Chris Ray Gun - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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[Music] before we start the show I want to mention that this episode is sponsored by onit's they have these Star Wars exercise equipment pieces that they sent us like these kettlebells or the exercise ball Death Star that I can treat you right now but it was in the last episode and we'll show it on screen right now on it's like the coolest one of the coolest companies we've worked with so far so please go support them I mean if you want a [ __ ] kettlebell get a Star Wars when it looks cool it's carved there's lots of characters and there's stuff like medicine balls and yoga mats and like there's a ton of stuff there for like working out and maintaining a healthy lifestyle so if you want to check them out links are where in the description Gus where else would they go that's the only place you can put a link it's the only place you can look for one so go check it out support them it helps support us thank you so much I'm too mad we're just gonna have to delete this part I just pissed me off with that question so much dude so it looks like Eddie's feeling off it right now you want me over you want me back we also want to give a quick thank you to rode microphones go to road comm actually check out the links in the description I tell you what we'll save you some time there they helped us furnish this podcast we are using rode broadcaster microphones and rode helped supply us with lots of gear that helps us with our video stuff so if you want to check out some of the equipment that we have and tons and tons of other gear please check out the links in the description go to their website they're a great brand and we use them for years honestly before we even got sponsored so thank you to Road and thank you for supporting the podcast and Joey all set boys yep yep alright welcome back to the Gus and Eddie podcast we've done it a full month right months is it I don't I wasn't keeping track at all I do I don't own a calendar I don't use it on my phone and I don't believe that I don't believe that there's a calendar on everyone's know you've been doing this I thought that was the first episode I was you said you when you message me you said Chris you're gonna be the first guest of our new podcast and I said well I'm really honored that you you would do that for me such an honor I said these the other ones were like you know in football there's the preseason and then there's the season that we didn't do that you're the fourth guest okay I thought I set it up and I just lost my way we are joined today by a wonderful creator of YouTube content he does funny videos commentary videos and spicy memes that's how I would describe it I suppose PlayStation podcast on the PlayStation project he's also on the PlayStation podcast it's by a sacred sacred symbols it's a sponsored by PlayStation hmm I kidding no that's what my calendar said the CEO on PlayStation is Chris freak yeah actually oh I've created PlayStation people reading for I was born forgive that we didn't finish the edges yes so joined by creator YouTube boy Chris Raygun yeah welcome here to our home humble abode it's a nice set thanks dude I like the Rocko's Modern Life walls aren't they rebooting that show yeah they were rebooting like a bunch of [ __ ] oh my invader zim had like a thing not too long ago I didn't know that was all the nineties nostalgia [ __ ] or what yeah well it's it's Nickelodeon because right now a Nickelodeon doesn't make anything so they're like oh yeah we should really go back to just all the stuff that worked isn't it on streaming service like some weird streaming service though not like weird but it's on something oh it's uh no access no he left Nickelodeon to make a new versions of Nickelodeon shows on his own stream with his style edged it's just fairly oddparents like every character has their own godparent and it's just the same thing they should replace the entire show it's like poor butch I wonder what he does what is his daily life like do you think Butch's life I think butch sits on the computer and just scoffs it like swears on YouTube all day I can see that swearing Google Images like stock images men swear it's like would you look at this how do you get in here I can't even imagine what swear word he must be saying that still phone across something like darn or something no they're doing like so they're doing Rocko's Modern Life they're doing like in I know they did invader zim it's not out yet but like they had like a teaser thing I'd like Comic Con I don't know I want to say I think they're doing Rugrats also oh my god I think they're doing them CG though and I don't isn't it I thought it was a movie for Rugrats is it not a mood to show oh it's okay sorry I mean maybe I'm wrong maybe I don't I'm not on our Rugrats all course to the news I don't know everything about you know what Dee Tommy pickles is gonna be in the new one all right for Dee possibly I also want to elevate really quick we called it smell-a-vision The Spy Kids 4d in and to podcast episodes go with Drew she want to apologize to my friends and family they did use the word smellivision but officially it was called 4d aromascope as we all know that's a big deal yeah yeah I caught a lot of [ __ ] for that I got a lot of death threats which I didn't expect his I thought the spy kids community was a little bit nicer than that yeah but I just wanted to officially apologize to all the 4d aroma school fans out there you shouldn't add solid eyes to be quite frank to be out to be honest really they're not gonna accept your you think the spy kids community the ravenous notorious Spy Kids community is gonna apologize I mean I don't it's gonna accept your apology I had a crush on Carmen when I was little does that help the community forgive me my thing everybody tense everybody is elegant was on Dimitra that's weird [Laughter] you just need to accept that at this point your career is 3d game over dude sorry I what was that 3d came over this is way above my paper this conversation that sure is incredible by the way thank you just he opened up he opened up a package from China shortly before it said from China on it and big copperplate gothic Bowl he ripped it open it was this magnificent shirt I was wanted when I was a kid I got this rug when I was in college so I lived out my childhood fantasies but I [ __ ] I [ __ ] my search algorithms up from this one because I clicked on an Instagram ad so now now all my Instagram ads are for those [ __ ] like gear shirts or it's like woo there's Goofy's it's the 90s Cup from fast food you get it on a shirt you know and I ordered this like five weeks ago and I came in I forgot I even bought it and then here it is so I'm a road map did you say you lived out your childhood fantasies from getting the rug yes what does that mean well we didn't have rugs in our house so no I would go to kids houses like when I was in elementary school and I'd see that they had these big rugs with the full town yeah I love building like little cities and [ __ ] and I was like dude I could the roads already built man I could just put up the infrastructure boom I thought I used those words to another kid yeah I thought you meant infrastructure I thought you meant that you had one as a kid and you like dreamed one day in college you'd be able to buy just the same ride your fantasy as a kid you're like when I'm older like 15 there's the first one it is the most iconic rug I think that exists though I would can you think of another like if you think of like a specifically designed rug I can't think of anything other than that to be quite honest I mean does it doesn't count as design like one of just a bear rug I was designed it's an animal God designed yeah intelligent design I think so I wouldn't put it past him I don't know what he does but he made Danny Phantom I feel like that's like really sacrilegious yeah I thought it was just weird and Danny Phantom - there's definitely violence and Danny Phantom and then in the they're the damned souls he doesn't believe in hell he believes in like heaven and staying on earth as a dad even the Bible he's like I don't know what this is about where there's no mention of the Danny Phantom where you go and Danny Phantom dies mister look it up whoa I never thought about that I've never thought about where Danny Phantom would go if he died that's some deep that's some deep [ __ ] yeah I'm really small like I'm a deep thinker I like that I don't like that at all I move on from that Ron I was gonna say we're talking about childhood stuff earlier what did what was like what did you [ __ ] around with as a kid did you like play outside were you a sticks and stones Calvin and Hobbes kid or what were you doing my my dad was like you're Hispanic so you're gonna play baseball and I was like okay because I'm a child then I have no rights mm-hm so I did that and I was pretty good at it but I hated it and then like video games were a thing that I found and I was like okay well I might like you're gonna atrophy now because I'm gonna be sitting sitting at home playing like spyro and medieval by myself yeah did you play the actual spyro and medieval as a full game or did you play him on the demo disc I play them on the demo discs at first yeah I never played medieval I got any good yeah they're regular remaster apparently yeah but they announced that like three years ago at this point so it's probably it's probably dead medieval scared me because I was the sound design in that game was like really trippy yeah like it like it was nothing there's also like a CG listen I don't know if you google medieval - intro scene there's a scene where this like keep in mind its ps1 FMV graphics so this is not appealing at all but there's a dragon I think he's the boss of like the first game or there's a dragon with like a man's face and it's the most off-putting thing in you that you could possibly imagine it's right it's up there in like odd world when the gut when the guy turns around these guys eyes stitched shut I don't even I was awesome you should all play odd world what's it on yeah it's it's on PC now you can get it on Steam for pretty pretty damn cheap but it was a ps1 game I remember it had like four discs well it's like bangin ps1 looking dude right with like something on his head yeah he's like a little guy it was weird oh okay yeah there was one free on PSN a couple months girls like odd world hot and tasty or something with new and tasty I got ya master I got it didn't play it looks it looks strange it's very odd it's I think it kind of lost some of the charm it's in the name I forgot you guys could hear me if I'm really quiet I'm sorry Chris yeah your stare is hurting me should be put away should be putting the [ __ ] sarcophagus no yeah I mean I liked like when I was a kid I feel like I had mostly just like I used to get my Dragonball Z and spider-man action figures from the pharmacy that's not a joke really yeah there's a pharmacy down the street and I would get all my toys there were they like named brandish it or just those real stuff really this pharmacy inexplicably had some really good toys like Goku with like it came with like a set of Dragon Balls too and it's like oh whoa I can wish for a better circumstance but that obviously never come true now toys the rest is dead now you can only get your toys at a pharmacy joke's on you toys are [ __ ] [ __ ] middle ground that's what Christmas secretly wishing he's like these [ __ ] kids at Toys R Us I swear to God yeah when I'm an adult man I can't wait to watch Toys R Us burn from the from my high-rise where I own a pharmacy that sells toys you're up high right to prove you're worthy I didn't really go to Toys R Us as a kid but I love that catalog that Christmas one oh yeah it's famous obviously my parents would take me to Toys R Us and not get me but it was fun to go yeah it's like oh look at all this fun stuff that's gonna make other people happy yeah we've had like flea farms and [ __ ] you remember that's it's just a minute less flea markets we will they were called Fleet Farm it's like a it's like for most of the year it's like a Menards or like a home depot or something like that I mean those two but yeah but like well it's weird cuz there's like two brothers late and they they split off but they had already established that Empire so then like one went and just stuck with Fleet Farm and the other one is called like Blain's Farm and fleet like he just switched the two things around they're two different [ __ ] franchises isn't that weird yeah I just hated kit like I'm it's like self hatred cuz I'm from the Midwest I just hear that I'm like that's stupid Midwest [ __ ] but they have like every year they have like the toy zone or whatever and they open it up and it's just hallways with these cool lights and [ __ ] and it's like look at this all the toys and [ __ ] half of its like farm toys though you know which is kind of a bummer that's a farm toy just like little farm sets like hey you want some [ __ ] plastic pigs sheep and a tractor I thought you meant like a doll made out of cloth from like a starving girl or something like that from the 1800 it's like a depression-era check out these farm toys and there's just like really poor kids Midwest boys yes yeah how you like in coastal cities I feel threatened constantly yeah I like it a lot I just I mean it's the the famous things about LA that I like people joke about like late-night jokes about not liking is what I don't like about it it's like small yeah Instagram culture stuff and traffic and diversity yeah it feels a lot like the suburbs that I grew up in yeah it's cool I hate this place because you're from New York right yeah yeah it's a very different there's just a different culture about it that's like I can't quite put my finger on something about the traffic is just mind-boggling I got caught in gridlock it I think got 2:30 in the morning once and I was like oh that's not acceptable yeah at all but here I am in this dead dead place it's a desert too so it's just like you feel dead yeah whenever you're like caught in like a situation that you really don't want to be in it's also just like stuff I find I guess you guys are different because you're in a pretty populated center of the city mm-hmm but in like where I'm at [ __ ] closes at like 9:00 you know that's us mines [ __ ] 6 p.m. most of my stuff yeah you can't stuff well just like I mean everything except a grocery store the grocery store closes at 9:00 and stuff but it's like you want to go downtown for anything you know like any bank any like restaurant shaped like a lot of them will like clothes like cafes and stuff like five or six yeah it's frustrating but the fact that a grocery store closes at 9:00 is like a thing that I just can't comprehend it's like in New York things are like pretty much 24/7 over there like you you can go to Ralph's or there's no Ralph's over there but like you can go to like a target at 2:00 a.m. you can go to Walmart at like 4:00 a.m. you can get it you can get a slice of like amazing pizza at like 4:00 in the morning and it's like oh hey I like this and I guess like when I was growing up in Manhattan or like in the city I thought that cities in general were like that so I was like oh this is just what a city is I like cities and then I got here and I'm like oh it's very specific turns out yeah to that one place because I don't think I've been to it I don't think I've been to a city yet aside from Manhattan that's had that kind of like 24-hour thing about it I think I've heard people tell me like London's kind of like that but I don't know how I heard that is I've never been outside of this this this land mass this is landmass not even Canada dude I would see like Niagara Falls but that doesn't count did you jump down in a barrel or something no I visit are you talking about that guy that jumped in the barrel yeah died he lost his life is that what his life all over the Canadian rocks I just thought of the cartoons I know that's a real thing really yeah number of people like try that 100% I think his name was Dan Falls which was ironic for multiple reasons yeah where he was yeah but I did way down where soul went yeah I don't know like with with New York it is it does feel different whenever I've gone to New York it feels like that when you get to the late-night stuff especially food places because you're like oh these guys make half their business from like drunk people at night especially Pete's place well bars don't close out there until late like for some of them six probably not legally its expert like you know there's some I think it's I think it's largely because and I had a conversation about this with a friend of mine I think a lot of it is the fact that here people have to drive mmm like you need to drive to get places and even if you're like ooh bring that's a person that needs to be driving also whereas in like Manhattan you got like this automatic car that you know drives around underground with no no person Manning it you know I get I assume that's probably the reason why things are open later because there's less risk yeah but and it's also just densely populated so you can like walk everywhere but that's the only reason that I could think of I love that Subway's open when I was there yeah yeah I mean the subway system is its problem I mean the thing is built like I expected it to be like super confusing and like scary when you got there cuz like what you know TV shows and movies do and then you're like oh this is the most convenient thing ever even though it does have problems like did you to be able to go across the city like that yeah no it's it's it's pretty cool to be able to just like sip sip and zag along the underground tunnels exact fan music a little bit if I'm just throwing it out there no no take a little sag a lot you know that's based on the little country song we're gonna have that soon though Elon Musk is gonna drill holes over here and then put everyone underground what put everyone underground I mean like if I don't know talking about Elon is real dicey right now yeah pinions not that I want to avoid it but like I do want somebody to try and change something about transportation here yeah nice other than birds scooters which I will still use even though I get there the worst thing ever I'm sorry that's fine dude I'm killing every understand I understand the convenience Evan I understand the novelty of them I've just not I've not allowed myself to sink yet to the level down Louis or yeah don't you need to have like a helmet for that they tell you that well you know [ __ ] I think it says like you better be wearing a helmet mister is what it says doesn't do its job cuz I didn't even read it and I still got ya know it's like I the line that I've said as I love birds but I also understand that I'm the only demographic that birds would be cool for and it's such a specific demographic it's like people who don't have children or dogs and who aren't like a lot older and stuff so like we can just zoom through and have no repercussions but like yeah I totally get why people [ __ ] hate those things yeah cuz there's no there's no like bar exam to get onto a bird it's just like well yeah the bird exams get on the scooter dude I saw some kid bust his ass the other day on a bird when I was in Santa Monica I was like oh yeah we see other people on birds eat [ __ ] and you're always like [ __ ] that guy yeah Gus is doing along in flip flops doing like bunny hops off curbs with it like you're gonna eat [ __ ] so I yeah I'm braced for the day does the audience know what a bird is because it's very like oh yeah it was a very local I get we talked to set up before a little guy yeah they're like these local like scooters that are I guess like app operated that they leave around majorly populated parts of Los Angeles like mainly like you know downtown and like Santa Monica in those places and people just like I guess rent him through an app they activate him through an app and you can like it was it like $1.00 dude it's incredibly cost-effective it's a dollar to activate the bird and then for every minute that it's in your possession because you can like put it on hold if you're going into a store or something and they'll hold it for you it's 15 cents per minute that's crazy so like most days you could own a bird for an hour straight and be like 12 13 bucks that's pretty awesome incredibly cost-effective and they go like 15 miles an hour so like when it's like rush hour we've had times to or it's like [ __ ] like it's gridlock like nuts here let's just go on a bridge and go 2.2 miles down the roads a couple bucks it's very fast that's that's yeah I mean it's not a bad idea no it's terrible it's a good idea like the consumer I don't know how I don't have their make good money on this yeah manufacture these scooters by the hundreds of thousands yeah it's like lying outside of like bars yeah and there's like people dedicated to breaking them to like they hate of course of course yeah there's nuisances just like left that's I saw like one pizza shop in Santa Monica and I had like 12 birds in like it looked like it looked like three spiders were like wrestling I was like this is just like contorted mess and I'm like what why'd you even how did you even tangle these like this first off so I like break them or something or what no they just like they were just like clustered together and it just looked at her it's like horrific I don't know people that people are irresponsible with free tech is what I think it comes down to like if you don't have to if you don't have to have responsibility for the thing that you're like [ __ ] with constantly then like you're just gonna [ __ ] with it yeah it's so so such just like a nameless faceless crime - if you hate the birds it's like well yeah I'm gonna go break three of them and who's gonna [ __ ] stop me you know I mean it's easy to record on't break bird don't do that for you do that they bring joy to us a bad I'd be your mob boss it's a bad idea guys just [ __ ] calm down stay away from the birds we have any cigars I'd offer yeah I like everybody do you really yeah I won't do you inhale them or do you just yeah I don't suppose my friend my friend Zack back home was like he used to like puff them and oh my god that's so bad for you I mean not that it's good for you in the first place he's like but it won't like cigars I feel six like dude you're like breathing in pure pollution right now yeah you can feel sick just from like not inhaling it like I can't finish a whole cigar in like one like I have to put it down like maybe I could probably like do half yeah for like it starts to get like okay my son looks like exploding at this point ya know because it's yeah it [ __ ] with you but it just feels good to like smoke a cigar I've never been that I've never been like a weed person or like a cigarette person cigarettes in particular I'm like you just think if you smoke all the time - yeah yeah but a cigar is like it's something like classy about it I don't know if it's actually classy or if I've just been brainwashed to think that but like all the stupid cartoons i used to watch when i was a kid [ __ ] Bugs Bunny chomping on a cigar I'm like daytime television in front of children yeah always beaten up like a hooker on this his family frankly I remember that episode distinctly weird Isaac yeah you watch some of those old [ __ ] not even like you don't even have to go far back as Looney Tunes you can watch stuff from like Cartoon Network or like like Dexter's Lab episodes and you're like yes violent no it's it's anything that's violet it's just like that you couldn't there's this one episode of Dexter's Lab that I saw where he's like trying to be a superhero and they're having superhero auditions for this guy named I camera over the name of this guy was like some generic Captain America knockoff and this kid goes I'm fat boy I eat a lot that's my power and he and the guys like I think like he's like this the city deserves a superhero that's on a diet get out of here really it's just like wow and at the end you like chooses him and that's like the gag but like just saying it is parading this fat child yeah I mean it's a 2d fat child but still yeah it's a 2d grown man Bray I feel like there's like some parental thing going on like my kid my kid just [ __ ] packing on the pounds I gotta like put like messaging into his favorite show thank God he wasn't a 4d aromascope fat child doll ever meant detrimental you know this has been like a really sore topic why'd you bring that back listen first of all I'm saying oh is that as being a little kid my [ __ ] my childhood fantasies though Chris you haven't uploaded in a month what the [ __ ] is the point where I grill you listen I know you guys feel right but bad all the time good no I get I just um I kind of want to there's a lot of ideas that I have that I've like written down and I'm like typically what I'll do is I'll write like three videos right and then like you don't have one video that's like I'll I'll finish it kind of and I'll be like oh this isn't that good and then I like scrap it and I'll do something else like oh that's not like good and they'll do someone else it's like oh that's not that good and then like I'll go back to the stuff that I scrapped and like Frankenstein this like weird thing together that like somehow it works but I just haven't been able to do that lately because the podcast is a thing also just like I'm really paranoid about quality which sounds like really pretentious no it's not / - like well something that's like I feel very perfectionist but it's not that it's not that what I want to put out is perfect because nothing nothing anybody puts out is perfect there's still a boatload of problems in every video that I make but I want to at least have the problems be there that like I think are funny or that I'm like okay that kind of that's not so bad but like for it to get to that level in my head is like really hard I don't know what it is mMmmm I have no idea I feel like I'm crazy you know might be true well I mean what thanks.thanks what what part of the process is the most difficult for you is it like to editing [ __ ] or like ideas I mean it's not want me to be pigeonholed just trying to like think of ways to like branch out cuz like what I'm doing right now is like political competent people like first of all I don't like it that's why I've like consistently like straight away from like just being like I feel like back in the day I was a little bit more like here's what I think but like in the last like year year and a half maybe even two years I'm like I don't really care what I think I just kind of want to like poke fun at stuff that I think is dumb and silly I don't want to tell people how to feel because that's really annoying and I think a lot of people who are who do what I do kind of fall into that trap that's why a lot of them it's it's it's for the same reason that you're gonna get a lot of comments here it's like what's this guy [ __ ] what's this what's this little Hispanic at the disco a little boy come coming at you for I don't know it's just a tricky environment to navigate and it's also just like I'm just trying to figure stuff out yeah you know I think it's good right now though to be able to branch out even just like algorithm wise like the way things are going yeah yes so like it's honestly perfect right now for you to be able to just like do whatever the hell you want cuz like for a while the algorithm was like do not do anything else except for what you're doing cuz that's what we decided how your channels gonna work and now they're just kind of like hit the time like the amount of time that your runtime video was that was not a good sentence hit the run time sin don't let your other videos work you know yeah yeah it's um I think I've taken a lot of I think the thing that I think is just like I want when I put something out I want it to be like I almost wanted to be like a jontron video came out you know what I mean was like events where it's like oh something's out I bet it's really good mmm and it pretty consistently always is with him he hasn't posted a video in like five six months or yeah but I know like if you post something today or in three months or like a year from now it's gonna be really solid mmm and it might not have justified the amount of time it took but you're gonna get like incredible free content that like lives on and stands the test of time and that's kind of what I want to do but it gets tricky with like sponsors - yes it's like okay you gotta have this out by this like I can't make a great thing you know in like a month yeah you know so it's hmm YouTube sucks I can do it don't it's like I thought it was it's interesting because like you're your own boss when you do YouTube and I like you guys are your own bosses right but there's like an element of stress to that yeah that is like that supersedes anything that I thought would come from that career at all it's the guilt of that like when you're your own boss because it's like having an employee that like is really insecure about his own content like well yeah you have a day where you're like I should have edited but I just can't do it and like you as your own boss yeah you're like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you and you know I mean yeah yeah it's like your boss is in your own it's like your boss is in your head yeah but he can't fire you quit you know it's really weird and I don't know and there's also just the level of just maintaining what you got which i think is like it's a lot more stressful to I feel like it's a lot more it's a it's a it's a harder toll maintaining what you have then to just like reach to get it oh yeah you know because it's like okay oh [ __ ] I'm here now what you know cuz I was like ah you know it'd be awesome to hit like half a million subs that'd be great and that didn't I'm like oh what what what now no it's just it's it's a weird don't do it if it listen if you if you really want to do YouTube really know that because I stumbled into this kind of accidentally like I went and it's like I think I had like 900 subscribers when I started taking it seriously I was like I could probably turn this into something just like I winged it pretty much and I made it work but I'm like oh [ __ ] yeah I didn't think this would happen yeah no oh I'm so guilty too like I keep thinking in my mind I'm like soon as I hit this milestone you know soon as I hit 100,000 subs I'll be able to relax like oh I made it you know what [ __ ] and it's like that that never it gets worse it gets way worse so much worse cuz then you yourself expectations are so much higher and I think you're set your perception of like the people that watch you and the community is so much different cuz you're like oh [ __ ] like I can't screw up this video like yeah cuz now I got like half a million people watching wears before it's like 30,000 people watching I could do whatever the hell I want yeah who cares yeah I missed that freedom a little bit of being like nobody's [ __ ] watching this like I'll just say whatever I want to say it kind of frustrates me when people are like just post anything no well we'll watch anything you don't want it's like you don't you don't understand what I understand what you think you want you don't know what you want yeah if I posted anything that I wanted you'd get like my second garbage channel that just has like my roommates screaming at themselves because I that's hilarious today you know you're not good that's not like something you want to put on a 500 thousand subscriber like page you know it's almost like you have to justify your own success to yourself you know what I mean yeah where it's like okay thirty thousand that's pretty good not bad but I I that's achievable 100k whoa that's awesome but I still think all right yeah half a million okay do I deserve this did I really put that much work into this that I deserve like this much attention then you get like really in your own head about it it's it's really weird I think a lot of youtubers deal with that and they don't really talk about it at all because it's like it's almost like YouTube yeah it's not like a real job but it like totally is a stressful job like I do everything I do my own like merchant [ __ ] I run everything I don't have like an editor or anything because like I like to edit so I can't even like it's like my favorite part is editing yeah so like I can't even like delegate that because that would just take away like the majority of what I like about this whole thing yeah so I'm like extra like I if anybody knows if anybody knows Beauty pie or any of these other guys they got like editors you know I don't know I think John has editors too so it's like how that must be so good yeah yeah to some extent we're lucky like I'm so glad like we have Tony at it's the podcast by the way love you Tony thanks Billy I'm I'm I don't know if I love him so we'll just get a legally what could use my brother yeah dude yeah if I don't love him for 15 minutes I'm legally allowed to leave I didn't make that I was gonna call back no no not even just us it was just kind of on I think it was like two months ago it's just like I mean the counts couple those mean cants you know maybe like grande or Dolan or the [ __ ] is Grande's avatar by the way what is the Witcher yes its Geralt with an O blockhead yeah that's what that is so shout out to grande for the worst thing I've ever seen that's my second chain craft character that he made yeah the beard that's so much more frustrating that's an actual character and a note block it's gotta be fan art right I don't think he would like himself that's him actually that's a photograph Murray he's got a very specific skin disease that makes him look like an oak lie it makes his bones bones cubular that's not even a walk you Bueller tubular is so [ __ ] rad you remember all those minecraft clones that came out that some of them were in vort risk raft was that the one keemstar like was in on oh I don't know one of them was on the Xbox and he like invested in it I saw that on so I better ship one of our SIG's just zagged [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I don't know if that's on camera though oh damn it see how long it stands the test of time was hanging on by a thread was actually hanging on by double-sided tape so okay I was about to ask you just double-sided tape yeah just scotch just wanted to thread them and I said that's not a good idea I want Eddie to crochet the back wall but then he said I can't crochet and I said what the hell dude I can't either and then we state them up there yeah I still really angry about it I think it's kind of ridiculous that you guys don't know how to crochet though I think everybody knows how to crochet it's weird I can so I can like double lace to I can double down my shoes I just can't crochet mmm it's a shame yeah where's jumbo team craft came crap that'd be a good one now fortresscraft I think that's what it was I'm not sure we could spend like so long since that was even remotely relevant yeah there were so many Minecraft clones on on the Xbox on the Xbox Marketplace which is impressive considering like how strict it used to be to get stuff on that platform yeah or like any platform really now it's like a crapshoot land now there's like 26 games coming out on PSN every week it's like they didn't care cuz minecraft wasn't on Xbox so they're like well we want to make money off this so we'll just kind of oh yes these have I played it a little bit really yeah my console is literally just minecraft was like I'm surprised that there wasn't like a lawsuit but I guess minecraft is so big but they just don't probably don't even care yeah they're like we are failing is a business we gotta get that fortresscraft not just hanging out not outbids jay-z on a mansion it's like fortresscraft has taken all my coin imagine creating minecraft imagine being that person who just like created fortnight or just like created like this thing that everybody's obsessed with to the point we're like now you probably hate it yeah and now you have to deal with like futuristic hub minecraft parodies you don't have to watch not ever you can't get away from a sin CNN I'm making a point to send knotch have you ever seen that futuristic hub rep from that where it said do you know futuristic hub is no futuristic hub is this guy who makes horrendous minecraft animations or it's like spongebob fight Steve and it's just like these horrendous it's really bad but it's super entertaining because I think he thinks they're really good it's like one of those like Tommy Wiseau kind of deals oh because I don't get a sense of irony at all when I watch this but he did a rap battle he did like a diss track against the lizard squad and lizard squad was this group of hackers I guess that was like trying to take down the PSN and Xbox Live during Christmas one here so he made this diss track I definitely wish we could pull it up because it's so so good but he's just rapping over this beat and the beat is like way low it's like way lower in the audio that it should be and he's like grabbing out of beat and it's like the most disgusting thing I've ever heard I love that there's no clip though I'll show to you after this because it's something that you actually have to see that's why I love those well one I just realized that my headphones are flipped thrown away and I'm a [ __ ] idiot so I'm just gonna like nobody mention it guys nobody tell anyone who's watching the podcast [ __ ] zig zag fell off it totally distracted your headphone thing nobody even saw hey guys I'm we're not back from anything well the gustatory podcast we're here with Gus and Eddie I'm the host I've taken it I've usurped this show it's mine canceled we worked so hard on it you cancelled it yeah just taking it I know so many guys who've like worked on shows for like networks and they've poured like years of their life into it and then they just just get shelved and cancelled the shells oh my so insulting is like way worse just put it out there then you made it like just I guess they don't want to be associated I guess no that's not even it they just like think it's not gonna be in the block like correct I really don't know what the what the the mindset is behind that because you have this presumably pretty decent show I mean wait I'll put it this way think of the stuff that airs yeah you know and think about how crap most of that is have you seen this like Family Guy ass looking show on Netflix oh no which one is it it's like the cops the paradise cops oh I saw an ad for that or just like come on it's the most it it's stuff like that that makes me like look super cynical yeah like I see that I'm like what why is this it's almost more insulting when it's animation - because it's like yeah and especially if you know like if it's not flash like if it's hand-drawn you're like dude so much [ __ ] time went into this and this is what came out you ever seen like brickleberry at all yeah did you enjoy it did I enjoy brickleberry is that do I have to I don't want to put you on the spot that you can guess them Barry I think what's that Taj Taj this show Daniel Tosh he was a voice manataj tah-tah she said Todd she said Taj sorry I just assumed we were on a tosh basis because I've been on the show three times oh I didn't like that just a clip and why I wasn't on the show I never I've never [ __ ] met the guy at all but dammit got on the show did he really yeah god the show you like slid through a giant cardboard cutout of his own face oh [ __ ] come on Tom actually really gross Tosh there you go shout-out to Ricky Berwick and is like mangled body is Ricky he knows yeah the Ricky J Ricky's a super good sport about like literally everything mmm whoo you guys like like hung out in person no god no he's Canadian there's a limit yeah I can't hang out with Canadians no there you go there - they have it - good yeah their health care I don't like seeing people do well and then having to interact with them yeah it's awful we're over here with our problems and I you're throwing it in my face just by existing so yeah Canadian walks in the room who you've been tim horton's it's like yeah that's so cute you think that I can I have time to go to Tim horn yeah and they're like oh wow Hortons kept up by different companies actually not that good anymore it's like that's your [ __ ] problem I bet that Canada doesn't have any worse problems than the Tim Hortons [ __ ] that they don't deal with anything ever something I want to put your question here yeah what is something that you learned recently that you probably should have learned when you were like a child like set like a basic fact that mesmerised you like as an adult that's a good question I know it's like for me Oh answered first yes it's well in my head when I found out that Australia has winter in the summertime yeah that tripped me the [ __ ] out I just learned that now really I did not know that yet they're like December for them is like scorching apparently and like and like I guess like June and July are like cold do they ever get co2 just layer on that my dumbass Ness to this decision not even snow can survive over there really just die yeah called melting it's just a snake like jumps out of the ground and eats every single all of all every single snow but yeah you didn't know it's like I don't know that I just like why would I assume that I know it's weird it's just like I don't know I know this is the question specifically yeah yeah I have no response to it cuz like yeah you never heard him say yeah it's the dog days of December I never heard that phrase I don't even know what you said there the dog days of December yes mate crikey mate oh no I didn't I feel stupid now - I didn't know that at all but I guess makes sense it tripped me out like my first because like I don't I guess it just didn't compute to me that that would ever be a thing like this southern hemisphere or like you know just like why would that happen mm-hmm that's science I guess like I just never once thought about it cuz why would you why would you think it's weather in Australia yeah it's weird to think about - cuz I always think about that instantly and I'm like is Christmas like a summer holiday for them they're like I know but like their traditions are they like do they go surfing on Christmas like that you know yeah dude this is stupid - do they call our summer summer or is like December summer fellow yeah that's I actually don't know that it sounds dumb but it also I don't know Australia's is also just like a [ __ ] up place yeah if you're Australian just unsubscribe so yeah that's like we got like 0.5% of them we could we can take the hit it's super weird like the terminologies they have like like a boot is like a trunk of a car I don't like this isn't okay this is wrong actually like that whole it's almost fitting that it's a nation that used to be used as a giant Jail bizarre to me that's so insane but like they had a landmass specifically for prisoners yeah cuz like you see I feel like we're gonna say some dumb [ __ ] what country from jail like pretend you didn't know that piece of info your entire life and then someone's like hey everyone are not everyone but most people from Australia are like like are born from are their descendants of prisoners and they're like just in England we just pushed a bunch of prisoners over there to this [ __ ] giant island like that's some weird fiction [ __ ] that's not real life that's that's extreme - cuz like back then when it was still jail country or whatever like that you had to go a long ways like it wasn't just like I was zip over there it's like that was I don't know how long I don't [ __ ] know geography probably weeks a couple zips definitely some zags probably a long while and I would just get over to Australia but they used to they just used to do that like people would people who would get in trouble would just get exiled to islands next thing the people would used to do it's like we don't like you anymore go to this go to this land in the middle of the ocean and just hang out there until you're dead that was a thing that people just did - people would they like lock him up they're already like well I don't [ __ ] know you're on an island they're not going anywhere they just set him free I don't know like wasn't like Nepal I'm going in like history [ __ ] that I don't know [ __ ] about but wasn't like Napoleon like exiled to like an island I'm sure I know how history works at all so I don't know welcome to the Justin 85 cast where youtubers who have no business talking about history history did you say Lee is imprisoned even though that's napoleon actually had an affair with cleopatra that's true i'm telling you that right now they existed at the same time actually oh wait that dog that was hundreds of years i i heard he got exiled to australia and he was he invented Neapolitan ice cream during his time there if you if you say anything with confidence people will believe it I found I didn't feel it was too confident enough go for it again did you know that Neapolitan ice cream is invented by me I had no idea sorry go ahead the opponent like this is actually a real thing look did you know that whales have kneecaps see dude I don't know you teach me everything that's a real thing okay with that I was like what does that mean watch it actually is somebody's gonna like pull-ups like actually they're species in the last hundred million years just killer whales and they say the knees are always killing them I've come up with my answer though and it was a couple of years ago I was like dumb [ __ ] that I did I learned do you know this classic song by the who though I always thought it was New Orleans and I was like going on a trip to New Orleans like a few years ago and we're flying in Kidd Matt was like it's [ __ ] who are you dumb I feel like that happens with songs a lot like I'll think a song says something I'll be like oh [ __ ] wait I'm an idiot and I've been an idiot for the entirety of my life since I've heard this song that's it there's one of them in there's a word in the drake and josh theme that everyone gets wrong i saw a clip of drake like correcting people at a concert recently it was like a fun video you it's a point of contention for him for ages people be like people been honestly though I feel you song cuz she did he bet he wrote that right like he all right yeah yeah like it's his song so he like performs it all the time and then constantly hears people get it wrong in front of them I forgot with the lyric is I remember the theme song to be quite honest it's gonna take some time it's real line it's now realized I could see the oh yeah everyone got it wrong he's like he was singing he's like realized doesn't rhyme guy oh yeah cuz if you got a look inside I'm sure you'll find yeah okay so that's a ridiculous argument though that it doesn't rhyme it very clearly obviously I mean it works I'm just like yeah it fits better for real line yeah no it does I could see that's fair yeah I said I like you said I know he's cool but I just love the fact that he's like he throws in a throwback show and he's playing and he just stops no yeah you guys keeping this wrong I'm dumbass kids [ __ ] children don't know their 2000s Nick Nick at night theme songs know those mainstream Nick oh yeah right yeah I was read on a schoolhouse in the Cosby [Laughter] you can say show we have to garbling I think the biggest one of the biggest things I hate about our generation is the way people our age treat those like child stars cuz it's like out of love but really annoying like you'll see clips of like the Sprouse twins just like trying to live their life people like yo [ __ ] Zack what's up I don't think that's exclusive to our generation I just like just gets like a you know like Macaulay Culkin was way before you know Zach and Cody yeah and I'm sure he's he especially yeah I just I see video evidence evidence of it all the time or like people to Josh packs just being like yo Josh what's up you know fat anymore and say what's up my brother you know he think Drake and Josh like individually like not as people like do you think that they overall would resent that kind of [ __ ] like probably eventually if it gets to know 100 percent yeah yeah yeah do especially I I'm purely projecting but I feel like Drake to who is like really gone for a more serious music career by the way Drake Bell's got some [ __ ] bangers like really yeah dude he is a kick-ass recording artist I've showed me one I really like I really like it yeah well an older one you guys look up I know by Drake Bell I think he was still on the show holy [ __ ] that's a good song but like yeah he went through like kind of like a rockabilly like old grease or rock stage and stuff too and like he's really talented and stuff like I I wish that his stuff would have seen more exposure he seems cool too it's what kind of music you you and I don't know you I know you musically at all Drake Bell just Drake Bell go to his room he's like posters Farrah Fawcett poster with Drake Bell's face I like some rock and some and hip-hop and stuff too you should check out there's this band that I found kind of recently I think like in the last year it's called King gizzard in the lizard wizard and it's actually like incredible [ __ ] it's like a psychedelic 70s rock but it's like new so that's like what damn it's super good they have a they have an album that infinitely loops which is like super weird why not more people do that that's kind of a cool idea because that doesn't this I'm gonna get you on you know this I'm gonna get your face on every single Spotify playlist in a row for like ten days but if the each song is good enough and you got onto the Billboard top ten or whatever then they could just keep playing your elevator well it's all ten songs like twenty fifty and they're like we just can't put anything else on the radio it just keeps looping back you have to make sure that each song sequentially is one billboard spot down like who is I've got a question wolf I guess for all of us open question because you're also your podcast boy who would be a dream guest or two that you'd love to just like sit down and do a podcast with like a me me answer but then also maybe like a serious answer I want to picn or McDonald's brand that'd be great because he's just such a psycho I feel so intimidated by him though I feel like I'd feel more intimidated like norm seems like chill like he doesn't seem like super into it like I'd be intimidated just from like the fact that I like admire him so much but like not from like a presence like bill Burson is intimidating yeah Oh like I would not I couldn't imagine interviewing him I'd be like oh my god yeah I feel intimidated by like someone like bill - especially because regardless like I mean he'll be a nice dude you know even though like if he likes you I feel like you're you're still in the crossfire yeah yeah but I'm like I'm like in my mind I'm like it doesn't matter how I'll go to terms like we're on like bill would rather not be here you know like that didn't like did you see that I saw Clips I didn't see the hole wasn't bad I think you did it anything actually did a pretty good job but like just I can't imagine sitting across from one of ya one of the people that I like admire the most who very clearly is just checked out yeah yeah I would I'd be crying I don't have tear ducts yeah that would be sidepiece [ __ ] doing an anxious meltdown yeah yeah sorry about your tear ducts didn't mean to step on that yeah I got him removed I was ice skating and I fell on my tear duct it's pretty it's pretty intense fall I was like an awkward edge and I had to get him removed this guy doctor was named doctor I can't remember it here it's been a while ago I couldn't really see him all that well so oh my god they just pop out of your eyes like [ __ ] pugs eyes pop out geoducks look very odd do they yeah they look like they've ever seen you know the boot in monopoly yes yeah feels like that are we Zack about the trunk of a car or like the foot thing like cook a cook all bad Oh guess I'm did you reduce sounds if you want to know anything about Australia just listen to that instrument I want whatever rented sad we love you know and so we're hanging out shout out sounds a lot like you know that your winters are our summers I just thought you might not know as an Australian damn that's a hard accent to do like when you're like trying to do like accents that's a tricky way I don't want to attempt it here like it's hey they get in the [ __ ] car that's good it's just an exaggerated max pretty yeah yeah like British is like way easier and like pretty much everything is way easier than [ __ ] Australian because it Australians like this just like radioactive British yeah what happened here because they messed up their throats [ __ ] on the didgeridoo dude dude our body like Tyler and Curtis hey boys shoutout they bought Tyler bought like a didgeridoo mom just my buddies and we were we got it we were trying to learn how to flight we got like drunk one night we're trying to learn how to play this new didgeridoo and if you don't know it's kind of hard like you have to let go just like that it to make the noise in there but we popped open a tutorial video and it was about this like really like straight-laced dude and he really casually was like so you're wanting to learn how to start getting Tooting on the didge delete it immediately that's a great shirt rate like with like some didgeridoo are it's so good the day just common language you said like some straight-laced dude I imagine like everybody did that scene in Back to the Future where Marty's like messing with the amp maybe like instead of a guitar he thinks of a I'm a badass Marty whatever you do don't toot on that digits not done yet I love that movie cuz it's like you can't tell if Marty is cool or not yeah he's like both cool and a complete like little [ __ ] at the same time good point I didn't even think about that yeah it's really nebulous like it's kinda cool yeah it's like is he just imposing his own coolness on him like he's like scrawny right and he's like he gets picked on very clearly yeah obviously but he also like has like a really attractive girl friend he's like skating and he's like looking all suave yeah and he's also friends with an old man no I I mean if the cool stuff is that cool or not well I think it might have been gored like the 80s if I skateboard in in the 80s and go hey guys just got done hanging out with my man friend what's up Eugene who was [ __ ] lit today today I can't even imagine that let those that character archetype today like some kid with some vine kid who's like oh dude so just cool people once they do anymore everything everything is so licked yes papa no papa yes Johnny they're just quoting horrible means you know this old man how old is this man really dark one thing to answer it were you saying some Chris polio is cured by the way so if you got polio check out ha ha I sense like a dark future where I like to keep like cures for horrible diseases gonna be like like we should sponsor like some some content use coupon code Chris for 15% off can't imagine like how irresponsible I would be with those like how we all do ads of like comedy stuff just like what's up guys you got AIDS check out the description you won't have it any more get that [ __ ] off your plate doc get down there use the coupon code for 66% off your AIDS to answer your question from before I would I talk to you about this before is I would love to talk to Dave Chappelle but in like realistically I couldn't do it like I couldn't have if for some reason Dave was on this podcast I wouldn't be able to speak to him cuz the whole time I'd be like this dude just hates me probably and there's no way you could get him to stop smoking - and we have like smoke line seems like a nice guy though he seems nice I just I would be so intimidated that I would be right I just [ __ ] up one that like I think I would be able to talk to you and love to talk to his Bo Burnham I would love yeah oh yeah yeah Bo's like seems so cool just like in the know about like the kind of stuff that we all do yeah savy still yeah oh yeah it's pretty crazy actually yeah I think about it how like Fargo is he working on anything right now like yeah yeah it's really it was really surprising yeah this is super good yeah I've never seen eighth grade portrayed so accurately oh my god yeah so awkward especially that like I know people like probably like cranes at that scene but like when the kids are talking about frickin boarding they're just like quoting oh my god I remember just quoting like invader zim to like friends of mine they would just quote it back yeah Monty Python [ __ ] for us yeah it's like [ __ ] it's like all sorts of [ __ ] and it's just like you look at that and it's like it's this hideous mirror on yourself with your kid yeah actually this is painful ah so good though no yes so accurate I think it's especially cuz you don't like you're not really that person that you were at all anymore well nobody's who they were like 10 years yeah I know it's just like not even so you think back to it and you know like what was I thinking when I did this and that's part of the cringe so obviously if you like tweeted something ten years ago yeah you don't agree with anymore that you don't find funny all that much anymore I think I think you should still be fired right quite frank just I don't I don't think you should be allowed to direct guardians of the galaxy vol 3 or 4 or 5 or the prequel the pre guardians of the Big Bang the galaxy was a black screen that's a good answer though um do you have a me me answer like like for the meme are you saying like a joke are you putting me on the spot for a joker Yeti no funny man I can't even joke about I'm sorry whoa epic Clint Eastwood already did that mr. president I was sort of Ronald Reagan yeah sounds like Ronald Reagan I miss George Bush's like voice like he's like ridiculous like today in America we're having a hard time but it's all gonna be okay because I make [ __ ] up constantly yeah that's the impression I miss like to feel like goofy political figures I feel you don't really have that anymore I feel like no it's just like really just like toxic and I just like don't want to deal with any of it ya know so Sarah Palin was probably the last big like real goof that ya could meet because like there are some sprinkled in of like recent stuff but it's just you know the climate is not so Jalen yeah the Jeb please collapse so [ __ ] tragically hilarious did you guys see that documentary it was a mockumentary on Netflix about like the two guys who were undecided and they were like on a quest of like following actual the actual candidates during the primaries around and like picking who they want to vote for like they are totally undecided they're not democrat or republican so they just like do real-world [ __ ] like one of them there's a storyline in a fake one of the girl who's directing it one of them has a crush on her and she's like kind of charmed by Marco Rubio so add an actual Rubio rally he got up and was like this guy is trying to steal my girlfriend like whole they had a whole thing with like Cruz where they were just like he's not human he's a demon look at his face he's the like fully actual real life interrupting stuff that's a bit much it's yeah it's it's I don't know where to fall I like Jeb though yeah Jeb is like a lot more lighter like did you see that video of him like I guess when he was running he was giving out turtles to people what what he had these like ceramic turtles is giving around to people like vote for me Oh Mike just like the most like it's sad but it's also it's not like depressing if there's something like old man about it you know it's like a grandpa giving out like trinkets did you see the video of him like it was one I don't remember how he was doing like in the standings but it was still like oh here's the small handful of people running for president and he was like he was at an IHOP dry it was a [ __ ] Dunkin Donuts drive there was something he was just greedy dude your days are so valuable the Dunkin Donuts drive-through I don't know guys I personally I think Jeb's still got a shot I think 2016 election I think I think there's there's there might be a way you can slip in votes hit a couple of the taco bells together recount recount two years later for a candidate that wasn't even like did you ask people who have recently gone through a drive-thru if they voted because they were probably for me mmm to answer the question for podcast stuff I would love it because it would be so unlikely if we could get her but I would love to get Enya on the podcast mhm if you do you know and yeah yeah like classical singer beautiful you want some nice ear candy you wanna have a sip a couple beers go listen some Enya mmm some good headphones on that one with the really weird speaking rhythm it's like begins a new beginning and never finds it and dude I [ __ ] love it it's good music because also like um I don't know how old she is no disrespect and yet she's a little older um why that's a nice blue our shot right there but like I would love I would love to have like one guest where it's like I don't really know if we have any common ground here like your your you've been singing for decades this like soul music what do I like I don't know that would be [ __ ] cool yeah and yeah please come on I know you're probably watching but my legit answer like a dream guess would be love to have the Trailer Park Boys on hmm that one would I would feel kind of intimidated for two because they're like always on you know yeah but like I would love to get those guys in I'm actually you've never seen the [ __ ] love the Trailer Park Boys it's so funny I've never seen it like I've been I've had people just tell me to watch it but I'm like the thumbnail puts me off yeah that's like a really [ __ ] really shit's like that's um you know that's stupid face with the big eyes and like what is this like a it looks like an Instagram filter yeah it's um no it's like the concepts are just so like outrageous like what's the thing that that you always thought was really funny about the gun oh and I think it's I mean I don't remember everything about it because I just watched I think the first like two episodes of the show and I liked it but I just didn't get into it I'm looking to do that but it was the idea that one of them then one of the main characters was coming back from prison right yeah and he was trying to take back over like he was the head guy in the trailer park and like his main competitor guy has control of like what goes on in the trailer park because he has a gun like not that he uses it or anything but it would be like like this is my turf and then he pulls out the gun they're like whoa man like he's got a gun oh it's thought only girls not like they go get another gun it's like this guy's got the gun in the trailer park so like we can't do anything about it I think that idea is hilarious I just love to cuz like especially the earlier seasons cuz like for a while it was on connect it's a Canadian television show it was like picked up by like the last network that was finally like okay yeah you can you can come on the show and it was a brand new channel that had like no content so like for the first couple of seasons they were like well we have like three shows and like over half their programming was just constantly re-airing Trailer Park Boys episodes so it was like there was clearly no recourse to like no one was checking and being like hey is everything like up to code so like in the first few seasons they're using like what appears to be like real guns mostly likely shooting blanks which are still incredibly loud and very dangerous with the pressure release and [ __ ] so like there's like episodes where like one of the characters is sleeping out in his car his friends like bombed out car so and the character Julian like wakes up in the middle of the night and is just hearing like shots going off in the middle of the night and his friend Ricky had woken up and he was getting mad at the dogs barking so he was just firing shots at the dogs in the trailer park and like Julian is like grabbing his buddy and trying to get him to stop shooting and he's like firing off rounds like a foot from his head just like [ __ ] dogs Julian like bomba and you know it's like dude there's so much dangerous [ __ ] on that yeah and then it's like Oh after like a few seasons people are like okay this show is a following and then people are how many we should probably be a little safer but yeah I don't know I love it it's a great show you should check it out I always worried that having if we have any traditional entertainment people on the podcast which I would love to do I would never want to shift the focus away from like non youtube people but if people were on that didn't do it I'm always afraid of talking to people in other areas of entertainment of like coming off is that like lamb a young YouTube guy you know what I mean like it's always my number-one fear of talking to someone where I'm like I do my fortnight class yeah you seen Logan Paul I basically do the same thing like that type of [ __ ] I yeah like I feel confident like if we sit him down at the table like yeah we can have a conversation with anybody too but I just don't want to like walk in and be like dude this is in a [ __ ] apartment yeah look at these [ __ ] walls these guys are gonna have like this theme or some agenda like all right you really play the with a spaz game dude we're just going for like it's kind of a goofy chill vibe here and stuff like yeah we'll have a legit conversation yeah I still want them to not want to be there that's the only thing yeah just about or we could maybe just direction the show to be doing every game that Jimmy Fallon does okay every game that he plays we could just play it on the show yeah so damn it Daniel Radcliffe you're sick means I saw pictures of that yeah is it painful to watch the video or is it just the reactions that's funny baby boy it's just yeah I just took funny photos but it's just like Jimmy the late-night Jimmy's like these guys I feel like it's a lot of just like hey have you seen this mean hey have you seen this game that would viral like 10 years ago whoa the whole thing it's like okay you got a famous person I guess yeah I would love to interview Jimmy Fallon be like why do you do what you do he seems the thing is like I don't I don't think that Jimmy should be on the eyewall and I think passionately that Conan should still have it oh absolutely my point is the best yeah which Jimmy had nothing to do with and he even joked I made a joke his first show at the expense of Jay Leno like talked about like oh before Jay takes his show like I have it or something it's like Jimmy seems like a nice guy it just seems weird cuz he seems just like this fun dude that's like pretty good at making jokes I'm pretty good but like he's put in the number one spot on TV yeah and you're just like that's that's where I think it comes from where you're like oh I don't think you deserve that but you seem nice so I feel bad not liking yeah you know what I mean yeah it's like I've have you seen him like do any live solo like performance he [ __ ] a little bit cuz like I've been frustrated by aspects of his career like and I always bug the [ __ ] out of me I would [ __ ] laughing like every SNL oh come on dude don't think that interview still he'd and that's the thing that I dislike now where it's like he's a likable guy and he is a very talented dude oh yeah we're talented I [ __ ] hate how he interviews people yeah it's just ah it's it seems so phony like he could even be like that in his real life to some extent I have no way of knowing but it comes across as so [ __ ] phony yeah he's like he's better than Colbert I feel like cuz interviewing yeah cuz like there's some I don't know if you've seen this it's like a bill per oh you see this bill we were talking there yes so uncomfortable he's the worst thing I've ever seen my god well bear I think is the worst interviewer yeah yeah and I like Colbert a lot I like The Colbert Report a lot yeah yeah I miss that a lot a thing that I said is like Colbert is a [ __ ] great host for a bad guest like if it's just like I'm and I'm an actor and this is like kind of my first show I don't know we talked we should talk about and like he'll play around and have fun not at the only slightly at the expense of the guest just like keep conversation moving is such a great improviser but especially from that bill burr episode I got the sense from Conan where it's like if his guest is a threat to how funny Colbert is he'll kind of pull back can shut down their jokes and I don't like that at all yeah yeah it just seems a little condescending I don't know it's it's especially noticeable when you compare interview because like whenever whenever it bill Birds on Conan kills it yes it's some of the best like I watch those Clips a lot like just like bill burr on Conan like it like Norma Talent on Conan Conan seems to have like a really good rapport with comedians mm-hmm whereas like Fallon just kind of just does that thing where he's like I said what have you been going through and then and the guy's like vomit my family just died in horrible car accident he's like and like Colbert just kind of like just kind of a bog-standard kind of interview you know it's just like what are you doing what are you thinking yeah what do think about this and it's just like yes or no questions and it's like his transitions aren't as good and yeah yeah yeah I don't know I think with Fallon what really bugs me is it seems like Fallon's not listening and he's always worried unlike how the interviews going and then he'll like miss he or something and laugh and repeat it like the this isn't even miss hearing but that that famous clip with Louie where he asked me he prefers napping or sleeping and like Louis is like like does a dumb thing you just said he's like no it's not like which do you prefer like napping or Stevie and Louise desperately trying to get away from it and like Jimmy still just kind of laughing about it and like Louis tried his best not to be like you're that is so funny it's funny but also painful to watch you know I love cuz like Louie's like not having it at all and he's just he is very consciously like I'm just gonna [ __ ] like no no this is what you said like we're not just breezing past yeah yeah yeah pay for what you did and that was it shows in that part because he says that's like asking me if I like ice cream or like creamy desserts or something and Fallon just goes like ah well no it's like what was that moment yeah as an interviewer what is that you know or and then like I think Louie later honest tries to like turn on and he's like what's your favorite kind of uh yeah what's your favorite kind of uh like dessert he goes ice cream oh well do you also like dairy desserts and then Fallon also says like yeah well I like them both and he does it again say dude pay attention what the [ __ ] he doing I don't know it's painful sometimes but Conan is like king I [ __ ] it especially with just like how he's because he was um he's especially active online no and he's not like in the way that like found everybody else it's like hey just subscribe to the SUBSCRIBE tonight's show you know he actually like olan Rogers the fact that he picked up his show saying to me yeah picked up the don't hug me i'm scared show yeah yeah you told me yeah like i heard about that like literally this morning I'm like this is this is why he's awesome yeah you know it's that's right what I think I heard from Owen like telling the story in a video too was like Conan saw the pitch for it and was like we're doing that like immediately that's so cool yeah olan Rogers is like really classic YouTube yeah I don't know if a lot of people know what balloon shop is but balloon shop is some of the some of the most amusing sketch comedy from like more 6:07 really yeah it's like crazy it's so weird it's got like such a weird tone that I don't think I've ever seen in anything else ever yeah only has just a specific thing you know I mean it's like his own yeah his own tone to everything that was like some less so my favorite stuff was like early balloon shop well I mean balloon shop in general because they didn't they didn't really last all that long hmm you should check them out they're really good damn dude yeah nope dude I've said that [ __ ] don't hug me I'm scared thing I've said for years that that series is my favorite content ever oh great it's my favorite I watched earlier oh it's so good I like make myself like cuz like I'll make myself not watch certain movies until it's a certain time of year like I'm gearing up for my shining watch for this year I'm [ __ ] psyched but I'll like limit myself like okay you can only watch like don't hug me I'm scared like the whole thing wants every few months and I'll just like sit down and like pour myself a nice drink we're good headphones and watch it on a nice screen just watch them all through its oh I [ __ ] love it it's super good I'm back and I bet it feels great to make like to make something like to spend a lot of time on something and have it just be this great thing that everybody like adores and it blew up too like numbers justify all the time going into it too yeah no I mean the production value on the first ones insane yeah they had no big following yet and they're just like alright it's just on par with the rest didn't they have a Kickstarter for the they had some kind of kicks their crowdfunding thing right I mean a lot of people have crammed voting things and ya know we want to some people and some people just cut it cut corners and can make little walls with a little construction paper tape to them this is the cards with us I don't know Charlotte but it sounded Chris was saying a lot of things that sounded like what we're doing right now and I just was he - Chris can you take your headphones out for you sure was he talking about us I didn't have anything planned after that though no what I was saying was like you have stuff like star citizen which I don't know if you guys made like that like I don't know like Jeff Bezos is money and it's still not out and it's looking like it's probably not gonna be out or like other like crowdfunding projects just kind of fail and like this is well there was one game that it's really excited for pray for the gods which was like this it just looked like a shadow of the colossus clone no yeah but I was like but I was like oh that's fine I want more of this anyway yeah like it's a game that I wish people copied more often disappoint you in some way though I don't think it's out yet is yeah it's not out yet but my brother I don't know if this is true he just told me that they're like signing out of become a PlayStation release as well so yeah I guess it's more yes but it's like what I'm saying is like it takes ages if something if something gets funded it either takes forever to happen yeah or just does it mm-hmm and perhaps to those guys if I don't know if the don't hug me I'm scared was crowdfunder or not if it was that's even cooler to me mm-hmm but they delivered on it I think it was I mean this could be her glue hitch why do you pitch that I want to know what the pitch was - I'm gonna google it take over boys yeah please do oh how are you you never actually spoken to each other without Eddie present he's kind and he doesn't he's like he's like a bridge to terribly see him I know like annasophia robb one yeah are you glass to describe yourself Bridge to Terabithia the two especially I was that recently what about Bridge to Terabithia I think I was like trying to write it into a video it was a heartbreaking ass video or well feature film yeah it was like broke my heart the first time I saw it I just kind of laugh yeah that's just like I've seen it so many times it's like ah his approach okay how does she die doesn't she like slip and hit her head or some she likes slips off a rope wait is this actually the okay so don't hug me I'm scared the series for amazing episodes that teach the puppets the most important subjects of life and complete the D H M is story I think this is after the first episode oh there's five episodes right six of them miss six yeah okay so it's after the first two and it made a hundred and four thousand pounds of their ninety six thousand goal like sixty bucks here yeah that's the I mean it very well might be at this point well that's what I wonder too cuz it looks so high-quality and it's like just the physical set stuff is a huge cost just having the crew is a huge cost making and operating the puppets and there's like so much animation and [ __ ] too and writing music and stuff like I can't imagine that the ad money kicked in like nuts for them they're not sponsored like I mean if it's kick-started they get paid for doing it so just completing it as a thing you know what I mean mmm I'm assuming that production budget was to pay them as well like not just doing it yeah yeah yeah no it's it's still like super it's still a really impressive bit of Internet content I think it happened cuz it's pure talent like that's yeah it's just like a super talented group of guys just making this or girls out I don't know how does ladies really be inclusive here or anybody else who's in-between or dogs and cats pays maybe yeah maybe couple does be one cat one cat how was that take the cat actually voiced the computer in the fourth episode hi I'm Mike I love Zanna that's a great one yeah I love that song so much it's a voice effect over this is really good yeah don't touch me like that [ __ ] auto-tune duck that's a tricky one settling and it like work so it like that hold like I didn't realize that he was auto-tune atill literally today yeah like I've been watching those forever I'm like I just noticed that there was like something wrong to a computer I love his voice of the screams in episode 3 - like 3 is the picnic right - is the picnic 3 is time 3 is time no no no no no it's it's one is like crafts to [ __ ] on who is time three is technology yeah cuz technology is the computer you want and then four is [ __ ] I don't know I know they sure it's not picnic is three in the order doesn't work the order doesn't really matter yeah it's just I just love the yellow guys like screams kind of in it where it's like just so it's so easy to like do the [ __ ] dad puppets the best I love it everyone yeah yeah there's actually a really great film Theory episode on the whole thing and they like me I I'm almost positive that's the exact story of the whole thing is it's just they nailed it I know it's easy to mean game theory and film theory but like they really like they figured it out what was this back when they were actually kind of doing interesting I don't know what I don't have not followed them on in a while I think once things once your is the problem of anything it's like once you're forced to do something like super often nothing not everything can be like a great video yeah which is something that I think I'm understanding more and more as like because like used to be like used to be mom like people it's like I why do putting this out and like okay well I get what it's like to be in like a rut like that yeah I don't all my videos are really good yeah I was just agreeing I had a bad video I just had confused I mean I'll check you know what we did a video together like months ago and stuff and that would I killed this channel do it haha somebody came to me is like I think it was like some angry guy who's like Gus was on sugar pine he's trashing you oh that doesn't sound like no yeah I watched I was like oh he wasn't no no no at the algorithm and how it absolutely does not like me at all well because I think I think specifically because we were in such very different veins and I was doing like pre cuz like now I've kind of sprinkle in some like commentaries videos and [ __ ] like and they're very good well thank you I appreciate that but it's like that was the first time I put featuring anyone in a title and it was your name which were in very different veins and who knows you know it could have been like a red flag and then YouTube don't do that you know but like for some reason almost nobody got notified of that video was the problem too weird the reception was great still to this day that's one of the most memed videos in my comments and stuff like people are always like for realsies and [ __ ] like yeah legitimately I get it all the time and stuff too and it's since it's since seen like a surge in views afterwards but initially it was just a strange no it's it's interesting cuz like I got this guy comment down yeah that something's off about that I don't think Gus is an [ __ ] yeah so like it's it's kind of interesting because I feel like a lot of times this it transitions it kind of translates the headlines too it's like you've read the like a headline it's like really meant to like rile you up mm-hmm it's like I can't believe that happened I can't believe this nonsense happened then you read the articles like no that didn't happen oh yeah I'm guilty of that [ __ ] - I'll see so I read it and I'm like that's the [ __ ] truth and then I'll be like dude I didn't even look at an article I looked at a well worded comment like exactly but I see it a lot when it's like trying to get people to fight like try thing did you hear what this person said about you and then somebody will hear like somebody said something bad about it's like I can't well one [ __ ] why would he say something bad about me mhm and then you know what nothing's ever been said actually what was the sugar pine thing I don't know they were just talking about how the algorithm like [ __ ] with that oh okay I was translated to this guy is like him trashing me Oh oh yeah I threw out a guest because they were like what because they were talking about like their channel ups and downs and [ __ ] too and and I was like yeah the first time I noticed like getting really [ __ ] with like notifications and algorithms and stuff was like when we were all working on the video together like I don't know if it's because I put Chris's name in the title and [ __ ] and if it like changed algorithmically or something like that I mean that was essentially what I said but yeah it's weird people just people people yeah people want to assume [ __ ] like this one isn't even that bad of putting out there like trying to get people to fight it's not that but I really think it's hilarious especially on my channel when I make my friends be really mean to me like they call you yeah even though one that you know it was like a scheduling thing for the for that like merch bit that I thought I was doing before you know the one that yeah like Jake using and everything that I love it when like drew or Danny or you are just really mean to me on camera I think it's really funny to try and react to that and some people now are being like um was this acting or do you guys actually not like each other I'm actually crying out with someone frequently yeah and like all the time and actually hating them yeah I mean I couldn't a man I couldn't even imagine guys come on no I don't get it yeah I think you're totally right it boils down to people wanting there to be conflict and stuff yes it's like that it's just weird I guess it's just how it like the internet functions now it's just like a constant outrage machine that's why I just use Bing yeah when you put your shield for Bing I left my Bing joke in my Vimeo joke and those are my two only two jokes I own that you own those are not your joke city right I mean those are very old jokes that everybody's looking up to being it were you gonna say something it's a good I don't think so I was gonna say with the Bing thing though like dude we already talked on the podcast about like uncomfortable product placement with [ __ ] or is that just like in our personal life I don't remember either this conversation no there was like there's this classic video go look it up it's like I think it's on like Hawaii five-o or something then they're trying to fit in a Bing sponsorship and it's like the most blatantly awful incorporation ever it's like two detectives are like well what's this piece of art worth well I don't know why don't you just Bing it Bing it yeah look at this I just Bing it right here and the answers right there they said the phrase Bing at like three times it's like dude don't try to force this down our throats no one [ __ ] says Bing it it's like stop showing your phone on screen we're not gonna buy the phone we all just regularly Bing things all the time we don't need to see what phones are no one's using no one's using thing let's be real it's not that's actually not a bad actually if you open your phone right now and go to WWE you'll see that everything that you do on Bing is significantly faster than on Google it's not not add links in the description to the show it's not a respect again that's that respect just like that just to add context discussion there's a Bing link next to the cure for polio [ __ ] just go Bing it I have an ironically heard that though like actually like no meme like that actually like is better search engine but the problem is you'd have to google it yeah so like why yeah why would you even bother Google is being better being was such a funny one cuz it was like something that Google is so cemented in regular daily life already that everyone at once is like [ __ ] you thinking yes like obviously we're not gonna switch yeah Microsoft does that every now and again well where they'll just like kind of insert themselves into a place where they just can't like at all like like like phones I think the one whose phones are actually kind of cool but like yeah like stuff like that like this soon yeah oh my god those awful yeah the only thing that was good about that was they had a halo head like a halo 3 special edition one I didn't even know what was it like was like UNSC themed like green is kind of cool it looks kind of cool but like I would like why would [ __ ] soon people were already like iPod was just the default name for like what that device was like things are still called podcasts yeah yeah no that's so true there's no weird them like we're in a world that iPods are just like dead now yeah they're dead they're gone that was everything No just almost instantly we're like nope yes done generation five was the last one right with like the 5s and stuff that they were just like yep this is the last iPod we're [ __ ] done boys that was a few years ago when you think about that a few years ago like at the rate at which technology is like speeds pass uses yeah was it like 2011 or something I think it was like it was even less I think it was like 2013 I think when the 1 to 5 at least if it was on that track of when the like 5s came out I remember that coming out when are the 5 at least when I was a sophomore in high school I was like on a field trip and one kid like brought it out I was like how the [ __ ] did he get that yeah you guys are you guys are younger than me right yeah I think so you like 2012 23 you try 3 yes I'm I'm 21 gonna be 22 like in a little over a month so I noticed I'm 24 and I like I like when I was in high school it was like 2007 to 2011 it was like my high school experience right and I remember specifically in 2007 the iPhone had just come out right mhm mhm but it was so expensive that nobody in our school had one mmm but by 2011 everyone had smartphones and that's just such a weird period of time to be in high school yeah it's like when people like barely even had flip phones like some of us did and even those of us who did some of us couldn't text cuz it's like a brands wouldn't pay for the plan hmm and then at the end of that cycle everybody's just got like this computer in their pockets yeah like can cheap every way that's insane and they didn't know how to deal with it either like teachers were like I remember looking up the answers to all the questions on on Google on my phone for like I can't rip it was like a midterm or like something and just like they didn't assume that that was possible yeah yeah so like people just got away with it yeah no that's a no that's one of the bizarre things I usually don't think about what was like a big aspect of that time was that weird shift between the two were they were like six years were just some people were still on flip phones and some people were like I had a smartphone for years what the [ __ ] are you doing yeah like now I mean everyone has one but it was just weird it's weird to think about that that it was in the grand scheme of things super fast of the switch but like living through those years was just weird of like up lost another one I still got a flip phone but but all my friends are smartphones yeah yeah there was it was a strange it was a strange time in general just cos like even even like content on the internet was like starting to kind of like find it's like footing like you had I guess a no7 like YouTube was a thing but like really was just like how Smosh and mm-hmm and not really that many not many that many like established you know people yeah it's funny like I remember creating my YouTube account like oh seven and thinking like how this website's been out for two years I'm probably too late to start that's the thing that I thought like for real yeah it's like back then websites would come and go yeah actually kind of crazy that like these three of like stuck around like Twitter Facebook and YouTube have actually been around yeah for a way longer time than two and then the things that they replace yeah and there are green stir yeah yeah Friendster like myspace are dead myspace was the one I was on I never I was never around Friendster who the hell was I just been LinkedIn day one dude myspace was kind of cool though because you could customize stuff a lot oh yeah it was definitely like it's it's one of those examples of like a better thing but like it doesn't matter because everybody else's on the yeah yeah Facebook though when do you think Facebook's gonna like die out do you think it ever will cuz I know kids now are like that's the [ __ ] old people app there's no way I'm making a face I count the problem with I think these that these particular ones are going to last a long time specifically because of the time that they came out and the the point at which they found relevance is a difficult thing to shake away from them hmm everybody is on Facebook and that's the reason why you're on Facebook it's not even necessarily that you like Facebook or that you use it it's just everybody's on it yeah and it's like even if even if it's just like the messenger app you know that which is like super convenient like I use that more looking why use that more than more than texts me just cuz people check our number it's like [ __ ] just like yeah some of you have messaged your thing you know but I don't know I I'd be surprised to see Facebook just die hmm any time soon I think I think the most you'll see is probably like a shift in focus yeah I think they'll probably do like some redesign in a few years but even that's like well off well one of the main things too is the the kids that don't want to use Facebook its Instagram is like the new thing yeah and that's on it yeah that's the weird thing is I didn't mean like exactly it's a company but yeah before they even like change yeah just the site yeah it's still like such an obligatory thing like I agree that the youth focus has kind of shifted and that's you know but it's still like people will be more active in viewing and posting on like Instagram but it's still like well I got to do a Facebook thing because that's like your life you have to document you know as opposed to like a pleasure thing I don't I just completely do you still like post right you know I don't think I posted I don't post on Facebook but Facebook I find is actually kind of really good for finding videos which is weird really yeah like I find that most of the stuff that I'll more like interesting things like people there's this there's this group called brass Against the Machine and they just like post Rage Against the Machine covers using like brass and super cool yeah the lead vocalist chick is like really good but I find that like whenever I go into a video feed you know how Facebook does like the automatic video feed yeah I find stuff that's way more interesting than YouTube but like YouTube is a place that I go for like established content like what's this creator doing but for like viral videos I feel like it's kind of dead mmm like you can't really find like [ __ ] slides on face on YouTube unless you specifically look for us not just gonna pop up in front of you yeah baseball all the time are you gonna only find little people slide on face on YouTube no actually no it's just all you can find that's you were seeing it on trending number one on trending but you didn't know is the same video because the title it changed WWE gif or whatever or that that like dude is like I don't know if he's like full-on like small or like I don't know I just know the name of the videos and [ __ ] slides on face that's probably it's a and it's got like danger zone plan it's a good video but yeah like Facebook's pretty good for like finding especially if you have like a history of like liking stuff that it's an algorithm thing I fully understand that it's an AI just serving me [ __ ] that I that I'm that it knows will like appease me for a short period of time but it's fun for like shorter like kind of like you know weird projects like brass against the machine and stuff like then it's the Instagram Explorer pages are pretty good but like mine gets so messed up from making videos about people on Instagram because then they're like you [ __ ] love Lele pons we know you do because you've watched so much of her stuff and it's like I'm not even following her I don't please stop showing her me I'll even put like I don't want to see this anymore and it'll still come up on the explore page I can't do anything about it I think they're just people like on any platform where it's like any unsubscribe or block thing just it doesn't [ __ ] work yeah like that was that was Logan like Logan Paul [ __ ] especially after his stuff like his apology and his his text updates like I so unavoidable yeah like I was a victim of getting getting that no but like everybody was like why am I getting this [ __ ] notification from my a community post for Logan Paul yeah I'll still get recommended a community post that's the worst idea I've ever heard of mm-hmm like that's like it's not like forcing a tweet or something because when someone someone's making a community post they're talking directly to the people that follow them to their community yeah in the name yeah yeah I hate I hate I don't really use it all that often I'll only pretty much use it if I know a video hasn't gone out to some okay here's a [ __ ] the basic housekeeping that I have to do to make sure you see the [ __ ] that I'm making oh I like posting to it I just think recommending it's bad like his yeah no definitely it's also for me the last it's working now because I saw it with the podcast is like I got to post about the podcast and people could see it and had like a deist amount of likes but for what was it four months my community post didn't work it's still issue letting yeah 130,000 you know like still [ __ ] if he I remember like my first three community posts were just like I feel guilty like it was like the spring whatever's like I feel guilty haven't uploaded in a long time I want to push a video I made like two or three years ago like I would do like a retro post and it would get like you know like three thousand four thousand likes and [ __ ] and now it's like when I'm triple the size or not I'm probably about you know a size and a half or whatever anyway I'm bigger and I do it now and it's like here's a new update or like dude I made a video over here like we're doing the Gus and I you should I basically this is like a gust video or like here's the podcast and [ __ ] and it'll get like a quarter of the likes and [ __ ] like yeah I haven't really used it in a while yes because it's pretty worthless I don't know how I feel about it to be honest I don't yeah like I don't a bug people fright like right now I'm because we're doing community post of the podcast episodes on our main channel - right but it's like I just I feel like it doesn't work and it's like well if you're gonna implement that feature at least have it [ __ ] work you know yeah I don't know YouTube is with just like keeping YouTube running I don't know how like I have to assume that it's like the hardest thing ever because [ __ ] goes wrong so often you know what I mean not giving them like credit for it but it's like I don't understand this it's a platform that has more people than most countries yeah yeah it's like it's a huge thing and I'd imagine especially from like a coding standpoint it's probably a complicated mess yeah that like probably when something goes wrong with YouTube yeah it probably is just like something that probably isn't anybody's fault it's not somebody like it's like somebody like spilt it like dropped a donut I'm like I'm like I'm like a mixing board yeah and like [ __ ] up sub feeds you know it sounds like a complicated mess of a i's intermingling yet haven't really been put through the wringer enough mmm and when they test without people others income that's the weird that's that the problem is how do you do it like how do ya there's no good way there's no good way for them to go about I would I would like to be to see them be transparent about it yeah but there's the problem also it's like being transparent about algorithm changes he's kind of a thing where it's like okay just so you know how this affects you that's a good thing but then from their perspective it's like if we just put this out there then everybody's just gonna abuse the algorithm yeah and then we'll have to change the algorithm again mmm so there's really it's it really is like a catch-22 if you do like I like a lot of the complaints against them or like super justified and I complain against that I complained constantly about them but I mean they're also in a particularly difficult spot where they have to manage millions of people and you know hundreds of hours a second yeah it's just like you can't expect that to run super smoothly no I don't know I feel guilty I'm guilty of this too but like it's kind of frustrating to when like creators especially like I in the scope of YouTube I mean I would classify myself I'm a smaller creator in the pool of like when when creators like would just go on there and be like what the [ __ ] YouTube this video didn't go out it's [ __ ] up that it didn't but when you say that - it's like yeah dude like this shit's gonna happen sometimes - what bothers me the most is like the conscious business decisions that are like dumb as [ __ ] like yeah oh well we'll try like optimizing the subscription feed she's like no nobody wants to [ __ ] [ __ ] get that out of here don't do that whoo we might do that stuff under Will Smith original yeah like I just feel like they don't listen overall to the community like it's like they'll go we heard what you had to say we listened but it's like no you're listening to your Big Dawg earners who represent the tiny portion of like [ __ ] thought on the platform I think that you absolutely it's especially frustrating for me because it's like I don't post that often like the whole point is that I take a lot of time and I noticed and this is what's been so [ __ ] discouraging is that every time I'll post every time and keep in mind this is like maybe a month apart this is like this isn't like something that could happen every day and it's like it doesn't go out just doesn't hit the sub feeds and you know because you can tell so it's like ok community post and then that usually fixes it but it's like the fact that it happens every like the fact that happens to me every upload and I upload so infrequently is like such a ridiculous thing oh yeah how the [ __ ] like like do I make more and hope that it doesn't happen or like what what do I do there's no like there's no psychological healthy place to go and then when publicly yeah there's no recourse be publicly - because then it's like you can a do the community post where people who really are you go through notification where you [ __ ] give it to me twice well you can like gripe on Twitter be like team you to my notifications aren't working for multiple videos yeah doing that because yeah yeah there's like bro and then I hate the arguments like bro what are you complaining about my video got 200 views and it's like yes but do you rely on that like for your job like you know like this hurts like their months were like oops it's getting [ __ ] up and like I can't I don't know if I'm gonna be able to pay rent this month or like [ __ ] am I gonna be able to afford to move and stuff like right you know like it's different tears no absolutely don't just prick bail but you know like I mean it's it's a bit inside baseball when we're talking about like YouTube's a it is a really complicated it does it is not nearly as simple as it looks and there's a lot of like facets to it that are just like mind-boggling even to us you know it's not this like put a video out make money it's a lot it's a lot more complicated with it especially with how [ __ ] YouTube is now yeah I feel like YouTube has never been this [ __ ] up and I feel like a lot of it is just from the sheer volume of people on it now versus when it was originally a thing even though originally it was like a ton so uh that's up I just specifically take issue with the people why are you complaining right and I only got like my video only is a hundred views or something like that it's like people I understand that you know yeah people have a right to complain yeah it like you know I get it you know my [ __ ] doesn't smell better than anybody else's but like you everyone complains about something you know like you let me have this it's like yeah this is my job right now like a company just goes oops you don't get to make lots more money this one it's like come on like I want to go to you go up to upper management you tell the guy at the water cooler is a [ __ ] you know like yeah great I try not to do it too much it's all great blank that's what I hate about team YouTube's tweets is sometimes like when my community posts are broken there were a couple of tweets they sent out where I was like hey guys I have another thing that I've worked hard on and it's not on my channel and I need to plug it like when we did the Gus and Eddie stuff not the podcast but the older videos and it would be like on Gus's channel and then I get 4 likes and I tweeted them and be like hey what's up and they're like we don't think it's broken we think it's just fine did you try waiting and we just think you suck yeah nobody gives a [ __ ] about you yeah there's a hundred and thirty thousand people and only two of them like the video so [ __ ] you it's like guys yeah no supers don't but I'm sure like even running that Twitter account is a difficult job because it's a very public like anyone tweeting has a following that's like they want to respond to yeah it's like everything is getting picked apart that's gotta suck but also it's like - like how many times have like beggar established creators gone to them and repeatedly said like the same issue like what's going on here what's going on here and YouTube like the team you to Twitter does nothing and it's like we'll find out enormous site-wide changes from oh hi Emily who has 200 followers on Twitter well here's the giant change that we added to the site yeah and that's the only public thing it's like we're having to dig through replies to like find a big site announcements that's [ __ ] I have a weird thing that I've noticed and it's not like a huge deal and I've never thought like it always felt like a weird thing to complain about but I noticed that whenever I comment on [ __ ] it just has no engagement which is like unlikely dude I have the same thing it's I feel like it doesn't make sense then that's not me like blowing smoke up my own ass it's like literally from just having a consistent stream of prior to this weird issue having pretty consistent engagement on comments yeah whatever I would post them on like friends videos or whatever yeah and like it's just it's weird but like no like not a single like like or dislike a cut reply yeah until I don't yeah I even on your videos until you heart them or the podcast and like if we like put it up yeah or something mine I'll look back and I'll be like obviously for the podcast like some people would like my comments because it's the content they're watching and I look back okay it's been two hours what's up nothing you know but it's so far just like a weird thing to notice like a such a sharp change in like a trend it's more like that's like what happened what yeah I think I'm just Shadow Man probably me especially I think I probably should that's why we're not putting your name in the title of this mystery put your full picture advertiser friendly mystery guest just a much like sense like asterisks for your name for every single one of those like ASCII ASCII fonts ASCII fonts is that what it's pronounced I don't know it's like the weird ones I just don't I don't know what had turn but where it's like the weird symbols that make up the letters or whatever like well ASCII is like like when you draw like a picture I don't like okay oh just a picture of you just like a twitch emote you don't like control egg select the entire title paste into a word doc to see the photo yeah well we're kind of at the end of our time here oh yeah probably gonna be our longest episode yet actually oh [ __ ] in nearly two hours yeah Wow okay so sorry if I can edit that down Tony that's Tony headed it down you [ __ ] idiot can we get like a tight twenty minutes on this one do that Joey trim this one down in 20 listen up cut out all the consonants alright Tony just trim it down Tony turn it to 20 it's just so Chris where can people find what you do I like to plug [ __ ] cuz it's like obviously people know how to use the internet like if you see my name here you'll know where to find me I like it that's a good point I like children you know you're not elderly women you're not elderly men I got it together verification like the show you guys got a good thing going thanks man thank you so nasty no I like that and I didn't think you were but now that you said it I think you might appreciate the the Twitter support for those kind words publicly of course thank you sir at ease private well thank you to Chris thank you to our sponsors and thank you to Tony for editing this B's and also just for me the troops but that's just coming for me and not these guys thank you thank you to the troops can't stand the trip so appreciate you clarifying alright let's end the episode now just a Tony knows Tony this is the way the theme goes [Music]
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 281,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ray gun, eddy burback, gus johnson, gus and eddy, the gus and eddy podcast, gus johnson podcast, eddy burback podcast, chris ray gun podcast, Chris Ray Gun - The Gus & Eddy Podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 6sec (6606 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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