Which Mascot Would Win in a Fight? - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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So. Do we post the meat boys here, or in their own thread?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/worldssmallestfan1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

here's that bit "oh my god, Jimmy Carter just killed himself"


would love to hear zach on the pod some day

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MarcHendry πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad they brought up the Reddit issue. Reddit seems legit until it's something you know about well.

Like for instance, John Lennon. Apparently he just went through life punching people left and right. Both wives, both kids, the other Beatles.

It starts with a grain of truth, where John spoke about him being shitty when he was younger. How he slapped his wife (pre-fame) while drunk, then broke down and cried. That's the whole story. Never hit Yoko, or his kids, etc. But it spirals into this crazy chain of rumors. This is all corroborated by Cynthia Lennon (the first wife) and others. But still. Reddit gonna Reddit.

Basically, Reddit seems legitimate because stuff is upvoted highly and all that. But sometimes a topic comes up that you know a lot about, and you realize that Reddit is extremely unreliable. It's still social media, so always find your own research or primary sources, basically.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/appleparkfive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

NGL the bit Gus does about Harry Potter with the voice around 13:15 kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Like a little like an impression of someone with down’s syndrome or something.

Love the podcast but that felt strange, and think it's probably for the better that he didn't post that video online. Don’t mean to knock him and I’m sure it was on the surface just meant to be a spur-of-the-moment funny voice. But it felt pretty specifically evocative of someone with a disability so I didn’t really find it funny.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LateInAsking πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

In the least negative way possible can Eddy stop moaning in each episode about not being verified on twitter? Just sounds a teensy bit petty and repetitive.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JustStuffandThings πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] 10 26 10 10 26. what's gonna happen what's good it's 10 26 a.m gus and eddie before before in the morning in the morning gus nettie uh at the top of the morning to ya that should be our catchphrase we should sell coffee we should sell coffee that should be our catchphrase we go top of the morning to you and and we should call the coffee smosh coffee we got it let's go let's go we're making bits what are you doing with your day were you driving to work i don't feel good about that intro let's restart okay come on let's what's another one no let's keep it in but let's movie magic let's restart okay what's picture picture um a boat on the ocean all right right and then it zooms in and it's it's me right yeah and i'm i opened my eyes and we we both opened our eyes and we made eye contact so we both broke this so i'm gonna close my eyes again it's me on the boat and you are um nowhere to be seen and i have the podcast set and i say hey guys we're gonna be doing the podcast from the water now international waters gus fell overboard and that's the intro for the rest of the show and so i just [ __ ] drowned or what we don't know what happened what keep your eyes closed we don't know exactly what happened the viewers have formed a really strong parasocial relationship with me that you can't just kill me off like that though i feel like i can do whatever i want because i am a god open let me open my eyes so these punches can land [Laughter] listen if i have my eyes closed and the punches aren't landing i'm picturing you right in front of me and they are screwed i'm switching the stone hit the mic a couple times listen guys it is so it's it's like 10 30 in the morning funny enough this is one of our darkest lit podcasts did one of our okay did we originally did we originally have three draw cache lights that we use for the podcast with a fourth extra light we have a we used to have that screw-in ball boy [Laughter] oh my god okay did one of those lights mysteriously okay listen this is uh [ __ ] you to the brand a little bit the cords keep breaking we just gotta replace the cords we're not breaking lights all they do is go from the podcast set to a closet back and forth yeah okay so let's say a spitball in here it was early 2019 when that third light went out yeah we were like we're good we're good with two and then you said i got a replacement light we can use for it that replacement light was gone by mid 2019. now we have lost our second draw cast could we just order the chords yes have we no and this is why when you know we say stuff like oh we're not good at responding to messages we're not good at catching up on things it's not a bit for us we're struggling it is everything that we do in our professional and probably 80 percent of our personal lives too it's just a last-minute just vow of desperation yeah i mean you got you look at podcasts that we are like our sister podcasts i would say like the h3 podcast or tiny meat gang they got full sets they got full crews we have not only not upgraded we have downgraded significantly since 2019 we're down to one line and the weird thing is it's not even because like the show's failing it just is always doing better doing really well it's doing better than especially i think i could say like better than ever now because yeah especially well the audio i you know not that we want to just steep praise on listeners but we have been seeing a considerable amount of audio listeners that i guess we should technically say thank you to yeah i guess it's weird to me still that uh now a lot of people find this podcast and they don't watch our youtube i know we've said that a million times before but it's very odd to me that someone's like oh i just found it on the comedy charts on spotify like what huh and honestly and i appreciate that so much but i'm also scared of those people cause because when are you just like i'm gonna hit the [ __ ] wild west of these charts and check out a new podcast i'm not brave enough something about us grabbed him though that's true we grabbed him and we're not letting go of them [Music] but i will say uh yeah we in the future you know this will not be the the future of the podcast so slowly it's it's not like in a year it's going to be just dark in this living room just sitting here but for now we'll we'll order the new chords this weekend okay we won't do it [Laughter] just to you even though there's a video and audio podcast said wink that's why we need more audio listeners i guess [ __ ] so they can't see those wings um next i guarantee give it a month eddie we're gonna be like coal miners with dust on our face huddled around the last match to light the podcast our mic start breaking so we're just talking off one splitting one headphone between our heads your head your apartment uh loses power so we have to bring in a pull start generator and it's running next to the mic the whole time um what was i gonna oh yeah a bit of a hectic day for us yeah i'm flying in a couple hours eddie's [ __ ] flying dude i'm going uh back to chicago um because it is my niece's first birthday thought you said you're having a kid no so wait i just heard chicagi and soggy and i was like newborn baby put it together so i don't even think i said soggy and i don't know what's so and i appreciate the rebuttal uh-huh i've been in this apartment 15 minutes and eddie has said soggy 10 to 15. i don't think i've said it once to be honest i said what let's break this down so you heard chicagi let's say you heard soggy and you skipped to newborn 16 by the way but go ahead it's been a rough morning hasn't it been a bit of a rough but we could use some of that top of the morning smosh coffee whoa i didn't have glasses to tip [ __ ] i haven't i haven't actually had top of the morning coffee i had smosh coffee was pretty good um i yeah i had smosh coffee and uh we had it when we were on h3 podcast right oh that's right yeah it was pretty that was god that was [ __ ] years ago it actually was it was two years ago right it was it really was that two years ago no no no no it was february it was pre-pandemic 2020 i think was it wasn't it in the early winter when we went i gotta look this up right now we're like over here on age three when was that what was his name kyle it was carl what was his name evan evan was it almighty dude i was looking at the wikipedia page for evan almighty recently too i did not know that that was the first major film uh that had completely offset its carbon emissions the director went and made the entire crew they calculated all the carbon emissions that they made during the movie and and afterwards the crew planted the requisite amount of trees to make up for their carbon emissions and donated a bunch of [ __ ] to like various [ __ ] earth nerd [ __ ] really yup and then it got all washed all the way by the flood that's true um we were on it says youtube says one year ago but let's see the date it was yep february 8th 2020. we went on uh the hp podcast right before things went down that could have been what started at all i think we were the catalyst for that i think we were i think i think at one point when ethan showed us uh the vagina candles from goop i i thought in my head this is gonna start a global pandemic that's true and we were um listen i can i say something real quick so only occasionally i well first i'll say we've never had a bad take never ever always got everything right and if we've had a bad take it's because um everyone else at the time was wrong as well um i've i've heard after the mandalorian when we talked about uh at the time a star wars show and a lord of the rings show i said i didn't think they'd be good because a tv show can't match the quality of the movies and then people will be like see look you said this in the mandalorian i didn't know that movie shows were going to be a thing in the future chill right mandaloria well that nobody's mad because nobody's like everyone's pissed dude hey everyone needs to calm down tony's literally eq'ing the banging on the door out of this mix right now but from what we've seen of the new lord of the ring rings images and also mandalorian and the marvel shows movie shows are a thing now movie budget tv shows i just didn't know and also i'm not taking back when we were joking about covey before it got serious good i'm sticking to i'm sticking to my comedy guns we it's almost cringy looking about where we're like i think you say like the bud light virus or whatever it's like everyone i'm sure watching now is just like [ __ ] dude i don't know what episode that is and i don't honestly i don't care i don't care either i don't care when people are like hey you said this on the podcast before i don't care i can't keep track you you insulted my mom on the podcast eh whatever i have one of those what the heck you know what i still think about that that person's uncle that dip that uh gets the sauces on the table i think about that every single time i eat anything if it spills over i say there is a man out there there's a man out there i'd like to kill and tell your uncle i'm coming for him good kill him with sauce sauce bored him um i'm going you know to uh to the midwest later today you need me to pick up anything yeah give me some lube lobbies hold on i couldn't remember it kind of a little bit so i flubbed the bee in there oh were you trying to say illuminati's yeah bulldogs [Laughter] i think uh no that's a that's a city somewhere in uh in the middle east right yeah um oh bookmark on dobby tell me about your dang midwest oh there's nothing else other than i'm just excited to go back it's only for the weekend and i let's i'll be honest here and i'm gonna get very real about the the process of a youtube video no really i i shot my video that i was going to quickly edit before i left here i just didn't like the take i got and i want to write it out more and so i me i you know made that horrible youtuber decision where you're like okay i'm going to do it next week because i can't right now but now i'm gonna be forever tortured that if i don't upload this monday i'm gonna uh fall into the pit of irrelevance and nobody will want to see a video for me ever again that's true and there's no stopping that in my brain no matter what and i'm stopping anybody before i get a message like hey no we'll take it whatever it won't do anything for me it's a it's a hell it's uh hell in the cell up in my brain right now oh my god dude yeah [ __ ] that noise you know what i had enough well first of all i got to pull this dobby bookmark out all right before you're too [ __ ] far away from yes uh we my family was in town we did the warner brothers studio tour this won't be another huge theme park tangent from me but the warner brothers studio tour really good bang for your buck wait you warner brothers studio tour yeah in burbank oh i never i've never done it you can in the back lot you can get off of the it's like electric carts that are silent you can walk around all of the sets it's like 65 bucks a person oh cool you can go in the houses and [ __ ] we took photos at the friends fountain and stuff like just oh that's fun a bunch of cool [ __ ] but there was an adr booth in there where they were trying to be like this is how you dub dialogue back over in films and they and i was trying to get uh what i thought was going to be a really funny just like instagram video or tick tock or something and there was a small clip from harry potter where you could this is the dobby tie-in by the way uh-huh uh there's a small oh i was very confused where i was like are you just shortening us saying like whatever i did because i also posted a video this last week of me like doing there was a t-pose dobby that you could live act into or whatever i saw the video it was at the same thing but i was so pissed because i thought i was gonna have a good one because there was one where it was literally kind of like ddr you know where the words were going to come and it was just the exchange between harry and ron of like i got an invisibility cloak oh my god it's christmas holy [ __ ] and and it was like you were in this little kind of soundproof booth and there's a small door there and you can dub over harry's lines oh what a comedy dream and it puts it in with music relayed over it so it sounds like you're just in the thick so i was like anything can be a bit here right and i just did i didn't even overthink it i just did the dumb bit where all every time harry was there i'd be like and i and i shot it like three times and every single time i i felt bad there was a worker that was standing right there who was being supportive uh-huh i was going but every time i was trying to get the crucial play back oh my god oh this is so funny like these guys ah [ __ ] yeah you couldn't get the clip couldn't get the clip but you did entertain one person and so you've won me if you no i was going to say the employee that enjoyed it oh not you i didn't enjoy it i um that anything else interesting happened when you guys when the family was here um not really i like having my family here um it's i mean just it's stressful to host period you know and we're coming from the momentum of like on previous family vacations as a kid i've told you even before like my mom will will plan out everything months in advance and [ __ ] and we had like a lot of stressful vacations as a kid because it's like i get it like we saved a shitload of money and they would plan a bunch of stuff and my mom wanted everything to go right but it's just like cool none of that works if if you're gonna like say comments of like we're at a [ __ ] like cheap diner and like you better enjoy this this meal's costing us 110 bucks she's like mom i love you what the [ __ ] are you doing right right better eat that fry better let that calorie nourish your body you know what i mean so i'm just like as i've become an adult and i've kind of had a heavier hand in like planning vacation [ __ ] i just i honestly i want to just be like mom shut up i love you we're going to do this today it's going to be fun it's paid for it's taking care of let's do this you know and there's still you know there's there's starting to be a little more give and take with that kind of stuff too so it was it was nice to be able to just do some [ __ ] and just be like we're doing this today or we're chilling today we're gonna just play pool today or something yeah yeah i think it was largely fine yeah but it's just nice you know i was telling you before too like i've just i i booked up this summer way too [ __ ] full same here man that's where my my uh videos really have kind of struggled with the upload thing of i think we both have been hosting people i i think if you were to like plot out the calendar of whether or not one of us was hosting somebody for the summer most days one of us was hosting somebody i would say of between like may and until like the end of september whether it's you going people coming to you me going people coming to me i would imagine i i honestly don't know if you could get four weeks in that time where somebody wasn't doing it i gotta say what a like a vaccinated dream honestly like it's been great i am a bit exhausted and i would like to get back to full youtube work yes but there's a bit more to do i say as i have a flight in two hours yes dude exactly i don't know though well we're still putting [ __ ] out though you know i i saw another er we've talked about this kind of stuff on the show before i saw another errant comment on reddit today about where it's like not even something mean but it just is like people just say inaccurate stuff about you and it was very speak of the devil because i had a big thing i i've been streaming a lot lately again too and i was talking on my stream a few days ago about that to people because a question came up and i was just like this happens a lot i'm talking about like how you blew up on vine originally yeah like that same kind of shtick where it's just like people aren't even being mean but it's you don't realize how much misinformation could potentially be out especially on reddit until you start to see yourself being talked about yeah and it was just like it was a youtube haiku post and it was like a very meta kind of current state of youtube haiku so i'll admit i selfishly like i clicked on the comments because i was like is this gonna be a kind of like am i gonna be mentioned you know because like i've been mentioning some of those turning point things for the sub or whatever and i was like there was a big parent comment that was just like yeah you know ever since like pro cd went on to go do more voice acting stuff and like you know gus went on and and uh he's a writer at comedy central now and he doesn't really post ever anymore no that's not true both things though instantly googlable things i upload every [ __ ] week and also like a writer at comedy for what yeah for for what and honestly like i don't even care insert any job there if it's comedy center if it's snl if it's like anywhere it's like why the [ __ ] would i give up my youtube channel to be a full-time writer right now yeah what i don't know no i wouldn't do that and it was like super upvoted yeah i was like there was like it was a main parent comment damn where it's like it's not even mean but it just is like oh that is it's healthy to see that because you go i gotta not quote any reddit comment ever for any discussion yeah i bet probably for you you're like well what if there was somebody who's like oh i haven't seen gus's stuff in a while oh he's not posting damn and then and then that's it just like i don't know what to even [ __ ] tell you i did see a couple replies though that were like way at the bottom they were just like i don't know what you're talking about like gus does not work for comedy central like i mean i've done stuff with them but it's like i'm so [ __ ] uploading anyway right anyway but uh no that that's just weird especially i had one uh i felt super bad about and this person was super nice um i got a message yesterday that was like hey by the way i wanted to apologize like a couple years ago you would put out like i think he said like a birthday tweet of me and tony um and uh and he goes i had like corrected you on your grammar but actually you ended up being right so you responded to me and i felt like a bit of a dick and i'm really sorry and i felt bad about it and i was like i probably just as like a bit was like [ __ ] you [ __ ] or something like i didn't wouldn't say [ __ ] you [ __ ] i'm like i made this dude feel bad for two years because i just saw it as like a profile that was responding to me on twitter and i don't know the level of like i never assumed that the people responding to me are like big fans or something and i literally i just told him i was like i'm so [ __ ] sorry like i owe you an apology for this like sometimes on twitter i think especially uh it's easy to get annoyed especially with the corrections ones because i think you you've had it as well right where like you put a tweet out and then there's like a typo and you're like focus on the joke not the typo god damn and then you're like if i delete this and repost it all the replies are gonna be about the typo this joke is pretty much dust in the wind that's just it um but that's not what that was and even with that one i was just like oh man i didn't even think about this and i made this dude feel bad for two years i'm a shitty guy that's okay um i forgot i want to tell you something so [ __ ] cool happened to me at disney it was one of my favorite things to ever happen at a theme park what so without spoiling anything uh of of certain aspects of disney i will just say somewhere in uh galaxy's star wars world there are employees that are first order employees you know um the the space um and i was in line for something and they're kind of it's kind of like those restaurants where they're meant to be mean because they're the first order people and you know this about me when i'm in public normally i'm like if i'm at a thing i'm usually not the fun one if like if somebody comes up to me i'm not like please don't give me any attention right now if it's like a like if we went to like and i've never done this a dinner theater it would be my nightmare for somebody to talk to me or if i'm at a comedy show to be called out don't want that yeah um weird that that mixes with also wanting to be on the stage for comedy but because also it's like you're putting the power not to interrupt i'm sorry but you're putting the power on somebody else and it's in a format where it's like there's zero comedy to be derived and you'd only be the [ __ ] if we assume our usual kind of tone of like yeah we're not gonna take things too seriously right so when when we're walking through say a universal and i see universal beetlejuice which if you guys don't know that it's an actor that is beetlejuice um and his whole bit is to just annoy the [ __ ] out of people and i always like look straight down like because what can you say if beetlejuice comes up and you say something you're like oh haha he'll sometimes it's his job to like keep following you and that's my nightmare so anyways i usually avoid eye contact so i'm in line and uh chrissy notices um that one of the first order people is kind of like walking next to us and i'm like not making eye contact i didn't really realize and then i hear him start talking and i'm like oh [ __ ] is he talking to me we're in like a crowd of people and i turn and he goes he goes in full like uh first order a tire with his arms behind his back he goes you know on my planet we have a saying and he leans in and he goes boys support boys i just was like dude especially when you're you're in the like disney machine and there's like star wars actors everywhere and i was it was such a nice surprise like it's always a good surprise when it's like an employee we've had that before and i i just turned to him and i was like dude thank you that's great and he just kind of in character gave me a nod and then turned and walked away so if you're listening [ __ ] thank you that was such a cool experience that was awesome you should have turned around and shot him in the belly right now there you go first order scum guy hit him with a lightsaber throw him into a wall yeah it was awesome that's pretty cool man i like that yeah there was a i any time where we are somewhere and it's an employee that recognizes us i always feel so special it's a very like oh god it's like i know the boss you know patch me through the wall you got the head still okay i kiss it it's you patch me through on the line but it's just dead air it's just noise it's just it's him still dead though so it is like they do put the phone by the head they put a phone he worked so hard they put a a phone a landline phone that goes down into the ground and it's in his cough they did the thing you know how they got that mummy and they were able to recreate its vocal chords to make the sound you know this is a real science thing i'm not even setting up a baby i can pull it up yeah yeah they made a mummy and they made they didn't make a mommy so they just they invented a mummy it was paper mache which was like really weird because it's freaking easy but no they found a mummy and they took like casts of like whatever i don't know they may recreate its [ __ ] throat and they were like as a result we can make the sound that it used to make do you have the sound yes there might be an ad it's a walmart oh my god dude um you've changed man listen sometimes you get a youtube ad you used to accidentally play mom and pop shop ads don't you have uh don't you not get ads on youtube don't you have premium hmm that's right i'm better i no that's no that's a that's it's this is it this cbs video started with a scooby-doo mummy like his life [Music] that's got to be a scooby-doo mommy it's like who added music all right hold up i got it researchers in england let us hear what a real mummy sounds like [Laughter] hey king tut yeah you hungry what a real mummy sounds like oh wait wait go back you're ready for it this week researchers in england let us hear what a real mummy sounds like okay um king tut i know that you said you wanted to have the um supreme totino's pizza rolls but we only have the uh cheese ones left it sounds like the a minecraft villager doesn't it um i was gonna say tatinos pizza rolls tatinos tino's pizza rolls okay it doesn't really roll off the tongue you can have that one because it was really good can i use that one on stage you want if i take that one yeah you get in there can i say a pet peeve i think i may have said on the podcast before please do well first we're rolling in and i'm sure you're with us especially with the recent news uh again with the mention of him [ __ ] joe rogan oh with this vaccination insane dude misinformation that he was [ __ ] spreading if you're somebody who listens to us and listens to rogan that study he stated was about chickens and not about covet and not about the covered vaccine and the person who wrote it said he was incorrect don't believe that stupid vaccine [ __ ] that he said the vac get vaccinated insane man i mean we've even touched on it before like that what the [ __ ] is going on with him dude like he is he's getting more insane like would i i wish that he he honestly had the [ __ ] gumption to get somebody on the show like a sam cedar or something or like somebody that really was capable of like just checking them out yeah being like i understand what you're saying that is fully wrong like the simple [ __ ] of like the guy that [ __ ] wrote the paper like you said is like that's inaccurate yeah um the reason i mentioned is the pet people just when i was saying that can i use that on stage it's still such a big pet peeve to me whenever you see two stand-ups talking to each other and they're just like that's the thing man people just don't get comedians we're a different breed like we just can't hang out normal people can't hang out like we can it's like one no like i think for most people who i know we're not like um you know in the practice of doing like open mics going through the stand-up circuit like that a lot of the funny people i know are not performers they're just really funny people that have like a regular job and it's like the idea that that if you do stand up a bit you're like this different breed of human that thinks different and that other other people could joke around too it just depends on the [ __ ] crowd you're not an alien that landed on earth and there's like a special being once you grip that mic you enter humanity too instantly it's always that talking like man yeah you ever just try and talk to you know like your wife's friends it's not like being with comedians man it's like okay like yeah it probably sounds a little more normal and less competitive about who's trying to get a [ __ ] jab in yeah and weirdly enough i never see comedians that aren't traditional stand-ups talk like that like i don't believe i've heard someone like conan talk like that yeah andy didn't talk like that when he was here and he was just cool as hell yeah andy just went oh look at me pretty much half that we had to cut down the mort it was half the episode we had to cut out a lot of more talk and we would be like every time like i would start to talk i don't know why he was doing this but i would say like so andy and he said oh king julien he kept saying oh king julien we would sink our head down and we go andy please can we go back and he would go fine i get paid every time on m [Laughter] it was a go-go deal they didn't read the fine print it was a promo pack i still i'm so happy that andy came on i i have no idea why andy came on this podcast i will say it that was a waste of his time we wasted his time that was a waste of andy's time to go on and especially what an honor to have andy uh come on as the show was ending yeah like around that time it was crazy insane who else is time do you think we could waste and get them on here i mean anyone that wants us to waste their time get on the podcast let's get leno on here and just go you know what you did you know it's fun what we still have uh not had matt and ryan on the podcast that's kind of hilarious and i'll say it's all of our faults but i will also say i need to text matt back the second we uh we stopped the recording here because not only do i want to have him on the podcast but i meant to tell him something and i forgot it was so i love you man you're so special to me yes we it's i just want to say it's been one of those just like plans slipping through the cracks uh if you guys don't know matt and ryan of super mega and it's been very much like oh like during the summer oh you guys are busy doing this oh we're busy doing this it's not like me and gus going oh we're we're not gonna have those guys on or anything it just hasn't happened yet we keep trying to get him on and then ryan will have an enormous scandal that week and we were like we gonna let this blow over it's uh ryan mcgee points gun at kids like we're in it every time too it's like we're texting them we're saying hey you know come on over right now and ryan will respond with a different photo of him cur and time stamped who he's holding the day's paper of him holding a gun to that kid yeah he'll hold the paper of yesterday's news of him holding a gun and also in his other hand is a gun [Laughter] that's just what he does it's weird it's not it's not up to us what he does in his free time he's so freaking random oh my god yo uh jarvis accidentally kind of [ __ ] up my life oh yeah the pokemon thing right yeah jarvis johnson came through like a son of a [ __ ] and he was on the podcast months ago and he started talking about this little thing called pokemon and i was kind of interested in getting back into it and then i hung out with him again and he was like then he came over to my house and he gave me an entire hidden fates booster box and a shining fates booster box i don't know what that means so like the the hidden fates booster boxes are like there's like eight packs like booster packs and ten cards in there and i'm just i'm only parroting a lot of [ __ ] that i have recently relearned in the last couple weeks i'm no expert got it you know logan paul that's jake's brother right yeah what's he what's he been doing does he draw for the cards does he make the art no he uh i think helped uh push the whole pokemon craze i don't know man i don't get this showbiz talk anyway yeah no i mean he brought up he got this [ __ ] the hidden fates box is currently it's like at least 120 bucks for a box and and or and that's the hidden face the shining fates one's like 40 50 a box and then he bought over two brought over two evolutions individual packs that are 20 bucks a pack and he gave me a bunch of sleeves like jarvis is just like i heard you want to get into it and and he's like somebody paid it forward to me he's like pay it forward to the next guy he gives me like 300 with the [ __ ] pokemon card i've been hanging out with jarvis so much more jarvis is the best man drivers i love jarvis he's so [ __ ] nice that's a that's a real og one you know we only hang out with people that we like though in on youtube [ __ ] but jarvis is exceptionally nice he's uh he's a uh shining fates pack of a friend hidden fate which was the more expensive what's the best card you could draw right now of that of of any pokemon card what's the most expensive one right now i mean it would have to be a kind of a charizard there's some shiny charizards jarvis is a kind of a charizard friend no that's okay i don't understand so do they go up and down in value just by like how popular pokemon is do they have a set price when you draw a specific card or does it just kind of depend on like is it kind of like stocks in a way it is definitely kind of like stocks my rationale was like i i have a baseline knowledge of pokemon you know i'm not super familiar with a lot of later gen stuff but i'm sure that if you showed me the pictures for probably two to three hundred pokemon i could probably tell you the names of them like i'm i'm familiar with a lot of general stuff like i know the general breakdown of certain card types like the holos the reverses [ __ ] like that and i was like you know me with hobby stuff too whether it's [ __ ] arcade one up or putting up [ __ ] you know that [ __ ] on my walls and stuff i get really into something and then i stop and sometimes i come back to it so i'm like if i'm gonna do it with any collecting thing this is like the number one thing that makes sense to do it with because i have the personal interest i'm not doing it to make a buck right i just want to pull the cards and then if i get sick of it i put them in a box everything's going to be sleeved and like kind of hard cased and then you know what if i want to tap out a year from now 10 20 years from now i have a really good chance relative to any other collecting [ __ ] of stuff probably appreciating in value yeah i get it with pokemon especially yeah yeah and especially this year too it's like this year's like the i think it's around the 25th anniversary that jarvis was saying it's like look at the huge things that logan paul and all these other [ __ ] like twitch streamers and youtubers and [ __ ] have done they've spent like an entire year bringing an enormous amount of new fans to it too so it's like i i am happy to bet on this we'll see some resurgences yeah you know oh i'm sure because pokemon also will always have games coming out as well yeah that's my pokemon knowledge is only reliant on how recently i played one of the games so if you line up most pokemon right now i probably couldn't i probably could name a good deal of them but if you would ask me right after i played like pokemon sapphire i could name every single one of them i knew all of it i bet my brain erases like everything exactly and and i only had the added benefit too of like i played a shitload of pokemon go and i actually got re back into it it was the worst time to get back into it fun still or it honestly it is [ __ ] fun would you recommend i get into it you have to and or will we play it together that's where you're too far in where we can't really play next to each other we absolutely could play next to each other okay it is kind of grindy a little bit but i don't really mind you're if you're out doing things i've been walking a lot more if so if it helps me get those steps in that's just well that's just as you need somebody else to like kind of give a [ __ ] about it because the the problem is it launched and it still was really cool at launch but there were such bleeding missing features that came out so late like there was not pvp battle and like there finally is now and like like it used to be hey you can just go find like the first 150 and you could go like hold down a gym which means you had to walk to the gym and drop one of your pokemon there and there was just a single simple how fast can you type to beat the whatever the last one is there now there's a different combat system with simpler but diverse moves and [ __ ] you can fight people you can walk up to a poke stop defeat a pokemon get the chance to catch it in a ball and also there's just tons of generations out i don't know it's [ __ ] fun i was getting really really into it the last last january and february the worst time ever it was like remember even at at uh playlist when we were in florida i was playing pokemon go the whole time oh i didn't even remember [Music] um i vaguely do yeah when we were around the hotel because i think there was like some stop stuff there but i will say still and it's with nostalgia goggles on because it was summer 2016 right yeah so we had the stress of the 2016 election i don't want to take that away and from the memory but some was in the water with pokemon go that summer and i know we bring this up every once in a while but i wish people could come together like that that i think that that is quite possibly in this decade the last time that everyone was very united and it was that uh everyone knows everyone has their own like group they played with or and i'm if anyone was uh you know trying to be the opposition being like stupid you missed out on a lot of fun you did sirens are going off they're coming to arrest you for not playing pokemon go in 2016. you are not pokemon going to the polls right now you better do it man that's one of the worst things that was ever said you know yeah obviously it's no secret on um on our feelings on on uh you know the old dj [Laughter] um you know donald jumper but uh i do think two things still occasionally i'll think back to and make me laugh the fact that the president of the united states said we'd like to do a little bit of trolling i don't even agree with it but he's i believe said that right i don't even know but again still i think one of the funniest things that ever happened was when he thought that they were done rolling on tv and he went okay i think about that all the time just echoes in my head that's how we end up whenever i'm and i'm serious in the future whenever i get up from a restaurant uh like table in my head i think okay but [ __ ] that guy but i just think those were two funny moments that's true you just came at me with complete silence after i thought i was like dude i'm gonna hit eddie with the most interesting segway into something and then i just i i just pissed my pants segway with silence that you get tell you what i want to see a little bit of a 180 right here how's about we open some [ __ ] mail that was 180 from the silence i'm really glad to hear it i'm getting a package i got a reminder for my flight um oh i didn't check in yet i got to do that you flying the old delty no i'm flying american i can never here's the thing you have pretty good options with with uh good old delta when you fly back right yeah i delta for o'hare is never a good option for me why i don't know lax to o'hare i just never really have good options for it um oh also you know it was impressive to me what the that first order guy at disney um he he recognized me with a mascot that's pretty impressive but i was wearing that uh real noisy black shirt with all the lines on it oh yeah which i now after i think you should leave season two cannot did you watch this i watched two episodes of it did you want to watch the dan flash's sketch damn oh yeah yeah i wanna see that again which one is the complicated shirts yes yeah i can't wear that shirt without thinking it's a dan flash's shirt now that okay i've watched two episodes of the new season and it's so funny it's so funny the bob odenkirk one is great i love that one got triples of the barracuda we got triples of the nova so i got uh this one is from our friend chels h okay in medical lake washington which medical lake i'm sure it's a pretty place i would not [ __ ] be paid enough to swim in medical what do we call this thing medical lake i don't know oh look at this that's yours oh it says eddie burback on it on the back it says on the back it says still not verified i'm sorry on the back it says still not verified i should have screened that for you i don't get how i keep having things did you see what happened with the sonic twitter for me no oh yeah they responded to that yeah [ __ ] or they they liked it but uh for for people that don't know i tweeted out the morning of the andrew cuomo news if you guys don't know disgraced new york governor who uh had to resign due to sexual harassment i tweeted uh tearing down all the andrew cuomo posters in my room and then an hour later idris elba um of recently suicide squad not fame he's already famous announced that he's gonna be knuckles in the new sonic movie and so i said uh replacing the my andrew cuomo posters with idris elba knuckles posters and the uh official sonic account liked that tweet that included andrew cuomo that day i like that and people anytime something like that happens where i interact with the bigger thing on twitter people will be like they have to verify you now and they don't they never do and i keep watching um other peers of ours whether or not what they do does not matter um get verified maybe they do the same thing as us maybe they do you know just a podcast or just streaming and uh they get verified and i i think i'm blacklisted dude i really do think i do think somebody at twitter does not want to verify me i think it's cause we made fun of chris hanson a little bit and he had used his one last dateline nbc connection to say hey that kid over there don't [ __ ] it don't [ __ ] verify him didn't didn't something happen to chris hanson recently if anything i don't know yet it's best not to check we eddie and i have had ample opportunity to make another chris hanson video there's a lot that has gone up but also i don't exactly want to involve myself that's chris hanson that's just been it because initially there was a lot of [ __ ] to do and then just as like how deep do we want to go in this like i don't want to be like a personal thing but there was some [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm sure if you're even passively following him you've been aware of the kind of stuff we're talking about right right so i don't know i will just say right now i'm thrilled at the thing that i have sitting in front of me though oh so i've been getting tagged in this [ __ ] forever there is apparently a business out there that's called gus johnson ford it's a dealership and i got a [ __ ] hat from him dude look at that that's great thank you chels why'd i get insulted and you guys johnson fournette i got in marker eddie burback and a white hat and still not verified you got a gus johnson ford at that's just the name of the business next door dude i'm so sorry but plus we also got a 15 starbucks gift card yeah honestly i ain't bad and then we got two more little little tiny baby things here sorry eddie there isn't an eddie burback for it so i made you a hat took me 45 years to hand sew and paint so i hope you love it okay i apologize that's okay uh we have not to you to her that's okay i'm gonna i'll still forgive you dude no worries um i'm looking over here dude we have two [ __ ] the the police and the fire department are out in full force today i will say you can hear them folks we got two [ __ ] personalized bingo cards whoa oh we should play for today's episode already let's do it okay so if some of you guys don't know on the r slash gus and eddie subreddit sometimes people play [ __ ] bingo with the [ __ ] that we do which hit up that subreddit i want today this episode to be the most memeed in a while most ever um okay let's see ending a bit with an awkward silence we have not done i mean that was unintentional it wasn't a bit so that's true um wait one of them is eddie talking directly to his dad all right ones oh do we have oh we have the same i think it's the same ones but different spots oh okay so um one of them stahls we absolutely did that one already so i'm gonna do that oh let's see mail we got the mail as well you didn't talk about zach no not yet and it doesn't count if we're doing it for this i mumbled an oj joke when we were talking about juice earlier we're doing this too early we should do this at the end of the podcast we're looking at these two okay but now i know okay now i didn't see most of these i didn't see most of these i'm not looking i'm not looking i'm not looking oh well for that and we could circle another one you want to get into some preguntas let's get to some freaking preguntas here okay i don't know if you guys could hear that but it's just in our headphones the loudest marker roll across the table possible it was pretty epic eddie you got a big fat disagreement from you let's hear it for from you yeah dear twitter i have a problem that i've been meaning to air out on the podcast first of all follow us on twitter at eddie burback that's eddie's and at gus buckets that's mine my name's gus you might see my account and think is that not him because he's not verified no that's me it is him god damn it all right at ghoulish goblins said disagreement when me and my best friend at the time were like nine or so my dad gave his old nintendo 64 to my friend without warning i had no idea my dad even had an n64 until my friend told me he gave it to him first off what i'm already a little mad at the dad unless unless maybe the friend doesn't have as many toys or i'll keep going yeah i'm interrupted to this day my friend has never used it it is still in its box and he has showed no interest in playing it i asked him if i could take it off his hand since it was my dad's and since it's just in storage he wouldn't miss it he refused and said he was going to sell it what though he has been too lazy to list it for sale should my friend let me have my dad's old n64 is he in the right to refuse giving it to me dude give the show please show this to your friend give it back what the [ __ ] give it back if you haven't used it why would you you i don't even think you'd get that much for an n64 would you not not enough to be this kind of rude to a friend that's so like dude easy come easy go and honestly that was such a kindness extended to you it is obvious that you didn't do it like honestly that would be as if like because now you've told your [ __ ] friend whose dad gave you the n64 that you're gonna sell it yeah you imagine if i gave you a gift you're like awesome oh i'm totally gonna flip this on ebay yeah bro especially if it was like hey here's this this is a game ball that my dad caught at the world series oh sick bro i wonder what the etsy listing is like for this [ __ ] yeah also it's like clearly the friend uh who wrote this another siren what's going on everything um uh everything all at once yeah pretty much around the world um but uh the friend that that is asking this disagreement is clearly shown like hey i want that back if you're not using it so he knows that they want it is not going to use it knows it's from that person's dad what the [ __ ] that's oh man that's just a full [ __ ] move give it back and if you don't give it like because i'm sure the friend that sees this right now is currently showing them like they're holding the phone and even now too they're holding the phone out and the friend is like awkward because we've been talking about for like a minute straight yeah he's like i get it it's like uncomfortable like at this point he's probably already decided i will give you the n64 back but if you see all of this and decide not to you [ __ ] suck you suck that is not a a gift that kind of gesture from like a friend's dad and then i don't know it's just it's it's not very like it would be it would be different if it was just a gift from somebody and wasn't such an old like cherished memory making thing as well yeah there's a lot of factors that could have gone into it if the dad gave it to him he used it forever it was kind of considered his own thing maybe that's a little bit of an even different discussion yeah but no you [ __ ] never used it and you're just selling it ridiculous redonkulous we do not support that person not at all i bet if that first order guy saw them in line they wouldn't say i bet he'd shoot them with a real gun you go they just added these to star wars i guess i'm not supposed to bring these this is mine from home that's a 22. [Laughter] they really are against these it's not even canon like it's like a revolver all right here's another disagreement at berries and cream said my roommate used my gingerbread pan to cook ground beef in the oven i'm on the roommate's side i'm in i'm in okay okay let's hear it my roommate used my gingerbread pan to cook ground beef in the oven because she didn't know you could just form patties with your hands i have to show you the picture immediately though it is literally a tin with shaped gingerbread man i didn't know you could just mound that [ __ ] together yeah i thought it had to be gingerbread okay wait so the friend and it says she is claiming that she that her friend didn't know you could just form patties with your hands the original poster says i had to scrub ground beef out of all the nooks and crannies and it took over an hour should i kill her in minecraft well why first of all why are you cleaning it that's like that's over two on your friend there yeah what well here's the thing i'm not i'm giving the the friend is uh 1-0 at the time because you're having gingerbread shaped ground beef that's cool that's cool that's fun i don't understand like they had to have shaped it with their hand to put it in the pan yeah like it doesn't just slide into there yeah but either way that's just funny you shouldn't have had to clean it but other than that i think that's just funny if it didn't ruin the pan or anything make a ground can somebody send us some super meat boys can somebody make uh gingerbread ground beef and send us photos yeah i want my two interventions to be full of just beef man wait let's here here's what we're gonna do because it's the biggest meme week period on the podcast i wanna i wanna have a competition for the best beef boy okay for real yep like quality beef boy who can make them and it's not to be scary the food has to look good and the beef boy has to look like funny or cool yes we're not going for gross let's have a cooking our first the first official gus nettie community cooking competition uh it doesn't even have to just be on the subway it can be on twitter if you don't have a reddit account yes who's going to make the best beef boy i'm in there and whoever gets the best beef next time we have merch we give them free merch that's good boom we'll send it right to you do not send us the beef want your boys beef fun i don't want the beef boy i just want to see the beef boy all right all right we're making st we're working today we're working we're really doing it we're on the clock all right another update about my flight it says it's [ __ ] rerouted to omaha they go guess what you're not leaving till next year what i bought the tickets specifically to go this weekend well what if i could buy another flight no we're gonna stand outside the doors and every time you try it again we're going to go up oh it's like the ceo of the company [ __ ] loser but i'm trying to fly oh you do what the [ __ ] is happening dude um at matt uh sir sir nigelia said maybe a little nervous there hey me too guys i'm the one spewing it if you could write any squeak will slash prequel to any classic book which would it be and how much of it would have anything to do with the original um i would make a prequel to dracula called fuckula and [ __ ] that's well no that's succula oh fucula it uh can't go out in the daytime um much like dracula and that's just about all the only rule for him so nothing's changed nothing's changed he can't go out did i say during the day or during the night during the day you said he can't go out during the day when he goes out during the night he [ __ ] he [ __ ] and that's the only two character traits i have right now i'll keep workshopping it oh also he's got uh he wears a hat he wears a hat yeah like a and it's one of those hand classroom pasted triangular dunce hats hear me out yeah that wasn't that was a pretty good one but no he wears he wears a newsies cap oh okay he wears a newsies cap he wears an ed hardy t-shirt you remember those yeah i remember those um the ones where especially you could see his nipples through it um he wears uh cargo shorts with big zelda socks i like that and he wears uh just some some regular uh new balances on the bottom i like that um he is he's got a bit of a temper um and he really lets you have it especially if you um it's you could say it i've given you the floor especially if you can't think of a bit oh my god i got one every day in the you know the night time is when he [ __ ] and in the daytime uh he doesn't [ __ ] but his one weakness is that he has kind of like a half mass direction and the only way he has of hiding it is he has a a geometry two book like he just got called in front of the classroom to present so he has to he's holding it open in front of his crotch yeah he has to just kind of like sidewind it and stuff like that uh-huh pretty easy stuff yeah what would your prequel be can i can i take another run at the dracula saying though yes i want to [ __ ] your butt there that's good that's his thing and it even sounds like blood and then he goes consensually of course consensually and he goes uh uh uh like like the count from cesar right but then he goes the the laugh didn't really have to do with the sentence before it's just kind of my thing i'm not laughing after consensually i'm just kind of oh yeah it's my thing yeah i just feel like that's undercutting the seriousness of this consensus conversation i was telling you he's like no no what i'm saying is consensually pause [Laughter] him explain to hr no no no no no consensually i pause for one one second two two seconds has nothing to do nothing i gotta blow my nose real quick do it eddie was [ __ ] weeping dude because he just is like this podcast means so much to me gus you're my best friend in the whole world holy [ __ ] uh guys nothing really new on any fronts uh eddie and i are doing some more twitch streaming when we have the time though uh if we remember to our twitch uh links will be in the description down below please go they always are they always are go go follow us right now i'm playing skyrim i'm playing minecraft and you know what i'm probably gonna open some pokemon cards on stream and we're gonna be doing some streaming [ __ ] together coming up so don't don't do it and you're a loser and you make meatloaf out of gingerbread tins unironically i don't know what's up with me a lot of the time if i'm like recording something my nose will just start running a little bit really i don't know why is it because you get so excited for the jokes you're about to tell that you go um i didn't have an answer to that prank just so i'm gonna skip it um what was the pregnancy that was that squeakable one oh oh okay how do you top that one how do you tap the fuckula it's the best one uh at marimia and then a shitload of numbers says uh disagreement kinda so i'm in a friend group of three one of them went to out of town to her grandma's house for a week and invited the other one in her group i didn't even know about it until they started posting about it am i overacting by being mad at them wait so they went on a trip without it's like it's so this person's saying it's kind of a general closer group of three people two of them went on a trip and then she didn't find out or they didn't find out uh until it was posted about you know hmm i don't think you should be pissed but like yeah i mean it's kind of bummed to find out like that but yeah don't don't feel like it's over if it's that much of a problem just could you just be like hey you know like i don't mind i don't need to be invited to everything but like just you know i don't yeah you can tell me i don't even know it's not it's not for i wouldn't say that's for a discussion where you'd sit someone down and talk about it if it ever came up you could mention that it kind of hurt your feelings but also like with group dynamics like that sometimes uh that trip might have only been possible for two people or also maybe those two people just wanted to spend more time one-on-one sure it's this thing with group dynamics is like sometimes it's not about excluding somebody but about two people maybe wanting to spend time um but i don't know their friend group i don't know those situations just suck they just hurt yeah it's no fun though but yeah you can you you figure it out though or never mind we just did for you uh madeline's zero said which disney character would be the most corrupt politician um i mean pete right pete would um definitely uh why the [ __ ] am i uh forgetting his name donald scrooge mcduck oh god yeah mcduck would [ __ ] everybody over there's no way but he's i think nice in the uh uh huey [ __ ] and louis yeah um yeah no i think he's like good in that show so i don't know that's weird because that's like a total opposite of the character you know what i think for real what honestly i think it would be mickey really i think mickey would be he's the face he's the face the silence he's hiding he does either way is like you know you appear good and then on the side you do some so you do some naughty [ __ ] and i feel like mickey's the one to do it goofy would be not great at being a public politician but i think he's got a good heart goofy would be like he'd be in the cabinet he'd be like giuliani just doing goofy julia that's just his name um i'm trying to think of other disney characters who would you want uh what disney character would you want to be president the most i mean you have the more like not bleedingly [ __ ] moronic ones that come to mind but they all have their flaws like donald is not like stupid as [ __ ] but he's got a temper that donald would start a war oh my god he could be an [ __ ] he's gonna nuke half of the western hemisphere in two weeks just for a bit uh i don't know why yeah um i don't know and we can branch out in even to the movies as well i'm trying to think who would be like the best the best prez best president i don't know i feel like of the animated folks nobody jumps out at you for a good president yeah you know do you think okay there's an election right yeah between um a disney character and jimmy carter but current jimmy carter what characters are beating current jimmy carter most of them he's too old he is exceptionally old so old he's like every day he probably wakes up and is just like like it just it it hurts and scares him to exist you know it's one of the funniest youtube clips that exists was um um you know psychic pebbles uh it was on an oni plays episode where he looked at his phone randomly and he went oh my god and they were like what and he's like jimmy carter just killed himself and the idea that jimmy carter would do that now this age after everything was unfortunately like so fun it's such a funny random lie to say i like that fenn's been doing those yeah it's great because we don't believe him sven tried one on us recently and you and i instantly were like that's not real sven can never get us with those plus the problem that he's opened up for himself is multiple times since he's trying to do that allen depp kind of [ __ ] you know like he has told us something like told me something that has been like completely accurate and and i'm like dude shut the [ __ ] up he's like no it's real and i have to go through like eight layers of like you're obviously [ __ ] around to make him like procure evidence because he's tarnished his rip he has yeah for for those of you that don't know sven will just uh tell a lie like of a fact and try and get you to believe it that's it um what was the one that he tried to get us with it was in uh it was in your garage a bit ago and instantly you and i were like no sven he just started giggling that's what i love is if you if you catch fed immediately he just starts laughing and gives himself away because if you if you sniff it out right away he'll just go yeah okay you got me i don't know i probably maybe cam jack sparrow would be good kev as as what the president president captain jax pharaoh versus current jimmy carter political election yeah i see that uh at g the cool guy said if each nfl team had their namesake as a 12th man i.e the dolphins would get a dolphin the jets a jet who would win the most games well very glad they are renamed to the washington football team yeah for that that horrible like caricature that they used to have plus if anything that might be the choice because their their football team's name is the football team oh so you get all you get all the whole football team you just double your squad well also um it's there it comes in plurals as well i believe so the the doll fit they wouldn't get would they get one dolphin or would they get dolphins i think it's just they just said the namesake so it might not have but the football did they say replace a player they get on one new player had their namesake as a 12th man 12th man yeah i think i think normal plurals don't count but a football team they get a full team for the 12th match because that's integral like a team is an individual thing like hear me out yeah you they get a whole another football team but they are on the field with 11 guys and a bear oh that's true though if the bear knows to attack them do you think so then it would be 11 guys then plus the 12. so it'd be 23 guys yeah they i bet the bear is pissed though they give him a bunch of dome dogs before the game and he's angry do you think do you think 23 football players in full gear could [ __ ] up a bear yeah i do honestly i do couple casualties do you think they'd like try to hit shoulder them hard how would you even approach that i think you got to try to get in there and legitimately just headbutt the [ __ ] i mean you got the helmet as your hardest thing on your body no they cleat them in the face okay just trample the bear i think the bear would easily beat uh uh the packers or the vikings i'm sorry the packers well a viking would actually be a viking versus a bear but they would have at least a weapon on them they'd have like a big [ __ ] nordic axe right but it's like a close close quarters fight with a bear but it would but they'd get a lop into there though they definitely hurt the bear yeah a lot more than i don't know how strong of a viking are we talking about hackers would be [ __ ] here here's where we go list of nfl teams let's just we can just eyeball it and just get them out of the way really easily shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up i don't know if i could exactly tell you do wait do the chargers exist anymore the chargers yeah they should they did they just move somewhere they're elsewhere okay first of all arizona cardinals [ __ ] [ __ ] which is i'm just gonna go down the list atlanta falcons [ __ ] wait so currently i think we're comparing them to either uh the bears or the lions yeah right bears are the lions right now it's assumed either one of those is going up so anyone else we're saying [ __ ] is going up either against a bear or a lion that's true that's why we're writing them off panthers not gonna say [ __ ] because those are vicious [ __ ] but i think a bear might win i think a panther would kill a bear it's got way more agility and how about big as a panther though it can get to be like a the size of like a tiger probably like panther size you're probably panther size yeah chicago bears is the maybe the cowboys have a gun have a gun but a hmm but i don't feel like i feel like the cowboys you'd have one gun and it maybe wouldn't be the most powerful gun like the biggest revolver you'd have but you could probably shoot the bear from further away you could kill it with six right don't forget you have 11 other football players on the field that's true like you just need them to distract you when you get some really well placed like 45s in the back of it yeah okay so then cowboys maybe maybe cowboys maybe that's a fair fight i think hackers no rams [ __ ] no no i still think vikings maybe but hear me out cowboys completely beating the vikings totally beating the vikings you shoot a viking boom vikings are out the saints oh my god get the [ __ ] out oh my god what do you think's gonna happen the miracle versus a gun the giants huh wait what are we talking the thing is though what are the the giants actually referring to um that's a good question because if it's something what are the new york giants named after well let's hear it uh the mario bleacher report tim mara originally named the team after the national league baseball giants who were a long time favorite in new york oh so they're named off a baseball team oh so did you get a baseball man no he's got a bat he's not beating a bear get the [ __ ] out of here philadelphia eagles no no 49ers i think that's like coal miner [ __ ] miner 49er [ __ ] if it's a coal miner no no seahawks [ __ ] you buccaneers pretty much a pirate might have one maybe buccaneers and vikings might have a decent fight and i think the viking would win but you're not beating a gun i think the viking would lose against a pirate because they have even one shot in the revolver oh pirates yeah pirates have guns on them what are they thinking washington football team maybe if you make the argument that's a lot of guys a lot of guys well that's the thing is no no let's keep going i was gonna factor in the other 11 people maybe being uh like jumping in front of the bullet but that would [ __ ] up our whole argument that's true baltimore ravens [ __ ] no buffalo bills bigger but no i mean you're not going to beat a gun or a or a [ __ ] even a tiger you know yeah something like that which brings me to the next one bengals yeah yeah tigers tigers doing some work tiger's doing work right up there at the panther cleveland brown don't even know what the [ __ ] that is you're gonna skip that denver broncos nope nope houston texans you tell me one [ __ ] texas man is gonna help oh we do things different here in texas yeah like dying to a bear indianapolis colts uh-uh jacksonville jaguars maybe maybe right up there with the panthers i think a jaguar is still losing to a lion or a bear though maybe you're a lion aren't they lighter cats they are a little lighter but they're scratchy as [ __ ] dude scratchy as [ __ ] kansas city chiefs no also a little antiquated there raiders the la raiders which seems to be kind of like a pirate looking thing yeah maybe you can get in there with the buccaneers the chargers you can electrify [ __ ] but what what exactly is a charger named after good point it's just a lightning bolt i don't know exactly what it is miami dolphins no new england patriots no new york jets now hold on wait what are we referring to with the jets here uh i don't know but if it's like an actual jet airline i mean that's look look it up here what do they just do the same thing you did with the other one what are the new york jets named after a baseball team according to spark files as with many nascent professional teams the titans struggled financially in the beginning and harry was forced to sell the team in 1963. sunny werblen was one of five men to buy the team and renamed the team the jets he chose the name because it rhymed with mets with whom they shared god damn the baseball team again because it rhymed with mets really that's the dumbest okay i feel like are the jets like but i've never seen an airplane with the jets okay [ __ ] them not that pittsburgh steelers steel miners no tennessee titans get the [ __ ] out of here what is that [ __ ] i don't know or we name him after titans like the titan gods probably after the uh time travel level titanfall 2. there you go ask this this will be the final one we'll look up what are the titans named after what are the tennessee titans named after the athens of the south according to britannica the team was then re-christened the tennessee titans a name derived from nashville's sobriquet of the athens of the south okay so if they're the athens of the south they are they are naming it after the greek titans it sounds like it so absolutely the titans would win probably no matter what probably the titans were bigger than the gods greek gods i didn't even think about that one of them holds up the entire world that's true i don't think a bear or a cowboy is doing much against them i guess it's the titans it's the titans we'll give it to the titans hey eddie what do you say you and me go on out back and throw around the old pigskin right now hey i got a flight so now [Music] so you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 95,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dnIFelIYDtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 56sec (4136 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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