Lego Star Wars Will Make You Hate Your Brother - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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[Music] dude how crazy would it be if we started the podcast by like doing like doing some fortnight dances we're gonna be so epic that sounds pretty crazy and trendy so I'm you know like that one like did you do do you know did I know that welcome back guys it's very cool that was really good doing doing um from before and I do wanna do a dance from for tonight right now why I already know the dances do one then okay no one do I know I could do it I'll do it um we're waiting dude before we angel that's not it angel the one I adore is that from that there isn't will you be mine well that's the second verse I thought for tonight sorry you think that's from for tonight yeah no that's not even closest back to the fourth that wasn't even a dance you just snapped well that was part of it was just the whole entertainment ensemble right so you think that in for tonight that happens yeah okay what's on on it's not really on so you were watching back to the future and you were playing on the controller like you were playing for tonight you thought you were playing for tonight well my controller was plugged in I didn't have to do a lot of the button presses the characters did stuff themselves did you win did you win all right before and I match you played I don't know cuz I've gotten I've done it about five times I got the same results every time okay and what's the result Marty goes back to the future right so you think 49 is back to the future oh okay there - okay I'm sorry to do this on the podcast there are two separate things one's a movie ones again okay so do one of the dances from for tonight we've played for tonight together you can do it getting it back in time no dude that's Huey Lewis that's not that's still back the future you don't know hey guys welcome back one thing we wanted to start the podcast out which will probably the title will include is we're making some changes of the podcast and I think they're good ones and judging by all of your feedback I think it's a good one for you guys to and that's we're doing more of us too and less of guests we love having guests still but you want to just chime in a little bit yeah we just wanted more of a healthy mix I mean we kind of came out of the gates with the first month and a half or two and it was basically guests gasp guests every time and we still do have a lot of fun guests lined up it helps that they're just already our friends yeah so like they're gonna pop by in whatever but like a lot of people the the reaction to just you and me Eddie just like [ __ ] around stuff has been so positive and like yeah we keep doing it yeah we had our old podcast ok I'll talk and it was kind of based I'm just [ __ ] around and that's what we like to do here too and we wanted to do that with guests every episode but totally like understandable for people to comment it's kind of frustrating if you're coming for a guest and then we're just [ __ ] around and not interviewing the guests at all so like it's good to have these because these are our favorite thing to do and I still love having guests but I like us [ __ ] around a lot yeah no big shift but it'll just be more casual you'll there will be more Gus and Eddie episodes then than we initially anticipated but that's great yeah we're assuming they'll be titled something like the topics we're talking about so if you see topics that's the boys [ __ ] around that's not our guests know that we're not gonna it's not gonna be fortnight dances aren't gonna be our guests that would be impractical hey impressive though it'd be really cool if we could get them on how we pretty dank the big fan what are you say I went home this weekend yeah you did a Wisco Wisconsin how was it we haven't really talked about it much yeah that was great I just got back a few hours ago well I'm tired of [ __ ] too I just have not slept in the last week I had to take two red-eye flights one there one back and of course just [ __ ] spirit and Frontier can go die in a hole like they're just the worst ever most of the times I've flown like spirit or frontier there have been delays and [ __ ] and that was the same [ __ ] thing we missed our connecting flight all that dumb garbage yeah I just avoid connecting all together cuz of our VidCon experience it was the first time I'd ever done it and I was like well we booked him I remember we were thinking why would anyone not do connecting flights if it's so much cheaper because you miss him I didn't realize until we miss them a pure nightmare yeah no our flight got delayed by three hours initially and it was legit and like we their customer service is not great to like we just went up to the gate agent like and we're just like hey are our flights a few hours late what are we gonna do with the connecting flight and he just goes yeah you're not gonna miss that you're not gonna make that connecting flight it's just like okay [ __ ] our days kind of ruined at least the least you could do is just not smile about it yeah I hate that stupid [ __ ] I love when I see customer service type things where they try and keep a smile but they're breaking bad news it's like you know it's more human if you were just like hey man I'm sorry instead of you like sir there's nothing we can do I spit in your chipotle burrito and you're just gonna have to buy it I'm so sorry I tell you about the GameStop employee thing last time you told me about it but I don't know if it's the podcast if someone's already the top comment was talking about that you might have just a shitty kid there's no new information whatever I went to trade on my old ps4 and I was just like hey can you accept this he's like there's no there's no charge cable I was like oh well do you guys have a charge cable for sale here and I thought he said yes he said that actually Wow and I was like okay well I'll just buy a charge cable he's like dude I just told you we do not have charge cables I can't take this and he's like smiling you're some [ __ ] skinny teenage kid that didn't want to work you know yeah punch him punch him right in the face honestly I'll strike I like to initiate the assault just to can't get the upper hand on yeah I prefer if it's teenagers because they don't fight back yeah and they're underage so again they can't be tried as adults it's a good thing for them when they fight back real noble person I missed any customer experience he [ __ ] when I'm gone I had just more of the postmates [ __ ] man it's like I understand I actually like it it's just it's entertaining and also I get free meals out of it cuz I just it was a simple one this time I if this is your first episode not hearing anything about post mates I have an ongoing battle with post mates drivers where they just do crazy [ __ ] and it's because the reason is because I get it so much it's my fault for getting that many deliveries obviously things are gonna go wrong especially with something like post mates where it's different places different like like it's a city they deliver to so it's not everywhere where they're used to you know but this last one I just got Chipotle and I waited like an hour and the guy was maybe two minutes from our place and then it just it said he's arriving soon and then it was like hey he's that you're not even he's at your address it said don't forget to rate and tip him and I was like what Hey look and she just marked it as a delivery what so then I just wait I was like I don't want to like give this guy bad rating I don't want to knock you a tip and then have him show up and have the food so I waited at the door for 15 minutes yeah and he just never showed up so then I had to mark it as like hey post mates I just never got it yeah they were like okay here's we'll refund you and then here's like 10 bucks so then I just reordered Chipotle and got it like an hour later but damn it was just like the I love the thing with these people that deliver for post mates if you're a post mates delivery driver I'm sure they already know this if they're listening to our stuff because they're the people that do it I'm I'd feel like wouldn't watch our content but um that would [ __ ] up that stuff but they have access to my phone number every time so like say this guy was you know headed here and he couldn't figure the place out instead of just going it's there call me today is like all people call me for post meets drivers called me all the time and be like hey I'm so sorry they don't have this right now can I get you something to substitute it or like how do I find your place and everything like that and then some people just go like well I could just make this problem go away real fast by marking deliver it and it's like that's gonna [ __ ] you over cuz then post me test to pay attention to that you didn't deliver something yeah I hate talk too much about post me something no it's fine though cuz it's weird cuz it's not just about post mates it's about like people it's yeah what is going on I I've noticed that too was post might you've had more issues than I have but like I've not had any other like kind of service industry job we're just more people tend to be like I don't know [ __ ] me I guess and just like kind of give up same with lyft and uber well the first time we came to LA together we were we were like going to the place we were staying and it was a big confusing area and we didn't know it either and our lyft driver was really friendly and nice but then when she couldn't figure it out she's just like hey I already like scheduled another ride is there out if I just drop you guys off here in the middle of nowhere where you guys don't know where you are and we were like um I don't know interesting well I already accepted another ride so I really gotta go and she's like please like if I if I don't take it like lyft will give me like bad ratings it's like we're gonna give you a bad race yeah exactly if we did you guys ever gave her a better rating cuz she left us and we had to ask like people in the neighborhood like hey do you know where this is so we can find our place yeah we were that far from it so yeah it's just like it would be if you're afraid if you're any of these like internet service job things and are afraid of getting a bad rating for the next thing you're doing still you gotta pay attention to this one and you're gonna get two bad ratings yeah that's so true it's like and also I think I've maybe after the dozens and dozens I've probably taken at least a hundred lift rides or uber rides oh we've definitely yeah yeah I have only not given five stars probably three times ever she was one of them she was one of them for sure and one of them was an accident I felt [ __ ] horrible because I accidentally gave a guy zero star rating it was just a complete accident I could not figure out how to I know you were talking about the new version of lyft are you sure you just didn't did you click something near zero or did you just click and like you confirmed it before you gave a rating I click through it so I did not actively click any I don't think that gives them a zero okay thank God I thought that it did that and then I had it happen to me and I was like you don't because I don't think you can give someone zero stars I think you have to give them a one so I think they don't get a rating because I think it would be a huge flaw in their app if it was like yeah if you just click the check button they're [ __ ] so yeah I don't think you gave them as your ratings okay you can sleep tonight like a little baby ass yeah god damn it I hate that [ __ ] um oh dude oh I went back home to my college town this last week and I visited some friends and stuff and went to my home home and my college home but I have a I've wrapped up the ID girl saga really yes never talked about it cuz it was in between our podcast yes so for those of you that don't know I went to college and just kind of like a smaller town in Wisconsin but I started noticing towards the end of my college there I went in and one time I went to Walmart and I just got a little six-pack of beer and I went to the checkout and there was a young girl she looked to probably be about maybe 19 or 20 or so and I gave her her her my ID she takes my ID and she just sort of looks up and down at me and typically when people ID you it's like yep there's your birthday some of them don't even look this yup yeah they just need the number to enter into the system especially at Walmart yeah just you're in and out and she looks and she's squinting and looking at my face and looking at the ID and it's genuine it's like twenty seconds I was like it is there a problem and she goes I'm sorry I just I just don't think this is you and I was like what she's like this just doesn't look like you I was like that's me yeah me I took off my hat I was like it's me and usually like I'm so patient with that kind of [ __ ] like service stuff but I was just so baffled like who just takes your ID I had the same [ __ ] haircut as from like a couple years ago I'm just like that's not you like you're holding it to your face I was like that's me yeah cuz what other defense do you have in that situation like what else can you tell them other than that's the proof you're looking at it there's nothing else I can give you other than hi I'm that picture I'm that picture moving around and walking yeah that's me and I she's looking at it and I said like and I was like well it's me I don't know what to tell you she's like I just don't think it's you and I was like look at the card right now she looks it I was like date of birth and I gave her like there's my date of birth here's like what the weight on it the blue the eyes and [ __ ] and she's like I don't know I was like how would I know that I came up with that like how would I [ __ ] know that information if you didn't and she's like I'm sorry I need to get my supervisor and like she like radios and I'm staying there for like five minutes the lady comes over which is embarrassing by the way especially when you're near 21 cuz you're just like I got my [ __ ] like it's like okay fine we'll look at you like you're a high school or something trying to get away with it yeah in like the manager comes over she's like takes one look she's like yeah it's him so um the beer like just instantly she does it so I was so baffled by that so then the next time I went into Walmart like probably three days later yeah I remember you told me and you called me the next day like dude yeah just so you know it was right after right away and I was like I went in she was working again so I was like I'll see what happens if I get beer again so I went and I got beer again for the story because it's fun just for the story and at this point like I wasn't kind of angry anymore the first one I was like what the [ __ ] is wrong to you I was like let's do some Bill Nye the Science Guy type boys so I went in there I guess not a detective know he's got got a lot of career left um but I went in there I got the beer Hannah tur same [ __ ] thing twenty seconds away she's lit and she said again she's like I'm sorry it just I don't think this is you oh my god and I was like do you remember me she why I said we did this two days ago that's me you sold me the beer we did this last time she goes I'm sorry I need to call over my supervisor those are over again I [ __ ] you not I went back probably four days later she did it a third [ __ ] time and at this point I was so amused yeah I was like what is going on in this girl's brain like is there some sort of like disorder where you can't like recognize facial features don't know but she shouldn't be carting someone that she has it because that's the worst that's a nightmare job if you have that disorder yeah and she seemed I felt bad cuz she was like really quiet and she seemed kind of nervous but it's like can you imagine I can't imagine I'm sure there are people that are like less patient than me that are just like a [ __ ] [ __ ] like it's me like yeah how many people's days she just ruins from this she does it [ __ ] a third time and the third time I was like I said I've been in here this is my third time this week I said do you do this for everybody like do you do this forever she's like I just I just it doesn't look like you that was she always kept just saying it just I don't think it's you it doesn't I love the idea that if she did remember you she's like this guy keeps scamming my supervisor and it's just not him yeah so I go in the [ __ ] fourth time and and I do the thing again and she takes it and the thing is like I have two IDs in my wallet one was my very first ever probationary license I was like I didn't want to throw it out I just keep it it's an old voided driver's yeah I got my voided driver's license yeah just stick it in there yeah so I'm handing her the ID and again all of this is taking place within the span of like two weeks maybe I hand her the ID and she goes well hold on I was like what she goes you you have two IDs I was like no I don't she goes yes you do open up your wallet and I was like what goes open your wallet I saw another ID in there you can't have two IDs it's like I'm not I don't have two IDs I just have this as my act of ID she's oh no you have two IDs and I was like no this is my this is my first driver's license or a hole in it but yeah it's [ __ ] stamped yeah void on it yeah look it says void it's not my ID you can carry that if you want that's why they for mine they put a hole but if they put a void on it that's why they put it there it's all void is a hole yeah okay yeah they did that too when they did that but she's like she's like you can't carry that was like this is my old license she goes hmm you're not supposed to have two IDs I was like what do you want me to tell you this is my ID the whole [ __ ] thing again yeah I was like what the hell is going on with this [ __ ] but anyway but I was just so baffled and then I came back to town and thank God she was working again and now months of gone buys like let's see if she got better at all and she did not do it so she is grown there we go she's just she's helped her problems and she'd she cured herself of the disorder she can work the job what the [ __ ] was that though I don't know man she was just hesitant too late like maybe she sold underage [ __ ] before and got in trouble or something maybe but dude I don't know maybe she's just nervous and like eyed thing is there's no excuse to do with somebody like twice or three times in a two-week span because the thing is like I know she sees a ton of people move through Walmart but you'd think you'd remember that yeah so I don't know I have no explanation when I get that at all yeah but yeah it really do be like that sometimes really really do thanks guys for listening to the podcast which I mention any of the YouTube stuff at all this week sure I what the [ __ ] been happening with my channel but it just like started you know I'm saying that's gonna be really great for audio listeners doing that that was it really just like if anyone's new and listening to the podcast from the the small channel spike add welcome I'm sorry you already want to leave thanks for joining us that's about it yeah that bit I just want to mention it on the podcast oh yeah I'll double down on a little you to be thing I just literally I uploaded today I'm sure if you're watching my stuff that you've seen it but about that SNL thing or whatever so if you haven't seen my upload or whatever I just super short I put out a video called like every episode of America's Got Talent a few months ago and then this last episode of SNL they put out like a super similar sketch and a shitload of people like thank you for like coming and like having my back and stuff but like too many people were like Gus they [ __ ] stole your video idea and it's like they might have but they probably didn't like I don't know it's just a pretty it's kind of a low-hanging fruit I would say they doing I assume they not even know why because it's just like it's it's not that it's you have a really good town of making like a lot of memes that are just like super instantly related left relatable but unique to you and I think that yeah that one of those jokes like is just I mean that those seeing shows have been so common for so long yeah if we were a different joke than maybe but it's like I'm sure dozens of people who had this idea and yes but like no thanks for tweeting at me but don't because I saw a couple people were like let's go spam it with down votes and stuff like don't do that yeah also I kind would like to work there so yeah that stuff backfire sometimes like that's how I met Danny Gonzalez is that we made I don't know we have too many conversations in real life and then the podcast where I don't know what happens that's the problems because we don't see each other for while and we dump everything and then when we sit down here it's another like let's dump oh yeah yeah so with Danny if I've talked about before sorry but what happened was I made a video on this vlogger guy and then Danny made one that day later but that's not he didn't make it a day later he was making it while I was making it and I uploaded a day before and then people just went to him and we're like sending him a bunch of hate like all you [ __ ] stole this from Eddie and it's like that's not Danny was super nice about it he was like apologetic even though he knew he didn't like steal it he's like I'm so sorry if like you thought I stole this from you or anything like that and that's like how we met but it's guys if you want to defend someone online make sure they want you know usually people don't want you to attack somebody but like make sure it's cool with them before you start attacking somebody on behalf of a youtuber because like then we have to deal with the fallout of like well they just started [ __ ] [ __ ] on this person and I didn't Direction them to do this at all you know I mean no that's true idk though it's just mean you know just go start some beef with some people right stop being me nice who do we start beef with I don't know who's in our league who's someone that we could just [ __ ] all over and they probably couldn't fight back probably Nikki jakey cuz he can't if we hit him with a punch I just roll off the exercise ball and hit the ground I see that he can't really move around much he can bounce up and down and my punch like dodging his head but that's about it you're doing a bit but that reminded me of the stuff you ever see like videos online or like here about articles of like people that get like in just a fight or whatever and then some guy just clocks a dude and he just falls back and dies yeah yeah how scary is that that's [ __ ] yeah it's crazy you don't think about it ever but you could just murder somebody with a punch yeah there's a documentary I do not remember it's called scald like one punch killer and it's all these guys that are like have life in prison because it's just like oh we're drunk at a bar some [ __ ] guy pushed me and I punched him and he fell into a wall and hit his head and died you know Jesus that happened at my college actually a couple of years ago yeah there was an exchange student and the thing is it's the guy that [ __ ] did it is just a piece of [ __ ] anyway though like he's just one of those like you could just tell he's just kind of racist he's in jail so you know he's getting fellas I wasn't there I didn't see it was on Halloween night like two or three years ago at my college and I was what the scary thing is I was physically in the spot where this kid was killed five minutes before it happened Oh genuinely yes but I did not see anything a little bows I didn't get to I just didn't see the people I didn't know who any of them were but it was that kind of situation where it was allegedly what happened was like this guy that ended up killing the exchange student was like walking by or whatever and the story floating around was like it was actually kind of like I don't want to like liken it in significance to like that kind of Emmett Till story you know where it's like oh this guy like wolf-whistle that the girlfriend and he attacked or whatever but that that was like the shitty story going around but it kind of came out that it's like yeah this [ __ ] guy just punched this exchange student they're drunk and shitty they didn't know each other yeah but it was I was like he punched him went back hit his head on the wall and he just died [ __ ] it's just [ __ ] horrible but for everybody involved you know but I don't know those are things that kind of freaked me out is when you actually think about dying stuff of just the fact that like there's a person living and breathing and then in an instant he's just [ __ ] a body you know what I mean like that's crazy to me especially with a punch mm-hmm like imagine just thinking you want to punch somebody and then in an instant they're just on the ground yeah that's crazy yeah that's pretty crazy I'm asking this with not my own story you ever like had any close calls like you almost died or anything like that close calls with death I don't think I ever have I've had a couple like vehicle things in the past like especially like with deer and stuff you know but yeah well you can't always tell but it's like you could very well have oh dude yeah totally actually this last December is a vehicle thing like I totally lost control on the freeway going like 70 I sure are and I was just like all I don't know how the [ __ ] I regained control you know I didn't slam on the brakes I think is what helped I just like hit off and I was it was a Minnesota freeway and it was just slushy and luckily it was like the middle of the night nobody was around I had not been drinking it just was like I hit a bet yeah that's [ __ ] winners in the Midwest especially it's like you can just lose control on any part of the road that was scariest like yeah ten seconds ever cuz I'm just like it's that kind of scream again we're just like I might die here yeah and I just [ __ ] I made it out I doz our minds not a life thing that's crazy though you were going that fast too and then everything was okay because you know you like flip the car yeah just speaking of that ice stuff yeah I had one that it wasn't life-threatening at all but just a moment of like a bumper-to-bumper that you know you don't want that to happen in your day really oh [ __ ] is about to happen where do you remember where I lived before the Walgreens like right in the there was that like square of a bunch of stores right outside of my neighborhood yes there's like a McDonald's and talked about stuff so there's a Walgreens and it was like on an incline going down when you go into the the parking lot and it was last year a couple of days before Christmas and we were gonna watch like a Christmas movie so I was like I'm gonna go get some hot chocolate from Walgreens then we'll come back and it was the first date was like snowing and it was super light snow but I know now like that's some of the most dangerous [ __ ] is because it's not been like yeah plowed or there's no salt on the ground or anything it's just slippery but it seems innocent so I was driving to that parking lot and I start to just like hit the brakes to turn right on that incline and somebody's turning out at the same time and I just realize as I hit the brakes to slow down and turn I'm like the brakes are just not working we're just sliding so then I'm going and I kind of am turning into the parking lot as this person's there and I just I'm sliding in the trajectory of I'm just gonna slam into the back of their trunk like no night life threatening thing for either of us but one of those moments where I was yeah you're sliding and you just go well it's gonna happen so let's just embrace it yeah and then luckily this person we must have been like inches from each other just had the the the grant I was gonna say footing but it's a tire but like they have the grip for it to just they just hit the gas a little bit yeah cameras just [ __ ] die what the [ __ ] well if you're naughty listener I think one of our audio cameras died when Senor our camera died we'll be right back cuz I was trying to set myself up for a joke like wow talk about near-death experience one of our cameras died all right cameras back on we're back to that what was I saying oh yeah the person hit the gas right as I was about to hit them and just they didn't move out into traffic they just moved out enough to just have me completely dodge them and go there that's so I got to enjoy my night still yeah yeah I'm now that we're talking about it stuff is resurfacing actually yeah good thing my mind suppressed that so I could live my life so like I go home my family like we participated in the Wisconsin deer hunting season we're not [ __ ] gun not things or whatever it will go up we'll hunt a deer and then we'll get the own our own meat and stuff whatever it's fine for all that it's just funny to hear you say that where you're made in the USA the one had that I bought for the vacation dad video I feel bad throwing out a hat like that it's fun I bought it at a gas station for $3 it's actually a pretty good deal I feel like with that it looks fine I got a t-shirt dad shades and a hat all for $10 you know send me that address to that gas station but like we were hunting and stuff and we're in a group and our group is really responsible we've been around for 47 years I think at this point mmm never had a single safety incident whatsoever but the problem is when you're out on public land doing like deer drives and stuff you have the potential to run into other groups and people that are just [ __ ] shitty hmm and I had an incident like five or six years ago where like weird a deer drivers were a couple hunters like pushed through the through the woods okay and then try that over a day or like a week what is that it's about an hour so yeah so you drop a bunch of guys off like at the edge at the edge of a piece of woods if you're looking at me right here now visually you drop a bunch of guys off at the edge of the woods here up here and then hunters spread out here and you go through the woods or whatever Boop and you try to drive deer to the standards at the end anyway I was walking through in this really really thick brush and all of a sudden like because we spread out maybe about 50 yards apart from each other all of a sudden I hear bullets coming in holy [ __ ] like bullets coming in like within probably a few meters of me or whatever so I get down I stop stop stop stop some [ __ ] bozo had just stood up we had our group had driven into him and he was shooting into our drive at like a doe a female deer and we're just like we're stop stop stop oh sorry like that aren't you guys all wearing like orange too and everything yeah that's the thing is he's just a [ __ ] [ __ ] you you run into those people and they're just stupid [ __ ] idiots and that's the kind of [ __ ] that wrecks it for everybody you know yeah and it's totally fair to drag on them like that cuz that's a stupid [ __ ] idiot who almost shot somebody yeah it was five or six years ago you were a kid basically so yeah almost shot a kid yeah because he's a [ __ ] dumbass the scariest thing I ever had when I was hunting where I felt like I was gonna die I don't I don't know if if I would have but like it was at the end of the day you hunt right till when the Sun Goes Down basically and then sometimes you're walking out of your deer stand and you have to walk 15 20 minutes and it's just [ __ ] dark out and if you don't have a flashlight you're just walking in the middle of the woods fully dark hoping you find your way out and I was like walking out through like thick pine trees on each side and all of a sudden I start hearing like wolves all around me oh [ __ ] yeah like I could hear them in the woods like moving around in the trees around me so I'm just like I thought I'm [ __ ] I'm gonna [ __ ] die yeah couldn't see [ __ ] I have one more death thing okay also another one was I was in a pool when I was like in in first grade and it was just a [ __ ] pool party and there's this piece-of-shit kid named Andrew or whatever he moved away so [ __ ] you Andrew it's probably dead now so hopefully at this point but we're just luck Andrew one of those guys that gets too squirrely and all those kids is too rough or whatever and we're in a pool and like no one was watching and Andrew was like he just held me under the water and like I was actively like almost about to drown and he was just holding me down like as a joke and I freaked out and I took his arm and I just bit it as hard as I could and I ripped off a big hunk of skin and [ __ ] cuz you were dying he's dying yeah yeah and the nice thing that I love is like my like like Andrew comes out of course like why did you bite me like a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah and and I was like he was drowning me and my mom and his mom was like Andrew you son of a [ __ ] hmm [ __ ] that kid I always I feel like I would those kids would be the ones without siblings mainly not [ __ ] on people who are only children but it's like they didn't understand like how to behave when you're roughing around with some people like I one of my one of my friends I remember one time we're gonna like a trampoline and he just [ __ ] five started me but like not as a like high five started you but he thought it was like some friendly like she's [ __ ] slammed me in the back as hard as he could just punched him in the arm like as hard as I could he said what the [ __ ] man it's like you do if you hit somebody you're gonna get hit back obviously around someone yeah you're gonna get your [ __ ] arm bit it's like people get angry from that stuff and especially yours was like survival mode for it yeah I was like I had to do that now he's not like a violent kid at all now he's afraid and I just bit the [ __ ] out of him yeah do you ever have any kids growing up that were just like you can't even [ __ ] describe but they're just spazzes you know like they just could not be controlled absolute [ __ ] me kids what kind of [ __ ] that they did one of them one time because you didn't want to take a spelling test I was sitting next to him it was in my classroom with my favorite teacher ever he's great but I don't want to name any names I was sitting like it was one of those setups where you know you have the the groups of desks so like I was sitting close to another group at the end of my group and he was in the other group so he was sitting like a couple of feet from me but his desk was separated and one time just absolutely flipped his desk fully just like just through the [ __ ] desk and it just flew past me and landed too because he didn't want to take a spelling test just full-on through a [ __ ] desk in the middle of class that reminds me this is not the spaz thing we'll go right back to that I just remembered a cheating story from elementary school that I love so much it was with my favorite teacher I wasn't good at math I was always I think we've talked about this with Jamie's thing is I was for some reason and enough until the end of high school for them to be like you're not the like ap math but your Excel math and then I would do bad in Excel math and they were dropped me down I'd do bad in that math too so I don't know I was not bad I would get like C pluses so I just skate by and whatever math I was in but in sixth grade we they introduced we would go to different classrooms to do our math so they'd separate it into levels so my favorite teacher I would leave his class and he would teach the really smart math kids and we would go to like a dumb one and he there was this kid that I knew that I was friends with that apparently he had been like they would get the test back and he would look at the correct answers and he would erase his wrong answers and then go back to my favorite teacher and be like hey you messed up this grading thing and it worked like twice because he tried it twice in the span of like a month but then after that time my teacher was just like I'm gonna just pay attention to what I grade him on this so yeah it's just him yeah exactly so he was the only would approach again so I remember he called him out in front of the whole class I only heard about it because I wasn't in the room but he went up again hey guys I accidentally said my teacher's name so hey Bert back ain't no [ __ ] [ __ ] ready but so then he like came up to him and was like hey you know you messed up the grading again and he out loud give me a fake name for the kid Daniel okay he goes really Daniel cuz you were the only one in the class that got that question wrong and he goes I'll see you outside in a second there's like everyone lost their mind according to everybody there and so yeah he just got completely called out and then got in huge trouble for it because it's like a 12 year old thought he was smarter than a grown man and that he could keep outsmarting him with the same thing every single time before I talk about this fat kid thing there's his kids this is kids AK in my grade and like for some reason Zack was just like you could talk you anytime of the day you could be exact why don't you just rip some ass right now you just [ __ ] smart Zack was just full of farts for the entire entirety of his life honestly we're in like a fifth grade social studies class and our teacher was like he was this guy and he was pretty reasonable for the most part but Zack one day was just like kept just cutting like the hot farts that just the whole reef smells nice dude where it's like I get that you know you're kind of being squirrely about it but like at the end of the day I mean it's a fart like kind of God I could like let it out at some point but like Zack just kept like [ __ ] his pants and then the teacher just like lost it on him in front of the whole class he's like Zack if you keep doing those he was struggling to use the words you know cuz you like it's a farce Raiders the hill is your mind you keep doing those damn movements he's like I'm gonna kick you out I'm never gonna let you in my class again keep together that's dude that's I don't know how those kids operate cuz I was such a like not farty kid not really thinking it's hilarious so then to just openly in your class just be farting goodbye that's so alien to me I don't know why see I dabble in the farts like oh yeah I'm not judging it it's just like for me my family especially too is just like this never it's just my brains not wired like that we don't fart on rats so the spaz kid growing up there's this kid you know there's those those kids in I'm sure everybody's experienced going through school where it's like what happened to that kid like that was just a weirdest kid and I saw him for like a year and then I just you want to know there's the weird ones cuz they disappear especially I think for a small town for you it's like what happened to that kid where'd he go and it was like in elementary school like there was just this this second grade kid named Kyle and he would just like the hit this kid was Hollywood textbook bad like just [ __ ] swirly as [ __ ] like he would do stuff like he would go into the art room during class you know and maybe if a bad kid was an art class they would like they would like draw a naughty picture or something but Kyle would like [ __ ] go to the tubs of paint and pour them out onto the tables and like that's right with the rough home life yes immediately I know like he would just like one day he took this giant tub of blue paint and poured it on the surface of every table and rolled around in blue paint so he was just like completely coated with blue [ __ ] and he kept going to the walls and like doing body prints on the walls and stuff isn't that isn't it's not specifically with paint but with like [ __ ] isn't that like a sign of like an abused kid to [ __ ] as I think you know like I feel like that's pretty similar of like dumping [ __ ] all over the place that's probably yeah I know but it was just like it was so nuts there was no frame of reference for any other kid because when yeah when you're a kid too and you see that stuff happening you're like I thought the world worked where you can't do things like that to adults or you'll die oh yeah it seems like Kyle would always do this thing at recess where he died was worth like those kind of like stretchy waistband sweatpants whatever and he'd always go up to you and he go guess what guess what like he'd pee on people at recess he just go around and just [ __ ] pee off people your elementary school I was like a [ __ ] nightmare was at least a little bit [ __ ] structured that's crazy how many well how many people do you think we're in your elementary school class then did it get bigger at all is it the same class throughout everything there's maybe about 50 kids in my grade or so okay enough to fill maybe two or three classrooms hmm I don't know the exact number I think my high school class was like 500 600 I think but I don't remember the exact number we definitely had I think well for what they do in the suburbs you know when the popula I'm sure they do it in cities too with the population being high is you'll have multiple elementary schools feed into your junior high and then multiple junior High's feed in your high school so it's like because there's just so many kids they like to keep it like three classrooms per grade so I had that same elementary school like experience but then my middle school was like all like three or four other elementary schools are all you're now meeting each other there and then the same thing with high school I got lucky though cuz my elementary school was the biggest to go into my junior high and then my junior high was the biggest to go in my high school so I always knew the most people go home the next one yeah it sucked for some people because they would be not I mean it's re always harder for people to like transfer because they don't know anybody but some people would be like coming in from a junior high where maybe mine came in with like a couple hundred kids and theirs was like twenty or thirty mmm so yeah it would be like all these people knew each other and then they knew like a couple of people yeah it's weird so weird way to do things do you ever just have like or what's do you have like a memory from childhood where like you just you can't really explain it like you acted a certain way or some weird should happen um I still remember one one time I was so like my brother and I used to get really Tony's editing this see I don't want to bring this back in his brain but we used to get really mad about who got to play the video game we were renting first because we loved going my dad would take us this is the only I feel like a spoiled thing almost every weekend he took us to Hollywood Video and we got to rent a movie in a game which was awesome it's like my best the best part of my childhood but we would always get into a fight about who could play the game first cuz we were kids and I think we were like 5 or something like that cuz I got to play video games really early because my dad was really interested in them and he would buy them for himself and I could play like Spyro or some [ __ ] on a demo disc yeah so I remember getting so mad at Tony once cuz like I was supposed to play and he wanted to play or something that I bit him and made him like bleed a little bit and I still think back to that I'm like how is there a moment in time where like I actually wanted to hurt my brother cuz your kid you live but it's like I still think back to it I'm just like oh my god it's so awful I'm sorry Tony yeah I remember it like cuz I was pretty like I was I didn't have a temper when I was growing up but I did for some reason I was [ __ ] I there were just times where I'd get so angry and the first time that I remember I was just livid was growing up one of the only games that and the first games that we ever had was we could go to my grandpa's house and on his shitty old desk book laptop my brother's fan and I would play Lego Star Wars yeah Lego Star Wars is an amazing game but horrible for siblings terrible yes you can't like it's like if your player won you better [ __ ] follow me player 2 because the screen did not do the cool it does with the new Lego games or whatever and and for like Lego Star Wars on the old PC stuff it would be like one character has the WASD ones and the other one has the arrow keys it's so much worse because it's already I already fought my brother so much about Lego Star Wars because the camera but the fact you have to share a keyboard holy [ __ ] it was nuts I don't even think it was just player 1 I think it was whatever character was on the edge of the screen so if you were player 1 and you were moving one way and then your sibling was like oh [ __ ] I have to get this and walked this way you just the camera would like freeze and then go it's not freeze but it would stop and then decide to go with one of you yeah I was like tug-of-war yeah so if you were like trying to jump over like a platforming thing and your brother is moving forward you just [ __ ] drop to your death and get angry yeah the worst thing for like 10 year old kids possible it was terrible but the thing is like you know we had those little arguments with Lego Star Wars 1 for the most part but like we played the absolute [ __ ] out of that oh yeah I loved it so much gathering the [ __ ] what are the coins called they were studs yeah yeah what were the top ones they're the blue studs right all right not that but keep going Kyle take it back that's a horrible video so we were like you can imagine our excitement when they're like Lego Star Wars 2 is coming out oh my god more cuz we had exhausted the first one yeah and I remember like I just begged my parents and they finally like they let us get Lego Star Wars - yeah and it was the it's the anticipation like for us this was not only like a game we're looking forward to this is like the only game that we had yeah here's the sequel so it came out and like right away Sven and I sat down to play the [ __ ] thing and within the first 40 minutes there was like it was like a Lego or in it was like in the new hope you know what they're like Oh Princess Leia's got the [ __ ] desperate plan [ __ ] yeah and for some reason there was this like hallway level where Darth Vader was at the end and he was like killing you and [ __ ] and we could not figure out how to get past it oh dude those are the worst as a kid but kind of the best yeah but it it lasted like it was the first play thing and it lasted like the first hour and I just remember like not even realizing I could probably look up how to beat this later yeah we didn't look up I mean Gail he's definitely didn't look up [ __ ] at all like and there wasn't like I don't know there's probably [ __ ] on YouTube but it's like yeah you just [ __ ] figured it was at the time though because the thing is there's such a back little backlog of tutorials now and like there's so many people whose career it is to just like the second Red Dead comes out put out tutorials and stuff yeah that wasn't the thing on YouTube at the time at that time it was like you know put up a funny Smosh video or something like that so I don't even think yeah I don't think you could look up a video of it maybe like an IGN like walkthrough but yeah but I mean it was just was like I waited years for this game and in the first like 30 minutes we were stuck for over an hour and I just remember like I don't know what snapped in my brain but I just got so unreasonably angry and I was just screaming you know just like just like this is my game now and it's I can't beat the game yeah i get to play 30 minutes this [ __ ] game and my mom was like what is wrong with you and she just took the game way for a while because it was like understandable yeah did you pass it at one point while playing it was just dumb [ __ ] like all you're supposed to shoot that thing up there it's always there small side things one thing is that was genuinely just too hard was um there's I'm embarrassed to say I enjoyed King of Hearts as a kid I still play the new one guys so if you're offended that I said I was averse to say I'm gonna play it but I'm gonna hate the story at every single turn and I'm gonna laugh at it and I'm gonna get drunk and play it but in Kingdom Hearts 2 there was a level where you fought this boss guy where he all their shits do but he's one of the like organization members so they have like structure with the whole game there'll be a Disney story like Beauty and the Beast or something like that and you play there like problem in the beginning so basically the plot of the movie and then you come back to the world and then the new issue is one of the organization members as 13 of them went and is like starting [ __ ] so like you play the just Disney no anime part and then you play the animator but the anime parts have the like cool I don't watch anime it's fine if you do but like they have like really cool boss fights where the challenge comes into the game and one of the guys would have like he was like a guitar dude and he would like water was his element so he would like hit with like glass of water but then at some every point in the in his boss level it wouldn't just be fighting him there'd be a moment where he would where he would make a bunch of like musical notes made out of water like splashing around and you had 30 seconds to like take out all of them or else like you lost so it was like you could click one of them and like spin it around it would like kill a bunch of them but the second time he came around we just couldn't beat it ever so it was like one of our favorite games and there was just one stop sir was like I guess we'll restart the game now cuz we still can't beat it so we would replay the game and we just couldn't do it and then luckily Tony after like years just went back and played it and beat it and then like played the rest of the game and it was super satisfying to see stuff that we hadn't seen before yeah but yeah it was just like I remember being so desperate about it that one of my like acquaintance friends in elementary school his older brother played Kingdom Hearts and he was good at it and I was genuinely considering being like dude could your brother just come over and beat it for me like I just can't keep playing the game and we never did it but like I beat it now recently - just cuz I wanted to do it but it we just couldn't [ __ ] get past it that's the worst when you're playing games yeah and Kingdom Hearts 2 is like it's structured around like discovery and going to new world so it just [ __ ] halts that and you're like what is past this point yeah you're a dumb kid and you can't see the outline of the [ __ ] Aladdin like lamp you're like what could that world be time [ __ ] is the worst when you're a kid that that gives nothing more pissed off I couldn't do it as a kid it would just be way too much pressure you know [ __ ] killed me was like I was so obsessed with 100% in Super Mario Sunshine and like I think I eventually did it I might not have even finished it but the thing is like in the game you know you could get the [ __ ] shine sprites and stuff but the [ __ ] blue coins they're like you there's a thing in the game where you can buy a shine sprite with ten blue coins and there's a shitload of blue coins scattered all over the whole world and there is I mean you've played some sunshine before I played a little bit of it and like there it's a pretty massive in scope game in terms of just like the worlds and stuff either the levels are big and everything and I spent months where I had I think there was like a hundred and twenty shine sprites and I had maybe a hundred and eighteen so I had every one that I could find and I just needed to find like 15 more blue poins and I couldn't [ __ ] find it there's like 10 of them I don't know where they are I still don't know and I was looking like at that time when I was playing it like you could see the YouTube tutorials so I had like a [ __ ] pen and paper and I'd be watching them and be like oh by the waterfall in like like Ricco Harbor and I do that with one of the Assassin's Creed games that's I think getting collectibles after you've played the game and not kept track is the most frustrating thing you can do in a video yes it's cuz you're just like yeah you look at the map and oh my god guys here's to all the collectibles are and you're like I don't [ __ ] remember where I got any of these that's just it and they're always had like a bunch of like you start a new you go into a new world and it's like oh I can see 30 blue coins so you don't keep track like yeah I'll get this one I'll get this one that's like oh you'd have five more in here what I [ __ ] go for these [ __ ] please you know what actually remaining it's like it's just it's slightly related but for Red Dead you know about the companion app for it sounds like if I can add know if you is we can put one of the iPads to use for you and if I could borrow one of the five iPads you got i think you've talked about it before but the companion app you can because you played a little bit of the game right like I'd like I probably I probably played seven hours of the game okay how probably like what maybe four in the open-world for a bit for in the open world yeah probably so you know how it's like kind of frustrating not frustrating but to go to the map so much the companion app on like the iPad you're the phone that's better on the iPad is a more zoomed out version of the map that just constantly keeps track of where you are oh yeah so like my buddy John yeah he sent it to me like where he just had it sitting there so like it showed when he was in Valentine allof Valentine and he was just like moving on the horse and you could just see his arrow going in the direction because I checked the map and it's like it's not a flaw with the game at all but I just I sometimes I'm like I'm checking some apps so [ __ ] much and I saw that it's like it's perfect yeah and there's no is there's not just a hotkey map but mapped map button is there I have to power there was you at you my friend Zack told me you hold down the start button instead of clicking it and then click map if you hold it down for an extra second it'll go straight to the map I still don't want to do this too long little thing I think I mean I think PlayStation kind of nailed it where the the touchpad should be the map button every time yeah because the thing is for a while they were like well you can oh in an infamous you can swipe your hand do this and every developer is like that's [ __ ] dumb yeah but it's a big map button and it feels like it should be the map because this is big area on the front of your controller yeah so what it wasn't here what is the what's the [ __ ] touchpad in red dead to touchpad yeah what does it do it does some oh it does the camera changed yeah I don't care about this could have been anything I could do that in the settings I don't need to [ __ ] do that I think I guess holding down for the cinematic mode is kind of cool and I do that sometimes but like the map is more useful I would rather hold down the start button for cinematic mode well I guess then start [ __ ] thank you I get it but still I love the map on the on the touchpad yeah take one of the iPads that's cool I almost liked looking off the screen to be like oh it's cuz it's like yeah it's awesome especially cuz it tracks it like real time there so it's like it's just cool to keep in track of it that's great for any people before you think I'm a [ __ ] high roller my old high school was selling like iPads for like 20 bucks so I just got five of them what happened with that in America by the way it seems like every [ __ ] high school in America what like one year was just like alright we're all getting iPads now yeah and then we got outdated so fast where everyone was graduating they're like I don't know if you want to give us a couple bucks I guess you can keep it yeah this when iPads were starting to get added to the school they were like this crazy piece of technology and then by the time we were leaving high school they're like yeah I was trying to [ __ ] trash these we're gonna get some new ones yeah I feel like no one ever really used them like it was just kidding you [ __ ] around on them yeah we would use them for our note-taking yeah but yeah people would [ __ ] around all the time because especially with this they gave us cases with stands on it so they could stand a vertical on your desk or horizontal so you just put it up vertical and you just text the whole time nobody could see so I mean honestly it helped for like some classes where I just didn't give a [ __ ] and didn't want to focus cuz you know some classes you do where it's like do you take AP psych in high school I thought we talked about it okay psych was like it's a great class and then I took him in college to for a whole reason that pissed me off but I'm not gonna talk about because you know rat I got you it's not that it's well one thing is when I thought I was gonna go to film school after Community College I got a I think I got a three on my three out of five on my psych ap psych test and the film school is gonna go to accepted threes but my Community College accepted fours what are gen Ed's so my Community College was more strict than the school I wanted to go to and it was for your gen Ed's and that's where I was getting my Genet's yeah so I was like I'm I have to take a class again I had to take psych again that's dumb yeah but I mean psych was one word for my teacher for it she's great super nice person like really cared about learning but it would be like read the chapter and then we go in and she just just talked the chapter again so like during that class I would just be playing like games the whole time yeah why she pay attention yeah because it would be a PowerPoint about like the words we went over and then we watched like a [ __ ] crash course episode by the way love the green brothers for the crash course stuff that got me through college really seen those videos I've maybe seen one or two of them but crash course is the whole brand so it includes the history stuff to write till if you're in a psych class and you just like look up certain words from that chapter [ __ ] Hank green will walk you through an entire chapter of psych and there'll be cool animations and he'll go through and it would it'll show the vocab words that you're learning yeah as he's explaining them show the definition basically like make a flashcard of this right now as you're watching oh that's great crash courses are like the most educational videos I've ever seen they're like perfect I got to check those out yeah especially because you're not in school it doesn't mean as much anymore but they were so good for like you just look up one thing from like a history class and then John Green would just tell you all about it make it fun ah yeah they're great they've done a lot I think for education more than like I think they'll get more respect for it and that's there don't already have it but I think in like 10 years because they're just there's those videos are gold for learning yeah I think it probably would help if we got invited as feature creators at VidCon next year honestly I want to make this a meme I really do dude I was actually talking tears you was playing blackout with us last night yeah and he we were talking about it to where I was just saying like yeah I think I really want to make it a meme of like constantly asking would kind of get me and guess invited it's like what you guys don't know for if you've never been to VidCon is it feels super classist but in a weird way so it's like you might be a legitimate youtuber with friends who are invited to VidCon that hotel where everybody hangs out who's invited you might be best friends with that person you cannot go inside unless you're not invited which I get for security but then the thing is you're thinking oh I'm a legitimate youtuber and I know someone who's invited and have my pass who else is on the level of passive me anyway anyone who wanted to buy one they have a creator past that you can buy at any level of a youtube channel no matter what it should not be like that yeah so I know [ __ ] bar yeah so fans buy creator badges and then you're at the same not saying like they're like lower anyway but it's a security risk yes it's like we're just walking around with the same passes just like regular people like no security or anything like that and maybe mainly not us we weren't swarmed but like Danny and drew dealt with like what I would consider a security issue because so many people were there to take pictures with them and they did not get invited yeah they're like they were huge and they have big fan bases and yeah here's the problem is the only time you never hear me say this here's what I'll give tan among Hugh Crain and complete [ __ ] mask yeah but her initial problem was vidcon's not inviting me so I go to VidCon to enjoy VidCon and then I get swarmed and they kicked me out for a security risk mm-hmm so invite her then yeah that's what happens is it happened to Danny Andrew they came over though you cannot have like you know I'm meeting CLE here where there's just too many people and it's like then give them a pass right now to be invited mm-hmm because if there's enough people there to see them at your event they probably sold a lot of tickets so then they should get invited and I get that there's so many people that have like sizeable chunk platforms but yeah but if you like cut it off like you know there's a huge difference between like a channel with like five thousand subs and then like a channel was like a hundred thousand south yeah like it should almost you know be like tears of that for specifically for security at donut yeah again don't wanna interact oh yeah I've [ __ ] wasted 40 minutes talking to you you know if I wasn't so [ __ ] we specifically walked the hall every single day to see people who came to see us like it wasn't like we enjoy that it's super we talked a lot about it last episode of how much we like people that watch our stuff actually so yeah we don't have to gush about that again [ __ ] you guys yeah no but uh yeah they don't even have to because what they do is when they invite people to VidCon they give them a hotel room and it's like just usually invite me and not you know don't tell we we prefer being at our house like not our house but like a house with our friends just have areas where we can go in if it's like okay we'll just duck over here yeah like just be like oh yeah I legit and that's it like we have times where like we were we were hanging out with like a group all day or whatever and then like one of the dudes was like a featured creator you know and was just going eating dinner or whatever and then like we're just like Oh could we go it'd get dinner over here and then the hotel staff was like no yeah you need to get out of here yeah it's a guy who was so shitty about it because he was like we even said that's our friend and then they waved to us from the the dinner area and then he saw that and was like oh you know what alright I'll take you to come on guys and I remember right when he said that's you I was like we're getting kicked out he's like come on guys they'll take you right to him walking away from them it's like - we're not [ __ ] yeah I love ya like you know eat out of a target because he says he goes he'll see like yeah I'll take you right there and he had like another security I'll take you right there stay behind him can you stay behind him it's like oh he must be taking us right dude go thank you sure double he'll help in the front and behind it was just so stupid where's I get the thing is I totally understand his point of view as a security guard especially when there's been some youtube security stuff in the past yes but the thing is it's it's not his flaw when he was kind of an [ __ ] about it but like it's it's one thing for VidCon we're like honestly this issue would be fixed if they just invited me in you and I would stop talking about well you hear any more about the problem you invite me I'll cook it out for VidCon dude honestly [ __ ] give us the invite I tried to do that's deafening not doing that again hey that was a good shot that was actually pretty good um I tried to do memeing a thing cause like when you're meme and something like that like the VidCon wants a good one [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I've been trying for months and months to like I think it's been over a year it's probably at least close to a year yeah we're like okay I'm on ironically I love I see it's my cherry I see is one of the best tasting things I've ever had yeah it is and even the red chair is great but the white chairs like tasty as hell I see is like it's perfect in every way because it's such a cool ass aesthetic you know they have like the same cup design they've had for like years yeah year it's like it looks like my childhood when I look at yeah they haven't met like movie theaters and [ __ ] and they're kind of pricey there but most places you can get icees for $0.99 nobody crises like it's the cup at the movie theaters cuz they're not I see brand cups there the movie theater brand cups oh really yeah I worked there it worked at AMC so like it was usually they might have the logo on it but the reason I had one of my managers tell me about this when I work there is like the cups are so valuable because they sell drinks for so much that like you can't if you're working there just because I worked at you know that concession saying that was way more relaxed yeah you can't grab like a medium cup and then fill it up with with like lemonade or something you can do it with the water cup they don't really care about that but it's like you'd waste one of those cups that's eight dollars yeah so it's like yeah so one things is just in props - I see they're not charging that much they're giving the same amount for slushies and therefore I sees from my bad no but I mean the thing and even in the Midwest especially there are many places especially at super America super America's Got I seas everywhere that's a gas station chain is it world I've never country why America is in Wisconsin it's definitely a big Midwestern thing okay but I'm sure they're they have deals with other like gas stations and stuff but most of the time in the summer you can go get ICS for 49 cents that's crazy I'd large [ __ ] IC it's great it's delicious and it's like it's not as bad for you as like other desserts cuz there's so much carbonation shouldn't it's great I love everything about I see on ironically and I also I'm like if I could pick like one dream brand to do sponsorship for like I don't want some big giant one I want someone like what have you ever seen an IC ad ever that's what I want those for those brands he's like brands that you don't see an ad for it's like why haven't they just like gone into YouTube at all why is it only like even though I love the like Internet companies because you know they keep us going and I actually like a lot of the services but like and that's not me just bullshitting I do yeah why aren't there like McDonald's ads on YouTube right that's weird like how do they think it's too risky or something I don't ever know I really don't know what it is what could I do that's damaging to I sees public image honestly the thing is they got a few thousand Twitter followers and like they've seen your tweets without they have I've tweeted out of so many goddamn time they get a notification whoever runs that twit it's a notification when you tweet it yeah and people have gone thank you guys have been cool about it too like people aren't like [ __ ] you I see like pay attention to Gus but people are like hey I see like Gus really likes your stuff like thank you for being polite about it you don't be so cool what if just even if it's not even for a sponsorship if I see gave us an icy machine for the - for the apartment I would lose my [ __ ] mind no peanuts please I just when we have people over like do you want a [ __ ] I see right now you don't go anywhere guys get icy to give us a nice please you that here's the thing is like when you see like when will do like the commentary stuff like we already have like sponsors lined up and stuff like it's not like a cash grab I just want to do problem or icing yeah we're fine on sponsors but it's like yeah it's that brand that you like that you want to do it for and that's what you've been saying that for whenever you have our fully-stocked on sponsors you're never like oh I just need one let me reach out to I see yes do you want I want I see and it's like at this point it's like why why aren't you even acknowledging they've never even liked one of my things yeah it would have been a good just like PR move to just tweet back at you that would have been enough yeah I see we love you I see what are you doing what because the thing like I'm not the biggest fish in the band okay but it's like what do they have to lose from even just interacting like with me like oh yeah [ __ ] love them honestly god dammit I see please easiest thing is a world in the world when you work for a company like for their Twitter he's all I have to do go in watch two of your videos make some kind of meme having to do with one of your videos so it seems like they personally know who you are mhm that's literally that easy why don't they have any link to one of them yeah so what the [ __ ] so it's been like a year the meme continues I am NOT [ __ ] backing down I see guys that's like a [ __ ] terrorist they're not going anywhere I swear to god though if I don't hear something in the next year I'm switching the Slurpee I hold on it's a close second okay it's a close second but I do not want to compromise that okay because I believe in you I don't want it side with 7-eleven necessarily I want to go with you I see so please show me some love 7-elevens [ __ ] kicking down our doors for a sponsorship yeah I see you you gotta you gotta jump on this before you miss out I do still want the mean though of us go to VidCon and I'm gonna we should do it cuz it's gonna I wanted us to get invited that's it we'll do that I tried to load this legostarwars to page about 15 minutes ago and it finally opened up what is it [ __ ] from like 2005 I just want to see when it was released 2006 okay so I have to was 2011 the second one was you go so I was 11 interesting speaking of people [ __ ] bursting down our doors oh [ __ ] we got a maintenance like do you explain why the maintenance guy even came for us because that was so point weird it's a good point yeah so like last week it was right when like a bunch of people showed up to our house for like a filming project thing and then like 5 minutes before our cupboard just starts dripping water like a spout coming out of our cupboard their covers are made a metal that is painted yeah just so you know for like the damage of like it's not wood getting damaged my water pretty good it was like rusty brown water and they're like what and we opened the cupboards not a speck of water in there which visually hilarious yeah there was no water inside and there was water coming out of the bottom there's a little tiny hole and it was just a little spout and we're like where is this water coming from it's from like it's coming from inside the cover so we're like what the hell is this um but then we started noticing I just knows today there's like a little bit you know one paint gets like water behind it on the wall it's there's there was some water leakage none of us like neither Eddie or I reported it to like the building or whatever but today I just got home from like Wisconsin and I here out in the main room I just hear like he's jingling the door comes open I hear I couldn't hear what the words are so you didn't miss it either hmm so I go out there and there's a maintenance guys going to service service air service which again you know we're in a city which already scares me and there's now a man just standing in our living room just he's here he did not knock he just used the master key and came in and we did not report this to anybody or make any requests yeah I was like what are you doing in here like I'm here to check the walls I was like we didn't report this he goes yeah the people above you like their dishwasher leaked and spilled all over or whatever I was like what I mean we didn't file anything like he give us a heads up he said I'm just gonna check the walls he's like yeah it's really wet in here so yeah we're gonna have to take care of this I was like what does that mean he goes like well today or tomorrow we'll just come back over and I'll hook up some fans and stuff and like dry it out and I was like could I could I please get like a goddamn notice like don't just come into our apartment game this conversation is happening where somebody has just entered our place yes like just a maintenance or not somebody just walked in without any notice to our place that's already so jarring it was like can I get a notification as a well I mean maybe we can call you or email you or something it was like no so and then we know me before we called like the the maintenance office to and they're just like yeah well what did they say they were like well I first I explained it to her because it's it's the service number for our place and she was like so is this some kind of complaint and I was like well not exactly I'm just saying I want us to get a heads-up beforehand and I'm telling this to the service people yeah and she's like well that's got to be an administration if the issue if it's a complaint and I'm like okay so I call them and they just aren't on a Tuesday at 11:30 just closed yeah and it's like that what the [ __ ] can we just reach somebody to say hey you know the apartment that we pay rent for I don't want anyone walking in that doesn't live here unless I know about it yeah it's not that much to ask dude yeah and genuinely before this like this is the worst case because so he just strolled right in but before this at least five times we just had knock on the door and like I go there and it's just a maintenance guy and he's like and it's different [ __ ] like hey I'm here to paint the floorboards and it's like no you're not yeah I had one where it's like yeah we're here for the order of about the crack ceiling and I'm like what are you talking about hey guys you remember when I said the name of my teacher earlier I just said my apartment number on a podcast but they'll say like our apartment number and I'll just be like that we didn't put in an order yeah okay we've never put in a single order and they just show up like oh yeah I'm gonna go fix the house it you can't just come in here yeah who was telling you to come in here I was like six times that's good I mean that I feel like breaks some kind of thing on the lease agreement to have somebody just walk in without any notice yeah cuz that's definitely breaks my little heart there's I want to mention off podcast remind me after sorry guys I hate it when people say decided in our friends I just can't share this info because it's very personal okay so maybe I don't know if you're an audience member oh maybe [ __ ] yourself I just want to get invited to VidCon that's it that's fine because it's it makes you feel bad when we got kicked out we had a we had a great VidCon and that moment was just like they kick you out and then you see people you know inside and it's you gotta stand outside like the [ __ ] like when you had your friends ditch you when you were a kid ya didn't let me in I'm sorry yeah I would have been fine with a kick-out if it weren't for just a egregious amount of racial slurs they hurled at me yeah we rolled some back we were the situation no they did a white bastard I really broke me that was yeah really just you know Bane to Batman just breaks your heart back I'm saying I got to do I have a way with words that other people don't let's start our own have it be kid Khan it's kid friendly kids only sorry hold on get tested mother approved so your idea is one already an audience isn't kids so you're already probably off because then they can't come why are you just in the mic like that this is when I get a good sound level okay so again focus hey focus I feel like I didn't hear any of the snap from here there we go that's pretty good um can you double snap with both ears I feel like you're trying to distract from the kid Khan thing you do this I just had that you're trying to distract and you're doing another thing good what is your picture kid Khan I know what is your pitch for kid Khan picture this kids wall the wall [Laughter] well what do you mean by wall the wall I'm talking children's toddlers infants if we have the budget for it hold on what's that what does that mean I'm just saying you know what does that mean what if we have the budget for infants well I'm saying you know they cost more also what's the cost here I don't know what the rental rates are for them but we get the con okay okay so we got this big room we just film with kids week on all of them what are you what are you saying what do you mean week on all of them why are you wiping that okay what do you mean week on all of them we get them in the room okay what room what group a big room I'm talking gymnasium I'm talking the bird's nest not a convention eight Beijing Olympic Games I'm talking a swimming you okay so you don't want to go to a convention center you want to go to the bird's nest they're constructed specifically for the Beijing Olympics that in the middle of Beijing yes that one with all the metal everywhere yeah it looks like a bird's nest right that's why they named it that but we go there we get kids we put them everywhere we're putting kids in the pool we're putting them in these Chinese gears any kids no what don't say any kid we're in China now so are you bringing kids to China again budget permitting I don't know what does that mean because we could do some fundraising and if we can afford it we'll just take the kids and we'll put them in that bird's nest and we'll close them up in there and they can just be in there okay so start a new world and so different from what you said different from the it's all one thing so what you said a second ago is big room your kids wall-to-wall and we ended on starting a new civilization with Chinese kids in the bird's nest in Beijing not just Chinese kids any kids but okay but how are you gonna get the kids there again flying there if there if we have the budget for it so you ideally you would like to have the budget to fly every kid in then yes individually what do you mean individual I don't want to lay any themselves yeah I don't want to crowd him in there so we'll put one kid in a plane and send them wolfson they're gonna buy out an entire plane rent I'm gonna have the money to fire by out as in by out the seat song okay not by a play I wanna sleep this might be cheaper to buy a flame if you're trying to get how many kids can't do some quick math yeah sure do some quick math on how many kids you want to put in the bird's nest that's so loud with the keys i schooled how many kids are there around two billion of the world population our children acuity unit according to UNICEF Foundation is that your answer you want to put two billion kids in the bird's nest seems hi we'll start with about 1 billion CFA that's not too high for you that's lookup the capacity of the birds nests right now and please just be quieter with the key quieter what the keys were I was gonna say but National Stadium is like a huge bird's nest it's 63 acres that's really big wait but that's not the capacity though and also I like that you did add that it looks like a bird's nest again both what's that actually is really big though but what is the capacity you're looking at I don't know what you're looking at the screen like you're confused okay so that's the lego starwars to Wikipedia page that you're showing me and you're looking confused and that's a picture of whitey wasn't weight Bolger Bulger the crime posture I don't know what the [ __ ] that is you've not heard of Whitey Bulger no he was uh he just got killed in prison actually like a week ago somebody punched him real hard on October 30th no genuinely he was like an enormous you know you hear about them okay I'm I'm abandoning that huge [ __ ] kiddin that bit it ran its course yeah did you ever see black mass at all Johnny Depp yeah two years ago that's him Whitey Bulger oh guys the dude but yeah the thing is the movie ended you know is like oh why do you still out yeah I really love Johnny's performance like Mass was good I liked that movie a lot the trailer for it was like I was like I have to [ __ ] see that that's that wow did you cook the steak kind of thing yeah I remember when the especially just the trailer before black mask came out everyone was like he got a black mask we got to go see that yeah cuz it was like Johnny Depp was back for a movie and now where has he been in anything since black mask he's been in the last Star Wars parts of the Caribbean movie he's in new fantastic beast movie alright to use in the Alice in Wonderland sequel or maybe those before I think that was the for Black Mass the sequel let's see what you have nothing fantastic oh they kicked him out with pirates really yep I don't think he's into cuz uh I'm not educated enough I just know he's like a kind of violent dude I I think it was because he was difficult to work with I really don't know anything I heard I forgot where I heard this that like Johnny Depp has such this could be completely untrue I just heard it somewhere that he's like he spends his money so much that he has to like keep doing movies till I keep that lifestyle up he has like a dozen how I was gonna say isn't like 14 or something like that stupid I wonder if I can find that on here personal life Jaime pulled that up in the comments Jaime [ __ ] Dewar's James own McCune just go ahead and post the links to everything that we've been talking about and actually come by and if you could edit the podcast for us and make a lot easier on Tony will still pay him though that'd be great honestly Tony will pay Tony not Jaime hmm probably for the best I can't see anything about that but no I know I mean Joe Rogan's talked about it is that why yeah is that okay he has like a dozen homes and each of them are worth you know millions and millions of dollars I wonder if he like has in his brain like a movie tied to each home where he's like yeah I couldn't have bought that one without [ __ ] Alice in Wonderland - this is where I put all my Rango merch I want to see his filmography see what he's been up to his Wikipedia page I'd love Wikipedia I just hop on like characters and dirt on like actors and moving stuff but I've never seen one like this big always do IMDB for it I should do that that's probably more thorough he's a good doctor Jeffrey and thorough I can't [ __ ] find his filmography I just I just control after film on his page yeah we need a we need a shock-proof like laptop case yeah the main thing for us guys when we're talking about the the shock stuff with these stands is this is also our kitchen table yeah and also we're not yet decided on like when we're having guests and how to like organize it so it's like it is I totally understand the comments about it but right now it's like do we want to drill holes into this expensive table that we bought for the podcast when we don't know how everything's working just yet no thank you yeah so that's why we're doing this yeah okay Alice Through the Looking Glass was after black mass okay and then Donald art of the deal yeah that was the I heard that was just like [ __ ] terrible I hear good things about that you O Murder on the Orient Express alright I heard that was just kind of bad - I also heard that Sherlock gnomes he was in that one - come on man didn't we do a whole bit with an uber driver about you like I remember like drought he loved it though yeah we're just making it weird goofing with him and he started doing bits with us - that's my favorite cuz like we'll joke around with uber drivers and sometimes try and make them laugh but like rarely do they join in on the bit and that's always fun I love it when they do that yeah I'm looking go ahead I was gonna say I like when any like if you joke around with any like stranger or anything like that when they can just like do a bit back it's just fun it's a really like good way to just like start talking to somebody I'm looking here cuz I kind of thought was like seeing the news about him lately I thought it kind of was like oh no like is he just done now or yeah I'm not working at him but in 2018 he has four movies what and like you know Sherlock Holmes sucks ass but like that's one of them it's a big one it'll never beat Gnomeo and Juliet it's just like you some sequels you just can't live up to the original and that's one of them fantastic beasts again - oh dude David Yates is directing fantastic beats he did the he did the first fantastic piece yeah oh did it really yeah I'm not a huge I'm fantastic piece I don't not like it it's just like it doesn't feel like Harry Potter at all then Richard says goodbye in London Fields just some dumb little things like that did you not see the first one no I haven't seen it it's just I don't want to like I'll see it but like it said line it doesn't feel anything like well I guess they're going back to Hogwarts I don't want to spoil it for you but there's one thing that I wanted to complain about store the endings I can't really but it's just basically what Johnny Depp's character like it's just they set up you know Grindelwald from like this stuff before obviously they mention him it's just the way they're setting him up is just like not cool or threatening at all hmm it's just I don't know also like I I wish they were to kind of not used like an enormous name actor for someone like that honestly because it's they shine more from being like I like villains not being huge actors yeah cuz I'm like ah Johnny Depp looks kind of weird there yeah no that's specially generally what the first movie was like what costume is he wearing in this movie yeah it became like kind of his thing where it's like Johnny loves to be in costume in a different costume it's like sometimes maybe just be a regular you see him in interviews or whatever he's just so uncomfortable it seems like wonder if that's his whole thing you sort of got that voice though yeah I wonder if he just got a tiny little [ __ ] probably does at some point yeah I guess so do you think he pees out his balls like the rest of us yeah I think he stores his Peas just like two peas in volume sometimes I have moments at this podcast sort of like man people are wasting their check I who's like do you have like a favorite actor or something um I when I think of that instantly I usually think of Jake Gyllenhaal I really like Gyllenhaal yeah it's just I think Gyllenhaal DiCaprio both have this kind of magic with them acting where it's is weird cuz they play different characters but there's almost like this feeling that each of them have separately that carries on into each movie they're doing when they're leading it and I can't really explain what there's a magic to it yeah and there's I think it helps that they pick such good projects yeah where it's like oh this is his project like this is a special thing abused by into it more exactly no I realized that that like Jake Gyllenhaal has been in like some of my favorite movies ever and you know leo is probably the most prolific like in terms of the ratio from my favorite movies to his appearances like he's probably the biggest in that yeah Django Unchained my favorite movie of all time probably will always be oh yeah I just watched Django before I read dad loved it so goddamn good that's great I can't I can't wait to watch or re-watch day fellate when we're at the cabin because I haven't rewatched or I haven't watched it since I saw it in theaters and I remember loving it so uh I can't wait I love that guy you know the dude that plays the the racist in in hateful eight he's got a guy no no he's younger he's the he's the like they're in the carriage with he with Sam Jackson in the beginning oh he's got a weird actor name he was in Vice Principals as well look up the IMDB for it just call do it cuz you don't have to go the tapping I almost want to do for seizing the carrots at the beginning yeah he's one of the main characters I don't want to spoil the movie they'll at Walton Goggins I think so cuz he's got a weird name who's also in Django for a tiny little bit like oh yeah yeah oh yeah you're one lucky go dancing in the moonlight with you he says that yeah when they're right before the dogs thing happens right yeah yeah yeah that's him he's Hughes that guy's so [ __ ] talented right he was in Vice Principals amazing you have to watch Vice Principals dude it's only two seasons it's so [ __ ] good okay I recommended it to John he watched it and then rewatched it mhm it's great John Legend for our viewers at home yeah that's it you explain to our viewers at home who John Legend yes sir John Legend oh we don't have to edit it out just like maybe maybe it Tony a few show Gus's face and then put my mouth over his it'll look like he [ __ ] it up I'm gonna sing all of me oh wait Eddie move your move your mouth out she got deja vu for no reason what's up put my mouth on Eddie's mouth and look like he's singing all of me too much can you make this episode 3d Tony be sure to cut out every breath or pause for the rest of the podcast that'd be good he'd just be like what did you think of septic air being sorry whoa Pirates of the Caribbean I got it what time are we here by the well we're at an hour and 10 minutes okay it's pretty good stuff in our more I'm enjoying this I like I like us doing this a lot because it feels a lot like okay I'll talk which I liked a lot and I don't have to wait for the Skype delay yeah some people will ask actually I've gotten a good deal of DMZ emails about it like hey you know our old podcast okay I'll talk they're like well I'd like would still like to listen to it but you guys took it off YouTube it's still on soundcloud and still in iTunes I don't think it's on Spotify I don't think it's on soundcloud in iTunes so it sound cloud accessible to everyone yeah so if you do want to listen to those old episodes they weren't video podcasts you can go back and with some of those they're still there with all those old bits so you start doing some questions sometimes - yes you and me I would like to do those - yeah cuz I want yeah so let's actually do that for the next episode so yeah follow us on Twitter at Eddie bird back and at Gus buckets just how they sound and how they look and other stuff they'll be in the description down below buckets with an S right okay and then yeah just tweet us podcast or actually we'll tweet out a prompt before like cuz I don't want ones all week where I can't keep track of them you know yeah we'll tweet out before we film an episode like a hashtag on it or some [ __ ] yeah it's like probably just you know Gus neti yeah yeah but they weren't for podcast stuff especially helps to sorry well sure our hashtag be like wow we I got a great podcast question for you fellas and my here it is I'm not done guys yeah here it is on the count of three one two three here's my question : : and then that question see what I was gonna say when I was trying to talk in the middle there was that might be too long and then you kept going so I did put the two colons on the end those are the thing that made it too long - instead are like no because that would that would just be taking away two symbols and adding one more so that my problem would be there be one extra symbol in that hashtag like it change the wowie to like a wowza shant are ShamWow wow that would be the same amount of letters ShamWow is even more line out cuz wowie initially has got about six ease on the end that's not true yeah wowie you didn't say it like that though my just in the interest of time in the interest of time of you making the long ashtag you wanted to make Wow a shorter for me I apologize for the second : I don't know if you a real [ __ ] dick about the second code oh man I'm still playing Red Dead but you know what happened I want to match this really quick when you were alright when you were back home yep I was just I wanted to work a little bit and I wanted to play Red Dead and I would especially cuz I'm going home soon you know we're both doing like the holiday stuff you know with our friends here like I didn't want to attempt to start making plans and then like try and they're like oh I can't do it this week how about next week and it's like I'm going home next week or a little more so I just didn't make plans with anyone so other than like buying stuff at Ralph's I just didn't have a conversation with someone face-to-face in person for like 4 days did you talk to yourself I do that yeah yeah I I definitely had phone calls with people and I played video games like at night with like jakie and Tony and just to like keep saying but yeah during the day I was just like man I haven't like sat down and face-to-face talk to somebody for a while yeah you start to feel weird you start drawing faces on volleyballs and [ __ ] yeah that's what exactly did that first minute you were gonna hallo Gus you don't play blackout I wouldn't do that it sounds too much like Adam Sandler I would never plagiarizes just quiet down little Gus you washed out of sailor special too long that's gonna be our hashtag I want ocean mats I do that - what kind of stuff do you like say to yourself and you're alone I just react to things like if I see something dumb I'll I'll just out loud to myself be like well that's [ __ ] stupid or if I do something dumb I'll be real hard on myself and my house you [ __ ] idiot like if I drop something but that's basically it yeah I do that [ __ ] too I just look around or whatever like I probably gonna coke or something [ __ ] straws that it's nice to hear a voice when you're not yeah right I don't know it's weird cuz I like again could have totally just like hit up one of our friends like even Jamie and just been like hey you wanna hang out but it wasn't enough to wear it like really bothered me mm-hm but I couldn't it got to the point where I had this weekend Jesus I had this weekend that hit where you know the YouTube stuff has been great so I've been kind of obsessed with checking the stats and then I would really want to talk to people so I couldn't fully dive into read dad even though I kept trying because every time it happens like I should have a phone call somebody I just came to talk to somebody right now I'm not in like a weird like a need help way but just like I like talking to people yeah so yeah that was it that was weird and I think I feel like now even just cuz you're back I can get back in a red debt again cuz it's weird diving into something when you have no one to like face face talk to you and then just being in that world that is weird that's the kind of the problem like I would've Dovan dove into red dead more but I just think lately - like there's just so many things I got to get my brain settled in to be like focus mode again cuz it's like I get to the end of the night and it's like I'd rather be like oh I'm play black ops cuz then I can just be like oh I'm gaming for five minutes and then be like I'm gonna go get drink or like I gotta go tell Eddie something yeah that's it I gotta you know I gotta go listen to Reggie's door and here if I if he's dressing or undressing and just imagine what that would look like oh sorry I gotta go look through eating cut the breath out Eddie's door and see if I can see anything through there so through the hole I drilled much like the hole I drilled in the cabinet - create a tension moment so we could bond together is this a hashtag er is this a real thing you're saying did you drill hold my door why can't I see it where's the hole did you drill drill it's do you think it was my door I knew it was your door okay but there's not all I'm looking at my door right now she looked at my door there's no hole in the door really small I patched up a little bit plumber's putty every time so you drill a hole with a small used drill small hole into my door and I don't hear it ever we were over it with putty and then yeah and it looks exactly like part of the debt or the door yeah okay sometimes I like just kind of like picked a lock to UM come in there like when you're sleeping just kind of watch you just make sure they say that's Anacin that's fine just make sure I'm safe I would hope that you'd return the oh I do know yeah don't worry so you make sure each other's safe but we gotta lock the door because that's also a safety issue that'd be bad only I like I'm confident that if that door is getting let's the locks gettin picked it's you mm-hmm just to make sure I'm safe just you know and you can't sneak up on me you know Carrie right okay slash any Verbeck I don't think that actually is it now mine is Oh - Gus toons I think that's what's the old channeling I think you could could change it so maybe I it is that let me check cuz it for there was a while where they like had it up to it you could like apply for it and nobody had it and I had the actual my name from a separate account so let's see mine has a long ass name on it or whatever I don't think it's gonna work I think it's gonna be my old account that comes up no it is that's cool if you put on slash a deeper back it's my channel really yeah cool I'm gonna try slash ghost on sorry what did you say he's on Johnson oh but I put it up ' on accent we got a little monkey saying oh fellow that's not what your legs no that's a cube way I love when companies that get cute with me when something's not working good luck on your journey cuz this is not it no it's still there so if so Gus toons works but not Gus Johnson I think so Gus - dude it's sometimes like I'll be making I was making the thumbnail for the last episode we did and it's just it's annoying where I search Gus Johnson and it's like half images of you and half images at the other desk Johnson there's like I just need a [ __ ] clean photo here you should put the the other Gus Johnson on one of the thumbnails episode yeah we should do that that'd be really funny I would love to have him on I just ask ass yeah dude I'm so mad his Twitter's been inactive since 2012 I want to do just a shitty meme where it's like like I challenge him to something like I'm [ __ ] sick of sharing names with you one of us gets to keep our name and yeah so we'll fight over it and just play some dumb stuff like really funny for lost yeah yeah challenge again then you lose your own name I'll be Eddie Johnson everything will just become Eddie and Eddie for our branding and stuff and then like if like Sven ever like join us on stuff and then like there's another Sven Johnson he would have to change his name to Eddie there to Ed it would be ed ed and no because then you would have to be another add us would be double D ed I love I loved in that show that Eddie spelled his name with a why because it was like the only one that I had seen other than my own name because every [ __ ] teacher rightfully so was like is it with an IE and I was like no stupid [ __ ] I am eight years old and I will [ __ ] destroy you if you suggest that one more time you'd be in the the beanie guy that you know who double D is that he doesn't sound like that exactly cuz I know the other was a herd dog day yeah he just was just like yeah and then yeah double D I mean he doesn't he doesn't talk like that that was like a weird quiet Adam saying I think it is he is nervous though innit sorta CENTAC t and keep them back with t quit Jimmy Jimmy yeah sounds like that lik you just did and on that note guys let's get the heck out of here let's get the [ __ ] out of here I'm not censoring anything on this podcast no rules no rules well oh wait actually I just remember something what's that ah [ __ ] sorry been in an attorney like that [Music] Tony and then it's also dead dan and dad and that's what it would sound like when you close that Tony
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 333,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, star, wars, will, make, you, hate, your, brother, the, gus, and, eddy, podcast, eddy burback, gus johnson, eddy burback podcast, gus johnson podcast, gus and eddy, eddy and gus
Id: Ni-w5pzNvuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 34sec (5494 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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