Which Try Guy Knows Eugene The Best?

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We found out who everyone else's best friends are, and finally we get to find out who Eugene's best friend is. What time is it? Try Guys Game Time! (powerful Ned sneeze) (distorted version of Ned's powerful sneeze) I sneezed. Oh wow. That was awful. We're gonna use that take I guess. (upbeat intro music) We're here to see who's Eugene's best friend. B.F.F. Hey BFF, Eugene's my best friend and I'm here to prove that our bond is strong and mutual. Hashtag #Zugene forever. I thought it was Zagene Oh, 1 point off of Zach, he got the hashtag wrong. You can't start with negative. I mean you didn't even get our ship name right. Eugene, I'm here to prove that you and I are best friends and I drew you a gorgeous drawing Oooohhh of you without a shirt holding Pesto. I like that. And I tried to really capture Pesto's energy. Yeah, he looks insane. Three points for Ned! Yeah! No, what, what the dick? Let's do this, bitch! - That's so good. - That's so you. Yeah, Keith five points. - Yaaayyy! - Whaat? He's sitting all naked and closed off and somebody's a bitch. (fabulous Keith laughing) Round one: questions that the public could know, they could look up, maybe we've said it in a video before. What is the name of the town I grew up in? Spelling matters. I instantly forget it, I know it's some bogus German name and I cannot believe -- Pflugerville, I wrote 'German name'. It's Pflugerville. Pflugerville, Texas. - What was your answer, Ned? - Pflugerville, Texas! - And what was your answer, Keith? - Pflugerville. - You misspelled Pflugerville. - Sure did. Ned was the only one who spelled it correctly. It is with a P because it is German. So Ned gets the point. Yes, I can't believe that was worth only one point! Wait, wait the town that has a silent P is your first easy question? You dick. Guys, my questions are crazy. You're like that. You're crazy. This has been in many videos. What is my mom's name? Pfffffffffff Oh God. I will also accept if you spell it in Korean. I'm not gonna draw what I think Korean looks like. Why, of course, your mom's name is Irene and here it is in Korean. It is a very common Korean-American name. Possibly. Your mom's name is... Diane. Here it is in Korean. (Eugene dying of laughter) I know she calls you Eugena. So maybe it's because it's her name too. My mother's name is Min-young. What is the Korean characters? You know, actually, you're pretty close. All right, let's give the point to Ned Yeah! Diane wins. Thank God I started with five points. What attribute does my dog Pesto have that most other dogs you see don't have? I know this one. I would say this is way easier than Pflugerville So Pesto is a pound pup and he has a scar down his back. Pesto's really great at pooping. It's because he always has expressed anal glands. Pesto has an underbite. Pesto does have a giant scar down his back Breaking even! From a previous Try Guys video. I'm just expecting it to be Korean. You are not 100% Korean. (dramatic music because Eugene was lied to by his parents) What percentage Korean am I? You get an extra point if you can also write my Japanese percentage and my Chinese percentage. I guessed 40 Korean, 30 Japanese and 10 Chinese, which I do realize does not equal 100. I guessed 76 percent Korean, 13 percent Japanese and 11 percent Chinese. I felt you were 63 percent Korean, 16 percent Japanese and 21 percent Chinese. This is the hardest question for one point. You're such a dick. Really? Yeah. Because guess who is 63 percent Korean. (excited screams) WOW! I take it back, I'm a hero. We talked about my mother, but we didn't talk about my drag mother, Mayhem Miller. She was just on a little show called RuPaul's Drag Race. What season was it? We love Mayhem. She's dope. But we don't love her enough to know exactly what season it was. RuPaul's Drag Race season 11. It was RuPaul's Drag Race season 17. No idea, season 8. The correct answer is tens, tens, tens across the board. Which means Zach was the closest. That means I have one point now because I started negative. Yes. So, let's see what the points are currently. Wow, Keith got six points from five questions. And I got one right. Try Guys Game Time! No, Bean, don't eat the marker, don't eat the marker. Now it's time for round two The questions are worth two points, and these my friends should know. What is actually my greatest irrational fear? Eugene is afraid of airplanes crashing. Eugene is afraid of airplanes. Because he doesn't want to die when it's someone else's fault. Flying or a plane crash. I also drew a little bug. I was just sort of doodling. Planes and flying. I don't like when I'm not in control. Next question. That was the easiest question you've asked so far. Name the one music artist whose entire discography I randomly know. We're in the pop culture round now. Daddy Zach's got this. Did you say "daddy Zach's got this"? I did. What is your answer? Miss Perfect Pitch herself, Celine Dion. Rihanna. I would be surprised if you knew all of R Kelly. While I do appreciate, love and want to be Rihanna; Celine Dion is the correct answer. 'Cause my stepfather and mom are obsessed with her. They would play her constantly when I was growing up. I'm playing to win. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to make friend. There's one thing I'm truly terrible at that the other guys are better at me at. Better at me than at. Better than me are at? Speaking. What is the one thing I'm bad at that the other guys are better at? Eugene sucks at video games. Eugene sucks at emotional vulnerability. Eugene sucks at Mario Kart, video games. Lady Mushroom~ Lady Mushroom- What's Lady Mushroom's real name? Lady Mushroom is Toadette. Oh, I just call her Lady Mushroom. It is video games! No.. My mother did not want me to become an "Asian nerd", so she told me I'd get thumb cancer, so I wouldn't play it. Min- *scoffs* Lay off him! When I'm drunk, Yep. I'm known to become one of ten distinct split personalities. Name 2 of my 10 split personalities when I'm drunk. I wrote down four. The most dangerous Eugene is Theft Eugene. There is of course Social Eugene, Runs away Eugene, and doesn't like Zach, Ned, and Keith Eugene. I tried to name all ten. Crazy Eugene, where you hop in trees. Wanderer Eugene, where you leave your friends. Bitchy Eugene, Depressed Eugene, Angry at white people Eugene, Slutty Eugene and Euphoric Eugene. I have Hostess Eugene and Run away Tabitha We have Sexually aggressive Eugene, Childlike wonder Eugene, Politically argumentative Eugene, Escapist ghost Eugene, Sleepy time Eugene, Dancing maniac Eugene Always comes out of weddings. Klepto criminal Eugene, K-rage fighting Eugene, Existentially depressed Eugene and Hostess with the mostess Eugene. Wow. You have two, let me give you four. I'm gonna give you... two. I especially like that Hostess with the mostess Eugene is the most recent split personality. I-it's the newest Evelution. Eugenelution. So that's the end of round two. Here are the scores And there's an ice cream truck. Do you hear the ice cream truck? Should we get ice cream? Final round: Round three. It's anyone's game. Wow These are the hard questions. Fill in the blank: As a child up until I was about 7 years old, I suffered from chronic blank. The thing that I'm thinking I think is right, but it's gross Well, they're already icked out. Just by your general demeanor this entire episode (Eugene laughing) (distorted "Daddy Zach's got this") Zach, what's your answer? You were a skin picker. You had chronic ear infections. Chronic bowel puss– puss in his bowels. I had chronic nosebleeds. I was like an anime character who was constantly turned on. So, do you still have bowel puss? Fun fact, I know a lot about astrology. So, which zodiac signs, if you happen to suck, makes you the suckiest? I'd say everyone says watch out for the Leos, which is me. Scorpio and Capricorn, because Capricorn has 'corn' in its name. And that's also me. I'm a Capricorn. Oh... oh shit. Based on my encyclopedic knowledge of the astrological tables: Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn. I also threw Capricorn under the bus, and added in Libra and Cancer. Well, the three zodiac signs I personally think when they're messes they're really messy: Cancer, Virgo and Pisces. Well, I got-- Didn't see that coming at all. One point for Keith. They're some of the greatest people you know, but also if they suck they're some of the worst people, in my opinion. Leos are fucking dope. Scorpios are consistently moody. Tauruses super chill. Love Libras. When you get a Virgo that's, like, got an agenda, they'll fucking cut you in your sleep. What's a word like yelling 'nerd' that could be applied to this bullshit? Sometimes I think about when there's a situation if we have to eat other people. What would be the first part of the body I'm most interested in trying? If you get closest, I'll give you the points. I'm not certain what part of the body you want to eat, but I do know whose body you want to eat off of and that's Mr. Keith Habersberger. So I wrote Keith's femur area. - Yeah, I'd be delicious. - I feel like you'd want to eat this. - That is-- Your femur is your upper leg. - Your femur is there. Well, that's still delicious. I wrote Keith's ass. - Did you change, did you write Keith in after I wrote? - No. No, everyone just assumes I'm gonna eat Keith. Uh, I wrote the back loin. It should be the tastiest, given that that's the tastiest on most animals. The thumb and the fleshy palm. Because it looks just like a drumstick. You wanna eat this? It looks like a drumstick, - and you can just eat the flesh off the palm. - That would be awful tasting. Have you guys not thought about this? No... Well, I'll give the points to Ned because I would eat Keith's ass out of all of those. Yes! I pray I never crash on an island with you. Eugene's the guy that waits like 'til sundown, he's like 'well, who we eatin'?'. Speaking of which, the next question: If the four of us were in a horror movie and I was the final girl, in what order would you three die in? We are big horror movie fans, you and I. So, Keith is the sacrificial lamb, the first kill. He's our Drew Barrymore, gets the horror movie started. Ned's the fake hero that dies halfway through, thrusting Eugene into final girl status. And Zach, in the end, he somehow survives and is there just as comic relief. - Interesting presentation. - Pretty good, pretty good. Ned, what about you? Ned dies first 'cause he's cocky, runs in thinking he can save the situation. Next Keith, 'cause he's sexy, you want to keep him around to at least act two. For the, for the eyeball factors. Good call. But you know, he's gonna get murdered. Finally Zach. He appears to be smart 'cause he has glasses. Zach would freeze and fumble in the cold open of the movie and be killed mysteriously. He's just the old man character that gets murdered for no reason. Ned would bro out in an attempt to save everyone and kill himself on accident. Keith would be the joke. 'I made it, it's okay the movie's gonna be just fine' and then suddenly... And it is revealed that this beautiful person was in on it the entire time, and was trying to get all of us killed. These are great horror pictures guys. One, we'd have Zack in a false death. Two, we would have Ned. Three, we would have Keith, and then four, Zach a true death. Wow, so we all had elements that were right. Ned had the purest horror conventions, which I was going off of, which is: - Cocky - Yeah. - Pretty nice. - Yeah. - Smart with glasses. - Yes! - And Ned hates horror movies the most! - And Ned hates horror movies. I do like the Drew Barrymore thing. I liked the final girl as the villain in the end. - But this is actually the way it would break down. - Yeah. Alright. Good job guys Last question, final round. At what age did I lose my virginity? So whoever is the closest will get the points. People assume that Eugene has been slutting it up for a long, long time. Eugene did not lose his virginity until age 25. Eugene did not lose his virginity until age 23. Gotta team up with Korndiddy on this one. Let's say 25 It was 25. Eugene kept his pants zipped up and then he unleashed Pandora's box. Oh yeah. Yeah, that's true. I kept my pants on for a very long time, people would be surprised by that. And in fact I was the least slutty Try Guy until 25. Ned's slutted it up hard! Okay, I think we don't have much more time in this video so we should probably sign off. We have some pretty exciting scores here. Between first and second place is one point. *whispers* Oh no. The person who's actually my best friend... Wait, can we all hold hands. This is huge. This is big is Ned. - I won't give you a hug. - Thank you. You know me, you know me. Well, this is game time. It looks like after all four of these videos we found out who each person's best friend was and we're all each other's best friend in some way. It turns out we're all best friends together on... Try Guys Game Time! (upbeat outro music) For the record Eugene made this game up, told us the rules, and in classic Eugene fashion is changing the rules. I think one point off of Zach. Come on! Nice job, bitch. Thanks. I like that, thanks :D
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 15,043,632
Rating: 4.9569826 out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, TGGT, game, quiz, time, animals, onesies, trivia, best, friend, giraffe, tiger, rooster, turtle, astrology, virginity, korean, RuPaul's Drag Race, drinking, Celine Dion, horror, mother, mom
Id: Tr1FHd_n2_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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