The Try Guys Play Truth Or Dare Roulette

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three these boys will be eating octopus jerky place your bets today we are playing truth or dare roulette we have 23 gross tears and embarrassing truths on the board fears if you win you don't have to do the thing but if you lose you're gonna do some gross stuff did you see these oh god I would say that this is why I hate gambling before we start truth or dare roulette we got to tell you that today's video is sponsored by the LG dual screen it's a phone with two screens so you can be watching a tri guy's video while you're shopping that's right guys calm or Texan you know what we always say two is better than one think of all the things you can do our production assistant Sam is out getting gross food for us to try for our dares let's check in with them see how he's doing hey Sam what's up how you doing good good I'm finding almost everything I've got some crickets and silkworms got some scorpions but I haven't really been able to find that like really juicy cinematic climax piece you know let's Google gross meat we've got balut rotten shark meat Oh what about brains right yeah maybe we could do some brains Wow there's actually a bunch of butchers in East Hollywood what about this one y'all send it to you thank you it's gonna be gross and I want to eat that all right let's start the video hello and welcome to a very special edition of hi guys timon today we are playing truth or dare roulette we're gonna keep playing until either all the dares are done or we all run out of money but unlike in real Vegas you can get $10 by taking a gross shot for free it turns out Ned's the only one of us who's ever played roulette so Ned how's this game work so the way this works is miles our dealer is going to spin a ball around the roulette wheel it's gonna land on a number based on the number that it hits you're gonna win various amounts like if you bet on red you're gonna double your money if you bet on the thirds you're gonna triple your money and if you bet on the insides it's super risky but a high reward miles can you do the same explanation but as creepy as possible you're gonna put the chips into the numbers that's gonna allow you don't touch the board that's gonna allow you a certain amount of winning to happen because it's not my favorite miles characters and now what's your name for today clam it smells like clams Anders thanks again to LG for sponsoring this episode gentlemen place your bets I'm putting five on the corner that has 18 here because 18th is my birthday I'm gonna start off feeling funky fresh I'll put the other five on the 36 the highest number very risky but rewarding bets keep all right you know me I like red I'm gonna put it all on red what are you doing Eugene always bet on black a yes baby well if making videos for the last five years has taught me anything it's always bet on Eugene welcome to the second try casino this is is roulette craps net doubles up the rest of us lose money I will read the closest to the 34 tile since I won the three of you will be eating mixed bugs oh darn I hate this boys you go cheers cheers Cheers [Music] how's it taste boy Frankie actually around - I'm gonna let it ride betting on red again hasn't failed me yet I think I'm gonna put 5 on 18 and I'm on the corner these are the corners of 36 if the last five minutes of making videos has taught me anything it's always bet on Ned thanks Zack always bet on black no boy all right clam let's clam it up round 218 okay think about it you're watching the video your mom texts and you're like mom now I got to stop watching the video in this you can do both at the same time what a cool phone why settle for one thing when you can do two that's not their slogan but it could be 31 again the gross thing or the weird embarrassing truth the other guys have to do is scorpion did you see the egg boy why do they look like sour patch kids they look like they have soured us they're still piercers on them and I stuck my finger on it so know that it's just like a shrimp you have to take off the tail Oh smells like dirt all right here we go all right there cheers guys here's his knife Oh delicious oh wow it's covered in salt very thick but salt was better than the maggots increasing abrasively salty ah give me your scorpion pizza better than the cricket those all tease clam was staring at me he's still staring at me [Music] okay I'm going to mix it up this round I'm gonna put five on the corner of the 36 we're gonna throw five on the corner of the 18 I'm gonna get a little spicy they say that lightning sometimes strikes twice you're gonna do my favorite number ten and fifteen and then also three fourteen forever honor works here let's pick some numbers twenty six is my birthday blue patty blah blah blah blue and then oh all right pretty good Zach I like it I like it a lot of good numbers how about you Eugene okay there yes all right great job all right all right roll em up miles let's see what we got round three [Applause] fifteen come on one two eight seven twenty four one seven sixteen twenty six fourteen for all the people that work here thanks guys one off ding Wow I've never done this well and roulette in my entire life all right you three losers are going to be eating a scorpion lollipop oh this is a banana flavor Oh bananas are delicious grapes are delicious but the artificial versions are trash must be very awful or even this strawberries bad hi can we get can I is there another scorpion I can eat instead God place your bets Round four all right I'm gonna basically the same bet but I'm gonna spread it out I'm gonna only put 4 here so I have a little bit more splits increase our odds let's do 19 and 22 and 11 and 14 I'm feeling pretty good this time my favorite Disney Channel show with even steven so let's go even and I'm gonna take a page out of Eugene's book always bet on black all right okay welcome to second truck casino around four come on black like black 22 black 38 how does it keep happening just one-off no we all lost from the board what was the most embarrassing thing you did in front of the other track guys oh you told me you subscribe to our channel on the tour we do a lot of stretching before the show especially me and sag because that has a body that hurts a lot and I dance a lot and once I'm I was talking to him Bart he released it was like not even you know there's the funny level fart where it's loud but not smelly and your friends are like huh and then there's the kind of stinky one where you go oh man we're all human but you're my friend and then there's the one that lasts forever and ever oh my god I told you top three worst smelling farts it was unbelievable I have a lot to be yeah all of our embarrassing things are about thanks again to LG for sponsoring this episode they're both out so what that means were you can yard take the L or buy back in with a random card buy and buy it gentlemen prepare your rattles this time need some sink Oh roust me Oh buzz I prepare my router there's bones in it is it they don't is it bones or cartilage bones this videos been pretty great for me I've just kind of drink white wine and watch you guys eat that gross stuff is this what being a try guys fan is like wow this is good this is really do it how much more of this do we have oh who knew who knew that rattlesnake was subdued issues the amount of bones is insane yeah all right gentlemen you have bought back in by doing your special challenge and I will award you with ten chips each thank you cleaner well as this is my second chance I'm going with second row we're gonna go scatter right here look a bye bye now the odds are in my favor that one of these is more likely we're gonna go 11 and 14 like we did last time it they would go all right I like the lower numbers so I'm gonna go 1-2 18 betting on the first half of the board I'm going all-in all oh my god why why because always remember all-in on black well should I put all my bets in - yeah Wow feeling it well this is just the moment that we find out is net as daring as Eugene I'm putting all my thirty dollars on red I'll see your 20 and raise you party Wow Wow I want to revise a previous statement I love gambling the mood is hot here is the second try casino players take your positions come already come on big red what a bit dreams come on ahead great screen crane no green no area it's right oh Jesus 27 red number 27 oh my god oh Jesus well damn these boys will be eating octopus jerky ha it smells straight-up like the bottom of a Chum Bucket whoa oh but it smells like a lemon pepper Chum Bucket you know it has like it has some spice to it you already eating it what about the anticipation Oh haze all time again oh you ate octopus jerky that's great oh it's hard it conscious like I'm a bad clam hey don't throw my hand away hey hey look a bad one you're a good one at the same one same time one two three yeah all right okay grasshoppers spicy cayenne pepper works I'm like Simba Zach one two day oh my god why I instantly plug this is a bad the way odds work is that each time it should be independence I feel like time do always bet on black in life you have to support your friends and that is why I'm coming along for the ride yeah I want to be there with ya nothing how so you bet well yeah show us what you got this because you're right guys and what is net rhyme with red baby that's let's go Wow 20 Wow by Barty Oh Oh and 36 [Applause] get off my bed it all comes down to this again again [Music] going in sky that's red number five yes you're just camping oh my god Cillian Vegas you know I like greatness I came in with $40 like I like congratulations that you are the big winner today but you know what guys I'm gonna let it ride for one more time okay the video is not over yet you guys can't buy back in I'm just gonna let it ride so each of these are $5 clams each of those are $5 we crap that solanum I have a lot of money on the table oh yeah you guys do need to do a punishment well why don't we tear our big punishment for the end if I win you guys have to do both punishments at the end and if I lose I'll do both punishment unnecessary let's go all right so it's gonna be this one plus whatever you guys pick if Ned loses then he has to do both if he wins then we got to keep doing best that's right what are the odds of you winning again okay let's calculate it roulette odds are forty eight point six percent but what about you continuing to win so the odds of winning twice is zero point two three the odds of winning three times always very low zero point one one but if you win the glory is infinite [Music] come on big red big Susie let's go [Music] Green that's why can we just save the record that I'm still exactly ah you can use laughs while you write them yeah that means I mean it's a story of when the last time I got caught doing something I should have been doing while eating pork brains Sam bring out the pork brains let's just quickly load up a video of pig brain just so you get a little taste of at least it looks cooked I don't I don't want to eat that and then you look you can text your wife and tell her you're gonna be late at the same time there's a cool phone thanks oh my god like so the last time I got caught doing something I should've been doing wes is not supposed to get money in the morning so I was watering the plants no oh no live wire and that is pajamas Almighty oh god no I can't have any arrows like why is your money with any brettly and then we got my all over changing table oh the water the plant linear at a fun time but pajamas got dirty oh think is that man next time good night yeah you gonna finish that thanks again to LG for sponsoring this video if you had dual screens what would you do comment below Dave those bugs yeah
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 3,816,232
Rating: 4.872438 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, roulette, gambling, game, gaming, playing games, how to play, playing roulette, chance, risk, reward, winning, win, winner, loser, lose, losing, money, bugs, maggots, crickets, scorpions, gross taste test, taste, tasting, taste test, roulette strategy, casino, las vegas, betting, how to play roulette, gross food, food, food challenge
Id: GVhiN2-bZCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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