Gus and Eddy After Dark - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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Gus & Eddy last podcast: No more food-related questions please

Gus & Eddy opening the next podcast: Let's be real, uncrustables have crust.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/silent-sloth 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Eddy open mouth kisses Gus' ankles in this episode and I think it's a bold move.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/conflictDriven 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Gus and Eddy praising the awful game known as candyland is a step too far. Candyland is a shit game, and any amount of praise for it should be cause enough to spend a lifetime in jail.

There is no gameplay in candyland. Literally none. Not even dice throwing. You shuffle cards at the beginning, and that's it. That literally decides who wins. It sucks shit and I won't have it. Theming is pretty good though I guess.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/tregorman 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

does the lack of facial hair in the intro start to bug anyone else

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/nhay2568 📅︎︎ Mar 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

The Disney podcaster you boys were talking about also does other stuff as well as the podcast. I don’t think he really “sells” Disney cruises, but probably gets paid to promote the cruises and Disney pays for his trip. I don’t want to speak for that with 100% certainty though.

The guy is amazing though, he’s genuinely one of the nicest people I know. I would not believe for a second that he would do anything that would be questionable.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/morla74 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we're gonna get it right this time what wait sorry what this chicken we're gonna we're gonna get the crack right this time getting it right all right we're not even doing a bit nope that's not the increment that's not what I want you to crack first okay so what all right I'm all set let's get it let's get it right new podcasts new Gus what I was gonna say is we're gonna count to three and then crack it on and go but you're already slurping it louder than I've ever heard anyways you always slurp so loud I really hit you in the back of that you wouldn't know I haven't cracked it yet you're a little early on the open air here can I ask you something did you put your uncrushable flat on the table without any rapping or paper you just put your food directly on the table that's bread too so any type of crumb or anything is getting collected well the thing is the bread is a rapper in itself so to our listeners Gus said it uncrushable just on the table like some kind of animal um I don't think I don't like this image I don't like seeing this Uncrustables with no plate no paper towel no wrapping [Laughter] this is the the deep after dark sexual drinking special yeah we're drinking on this one last encrusted balls last time we drank on a podcast I got so drunk head about that was blast as mid-tour it was one of the nice things though that you didn't get to see cuz you don't live in this apartment you don't know things was after I got so drunk on that podcast I had a very very meaningful heart-to-heart conversation with Eddie about a lot it was one of our most meaningful conversations it was I was gonna cheers with you but you put that flat table so this is the clean side rolling it like a like a quarter yeah guys I love talking to you thanks for coming by every week it's so fun dude I haven't had an incredible and forever the show good do you always I usually will peel the crust off of the incredible because let's be real Dunc rebels have crust okay it's crust ish it's a crimp remember we had this discussion already did we weren't eating them though we weren't eating them now we're putting our money where our mouth is you guys might be thinking why did you eat like a bready thing during the podcast we're drinking or drinking okay I haven't eaten all day except for breakfast we used to play this game in college and maybe you'll hear more about this in the future this is me planting the seed but I used to play this game in college that my buddy Tyler created and after the years you know we got a chance to like work on it and revamp it and stuff but it was this full-fledged drinking board game and it is to this day the most fun I've ever had drinking ever you know what you should do what's actually you and Tyler and just I mean all the boys that were where did you and Tyler only make it so Tyler created the game and then when the sequel came around I asked if I could help make certain cards because there's so many elements that go into it it really is like monopoly in Candyland but with drinking and [ __ ] yeah so I think I know where you're going this and I might have a counter so go for it I'm saying that you and Tyler should actually make the board game and sell it wink wink [ __ ] start talking about it with him this week but I don't wanna put any pressure people figure it out you definitely need a warning on there to be like we are not responsible we do not encourage drinking with this game drink with you you drink so much there's a things you talk about that game and I would love to be a part of it yeah but I can't drink like you've mentioned you do well the thing is too with the way that the game is structured is you could like it was entirely just there's a lot of random chance things there was some strategy there was some actual like table talk kind of stuff like strategy [ __ ] like that there were secret alliances that you can make there were lots of minigames within the games the phone call I was called multiple times during Eddie was a phone call like for reference it's like it's a giant game board you roll a dice and then you go around the spaces and all the spaces have a bunch of different things that you do one of them got you to draw into the deck and in the deck there were a bunch of consequence cards like one of them was call Eddie tell him who's playing and without giving him any context as to how the game is going he decides to us to take one shot right boom and so the first time I remember I chose you immediately mmm-hmm after being explained that was a card and then I think I chose Curtis once and I think his feelings are still hurt but it was only because I chose you but he was losing right that was the problem the hilarious thing is we had it on the card where if Eddie couldn't pick up will call my buddy Theo and every single time Theo would choose Curtis as the de got his drink so he'd be like why are we even [ __ ] to have this car everyone Curtis every time but it is so fun there's a big wheel with consequences there's minigames built-in like shot roulette and don't breathe and stuff like that and like it's so [ __ ] fun you know we should also do we should make and I'm saying this because I think we really should do this on the podcast you all right there jelly just some jelly squirts no big deal it happens during the aggressive Lauer we should do a very base podcast version of the game with stories and talking and play it for people on the table but we can't really have a board game because brace yourselves it's not gonna sound very good and I'm sorry if you're a lone sleep about to sleep and you thought so we just knocked on your door well we'll figure out a rig to make it work all right it'll hang from the ceiling yeah it's like swinging we're trying to play well we still gotta get the ceiling cam installed we said remember the way we said we had it we're gonna have a ceiling cam I think so I think one of the times were like give it hit Tony hit us with the ceiling cam anyway yeah this Uncrustables is a marathon I'm telling you right now but this game is so goddamn fun maybe yeah I think is at the end of the day Tyler created the thing initially and and I started talking with him about it whatever we decided to do is totally fine but it is some of the most fun I ever had in my whole life was playing this thing and the way that the game is structured is you could get away like you could win the game I think Tyler won two times having a drink and a half like you can you can just breeze through with some of them you when you told me about it you were absolutely blasted mm-hmm yes stuffed right before well one thing too I mean I don't know if we can cut this if you don't want my opinion on the business of it but I think that's a clean 50/50 split then because Tyler made it and then you got the the eyes to for people to see it I would hope so I certainly want to try to take more than 50 but it's it's only his availability Tyler's doing a lot of really [ __ ] awesome stuff right now he's a great game designer and and an artist too and I can't say anything but he's got some really [ __ ] cool opportunities coming up so okay it really is up to his available on that topic aside from wait did you say the name I don't want to say the name if people are gonna steal it I'll devoid don't tell him it's secret okay but aside from that I want to work on this podcast game that's more of a conversation drinking board game and I would be fine with selling that separately but first I want that you and Tyler one to sell because I don't want to jump in on that early that's okay I don't even know actually we should say I would want to give it away to people that watch it well does it bring it to a bunch of shows yeah or kick-started so we don't make any profits but it's just a boys game I know what's gonna happen some kids gonna like freshman kid is gonna play this [ __ ] game we're gonna put it out week one and they're gonna like get alcohol poisoning and die yeah so don't do that yeah either way the the normal conversation version we should at least make the game for the podcast not for distribution but just for good episode [ __ ] absolutely absolutely but oh sorry there'll be a fun thing on the horizon we got a lot of fun things coming up all right we got the fans gonna [ __ ] cry and lose and be a dumb [ __ ] baby in front of everybody when he plays Mario Kart so yeah the the reception to the Mario Kart fan V Gus tournament or Gus V Sven whatever you want to say for it was fantastic and we are are equally excited as you what I love is our boy Ethan Nestor cranked gameplays texted me that day and was like hey I have stuff to record GameCube footage and I immediately was like he should commentate with me and also jakey should - we should have a table the three of us and so the plan is right now is to do the tournament here the next time Jake Etonians fed are here and just have a bunch of our YouTube friends over to watch and excuse me watch and drink and and have you guys just get very angry at each other I like it and I'm not gonna I'm gonna be mr. sober October during the whole [ __ ] thing I'm not tainting my body at drunk during it I am a vessel of skill and win and that's all I intend to do that day and also it will not be spent will be on probably on the podcast during March at some point if he's out here but we can't do the tournament then so this is probably gonna be a summer Cup which means they have time to Train as well well I mean I don't need to train but it's good that Sven gets the opportunity to try to catch up to catch up yes I do have a five year head start on him so that's very good that was a joke Sven I do not have any stakes in this I just want to see you two get angry at each other Eddie's [ __ ] would you like to call Sven and just stoke the flames a little bit let's give him a ring let's see what is available I wish Thor could be here during it too well you know if there's birthday while we're recording this we're according to some people that Thor and tell him happy birthday yes all right let's see what spends up to first though it was like our mr. Rogers segment I've just touched base all the character he's always busy now I always kinda bye when I call him he's always either just almost done with him nap or he's like eating food in a loud cafeteria yeah god what a [ __ ] baby do it God you know he's screening my calls listen to his mail message spend hurry up you're on the podcast you're wastin everyone's time then hurry we'd ask him if he woke up from a nap did you just wake up for a nap or are you eating food damn not really that close but go ahead not close hey I just wanted to check in and let land just see what the latest is and you being such a [ __ ] loser and Mario karts where's your your training you're trying at this that's crazy sounds more like a casual trainer to me we're playing at the apartment in the early summer sometime you know I would assume that not yet but I feel like Sven cuz you're in the college setting you've been doing it a little bit [Music] I won't practice either spend it's a deal Eddie is my witness that is my witness I'm not you if you [ __ ] touch that game until we play just pitch the idea [Music] on the stream okay so yes fan just to let you know on the plan me Ethan crank gameplays and jakey will drunkenly commentate the night and all of our YouTube friends will be here to watch so there's extra pressure okay but dude I swear to god though if you [ __ ] touch I'm gonna talk I don't even your roommate is not in my life right now I will establish a connection with him to have that insurgent uh I in the sky okay I swear to God I won't do it question guys yep so um I think you guys should be able to choose your favorite racers and it's not a random or dumb thing at all you guys should be able to pick exactly what you or do you spend like if you choose a character can nobody else choose it or can you so you can choose no yeah you're right in the second option if you choose a character it's not available but Sven I think that we should agree ahead of time what carts we are going to use and we should use the same exact it should be all fair split for a jury we're not using the [ __ ] bullet train that is a stupid one we both know the baby carriage bulky okay then Sven I think that this is more than fair you came to the last time you hang out with me in LA you come in with this bullet train knowledge okay and I had never ever played it before so you you played so much bullet train we have played an equal amount of either the baby carriage in the shell car I gotta say yes I would say that my opinion is everyone should be able to choose their favorite car I think we should choose the same card Sven but this but then if his favorite card is bullet train then now you're putting the the baseball bat doughnut on him what the doughnut is that it's an equal thing because I know that's his favorite card and it's not equal but the thing is the the bullet train is a better cart it is a better cart and and when Sencha bets do you're right I don't know how to use it you're right do you have confidence that you would be Gus with the non bullet train cart and the one that he wants to use so what's the its is it the so what card is the one you use spent a night for years had used either the Scheldt like the Koopa shell carts red or green or or the baby carriage ones the blue word or okay green ones ven do you have the confidence that with either of those two carts you will pummel Gus but does it feel like a negative we have a lot to discuss it's a lot to discuss the ever played bullet train till Spence showed up so you should be able to learn bullet train if you want to how do you practice I feel like you guys should be able to choose your favorite card spend be a gentleman and choose the same cart with me but we can't do bullet train I will even I will put it up to you if you can choose Koopa shell or baby carriage that's whoa that's very that's a confident move right there that's very confident [ __ ] kid all right well you're taking up enough time selfishly on Thor's birthday okay so I'm gonna have to let you go well touch base with them okay Wow hung up on him bono hung up on I didn't expect that this Iceman [ __ ] you spend will call Thor a little bit later right yeah put it off but dude okay so [ __ ] excited so this will go up on the podcast Channel right yeah it'll be other than whenever we start Gus and Eddie again the maybe that'll start the actual posting of stuff yeah guys we're just we're doing a ton of stuff right now and and thank you so much like for patience if we get behind on stuff you know like we're really building out what we're doing here we're not really changing anything we're just working with more people really yeah here's my issues I love love making the Gus and Eddie videos the problem is we used to do it with travel all the time and it was easier with the LA ones because it would be me and you coming out here and it was like we were meeting YouTube people and it was excuse to meet them and shoot with them but a lot of time when we travel now part of me like does want to make the content but then like I just love enjoying the moment even take pictures anywhere which I should do more that's the thing too I mean I think I can't think of a single photo I took with people at playlist we went there we saw a shitload of friends luckily other people were taking photos glad that drew suggested the group photo or drew in a manner suggest the group photo yeah the Disney cuz I was like oh I didn't think of that this is such a fun day I wanted to record it I always forget oh the only photo I took was with Brandon Rogers I met Brandon Rogers by the way oh my god what a lovely lovely person well I'd love to shoot some [ __ ] with him sometime we don't everything in the works but we're just good boys and I met him but I don't take photos should I mentioned the one thing that we heard on the podcast panel that was weird as hell what's that one this had nothing to do with places playlist is an organization again we had a great time yeah but there was some ad guy on the podcast panel yeah and he said that he had a friend who runs a Disney podcast in Orlando and he's like super and he said this on the panel I'm not like releasing any like information that it but he said like his friend runs a Disney podcast he's like any is very enthusiastic fans now what he he doesn't make a lot of money off the podcast so what he does is he has fan meetups because they're so enthusiastic but he sells Disney Cruise trips to those fans and tell about that I was like huh cuz somebody asked to and they're like does he do shows on the cruise and the guy went no no he just sells the cruise line as cruise vacations now now the only to be fair thing is like maybe this one guy didn't was kind of talking out of his ass and said something confidently but if that's true it's like who is [ __ ] that seems just weird that seems really manipulative yeah you're not offering like a performance or any like I get they're there they're more for for Disney and I get that's like something they want to do but I don't know it just it seems weird to be like let's do a fan meetup and I'm gonna sell you things other than like merge which merch is different you know yeah we're like a sponsored ad but it's like that like a timeshare many time shares for his teenage fans yeah well there was something else I wanted to talk about but I'm not remember it might have been just the double-dash thing you want to get in some pregunta preguntas here I had a hypothetical that I was very important to me cuz I couldn't decide please tell me Oh follow us on Twitter by the way a teddy bear back and at Gus buckets for all your prey Goethe needs that's questions for english-speakers there you go so um Alec J Castro said would you rather suck a million toes or have your toes sucked a million times oh no I would say I don't mean to speak for you but I'll put it out there that neither of us are foot-fetish guys I I would gain no pleasure from having my toes sucked I actually I'm working on a foot fetish bit for my way no ok I'm not developing I will tell you this though I wish I had a foot fence I wish - I would love it dude it's an extra part of the body to be sexy you can just feet from everyone - I'm also not somebody who's repulsed by feet you know where people are like that's disgusting but it's just like it's never done anything for me no and I wish you'd I've tried and it won't work I'm just staring at feet all day nothing's happening come look down come on I even put rubber bands on my arms so blood can't go to other limbs and my body just my pet my little peanut loved to have a foot fetish I wish dude so I we would gain no pleasure from having her toes sucked a million times yes don't even try but I would have to say I got a go for that because a million toes yeah means a lot of people that's a lot of pee depending on what where the toes differ that's a large amount of people yeah and I just can't suck that many toes no it's just a chance and the thing is there's no way you're not getting coronavirus after seeing a million unless they've washed their toes for 20 seconds yeah scrubbed under the nails in bed I took both my feet now you want another claw at all yeah get a clog I give me a raspberry why don't you please thanks this guy he knows his boy everybody know your [ __ ] boys right now yeah I got one guys by the way there's somebody that you haven't talked to in years they mean a lot to you and I'm sure if you reached out to him and gave him a phone call or shot him a text right now they would really appreciate it tweet that like last night we're just like there is a person pause the video do all right now do it right now it's your body from college it's your boy from middle school am i listening on the podcast app you can do a while listening to the episode that's smart disguise keep them around why don't you say I would do it I [ __ ] dare you to keep me around here alright I got a pregnant afore you here at Johnny down foul whitey says my famine what's up sorry I was cracking please never do that out of turn again ah moving on dr. grant my fam and I run a food truck and we were closed this weekend and this dude [ __ ] drove up to our house to see if we could sell him food being that person that drives up to it's like you don't get to just see a truck and approach it oh there they are weird that they're in 2:04 johnson lane over here not a high-traffic area anyway a food truck we're closed this weekend and this dude [ __ ] drove up to our house to see if we could sell him food we obviously basically said [ __ ] off what would you guys have done yeah anything ya think get the [ __ ] out of my driveway but also you should have plugged your food truck cuz it sounds like the food so great they'll track you down that's true beep beep there goes opportunity pass you by Boston sales for your family alright good questions good pretty good since today I got a bone to pick real quick what's you got in my hometown there's a grilled cheese place yep called toasty cheese and they have a food truck and their grilled cheeses are great price is way too much I could be remembering incorrectly but I'm pretty sure without fries one grilled cheese sandwich was $13 Christ alive no it's a great grilled cheese not $13 good because the thing is I would bet that any grilled cheese you can make in your house is already good enough yeah that's it's it's a food with a very low and very defined plateau of quality but when you have a real good grilled cheese oof you're a rock on the plateau raise that hump over there but then also they didn't have a seating area really they had the like three high chairs to sit while you wait so you got a bring that girl cheese home by that point man uh uh that's a pretty much a cold cheese I'm not I'm not having it see you'll get it right there yeah I feel like you and I have been kind of broadening our culinary horizons since we moved out here have I'm proud of us guy yep give me a knucks for the sandy Korean barbecue recently [ __ ] rules dude what kind of meats did you have there uh beef I actually was getting a little buzzed so I don't remember fully but I had a good time that's good [ __ ] man and we talked before Eddie and I are we love ramen I [ __ ] love ramen I don't love it as much as you you stackin against me I can't I can't pretend that that I have the love that you have but I do love ramen that's true you know Sabrina and I have actually been making it a point to go out everywhere that we stop we will rate and review the ramen of course on the decimal scale can I give you my top three Rama's we found so far here's the top three Rama's that I found Los Angeles division all right ea K ramen on Melrose [ __ ] tight and very affordable all right also a great atmosphere very good atmosphere try to sit on the back patio also none of you ever go there coz I don't ever want to have any competition for my wrong places thank you guys we also don't want to see you in person don't want to meet you don't touch you sure you guys get it um ramen tot Senoia on sunset was [ __ ] great also to keep in mind I always get the tonkotsu ramen so it's about a pork broth base and they're about the same everywhere ramen tot Senoia on Sunset and bushi by jigna on Wilshire now you have it there you go worst ramen so far Tenten you ah [ __ ] you converse it or not City not good oh the worst one was still in LA yep is in Culver City ten huh damn that was actually a couple days ago I thought you told me that oh okay so that outranked the one that when you were on tour you said was the worst oh that one I forgot to write down and I [ __ ] up it was in Sacramento but there was this little place Sabrina and I did the Sacramento show which was it went fantastically thank you for everyone for showing up a little bookmark on the whole tour thing I'm going to slip it in here but we went to this place that was right by a naval base and it looked legit you know like the interior like seemed really well decorated stuff and the menus looked cool and everything and the ramen was like [ __ ] bath water and Maruchan instant noodles it was the worst [ __ ] ever I wish I'd remembered it but I was okay because then I went next door and I took this photo with a giant tennis racket so yeah so I bumped the score up low let me pull this book up mark out here real quick guys right now as a recording this it's early March it is my hope and intention to go on to words sometime this year if you guys came out to the show's last year they were it was just it went it could not have gone better the majority the shows were sold out the shows I was at was we're so fun Oh some kind of drunk and it was fun as hell dude it's just Eddie killed it on stage by the way absolutely I did oh man that was so fun that was uh that was the zany show in Chicago right I was the same he shows we got off dude we've mentioned it before but again we're it was like the early zany show there's somebody that was like I love you guys have found you through Danny like I love Danny so much like I almost is just like anyway um the tour went so well I'm building and if you haven't seen it's just stand-up I'm doing stand-up in a couple of music things if you watch me on YouTube you don't need to know it I just go out there and it's its whole thing I'm really [ __ ] proud of the hour I'm building a new hour and it was my intention and goal to go on tour later this year like like late summer into the fall I just I don't know if I can with this coronavirus stuff right now this could a jus aired where it like wasn't a thing yeah but the day we're recording it like three big events just canceled today yeah it's like GDC was downs South by Southwest is down is III up in the air right now legs up in the air I really hope VidCon doesn't get canceled because I love seeing my boys yeah but it's just I don't know what the futures gonna hold if you're watching this in the first week of the uploads like please again follow me on Twitter that sounds like a shitty plug but I'll let you know as soon as I know I won't let you know but also follow me on Twitter to do that if please do that just saying mean things about me but to Eddie so I don't hear them I'll feel safe so [ __ ] that sucks I hope you're safe please for the love of God wash your [ __ ] hands Kerry hand sanitizer around if you see me in public I love shaking people's hands I'm a Midwest boy we're going fist bumps and elbow touches from now on we also do need to say I think just seeing on Twitter too and being guys you go to the bathroom this is always a complaint for me what's up guys in general why are you leaving the bathroom without washing your hands so much I see it so frequently you're dead to me wash your [ __ ] hands sometimes though I'll like go to like blow my nose and only touch the paper and yeah I'm not gonna wash my hands now yeah but well I wouldn't do that during this coronavirus care what kind of oh I was an Amber Alert notification on here Oh weird readout might help might read out a silver Toyota 4runner uh California plates 7 vgy six one five so if that helps in two days when we upload this yep sorry just it was like a really violent and vibration I was like what is my phone breaking that's good I didn't get one so obviously I don't oh I do which one did you get no yeah yeah [ __ ] those guys up how crazy would be if in any way that aided to find me maybe not so I just yeah I mean obviously we both hope and I'm not saying this to like say face I just hope that's settled before yeah I guess even comes out but um to change the subject from an Amber Alert what were we talking about a second ago we're talking about coronavirus bat men's bathroom wash pants dude is sometimes I worry it when I do like blow my nose in the bathroom like did that guy think I just left and didn't wash my hands after touching my penis or my butt or my balls that's true um but for real that's all that's especially [ __ ] themeparks dude oh my good man up guys I just see leave also don't use the [ __ ] hand things don't I never you a hand dryers especially the Dyson ones dude you dip in your hands in little journeys I remember you you are the one to first tell me when we were coming out to LA and I was like how do I never learn that it's bad for you dude yeah I'll tell you what the only time I ever don't wash my hands in a public bathroom is sometimes you go into the most disgusting shitty seedy gas station of yeah and sometimes it's like oh if it's a single-use thing I'm pushing my way in I'm not touching anything but my zip I let my little peanut and I zip it back up and not my rationale is and you could call me in the wrong is I am touching this the soap dispenser the sink handle the paper towel nozzle and the bathroom door out so sometimes if it's a [ __ ] bathroom like that I'm not touching anything I don't wash my hands i sanitized outside i also agree I made fun of one of my friends in high school but I have changed since is if you're if you're in a horrible bathroom relatively yeah your peen is clean guys what would you rather touch for things that are poopy covered or my penis exactly would you touch a gross gas station sink or my penis oh my gross little penis you deserve nice Peter sent me a text over a year ago I didn't know it so [ __ ] was he nice did he say something nice yeah he okay nice Peter I'm sorry man we're so bad at responding this [ __ ] man I I can't get back to anybody yeah thing is I we say it so much and it's not even to like save face for me it's a flaw like we're really bad at getting back to messages and it's just not I can't fix it it's because there's something in my brain that it just won't work I think yeah and it's like I I feel bad and I try to justify it but I do feel guilty and the biggest thing is you know we meet so many kind people and I'd like to think and hope that people like view us as kind people as well where when I when I meet somebody really vibe with them and I want to like hang out with them in the future or excuse me I'm interested in shooting something with them I always mean it and but I've just especially in the last year and a half I've gotten into so many situations where I commit to stuff even passively saying I'll do this you do agree to a lot of things I agree to a lot of [ __ ] I've done I mean I've done probably over 15 collabs just in the last month on other people's [ __ ] you know and and I just well you got to do is not answer that initial message yes even though you like that person yes you can't even get far enough to working out the collab that's my system yeah so no I don't know I we both were both in the same boat with that we feel bad about it and if you're any of our Creator friends that are listening like I'm sorry I do appreciate you and if I said nice things do in person I meant it I just I'm kind of overloading myself or you know I that's what I always share is like I have a hard time even texting my family back so it's like don't please don't take it personally dude like a couple weeks ago I didn't get back to mom for five days straight and this is some this is some of that I have almost daily phone call communication that's the thing though is if anybody I know the whole popular like millennial comedian thing was to be old never call me ever yeah if anybody calls me I will pick up and we will most likely have an hour-long conversation yeah I can do phone calls I love phone calls phone calls are great yep and don't cold call FaceTime me ever yeah but yeah a phone calls great and it's way better than messaging because you can get like a thousand text messages in one hour long phone yeah yeah you know some jakey's really good at just giving you a ring also charlie Barron's dude I'm gonna make Charlie Barron's my boy of the week if you guys don't know charlie he does like he's a stand-up comedian he does a lot of sketch comedy stuff he has the manitowoc minutes show that he runs also we couldn't fix the last boy of the week because I [ __ ] something up the you'd redo the last one oh yeah anyway my last Oh first of all Charlie Behrens [ __ ] great I'm gonna do some sketch it with him coming up he's got a podcast he's starting go check that out go look at him all bumpin I go look at him on me unlike YouTube and stuff go check out like Target dads and like he's and like the ice-fishing sketches and stuff especially if you're our midwest person that's some good [ __ ] [ __ ] we're gonna do some stuff for Charlie coming up [ __ ] yeah also last week my boy the week was Amanda the Jedi [ __ ] great commentary youtuber she does she's really funny got a lot of good insight on a lot of topics go check out a man to the Jedi please subscribe to her she's a good good lad there you go for the week are you more questions I think we only got like one or two of them oh yeah do we give me after second toes oh no here's I thought you maybe had read one out I don't remember here's one I these are some skimming ones you gotta let me know I'm feeling good I got I have another one to it so yeah I got the claws going through me right now I'm vibing right now yeah a good time all right at Road reader --nt said is maining link and smash a little [ __ ] move no it was the first thing that I had done it link is a great way to try to continue no I mean that's essentially a hint there's only one right way to answer and link meaning little [ __ ] won't know it happy birthday in advance by the way to somebody I don't know but oh yeah we still have to call Thor Oh but no link is actually was won the great thing about link and characters like link or decay or Mario is there a perfect way where if you know their games you can get into it yeah get into smash and link is a very easy character to learn he's not a top-tier character but it's if you're first learning smash he's especially got that down B with a sword where sure yeah is it down a I'm gonna get [ __ ] roasted [ __ ] I haven't been playing smash a lot lately this is my problem I don't know if you're similar with this where I will like get really into something yeah and I will learn everything and then I can't retain the knowledge as much as I'd like like even whenever I play a Pokemon game I'll memorize all the pokemons you ask me now couldn't do it yeah couldn't even close to do it I think it's down a but so let's see he goes down with his little sword he's a pretty easy one to learn and then if you're like really good with it you can be good it's not a [ __ ] move no character and smashes a [ __ ] move yeah it's it's different to everybody and if you really are a good player then then you shouldn't worry about who somebody else chooses because if you're that good I you know I did which is so [ __ ] dumb at playlist I knew we were bringing smash I didn't know if we were gonna play smash but everyone always has smashed these conventions and Michael Reaves plays Ganondorf all the time and J key plays DK pretty frequently so on my flight there other than playing breath of the wild I was just playing the a idk and Ganondorf the whole time yeah cuz I was like this is who I know I'm gonna play and we had pretty bad turbulence in the beginning of the flight yeah and I was in my head I was like if I can beat these characters like level 9 AI during turbulence I could beat them during it I'm pretty confident probably just like 5 out of 10 times if I'm really warmed up I can beat Michael but jakey's got me on smash dude jakey's too [ __ ] good I can't do it he's - he's too good man yeah it's like I can hold my own where I'm he's not gonna 3 stock me but he'll beat me every time what's your strategy cuz I know for you this is one of yours bread-and-butter games where you'll [ __ ] up people competitive I'll [ __ ] up casual people but no I've seen you [ __ ] up really good players so I [ __ ] up to the point where it's like really good players not like anybody who would compete at all I can hold my own especially if I'm practicing at the time yep but Jake even talked about he has a his two friends I think it's his friend Cameron in his front row it's friends Sam and his friend Jake where he said like he can beat I'm probably [ __ ] this out but he can beat one of them and like it's it's like the trifecta where each one of them loses to the other but can beat the other one where it's like smash is that kind of game where sometimes somebody you just like can't beat and you take you [ __ ] me up dude damn I can't beat them what's you got another Duncan on game though where it's like right in your wheelhouse well I think the new modern warfare 2 v2 is I think I would confidently say I'm very good at that guys tune and also halo I'm very good and I mean they're titanfall - a lot of good deal shooters I feel it pretty confident with that's good I like that for me obviously it's double - is like no one's touching me on double - I'm it's been is as good as I am the thing is sabrina is almost as good as I am - which just surprised me because I've never met a match like close before mmm but another one for me is is Age of Empires - oh yeah you're not you got to play Danny in that cuz I know that's his game no okay nobody can you compete in Age of Empires - yes you can okay it's nobody tell Danny this I'm gonna let I'm gonna let loose my Age of Empires - strategy right now all right everyone don't tell Danny Gonzalez this is what we're saying do not tell Danny Gonzales Danny if you're watching this anyway here's what you do every time Age of Empires to most people always make up the mistake they try to just immediately try to evenly grow all parts of their economy they go like I'm gonna get a bunch of villagers because the villagers get like have you ever played any edge of embers you know even a little bit you you need to have enough houses built - and it'll tell you how many villagers you can make at a time so it's like your society needs to be able to accommodate for as many people as you can so villagers are the people that gain resources the four resources are gold stone food and wood okay villagers waters just not in the back water doesn't even matter [ __ ] water we don't like water you're cool we don't need it so the thing is you need exclusively food to make villagers so the mistake most people make is they go like want me to get some villagers I'm also gonna build some buildings and I'm gonna keep some militia and stuff the thing is no one's [ __ ] attacking you for the first two hours of Age of Empires you need to just leave yourself vulnerable right away maybe you make a couple horsemen [ __ ] that noise that's it but everybody else is when they get into the late game they keep thinking like oh I need to make a bunch of like siege weapons and a bunch of like archers and [ __ ] and they just build out their military wrong the whole game your boys out there getting stone stone stone stone stone doing anything for stone it's one of the most finite resources and second toes for stone I will suck a million don't even one stone one stone I don't care for a tonsil stone I don't give a [ __ ] I'll make it work and so what I do is I get all the stone that I can and I and I and I max the [ __ ] out of my [ __ ] villagers and what I do is I always keep two castles because you just need stone to build castles okay maybe a little bit of gold I can't remember the recipe so I keep a couple castles and when you build a castle it automatically shoots like 30 arrows at once at anybody and it's got like a trillion hit points it's so [ __ ] hard to kill castles and the entire time they got so much long-range so any one's coming in you go boom boom you go boom so I take all of my villagers and I get like 150 of these [ __ ] and I send them like [ __ ] meat minnows into everyone into just the enemy's camp and it's like you don't expect to get hit with a hundred and fifty villagers everyone expects like a siege and everyone's attacking so I just send these dumb idiot copy/paste meatheads and then just build a castle in the middle of someone's town and it's like you can't it just kills everything automatically in its sight and I just keep building castle castle castle till you get the stone I got the stone baby don't tell Danny I'm not gonna win if you don't trust me I want to get more of these gaming competitions oh yeah going but that one will have to get Danny's approval for well first let's deal with this friend one but let's give Thor a call let's give Thor call guys Thor's my little brother he's turning 17 or is also the not not in the entire world it was kind of a mean before him but thora introduced don't Pete January he's the overlord of dumpy January well Paris Peck and I maintain Thor is the funniest Johnson brother you know he just like told me is the funniest bird back yeah Thor still in high school given time okay Tony if I accidentally flashed what Tony if I accidentally flashed any numbers on the screen can you make sure it doesn't show up sorry love you Tony sorry Tony sorry it's Thor's 17th birthday today Thor is the guy in smoke alarm sing-along that tells us the house is on fire and most recently he is Rosen to superstardom by playing God on the roof I can't stress this enough is like Thor as god is one of the funniest [ __ ] things I've ever seen on the Internet he's so [ __ ] funny is God also in case you're wondering I don't write any of Thor's lines for him in the god thing that's just him making them up dude I love Thor anyway one thing though Thor and spent have identical voices do they really same voice when I when I first met him I turned my back and Thor said something to me and I thought son was talking really yep not that identical but enough where so you you the listeners will be able to tell we'll give him a little ring makes you better answer it spur in he'll answer he's tech-savvy Sadie Rousey 717 or what her birthday now he just turned 17 I think so damn I gotta brush up on my Johnson Laura doesn't he listen to the podcast listen this [ __ ] gonna Stonewall us no I'm gonna tell you he hasn't changed that since he hit puberty oh absolutely not all right I'm calling that home what was the one that you you had they used to piss me off oh it was terrible it was like hey this is Gus Johnson you must have missed me and I was like you missed me I'm calling my home I bet my mama answers she owes cancer is annoyed hey Thor hey we tried calling you Thor you are live on the Gus and Eddie podcast and we are coming here to wish you a happy birthday door my chance your cellphone why didn't you answer your cell phone what the heck why do I have to call you on a landline I I hear mom yelling at you in the background what does she sound what what are you doing on this joyous day did you get to choose your birthday meal nice and discreet this guy's a head of his oh damn and I hate when they do that I bet dad hated that our dad our dad is not a fan of kind of like formulaic social conventions you know like we're all gonna do this jumping photo we're singing for the birthday he's also I'm a lot like your dad yeah you love my dad I've met her yeah Thornwood where ever my dad's kind of annoyed he'll go like I'm gonna ask you the question how that's gonna none sit my favorite thing Thor Thor knows this more than anybody is when you're asking my dad questions when he's eating food cuz he'll do that he'll do this sharp inhale thing real and he hates repeating himself so he'll be like hey I gotta go to the store after this takes bite what's that I have to go to the store after this all right all right Thor what did you before we let you go what is what's the worst gift that you've ever gotten for anything from our family yes specifically from mom or dad what's the worst gift you ever got are they in the room one time our uncle gave us rutabagas in used YT tidy on [Laughter] yeah all the [ __ ] time she gave away my whole collection of you what did she give away from you she gave away my yu-gi-oh cards twice those are the bomb where you flip them out you know yeah yeah okay meanwhile mom's got three DVD copies of Sweet Home Alabama with starring Reese Witherspoon in the [ __ ] basement I told her into 2015 I was like mama having a garage sale let me sell these three DVD copies of Sweet Home Alabama and she had Netflix at the time she's like no we might we need those three copies yeah this podcast is to anti your mom it's to anti okay we'll get my mom something nice about her say we're okay we're gonna say one nice thing about my mom is she's a very loving and giving person would you agree Thor that's fair well hey lots of warmth in your voice well tell you what they are we love you a happy birthday you know what I gotta say in that gift thing what's up one year I think I might have been like 13 or something I feel bad that's what I'm gonna tell it anyway yeah is my sister who I love very much was like I've got such a good gift for you guys this year like I'm gonna give you hits already bad that you preface it you always set the bar low on a gift right she didn't say that word for word but she was like I have a gift this year but I'm gonna drop hints during okay me just consider like 13 you're going through puberty just like I just wanted video games I wanted nothing else and so she just kept dropping hints and I couldn't figure out what it was and then Christmas came and she had given me and Tony both each two goldfish okay now I didn't want any fish and especially its as such it's such a nice thought of like here I'm gonna give them a pet they're gonna have personally fish have never been my thing yeah give me a dog that's all we got yeah I don't want my sister to give me a dog but if I'm getting a pet it's gonna be a big dog and that's it yeah I like cats not getting one that's just personally what I'm feeling so like she gave it to us and I was like okay this alright like I can feed this is fine and then she was like alright the first week during it it's like here's how you clean the bowl you close like the sink drain and you pour it all out and you clean this and I was just like I'm getting a chore at it but here's the thing the bowls she got were too small for two fish so all four of them suffocated and died and I was a little relieved we're dead because I didn't want to take care of the fish I would never advocate the killing of an animal but I didn't want the [ __ ] fish it was the thought behind it is so nice she was just giving us a pet that we could take care of how what a lovely sister thought yeah I didn't want it yeah I didn't [ __ ] want the fish all the man's saying is he could have cried a lot harder okay give him some slack it's like dropping him down the toilet ball wasn't uh no it wasn't a fee I didn't have to say a few words I just had to click the flush this is silent remember it so one thing though is is it a California thing we're actually I think I've seen in New York with the toilet button I [ __ ] hate the toilet button it's so much yep you touch the toilet so much more as a germaphobe kind of guy that's the [ __ ] nightmare you gotta cram your thumb into this little poopy cavern all I known before we came to California was the simple lever we I know the flush lever you the flush with your feet like nuts now I can only flush when I'm barefoot and I gotta be like [ __ ] I gotta touch the tank and push down on it no thank you you're everywhere you wash your hands and you're like [ __ ] I didn't flush it now I gotta retouch this and Bri wash my hands sing happy birthday twice because I don't want coronavirus exactly I gotta be like Olympic gymnast Gabby last name I can't remember her last name oh [ __ ] what is your last name Gabby Hanna Gabby no that's not it Gabby I know Gabby show no that's also what is your last name Gabby or at the Johnson one what about Johnson it's her last name jobs well that to different people there's a low there's a white girl who her last name is Johnson don't know and Gabby I only knew her as Gabby that's the thing and no or let Ashley Johnson that sounds like the cheating website maybe wait are you you're talking about the one that was like pre Gabby's really Abby's group and she was like 16 when she was doing really well yeah like Beijing Olympics yeah no what was your name - this is the thing that I hate the most I'm watching a podcast and I know the answer and I'm like guys it's this yeah I don't know the thing is with Olympic knowledge is it they're the most famous people in the world for like a couple of weeks and then you barely remember them except for Michael Phelps Gabby Douglas that sounds right that sounds right but it also looked it up all right that does sound right one thing though do you just remember I have mentioned this to you privately before remember when this is just how much [ __ ] has changed in the last couple of years Michael Phelps got caught smoking weed like what was it now like eight years ago that was nuts any like lost a subway deal and people were like how could he yeah the man is the one of the greatest athletes of all time he's got arms like airplane wings like who cares dude he had something that's less damaging than alcohol Oh gives dude the man eats [ __ ] he has to eat 10,000 calories a day you tell me he doesn't use that to aid eating a bunch a little bit subway them elves was diddling people and he hoped a loser it was in the middle of being one of the worst people on the planet okay and they were like you smoked a joint so we can't work with you anymore Gabby Douglas was right Sean Johnson is he it was an Sh I couldn't do it why don't I ask my head she's not spell Sen its Sh aw ni I'm gonna need another clod you need one no I don't need one God [ __ ] hell Jesus Christ I had to pee but now I can't cuz you're getting a claw this is a podcast first ed email into my microphone okay so thank you so much for stemming the flow of mail for a little bit that really helped us kind of catch back up this is an official announcement this is the mailbox is open again but please only send us a little bit and make sure every one of it is a knife thanks guys do do more than knives here's that yeah actually here's I've misplaced a couple of knives so we're gonna need a little I really have seen less knives around the apartment we're down to about two knives that are visible at all times here okay see this bad boy fly across the table who that's called shrapnel get used to it alright cuz you're gonna be seeing a lot more of it alright so here's a package from Jackson G actually I gotta take a little Jackson P if you know I'm saying boy so you lead him off I am opening this it's an Amazon once I don't have the name yet hold on my hand right in here what the [ __ ] is this okay hold on sorry this is loud I'm vibin guys this is from it says gross and Earth's look what you've done are you happy geese in LB please give my youtube channel a shout-out and it's a link to jakey's channel from moose steak so this is a Tim and it looks a little bit like a bomb and I'm a little scared to open it so I don't okay I'm still alive what it looks like there is a tiny mini little knife I'm holding the littlest look tiniest little knife in the world and so I'm gonna open it and I'm not gonna cut myself oh my God look oh look a tiny this knife is this is the smallest knife we've ever received is that [ __ ] real I don't know I'm about to test it Oh open it up use it on this open on podcasting hell Meadowood that well it'll still work even if it's not regular I hope this is it it was it works here dude that's legit that's legit that's a real knife holy [ __ ] it's so tiny that's really cool can i play on it yeah go for it here oh let me set it down first it's too too tiny to hand to you okay this says open on the podcast wow this is weighty for how small it is yeah you could I don't know kill somebody with it probably this is long to open on the pod can't wait is that the same sometimes when they say open on podcast and it's a few paragraphs I kind of sparknotes it and read the first line is this from the same person yeah that here they they tried to say they said an eddy - I guess so we're setting this letter down and we're not reading it on the body not respectful not gonna be respectful to me and I can be respect you're respectful to your boys you getting thrown out I will read this later your little knife is cool buddy - later - but wait you were on C night oh wait that's not a little knife person little knife person was separate okay never they didn't send us a little knife they just said something and they said an eddy - I guess not oh cool not another part yes [ __ ] that's sharp I almost got Kyle of it what were you rubbing it against your finger first of all you need to realize yeah to open a future package you see that guy fire a gun on a twit stream wait what did you not see that no what is that there was a twitch streamer that was uh immediately you know it's wrong cuz he's playing with his gun yeah and he's like ya'll said I don't got money and he tries to he thinks there's one bullet in the chamber yeah but he keeps the magazine in the gun and so he thought the magazine was em [ __ ] it so yeah so he takes you know you like [ __ ] it where the I don't know all gun knowledge but you know where the bullet comes out yeah and then while I was saying it pulls the trigger and shoots a G fuel jar right next to him and it explodes I did see that okay he did have a good apology where he was pretty much like I'm a [ __ ] idiot and I did something super dumb and I could have hurt my pets or me and it was super stupid and I'm dumb and I don't know what to do so it's like pretty good apology that should be praised when someone has a good apology it doesn't make it okay but acknowledgement if wrong is good if there's ever a moment where you're like I want to show off and pull the trigger of a firearm because I know it'll be empty you could just not do that that's a really easy way to make sure nobody gets hurt please please please if you if you have guns around the home they're not a [ __ ] joke like please educate yourself on even if guns aren't a part of your life know how to handle them if you're in a situation that's thrust upon you I would say never purchase a gun without taking a course on how to handle firearms absolutely please there are lots of courses gun safety there's hunter safety that you can take please even if you think it will never affect your life sometimes it's like a gun shows up and you just you need to know how to transport it you need to know where to keep your hands and stuff like please stay educated I know people one of the safest families that I possibly know had a gun related accident when I was a kid and it's like then they lost a child yeah they absolute loss to child it was just they were cleaning a gun they didn't know it was loaded bull my kid [ __ ] died please please educate yourself yeah anyone I'm more light now not to bring it down our boy Jackson DG sent us a sleeve of CDs and I can only imagine there's gonna be some good [ __ ] is this the one that sent the letter as well oh yeah okay never mind Jackson G that's okay Jackson alright what do we got here we got flight simulator 98 thing ready Oh backyard baseball 2001 okay do I love the backyard sports games backyard soccer I really [ __ ] with oh that's cool I had a backyard ladies I had backyard baseball but I didn't put it in the disc drive dude they were cool because like the kid little kid characters that were like they had different stats and it's pretty much just a baseball game but with with children was it like children version of real players no no really sometimes they be kind of inspired but they weren't like direct kid versions how to be really cool to be really [ __ ] awesome and they got to pay those people I don't like paying people for the work streets of SimCity we got mr. Potato Head activity pack Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone boom there it is that's the game I played [ __ ] yet I don't need it I don't know where my copy is this is like mint condition all right Star Wars to the backside oh yeah that's right could be scratched to [ __ ] let's check if it is oh wait he's double stacking games in here whoa that's also not good etiquette it is stacked issues scratch - [ __ ] [ __ ] games in here that holy crap how many games are here also I saw somebody say like don't put discs into a computer we know and also whatever computer we're gonna be doing these off of it will be a separate PC yeah be not have to do with a burner one yeah we got dinosaur hunter in here what else is in here moto racer whoa dude I feel like I've seen all of these at garage sales what else is this Candyland wait can I see that really quick candy land get in there dude I [ __ ] hate this game really can dude oh that was just Candy Land but it was animated like so you like it awesome dude I love candy Tony a snapchat of this random dude when I was a kid we used to play Candyland like the board [ __ ] love game them into all the time as a kid it's just like the it just looks so poppy you know absolutely and you're just like what if exactly Star Wars rebel assault - that's cool Blue's Clues blues treasure hunt was that one of the ones you said you had treasure hunt it knows it carnival but still part of the same thing it's cannon it's King oh it really is the same series though that they always did I've never played the other one here's Envy a lie how much material NBA Live 95 let's get some visuals in here for the boys we got Microsoft Golf weird here you take this one yes actually I'm sorry Jackson that you were mean to me so I appreciate these CDs but not your backyard football I'm sure is all just good-natured ribbing wait I see I think I saw a putt putt in there whoa keep flipping create okay here's lego creator knights Kingdom Neville ate it Superbike I played that game World Championship Tonka monster trucks I had that one maze Netherlands on my PC oh that's a good one maze madness right there I can't get these sleeves back in I'm gonna scratch these - [ __ ] oh we got Finding Nemo Nemo's underwater world of fun oh we had that one [ __ ] and the other Star Wars rebels so that one's not even a real like game kinda you just like just click [ __ ] but I thought I saw a putt-putt one in there let me check Jackson G you're real G thanks brother appreciate it open another package while I search for this putt-putt yeah I got a couple more here this one is from Tess Elle and I'm gonna be real with you I didn't touch it it came shipped to us like this open so so here's hoping sorry for this big [ __ ] box frowny face also guys June 20th is coming up my birthday we need help we need to have half a million subscribers bimah oh right yeah alright we will not do the chicken contest without it I won't eat that pic through a whole leash it's too long just do the spark no too long way I'm assuming they don't mean read on the podcast you know bombers manifesto in here this is too much to read it's I can't I'm sorry oh my god yeah also there's a new Unabomber a Netflix thing I was watching it but it was one of those ones you know where you started you're like oh they watched making a murderer but are not that good at making documentaries we got a bunch of flipping blow pop dude I was thinking about blob pops like yesterday I love blow pops I'd go to the concession stand at the volleyball game they were a quarter and you could get four of them for a dollar green apple ones are my favorite I like watermelon also uh - touchy roll pops are always my favorite tea pops I didn't like Tootsie Pops tootsie rolls some of them put zero suck I ate them well two zeroes are different than tizzy Pops witzy rolls at the end of a blow pop you get a reward at the end of a Tootsie Pop you get a punishment that's a [ __ ] fact is this playing card for plankton they just handed me yeah but look at this favors whoa that's [ __ ] awesome so they did they paint it and then also take images from the thumbnails I think they did that's [ __ ] awesome I actually love this one you're very talented thank you for sending that one will be a main room one appreciate you this is from Canada hopefully that makes it in a box I'm just gonna say every package we've ever gotten from Canada has slapped it slapped and it's had amazing snacks most of the time as well oh yeah Jojo beat those Jojo the Georgia rabbits the Jojo rabbits the chocolate hostess you're talking about the ones that are pretty much the cupcake like hostess ones but they're really famous too [ __ ] what are they called I think they're called JoJo's are you sure that doesn't sound very familiar what would I do to Canadian chocolate cake just type in JoJo's snack I don't think it's JoJo's so look on this [ __ ] face when he is probably right all right this is from Canada and it's from our friend Jordan W from Ontario ooh I don't know if this is though was it Jose Luiz up Jose Luiz that's it I'm not JoJo's but close I'm almost as if Eddie hates my god hey hey it's a tldr from our board Jordan from Ontario TLDR I got a gust tattoo check my Twitter whoa oh I hope it's good yo that's why I the amount of Yanks tattoos I see thank you but also oh that's true I it's always flattering when someone gets one I'm just somebody that likes to I'm very a paranoid worried person so when I see a long term commitment like that I go oh no I am very open I probably will get a tattoo within the next year and a half but I don't know what and I would really it's one of those things where it's like I like tattoos I want a tattoo and I know you're supposed to not take them that seriously or it's like just get one but it's permanent so I don't want to just get one that's true no I don't think I'll ever get one it's just not it's not for me but I like it a lot so I can't weigh in on it I just like it's not my thing you look at his cool dog okay that's a cool ass dog this is Gus that's Gus where's Eddie you're not in anyone in there I'll be really hurt if there's not well you got a letter so maybe it's in here and it doesn't say it has the ice thing on here and it's traced it's good open after podcast though we got Canadian stickers and Musketeers this says open after podcast Charleston chew oh [ __ ] I love you freeze these Charleston twos you take them on choose you put them on the table you go krakatoa and then they're tasty dude there's chocolate with strawberry I'm so [ __ ] dumb I just saw the knife that I used to open this in there and I was almost like I have the same nice this is very nice about my content it says after but it doesn't tell me why there isn't an Eddie card it's probably at the bottom why are these packages so anti me today they're never anti me I can't imagine he probably made it anyone to dink it in there what the [ __ ] I'm all sad um dude [ __ ] yeah we got a good knife - this is good buying register the three musketeers you know I love me some three musketeers and he likes three musketeers he likes Reese's [ __ ] so did you not get one of these um I did over here okay so what the hell happened where's Eddie where am I someone just photoshopped us to say Eddie is hurts thank you hurt so I guess I gotta use this power for better cuz I keep going what power I constantly forget the power that we have to be like do this and then someone does ya know it does that we abuse it all the time guys make make me flying through space there you go now make me shooting lasers at Mars because we found out it was colonized and those aliens are racist there you go now show me I'm making out with Elon Musk did you just run over bubble-wrap as you did alright you want you hit up more preguntas come on back come on back thank you also what's the shirt you've been wearing I would have asked you earlier but in my head I was just trying to figure it out so I was burden around town and ice and I stopped by the new Beverley cinema and it was within a couple weeks of it once upon time in Hollywood being released there was a dude out front I don't remember his name I should have got it and I had the nicest conversation with him we just talked about Tarantino movies and [ __ ] and they were selling t-shirts there were like two four thirty and I picked up so this is red apple cigarettes the brand in the Tarantino you know this rules I like this that's pretty cool I also got the one that says cliff Boothe Hollywood stuntman oh dude nice that's pretty cool let's look at the old preguntas here all right at abbey LMAO are you still taking podcast questions yep next one here I think I had one save - okay good okay this one makes me angry if so many guys had a friend of mine sorry this is Joey it's Joseph Sharpton I hope nobody called you Joey shart I wouldn't so it said Gus neti a friend of mine has the ability to sense cardinal directions no matter the situation and gives me [ __ ] when I'm not able to okay is there something wrong with me or is he just an [ __ ] your friend is a [ __ ] [ __ ] he's a liar too yeah you don't have a internal compass you're not superhuman this [ __ ] [ __ ] are your friends with a [ __ ] reef shark or or he's like a try-hard where he's always like logging it in in his [ __ ] head you know due Northwest went went northeast from 2:15 to 2:20 p.m. also again we're friends like you don't know this street you don't need to anymore no you don't need to know anything anymore because we have Google you know made me mad is when I was a pizza delivery guy my boss said we don't let you use GPS you have to learn the streets in town I said do you want the pizza also houses in rural areas are in the middle of nowhere kind of you gotta grind down roads and [ __ ] cuz half the streets are like hey we got an order out for Jeff Dorson Road and we're like what the [ __ ] is Jeff Dorson Road no youna bombers cabin [Laughter] villains gotta eat - I tell you what do you think YouTube avocados Pizza probably like no cheese it's like a combination of like Febreze and Springs [Laughter] [Music] I almost did it in my it's full let me get a new one all right that was empty - guys leave this topple history I don't know why the [ __ ] people stick around leave Leave [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 168,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DoYJprXa_q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 8sec (4148 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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