Michael Reeves Really Hates Turtles - The Gus & Eddy & Michael Podcast

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Michael Reeves is the most chaotic neutral person I've ever seen

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/frankiematos109 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn dude really doesn’t like turtles

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

why did the fbi go to his door?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/secure_mobile πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Favorite episode I think

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Super pumped to see him on the podcast after watching him camera-taze gus and Eddy on his channel lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chillzntrillz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] okay oh that's the jet should be a start of the podcast [ __ ] right there yeah you saying okay like dammit what if I wanted to redo that go ahead here's your chance okay okay we're welcoming Michael Reese people asked to introduce people more even though you got Google oh he's driving pull out your phone while you're driving it's the 21st century you can fit in one hand do you want to tell video people know who you are you until these [ __ ] idiot audio listeners who you are with some bastards yeah what you do I make robots on the Internet and that's it make little videos out of a little memes yeah a couple of means it's very tight it's low resolution and they're very tiny on them yeah I don't know about TP that's smart he chooses to make it very small so it still looks clear cuz it's not blowing up the resolution yeah you should make a robot about that old ones I'm sorry I like I was looking at the Twitter questions we got in and again they've never had their question answered by you before but our questions seem to vary about a lot of things and everybody thinks like wait what can I ask Michael that nobody's asked before our making robots hard no I think we probably chat about this before but how often do you get people coming up to you that's like dude I've got a robot idea for you all the time like a lot of the time it's other youtubers really yeah a lot of the time and so that YouTube just like hey man like we should like you make a robot and like I think it would be fun to like collab on a robot is like the thinking but like I take like a month to make a video so it's yeah that's kind of not good but yeah a lot of other youtubers ideas what's the best suggestion that you've actually gotten cuz like there's so much [ __ ] like we talked about like people suggest sketches and like commentary stuff all yeah like what's the actual best one can you remember one oh yeah the best one I think the I did a robot where it detects when your eyes are getting closed like with some image recognition software and you like detect when the eye is shut and then it would spray a jet of monster into your mouth like an energy drink yeah yeah like even if you just blinked we wit you it often is like a certain threshold so I'm close your eyes for like five seconds or something spray your face well I didn't do the mouth detection so just like shot at a between your eyes so it's just constantly keeping you energized in case you act and that was a suggestion so that was like the cobbling together of like two suggestions I remember it was like make a robot that detects when you're tired and like tases you and then it was like make a robot that she's some energy drink so you just like kind of smash them together that's what's that I don't remember them there's a little older yeah okay yes when I was like still back on Oahu like okay garbage island how long have you been off of Oahu for as long as I've been here for people uninformed Oahu is a drug that Michael was addicted to snorting you skull it's the Mario it's the mushrooms this is all making sense now dude I've been here for like a year so Los Angeles I think I just hit the gear mark same time then first around at least yes I don't remember like yeah what do you remember the date you moved out yeah I recently looked at it for my taxes cuz apparently they didn't get filed you and me both ICP I was like hey I did a little [ __ ] welcome yeah I think it was like September okay that's again so we I guess have you beat and we're here earlier so I guess it's like Ellie's my city I can say that seriously that makes you an immigrant right cuz Hawaii doesn't count as the United States yeah I'm an illegal alien kind of yeah do you believe in aliens only the illegal ones only the illegal I've never seen one myself and I asked for everyone's green card whenever I say I think I don't I don't care if they're here I just need to know if they're but you're not trying to deport them it's very very good because I knew it do you believe in aliens oh your science guy I feel like there must be aliens somewhere yeah didn't he confirmed it guys it didn't it did we're [ __ ] that was one of the most unsettling nights I've ever had when the news first came out of those foot the footage from the pilots because it really I was my friends and I were in a cabin in the middle of the woods in Wisconsin and we it was just hitting us like I know this was 10 years ago but if there's a possibility that aliens are flying around here there could be just one day where Society for all of us just drastically changes like a snap do this oh yeah every your regular life just ends as you know it how are we gonna make [ __ ] youtube videos if there are aliens that are like hey your society what can a lien YouTube you know my god tick tock is run by aliens the illegal ones I could totally see the point of view of like the government not telling people about aliens cuz like you said it's like well okay well then what do we [ __ ] do after that yeah do I make a commentary video on an alien yeah cuz like how could you get people to care about anything at least for that year how could any of us be like hey look at my thing it's like hold on there's aliens oh I can't focus on this yeah I'd be like a massive society shifting kind of yeah kind of mean I like I wanted I wanted to know but I don't you know I like being ignorant I just want to just be chillin up here I don't really care if aliens came here and could communicate with us but looked really really gross how long would it take of being in our society before one of I would it would be a guy a human guy yeah [ __ ] one of them I like 12 hours immediately until afternoon whoa the second one of them could like enter a bar it's like it's done not in the horrible way though alien alien consent damn I don't know if that's just spooky we like staying here on earth boys I want to tell you we like just us being on the surface and nobody else so if you want to land here no way that's me that's officially Gus nettie podcast don't land we do I'm not saying we deny aliens we're just saying we can't sanction your lifestyle okay it is a choice did anyone get shot dude nobody got shot is 75 people there was [ __ ] I was maybe five minutes away from actually getting in my car and just going here's the thing you tweeted that and it was what like 2:30 2:30 I was like ah drugged out on five Red Bulls and like I got really bothered cuz I was drifting off to sleep and I was looking at my phone and I saw that message and for a quick second I was like tweet at Michael and go with him I was like it's 2:30 go to bed you're like I do to edit hey it's like I mean what are you gonna tell the like that's like a history book thing kind of like you're gonna have like they're just gonna be a history book about the internet like oh yeah on this day yeah the [ __ ] area 51 raid went down like where were you you know it's the only thing that stopped me and it wasn't being responsible I was like traffic might be really bad I would just picture getting stopped on that like the one skinny desert road and I was like alright well I don't want to do that but if that didn't happen then I probably would have gone right okay yeah yeah and then well I would have to wake you up to at least invite you whosoever like knock on the door be like hey so sorry Sabrina yes do you want to go at every fifth area 51 with me a Michael okay 2:30 in the morning your sleep schedule is so [ __ ] how do you got wÀôre words how what is your date what's your 24-hour period look like I've been going so like mmm for the it got really [ __ ] with my last video that was though I think maybe the worst it's ever been because I was going to bed consistently at 10 a.m. and waking up at like 4:00 p.m. oh my god how like do you and dissing you do you enjoy that early like the only reason I do it is cuz like I feel like I work better at night I mean no one's around you're like you're in your like little cult it's colder nothing's going on outside to distract you feel like you're going [ __ ] done cuz you have everybody else's suite yeah yeah I like love nighttime it's like better than daytime you know it's not like I still go outside yeah yeah when Sun go down good Sun go down bad Sun up bad is warm I've been saying that for years for Batum actually yeah that's true he's right about that I feel like I came in first to say it or at least in recorded history so if we could just can you patent that for me he's been dead black put it on a platter I just [ __ ] sent us a plaque already so he said as a plaque of sun go up bad son be down oh no is what you said okay full stop right there from the time I said that original quote - right then I want all of that conversation on a plaque without any punctuation we keep saying these things and we're like no one's gonna send us that but then we get it so we gotta be careful yes well send us to what if someone sent us a nice tasteful cheese platter what would we do then every time there's a moment where Gus asked to have something shipped and it makes the joke and I go no and then he makes one more joke and that's the sealing the deal of us getting it that's why we have a thousand knives here and that's why we still need more knife that was just an example that was an example we do but for Michael we're just showing him I'm gonna said I wish you still had your hernia whoa oh did you get that death don't worry did I get that did I did not here's the thing I said God intervene God intervene and pulled the hernia out of me that would be the opposite he should have pushed it back no I found out last week I spoken up very briefly but that episode is not out yet except for you guys at home it is but I don't have a [ __ ] hernia three doctors twice wait wait one yeah three doctors said that I have a hernia and I went to the fourth one I got an ultrasound done and he's like I am looking at your scans there's nothing you absolutely do not have a hernia I was like but I am in pain so I'm back here at square one didn't he say he was like an expert in hernias - yeah he's like the guy like lower abdominal surgery a guy so I had me fifteen at once myself that's gross man like yeah right like surgery or like broken up bone or anything I've never broken a bone now that like the worst surgery I've gotten this like [ __ ] incisors pulled out of my mouth oh really yeah all four at one wait why I don't know yeah just for the me my mom yeah I got this insurance gotta do something wakes up at 2:30 a.m. [Laughter] yeah I got all four at the same time and they like didn't knock me out they just made me real tired I also got all four wisdoms pulled out at once oh really like little little back to back action real cool stuff did you get put on her for that one no I didn't either those [ __ ] miserable oh god the crunch oh my god the conch is so yucky it's like in it so loud Oh most discs okay so like first they put laughing gas on me because like just the injections for the anesthesia hurts so I was like pre and like pre-gaming anesthesia yeah I had that for when I had a tooth pulp that was like it wasn't an adult tooth but it was I had a cavity like in my gum had a spacer so yeah I had the same yeah yeah and then after the laughing gas like it in like an actual big-boy anesthesia and like you don't really feel your mouth is almost like the worst part cuz like you feel your head moving and you just like hear a fat crunch and like you taste blood but the crunch is just like the yuckiest possible to the travels through your [ __ ] head I didn't even know what to compare it like it's like crunchy er than a cracker like we died so long the Ritz Oh No cheese it I'd say cheese it if like a cheese it had sex with candy cane wrapper they would be like that crunch no no substantial of a crime and you feel it still doesn't hurt but it's like you feel like up and then Bloods down your throat how cheese it's really really yucky it's no good at all I was lucky for mine they're just like yeah you could you're good you just you keep them damn they're like they're not harming anybody and you're fine it's like okay I don't think mine were causing any immediate problems but they're like in the future this will maybe cause a problem okay my mom was like [ __ ] pull them out yeah I do God that [ __ ] some of that stuff so common I always forget about that like these really really common surgeries where I'm like oops where FF what if I have like kidney stones I need to take out what if my gallbladder what if my tonsils yes yeah yeah that's the worst thing yeah I don't have health insurance so that would help I'll just die just die do you have any just try dying do it once then get back to me all right like Flatliners do you have no health insurance no did you is this a conscious decision or is this just neglect borderline in a glass okay well that's a little better yeah I like a drop out of college and the like as long as you're a student you're still covered by your parents health insurance so like the instant I dropped out I was no longer covered wait you're on until 26 though that's Obama those are the Obamacare rules baby oh by us you don't have to be under Obamacare but that was a rule with the Obamacare laws that you get to stay until you're 26 that's weird no no did they tell you my mom yeah my mom and dad were both specifically like you have no more health insurance go get it and then I was like I look like how long ago is that like two years I have a plan yet let me tell you something Michael I didn't need how I didn't go to the doctor for any issues once until I was 23 last year and I got pneumonia my balls started getting all growing weird and then my hoeing week and I thought I was the first hernia sighs my bean got sore and then yeah and then I [ __ ] thought I was having a heart attack and I got anxiety for the first time so suddenly I went to the hospital like four major times in one year oh that's a damn shame I just like doing it even with insurance I went to the ER for that [ __ ] time that we went and I thought I was having a heart attack I was my first an anxiety attack ever and they charged me $1,000 Stan those attack Queen yeah probably you know okay so the problem first of all the problem is there's this thing called open enrollment that I have discovered and it's like you must be so you must like enroll in health insurance like in a certain period of the year it's like how it works for all health insurance and that period is like October 1st to like January 1st or something so you just can't get it unless you have had like a like a substantial event that means like you need it outside of that period like I think it's like moving states like you're you get divorced you get married like so it's like a reason to get off reason back on yeah yeah like a reasonable thing and I like qualified but it the event had to be within like the last 60 days and I my events were like - so what you still can't hop back on though like in yeah in October first oh wow I need a like wait you're just being a padded room for a week yeah I know it's so or suggestion Michael and I get married maybe I've been he pays for both of our house insurance Oh makes sense that that doesn't I'm a gold digger yeah just chuck and Larry the system again Eddie and I have chuck and Larry the system like hey can we come back in for them to give us a marriage license and they're like again you know we just keep changing our minds 17 times rekindled maybe do you have other insurance though I like renter's insurance or auto insurance do you have a car yeah I do yeah do you have auto insurance yes okay you don't have to legally do need to have it in California and they dig it lately like suspend your license which I did not know and that when I first moved here and bought like a crap car just like right off the bat I just got like my license suspended and cuz I just didn't pay I just was like insurance why is it not a necessary in Hawaii because it is no no it was also a no like lawyer do you legally mandated or lacks in Hawaii I even tweeted about this three days ago I was like I I am constantly forgetting how I almost never think about Hawaii yeah I just never hear about Hawaii stuff in the news I they like really chill over there quite a chill place it's like there's it's not like it's kind of why I like LA is because no one's like I don't know like there's not the vibe people you know trying to do stuff like China I don't know yeah do stuff ever it just really laid crack head evil scientist well I'm like a crack at half part-time crack they do have a lot of crack in Hawaii either so they have so much crack crack actual crack what why it was like a big math problem I think you think in a Krakatoa yeah math was a huge problem there's nothing to do so like math yeah it's a why there's everything to do not on no no not on Maui Maui's like there's like nothing to do except for go to the beach damn I don't like the beach personally I like how it looks but I don't like the beach either I love how it looks it's beautiful I like the beach I'll die on this hill I don't like to be ok again it's beautiful and there are those moments oh I love sitting on it I just don't want to go in oh I'm not touching it oh yeah I'll I'll sit in our lounge but if my feet get wet to wear sand start sticking to my feet I might as well kill myself on it might as well yeah right in a beautiful place can you find your corpse washed up for real though yeah I've always liked it's been really cool if you're just kind of hanging out around there but the second people are let's start swimming and tanning and especially when I was in high school like let's take our shirts off and I was like no no like that unless it's like a hype beach I am usually not it like there's some on Maui like so my friends and I have just like juiced every ounce of pool stuff to do on the island because we just got so bored out of our minds so we're like driving around the other side of the mountain there's like really really cool beaches where like it's like a small last town where no one lives you can like hike around another small mountain and like there's like a trail on the side of a cliff you go there and it's like a cove beach that's like hidden away it's also like a nude beach but you know like really it's only like old man penis there did you ever bring your young man penis out there I never did bring it out never let me back home on the Ottoman would you do would you go to a nude beach ever I go to that one and yeah I'd go to that I would do it now do you mean participate though yeah do mean participate I don't think I ever would nobody needs to see my dick now I mean not even girls I'm what is this the sound of like swimming naked sounds fun you know I'd do it [ __ ] it you know you know pool are you waiting a note well in an ocean no one really sees under the wave so no one's just like in a pool everyone is look and have you ever heard of a nude pool my University in a sign that says hey grandkids no clothes allow I don't think I'd do it have any of your friends ever seen your dick at all because yeah for me no feel like oh yeah no friend has ever seen my penis no I'm protective of it yeah what about nutsack because my friend DMS of my nutsack Oh sometimes to my friends and they'll send them back it's a good means you know my friends are so not that see I'll I think poop jokes are making a comeback because how juvenile they are cotton like Jake he kills me with those cuz they're [ __ ] hilarious but like actual gross-out humor [ __ ] I just has never been for me one one time in high school we had a new friend hang yeah you know the story re there we had a new friend hanging out in our basement and he like farted really loud I don't like farms yeah so he farted really loud in an enclosed space like as a joke everyone it's like not enjoying yeah everyone was silent and one of my best friends went yeah we don't do that here but it was such a like you're in the wrong place but here I mean just like that's not a joke that's just farting it yes I hope those friends I don't want everyone to be comfortable hanging out so it's like I hope you find friends that think it's funny to just fart in the enclosed space where we off to smell it I don't see that's the thing is that's that's a really that's a learning lesson cuz now I've had these different chunks of groups of friends going over the years and I've been in groups where that is [ __ ] hilarious and then also I realize like a group here is like I'm not gonna do that that's not funny in this group yeah I go back home to stout or something that's [ __ ] they'll kill big is there's a well there's a time for it if you're like not in a space where it's gonna be really gross and it's very it's like hilariously timed there is a timing where somebody can just like say something hilarious and then fart yeah and it's funny but that's like if we're outside on its own it's not like just fun yeah especially it's never funny in a car to me oh never [ __ ] it's only funny 85% of the time in a car to me okay when we were back at college my friend Curtis used to do you'd be wearing like pants with a zipper or shorts or something and when you weren't looking he'd go ah man I sat in gum and you turned around we had a lot of that and I like yeah I like I'll never forget one time in PE with this kid name I'll call him stoned because that's his real name and he like seems right pulled his nuts just like pulled his nuts sorry for all you audio listeners out there he pulled his nuts over the waistband and then like what the street so it's just the nuts like little poking out there like nuts over the waistband yeah and he went up to his friend Glenn and he's like hey Glenn what's up Anglin was like oh hey stone and then he said know what's up I can go ahead and look down he said Oh ROG and he pulled out his and they were just walking up to other people it was there's a lot of weird like quark [ __ ] about Hawaii that I think is normal but then when I tell other people it's like [ __ ] nuts like our PE teacher one day when we got to class was skinning a fish right in front of like the its he caught it and like at like 3 a.m. that day and he's just like skinning the fish some of the kids were like mister I want some of that and so they were like kids with 2 pound bags of room-temperature fish on the bus that just like [ __ ] how big was this fish isn't it Lewis so it's like massive oh damn that's huge you ever do any fishing yeah a little bit um not much yeah fun was really fun fun I always was the same way like yeah I've done it a few times and I was like I feel like if I really threw myself into this I would absolutely love it yeah but I think times saying it is a huge time I don't think maybe as I get older I would more but definitely up until now I don't have the brain that can sit on a quiet boat for that long yeah that's why alcohol is so often involved that's a thing that makes it nor you can appreciate things more I found that like on summer vacations drinking will have you just down and like look at the water way more no I had that experience to wear of the times that I did fish I'd go out with like you know a couple uncles or my grandpa or a couple friends and you just sit on like a pontoon boat and you you don't give a [ __ ] about you know like Shh yeah you just cast now for like little crappies and perch and stuff like that and you catch stuff and it's just something to do you know so I like that [ __ ] it really is I love you yeah I loved the gun like the fishing with my boys memes that were coming out yeah they should feel like overfishing means they're [ __ ] great you want to hit up some pregunta it's a slip and pregunta is over here license Michael culture yourself I've always known I didn't follow us on Twitter at Michael Reaves Oh 8 oh you had oh wait yeah this is supposed to be 808 do you plan on ever trying to like really make that final push for Michael no I realized that in saying this probably now you're gonna have 30 [ __ ] they're gonna scoop that up and make it better for you know it's taken yeah yeah I want to get that you guys have the check mark on Twitter now the check mark what can't [ __ ] get it it's so [ __ ] political I only have it because my manager got it for me though he's so stupid that was I got real cocky on the podcast because Gus's manager was doing me that favor but then not he did as much as he could do and I guess Twitter just decided nope not him okay which is like all right do bit of [ __ ] cuz like and it still is a miracle that I got very verified too because Twitter and Instagram are so strict about like oh you needed they made me provide like you need three to five articles from mainstream media outlets about you like who's writing articles about me yeah you know we haven't found something for me to and it didn't it's like not enough it's stupid it's yeah and dumb I think because the thing is they'll say like mainstream it's like okay here's the verge yeah yeah here's the verge here's Funny or Die here's something else yeah and then they're like no you have to like make a bomb and the New York Times okay I guess got a verified clock kid I got lucky that like shitty sites like you know like BuzzFeed and stuff were would randomly write a little one-off article on like this guy looked at his cat 13,000 so I had that dumb [ __ ] to throw into that pile they just steal my tweets all the [ __ ] time that's about as much BuzzFeed coverage as I get they've been stealing your tweets yeah and just I mean they do it a lot with just a certain amount of Twitter accounts we're just like here's 15 funny tweets about a new trending thing and it's like cool all right I got some questions for you at Michael Reaves '08 and that Eddie Berwick and not Gus buckets on Twitter follow us gee dang it at proud he'll goes how did Michael get into slaving over a computer programming just like working programming yes I feel like I've told you guys this before but in high school I just had very bad grades wasn't really good at anything like so I hadn't you know nothing to do after high schools like very good good at one thing it was just like chose programming because one of my friends was very good at programming as well I think no you might have met him but he was super good at programming like he had super amazing stuff he did like a science fair project once in in freshman year of high school where he wrote like a game in C++ and it was like a beat simulator so you play a song through it and this little circle in the middle would like shoot out like obstacles based on the beat and you would have to like circumvent around them like an actual awesome game when he was like in [ __ ] ninth grade oh yeah yeah and so I just wanted to get really good at one thing and then you know some internships later some jobs later like it's like I do it for I can do it like it's a job now so that's how I got into it you needed something to be good at you like did it for internships [ __ ] yeah yeah I got a couple internships that like turned into jobs later like I got like a I got an internship through our school STEM program at the local college where I was like writing some internal tooling for them so like CRM is like room management software kind of like web facing stuff just like really boring internal tools and then that like and then like their their teams working on the stuff weren't great so like I ended up getting hired by them and just like kept working working for them and that's how I paid for like my 1 year of college was working 60 hours a week and dying overtime yeah I think I'd ask you this before do you ever in some kind of weird way like miss having a regular job to show up to at least like the expectancy of it I think like I mean yeah they're like obviously problems with setting your own work - like you know I'm very bad yeah and work is like you know you just show up every day and I think I do miss some parts of it so I like I try to do programming outside of YouTube as well like I have a couple personal projects that I can't show like on YouTube for like like ethics reasons yeah so actually try to keep it interesting I do sort of miss the job but then I think about it and I'm like this is way better yeah it's like why the [ __ ] would I ever miss this but yeah all the time I'm yeah man it was so much easier when I was just making pizzas and going on deliveries like a nostalgia thing it's rocking out cuz you can't get mad like Oh our lives are so hard but you can't ever really clock out here yeah and I loved when I worked concessions you're done it would be 95 degrees - 98 degrees in the kitchen I'd be sweating all day I just get at Chipotle burrito go home shower devour and drink beer yeah that was like oh it's like a it's like a distinct separation of like work and you know personal life yeah here they're so [ __ ] intertwined yeah it's not because this is kind of work but we're also friends hanging out and it's like yeah it's a yeah it's weird and this is like of all the work [ __ ] the podcast is the easiest like I literally during the entire time I forget it is work I do not think of it as work at all yes because we have not been paid yet we're getting the paperwork yeah Michael doesn't even have health insurance okay just some people that I want to stress because it's been talked about it this I've read it a bit it's cuz we are in the process of getting the actual business fully set up because apparently you can't just like have a podcast and get paid for both of you personally because we talked yeah we talked to chase and they were like hey you can't open up a personal account but they'll probably flag you and end relationships with you even personally forever so don't do that and we're like cool we'll make a business sick too many [ __ ] steps all this [ __ ] yeah capitalism in its web yeah it's [ __ ] [ __ ] crazy at Houstonians [ __ ] I don't know houston onion goes what's the stupidest thing you've ever done that you can say should I kick you off give you some thinking time I think moving to moving islands by myself was pretty stupid by yourself because I moved with like enough money for first month's rent and I did not realize what a security deposit was so I like moved to Oahu from Maui and like I was in this big [ __ ] crazy Island it did not help with this oh really you and you moved like 19 okay 20 19 and he was so [ __ ] surreal and nuts it did not help that I had like a literal crazy person for an uber driver he was [ __ ] insane he like took me to a 7-eleven to get food I was a little hungry and then we got to the place and is like it was a one room apartment it wasn't even like there was no bathroom as a shared bathroom between like 10 people on my floor those 10 people sharing one bathroom oh [ __ ] yeah and like it was I think it was like a hundred square feet like in total so it was really small and really bad and then I didn't have enough for security deposit and first month's rent because I didn't want to move back home and I was like didn't you know wasn't and like with my parents house so I like well one I didn't have money to get the flight and I like didn't want to ask them so I was like I guess sleeping in on somewhere I'll find a place yeah but um I waited three days and patreon actually like one of my first patreon payoffs happened just in time for me to just afford the first two and then I was there and I was able to scrape it together for next month do they do the patrons like the early patrons know that I think I've told them okay that's all that's incredible yeah were they like yeah they really saved me from not being able to live in that place yeah we may have forgotten to record the ad and Gus's on tour so you just got me today we are sponsored by adamandeve.com that's right is real they sponsored us they set up code Gus and separately code Eddy these both work exactly the same use code Eddy though obviously so if you use code Eddie on adamandeve.com you will get 50% off one item plus free shipping in the US and Canada but they also want me to say that some exclusions apply so check beforehand there's 24-hour customer service there's a hundred percent satisfaction guarantee 90 day no hassle returns and 20 percent of the profit goes to fighting the spread of HIV around the world Adam and Eve that's dope I didn't even actually didn't read that until right now so go to Adam and Eve dot-com and use code Eddy or go or Gus for 50% off one item and free shipping on an entire order in the US and Canada get yourself some sex toys treat yourself bro come on get yourself some whatever is on their site get their sexy stuff so go look for yourself all right back to the podcast michael reaves we level deuces I got to that point last summer when we moved out here to where I didn't calculate all the expenses ahead of time and add way more than you think is way more than we think and and like we weren't paid personally from like the podcast Kickstarter or anything like all the expenses ended up going to like this [ __ ] you know Payne Tony and all that stuff but but we got out here and and like I was like [ __ ] dude I am way closer to zero than I oh yeah and and I truly I got to the point where I was looking at the ad deals that I had at the time and it was before I was working with our better ad situation and and I was just kind of going email to email and I even was like trying to force out of and I went and I shot this shitty terrible sketch because I needed something to put the ad read into yeah and I remember I called Eddie out in the living room and I was like do you think this is like good enough and I didn't even finish playing the video and like I just paused it and we both were like no yeah that was one of those moments to where I mean we're always especially with content very honest with each other but I was like I had to like soften the know a little bit cuz it's like absolutely not yeah why new - that's why I was telling ya can't [ __ ] that was what was relieving for me yeah I was thinking like all right how do I say no nicer than I want to say no in my head and then you were like no I'm thinking this as well already it was just like it was a bad [ __ ] sketch and and I I just realized was like no matter what I just can't put out this garbage when I was at that point where I just took like needed only thing you know and then luckily things turned around I got off of the brink like that but it was like [ __ ] hell dude I got reamed by this movement I still think about the [ __ ] brink cuz I mean everybody can make it to the brink no matter how high they get you know I think the big thing too with us moving was that we drove across the country so there's no like oh you know you move into a place that's kind of near your like hometown or something and everybody's offering up furniture and like stuff you maybe are taking we're for us it was like we can only put stuff that fits into u-haul and then we have to buy everything else new I mean you did the same thing because you moved to LA from oh the exact same [ __ ] yeah yeah so it's just it that's where I think it really adds up were you like well I need a bed and I need a bed frame so that I belong instantly I was like I can't allow myself to be the guy in his 20s that gets me Madonna for having a mattress against his floor it sounds like I can't be that guy I need the bed I prioritize that over a lot of other things I was like at least people won't make fun of me for that yeah goddamn that might not financially related stupidest thing I ever did I can't remember I said this before but it was back in college and my friend Joe came to visit and we played the drinking game you know flayed that the board yeah and we were just super drunk and after we got done like we went to go cook steaks on the little Weber coal grill out back and I don't know what the [ __ ] it like it's just one of those things where you look back even immediately after doing and I was like am i a maniac why did I do that and I had bought in I bought and I bought like a hundred lighters on Amazon for it for 12 bucks and we figured out if you throw them up in the air that there were show shitty they they oh yeah yeah cuz they have so much compress yeah gas in there yeah they blow up but I just took one of the lighters and it was just me and Joe with beer and hand standing around the grill and I just cracked it on the edge of the lit grill like an egg and it immediately haha this huge fireball you were super drunk - yeah it wasn't even like dude check this out I just was like like it was like it was an impulse thought but you were too drunk to stop yourself and it was it wasn't even an impulse as the worst thing is I didn't even think of what would happen I just cracked it yeah yeah it was immediate was like why did it get to this point this is so stupid did it sober you up with that happening yeah definitely it kind of like singed our eyebrows and the tips of our hair and stuff and I was like I'm sorry Joe holy [ __ ] no he was like what thank God because I was like oh I would hate having the friend that just does that [ __ ] just like randomly with those funny yeah yeah we all know this fireman guys that reminded me of the time that I I hit a hundred miles an hour in my dad's old shitty car and then could not stop it was like 2 a.m. in high school it's like a bear these things could go 100 miles did you like it I did not wreck it I was like getting to the stop or the the stoplight if there's like not a lot of people at 2 a.m. on Maui uh-huh but I was getting with a stoplight and I was breaking okay time to stop now I'm like this it wasn't break it's a lot harder to break in a hundred miles an hour I guess Jesus yeah and so it was going to like the one highway on the island and I was like okay someone might be going on the highway 2 a.m. it's like [ __ ] it I could either like crank it left and like pop the car into like the median area was like the traffic light or I could just like try and jut into the highway like maybe there's a car there and I die so I just like oh [ __ ] it corrected the median and the ladies jumped over the median and like her big cracking sound from under the car the car still ran fine years yeah and did you just not tell I didn't tell anyone oh sure I did not tell us that stop dude I did that one time in my my family had an old it's like a 2002 Ford Expedition you know just one of those top-heavy and it was another one of those was like why am I doing this and I was on a pizza delivery with the business sign on top and I was like can I get this thing to like overall to do it and I just remember being so terrified like I got up to it and then I immediately luckily I was on this just forever straight County Road in the middle of like nowhere but I was like the tiniest little hitch of the wheel and that top everything I would have been [ __ ] like and I never did that because like why the [ __ ] did I do that was all alone probably just to feel at once yeah boners have never felt the same sense I got I got a hit a hundred before I get hard now we got a lot of questions in here about turtles um [ __ ] turtle holy sir you hate you hate turtle doctor I will kill all the turtles I swear to god that's it how what's the most effective way to kill a terse draw on the nose I can't I can't stand paper straws cuz it's [ __ ] paper they saw your paper we learned like 300 years ago that paper disintegrates in water big [ __ ] surprise mother nature's D students the turtles are [ __ ] dying because they get oh what they can breathe further when there's a straw in their nose I'm sorry I wanted like drink my coca-cola without a like without without drink is your toilet paper you know what I mean so like I don't give a [ __ ] if you kill the turtles and then like can I have my straws again that's what I want I will kill them all you know what scares me is if all of the Turtles learn the power of breathing further you see Turtles with like 15 straws back like an evolutionary maybe even thing that could happen like evolutionary advantage related to like some non-biological thing like chimps learnin that they should like I don't know beholding iPhones and I heard like Turtles learned that they should have like plastics Charles asked me words what smells like 15 people like like how they say that chimps have now entered the Stone Age the turtles have now entered to say have you seen that footage though the chimps using sticks now it is [ __ ] freaky not like its new like this year but we caught it what the word trouble dude in a long time we're in a lot of trouble yeah can I say Matt Reeves was ahead of his time - okay predicting there you go he was a couple of total remake from like so long no but he got it this time no that's I think the coolest thing about the Planet of the Apes movies is that they like they didn't just go like okay they're people in monkey costumes they're like no Lee what would happen if the chimps really Rosalia you really get [ __ ] yeah also for the record I don't know if you know Matt Reeves he directed planet Apes I just don't want you to think that I casually called you Matt and they're [ __ ] good movies at cool confu killer goes Michael what's the most dangerous thing you've ever made like I've liked self-harm wise do you think Oh self-harm you know whatever feel like when I was first learning like about electricity it was just like oh like my knowledge of electricity is still like not great but it was like I can make wires get hot like red-hot by holding like two wires attached to a battery together like I remember the radio I took apart and I found out like I can do that like I'm God I like I was started messing with like mains power like plugging like an extension cord well first like cutting the extension cord and then like taking the two wires and like exposing the copper and like attaching them to nails yeah and you like just stick the extension cord in the wall and like and like a [ __ ] you know sparks explode all over the room and like if I got hit by the under 20 volts a couple times really yeah it's scary cuz like it can just kill you if you do with both hands because then it start get through the heart you said a couple times yeah I just like this is fun nice like blow [ __ ] up part of the meme but you are like what a mad scientist would be cuz like that's not sure like just blowing [ __ ] up and you just said I'm God it was so cool like it is cool yeah I would blow out like our breaker box all the time cuz like that's the point I was like a breaker box and what is your parents say they know it's like the electricity's out again we should call commented yeah you man some [ __ ] watchlist somewhere do you think you're gonna watch this right now I swear I probably probably are no what do you have to be I came to my house and remember me can you tell that story or might incur that's more yeah like if I did another house yeah what they did that's mainly because I have an unlisted video called how to build a bomb parenthesis Ted Kaczynski was right at stick says have you ever had an idea that somebody else beat you to the punch in making it so that you couldn't make it because it would look like you were copying them this is just a Michael is anybody that's exactly had that problem as well yeah commentary topics too one that I really got pissed off as I saw this guy that was doing he just went into a library and was just really casually eating the loudest food possible that one's hilarious yeah it's like a whole head of cabbage that he's doing the other one which is like such a good idea for a meme is just the simple approach you ever see those like no parking signs where there's like 50 addendums to they're like no parking except after here towaway zone whatever yeah you have to solve like differential equations to come out and somebody just upload it was literally just a slow pan of that going up and it was the Star Wars theme song so it's damnit that would be that would be such a like 2015 Gus meme you know that one would hit like a high IQ and do like really well too I'd be one that I couldn't do anymore but if I had already done it boom baby yeah there was one I remember that you were gonna do but then your channel kind of shifted that Tony came up with do you remember cuz he wanted me to post it and you were like can I post it then because I didn't want to what was it it was that it was just the simple meme of like having it vertically filmed and it's just a little drawing of a stick figure and you grant you have his arm be a separate piece of paper and it has a gun in his hand and you slowly just turn it and pointed toward his head and then punch a ketchup packet and that was that you know I remember yeah you might I was like I wasn't gonna post it but then it was like soon after it was like you were less the meme guy and you were like known as Gus Johnson instead of seymour yeah yes not yeah not that I take myself seriously but you just do this full [ __ ] post yeah like where anybody could be filming behind the cam yeah yeah and I did that just to hide from YouTube haiku idiots they were like focus - Gus every day up here yeah alright I mean it worked it did work one take a quick break and open a little piece of math do you have an extra one for Michael to open you can use our knife you can hold it for the rest try to open away from the table just because it's goo stop Johnson and Eddie the silverback gorilla this is from China this whole money doing cool [ __ ] money [ __ ] money dr VHS wait I'm gonna check the actual tape I know you [ __ ] what it dude it's got the little green strip on top oh that's good I had I actually had ET on VHS back at my home but I think I got rid of it DVD and the DVD was the moon so no dear Jackson Eddie we felt bad that you had to share the one cop wait do we already have a copy of ET on VHS remember Michael got straight cash money wait again wait let me hear that a tomorrow it's like a cat purr in your ear and you're at a guests house you didn't know they had a cat and then the cat's really nice to you and likes you Oh God and they're like I like you more than the person that's it that's what they say okay that's [ __ ] cool that's some cash money cash money you got a shirt here I don't know if this says it looks really stretchy it's from China or something oh dude it's just a terrible image of Conway I loved what was the the one Drew had at VidCon it was it was the cast of Martin yeah but it was like did he print it or he found it somewhere he found it and the print was so bad it was just like the cover art for Martin with everybody smiling but the print was so bad that the stitching like you could tell that if you like moved your arms outward and stretched it out there was just white gaps between the stitching jakey's video like youtubers talk about video games or whatever that's a that's a good meme I like those all-over prints but what are you gonna do what are you gonna do man here's one back to the preguntas at Knut outro it's oh wait again that's it for me oh baby at nut case Nate goes who's an actor youtuber or musician or a game or a movie or someone you've met or a chair or a firm did you ever have a actor or YouTube anyway something that's really popular but still somehow underrated for example Jake Gyllenhaal's like a household name but not many people talk about how give an actor he is I feel like people are always talking about how good of an actor he is now it yeah at this point I mean it was the turning point for him like Nightcrawler I think Nightcrawler was everyone was like ooh this guy can do it I could see that yeah I don't I don't know something that's underrated underrated but also very popular way did it's a very popular yeah I think what I think I'm saying like it's it still can be a part of the mainstream but isn't as much as it should be I think even though it's very very popular that more people especially adults should watch Avatar The Last Airbender oh my god I love the eye I think it's one of the best shows of all time see the whole thing seven times it's beautiful to look at it's incredibly written it's incredibly acted and everybody needs to get their dem eyes on them to watch it it's incredible find somebody that you like a lot and watch it together and experience it for the first time but skip that episode where them they're like in the Grand Canyon because that one sucks you didn't yeah that's the third episode in the series right is it I think so I remember because I always skip it yeah it's really bad I don't watch it so watch it it's too it's too close to the animate it's not though they don't like anime haven't watched it you hate and I loathe why do you hate animals not for me it's not bad okay just I I don't like the extremeness of it and then you can make the argument wall in spongebob spongebob eats his own arms you know yeah I know what you mean the talking can get extreme the talking can get extreme and not a fan of the animation style like it's beautiful I just it doesn't really do it for me I did I feel so [ __ ] bad I watched like the first 45 minutes of spirited away and I just fell asleep but I was into that though that's the first time well then you'll definitely be in the Avatar cuz it's less anime than spirited away are you at my mind have you watched an episode of it no III mean as a kid I have I know I'm gonna watch avatar okay I'm Eamon it I know I'm gonna watch it but but it's it it's just less incentivizing for me because I'm already just like I know I built up these berries for ya I'm saying yeah I'll finish beard away though I was just feeling great it's cool I mean it's not like my favorite Ghibli movie ever councilman Scott is my favorite okay that's the one that everyone says that you should watch if you like spirited away and I haven't really cast on this guy or Howl's Moving Castle fun of it now those are two similar watch them both oh well it's amazing how many are there Ghibli movie yeah well it's an entire studio but the one the main thing is the one what's the one director guy that makes beard away io Miyazaki yeah be exactly where that's that's the one though where they're like these are so that's like the ones you would watch and binge from the studio but they make a lot of good ones I watched it it's not like anime style at all the [ __ ] the red turtle never seen that it's just like they and they helped animate it it's just like a kind of silent movie of a guy stranded on an island and I just I watched it one night and like it was just on Tony put it on our Plex and I was just like oh I'll give this a try it was really [ __ ] good really yeah it's like really beautiful and so yeah it was really it was animated like some I'd like nothing I'd seen before dude I will always watch something about desert island [ __ ] though like that to watch that it's so intriguing to me you guys seen castaway at all then there yeah yeah I don't know I will watch anything with a desert island I was actually meaning to watch castaway again and I'm I think I'm gonna watch it tonight really yeah so don't watch that tonight me sure was it guest waits long though isn't it it is a bit long how long is it guest away Michael do you have a favorite movie by the way either castle in the sky or lala land they still haven't seen my land you need to get on I immediately either way though so pretty I will say and I agree with this I saw it on Twitter if somebody was just like I really feel like the whole moonlight Oscar thing made people get really angry at for lala land for being like the worst movie ever when I haven't seen it but people seem to really love it but you have to be like embarrassed to like it because moonlight was way cooler and then it like won the Oscar instead yeah we're like lalala and kind of got like steamrolled for public opinion because it's like oh no you can't take the Oscar for moonlight [ __ ] you yeah I mean my I [ __ ] loved la-la-land soma I loved it so much and it was like for that year some of the hardcore fans were a little unbearable though dates cuz I didn't well I was also in the worst spot to be around the fans cuz I was still in college and it's like oh I'm going into the hang out with the theater kids I love theater people but if they get a musical or something that they're into they don't shut up about the [ __ ] thing they're singing about it so I was exposed to everyone going to I hate that soundtrack on my own not in front of people though see I think with theater kids be who you are but if you don't know you're you're out really well do not sing around them out of nowhere nobody wants to hear you play the song it's like mom always said be who you are just quietly it all the same thing with film students stop listing [ __ ] you like if nobody asked you I really feel that couldn't turn to you shut the yeah shut up unless you know you're friends and you're all talking about that that's the weirdest [ __ ] is sometimes it's like you love that thing with those people but you don't like parts of those people you know yeah that's [ __ ] theater kids I some of my best friends backup if you're listening I like my biggest core friend group in college was the theater people and I [ __ ] loved them but sometimes not all of them it's not you if you're listening probably they'll just that gets me out sometimes you get together and it's this endless [ __ ] circle jerk of like Oh what shows have you did oh I did this show oh my god I did that show who are you I was this person let's sing some songs from them unless what else showed you like and it's just like I get me out of this [ __ ] hamster wheel of [ __ ] yeah shut up you guys it might be me part of I think I think you have it too book socially I don't know Michael for you it's like I'm a lot of time internally such an [ __ ] and I'm not willing to do anything myself for a lot of things of like sticking your neck out or like like singing or like I don't do karaoke or anything like that but with that thing it's like I'm not an [ __ ] about it if you start just going like let's break in the song at this normal hangout without asking anybody yeah not good nothing kills me more that in a social setting when somebody is clearly inappropriately commanding the attention of the group to exhibit skills exactly the singer it's the person we're like maybe people like singing like hey we're singing to a song and then they come in and it's like okay Brenda I get you can do that shut up yeah this is also a tip if you have friends that don't sing and you're all singing something not the time to try your hardest to sound really good you know only Bob my head along with your singing but it's like if you're all having it in the car moment you all really can't sing and then somebody's like trying hard to nail the notes like well you just made everyone else feel bad yeah thanks and it's like you're clearly screamingly insecure well this is like your identity centralized around this one thing and you're trying to cram it down our throats and go like oh my god you're so tell oh yeah you were listening I don't tell people far with you [ __ ] off dude also I feel like when I was a kid like when American Idol was starting up you'd see so many people fail and you're like singing is something where it's like you are super special if you can sing only a couple of people can sing as we got into like I'd see vines and everybody could sing and then I'd see like oh people in school pretty much everybody can say you know is you can sing though is the thing is I'm not gonna be the [ __ ] put you on the spot but like I've heard you around the apartment sometimes the songs on your singing and you're on pitch every time I can do impressions that's it but you you still are you have pitch though it's like yeah well I would be I'd not tone-deaf but I wouldn't ever sing just to dick without music I I'm kind of the same way where I can just like I sing along with songs all the time but like if the song turns off and I have to do it myself like I'm just not gonna exactly yeah yeah I'm the same way yeah and so I what casts on that point though I forgot la la la and underrated even just like a second ago when we were talking about it uh oh forced theater kids social settings oh oh yeah with it not being special anymore yeah it's just yeah I was it was so weird because it was like man I really when I saw somebody singing I thought it was this incredible thing but it's like man a lot of people can sing yeah you ain't special I was gonna ask you cause like with la la la land stuff this sounds like such a shitty question but do you like cry at movies or do you allow yourself to do that or not often at movies I definitely cried at lala land yeah that's it's not even a spoiler like it's just it's a beautiful it has many peaks and valleys I cried a few times during that when I watched in theaters okay I might watch that alone and cried at night yeah that's a that's an alone movie if you haven't seen a fiesta you want to watch castaway tomorrow yeah we could do that okay all right but you know I'd [ __ ] do you ever cry at movies yeah I used to there was a gap between when I was 9 and when I was 18 where I just didn't cry and I know you know where some people would be like you know some guys but you know I never cry and then you'd be like well I don't want to sound like that [ __ ] but then it was just like I started doing it again and it like it's like a it's like a dam that breaks we're like oh I cry now yeah what I feel so good yeah I never though I've only had like twice where I've like really like lived in it you know but like yeah now it's like I used to fight it if I was watching a movie and I was like why am i fighting tearing up like it's fine yeah you're good yeah I love doing it do you have a one that's like made you cry the most is it like probably Lalo and honestly because it was like such a good movie and it's like I'm considering moving to California in my like dumb idiot self yes I mean it [ __ ] scares you cuz when did you watch it were you out here yet when you were sad too for no no I was like still considering moving me too it's like oh [ __ ] this it's really cool and I really like it it's [ __ ] terrified you again spoilery but it's just like do you see all these stories of people they're like I'm just this young kid and I'm like trying to move out here and then like a bunch of peelers fall flat on their face they don't make it and I was like watching donkeys review of whiplash and lalala yes what he said about like where la la line is like set in an indifferent Los Angeles and like somehow that's worse than like the main villain or the other video like that was a really good line yeah that was these incredible montages you know what the ones that always like for for tearing up is Pixar movies [ __ ] destroy me most of the time I talked about coke has a silent oh my I still haven't I think okay I don't want to talk about it then just the the the Pixar cry thing is like the most real one you'll probably see in any movie where you're just like do we watch that on a plane Sabrina and I did and and we were just sobbing I saw a tweet about that I feel like I'm more emotional watching movies on planes than anywhere else you're like frazzle is that what I think okay cuz yeah I feel like even sometimes out like something will make me happy and I'll tear up on a plane a little bit and I'm like what's going on yeah normally went off in the back came to this that's you know that's what makes people tamper with her disabled bathroom smoke detectors now I said I just wanted to cram that in there even if it didn't fit no I stopped on the plane watching that one - that's because again no spoilers but like that what a beautiful metaphor it and like a way to introduce children to that concept yeah Sam the one that [ __ ] kills me is the Lord of the Rings trilogy you watch the Lord of the Rings at all and I never seen eye to watch it and it was just I think I I got it on VHS and I think they put all three movies on one VHS or something it was like sitting there like for four hours just like this is too long this time he's doing them all at once I didn't know they were all unlike the same thing so I just like tried to watch I was like why is this movie four or five hours long I'm going to bed that's the thing - as I've told you before I acknowledge how unreasonable of a request it is like it's not just being like oh you should watch Back to the Future it's it's me saying like you should watch the extended editions of all three Lord of the Rings movies you know like that's it's a huge imposition to like be like you got to do this but it was so rewarding for me and I didn't think I'd loved it so much but you get to the end of that trilogy and I just [ __ ] ball every time and I think it's just also because it was such a significant part of my life like that was so integral to like our college life with like curse Tyler and those guys so now I watch and I'm like [ __ ] like that was core to us it's just it's a good thing but again it's like a 13 hour commitment so yeah shoot one off in a plane bathroom I've been trying guy and he's pulled me out he's like I know you're doing in there let me and he's dragging me down the aisle of my little butt cheeks out and I'm yelling at him and I'm pulling people's legs if they're not buckled in like I would make him stop we do it every time back and forth every plane I dude we were talking about this before I have become so absolutely [ __ ] intolerant of any turbulence I can't handle it yeah I just cuz you're on the plane so much like now for the tour I'm sickened dude like I truly and it's like I'm fully aware of the fact I'm like oh statistically I'm not gonna go down in a plane crash but every little bump I'm like nope that's the thing is we were talking about it and then I think I said that I started to say statistically and you're like statistically we're gonna dive where it's better more and more every time we fly we fly so much now it's like deck stacked against us boys like scares the [ __ ] out casinos got the edge the house is the sky in the ground the Supermax ain't always will it never was one thing that freaked me out I had two flights during the max 8:00 news and didn't find out about the news until after both flash what's the max a so yeah that's awful but thoughts of me having pinkeye and she has this gif of her going all right J at Justin the Blaine says what's a project or video idea that you've had that you had to can because it was too edgy or dangerous maybe killing your own did you get that - like a working test modeler no it's like a lot of work so you you have to like build a classifier to like identify a baby and then I figure out how to like make pull a drone to the baby and like how do I put them piston metal piston spike on a drone it's like a lot of work we're like not gonna do it and and so so it would be a drone that identified babies and went up and killed yeah and wait was it like a sheep gun like that or no I was gonna like make my own metal piston with just like a big metal spike you know just you know what powered it was a compress compress yeah compress it it's like a pneumatic spike probably throw like a co2 thing in there with like a like a limiter on like the co2 flow and they were just like or like gonna be sick but I can't do that why's because it's a drone that kills babies well you wouldn't well yeah I was but it's like I I don't know and you rent baby baby I really want to do um like Ian's dokey you know Ian Yeah right and he knows one day it came up in conversation that he knows a [ __ ] alligator guy and like what's an alligator guy and he's like oh it's a guy that can just like you can rent an alligator from him he'll hang out at your house for a day and you have an alligator like so I need that I want that so bad and so I was gonna do like alligator drone were you just like Thai and like a drone that lifts like a baby alligator you know and a baby alligators just like magic imagine your apartment right you're like sitting on a bench and you're like maybe and you're like ah man someone's flying a [ __ ] drone at a park what an [ __ ] and you turn around and it's like a baby alligator hanging from a drone like coming at you know what I mean yeah Peters gonna be all yeah yeah yeah but I would I want that so bad I would watch that though well like also we're friends so I would still watch if I'd like I got a nose the hell's going on here feels like it's a jackass sketch before we realized wait they're kind of [ __ ] with animals you know as I told you I watched jackass - and I was just like the bull stuff a lot of stuff even like snakes biting dicks and stuff like is this cool like is this I mean the snake doesn't really care cuz it's a snake but like I feel like now there'd be at least some threads on reddit of like what's up that's what we were saying to I were talking in the hallway a little bit before and I was like do you ever just think this is not like any hatred and I don't even stir [ __ ] up here but I was like do you ever just look at like the stuff that steve-o does or did do and realize that like if any youtuber just did any one of these stunts it would be this big scandal for him yeah can you believe that they went into a store and [ __ ] into a toilet or something I know that was Dave England yeah yeah it's just like that like its kind of got grandfathered in is like those skater guys that's cool but yeah look does that once and everyone [ __ ] hates him ten times yeah well anything though is with Logan it's like if you if you portray yourself as like a skater and do that that's like punk rock [ __ ] but if you're like hey kids I'm your friend also I'm gonna taste this deadmau5 this is like he's presenting himself as something that he's not and I think that's the big problem where he's like he's playing to kids and then doing the [ __ ] up [ __ ] Stevo wasn't like going around and like I'm like Mickey Mouse ears being like I think also the fact that like it's like it was a TV production or like a movie production like they showed all the camera guys like a lot and it's so like oh I assume that like the movie production will like in the now talk to you guys but like youtubers it's like it's like you're a real person yeah and like so I feel like if you went into it it's like oh you're actually an [ __ ] [ __ ] there's like the TV production I don't know if they did do it but I'm like oh they must have had like a lawyer come in now and like talk to the people and like buy him a new toilet and like have someone come in and clean yeah at least that's like how I think I think they do yeah they have a team that yeah yeah it said for Comedy Central for South by Southwest that's what it was like right yeah dude it was a godsend I could just go anywhere and they I had like a small group of people behind me that anybody I interacted with cuz I was I love my con and double camera coverage yeah I could just go [ __ ] with people and then there were people on the mics so if it was a good interaction I would just be like hey go grab his signature okay we'll just go in and try to convince the people it'll a big this for Comedy Central can you sign off that's not so weird like all hands off like oh yeah really let me flex my artistic skills my homemade beer skies so I like doing that kind of stuff yeah question oh yeah here at Frank schnitzel goes what's your unpopular opinion [ __ ] liar kill every turtle man is that really the animal that you hate the most probably dude I just want my straws I'm unpopular I don't have a lot of unpopular opinions yeah I'm trying to think do I know mine some movie opinion okay what is it it's not even a lot it's just like people are gonna like me less even for it it's just like I've never been super passionate about Sam Raimi's spider-man movies mm-hmm I just like a spider-man 2 is an incredible film but the way the dialogue works in those movies is [ __ ] weird the MJ Peter romance is the stainless [ __ ] thing I've ever seen in my life it's like really campy and it's just not what I would want out of a spider-man movie yeah and I feel like most people again I have no real strong arguments on the thing is I don't hate it it's just not for me like people passionately love it yeah but that's what I think there's just so many people out there they're like no but that's the first one I saw so that's the best that's the thing is like I would argue that tom is giving the best spider-man performance that has ever happened and then people are or maybe I don't know maybe there's a cartoon one that's better and people like never BtoB though yeah Toby it's like I feel like that's a me Matt yeah it's like it's cuz you were five and he's like kind of your dad I get it but like this one plays the part better from what the source material is I'm sorry yeah really no I yeah do you have any unpopular ones I cannot think of like unpopular opinions no I dude I had a [ __ ] conspiracy theory thought the other day what's up I again this is gonna be aged by you know maybe like a week or so but since filming this what we griped about in the last podcast but YouTube's verification rollout change it's been changed fully right like yeah yeah it's I don't think like you can't see the verification right now back on everybody's channels but it will be back yeah do you think that with this immediately cuz like Susan Wojcicki I never know how to pronounce her name like she came out was just like we heard you we're rolling it back yeah do you think that like they are just doing these [ __ ] things every once in a while because I really could not see any upside of this so that they could put out this clear [ __ ] thing and then quickly be like whoa we heard you sorry we're taking it back to make it seem like oh they do listen I don't know I don't know if they're big brain enough I think like if they like cared enough about what we cared about like they would just fix other things instead of like do like a false flag kind of meme to us with this verification I think they were like just trying to make verification something like oh we can give it to like act like I like how Twitter makes it so exclusive like they wanted it to be like an exclusive cool kids club spelled with all K's kind of thing and they didn't want to verify edgy channels where people will go what does this mean are you an are you like supporting that probably yeah yeah yeah I don't know I think the pink the press was too negative where it's like I don't think that they would do that because most people I feel like didn't even hear that it got reversed oh yeah most people hurt everybody bitching I I put out three different memes about it happening I did not tweet about it getting reverse I liked it so hopefully to one-up people's feeds but what are you working on right now Michael I am working on I can probably talk about it I am working on a a either though the Twitter thing yeah that was so we just recently moved here to this new house in Los Angeles my room's kind of so I'm gonna do a like a Twitter decorates my room kind of mean where I I've written a bot that scrapes my own Twitter tweet so like I'm gonna put a tweet out and explain exactly how like this game works and then people can post Amazon links in like as replies to the tweet and every 30 minutes the most up voted Amazon link will go back to a buying API on a server on my end and then it will go out and purchase this Amazon product and send it to my house without me ever seeing it automatic so it's awesome Twitter gets to choose what gets sent to my house so it's gonna be like like a maximum money pool and a maximum like per purchase pool okay and so like and then I'm gonna have to like like a weekly I just like a [ __ ] ton a package isn't gonna show up in my house I'm gonna try my best to like decorate my room that's great whatever people send me yeah that's a really good video isn't really fun so I've like the code for it it's like massively it's like huge I think I showed you a picture of it it's like oh yeah that was yeah yeah it's like [ __ ] so complicated I don't I thought it would be like a quick kind of I'll just do this real quick for fun uh-huh but like that it turned into like this like monstrosity and [ __ ] yeah I just kept adding more and more yeah yeah so it's like kind of intense brain health on the project side but I think it'll be a good meme I'm excited for it yeah that's great this is this is just no way to make this not sounding like a kiss ass thing to say but like the ideas and the execution of what you do is so unlike what anybody else is doing and I'm just so [ __ ] fascinated just hearing the concept of every new thing that you come up with I'm like thank you [ __ ] that's a good idea every time because I'm cool that's enough out of you though yeah I'll stop talking now now time for me to talk about how I agree with you oh my god have you ever thought about like cuz like clearly you've got really significant skills with like coding and in creating [ __ ] like they have you ever thought about like non video content why why yeah I wasn't joking about the side projects oh yeah I wasn't joking about the unethical part no one can hear about weight not even us when the cameras go away it's a it's a fun idea someday I'll tell everyone about it someday maybe I'll tell everyone involve you getting wealthier yeah but it's more just like I'm very interested in this move this thing and I had an idea like two years ago and I've been working on it on and off ever since and I've rebuilt the software for it twice with like new technologies I'm like it's finally finally in a place where it's really it's really doing it is I'm like think and I just have like to know dude I have the last 30% to go but I'm like you know I really want to do YouTube and I like I really want to make youtube videos good so like there's not a whole shits on a time to work on this like big data science project on this side if we swear to secrecy after the podcast will you please tell us yeah I think so okay okay I don't say you couldn't make this sound less uninteresting right now I meant to say more interesting ideas I know it my gosh we're relieved but everybody listen it's not too intense it's just like I probably wouldn't make a youtube video on it and it's like a pretty large scale thing so damn some yeah that's a good mean unlike them yeah yeah oh I know this he's under the podcast what [ __ ] you wait what shall we wait no this is the part of the pocket I know he's giving me the look it's where we tell him to go [ __ ] himself go hard go hard [ __ ] you Gus guys Michael go ahead [ __ ] you Gus you [ __ ] idiot Michael go please don't do it say it louder say it louder [ __ ] you guys guys come on [ __ ] you Gus that's it Tony key and it means listen thanks Michael Reaves for being here go [ __ ] yourself I didn't mean say that you can just come on Tony please Tony keep it rolling Tony don't talk Tony we have something here don't look at it don't talk about to talk [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 845,404
Rating: 4.9492989 out of 5
Id: ai_m97phqTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 4sec (4864 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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