2 Simple Ways To Make A Realistic Ghost Illusion For Halloween

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[Music] [Music] recently I shared a video of a haunted near I made out of a Raspberry Pi an old computer monitor in a one-way mirror since then I've received dozens of messages asking me to make a tutorial on how that was made so today I went and picked up a few items and I'm going to show you how to make two cool haunted ghost illusions that are very realistic there's two different ways one way is even easier and it looks even better but it's a little limited portability and that is the Pepper's Ghost illusion so the Pepper's Ghost illusion you'll recognize if you've ever been to Disneyland and seen the Haunted Mansion the second lusion will be the Haunted mirror that you see right here alright let's get started now to build this first illusion the Pepper's Ghost all I need is two things piece of glass they took this out of a frame and a video source I'll use an old iPad here so I can play some video and that's really all you need you can also use a prop any kind of Halloween prop you have so that the ghost can kind of float in an environment and they're not just floating in space all right so I just load up my ghost footage here make it loop so I can just leave it playing forever this is the plastic Pepper's Ghost illusion you can see the ghost is floating there in space you can look around and it's right there in three-dimensional space so we'll see how that's done so this is the side view of the Pepper's Ghost you can see the glass kind of sits at a 90 degree angle in front of the scenery and above the television source so if you were to put this under your window seal so nobody can see it cuz it's flat and then you put a piece of glass up leaning against the top of the window and just kind of sitting there like this this angle you look at from the front we have an illusion and they can't see the TV because it's down below the horizon of the window seal and there you have a Pepper's Ghost and there you have it so I just need to get a piece of glass some scenery and the video source now a piece of glass should be big enough to fit over the window so they don't see the edges you don't want them to see you know the edge of the window let's see that so you wanna make sure that it's just big enough to go and find I'm gonna put a piece of glass slightly bigger than [Music] alright let's talk about the Haunted frame now for the Haunted frame you're gonna need a frame with glass on the front I got this shadow box because it's nice and deep so you want something deep like that so that there's room to put the display and whatever you're going to put inside the frame so if you're using something like I'm using this little iPad super thin almost any frame will work but as long as it can hide inside there then it's a good size so I got this frame at Michaels this piece of glass we're gonna turn this piece of glass into a one-way mirror and we'll do that using this one way privacy film or window tint and we'll use this Johnson and Johnson's baby shampoo to help place this tint on the glass that makes it kind of move around so doesn't get stuck and we'll use some duct tape to secure the screen inside and finally this little window kit I got to also help place the tent so just a squirt bottle an exacto knife and we'll squeegee in there help smooth it out so that's that's everything and that in the display of course when we're ready to go [Music] now all we have to do is put the pieces together the one-way mirror goes inside the frame it doesn't matter which direction this goes but I'd prefer to have the tape on the inside so that it can't get damaged on the outside and then one thing I didn't mention before that I found while making this video so if you have a light-colored background like this you'll actually shine through the mirror pretty good so you want to eliminate that problem and I did that with some black felt here you can use black construction paper whatever you like paint it black the main thing is you don't want this white coming through the frame this is some adhesive felt I will just use this to cover up all the white all right so now this won't shine through the one-way mirror got a nice flat black background well secure iPad the background I'll just use a little bit of tape there we go nice and black let's put this inside the frame and now look at this you got your very own haunted mirror let's bring down the lights just a little bit and that's how you make the Haunted frame illusion and the Pepper's Ghost illusion so if any of you out there make one I'd love to see it if you have any questions or comments go ahead and just leave a message down below and I'll try to get back to you and don't forget to subscribe [Music] you [Music]
Channel: TheCoinmancer
Views: 245,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic, illusion, magician, ghost, haunted, haunted mansion, peppers ghost, haunted frame, diy, phone, decoration, halloween
Id: uEpwRms895k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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