Taking a Knee to Pee - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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Love the chaotic energy of this episode.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/JasperWildlifeAssn 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

Next merch item needs to be a T-shirt that says “pull that silver spoon out of your ass and put it into a dish of fajitas at Chilli’s”

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/elfieselfie 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Regarding the mirror thing:

The cost of an item is not the same as the value of an item.

The cost was free, the value is always the same, until people are willing to pay less in an average market.

At the very least, if the friend who broke it was strapped for cash, I think a deal can be arranged to pay a reasonable portion of the value.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/lemonylol 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m just happy we got another little luigi reference

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/lll----------lll 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Aight who here has taken a knee to pee before?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ThatsSpork 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

I was at work listening CRYING at the majority of this episode. So fucking funny and fun. I can't wait til it gets colder here so I can wear my G&E podcast pullover again, it's in my top 5 favorite clothing items and I have 5 million pieces because I have a ⭐shopping addiction⭐

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ariestornado 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

It was so hard to hide my laughter from this podcast while I was listening at work. This one is definitely in my top 5 favorites from the boys.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/flyingnuggets67 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm still waiting for the Chevy Burbank podcast. Where Eddy just talks to his alter-ego, Chevy Burbank. The actual Chevy car dealership in Burbank, yes. The fans want it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

The Slow Jabroni that sent in the sardines has a very chill youtube channel all about the 'dines. Highly recommend checking it out. It's higher production quality than his sub count would imply, by far. I hope the boys dig into the sardines next week

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/laiika 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so okay so what all right [ __ ] tell it to the judge or not you gus i'm talking to the audience i'm being mean to them not you so what man join me come on what does guys tell it to my judge take it to those judges guys so if you're an audio listener you can't you can't tell what's different you can't tell [ __ ] because you're stupid you know nothing and you're probably in a car and swerving off the road currently if you're a video watcher what do i i always say that i'm i'm manifesting it for a bed one day we're gonna see a really awful headline and it's gonna age everything so poorly eddie makes kid drive off-road that'll be the exact no context for anything else youtuber influences child driver to drive offroad but yeah so if you're a video watcher uh you probably noticed we're remote right now it's not the norm for the podcast gus you want to explain a little bit while i turn my ac back on because i realize it's a little too hot in here yeah folks i got some splaining to do i'm sorry eddie hit the mic it's all fine um but what isn't fine is uh my family's visiting me right now in los angeles that is uh that means the angelis uh and uh one of my siblings uh came down with a little cold uh today actually and we went and uh got it tested so myself and my sibling went and and we just did the quick antigen test came back double negative so there we go no covert stuff but i i'm like a one and a half out of ten kind of sick and somebody in my household right now is a little bit sick and we don't want sick even if it isn't covid right get it exactly and also uh i got tony and his girlfriend here as well so i we didn't really think that we'd start a whole uh spread of whatever sick you got you know we ain't doing it guy all right so we're we're playing it safe we're staying at home playing game boys and doing the podcast apart but the podcast will be back to normal uh i'm assuming next week if you're like we should we should be all good and also i we were just talking about it and i think this is fine but we can cut it out these [ __ ] idiots won't know a goddamn thing if we cut it out um but even it with stuff for for delta if anything gets more serious with us being vaccinated and us we would take it pretty seriously uh so we'd still probably do the podcast because our bubbles would be real closed so i think the the remote podcast is probably not gonna be a a thing unless you know i don't know we get a variant that's like you're gonna [ __ ] die i don't know but that's true the planes are we're not this is not the new norm for the podcast is what i'm saying absolutely i'm shooting this uh podcast on my new camcorder that i just got with the retractable screen which means that if you're watching the video i can't help myself and i will probably be looking one inch to the right of the camera lens every time i look in the camera i i know uh i'm gonna judge you for it wait don't look at me you can't even see me [ __ ] i'm picturing it i'm picturing you and you look so stupid right now oh my god um but yeah wait so you said so i wanted to hear about what happened when you guys got tested so i was with said sibling at the urgent care that we went to go get the quick uh rap result test and it was like the most eventful uh urgent care visit ever so first of all we're we're in this it's one of those just tiny ones in la uh with this really tight parking space there were two toyota tacomas that pulled into this just sucking up all the parking spaces um and when i'm waiting for my result this is after the fact uh i'm sitting outside uh with my sibling and the uh one of the one of the trucks goes to like back up like brand new 2020 toyota tacoma and just [ __ ] goes like scrapes all against this like big pole or whatever oh no and it was really awkward because it was like real world five feet in front of probably 20 people standing outside this building so it's just like you can't gracefully play this off yeah so it's like you just run down the window and go well and speed up so like this guy gets out and he's like obviously trying to like play it cool you know but everyone as soon as he does it like we the the mighty outside stander people everyone just sort of went at the same time and like no one wants to look right at the guy and like myself and my sibling were standing right there and were immediately just like as close as we possibly could be to the guy himself too and he like gets out and he sort of like kind of slowly waltzes around you know looking at the damage and he's just sort of like he kind of grumbles to himself and just gets in and like and like zips off but it was that was funny and then i would be so [ __ ] like mortified driving back being like i know i'll probably never see those people again but they will remember this like what what do you do even you know have you ever been in any like this small town have you ever been like in a car or something for any form of like a bump or an accident or hitting something yeah there we had a real frustrating one where i've never um i'll just say it i sometimes they call me eddie good driver burback i'm in fact they call me eddie great driver burback i'm an incredible driver i have uh never really gotten into any little scuffle or gotten like a speeding ticket or anything like that um but uh uh what was it gonna say oh yeah so like last summer or not 2020 summer 2019 summer i believe tony and i were in our car i was back home uh with our sister's dog kona kona's great kona did not cause the accident we only let her behind the wheel when she hasn't had a few but we're sitting there in the jimmy john's parking lot parked and a teenage girl just like scrapes parking in across the side of the car we're just like sitting there and uh it was yeah so that the only time i've ever gotten damage to the car like that also by the way since then i feel like occasionally i'll just walk out into the parking lot of all like a walmart and our car will be scuffed even more and i feel like once it got one scratch there's just people bumping into it all the time i don't know what the [ __ ] happened but anyway they're like yeah we could hide in that yeah that was the only time i was kind of you know like involved in something like that and it sucked definitely i was only ever in one minor one i remember it was just i got in it was in high school there's a kid on my basketball team and i just got in his minivan we're gonna run up to subway and he just like he gets in the car and started backing up and i remember even at the time thinking like this guy isn't looking behind him and we just fully backed right into into another car in the parking lot oh man yeah so i was just like i'm gonna i'm gonna head back inside get some from the concession stand you deal with that i just got out of there really quick um the what's up i'll just say what you're gonna say first okay well i was gonna tell you the other thing that happened at urgent care let's hear it it was this one was kind of funny and i feel bad because these people and i'm not gonna divulge any like personal medical info [ __ ] but these people that went in here clearly we're not maybe not the best uh problem solvers i'll just say anyway here's the situation so i'm sitting in there it's me it's another johnson we're we're in the waiting room ready to go get tested and uh this couple comes in and they fully came in and it was in this woman there was a woman and a man and and her hand was wrapped up like it was wrapped up and they burst in and the guy says like they were clearly like kind of like frantic out of breath stuff the guy says um hey we're from uh we're from louisiana we're out of town we're here on vacation she got hit by a car on a bird scooter uh the finger needs to come off [Laughter] like gave all of these descriptors and he's just like we're on vacation yeah i love trouble he's probably he's walking he's got you know he's holding her walking her toward the door from the car in his head he's gone okay we're on vacation we're from louisiana don't forget about the bird scooter the fingers gotta come off and the thing is at face value that i wouldn't be laughing i wouldn't be laughing about this if it absolutely was not actually a serious situation because he's like he goes the finger needs to come off and there's like four you know like people right behind the desk uh there and they all went um excuse me he's like yeah it's gotta come right off it's barely hanging on and they're like um you need to go to a hospital he's like isn't this a hospital they're like no you need to go to an emergency room if her finger's gonna fall off and he goes what no her fingernail oh my god oh my god dude well one gross but also like what the [ __ ] man yeah and he's just and and the thing is i i fully saw there were like two nurses back there that as soon as he said that without even trying to hide it they just fully went they just laughed and and the thing is like they're like all right well we can see ya it'll be like a 45 minute wait but uh i mean how bad is these like i don't know i mean it's probably got to come off it's got to get treated so like okay are you ma'am are you all right and you're in pain she's like yeah just i don't know we're from louisiana so we're up here and i don't know and she goes like just you you just go wait outside we'll see in a bit so right after they went out i went and i got tested with the other johnson kid we went and we stood outside and uh i walk right back outside and she is sitting on the ground smoke excuse me burps i couldn't control it it just happened second one in the podcast it was my changing body you [Laughter] anyway i'll walk outside and immediately she's sitting on the like on the sidewalk like with her legs on the sidewalk too like two flat legs on the sidewalk which is like already like what are you doing yeah yeah and then she says she's smoking a cigarette and her boyfriend is is just puffing on an enormous blunt like full like and he's smoking it i hear him on the phone and he goes like yeah you know i gotta do this you know because we're out here in los angeles you know so i gotta i gotta do this and i don't know if he's talking about the blunt or whatever or treating training or treating it it's just like bro you're you rushed into what you thought was an emergency room and then five minutes later you're [ __ ] smoking up by the way it was like noon when he was doing it like middle of the day just puffing right up also in the middle of dealing with that like i just love the idea that a lot of that information was essential for him like imagine you go into like an er you're like oh my god i'm so sorry my wife got hit by a car on the bird scooter i think she's gonna be fine but she needs to be treated and they're like oh no problem sir like we'll get them back there they they have them fill out the chart they look at it and they're like oh you're from louisiana it's like yeah oh that finger's gotta come off oh no they start whispering to the surgeon oh if you'd only told us it was louisiana we gotta get you into surgery right now uh what was it gator nah hear me out also this is unrelated obviously you remember and we all we all paid dearly for this when when corona started coming and we yeah we did it on the podcast but most people were like oh the beer virus you remember that kind of bad but maybe not that bad for the corona brand delta variant comes out and you're thinking delta as a brand that's got to be kind of shitty right like nobody's going to fly on delta during the delta variant i mean some people might but some people might not i say we call the next variant the double stuff oreo variant just to [ __ ] with them dude please because it's too much stuff it's too much you know if we had a variant that was like making the news like that let's make it a fun let's make it sound fun let's not make it sound scary oh did you get the double stuff oh yeah i'm quarantined and we tested positive for double stuff tell me that wouldn't be such a fun [ __ ] you to oreo and also it just it sounds like a good idea to me that's all i'm saying i'm in there i'd be open to other suggestions the arby's curly fry variant hey now we're only hurting something that we don't like okay okay go ahead let's think of something else then um ranch sunflower seed variant dude hear me out oh that's great um i hear me out and i'm gonna bring it back again let's just just to [ __ ] with him let's just call it the jeff bezos variant not the bezos variant let's just call it the jeffy b you get test positive for the jeffy b that's awesome i gotta take a sicky d because i got the jeffy b you know can you imagine turning on the news and they're like we've detected a new variant it's being called by doctors the gus johnson variant and you're like what what the [ __ ] are you doing what the [ __ ] what do i do yeah we figured you know they named hurricanes after people so we'd start yeah but a surname as well and it's gus johnson varian parentheses not the one from the nba i don't think i could survive that i still think i think saying double stuff would be fun imagine dying of the double stuff variant [Laughter] that's all i'm saying is it's a good idea and i won't back down no matter what people say that's good who owns oreo is that nabisco yes we send it to do we just mail them can you write nabisco like a kid writes santa and just like give suggestions somebody put this on tape and send it to them stuffed into an envelope that's what i would love when eddie says tape he means tape we don't want any of that sd card [ __ ] i want like some [ __ ] betamax tape that you are just mailing and and you don't even like you you don't even wrap it really you just put paper over the tape and then tape over the tape you know and send it in if it gets damaged it's damaged you know also i gotta say and hear me out i think people and i'm sure some families do this i think with the digital era instead because you know obviously you're capturing every vacation i think sometimes people should maybe take the time to edit a little video of their vacation and save it on either something physical or save it in some kind of folder so you can still have the family video experience of like let's bust out the tapes you know that's a good idea i like that the physicality of it yeah i mean we kind of did it with our our trips and will in the future whenever the [ __ ] we can do that that's true you know what i always i i just love just having little tape stuff around too like i like a vhs tape like i one thing i'm kicking myself for getting rid of is is my grandparents gave me a really tiny tv and when i was in high school that it was just used to be in like their workout room and it was like legitimately like maybe a foot foot and a half like tiny square box tv i had a 13-incher in in my uh room at one point it's the good [ __ ] and check this out and sorry i'm so sorry keep going uh well first of all i need to take a sec can we have a can we have a tim tebow kneel moment of silence a moment of penis please thank you um this little [ __ ] had a vhs tape player right in it eddie did yours have that yeah that was that was the whole thing it was just yeah a little box tv with a little vhs player on there i love acr yeah like something about just the tiny screen of it especially made the picture quality seem less bad i don't know if that was just anecdotal but it was just so nice to be like here's this tiny little unit i could set it on a table i could keep it on the counter i could pop a vhs tape in there and it had the feature where you could you could set it to auto rewind and auto play so that it would just keep playing if you just wanted [ __ ] on in the background you know and i'm like i would love to just get a little tv like that and i just yeah i like screens like you remember even when i was at the apartment i had that little dumb [ __ ] tv that i pulled out next to a dumpster that and i just like i had the gamecube on it and like i i wanted to just have little [ __ ] like that where it would be like i want to have a little tv in my house where it's like maybe i get a vhs of the simpsons and it just runs like a four-hour simpsons tank no yeah no i really like that you should do that okay i'm doing it go on you have your tv what's up do you still have your tv can i buy that from you are you talking about the tv that actually is sitting in my closet that i'm like oh you actually do that do you remember our living room tv is currently in the closet and you can pick it up whatever you want oh yeah well [ __ ] next okay i gotta write something down because i will never [ __ ] remember to take that but here's the time i'm over there i'll put it in the car i haven't remembered to tell you to grab it either so okay so so i can fully push this onto you then right thank you dude i would take i would take half the blame which i'll be honest for me is 50 more than i'm usually willing to give so i'd be happy to share half for this one wow man that's awesome and especially like if you just combined like my 50 it sounds like you're going to take 100 of the blame which is no no no no no so what i'm saying is you should be happy with my half of it and in fact if you keep pushing then you will inherit that half huh then i'll get 100 of the tv and you can have 100 of the blame that totally makes sense so currently i have 100 of the tv and i have locks on my doors the big two eh damn he wins this time i can't get in and i can't get the tv oh man eddie you know i just thought of i've been i've been having a little bit of a fun retro tech thing happening recently here what's going on it was in the very package that i accidentally had delivered to the apartment ears there oh right it is a here boys i'm going to show it again audio listeners [ __ ] you because i'm going to show the video listeners right now look what i picked up online here it's a game boy right did you hear that little thing yep i'd say i i heard i said that before it because you told me it was a game boy when it came out that's true he did and he didn't know i dude i got a game i was a really good ebay auction honestly i think i paid like about a hundred 120 bucks or so and i got a pretty good condition screen in perfect condition which is even more important than the body i got a a light pink uh game boy advance sp and it came with first of all super mario world uh super mario advance 2 which would be enough just at that price point already those are really [ __ ] expensive but i also got the incredibles and lilo and stitch and finding nemo and a spongebob 2 episode gameboy advance video dude oh that's great [ __ ] harry potter and the chamber see dude i played that on my sister's game boy there's a long time where you're walking around uh the like is it is it gringotts that you walk around for a whole level and it's like top down for the yeah yeah i remember that a lot um because i played it on playstation as well i will say with super mario but i'm still bitter about this i'll say it right now you guys know me i don't i hold the grudge for no reason other than fun and uh i remember for my sister's birthday i forgot how old she was and how old i was but i was really young maybe like five or six um and she got a game boy advance and she got mario and we went to chili's that day at her request uh were you trying to hedge your bets against chili's bro no i'll own chili's all day i'm just saying uh i'm i'm ready to see those [ __ ] comments going wow chili's on her birthday chili's on her birthday can be great the classic nachos are still on the menu even though they're gone and are the classic nachos just microwave refried beans with cheese and a jalapeno yeah can i still enjoy it can i say small tangent before i say the grudge please can everyone just i think most of our generation is doing it it is fun to sorry i hit the my desk it is fun to go and have some drinks and not give a [ __ ] to an applebee's or a chili's or a cheesecake factory or something of the sort it is some of the most i just i throw all my cares away and there was this meme on late night tv i feel like five or six years ago being like there's nothing worse than applebee's they might i know they microwaved the food i'm just trying to kick back it reminds me of friday night leaving sixth grade and being like i got a [ __ ] game i rented at home and i'm i'm just excited to eat some wings dude i love and especially when you look at the menu offerings like it really is like for for a a small midwestern maybe after a sports game kind of family it's like going to a [ __ ] strip club baby dude it is like you are balling out they have everything you could ever want ever nothing is too spicy for the little weenies back home and nothing is too like like expensive like it is right down the middle tasty guilt-free eat like a king at any of those places and that's i'm so tired honestly of people we talked about this before i especially even in branching out more and enjoying really good food it's like i and this is something that i'm very glad that chrissy and i share it's like you can appreciate the best of food while still just loving shitty food sometimes and it's like if you're up your own ass i've probably mentioned this before i think on the tonight show once like gordon ramsay spit out an oreo because it was so gross and it's like gordon it's an oreo yeah i mean it's not the new double stuff variant so you shouldn't be spitting it out but good stuff anyways i just want everyone get to pull that silver spoon out of your ass and put it in to a dish of fajitas and chilies but uh also i do agree though if you order fajitas at one of those places bro you you are an attention freak if you are ready to have that sizzle turn every head you are either the most confident or the most in need of attention person that exists um you weren't doing that for the restaurant never for yourself yes back to the grudge i'm holding um uh so my sister got the game boy and was playing mario at chili's so this had to have been like early 2000s and i she wouldn't let me even play for a second and i've never been more jealous of someone in my entire life because she was just it was her birthday so she was allowed to play mario at the the very serious keep your manners going dining table at chili's are you kidding me insane dude just insane i was never given that as a child i never was afforded that luxury of game boy at chili's i could have been a contender imagine who i could have been gus if i could have just played mario at chili's when i was four or five better in every way dude oh my name would be up on buildings just eddie played game boy at chile it doesn't even say bareback it just says eddie unlike the sears tower it's like those spotify featured artists billboards in town in times square except it's just eddie played game boy at chili's we need to raise money for me to get a time square ad of the reality of me as like a mogul and i'm like all i had to do was play game boy at chili's when i was five it's like one of those like think piece things where it's like meet the 16 year old who's intro who is into cryptocurrency whatever the [ __ ] but it's like meet eddie who played mario eddie yeah or meet the 24 year old who plays mario at chili's fun of friday night [ __ ] 20 years ago and it's just it's an entire interview but and so they like section off pages worth of it but it's just as like they show the reporter question bold so how was it yeah pretty good the whole follows up some say that even though the chili's event happened after the towers might not have fell if only this child was allowed to play mario at the chili's oh man the things i could have been doing i don't think i i think lil luigi would have probably he'd go finish your meal don't don't play you can play at home finish your meal eat the refried beans is he talking to me i don't know just everybody eat them let's get them done no just you okay okay no that's fine you're a lot smaller than normal so stupid what's up [ __ ] [ __ ] i was gonna say man i always something about like uh being able to indulge in some of these like little childhood fantasy things of like owning an sp or whatever now that i'm in my mid-20s i just like i always some about this specific piece of [ __ ] machinery too it's just like this was like everything when i was a kid because you know like we came up and was like there were game boys there's a game boy advance and then like the sps dropped when we were already alive and we're like [ __ ] hell man like i just to me that seemed like this is everything you could ever want like just the addition of the light it's so compact like even now you look at this little thing and it's like obviously like raspberry pies exist and like all this other [ __ ] but like it's just it's what a tight little machine it's a cartridge that you can't really [ __ ] up a cartridge greasy kids can like get in there and like all the buttons are enclosed like largely so you can't like hunk them off in your pocket and [ __ ] like i there i remember there was two brothers that went to my church when i was a little kid and each of them they had a blue and red game boy advance sp and a little pack of games they seem like a final boss you had to have to fight fight the twins here uh and i just was like i was always just like i would kill to have that kind of thing i would ask him to play it all the time they had the incredibles game and i would go punch guys as they're mr incredible i was just like this is it fellas and now i [ __ ] have one and you guys can kiss my ass cause i'm better than you dude that's what i think and we've talked about it before anytime i hop in my vr headset i cannot stop from just thinking like if if only i could show this to like 12 year old me that i'd be able to do this [ __ ] this is the most insane thing ever especially like you know i told you we've been playing like call of duty maps that we grew up on like in vr um uh also i would say even with the mario chili's thing or whatever like i really and i'm glad to see it in the comments i really do feel like the last couple solo episodes of us have had their own unique bizarre weird [ __ ] conversation energy for us and i don't know what's going on but i like how weird things feel today as well i was just gonna say i was literally looking for a segway onto it dude the i i it feels weird to even like self-reference it but yeah you hit the nail on the head like it has been so wonderful and validating to see the comments on like the subreddit or slash gus and eddie or in like uh uh you know the youtube comments and [ __ ] like eddie and i will rap these episodes and like hit stop on the thing and be like thank god that it didn't not record because we're three years into this [ __ ] and still fearing that every time and we'll be like that was a good [ __ ] episode that was so fun and then to see people like say the same [ __ ] it's [ __ ] cool i think it's been going on rips and i've mentioned it kind of before and it's a little a little bit real a little bit sentimental but i think for real uh what it is is that because of the vaccine we've been hanging out again and it's just like it rolls smoother because we can like spend more time together again and that's we can get weird we can get silly and speaking of that i want to hear from our [ __ ] boys i i got some preguntas gus if you can please translate um guys actually if you're for the uninitiated preguntas actually directly translates both from the spanish language into the english language it means questions uh the plural of question or pregunta so that's what that means there you go um and i got a great question i got great pregunta to start us out all right this is from gbatch99 and they said hear me out this is a good one in a situation where you have to decide which version is real and which is a clone of each other what question do you ask to find out who is real and i thought that i don't i picked this especially i think to instantly say i don't think you and i would have trouble at all with this because we lived together for a long period of time so it's like a clone wouldn't know half the [ __ ] that we could just say you know oh god yeah i mean we could literally just pull little [ __ ] around the apartment you know yeah i wonder well the thing is with this hypothetical how much does the clone know you know like it has to oh yeah i'm assuming in those situations it's a clone that knows how to act like you but doesn't have like like a ton of insider memory stuff you know yeah let's go hard mode a little bit on it honestly and be like the clone is programmed with ai that scrubs everything that we've ever publicly said about our lives together so we have to really have it be good questions that they couldn't find by like auto sorting through every podcast we've done yeah that [ __ ] i still feel like there's stuff that i don't want to say for the podcast that are like i feel like we could still instantly nail this but i'm trying to think of something podcast friendly that i could ask even um i'm sure there's something but i don't i would ask you i'd say eddie when you got a little quote out of hand which of your two cheeks would i spank you very hard on in the old apartment the problem is that's a 50 50 chance for the clone that's true they can make a guess and they still might do it and i'm going no but gus i have the memory of it i say i still have this i still have the markings on on the left one and you go my left or your left and i go it would only matter if it was my left and then i just remembered that that would actually invalidate the question because there were a couple times where you were really you know we'll just say in a poor behavior mood and uh you were trying to run away from the very hard spanx and i think i might have grazed the other cheek a few times so it's kind of just a toss-up yeah my question would be so okay i've got i'm point i you know in this situation you've always got a gun right you have to i'm sorry i'm pointing at the two gusses first i consider i just get them both one two you know and then i go no no that wouldn't be right and i go gush how when we were roommates how many drinks did it take in for me to get violent four four and i go right you think it wouldn't be that much and you're like yeah no no i'm kidding that's a complete double digits but it's like immediately like i don't even think that the drink was the accelerant for that really you know four bud lights across seven hours in the day really shouldn't do much i go yeah you know you think but uh you just get in the groove you know and you're just mad and hate everybody and especially me so it's whatever i really don't think we'd we'd struggle with that though i think we would be kind of fine with with uh and i wouldn't even blink killing the clone oh my god two gusses i would let's keep one in the world le i would you know what i would have such a good time would you keep one in the world i have so much such a good time killing the eddie clone that i would actually clone the eddie clone first into more clones so that i could just off a few to really get it out of my system honestly i'd have no problem with that because it's not uh as long as it's not me you know no and like you definitely would be made to watch but like it wouldn't be you hold on backtrack a little bit what's that so i would make multiple clones so did you make the clone originally yeah i mean i feel like i'd probably be the only person i'd be able to get close enough to you and maybe catch you to get a hair out of you or something you know you don't think that my girlfriend could get a hair out of me you think you're the closest possible person in my life to get a hair off my head and like chris is cool and [ __ ] and like i know you guys are close but like i'm so fast you think you're really sly i'm walking past you at like your house and you just rip a clump of air out of my head like [ __ ] dude it's not that i don't believe in chrissy it's just that i really believe in myself so much you know at first i thought you were gonna say it's not that i don't believe in christ but i was like what does that have to do with it you know cloning does that count as evolution cloning me would you what would you hope what here's my question what if you cloned you kept cloning me what what trait would like deteriorate like what would what would become my like if i was a written sitcom character what would become my thing you know like season oh i was a let's say season one uh drake from drake and josh but let's just scoot on away from that topic let's not talk about that guy at all i know what i mean flanders is flanderization that whole thing i know what happened to you what would deteriorate as the time went on what so your linguistics would change um and you would start to lose the ability to kind of speak in a bunch of consecutive words but it would be slowly replaced by all the people's speech patterns in rock bottom and spongebob you know where they say like hey which way to the bus stop you know and every subsequent clone it would continue to dilute until you i would just have a bunch of eddies that just go the whole time hear me out instead of that noise it would isolate the smaller percentage of me that's italian and i would get increasingly more and more uh stereotypically italian so like you'd be like man clone eddie number 304 literally i've just got a big pot of spaghetti and i'm like you know i can't speak anymore and i'm just like like spit like spinning you're stirring the pot so much that meatballs are going flying across the room you're like i don't know what you would even do with this guy anymore do i put them down and yeah you do i just feel like i can't like even bring my kids around him and stuff you know like he's just too italian he's just throwing ravioli like it's nothing i don't think i can bring people around him anymore he's just too italian he bites and i don't think that's an italian thing but like he's fighting as it's italian but he also said it was italian when non-clone eddie would bite me and i didn't believe him then either oh eddie what's up i'm gonna be real with you during the duration of this podcast of which we've only shot 36 minutes i have finished two and a half cans of bubbly and i need to pee hi folks today's podcast is sponsored by green chef let me tell you a little bit about green chef all right green chef lets you choose from a wide array of easy to follow recipes perfect for keto paleo and plant power diets or even if you just want to eat in a more balanced way green chefs expert chefs design flavorful 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green chef dot com slash gus and eddie 100 and use code gus and eddie 100 to get a hundred dollars off including free shipping go ahead check them out links in the description down below thank you green chef for sponsoring today's episode folks today's podcast episode is sponsored by warby parker thank you warby parker for sponsoring the gus and eddie podcast.usa.gov listen folks i want to tell you about warby parker okay they are committed to providing exceptional vision care online and in stores offering eyeglasses sunglasses eye exams and contact lenses glasses only start at 95 bucks including prescription lenses you could try warby parker's free home try on program where you order five pairs of glasses to try at home for free for five days there's no obligation to buy check it out ships free and it includes a prepaid return shipping label listen warby parker also offers their very own daily contact lenses okay do you do that no warby parker does that dang it scout by warby parker 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like oh my god that's too much bubbly listen guys welcome back to the and eddie podcast it's just me and i think you know fans have been sending in letters you know we've been getting this fan mail saying can we continue make the show longer can we make the show entirely the end eddie podcast and no i think that's unfair you know gus has put in a lot of time mostly time into the show that's i'd say his main contribution to the show is time a little bit of a cut for uh a sniffle there guys i i had to sniffle but i will say you know i really bring people and this is the letters we've been reading that have been sent in the charm the hilarity the personality the star power and gus definitely has put in some time into the podcast so i think it would be rude and kind of [ __ ] up to you know make it the end eddie podcast so i don't really think we'll be moving ahead but also for audio listeners i did a little wink uh we're not rolling it out because i would i would never rule anything like that out where we want to take the show where the fans want us to take the show and so i you know i would never do anything like that it sounds like he's coming back i'm here i'm here i'm here welcome back gus thanks eddie i did such a good pee um sabrina is on the young turks right now and uh the the bathroom i had to go to is like literally like right adjacent to the bedroom where she does the twitch [ __ ] too um so you didn't flush did you no i didn't fly okay and i was so hyper cognizant of making any bathroom related sounds that i had to pull out my patented uh uh take a knee pee method wait a minute what do you mean so we got a real low riding bowl i know i do know that that is a low ride i actually thought it when i saw it i said this bowl is really low ride hey chrissy get in here you're sitting on it currently so i got down on one knee i lifted the lid and then i and i whizzed it right along the side of the bowl like a beyblade getting into the arena you know so i wouldn't even make the splish sound guys why didn't you just sit you wait are you doing a meme with me or did you really take a knee instead of sitting on the bowl i definitely actually took a knee instead of sitting on the ball we gotta unpack this what do you mean you took a knee to pee i took a knee to pee so that i could easily wing it around the side of the bowl you could do that so much easier if you were sitting what do you mean you took a knee and the thing is that bowl is low enough to take a knee if you're wondering guys that's why i'm taking this very seriously did you actually take a knee instead of cynic took a knee because i figured the final dribbles if i was sitting it pulls it more to the center of the ball so you'd hear a little pitter patter but the the dribbles at the end pull it more towards the edge of the bowl which is completely concealed in porcelain silence i can't believe you took a need of pee dude i've never heard of anybody taking it that's really good i really like that a lot also i just want to acknowledge that i didn't have this be elaborate set up just to use the pun tim t-bowl i did actually do these things proceed your honor i have to ask how many times have you taken a knee to p you said that was like what did you refer to it as like doing your old to take a knee to pee you'll take an ep i i don't the name is fluid right now i've never heard of anybody taking a knee to pee in my life gus well now you have and now we live in a world where you know that so you so i can't take that back from you you just have to accept that's the world you live in now yeah work around me [ __ ] can you imagine i was just thinking if you went in and i have more questions but if you like i didn't want to make any bathroom noises i just thought like so i did the old cough to cover up fart sabrina's on the young turks talking about serious topics and you're just like just a full cough first and a farther later and then it disappointed oh [ __ ] that wasn't time so i think the war in syria can be explicit i like that sabrina and i are both technically doing our jobs right now and she's in there probably talking about geopolitical stuff and i'm in here just going and after the cough art you just hear from the bathroom far away oh geez gus you did it again she definitely heard that one oh no i guess i'll pull my pants up from my ankles oh boy can't be wet and silent but dude i have to ask more we're not doing bits you really your main method was you got on one knee hold on do you yep did you drop your where are your shorts in that seat did you have to do that because the thing is if you go and for video listen or video watchers again i will show you right now the diagram uh by diagram i mean my actual pants and i hope that there's no p on there so that this would look bad tony edit out my p if there's p on my pants i don't think he can do that they'll just have to see premiere added a tool for that so so if you do this if you if you put one leg up like that i can still do the unbutton and the unzip like that it's not impeded because i got the second leg up like that that gives me enough slack to work with so i'm down on one knee i'm ripping and dipping out here i just stand up zip i'm out so you're like your bare knee is on the bathroom floor bare knees i know it's not a public bathroom but i'd like the thing is here's where i'm at i'll just be completely honest what stage of your journey are you at i'm shocked i was in denial a moment ago there's not like i can't think of a reason why it's bad i just don't like it you know what i mean so like you you're kind of winning here because like i don't not that it's like a debate but like i do i don't know what the big drawback would be i'm just so shocked that this was an idea rather than sitting that i i'm close to speechless you know what i think would help you in your journey here eddie is if uh i need to journey your neepy journey yes uh if you uh witness firsthand what i was talking about sometime i'm saying i come on the podcast if you'll have me on i don't want to invite myself uh and and i and i pee on the podcast to show you what's going on what do you mean you pee on the pot like you pee in the living room in the set well i mean if we're being technical yes i would be peeing in the middle of your living room but uh i think that there's you know there's a bathroom like right out of the living room we could just pick up a camera and turn it sure but i you know i think we want some thematic consistency with like you know we're either we've got to see the background that they know and love we don't want to take the podcast away from that direction because it's like you take you you come into the bathroom with a camera and it's suddenly some smut film on youtube but we do it on the set and now it's intriguing you faced in the middle of the set that's just a podcast episode you turn that toward the bathroom and we are it's the smut netty podcast god i can't even describe the energy of this one this is the one of the weirdest episodes we've ever done okay i'll go into another disagreement or question all right okay this one's a simple one uh this is from uh is it daddy milan and it looks like her name is uh and it's public on twitter so i can say the the not just the ad but the name right or oh uh it's it looks like maddie dolan and then she flipped the the letters of her first and last name that's real fun i think um so she said disagreement my friend a broke friend b's special mirror that they got for free but the mirror itself would cost 500 to replace friend a says that they don't have to replace the mirror because it was free but i say they need to at least contribute to the cost of course it's whatever it is to replace the item for the cost right that's your answer you weren't still reading it no yeah that's why yeah what i'm saying is even if a friend gets something for free they now own that value of the thing and what if somebody breaks it just because you didn't spend money for it you still lost the value of said thing that's true damn this one is a little complex i i feel like because that's the thing is like the person should automatically assume that they have to pay i i i feel as though we don't know as much information in the screenshot but i didn't see a reply to it so let me go to the person's account and see if there's more info good idea please do i need more info because i'm like if this is a situ like i think automatically whoever broke the mirror has to offer compensation um and it should probably be on them to say i will replace it but depending on the logistics of the acquisition of the mirror we got more info first of all i gotta hear it before i even weigh in okay so it's so uh it continues the sentence so but i say they need to at least contribute to the cost which honestly is probably already the best thing of a new mirror i think that if you break something you should replace uh the item regardless if the person got it cheap because uh the item is gone either way maybe not all five hundred dollars but at least they should do their best to replace it somehow they disagree because or since it was free they don't have to do anything to replace it since it technically had no value that is completely incorrect i get maybe saying like oh it's a 500 mirror you got it for free like you can get but contribute yes if you break something it if you get something for free it doesn't mean it has no value now that you own it it's just a steal if it's a good thing exactly like if if like you gave me your valve index and like sven sat on it i'd be like you know that wouldn't be like well hey if you could just give me 50 bucks at least you know like that would be like dude yeah i don't have this extremely expensive thing and i'm not trying to devalue the mirror but i i you know it's that same kind of thing of like depending on your age like i assume we're all like younger people like not a lot of people are just winging around [ __ ] 500 mirrors you know but at the same time like friend b definitely offered to do like go in being very contrite you know how can i replace it you know but if this is like a mirror that came into your life because it's like holy [ __ ] maybe it was like a garage sale find or something like that a score like that like me as the friend a that had the mirror get broken i know i if it were a situation where it came into your life really easy there wasn't a lot of like emotional attachment to it there's no [ __ ] way i would be like you need to give me 500. yeah the five that's the thing is like if somebody i think if i were the friend that broke it i would offer that money but if i were the friend who it was broken from i wouldn't ask for the money totally but i do think if you're if it becomes an argument the person who broke it should at least contribute because they broke it and it doesn't mean you break something something like if somebody gets a gift and you break it it's not like well you didn't [ __ ] pay for it you know yeah exactly dude they'll just be as9 yeah so i don't know that one's i i feel like we need to know more information to be as confident you know that's true yeah try to apply your decision to the parameters we set forth just the mirror got another great one tell me this is from hud at hudson blubson and hudson said disagreement my friends don't think i could single-handedly sink a cruise ship but if done right i don't think it'd be that hard parentheses just sploding something i don't know so my question is uh do you think the average person could sink a cruise ship and how would you do it oh man here's the thing i thi i was thinking about this when i screenshotted it i want to hear your answer first actually because you're hearing it new i had time to think an average person man i'm trying to think well first of all i need to know is your answer without giving anything away is it a meme answer are you really logistically i gave it some real thought because i find this one real interesting it's not a meme answer okay i think what i would do is i would probably get some tannerite and well don't wait hold on do you think the average person could sink a true cruise ship not does your wisconsin ass know what [ __ ] explosives to brian shoot a [ __ ] thing that's what i was just saying it is not expensive i factored that into the average okay what would you be sploding we don't know enough about cruise ships i think for you to know what to explode well that's just the thing is like i assume like if there were a big enough blast even on the outside of the hull that it could just punch a hole in there you know they definitely have measures to to like save a ship i think if like tannerite measures you plan for [ __ ] tannerite i don't think so [ __ ] i think that the average person could not sink a cruise ship but somebody who worked in the cruise business that's real [ __ ] up could maybe sink a ship single-handedly probably if you know enough you probably could because there's probably just some dumb little like work around you know like some little death star oh don't leave this valve open otherwise like if you drop a tic tac shoot a gumball into a suction valve and that's how the titanic titanic happened that's how the titanic happened i assume that the titanic's death was gumball related and it is being covered up though the thing is i really just i think modern cruise ships are pro probably have so much engineering gone into not sinking that the average person because i'm sure there's been some people that have given it the old college try you know yeah one of those people being i'm confident you it's especially you know i saw you looking up on one of those websites how to sneak alcohol onto a cruise and then the other tab said can you bring tannerite onto a cruise um eddie i'll have you know that in that same search term i ended the search term with can you bring tannerite on a cruise with parentheses unrelated close parentheses i i'll have you know after i googled wait never mind click enter so i'm fine also i don't google things i use ask jeeves like a regular person there you go what you moved away from bing i moved away from bing and duckduckgo i'm back on ask jeeves now is this true uh no i haven't touched that since i went to after school to my dad's classroom and i would search fun games to play on ask jeeves there you go was ask jeeves one i never used it was that the one where they'd like give you an answer like they had people working for it i don't know how the button i never used but it did seem a little bit more like specifically catered to your aunt to your question you know like to answer your question meredith in philadelphia here's your you know eternal does weigh this is that what chief sounds like yeah every time well not that i've been thinking about it guys johnson of wisconsin wait a minute i've never said that before yes what the [ __ ] i mean wait the other gus johnson the sports one just gus johnson of wisconsin that's great i've never said that before oh you've never i thought you were being jeeves being like no that's got a ring to it i didn't realize johnson it's like if it were you know you're like jesus type name you're like old world name like jesus of nazareth yeah gus johnson of wisconsin that would be that would have if i lived in bible times would have set me way ahead and fun surprise guys wisconsin was around during bible times most people don't know that mary and joseph traveled through wisconsin to get to bethlehem for jesus's birth and they they stopped off there and they got some cheese curds they parted a wheel of cheese they went to tommy bartlett's they went to the exploratory and they touched the thing that makes their hair stand out that's why they couldn't they couldn't afford an inn was because they spent all their money on the tommy bartlett water show for people that don't know tommy bartlett is like a stunt show in wisconsin they're like they only bought stuff on on wisconsin billboards so they're like we bought we bought culver's fireworks and tommy bartlett and we are all out of money we gotta have this baby in a barn [Laughter] johnson of wisconsin brought them tannerite brought baby jesus tannerite don't shoot this with a high-powered rifle or it'll go real bad well they didn't have myrrh at the fleet farm you know so i just grabbed a couple handfuls of tannerite thought i'd dump it off here next to the donkey here you go again don't move that too quick here but it is yours to take home you can take that home for free but dear god move it slow high capacity can you explain what i know we have tapped on the podcast before but what tannerite is for people that don't know so i don't want to see this [ __ ] sighted in some dumbass cnn manifesto [ __ ] but tannerite is a really affordable uh consumer don't say affordable dude just say what it is it is very expensive and they definitely id you every time you buy it you don't need to say any of this information guys you could have just said what the material is it is it is like it is a it's you get them in these like small kind of tupperware containers um and uh it comes with what looks like uh you know like in uh styrofoam packing how it's a bunch of tiny white beads all together it's like if those white beads were plastic it comes with that and some black powder and you you unscrew the lid of the little tannerite thing it'll be sold typically in like half pound increments you pour the black powder and you shake it up and then the only way that you can detonate it uh is if you shoot it with a high-powered round that goes at least 2000 feet per second so you could theoretically again don't dude you're making me so nervous this is video explain it you explain just you could have just said it's like something you can buy at a store that like if you shoot it it explodes but you're like giving a [ __ ] lesson on how you could go pick it up and make it dude let me give you the non-ask jeeves version it's an explosive you shoot it with a gun to make it explode and it is a non-combustible one it just goes boom outside like that there you go if you've seen any of the like when i should do the like i've been first of all by the way i've been seeing this make the meme rounds like [ __ ] nuts this has been the top meme of mine unintentionally in the last year has been people clipping the very end of my how companies like when companies put out eco-friendly statements or whatever um is just the clip of me being like oh there's an endangered species right there boom and i blow up the deer um well first of all like i appreciate when people pop into the comment sections they're like hey it's gus but i i'm i'm afraid i'm getting three tangents deep right now um i don't need i see still see a lot of comments of like you get you stole this from gus johnson give him credit i i don't need it that's just a little excerpt from a meme thing so like don't don't leave those kind of comments but anyway if you see those videos where it's like i blow up the deer or it's in sven's mythbusters video where like someone explodes we're doing that with tannerite every time right so you're not using you know like re real crazy uh like you needed uh not a [ __ ] id for but you need like to be an expert in doing it right yeah is it how because you you guys told me it's like has it ever been kind of dicey with you guys using that because that's like pretty advanced stuff but you're also you know in in a wisconsin field so it's not around people yeah it's completely like miles out of town and it's on like my my uncle's land we don't own it but it is like collectively like a hundred acres in the middle of nowhere wisconsin so like just yeah again to put into perspective like the backdrop safety of it and stuff you know but like that's the thing is i always get nervous around that kind of [ __ ] anyway and we do take it so so so seriously and are really careful but and even paired with the knowledge that it is only a high like a high-powered rifle round that can explode it it is still scary to handle it you know like we are not [ __ ] around with it and like going whoo-hoo yeah i know you guys with gun safety are like you know real real serious about that [ __ ] which is the only way to be is somebody saying who does not handle guns but i know that i know you don't exactly ever never means we don't mix we have never mixed alcohol or weed or anything else with [ __ ] firearms you don't do that it is sad to see especially even because it'd be a real stinky bowl it would be a stinky i just when you said you don't mix it i was just thinking like a [ __ ] recipe black powder and bush light and a [ __ ] like uh barrett 50 gal you just like slam on the top of it jesus christ um oh also we got a little bit of come on [Applause] all right guys i'm gonna open an amazon pack and then just one regular pack so we're gonna save more mail for when eddie and i are together in person yep um i'm gonna open this next week baby um i'm gonna open this amazon pack right now i i am 99.99 sure that it's a copy of seed soil sun paperback so we're just gonna say it up front i assume that's what it is i believe uh this would have been our first seed soil sun back in person true so we'll take a peek it could be judging by the the thickness of it it could be a competing agricultural thin paperback children's book but we have no way of knowing so holy [ __ ] eddie it is not seed saw sun okay the .001 percent oh my god it's a book called jj and the flattened hat by vanilla biscotti okay what is it a kid's book i mean i'm looking at it it seemed like i'm not trying to knock it but the printing does not scream professional it seems like somebody was in a nice process lab at a college or something oh so it's like a custom book yeah they put you in that book no i mean this guy does kind of look like me i'm gonna look at the amazon now is there one oh because yeah if it's an amazon package it wouldn't this is very oh dude it's from the author holy [ __ ] hello my my name is vanilla biscotti and i'm a content creator from wisconsin just like you i wrote a crusty children's book and i plan on donating a bunch to the children's hospital here one day enjoy oh what a cool person dude this is so cool dude i'm just saying i'm just looking at this right now i'm looking at the illustrations and stuff this looks this looks like a really fun goofy like book cool like the video the video people can see right now it's like some kind of like lower res 3d animation stuff honestly i do want to like read this and show this to you too in the like in the in the spare time here but this just looks fun [ __ ] yeah that seems awesome i'm so happy i really expected to be ashamed about my lack of appearance in a children's book and instead we got a jj really quick you weren't in the in a children's book you thought you were and you weren't and your family was so uh yeah i just appreciate you i just want to make sure i catch everybody up every time you know so make sure that you thought you were in uh extra cheese please you weren't an extra cheese please and um uh sven thor and seed soil sun is uh extra cheese please mozzarella's journey from pizza to cow from cowboy so but it doesn't really matter because you weren't in it so it's like kind of if you don't need to save the whole title you know yeah so really appreciate you bringing that kind of heartache and pain [ __ ] up every time yeah i just want to make sure i catch everybody up you know some people are new to the podcast and they don't know that you weren't in a book that you thought you were in the book and you weren't in a book so i just want to make sure that everybody knows we have everyone informed that you weren't uh in that book i'm just doing a service you know i'm just being a good host tony could you uh please edit eddie out of this particular episode he can't do that i'll send him the tool i watched a tutorial on how to do it it's a youtube video like hey guys i'm showing you how to remove eddie burback from podcast episodes oh boy anyways [ __ ] you i'm going to open one more piece of mail got it boom so this is from uh slo jabroni in massachusetts got it hey boys being one of the boys is hungry work and lunch is on me today please see enclosed sardines one is lemony and one is a little spicy dean's spelled apostrophe capital d-i-n-e deans are a great source of protein calcium and they have an ass load of mega threes i think he meant to say omega three gus here with the fish knowledge coming in to fix your ass up from slo jabroni youtube fish fluencer so i can't tell you how glad i am that you chose to open this one at your place and not with us sitting across the table where you'd be like you want a dean baby you're trying to dine on these beans here boy first of all like you're showing them i do have them on top of this is a bumper sticker that said this is a professionally printed one that says how is my driving do you have any sardines will you share them with me if i pull over the [ __ ] that'll be going on the ola jetta that'll be going on the old jetta that's in a parking lot at a denny's that is not my car next jetta i see i'm putting her right on there i mean i'm looking here and yeah there's two i'm thank [ __ ] god this wasn't some like home packed like sir strumming kind of like stinky ass [ __ ] it's a dude handed dean it's a it's this is some name brand danage right here some names these are this isn't your department store dean right here i'll say and let me just pitch it dean is great for sardines i'm a sardini guy myself you're a sardinia guy yep i i prefer calling them sardines sardines why's that sounds more fun it does sound considerably more fun i feel like you didn't really feel that and you were just saying that for me i definitely just said it in an elevated tone yeah didn't convey any of my actions yeah i don't believe it at all there was no emotion i didn't believe you for a second that's it that was a really good idea dude that's great okay i'll say it just like that next time i'll play that back um yeah i'm looking at some [ __ ] lightly smoked beans yeah here here's a lemon and yeah the dude did not lie here's two cans of dean edge right here now i'm gonna ask you are you going to eat a dean and i i'm not there's no pressure at all it's just whatever you're feeling you gotta you got a day of entertaining your family ahead of you if you're not feeling sliding a sardini right down your throat that's okay i tell you what i will do my damnedest to remember to bring the dean's [ __ ] no i mean great yeah no i'd love to well i realize now that it was just it would just be passing the problem on to you because i was like there's no [ __ ] way on god's green earth that i'm opening this dean can in my twitch stream i i will open them outside sometime i'll try to remember that and they'll try a dean here if it's outside maybe maybe we're hanging out uh in your backyard and maybe we we opened up some sardinis for fun i'll i'll dine on these deenies here in my backyard all right sardines but that's okay this one's gonna stick it'll stick um anyway thank you slow jabroni that's it for mail beautiful it's i don't uh enjoy i i don't mind remote it always sucks to not be across from each other but the worst bit is not being able to line up our mail how i would like this there's an energy to yelling mail together and it doesn't really translate when you're wearing headphones it just doesn't and it's just our cross to bear i will say though uh and i was gonna say it's been a bit easier with discord this time of not interrupting each other and then i started saying i and i heard your voice come in so it was did not work well we're getting back into her yeah we're not or we don't do that what's that or we just don't do it i'm tired yeah i don't wanna gus i wanna stop i'm tired you wanna you wanna stop eating i'm sleepy gus come over even though we're we're separating just in case you might be a little sick can you come over and tuck me in do you um do you want to get sleepier as you're talking i might fall asleep i i feel like i hear you putting on like footy pajamas over there or something i don't i feel like you're gonna i could be doing anything under this desk i could it kind of looks like i i'm me without a mustache right now i'm sucking down so low it's like seeing my old face again and then there's this creepy grown man hey man just off the record are you okay no i'm doing good [Laughter] guys microwave some milk and run it over to my apartment you're not over like a you're like a 15 to 20 minute sprint from here just get a full glass of milk heated up in the glass so hot that you can barely hold it and sprint it over to my up sprint i only have solo cup so i'll have to use one of those the solar cup's like melting it's [ __ ] like dripping red and you're i gotta get it all right [ __ ] you guys get out of here [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 101,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bAwoU7ycsN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 2sec (4322 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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