White Feminist vs POC Anti-Feminist | Middle Ground

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I don't think the trans argument is productive especially as you who works with victims you know victims can be victims anywhere so saying it's the trans bom issue is so ignorant we have fallen as a society that we are sitting idly by and letting young girls feel completely unsafe in these environments that used to be safe hi I'm gen and I explore social and controversial issues through both sides today's middleground episode will be white feminists versus WC anti-feminists today we'll be talking about the purpose and agenda of the feminist movement how it's evolved and what it has or hasn't done to represent all women first prompt is the feminist movement is racist intersectionality is like one of the big words of like fourth wve feminism as I'm sure all of us would say we're intersectional feminists we want inclusivity we want to hear your voices we want more women women of color in the feminist movement because we believe it's it will be beneficial for all of us it still has so many issues when you're a white woman and the only oppression or Prejudice you've ever faced in your life is just being a woman it's very easy to uh latch on to that identity and only want to fight for that I see a lot of queer people do this as well trying to create a minority out of create a minority out of yourself yeah and to make it as an excuse for why you should have a louder Voice or why your opinions matter more age of social media too it's I think it's a blessing and a curse social media can sometimes be a downfall because that's really where we get a lot of misinformation and why the movement is so broad you know the pendulum swings too far one way for white women but for us social media is probably one of the only channels that were able to voice our struggles and our opinions and what's actually going on the um topics that you guys are trying to fight for equality in the workplace and whatnot like I'm not trying to be equal to Men I'm trying to have like women women be like have the right to live have the right to be women you know and being able to be safe and be okay I see two things right with with the movement there is the savior complex of always wanting to to save and then there's the victimhood complex to all of this right and so then that's again that's the pendulum swinging some people on our side would say there's this you know um Olympics of trying to outdo each other in the victimhood category and I think that's what's perpetuating the problem and it's keeping people from wanting to be like I'm not that I'm not a feminist is there like a similar movement in Cambodia and if there is does it look completely different than what it looks like here I I work in the space of trafficking I've been fighting child sex trafficking for 15 years but it's a global problem and it's a it's a horrible problem here too but that's how I got into the issue was specifically young girls in cambod being sold in brothel um and so there is there is a lot of movement to fight for just basic human rights in Cambodia I really relate to that in a way because um when I was younger and I was identifying as an anti-feminist I come from like a really small town in Minnesota I was like looking around and it was pretty much just all white people and I was like I I life I'm equal like there's genital M mutilation happening across seas and I looked at feminism and I didn't see them fighting for that so at like 13 12 I was like no anti-feminist and I've changed my opinion on that because I know that in our communities there is so much that we can do to benefit women and I I can't go overseas and do those things sounds like you are doing those things I don't think feminist or feminism is really racist and a sense that they're emotionally ignorant to the consequences of their actions in the name of fighting for equality there's obviously racist people and there's some feminists that may be racist like most people in the world however as a whole I don't think that feminists can be racist when one of their biggest Global talks is I know we were talking about the Middle East but on one feminist they literally talk about Afghan women's lives and there's a lot of Middle East that they do talk about and I think if it was that racist they wouldn't highlight that you know right even I agree with the first promp it does benefit white women I don't think that the movie because literally on paper you guys are focused on helping other races it's not just oh yeah white women and I think it's more selfish because focusing on One issues over the other and sometimes it is focused on victimhood so that's what I would say more so about feminism rather than it's racist I think I could agree with that now um like changing my mind like I thought there's a gr large group of people who are not being focused on large group of women that feminism is not focusing on but it makes sense to now let's not blame the movement let's we have to blame the people for example using women like who wear the hijab and like the whole thing that happened in Iran like in order for women to be free they have to be able to remove their clothes or whatnot so you guys are not really fighting for women to wear what they want to wear you know like and they put the blame on me that you're being oppressed like I'm always I'm op pressed like that's just that's just what I'm categorized as because I started wearing the hijab two and a half years ago and I was the first woman in my family I don't come from a hijab wearing a family and because of the fact that Western Society has flipped it so much to make Muslims feel uncomfortable to do so but then I realized that you know I don't need to fear anyone but God and you know ultimately I'll be protected and I want to identify myself as a Muslim woman because I'm proud to be so and I don't have to be ashamed in that and I want to be able to represent Islam and represent Muslim women in public we don't say the same thing to nuns who do that the concept of a religious head covering exists in just about every religion relig in Jew uh in Judaism because I'm I'm Jewish myself um Orthodox women they're supposed to cover their heads all the time they wear wigs they they wear Shaws I really wanted to listen a lot this episode because there obviously is a reason why there are women of color that are on the opposite side of feminism I do agree the movement is not by the the root of it not racist it's meant to to Encompass all women as a white woman who is not oppressed in most any sense of the word in my own belief I think that women that have more issues you know deserve the platform to speak for it more would you admit your deepest secret to a room of strangers we're looking for people with shared experiences willing to be open and brutally honest click on the link in the description below to join the circle of Secrets now back to the episode you can support women and not identify with the feminist movement you like you don't need to be a feminist to support woman you just have to be human sure you have to be human to support wom you know you come from a woman most cases you marry a woman you know you give birth to women so we're so valuable yeah and I think because the pendulum has swung so far over the more we have these conversations about not boxing everybody into these categories and these labels and you know this color and that color you know I'm I mean I'm married to a black man and my my kids are mixed but I don't I never see my husband as a as a black husband he's just my husband and I agree with you there you just have to be human and I think if you operate in a place where you just want to uplift people in general we would be a better Society instead of trying to box everybody into a category I feel like just to label myself feminist it's just it's more of a political term I can support women like I I just have so much love for everybody here I don't care what color all the women I support and I want to see every woman win and in whatever way I can do that I try to do that I don't have to say that I'm a label to make that so or make that true I also think that people who sometimes adopt the label of feminist don't do the work like they don't do the work they don't do the history they don't listen to other people like I think a lot of white women in particular will adopt the label of feminist and just spend their time with other white women who are femin should you be spending your time to do you should listen to other voices that don't agree with you let your let your opinions be challenged one of the reasons why I'm on this side I tried to be a feminist really hard I mean how can you not who doesn't want to fight for you can't I mean like I said even though we're all anti feminists who doesn't want equal rights for women we're women I can disagree with certain parts of your movement and think also I still want to be a part of it but there there's certain women that say no you can't be a part of this because you don't agree with this part and you are not for us and I honestly believe there's disconnect from what the first wave what the history was what the agenda is what the 2 200 organizations there are and then what the base and then the media so there's like six different strings it's a distraction I think yeah it's like six different strings and it's confusing so then my question is you know if we're talking about the feminist movement and is there really a need for it in this day and age where we were just saying you know when you're a woman in America what what freedoms don't we have freedoms over our bodies and see and that's where the exclusionary starts to happen right you can't be a feminist if you're pro-life very big right and so that's why there's so many women that I know in my circles who absolutely would not identify as a feminist not even even and we're pro women if you are not doing something about it you're not helping women if you are not being pro women I think it's just too passive and I do think if you believe that men and women should have equal rights then this movement is for you but I do apologize that it doesn't seem like for question so what are you doing as a feminist that we as like you know Pro women not feminists aren't doing getting organizations like you know girls on the run like volunteering as coaches like being a part of our community who says we don't do that just because we're not feminists 100% those are like Pro feminist movements so I would assume that being a part of those movements would mean that you are a feminist but what does that do so okay when I when I say when I say what does that do I don't mean of course it's good it's great volunteers going to help women and put them in great SP part of saying like super so I'm saying what does that do that's differently than someone who's also in the community I'm not going against everything believe one opinion that is very big on your list that I can't check off just for my morals and my religion or anything I've got going on I can't be a part of that so so then I guess you're not a feminist if you don't believe that we should have access to our bodies that's just where we disagree and so and what if I say okay we can have access to our bodies have an abortion but how about we we can't think about and talk about moderating that think that's there's no middle like we're here but there feminist movement has really especi you know if you want to talk about an issue that is very divisive is the pro-life and the pro-choice movement um and within the feminist movement it's strictly on one side I'm of the belief system if you're really proman you will support that woman no matter what her choice is if her choice is to keep a child and she's 15 then we provide the resources and and and the community to support that you know that's what we want and that comes down to the media I don't see it I abolutely I and you're asking what are we doing and I don't think any of our lists is that big I don't I don't know any feminists who are like leading the freaking parade and that should be more the case and you're right it's very the parade is not necessarily all that there is with feminism and like doing the work like I work as a as a Rape Crisis counselor I I work with rape victims every day I've had to um get people access to abortions when they've needed it for dire situations but I've never let a parade but do you guys think like do both sides agree that there has been progress between men and women in equal rights like over the years sectors some sectors some [Applause] sectors what's the success measurement right I mean that's what I look at people are more depressed more more social anxiety there's a happiness barometer right that they that they study and everything it hasn't yield the results that that we think it should I add on to her point I just want to say like exactly what she was saying I don't think um a movement should continue if it's now creating a war it's it's like literally like men online now we're red pets going against feminist is male feminist is like on a toxic end and it's just like it's just two toxic groups and it's like we're hating each other rather than saying okay where can we meet each other in the Middle where do we benefit each other cuz we need each other men need women women need men I don't think it's fair to blame feminism for red pills because red pills were always there back when it was normalized men have had societal power over women for for years the way that it's going now I've never heard this type of rhetoric with men and hating women until like I've seing it's really going back and forth now men women this women that I'm like what's wrong with you guys like you know what's wrong with women and it's just like it's like a counter not to say that they're okay for doing it but I'm just saying it is a pendulum swing a counter of what they're hearing men suck men suck now they have to say women suck white women benefit the most from the feminist movement I think there's definitely a problem with white feminism and how it has completely Left Behind women of color within the feminist movement women of color started the feminist movement white women took it over and then excluded women of color from it white saviorism is a huge problem that happens just not in the US but you know all over the world and uh with that comes the exclusion of everyone else they look at themselves and say oh I am you know I am oppressed but uh are failing to look at all of the intersectional you know versions of women that are also oppressed in I think um I think even from the beginning different groups of women have different problems and I think even from the beginning white women wanted to have the ability to work outside of the home when black women we had a lot of we were already working a lot so we didn't have that same desire so it's just like I think some issues that may be beneficial to you guys that you guys focus on but it's not really beneficial for my community the separation of families are already very big in the black community so I think certain messages of the feminist movement separates women from men yeah and I I like that you talked about the history it's really important um like you said it was from if you think of slavery we had feminists and they actually risked their lives and some of them had them taken we marched knowing that some people didn't even think we were welcomed we're all different that I can't know what you all go through I you don't can't know what I go through and even if you are the same skin color I still don't know exactly completely what you go through but I can have an understanding and how can you have an understanding when it's never been the focal point also feminist issues that are currently going on right now where are the voices for you know women in the Middle East for example who are suffering in Muslim countries at the hands of oppressors you know there's 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza for example the miscarriages have Skyrock skyrocketed 300% and they're doing um C-sections with no anesthesia women are cutting up tents to use as men absolutely I'm sure you saw that post as well like people are fighting for the Barbie movie but they're not having the same outrage for the women in Gaza who are suffering women in the Middle East and Muslim women in general the voices are silent if we look everywhere else that we could put a lot of more of our energy in helping women all over the world who are really going through way more oppression well real like you know like real that thing like I said real oppression that we actually have step up and like rather than just the stuff that's going on here we're actually really like we're blessed to be able to even be able to help other people from other countries and be able to march and stuff like that and we're blessed for our problems that we have here like you know cuz there's so much worth happening around the world well the question was whether or not um white feminists benefit more from the feminist movement the reason why I disagree with it is because I think it's not necessarily A divide in the races in terms of who it benefits it's if you are Pro feminists pushing the ideology of bashing men and doing certain things Society is supporting that so that's the reason why I didn't necessarily agree with the with the statement I have a question for you because you brought up specifically that society's supporting the bashing of men how do you define the bashing of men I want to know where you draw the line between bashing men and talking about the ways in which women have historically been mistreated by men this generalization of um calling men toxic I've always been surrounded by incredible men who are very supportive protective uplifting the language and and the narrative that we are pushing to diminish men as a society I think it's very harmful that kind of um rhetoric is harmful and I also think the foundations of feminism are not about men are toxic men suck they're you know they're bad inherently always he yeah no I know and that's not true I also think some of those are just people like exaggerating you know what I mean like we all generalize how many times have we all said like people suck I said we need another plague for like years and then Co happened and then Co happened you know like sometimes it's just bitching sometimes it's just compl but when it's constant bitching we all know there are good men they're bad men they're good women they're bad women but it's just like how come even when women do something bad it's blamed on the patriarchy still why do you guys think um and maybe it's because of proximity and where we live but in Western Society seems like feminism is talked about a lot whereas it's not talked about as much in other countries why do you guys think this is It's because other countries have a lot of things going on and I don't mean real problems right and I don't mean to say that like we don't have like America we have our problems I mean every one of us can say that there's something that you know that America does this can be better but not only that I was going to say but not only that but in other countries they're not confused men know their roles and women know their roles like for example like the gulf countries in the UAE and Saudi I have never seen women be happier you know and women here especially women here or in Western societies you know want to be like them we're not striving for equality we're wanting Equity meaning we want what we're able to get for us to strive in our own place and for men to strive in their own place I don't know about us over here but that's what I want as well I I want any woman or anybody who identifies as a woman to be able to express that however it feels comfortable to them and I think um to be able to amplify your guys' voice would be the first place to start and to really make feminism intersectional like I'm assuming we all want to that's us to stop talking I mean our side was the first side that talked in when we sat down white women just want to have a microphone and talk and I really think we should all just listen moving forward in this conversation but there are black feminists I'm not trying to fault anyone but even black feminists they I think that deep down they know that even if we do bring our problems to the surface it's not going to be you know reciprocated in a way that's going to bring change anti-abortion laws have affected women of color more than white women the patriarchy has been beneficial to society agers be interested to hear from the feminist that's interesting I think it's benefited Society in the way that it was meant to the patriarchy was created by men in in Western culture um through colonialism the system was created to benefit um specific people in society and not everyone in society because men were the foundation for how the country was um created but they weren't the ones who necessarily always built it I think women did a lot of that I step forward kind of a similar way I think it has benefited men in society it's benefited my dad um but it hasn't benefited my mom I just have a question question cuz I guess from I have my own understanding of what patriarchy is can either of you like just Define it for me like what is the patriarchy to me it's just men being in dominant positions and running um government offices running households running every space where there's all genders there's men running those spaces um in terms of getting loans for homes men were the ones that were able to do that women weren't able to do that until they were given the rights to do that um it's statistically men have had had jobs longer men have ran the country longer so women having to women having to you know penetrate those boundaries that are so the sort of deep into our country men have more of a a leg up not in every culture but I think in Western white culture men have the leg up and they're the ones that created initially so you know I like that you asked like what's the definition of patriarchy right when I think of patriarchy I think of the roles that we all have to play in society right men built a lot of civilization that's just the truth yeah men are strong men are providers men are protectors and so men have built Society throughout history and we've all benefited from that well we only give credit to the men whove built it but there's been women staying at home for years who are educ educating their children loving their children teaching them I think those women should be highlighted I feel like for me I feel like feminism doesn't high like women those women who are actually doing the work as staying home and being but that's what I mean by the so it's like I agree in that sense but it's like we have to give men some credit it wasn't was an ethical stance there yeah white men came over and colonized the us but at the expense of the indigenous indigenous humans black people I will say as unethical as that is black people became citizens because of it I'm here in this country from that the patriarchy the reason why we have women doing what we're doing in the workplace or doing what we're doing in this world is because we are following that of men and that has been and it's not did men fight for the right for women to be in the workplace or was that female voic I don't think that wait I'm sorry go ahead like was it male voices who were like get our wives in the workplace or was it females who were like women but that's what I was going to say I just think personally the reason why women have benefited from this is because we chose to we chose women choose to do whatever they want and to say that P the patriarchy doesn't benefit women I I'm just confused by that because I'm just saying I think the question was is the patriarchy benefit Society we're agreeing that it's Benet okay so Society unless I misunderstood I agree with your point but not societ yes Society but not women I feel like if anything like feminism affects the patriarchy or the rules of men and women nowadays like men are now more feminine and and women are more masculine what's wrong with that and men have always been feminis feity not a lot there's a lot wrong with a man acting feminine feminine there there's a there's a big distinction I'm going to share my husband he's the most manly man you will ever come across he's the Whiskey Drinking gun toen football watching all the things but he's a squishy soft teddy bear he's very compassionate very empathetic that's the epitome of of a good man to me right and I'm married to him I don't know about you guys but in the dating world it's so much confusion and then it's like man oh well you're a femin oh well women should pay now right cuz like men don't want to be men women are or like doing things and then it's like I don't subscribe to feminism so I'm like I'm okay with like a ro like Trad TR Society has functioned forever with very specific roles of masculine you know in today's time I consider myself a very modern woman but I love stepping into my feminine role where I can let my husband lead you know and let him be the provider and everything right we've just got such an upside down world right now where especially for the Young Generation there is just real no distinction confusion they don't know they don't know what to step into what's upside down about you know me acting more masculine and my you know my friends who I am friends with a lot of men who just have a lot more femin feminine traits I don't see that as the world being flipped upside down hang on hang on hang hang on hang on society has been forcing men to act strong and you're saying that a man isn't a good man if they're not strong and protector I think that's I think that a man is a man because they say they're a man so I think the second we start to say men are acting feminine and women are acting masculine that is so problematic if you're a little bit more flamboyant you can't be yeah I'm saying I'm talking okay sorry understand I'm talking in this way I don't look to men and what they can give me I look to what what do I not have and that's not good black women I don't know it's like especially black when we're we're always so already strong and then masculine we always have this energy of like we're already masculine and already is so it's like no they're having their feminine energy is not going to help me you know what about Les you can have two feminine energies no but I'm I'm just I'm not though so I'm just saying I'm saying that can work I'm just talking about for me particular just trying to understand why you need feminine and masculine that's can I say this my mom told me if you were a boy I would send you to your father because I think that at a certain age he would be able to properly prepare you as a man in this country my dad told me straight up he said if you were a a guy I would be I'm so glad you're a girl cuz I would have been so much harder on you it taught me how to be softer and that's what the that is a feminine me being a woman a young woman taught him how to be soft because that feminine injur he wants to protect me like seeing traditional roles like in Western Society is looked down upon but no I want to be able like I in Islam men are the leader of the households and I'll give that to him the respect to him and allow him to lead me and my family as long as he does it and he fulfills respectfully and he does it within his rights that he that's god- given and the moment he steps out of the boundaries and disrespects my rights and doesn't give me my rights as a Muslim woman and a wife then then I no longer have to follow his lead and his command and what he says because I want to be like I want to be in my feminine energy I want to be soft I want to be sensitive I want to be a woman and stay in my role as a woman listen you can take whoever you want anybody if I'm feminine if you're somebody who's feminine you want to date another feminine person you're allowed to so I don't really think that there's a rule for a dating that needs to be a masculine that's not what I'm saying I'm just saying that if we just continue going on with like every yeah the path that we're going that all like just let everybody be feminine and all the women just step into masculinity what's going to happen what's the worst that could happen we have a chaotic world will the world turn on fire I like I I get Fus won be on families you know Focus won't be on their families their children they're going to have how eny for example if you're a woman who's like working and you're not in the household then who's going to take care of your children a nanny a daycare a preschool that's why that's why it's wrong CU why would you have another person raise your own children it's wrong because I'm trying to work and I'm trying to provide for my family and there's nothing wrong with giving my kid another opportunity to do so I I just want to say we right here I know not all feminists and I understand that are fighting for all women to live their life however they want but it seems to be in this conversation that I don't want to group all of you but some of you are not fighting for my choice as a woman to not submit to my husband I would not want to do that I would never have a husband I wish sure so that I was your group all you some of you some of you on this side it does seem to be like you wouldn't fight for the kind kind of woman I would want to be the main reason why I do not think that the patriarchy benefit Society is all at all is because it is not benefiting men you guys brought up a lot of points about men being the providers right the role of a man is to be the provider and if you cannot provide for your family you are not fulfilling the role of a man we don't live in a society with an economy where we can have men be providers women be or even just woman provider and man stay at home because I know a lot of uh a lot of cultures like to have stay-at home dads instead does provider always have to be income yeah that's the way you guys were framing it I don't think it's the purpose we are all innately put on this Earth to have a purpose right and so that purpose for men in their DNA is to be the pro protector and provider this conversation is as if like gay people don't exist all we're talking about is the man is the provider the mom stays at home you can't even flip those roles apparently like the women have to be feminine the man has to be masculine for it to work first of all there's plenty of gay households that thrive gay people can have families can Thrive without those roles and I do agree those roles are not innate they might have been needed for the Stone Age but we have completely evolved past that point of needing those roles and those roles are not in our DNA those roles were socialized and if you have preference if you want to go on a date with someone and you want them to be the leader in your relationship you want them to pay you want them to be the one that you know opens the door for you you want that that strong masculine role that is your right and you should command that of someone if you're on dating app say this is what I want that's what I'm in exactly exactly I was in a family where the men were the providers and the protectors you know it come from a law enforcement and military family as you can imagine that's very male you know heavy dominance and women stayed home and knew their place you were rather seen not heard it's like if we don't if we don't secure ourselves to a man then we are then we are just these these women that are that's unhealthy too that's not that's not what we're saying that's I have one question what rights do you guys think that men have that women don't today going out in public and not feeling like you're going to be harassed whatever race whatever gender whatever you know I mean I know you guys just looked and you kind of like roll youres but I I've been sexually assaulted and I by like by someone I didn't know and by someone I did know and and I have been approached in public areas and my voice was not enough to tell them to stop women statistically it's not even a competition there's so much more of a struggle we are so much more at harm than men and it's not even no that's true because we are women and that our biology of making us like more vulnerable so my biology is makeing me more susceptable to be attacked at night that's just being woman can I say this I just would like to say this to me that's framing it as you women don't have the right to go outside without being insulted that's not true what I me well that's that's why and in my in my opinion I think that of what what happened to you is disgusting and that person the people who did that need to be prosecuted and I hope and if they couldn't they can't and that's the horrible thing and that should be talked about overarchingly men have the ability to go outside without fear there are there are groups of men especially black men that do have fear of when they're driving if there's a cop getting pulled over but I'm saying that women overarchingly I mean how many women have you know stun guns or have mace or have some sort of you I understand if I'm going on a date I have everything I'm setting my location so I'm I'm not taking that away but it was just like in the contrast to his question but you don't think it's a right that men that men have that safety and that an alien women don't last last point last last concluding point on this side when you were saying that the um that women can go in at night without having to be attacked that's a people thing and not a right that we don't yeah that we can't you didn't really answer question okay let's move on to the next problem thank you anti-feminism hinders progress towards achieving gender equality there are valid concerns and criticisms of the feminist movement but a lot of it is just like oh you said uh you said yes all men okay but what's the context behind people saying yes all men it's not actually saying specifically yes every single man is responsible for every single other man assaulting somebody no it's this societal thing of like I don't feel safe with men it depends on the the the kind of label you're using because you could be an anti-feminist like these women because you don't agree with some of the um rhetoric that's been used or some of the very specific movements but you can also be someone like Andrew Tate who is like lit he's not just anti-feminist he's anti-woman Pearl too just God I hate her not using the feminist label is frustrating even if you kind of share like the same core values like we're all pro women but we're not all feminists it can be counterproductive just by nature of like not using or using labels like they carry so much weight I don't know if you guys know about Andrew T converted to Islam yes he became Muslim people can change and I feel like we shouldn't judge people for you know what they may have done done or said in the past cuz people do change have a change of heart good people around you and your surroundings can change you so I don't want to be like okay Andre T is a bad person or he's anti-woman he ran a sex trafficking ring you see I don't know I don't want to I don't want to assume he's in charge for things legally I don't know in the middle of he was in prison but I believe there was a trial he wasn't charged he's on house arrest going I he on house arrest convicted well no no no no he has not been convicted he has been charged there's enough evidence to put him in prison and he's also been there's also a lot of people like going after him he may have you know gotten an Awakening to become a better person better man and you know being able to support and I feel like now he probably has more respect for women because of Islam he does not I assure you he has not changed I'm not going to forgive somebody who's vile the amount of 13-year-old boys he has genuinely permanently altered because their brain was so fresh when they're reading all these red pill things um is is really damaging so I'm not going to like entertain a conversation where I think we needan to give for to someone who's horrible right I mean I don't know I don't I haven't really looked at those videos like I didn't care enough about him until he became Muslim that's when I okay that's when I recognized him you should research CU I feel like you wouldn't support him like I feel like you seem like a very reasonable incredible human I really think you should look into it because he he's really V we brought it up earlier right where like everyone was like oh you know feminists are so uh anti-men it's like have you ever had a time where you're just like oh God I hate my family because your family's been addicted do you really hate your family but if you keep saying it all the time someone's going to believe that you hate your family if you keep constantly saying it I'm at your family like what's going on with that but has your family constantly caused you harm and not actually made steps to make that better with you that's when you you do hate your family but what if I don't hate my I don't I don't hate saying they're doing things for you to hate I'm saying that I and you're saying you hate them no I'm not saying I hate them at all to me as a whole and up saying something hinders or something you know is is stopped that means that I'm against women that means that you're saying that because I'm an anti-feminist well that's that's kind of like you know what I I take from it because even you know Andrew Tate just pearly things or whoever even though I disagree with many of them they they have reasons to whatever they can say just like you have reasons to what you say I can let many things fly that don't app to me but it still looks bad to me it still looks bad on my person and my community and me as a woman and that's why I think that maybe it can come off as very demeaning and dismissive and that's what's already the problem in feminism you make you make a really good point like genuinely there are I've been in so many feminist spaces where I'm just embarrassed 100% I mean anist though I'm being honest there's some very radical why is that um because they're just the loudest and they're so everything self- serving if you're in it for you this fight isn't for you it is for you you're a woman but there are people who this fight is is more for I think that's okay to to when we're talking about intersectionality to put things on a SP say I don't think you don't think so you don't think my needs as a woman should be fought for as much as a black woman's need I don't this no I don't think there should be because that's to me the problem there is already a spectrum in the feminist movement we're trying to create the most the biggest the biggest movement or the biggest fight that's going against women where we should just bring women together and say what are you going through what are you going through and it should that's to me people community level like that's I yeah I just feel like that's the problem the Spectrum or what's there should be no no black woman should be over or no white woman or to me like I said even Middle Eastern there should be no group of people that have a higher highlight because by doing that so you're saying like creating the groups is creating more Division I do I do have a statement because I think innately we all are you know Pro women and we are pro Equity of women and we are pro equality of gender in the ways that we perceive it to be I was once anti-feminist but I don't think think I was not progressing the feminist movement I think as a woman I was trying to you know progress in my own ways and I think that that's exactly what you guys are doing in your own ways and I think every one of us is working towards making that more palatable for everyone absolutely I want to go back to your prompt so you know the The Prompt that anti-feminist is hindering you know the progress in in the feminist movement if you're paying a little bit of attention you're seeing women's spaces being wet being used you know um you know in terms of the bathroom situations yeah yes there are cases there are cases of of of young boys who identify as girls raping and and and the feminist movement is very quiet has not done anything or said anything to even address that I've gone to rallies with with Riley gains I was just at a rally with Riley gain the other day in Phoenix CU that's where I'm that's where I live now the the violence from the feminist movement as this is happening it's literally misogynistic of what is happening in the transgender movement towards women can you wait can you give context on who Riley gains is Riley Gaines is a a a a swimmer a college um swimmer NCAA swimmer and during um during her competition um there was a a male identifying as a woman who entered the the competition and he beat um well actually they were they were side by side they actually had the same they tied second but she was told to step back give him the trophy let him have the photo op and she's been on this this um mission to really address what's been happening in our society where we are allowing men to take over women's spaces is that a man or is that a trans woman yeah I did want to clarify that because um no it's important I don't go on it's just I I like genuinely like I don't appreciate the ey roll because you're misgendering somebody right now if they're a woman they're a woman if they say they're a woman you're creating an environment assault of anybody in any spaces is not okay and we are creating an environment that is allowing and inviting that Vic no not trans is it's not a trans issue because people who are genuinely trans that's not what's happening but it's opening but like she said it's for predators to we that you guys women are being assaulted in front of people in public Spaces by statistically and that's the fight we and this is not a trans issue we cannot be a society that is now shifting to give more to to allow for these things to happen even more we know that I work with survivors I have I have people in my group that are survivors of child sexual abuse I don't discriminate Predators pedophiles they come as priests they come as lawyers they come as doctors they come as judges what I'm saying is the environment that we are creating now in terms of this transgender movement where we are allowing we cannot open that door we cannot open that door we are causing more problems I mean we should have kids in church you should not be religious because kids are wait hold hold let let her so I I I want to because I do I do not want to invalidate if if it happens to one person one person is enough the media is skewing the transgender movement in the sense that they are making them out to be Predators when overwhelmingly they're not you're allowed to say these things and openly disrespect people and you're not doing that I don't think you're doing that not about disrespect for me it's about safety it's about sa especially for children because that's what I advocate for the most when you're create when when we have shifted into a society that is um giving this crack and this opening where you have nefarious people and I'm not again I'm not talking about genuine transgender people about trans I'm talking about the Predators who are using Under the Umbrella of the transgender you know umbrella to come in normalizing that and and and the law is not catching up with any of this in one particular case in Virginia in Lowden County you know that has that that young boy who identifies as a girl raped twice he got moved from one school district he raped a young girl and then they moved him to another he didn't get punish but do you think that it's because he's transgender or is it because he's he's got some sort some deeper issue thing is thing when you allow people to just identify you don't know if he's genuinely trans or is he using that to identify get get to his victim I just have a question can you be proom and not include trans women or is that not possible I don't no no not at all I don't believe a transwoman is a woman I will I will respect I'll will respect calling you a she or whatever you how you identify I will do that but I don't believe you're you're not a woman if if I say that I'm black I'm not black you know if race is different than gender if my nephew says he's a girl he's not a girl he's a boy giving rights to uh a man who says that he's a woman that's not fair I think just how you would protect children from predators in schools you have to do a check on the people who are doing but then that's the problem for the school board that's not on USIS doing the checking in the schools but then but then again this is you're again throwing problems that this is a problem for society it's not a problem for us to solve this is a we have to have people it's a problem for society and not a problem to be litigated against trans people this is not a problem against trans people it does litigate against you're talking about making it it's not a problem against trans people that we're making it we're saying that this opens doors it's is a it's a slippery slope it's going to be but that slippery slope opens doors for non-tr people to be abused that's my point you're oh you're talking about people that are hired to do a job that are taking advantage of their job and molesting children that's not the same thing as giving access to a bathroom and then doing that you're giving them access to the lockers you're giving them access to the children who are hiring the Predators hiring Predators that's different than people having access to random bathrooms than people who are actually hiring Predators you gave them an interview you let them into the school supposed to how are you supposed to know what do you mean how are we supposed to know so so we have no way to know who are predators at all prolific pillar like okay so then there's nothing that can be done then so then you're telling me there's nothing that can be done if we don't know what we don't know then there's nothing that can be done we don't know there's no ways to if there's no ways to go through and try to fish out who's a predator no questions that can be asked no ways to look at somebody observ somebody's Behavior to know then there's nothing that we can do then kids will forever get molested is what you're saying what we do you saying there's no way we can identify a predator a rapist just by looking at them what you have to do is teach children how to tell you when it happens that's it that's the only thing that we can do I can think Sun so many spaces so why would I all of a sudden need a man to go dress up as a woman to get in the bathroom to assault me when they can do it on the dance floor they can do it in my second grade classroom from my classroom and that happened in second grade so I don't want to hear trans people trans baces now people are assaulting men can assault women anywhere so I don't want to hear the trans argument I don't think the trans argument is productive especially as you who works with victims you know victims can be victims anywhere so saying it's a trans bath issue is so when I listen to testimonies from young girls who are in sports who are terrified of going into the locker room because they've allowed men who are now identifying as women who are still men to be changing in the locker rooms with them that is we we have fallen as a society that we are sitting idly by and letting young girls feel completely unsafe in these environments that used to be safe that used to be fine environment as a woman so what are we talking about here for the people who did feel safe before opening up a new door let's move on to the next promt all right I feel targeted by some feminists the The Prompt was um you know are do you feel targeted by feminists right and I mean I think that could be misconstrue to to sound like being attacked so for a second I was like I I don't feel but it does feel very um very rigid you know um especially towards more traditional women because absolutely you know right it makes us feel like we're not involved for some reason absolutely like I'm always the target like I'm oppressed I don't have rights but like I said like I don't need to be I don't need to be feminist to you know know my rights I have my rights and my rights I do have the right to work I have the right not to work and like just to make it clear like for example like I've been working ever since at high school and I've been supporting myself I provide for my own my I buy my own clothes I bought my own car I pay for my own travels I pay for my own luxuries everything is self- earned I've done that for myself so when people look at me and feminists look at me they like I said they I feel targeted because they don't understand me I disagree with many movements and many movements that I've been attacked by my own Community like like I said I didn't for the longest time I didn't agree with BLM oh well then that means you just must not care you don't care about black people getting shot and I'm like what is that of course a black person getting shot by a cop unarmed is disgusting and it's a problem by saying I don't think that the way that they did the movement and the way that the movement was going did much change it it literally it did more harm did more there are women who don't agree and there are women who do agree but women who who do agree are the majority so we have to go from the majority actually most Americans believe that abortion should be legal yeah okay most that's a part of okay like not just women most Amer but on the flip side I think the feminists have lost the power that we had as women because we're so built on making our voices heard my feminist Journey your feminist origin story my my origin story came from came from my husband which is very ironic if you think about it but not really he was raised by you know very strong-minded women and they just told him they're like you don't be ass so you treat women with respect you know as a man he um really challenged a lot of my beliefs that I had in terms of um these things that I was raised to believe in that women only have one place and that's in the home being a child Bearer and that is um you know listening and not speaking that a woman is below a man he challenged all those beliefs cuz he was raised by very strong will woman and so it's funny to say that my feminist origin story was from my male husband but um I think it has been really eye openening to see um a perspective from someone that's not my own gender a couple years ago I used to be a hardcore feminist like I was like I'm a feminist Die Hard women's rights women rule that's that like that's how I used to be until I realized you know what they're not fighting for feminism is trying to switch to roles and in Islam we already given our roles and I have my masculine you know energy or whatever being able to provide for myself and being able to do that for myself is because I'm given that right to do so feminism movement is harming a lot of men in my society and my religion because they feel like they have to abide by these rules otherwise they're not going to be shown respect or like feminists be like G Men or you guys are gross or what are you doing or you guys are oppressing women I haven't felt like necessarily very targeted because I've always identified as a feminist even if like in high school I probably really didn't know what I was talking about when I did take my first women gender sexuality class like that was really like the Catalyst in my feminist Journey but at the same time I was like wait so am I doing something wrong here like sometimes I want to cook for my boyfriend maybe not because I'm a woman maybe it is because I've been socialized to do these sorts of things but also sometimes I genuinely enjoy it and sometimes I genuinely enjoy having shaven armpits and like but I can still do that and be a feminist and have all those core values and I still believe that me shaving my armpits is a result of the patriarchy and in in an Ideal World I think that I wouldn't I'm just but but I think it's okay more comfortable you just be more comfortable it doesn't because of a man see that's what I mean everything is the patriarchy no matter if I if I want blue shoes today was because of the patriarchy no but heals that's the reason the expectation that heals the idea there's no man here I wasn't come here to be attracted to any man years who started it and why and how it was propagated okay a lot of things can start for whatever but if I today this day I want to wear this it's not because of patriarchy no that's saying because of patriarchy you could just want to shave your arms it's like it's no history I was shaving my arms because of man more comfortable I don't like he on my body we're not saying wait wait hold what I'm saying is that young boys young males are not taught to shave their armpits and I barely see like grown males shaving their armpits because it's more comfortable if you want to do that that's totally fine like I do that it is more comfortable for me because I grew up that learning that that's what I'm supposed to do sometimes more beneficial it can be more beneficial but it is important to recognize yourit if it's taught by the patriarchy it's to your I mean I don't I I think that's where we disagree in your words in your words taught by the patriarchy but it's a something that's beneficial to you you know it is but it is but I believe that if the patriarchy didn't exist and I was never social Iz to do that then I would never have done it yeah I just want to say that when it comes to this conversation I think it was really great because I think that everyone did a great job of showing the differences we have and I hope that when we come to this middle ground that all we want is equal equality with women we're all four women it's just like some sometimes we get caught up in like the little in mintia aspect of it like we all are pro Humanity yeah Pro Humanity if you guys want to shake hands and embrace please do so now PR you right [Music] away
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 1,103,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion, Odd One Out, Game Show, Dating Show, Nectar, Ask Me Anything, Gen Z, Millennial, loveprint, jason y lee, POC Anti-Feminist, WOC, women of color, Feminist, White Feminist
Id: Q0i7dfbjRCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 15sec (3075 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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