedicated to this wonderful beverage and we're about to step inside and learn the deep and intricate history of Dr Pepper so please follow me this whole name of the museum is actually the dr. pepper museum and free enterprise institute that's really interesting I'm I'm a little unclear what the free enterprise institute is and how it relates to soda there we have a Dr Pepper Mobile parked out here in front of the museum healing waters humanity has been mesmerised by fizzy water since ancient times there's the history of fizzy water 400 BC Hippocrates promoted the idea that mineral water could cure disease says that fizzy water was used to try to cure scurvy here's some of the early containers used to contain fizzy water he's earthenware bottles because he would be like the first soda bottles there's crazy water crystals a mineral laxative it was created in 1919 and then in 1800s to make fizzy water more palatable like an adding flavor good old crazy water and if we drink a big jug of fizzy laxative crazy water these are old syrup containers actually syrup will be mixed with fizzy water to form the first soda beverages now very interesting I want to expecting them to go this far back with the history of soda tracing the mr. soda back to 1535 Joseph Priestley made the original pamphlet that gave instructions for impregnating water with fixed air leading to the creation of soda a Schweppes bottle getting back to 1830s may burners ginger ale from the early 1900's you can still get Vernors it's actually like a really spicy ginger ale I did not know it data backs so far so something people ask me sometimes regards to these penny smashing machines is it legal this says that it is legal to in logging fines it was previously illegal until they passed this law it is illegal only if someone fraudulently mutilates a coin not an illegitimate way such as a penny snatcher force if you would like a carpetbagger smash penny they're for sale in the Etsy shop in the description of this video next stop heading into the old geek corner drugstore in a window of this drugstore they have a little exhibit on dr. pepper full cart different pieces a full cart that have been made by dr. pepper fans over the years you'd see some earrings made out of pop tops a airplane made out of dr. pepper can a little dr. pepper walnut right there there is an elongated Dr Pepper bottle wonder if it's illegal to elongate dr. pepper bottles check out this sign for crazy water is mild for kidneys and bowels it is the sleepy water have that kinda worries me I don't know I guess that grace you want to put you to sleep but it is strong for kidneys and bowels and for stomach bound it's the greatest of all natural minerals crazy water this list here is kind of confusing it's this right here dr. Alderton push the button at the end of the cabinet [Music] oh my name is dr. Charles Alderton most folks just call me doc you know I've worked here for some time but standing here brings back many memories because this is our most of my time when I first came to wake up when I was a young man I looked behind this car okay Madison filling prescriptions there's some old dr. pepper bottles the original diet dr. pepper can interesting how they used a blue color I'm not seeing this before apparently their mask I used to be a Saint Bernard who would rescue people with a case of dr. pepper around his neck was the the st. Bernard used to have the jug of whiskey under their neck to rescue people from the from the cold check out these old dr. pepper cans right here I love those interesting colors all right heading into the artesian bottling company dr. pepper chug right there that's actually a syrup jug that would be just full of Dr Pepper syrup imagine just drinking an entire and chug in one gallon jug of Dr Pepper Syrah his old machines used to bottle dr. pepper this is kind of interesting the saying in 1992 when they were renovating this building to turn it into a museum they found this well right here that would be a well that was used to get to the spring water used for the soda you can see it still has longer down there in the bottom they said that this was completely covered up by the floor and they had to completely dig it out and excavate it these are all pieces of bottle that was dug out from the well some dr. pepper bottles extracted from the well [Music] here's an exhibit called pop pop fizzle fizzle about failed sodas over the years here we have dr. Brown's celery soda no idea why they didn't catch on this is Paul Mac it is a brand of soda that the dr. pepper company created that was meant to be a sophisticated soda so that flavors like cognac and champagne never caught on but apparently some places in Europe actually still have it it's the paw Mac Santa Claus right there Kito water made in French Lick Indiana is said to have laxative properties he's old laxative sodas and here's the mascot for Pluto it's the devil and he's saying when nature well he the devil the devil is telling you that he's going to help you poop he hears orbits soda made in 1997 it has little little bubbles little little bits floating in it said that it was they marketed it is texturally enhanced but apparently did not catch on with customers because they just didn't like a bunch of weird little balls floating in their soda now this I've heard of okay soda it was created by the coca-cola company it almost to be the to appeal to Gen Xers almost like a counterculture soda I will say Niall istic soda I mean that it was just okay I think some people people pretty much saw it as kind of a weird corporate marketing strategy and it did not catch on yes it's okay soda was purposefully marketed in a negative manner to appeal to the apathy of Generation X there's one thing it's hard to appeal to its people's apathy I heard of Pepsi am apparently was marketed as being a wake up drink like coffee I guess you just get a good blast of caffeine in the morning I asked Crystal Pepsi actually loved Crystal Pepsi when it came out that wasn't the only one because it actually made a comeback a few years ago for some new coke one of the most notorious missteps in soda history Coca Cola Company for being the the top brand is sure made a lot of missteps not heard of this one Dr Pepper Nautilus it's an energy drink this is Donal it's a said turn your thirst upside down it was a variation of seven out they used seven upside down as the name Donal that's just a great name for a subject alright we're going into from beaker to bottle the science of soda futuristic softer ease soft drinks of the future things like Coke plus and Z via and whatever that mysterious bottle is here is the scent test and the saying different smells help cancel out other smells so these are the control smells - lemon II smell okay this is ginger and we use this control to help clear my nasal talent it's chocolate chocolate chocolate apparently helps clear your like reset your your smells that's that's really interesting [Music] here up here on the third floor I guess it's the part of the museum that is the free enterprise institute says this desk right here is a symbol of American free enterprise in business I guess a lot of very prominent people very prominent entrepreneurs have desks so that that does make sense I guess such famous entrepreneurs that just Walt Disney Oprah Winfrey add desks I in Joanna chip Gaines from that show that my wife watches sometimes there's a exhibit on w w Clements nicknamed foots also nicknamed mr. dr. pepper so I guess the foots Clements was a the most prominent dr. pepper salesman of all time push a button to hear footsore secret to selling dr. pepper or I'll put it down here I guess it sounds not working and walk across the courtyard here for the second half of our tour here's a replica Dr Pepper bottling Factory you see the empty bottles coming down through this machine and going on that conveyor belt they move along the conveyor belt into this machine right here Oh actually see the bubbling 7up in that compartment there and look when they come out of the machine they have caps on them and they're successfully vital moving over here into this machine here where the capped bottles are lowered into these crates now the 7up company and the dr. pepper company apparently did merge at one point it's a classic Dr Pepper vending machine they have it opened up so you can see all the inner workings this Ironman vending machine was actually used in a Dr Pepper commercial in 2010 where Tony Stark is suited up to be a dr. pepper machine instead of Ironman very cool this machine here I think they should bring back their old logo and call themselves the king of beverages once again a cool little betting machine here where you can get 7up or like Cola there is a little miniature world dr. pepper these buttons here control the trains [Music] some dr. pepper base vehicles here including this landspeeder go-kart [Music] here is an exhibit on the other distinctively Texas soda big red it's a delicious cream soda some of the different big red cans and bottles just over the years all right heading into the treasures of the dr. pepper museum in this vault looking room see what sort of treasures or stowed away in here there's some dr. pepper novelty items that were used to advertise in the early 1900s submitted to dr. pepper calendar tents these different paper masks this is Sir Charles Edward Kingsford Smith an Australian pilot then we have Geronimo Chief Joseph different Native Americans and Davy Crockett get a free dr. pepper here for seeing the museum there's a hand crafted dr. pepper [Music] after working my way through dr. pepper museum I could cap it off with a nice refreshing handcrafted dr. pepper finally after saying the words dr. pepper so many times my throat is sore so we can calm it down and soothe it with a nice refreshing dr. pepper appreciate guys coming along you'd like to see other places I've been please check the interactive map in the description I'll show other places I've been and you can make recommendations on where I should go next also we'd like to help support the channel consider buying a t-shirt consider donating patreon a $3 more donation once a month will give you a postcard once a month also now sonic smash pennies and that's eShop but until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 63,991
Rating: 4.9397945 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, dr. pepper, museum, soda, animatronic, pharmacy, drug store, bottling, plant, ok soda, weird, unusual, strange, waxo, tx, texas, roadside america, roadside attraction, free enterprise center, samples, free samples, train, antiques, artifacts, special exhibit, science, big red, waco
Id: 02-8_Icwn6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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