Booger Wall: The Trial of the Century - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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Mrs. Johnson being 6 feet tall is the biggest twist of this entire trial

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 395 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/klibonate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

SPOILER: I’m surprised it was unanimous. Seems like a lot of viewers thought it was Thor, myself included. The ruling must stand however, Gus did booger wall.

God bless this kangaroo court

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 208 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hm94991 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jokes aside... SPOILER ALERT.. I really think it was Thor. He used some pretty shifty tactics. And He prepares way more than everyone else, proven by the briefcase.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 139 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hal0fever πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Please I need this to be recognized. At 32:10 Thor states he wiped his boogers on his socks and would β€œget lost in the CARPET fibers.” How does that happen unless you wipe it on the outside of the sock. Note that around 40:00 Gus calls him out on it and Thor responds saying he wiped them on the INSIDE of the sock. I’m not saying Thor did it, but I will say Thor is lying.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 130 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dyingtho πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I fucking lost it when Thor brought out his briefcase and revealed what was inside.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 225 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LamppostInfiltrator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you Mrs Johnson for your very informative testimony

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 95 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hal0fever πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Guys I don’t know if we can trust this verdict...seemed like a kangaroo court to me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 89 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just want to apologise to Sven, I think he is the only innocent one. Regardless of who did 'Booger Wall', both Gus and Thor have skeletons in their closets.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 81 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SkullKnight69420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thor did booger wall. It's obvious. He was the youngest, most boogery boy at the time, and a known wiper. "Being defensive" isn't guilt. Memes overruled logic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kain292 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] ladies and gentlemen please all rise for the most honorable judge burr back go ahead and rise yep okay maybe we need to be seated oh I'm sorry those okay no that's okay you're good bailiff now you're back to juror I have juror hat no I would like to welcome everyone to the trial of the century the booger wall trial is now commenced we have our three defendants Thor Johnson spend Johnson and Gus Johnson for a little background of people that don't know in the late 2000s while these three were young children a mystery started a wall in their house started gathering boogers and none of the three who were capable of such a thing have claimed responsibility for what they've done so we're gathered here today with our jurors and our defendants and obviously your Honorable Judge Edward Berbick to find the truth and so I want to start off by giving the floor to and I also actually want to share one thing before we start the trial during the podcast episode where we talked about it I thought it would be funny to say Sven did Booker wall because it sounded like Bush did 9/11 and that started a meme saying spended booger wall that is unfair so I would ask everyone listening and all the jurors to clear your mind there is no evidence currently to show that offended booger wall any more than his two brothers so we will start this at an even trial I apologize Sven and actually I will throw the Florida spend to start with his opening statement all right thank you very much Eddie as you said I feel like I have been primary I've been the primary suspect in the booger wall case this is unjust obviously and I have evidence that basically excludes me excuse me from any blame for booger wall it's basically implausible that I did it and I will be calling in someone to help me testify that that's all I have to say about it Thank You Sven I will now throw to his younger brother Thor Johnson okay thank you very much Eddie I have a short prepared statement here might I add Thor that you look very dapper today that has nothing to do with the trial please continue okay thank you I just I would like to note both of my brothers here as you can see no tie if you want to kick it over to us going this is no tie and I have not only a tie but I'm also wearing pants and a belt and a full suit so with that being said here is my opening statement Gus Eddie Sven viewers but most importantly jury I'm honored to be in your presence and to meet some of you for the very first time albeit under unfortunate circumstances I would like to start off by admitting my complete innocence in this matter but unfortunately that will not suffice the proceedings that are about to take place ah regretable occurrence but in my mind there are only two possible suspects they just so happened to be the other two defendants when spender Gus smeared their boogers on the boy's bathroom wall that fateful day they likely never dreamed it would go this far and I would assume they were relieved when it all blew over however with spends recollection of the incident just to podcast episodes ago a proverbial cat was let out of the bag and one of the other suspects was haunted by the almost eleven year old cold case that had yet to be determined I'm determined to bring swift justice to one or potentially both of these two suspects and make them feel the shame that they have successfully avoided until now that's it that's all I have to say wow what a statement what a powerful statement from Thor Johnson that's gonna be hard to follow up but Gus Johnson I would like to give you the floor thank you your honor I'm very very happy that I'm the one following it up as Fenton out of match this quality ladies and gentlemen of the jury I would like to point out today that I am not on trial here my brothers are not on trial here what is on trial here today is the law and the law is just Fair and it is realistic and today I will prove to you find the fellows of the jury that I beyond a reasonable shadow of a dolt was not the person that did Berger wall and I would like to prove today that one other member that is on trial has made a damming on video on audio error in their recounting of the booger wall situation previously and I very very much look forward to sharing that lie and that inconsistency with you today so what do we leave with Gus Johnson did not do the booger wall I was not there I was too old and I just was not the culprit and if I might add a fourth and final point again there has been a line and inconsistency in a previous testimony so I thank you the Honorable very sexy-looking judge burr back today for presiding over what will inevitably be oh thank you your honor sustained I would I would like to make a quick judge objection you three are absolutely on trial I was I just want to add that and I also will not have a kangaroo court so I would actually like to throw - Gus you seem to in your opening statement mention that there's a inconsistency in the storytelling of booger wall so I would like to give you the floor right now to recollect your version of burger booger wall and what you believe is an inconsistency thank you your honor I thank you mr. burr back again mr. burr back has been one of the leading figures in propagating the idea that svenne is the one that did Booker wall so thank you for your work on the ground in the field objection objection how dare you try and start a kangaroo court in the court I would like you to take that back spend I am neutral to everybody it was a mean and we're moving thank you and how dare you I'll redacted I'll redact it out of respect yes your honor as I pointed out previously there is a certain member that is on trial that had a very glaring inconsistency in their previous statement and if I may I do have a bit of evidence to support this inconsistency if I may bring it forth I would say first let's hear your version of booger wall and then let's hear it absolutely my version of booger wall I want to take you all back okay and I will bring out evidence to refute this in the in the future here but I want to take you all back the year is 2009 I am 14 years old do you remember picking your nose and wiping boogers on the wall when you were 14 years old no I don't think so I think you remember wearing a nice Aeropostale t-shirt playing with some tech decks on the weekends maybe starting your budding sexuality and making out with girls behind the bleachers on Saturday nights if you're so lucky you're 14 you got time for women maybe you're starting to learn the driver's license situation by having dad take you out back and learn to read drive a stick you know this is not an age at which somebody takes a dump pardon you're my language Your Honor takes a dump and wipes boogers all across the family bathroom wall now back to my inconsistency if I may spend Johnson in the previous episode where we discussed the booger wall mentioned a key piece of evidence Your Honor I need to bring forth evidence at this point to back up my stake can I say one thing and bring it forward yes you can thank you sir now I want to just play a quick audio excerpt of the previous podcast this is from the recording of the title now entering monkey town the Gus and Eddie and Sven and Thor podcast released on April 13th 2029 the Gus and Eddie channel if you go to the timestamp at 1828 it's where I'm playing this audio file from you can find it yourself at home here I'm going to go ahead and just play it into the microphone for our jury now and if any parts of it cut out I know it by heart and I'll repeat one single phrase that Sven said if you are ready to listen to cuz we went like forensic with this [ __ ] to UM the boogers were so high up on the wall and for me and Thor to smear them we would have had to stand on the edge of the toilet right okay did everybody catch that last bit that Sven said the boogers were so high up on the wall that I would have had to stand on the toilet seat to maybe reach them so high dare I say that they were completely out of reach they were undoubtedly not the people that did the booger wall because it was just too high your honor is that fair and assuming that from spen statement I believe that is what span made it sound like yes that's correct now if I may direct the attention of the jury to the discord chat very shortly here I have obtained a little piece of visual evidence as gathered by my sister who is a full-time resident in the Johnson household and she has taken a photo of that set bathroom and the quote unquote hi booger wall placement this is a photo of my own flesh-and-blood mother who is the person that discovered the booger wall demonstrating where on the wall she found the Booker's right into the chat boom Your Honor could you describe what you see I believe you put it in maybe the wrong chat I will redact my boom put it put I put the new boom but I would redact maybe 10 boom points from that boom I can hear me I'd like to apologize to the courtroom my discord application crashed I I'm now back video doesn't seem to work but I can hear and I hope you can hear me okay sounds good jakey sorry you had to deal with that it's okay now again I draw your attention to the chat ladies and gentlemen the jury this is the height at which my mom discovered the booger wall visual reference just sent Wow your honor could you describe the general height of the area indicated by my mom I would actually prefer that you ask spend that I thank you for the cross questioning uh spend could you describe to me in metric systems just about how high up on the wall that area would be I would like to are you into the question well are you as using mrs. concrete evidence a recollection 11 years after the fact of where my mom thought the boogers were on the wall I just simple question don't know could you tell me how high up the area on the wall is that mom is indicating please okay I will play along to your game just because I know I am exempt you'll find out later but I'd say the boogers were about three to four feet off the wall I said metrics please metrics one meter one meter interesting because this seems to contradict the previous statement that you're on record is saying that the booger wall was frankly quote too high for either Thor and I to have reached the boogers I did not say the booger wall was too high and if I think if you play the quote back I think you'll say some of the boogers were so high hmm interesting well we are looking at photographic evidence as sent over by the primary witness to this crime so I'd like to think that that's pretty bias free I would like to pause for a moment and actually while you one of you look it up I would like to know if Sven asked if there were if some of the boogers were that high but in the meantime I believe that our jury mr. Gonzalez has a question yes yes the jury would like to inquire how tall the mother in question is we see her on the toilet there and I can only assume that's a normal sized toilet but I'd just like to be sure that she's not freakishly tall and she's really pointing to somewhere seven feet off the ground I can go ahead and feel that one mr. Gonzalez thank you for your valuable question and our mother is approximately 5 foot 11 inches 6 foot and shoes 6 foot and shoes so completely normal height therefore the toilet and above average above average all right now okay I want to thank mr. Johnson for the answer and I want to thank mr. Gonzalez for that question and clearing it up we now know that mrs. Johnson is normal mom size um so I would like to say so his fan did you find any proof that you said some of the boogers we're that high Gus would you have to replay a part of the eye I would love to your honor thank you here's that timestamp again again this is now 1826 I roll back to forensic with this [ __ ] to uh the boogers were so high up on the wall and iam forward to smear them we would have had to stand on the edge of the toilet right okay that's hunson all right thank you caught me on that one okay so let the record show that Sven Johnson did say that the boogers were too high Walter Russell moister Johnson has shown that the primary witness in the booger wall crime has said that it's lower but I might add 11 years after the crime so now I would like to throw to somebody who has not gotten as much talktime as both the Johnsons right now Thor do you have anything to say um yes I do mr. burdock the Honorable mr. bareback I would just like you to know that while we were on the topic of false testimony in Gus's earlier testimony when he was painting us his illustrious picture of his 14 year old self he mentioned that he would not be the one to be on the toilet taking a dump excuse the profanity again he would not be the one to be on the dump picking his nose and wiping it on the wall now I would open it up to the jury they could look back at any of the previous statements and no one had ever said anything about anyone taking a dump yeah while they were picking their nose only specific details so with these specific details I would be led to believe that Gus may you may know a little bit more than he leads on and I would just like to kick that over to Gus and ask God what his thoughts are on that because it had previously been stated that yes while they were on the bathroom wall no it had never been established what the bowel movements of the person in question were at that point in time thank you very much I would like to ask then to settle just to clear things up for my jury here we need to find an agreement how what the height of the booger wall smears were between the Johnston's we need to settle first what that is before I believe we can have any other discussion because it's a question of height and age versus everyone being accessible to take a dump and smear boogers so I would like to just a quick tally from the three Johnston's what you think the height of booger wall was from your recollection I can I call my mom in to help back this up because she has the most developed brain at the time she can verify how tall the boogers were mind if I call her and real quick let me just ask my jury real quick it's not normal for a judge to but I want to just make sure nobody has any questions before we bring her in that's it that's a thumbs down from Drew or mr. Gooden apologies it's a thumbs up for mr. Douglas there's okay we got a ones okay we have a question for mr. Nestor yes I do have a question in the photographic evidence that was provided of Burger wall or the three Johnson brothers in agreement that the wall that the mother is pointing to that that is booger wall or was booger wall a different wall in the bathroom thank you your honor I filled this I would say I want to go down just with all three of you in very short statements if you agree whether that is booger wall or not yes go spend first yes yes Gus or yes okay thank you for clearing that up I would now like to call mrs. Johnson to the stand all right I'll grab her she's outside she's typically pretty unruly permission to grab a sweatshirt because I'm a little chilly go forth get close to the mic this doc right now the main question is how high up on the wall were some of these boogers like well your honor objection let's formalize mrs. Johnson's entrance here first of all I informed you spend at the beginning of this that I will not have a kangaroo court and I want to stress that immediately right now and so I would like to welcome mrs. Johnson to the stand I'm sorry that you had to come here under these circumstances I'm sure there's a level of shame toward your boys here and I'm sorry that you had to show up for this so now I would like to throw - it seems ven had some questioning that he would like to do right now go ahead yeah this is this is partially out of general curiosity - what in your recollection what was like the highest booger you think you saw on the wall were they all centralized in that one spot that you indicated in the picture or get close to my eye I'm just showing with my hands I don't even need to say this is this is how high the book that's the highest booger the highest burger was that high okay she has the best recollection Gus have you shown the image that yes okay have you on the toilet yes we have can I just make a statement before everybody absolutely zon I I don't want to waste anyone's time I know that that your time is valuable and I haven't prepared to rehearse anything but I wanted to do a quick rundown of each of football children do you have time for that right into the mic absolutely right into the mic absolutely all right just don't zoom in on me I cut my own bangs yesterday and I don't need that are you ready can you hear me yep all right in 2009 Hani was five years old she did not use that bathroom the boys peed everywhere it was disgusting do you have that picture of Hani okay I can send the picture into the chat of my sister yes yes that's fine in 2009 Thor was seven and he is right-handed that's just an important fact and Sven was no I just cool it your honor and what is this crosstalk no no no no I'm just gonna this thing keeps falling out of my ear do you want to pop it back in I don't want to wreck it okay spin was nine he's also right-handed Gus was 13 and maybe 3/4 he the lath of the measurement on the measuring wall shows him at about 510 I am actually 511 and 7/8 I call it 6 feet to be known you know just to sound really cool and Gus has a similar reach to mine so that's just the height stuff they're all left-hand they're all right-handed if the boys had stood and urinated they would have had to pick their nose with their left hand and then they could have reached the spot on the bulgar wall where all the boogers were found they're all right-handed so that that I'm gonna just go on here so no honey the next thing is that Sven Sven has overflowed a few toilets no later listen I'm tired I'm getting this all out no cuz I'm not coming back and forth I got to do the dishes Sven has overflowed the toilet on at least two occasions one time he over floated in that upstairs bathroom and it dripped down into the main level so he did not use he went through a phase where he did not use that toilet because of the overflowing now here's another point of emphasis Thor um slept on the bottom bunk when we took the bunk beds apart several years later I found a lot of boogers wiped on the slat that was underneath the top bunk there was no one else who could have wiped those boogers there except for Thor so Thor I I'm ruling out Sven I'm ruling out honey Thor is a mild suspect but my primary suspect is Gus before the other children were born Gus was about five years old and I found boogers across the room from his bed on the wall indicating that he had flicked them and then they had stuck to the wall so he's already a booger wall perpetrator as a four or five year old child with no younger siblings the other thing is that Gus has a very imaginative sense of recollection and did you touch on this no he was no okay I'm not gonna say it Sven we'll talk about this piece um you know I want to take this time Gustav quickly apologize for calling you a melon head we all know that you have because you have a very big smart brain but the reality is that your big smart brain is often so engrossed in creative endeavors that you forget what you're doing so I think you absolutely wiped boogers on the wall in the bathroom thank you Wow I want to thank you for for making those statements mrs. Johnson and helping us find the truth thank you so much you're welcome Wow Wow we have a lot to talk about now but I do want to throw to jury questions immediately before anyone makes any statements so I didn't see any typed in the chat just yet if you want to type now if anyone has any questions and if not we will throw to the Johnson Brothers so we'll wait a second and probably cut this out of the podcast all right I would like to throw to mr. Gooden for a call right so before I have a lot of notes taken in regards to the crime at hand but I have a question for honorable mr. burr back I've heard you say the term kangaroo court several times now and I just want to establish what the hell that means you see the court we're we're in a pouch of a bigger court I just I want some clarity there thank you if you were to google kangaroo court I don't have internet access all right and report is when a a mock trial is done an unprofessional trial and you find the guilty party without the actual law and without normal proceedings so I will not have a kangaroo court today everything is serious everything is real the sentencing will be followed and I want to make sure that that is known by all the jury and all the defendants and to myself in the mirror when I repeat it at five times this morning no kangaroos born I respect it thank you thank you mr. Geddon I would - now check I heard another notification it seems that mr. Kristensen has a question thank you your honor I just wanted to double-check when the Johnson mother was talking about the timeframe of when a younger Gus was wiping boogers on a previous wall perhaps by flicking them across the room how old did she say that he was what was the timeline on that around 5:00 I believe she said that he was 5 when the boogers were flicked and 13 when booger okay had 13 your honor objection objection well let him finish first yeah I was gonna say also how old did she say Thor was when he was wiping boogers on the bed frame that she had the slat from or the I'm not sure if I caught that does anybody else know I I don't believe there was a previous stated thing but whenever they were I believe it was taking apart events both of according to the mother around the age of five both of you were wiping boogers on stuff sorry I almost cost right I thank you for the question I would like to then establish through that questioning that yes the information that we had found despite what the Internet is saying is it seems that we have learned that Thor Johnson and Gus Johnson are serial booger flickers and booger wipers and it seems that we have no evidence of Sven doing that in the past so I do want to make sure that's clear of the evidence that came out but I would I would like to say that mrs. Johnson said her primary suspect was her oldest son Gustav Johnson and I would like to throw to him for a response thank you your honor first of all I have a bit of a bullet point list in terms of refuting various claims and and clarifying certain semantics of previous statements here as mr. Christiansen indicated mrs. Johnson did not say that I was 13 but rather in her words 13 and 3/4 and to back up that claim I would like to submit into the chat right now a piece of evidence that confirms that right now so if you'll look there boom I have a Facebook post from my mother that was submitted by her on February 27th 2009 I will read that Facebook post aloud now for reference first of all this is when Facebook was in its previous format and most people were formatting their status updates as if they were saying something for example Gus Johnson is feeling hungry with that context here's what it says Deb Johnson discovered yet another batch of boogers on the bathroom wall how many times do we have to have this conversation now February 27th 2009 my birthday falls on June 20th I was born in 1995 so at this time I was 13 and 3/4 you'll forgive me for rounding up because as you could see when my mom spoke about her height she's indicated that she was 511 and some change but naturally she rounds up to 6 feet I don't reckon I should your honor please I will allow it let's hear it ok yet another she says yet another how many times must we have this conversation it could've been going on for the whole year I don't think you're allowed to round up a whole year just because you were at the three point 3/4 mark on February 27th when she clearly says yet another batch of boogers on the bathroom wall how many times must be I would like to establish I believe of all the facts whether or not Gus was 13 or 14 isn't as important but I will agree that one facebook status seems to be there's a large time period that the booger wall was happening not just that day of the Facebook post but you're honest if I may go go ahead thank you so much your honor well first of all to back up the claims of the Facebook post here I would like to submit another Facebook post from my mother into the chat right now that is dated oh here let's do one more that is dated one day after February 28th 2009 Deb Johnson is disappointed in all the denial at the booger meeting last week or last night rather we expect honesty and accountability not perfect behavior so for the record spen indicated there was a single post I do have two posts about this matter and also I don't see how me rounding up should be a mark against my character I clearly just wanted to establish that a very slight rounding of numbers be it height or age is commonplace in our household and shouldn't be analyzed semantics I would thank you oh man takes I will also with this new piece of information that I just want to share to the jury and audience that it seems like this is not the first booger wall trial according to that status which means whoever is found guilty today has had a serial amount of booger lying and they will be punished extra because I have learned this new information I believe we had a question from mr. Gonzalez yes ello honor bur Beck I do have a question so well it was more in regards to the first one she said mother Johnson said how many times do we have to have this conversation I would just like to know it I I didn't realize that this is a thing that was had been brought up by the Johnsons mother over and over and continued to happen is that so are we led to believe that this was brought to the the children's attention multiple times hey stop doing this and it continued on happening yes from all the information that was given during the last podcast and what mrs. Johnson seemed to have said I would say yeah but I would allow the Johnson boys to just a quick yes or no yes did was it told to all the boys to stop doing booger wall in the midst of booger wall yes from Gus yes from Thor yes first fan I think thank you for your answers Gus I believe again is the primary suspect I would like to ask first Gus and then Thor would you refute the claims Gus that you were not only a booger wiper but a booger flicker at the age of five thank you your honor and I'm very glad that you brought that up because I think that it is incredibly important that we pay attention to the details in these claims here I am not denying the fact that when I was five I may or may not have flicked boogers in terms of personal preference from AG of an age long ago I do not currently still do it I remembered that if and when I picked up my nose because let's all face it everybody picks their nose okay we're all human it happens the boogers need to go somewhere I do remember when I was a kid that's sometimes I had flicked boogers to me personally it is disgusting to wipe them on surfaces I'd rather just get them out or rather I would just rather get them out of my sight as opposed to committing a premeditated malicious if I'm a wiping on a commonplace wall and furthermore I would like to bring up a very clearly overlooked part of mrs. Johnson's testimonial here did she not say that she already had confirmation that Thor wiped boogers on the bunk bed how is this not a more [ __ ] detail objection objection that is the next form of questioning please do not turn this into a kangaroo court Thor Johnson I would like you to refute or or just deny or agree to the claims that you were a booger wiper on your bunk bed would okay yes I will agree to the claims that I was a booger wiper however as Gus said we all pick our nose it all has to go somewhere that just so happened to be I this board here was my sole booger holder I never would put it anywhere else once in a while I would maybe stick one on my sock but that was about it it would just get lost in the carpet fibers no big deal never once did I take my nose and think to myself hmm our white walls which by the way I believe is important part to add we have entirely white walls so it is very glaring evidence never did I once think I'm going to take this booger and put it on my white walls I would argue that with the brown um trim and varnish that was on our bunk bed it made for a better concealed surface for me to put them and therefore a more thoughtful place for me to put them okay mr. Johnson first first I want to add that I believe it's been three minutes since so if not that's fine but mr. Gooden had a question I don't know if you yes and well I it was another question I think I'll ask both but on on the topic of Thor what you just said I just want you to confirm so you're trying to make the argument in addition to that the the color better conceals it also that maybe you wouldn't have enough boogers left in your nose to add to the bathroom wall considering that you use so many on the bunk bed would you say that's an accurate statement I would say that's a very accurate statement they Thank You mr. Gooden because that was my sole place other than as I was saying my sock perhaps to put my boogers because yeah I pretty much just got them all out of my system in that one location so yes think I made session thank you I mean I did actually have another question that I was gonna ask earlier if I can ask that now you might just want to call in a question the validity of this evidence that Gus has put forth this Facebook post allegedly posted by their mother we know her name is Deb Johnson and yet for some reason you've blacked out the name and I'm supposed to just believe that that's from your mother I did some googling and I actually found Howie Mandel posted the same thing on his public Facebook no on the same day and so what I think is that you found this online you're trying to use it against your mom what say you what I will add very quickly Gus could you provide evidence that Deb Johnson was the one that posted that status in 2009 and not America's Got Talent and Deal or No Deal host Howie Mandel thank you your honor for this poses a difficult challenge to my defense what I would like to add upon glancing at the evidence that mr. Berg that mr. Goode and rather has submitted clearly from a visual standpoint it is obviously not photoshopped there's a clear consistency in both the font choice as well as the general size of the profile picture I'm not calling that into question but being an avid voracious consumer of everything Deal or No Deal I will add that I happen to know personally that Howie Mandel is very publicly a life long germophobe and i can't imagine that he would have picked his nose let alone wiped it on a communal area without doing a cleaner option I think that mr. I excuse me mr. Johnson mr. Johnson so what you're saying is that you cannot prove that that post was posted by Howie Mandel versus your mother is that what I'm hearing from you what you're hearing from me is that this is somehow a simple yes-or-no question mr. I don't know how advocated did it but he has clearly fabricated this piece of evidence that he's admitted if you cannot give sufficient proof against his claims then we cannot move forward in you defending it do you guys I can't prove I can't prove it I cannot okay so Howie Mandel Sam thank you any other questions from the jury currently nothing currently or okay Danny you got one got it let's hear it mr. Gonzales yes I believe that we've heard from two of the Johnson Brothers about what they did with their boogers and as Gus said everyone picks their nose so we know that Gus used to flick them and Thor used to put them on his bed I don't know if we've heard from Sven what exactly he did with his boogers when he did definitely pick his nose Thank You mr. Gonzalez for raising this question I don't know if four and I somehow communicated this over our years of living together but I was surprised to hear that four has a similar tactic if he has a booger that needs to be taken care of or is you know dangling the best place for it is clearly on the inside of your sock just discreetly wipe it down there that's what I do with my boogers if I have to take care of protection I would like to add maybe a bit of personal maybe this is a personal info info from the judge but I would argue that a tissue is the best place for a booger rather than the inside of your sock but you may continue I'm talking strictly out and about not in the house if I'm in the house obviously a tissue and then a quick successive hand wash let's let the record show I was I was referring to in the house because that is where the crime took place in the house I I would not pick my nose in the house or in dispose of the booger anywhere other than it it's just I would not do that and there has been no now record of me doing this over the years I'm seeing some reactions from especially Gus but maybe Thor I would call in the other Johnson brothers who I would say are experts of living with Sven Johnson do you have any proof or in just any recollection of spend not doing what he's saying if I may mr. Berbick the Honorable Judge Purbeck here MA thank you sir sexy sir I have two statements I would like to make a stain for a thank you absolutely I'm sustaining all episode long mr. Johnson Sven Johnson has indicated in the past that he is a responsible disposer of all human related wastes objection objection I know where he's going with this I like did let him continue leave first allow me to continue uh and I know spend knows that I know where I'm going with this and I would just like to say again in that previous episode of the Gus a nutty podcast spen has mentioned that when he was a kid he used to take a Swiss Army knife and cut chunks of his hair off before a nap every day and hide it behind a framed risotto I would I would give an objection really quick for anybody who didn't hear the episode in the jury I I believe that Gus is trying or mr. Johnson is trying to paint spend as the one that does weird [ __ ] in their house I would like to call back to the podcast when I asked if there was a gas leak in their home because all of them did weird [ __ ] they ate ladybugs they smeared boogers they Gus I believe pissed in his drawer so I will not have Gus there spends character made of some the weird kid that leaves hair around all three of you are the weird kid all right right we'll redact my statement you miss your honor but if I make money make one final statement before you move on to the other boys please yes go for thank you sir I don't want to get too off topic here but I think it's vitally important that I clarify something that mr. Thor Johnson had said not but eight minutes before Thor has stated that he not wipe boogers on surfaces that are easily visible he said if I if I recall correctly that he didn't wipe boogers on a white wall because boogers would have showed up against the white yet five seconds later Thor indicated that one of his main means of wiping boogers was on his sock now I know for a fact that I have a mother that is thrifty she's budget savvy and we have never had anything other than almost entirely pure white just generic Hanes socks in our household meaning Thor was knowingly wiping boogers on white visible surfaces and if you'll pay attention to a second statement where he said you'll notice that the boogers I wiped on the wood were matching with the grain and the varnish of the and the color of the wood this is awesome deserve tell you let me finish let me sound does this sound you've raised and spent mr. Johnson but I would allow him to finish and after that I will give Thor the floor all right under question right now Thor's rationale Thor's rationale for wiping boogers in a quote camouflaged area seems to be a thought that you'd have before you wipe the booger not after the fact and again I don't want to sound like a broken record but I think it's vitally important that we don't forget the fact that Thor is now on the record as an established wiper of boogers yes I might have been a suspect for a flicker of boogers but Thor has wiped boogers on surfaces and seems to be lying about it that's all I have your honor that's that is completely out of the question and it's very unfair what I would like to add to the point of sticking on my sock I would put it on the inside of my sock we've always been tube sock boys we've always had our long tall socks so as you can see here I'm wearing them right now these are not the socks in question but these are a similar variety and I had plenty of space as you can see to line my shins and ankle area with all of the boogers I could have ever wanted your honor I need to address orcas way too far of a topic first I would like to say well thank you Thor mr. Johnson for sharing that I would say on behalf of the jury in the audience gross spend it seems like you have some kind of burning statement you'd like to share I never got to respond to Gus's original statement about me with the hair yes I admitted in the previous podcast episode about me cutting hair I cut a little bit of my hair with the Swiss Army knife and I put it behind the lazy boy before nap time that's it Gus I never I never claimed to be the most responsible depositor of human remains like you said or I can't remember how you said it even anymore he's trying to Gaslight me for something he knows I did about something that I didn't I cut out a bit less I thank you mr. Johnson I would like to now throw to the jury for a bit it seems like we've got a lot of evidence and we've got a lot of statements and replies I'd like to just get the general vibe mr. films you've been very silent during and I would just like to hear maybe any of your thoughts or questions thank you your honor yes I have a question for spen and Thor we've heard from mrs. Johnson a rather bold claim regarding Gustav that he tends to intend to have a very creative quote unquote memory slash recollection of things he would be absent-minded and I just wanted to hear from the other two Johnson brothers if you had any other stories that would kind of you know collaborate with what she was saying well mr. films I'm very glad that you had asked that question as I have come prepared for this very occurrence in front of you people who are familiar with the podcast may know what this book is it show it to the jury joshan mr. Johnson this is valid to the claims that your mother made I will allow it thank you very much the owner very uh sexually mustachioed man when I add sustain so here we have seed soil son a book in which Gus claimed he was a child actor and a child model in for what year was that book published let's see let's take a look here well first I want to share mr. Johnson did not claim he was in seed soil son he claimed he was in a book by the same author Chris Peterson called extra cheese please mozzarella journey from cow to pizza but Maya Pope continued yes nevertheless in my point stands um Gus has two hair tends to have a very fabricated imagination and I think that Gus in your heart I believe that you believe that you never did voter wall but at the same time as we can see with all these lies that he tells himself he generally just starts to tell them to himself enough that he believes them so in the case of the book he told himself years and years that he was in this book extra cheese please but as it turned out to be the case he was not in fact what year was extra cheese please published might I ask nobody might know that adds ninety nine ninety four yeah I know I know so I calling me is question at all we can see the imagination that he clearly has on himself he thinks he was in a book that was not even over the book was published before he was born how could he be in that book wouldn't imagine if a map what an imaginative mind he has excuse my language your honor please if I may respond allow you to respond yes thank you as any regular watcher of the Gus Annette II podcast knows I think that it was almost clearly defined after the whole book debacle the Chris Peterson gate that it was not my militia nor my misremembering of the situations sorry I said militia no meant malice or misremembering of the situation that was the situation that was the issue here it was clearly my mom who had gasps let me from a young age into believing I was in the book otherwise why would I have come up with that information on my own gasps lay your the talking about gas lady I believe well I would have to say and I'm sorry I'm just want to clear up the facts for everybody this is not against you mr. Johnson I'm just clearing it up that we did in the sequel episode of the extra cheese please Gus nettie podcast edition your mother said she never told you you were in a book no I'm not their alliance I'm not saying she didn't but I'm saying your mother's testimony is that she didn't tell you you were in the book and your brothers are saying you weren't in the book and I just have to clear up that you weren't in the book and said there were this is all the evidence that we have maybe she was lying maybe it was a conspiracy from your entire family but the evidence that's laid out before us is that you thought you were in that book and you absolutely weren't and I need that to be known I'm sorry mr. Johnson that is fair and I would just as the final mini statement say that I have maintained from the beginning of the in debacle that I introduced not that I said hey I was in a book I said my mom told me I was in a book just want to get that I would like to that is very fair now I believe much earlier mr. Christiansen had a question I don't know if you still have it if you have any new questions but I would like to throw to you if you have anything thank you your honor also I enjoy your Yankee with brim go ahead thank you thank you so much you're a very very sweet no it wasn't a question it was more so a reaction I didn't want obviously we don't want this to be a kangaroo court but a while back when mr. when mr. Gooden brought up the piece of information about Howie Mandel on Facebook I want to say that at the time and I it was very hard to keep myself from reacting and I'm paraphrasing I wanted to say yo what I wanted I wanted I wanted your permission I just wanted that on record that that you could see it in my eyes that was my reaction that's all I have no further questions your honor I believe mr. Gooden you had another question yeah I was like 10 minutes ago I forgot what it was good okay that's fine I would like to also throw to mr. Nestor do you have any other questions before we proceed no I also forgot my question thank you your honor okay so I would like to now throw first to Sven Johnson and then to Gus I believe both of them have claimed actually I'm sure all three of you do but now is the time to present your final chunk of evidence this is not a closing statement but any evidence you've been holding on to that you believe is damning it's time to hear it now Gus you did just defend yourself and Sven was accusing you so I'd like to throw it a Thor because we didn't hear from him much in the last couple of minutes Thor do you have any extra evidence that you'd like to share I do have some evidence and I will be pasting it in the disk or here in one moment it is a YouTube video link so I would encourage that we would be able to watch that here okay I believe if if my brother the Honorable Anthony Berbick would like to turn that into a watch together link that we can all click on that would be fantastic now Thor as as Tony does that I will throw to spend to see if he has any evidence he's been holding on to Your Honor I do not have any further evidence beyond my closing statement to which I will save for a moment but I I believe everything is on the table at this point at least from my perspective so it's up to the jury and I will I will deliver my closing statement shortly when the time comes for that but absolutely as the watch two-letter watch together link gets prepared Gus I will allow you to drop any evidence actually it seems that the watch together link is there if everyone could click on that link and we could watch this video together at the same time we will allow your Honorable Anthony Burbank to play it so we'll wait til everyone's in the room and we'll cut out any middle time in between okay we seem to all be in then Tony if you would like to play it I would like to tell the audience that the video seems to be from Gus Johnson's YouTube channel and it is called caught booger handed Tony if you could play the video I panicked all right I would like to now throw to Thor first to explain the evidence that you've just dropped and then I will like the throat Oh mr. Gus Johnson to defend himself so Thor you this floor okay thank you very much um so yeah as you can see in that video um it appears that there is a a man Gus is the man in question and he looks around to check to make sure that no one is looking and although it has been previously established in these proceedings that Gus is a booger picker um I just thought it was important to note that he was very anxious and very cautious to make sure that no one was looking at him and then he proceeds to pick his nose and upon his picking of the nose he discovers that in fact he has been found out by someone someone else in the library and upon this revelation he looks at him and obviously this is a fictionalized account but it shows that Gus is going it was willing to go to any measures to keep people quiet about his booger tendencies and habits so in the video he has shown strangling perhaps possibly even strangulation to death of the man and taking him out so I would just like to point that Gus has in the past shown some malicious attitudes towards those that have called him on his booger picking ways your honor Johnny very colorful and for these a very colorful imagination this is beyond ridiculous this is clearly a work of professional fiction that I cultivated between the years of 2016 and perhaps late 2017 it is purely meant for entertainment value it bears no bearing tools towards my personal preferences the way I conduct myself it is strictly an act of fiction I don't see that it has anything of value to add to this investigation and frankly it seems like Thor has done a very repetitive job of trying to throw in so much just cannon fodder around his arguments to distract us from the fact that he is a clear established filter wiper who has intent who is wiping boogers on camouflage surfaces this is just a ridiculous point I would like to very quickly it would for both of you well for I'm sorry mr. Johnson I cannot accept this as evidence if I did it's a piece of entertainment and if I did I would I would have to admit that this is a kangaroo court and I will not do that in my courtroom so what we're going to do I would like to also state though Gus that there your mother also mentioned that you were a booger flipped flicker and I believe a wiper as well in your room when you were five so I don't want you did not say that she did not say that okay liquor in culprit at the age five there was boogers across the room from where I was sleeping at that time not in any sense of a pattern I and she determined that I had flicked boogers okay I could be miss hearing cuz I thought she said that it was also wiped on your walls but I could be wrong if she did not say that if nobody has recollection of it I apologize of course he does your honor jarick jurors jurors thumbs up or thumbs down if you remember Gus's mom saying something of that sort of him wiping boogers when he was younger specifically wiping okay I'm here I'm seeing thumbs down all over then apologies spend how dare you in my court I apologized to you mr. Johnson I do not want to mischaracterize you as a book or wiper I heard that wrong so now I want to throw to mr. Nestor it seems that he has a question thank you your honor the mother when she came in she talked about how spend Johnson did not use the boys bathroom due to an overflow in the toilet and I would just like to ask if any of you recall at what time Sven was no longer using said bathroom and if the burger wall persisted through that time Your Honor I think I'm the best suited to weigh in on this as I would've owned the oldest the last time it was me it was me Matt Your Honor may I talk about this I believe if we're calling into question who's not using the bathroom that person must be asked first yes yes thank you you have the floor so when I was very young I had a mishap use too much toilet paper I overflowed the toilet a couple times as my mom Illustrated that scarred it was scarring because my mom was panicked she came up and I didn't know what to say to my mom other than mom mom mom she comes up the stairs sees there's water running down the floor it was a traumatic experience for me because we had no idea what to do Vence for after I would only use the most powerful toilet in any building and that happened to be my parents bathroom they had the most powerful toilet so I would only ever use that bathroom since about age five I want to say I was very to what age five to win five bit honestly still nowadays it's it just keeps going for me I just use the most powerful toilet this is ranked it I would like to ask cuz Gus I know you have a reply to that but first for the validity of all the Johnsons I wouldn't say that your mother did say that that was true I would like to hear from Thor and then Gus for what you think if those claims are true or not okay yes thank you your honor roll judge and that is bullcrap apart in my language but Sven although he was very anxious about toilets he did not use my parents bathroom and still has probably not used their bathroom for number two um in likely 10 years if I had to guess so no that is not what we are questioning I do not still use that we have since gotten a new toilet in the past five years and I've been using that one it's a new toilet in the booger wall bathroom Johnson I believe I believe I did just ask you how long you've been doing it and you did say to this day so I wanna I've been the most powerful toilet to this day yes I was asking that is now misunderstood the question but I was asking about using your parents bathroom not the most powerful toys oh okay sorry yes mr. Gus John's I would give him the floor thank you your honor and thank you for pointing out yet another diss in inconsistency and a very long line of distance in consistencies that mr. Spang Johnson has provided today during the trial so thank you for shedding light on that further I might add again being the eldest of the Johnson kids during this situation that I'm very aware of the situation spend what's been described initially was accurate he clogged the toilet it overflowed my as she has sometimes done in the past overreacted in the way that tended to scarce fen nothing physical but the act of having your mom panicking lead carry towels and to wipe up your little you'll poop water off the floor is very scarring for a young child Sven is telling the truth there as Thor pointed out I don't think anybody has seen Sven use my mom and dad's bathroom for the better part of 10 years that just is not accurate at all and I distinctly remember that's not what I said completely false completely false and I distinctly remember in the the weeks months and years after the the toilet overflow incident that it was a constant struggle to have spend be able to use his bathroom again and I do remember situations of my mom encouraging a bit firmly to say spend just use your damn bathroom it's not it it's not gonna overflow it's fine I did not happen did not use that bathroom I don't need absolutely and I did not say that I've been using my parents bathroom for the past ten years I will say with this piece of evidence it seems that there are two conflicting stories with Sven and his mother and Thor and Gus I don't think we're gonna find an answer here so I want to throw out to everybody all the jurors I believe mr. Gonzales you had a question but I want to say if you're a part of the jury before the closing statements if you have a burning question that needs to be asked before these these wonderful men and one guilty man makes their statement I would put a 1 in the chat and we will get to you I will start with mr. Gonzales because he had a question about five minutes ago hopefully you remember it uh yes I have two questions now Thank You mr. Berbick my first I would ask really quickly sorry mr. Gonzales that keep the answers brief Johnson boys we're trying to get through this go ahead mr. Gonzales thank you this first question is actually for jakey earlier you said that you were like yo I just wanted to ask is that was that like a yo or like yo so it was trying to trying to go back to how if drew good and could actually reveal the piece of info about how he once again add the natural reaction might actually come from me if we if we kind of mr. Gooden can you repeat your reveal mr. Gooden well I sent it again in a chance that were you man oh just me just say say it all like if I hear it maybe a sentence so Gus Gus is mom which is all of your it's okay drew it's okay it's what I wasn't ready does anyone know what what was said before drew said this this might help him yeah then I'll Albin I'll have my natural reaction Gus provided a photograph of my mom's Facebook post saying that discovered you have another bunch of boogers on the bathroom wall how many times do we have to have this conversation he showed the Facebook post except he lured out my mom's name book post that's right basically my point Jake so you can react to this [ __ ] more make sure you're listening my point was that we all know who it is so why blur out the name in the first place and doing some googling I actually very quickly uncovered this very real image from Howie Mandel's personal Facebook page he posted this on the same day in question and I think it could not be used as evidence because it clearly was yeah oh that wasn't it that was it mr. Gonzalez does that answer your question right yes and then I have a separate question for Sven you mentioned earlier that for the for as long as or ever since you clogged that toilet you have always pooped in the most powerful toilet in any building I was just wondering how do you go about finding the most powerful toilet in any building that you're in mmm that's the thing is this was such a traumatic experience I would limit my pooping to only houses that I was familiar with being my grandparents house or mine very rarely would I poop in a public restroom well public restrooms generally are a standard strength for the toilet flush so mr. Johnson just as a short quick answer I would like to ask really quick which toilet in your grandparents house was the most powerful toilet my grandmother my grandmother's toilet in her bathroom okay thank you I would like to throw to mr. Nestor he has a question yes thank you your honor apologies if this information was already shared but I would like to ask at what age were all of the Johnson boys when the booger wall incidents ceased oh I would like a clear repeat of that we'll go oldest to youngest please just say your age at that time 13 and 3/4 I rounded up to 14 okay well then if you're rounding up I was 10 I was span just please say your age please say your age nine and three-quarters six and eleven twelfths does that answer your question sufficiently mr. Nestor yes thank you very much your honor okay I would ask before the closing statements does anyone have any final questions for the defendants before you hear their statements and make a decision seems like it sounds like mr. Gooden has a question well it's not so much a question so much as it is my closing statement and just how I feel about this case as a whole going you'll be able to say that in when the jurors discuss as well I will be like to say it in the courtroom um go ahead I'll wait all withholding I appreciate that thank you you will have a jury discussion when we when we decide after their closing statements they will step out into the hallway chat and we will decide I won't but the jury will decide so does anybody have any last statement before or question before we get to the closing statements of the of Johnson V Johnson V Johnson booger while the trial of the century seems like mr. Christiansen has a question no before thank you your honor before me and my fellow jurors analyzed all of the evidence and come to a conclusion I would like to give one last opportunity to all three of the Johnson boys to just come clean that if you if you don't want to face the the judgment and if you want to just have a clear conscious I think me and my Icee Ethan Danny mr. films all nodding I would like to give you that opportunity now if if you want to go to heaven and not heck thank you your honor the floor is for whichever is the guilty party you can come clean if you'd like would any of you like to come clean doesn't sound like it I will say the sentencing no matter what it is will have to be followed so if you before your closing statements I want is I'll share this after why don't we get to the closing statements will go oldest to youngest Thor let's hear your closing statement I would like to point out that's not oldest to youngest but at the same time I meant to say youngest to oldest I will now go oldest to youngest because Thor [Laughter] ladies and gentlemen the jury thank you so much for joining in for this I just want to reiterate a few key crucial points that were brought up in this trial and I'm sure that all of these points together will indicate not a clear booger wall culprit but will undoubtedly absolve me from consideration let's reiterate I was nearly 14 years old when this crime occurred Sven was inconsistent in his description of where the boogers even were Thor is on record as being a known booger wiper he's acknowledged it himself my mom has acknowledged it there's no question yes perhaps when I was younger than when Thor was at that time I may or may not have flicked some boogers across the room I have never been a booger wiper Thor is a booger wiper this is the most important piece to remember during your consideration and again I just was way too goddamn old to do this so I think that without a doubt in your minds I cannot be the culprit in this situation and I'm sure that you'll see it that way as well thank you your honor mr. spend Johnson please prepare your closing statement and give it to everybody all right my closing statement if anything Gus's own attack worked against him because if anything my inconsistency with the relation of the boogers and like their pattern it proves my innocence because I don't know where they were I didn't do it Gus seems to know exactly where the boogers were Gus knew this whole thing he had it all planned out and as he clearly demonstrated himself he has a very imaginative brain he likes to make stuff up and just the fact that I didn't use that bathroom I know I we got confused with the questioning like which part which is the most powerful toilet you know I just didn't use that bathroom ever especially not for number two I just wouldn't do it and I didn't do it that is my closing statement and I mean that from the bottom of my heart I'm exempt from the booger wall case and my mom even said it herself Thank You mr. Spang Johnson Thor we'd like to hear your closing statement okay I'm gonna keep this short because I know you're a busy man um I would just like to point back to an earlier point in the case where I was discussing that I had my two spots where I put my boogers now as you may have noticed they were both very discreet spots with both the varnish of the wood matching the color of my boogers and the inside of my socks where no one would discover them so I would just like to say that a white wall would be completely out of character and really not on-brand for me to do I was very cunning and I was very secretive about my booger hiding ways although I was in the mid of wiper I would not put them in plain sight at all and I would like to use that fact to just let you know that I am innocent in fact so thank you okay we've heard our closing statements I would now ask the defendants to move to the hallway server and remain there until I tell you it's all right the jury needs to discuss and whatever sentencing happens even if you believe that you weren't guilty no matter what you say whatever the jury decides here is who is guilty and who will have to follow the sentencing no matter what can I get verbal agreement from all of the Johnson boys yes your honor yes that's fair yes okay please step out into the hallway thank your honor can we expect a text message when you're ready you will see it in the discord chat thank you sir you just actually move your account into the hallway of the chat guys don't walk into the hallway the hallway hallway server the jab the chat room okay there we go to our left okay I'm gonna I'm gonna right please your honor oh wait this would kick him from the server okay Gus um I don't know just mute him I guess can you deafened right yeah right yeah yeah okay you okay Gus is now definite just in case and I'll also disable video also he's dead also I copy right click kill him all right great now I think before we get any votes in if you guys want to just have any discussion I'll be here for it but I do not want to sway anyone in any any direction toward anyone so I'll be here to clear up any information if people don't remember it but if any discussion would like to be had about who you think is guilty let's hear it may I start off this conversation with something something that was just brought up yeah yeah yeah that's okay with the rest of the jury in Thor's closing statement and I'm paraphrasing here he said that I was very secretive about where I put my boogers though previously he had stated that he would not wipe his boogers on on a white wall where it would stick out the fact that he himself said that he was secretive about where he put his boogers and also obviously said that he did regularly pick his nose I think is pretty damning and damning evidence I would agree I would in my opinion going off of that would say that my general and I'm not I'm not made-up this is why we got to discuss cuz I don't even know exactly who I think but if I'm being 100% honest right now my brain says Thor but my gut says Gus and I don't I don't know I don't know exactly why but that's that's how it feels sure I sorry I'm just really quick drew right after again I do not want to sway anyone I will say I'll add two pieces to keep it even but I wanted to say in the closing statement I think things got confused I do want to share again the evidence that Thor was established as a book or wiper and not Gus as a child but their mother did say as an adult in the situation that he was her primary suspect and I feel like yes well everyone kind of forgot that during the trial and I'm not moving anything toward Gus because I don't know how I feel on who it is I'm just saying I feel like that information was lost way earlier but go ahead drew right well well on those notes since we do have three possible culprits here I would like to put forth the notion of us going going ahead and eliminating agree men from question because I believe we are all in agreement well there Gus or Thor I would I have something to bring up on that on that subject yeah go ahead from Gus's mom's Facebook posts and from what how'd they all talked about it they made it seem like all three of them were part of these family meetings where Gus's mom was trying to get out of them who was doing it if Sven wasn't using that bathroom why would he be a part of those family meetings then I that was the question I was going to ask towards the end but I never got it out but I I'm not I feel like he was involved in those meetings and I'm just wondering why he would have been if it was well established that he didn't use that bathroom yeah I wish I had asked more because I kind of went with a little bit more of a bit like there was a trial before and I didn't really get more information on whether or not who was at the meetings or anything so yeah I just don't know I didn't even care that that would have been good question yeah I think that's an interesting question and one that is worth finding an answer to but just viewing the case from an over all perspective going into this I knew that whoever was responsible is obviously a very barbaric person the fact that they're sitting on the toilet next to presumably an ample supply of toilet paper enough for them to use for their own ass a few minutes a few minutes later they choose to ignore that and instead wipe their booger on the wall the culprit is a savage all right the culprit is not a little [ __ ] who in this case the cΓ©vennes argument was pretty much that he was a little [ __ ] he said that he was so scared of the toilet for years that he would only poop in powerful toilets and this is someone we're supposed to believe has the psyche to to be capable of wiping boogers on a wall I just don't believe it so I think we can safely narrow it down to Gus and Thor yeah okay I agree yeah I'd agree with that okay so that's an agree from every juror I mean I obviously do not have a vote so it seems like in your discussions spent is now eliminated it is Thor V Gus mmm yes yes that's true does anyone have any specific who they think it is more than you want to discuss about it okay let's hear it so in my notes I have Gus is defensive and reaching that's what I wish I had a more clear example of that but I wouldn't write it down if I didn't think it was backed up with some kind of evidence also the YouTube video that was presented of gusts in the library doing that heinous act I was very oddly specific why on earth would you make an entire comedy sketch about picking your nose about the act of picking one's nose unless you had a lot of experience in that field right so I think that's a bit of a red flag also just the fact that he is his mother's prime suspect who knows who knows you know boys better than their mom yep mama knows right who knows mom knows best I just want to save real good I was really quick no no no I it was really really quick it's delayed sorry no no no sorry it was delayed I like memes bits aside did you really find that Howie Mandel had those Facebook posts like as it is it basically proven that Gus like photoshopped that [ __ ] or just crossed it okay those that's like damming of like yeah he's crazy defensively yeah I just for him to say a post from depth Johnson say her name we know what she looks like but ya know I was surprised that Gus couldn't find the original screen ya know this this is why in the file on his face I thought that he was like oh [ __ ] they caught me type thing which is why my heart is kind of like I think it was Gus so that's that's really good for me actually then maybe I'm not so sure that it's I don't know I don't know it is I will say Gus was the to your point Jack Gus was the most defensive out of everybody yes yes you're supposed to defend yourself sure this is court but also like toning down a night yeah yeah he's acting in a way in not a professional manner where he's like oh are you kidding me this is unbelievable like this is ridiculous and that's something that that you know makes me a little bit worried as well as the evidence that that Deborah brought to the table that Gus does have a history with boogers whether it be flicking or whatever I would like to be professionally a judge and strike that I don't want it is definitely just flicking and not wiping I somehow made that up and entered it in but yeah go ahead sorry true true true whether whether it's flicking whatever happened he does have a history with spreading boogers where they shouldn't be spread where there could be you know you could have licked them at all we're forgetting that a lot of boogers are very sticky in it especially at that close range of yours like do that maybe he's just got the muscle memory of putting it on the wall also to the point of him being more defensive it might just be a front but spend an especially Thor felt way more relaxed and prepared I don't know if it was just a lavish suit he had and yeah it's like binder tight feet and the [ __ ] he pulled out but I was I don't know I'm easily persuaded but that definitely helped the worst case yeah I think I think Sven and Thor both have pretty good alibis Fenn didn't use that bathroom and Thor had another place that he put his boogers it's it man and the they both he put them in his bed and in his socks both very private places it seems like he didn't want them out in the open did there were two spaces that only he could see Gus is the only one whose boogers in in his adolescence are unaccounted for he used to flick boogers when he was 4 to 5 where did they start going after that I finally remember my big reaching point it was when Gus was saying like let the record show he was hiding boogers in his socks a very white background irrelevant I know I still hide a Minnesota right right you're not putting them on display that very argument they're not like tights yeah I would say what I found interesting again is not a toward anybody but and I think this is the the really great thing about mrs. Johnson is that she still brought in some kind of evidence everybody yeah yeah where she knew she did it but she decided to bring the wood from Thor's bunk bed hey but it's actually super helpful I think to the whole trial I know I also love that she was posting about it on Facebook that she had to sit here kids don't be like who said it best or better than anyone that you're just like with a gasps look in your house like I didn't want to say it at the time because obviously we're staying on subject but wolf or cuts their hair and puts it behind a [ __ ] painting specific seems like what kind of behavior is that I would like to also add if you didn't hear me during it there was another instance where one of the three of them where their their vent on the ground in the winter was was killing ladybugs around the vent and they were eating can we just throw them all in jail regardless of whether they didn't vote a girl or can we just send them all do these jeans you guys think Farrell wait till after please continue guys I'll be right back sorry moment yep so so sorry I will say in the in the time that we wait for mister films do you guys think we should even see if the vote is unanimous without him beforehand oh yeah but uh should we yeah do you guys who want to see without him if if the vote is unanimous and then when he comes in um let's see well one thing I will say against Thor is that what was he like six five or six at the time when booger wall Suzuki was six years old his memory of that I don't imagine to be particularly vivid so if he did burger wall I could easily won as a six-year-old you're not really paying attention to what you're doing with your boogers or what you're doing at all you're not making a ton of memories back then and so I think that his memory of booger wall it might be a little might be a little flaky because he was he was very very young at that point so he might have done it and not even realized you know it's a good point that's a good point on the topic of age though it is it does work in Gus's favor that he is as he as he puts it so much older than the age that the culprit should be but I wouldn't put it past him to have done it anyway using that as an excuse knowing he has two younger brothers to pin it on aye sir I have a younger brother was six years younger than me I certainly blame things on him because what I wouldn't I'm 12 I wouldn't do that the six-year-old did it but I did it also Gus is very dishonest and and sketch I think was real I don't think that was the worst election yeah that came from the heart real quick because Gus just added a message to that we're getting toward the camera battery length so I would like to now just see we will move I hope we have the same boxes and everyone's grid is yeah and on the top left and then Danny okay so we will move by box currently what your vote is just say the name of the person go ahead Gus Gus Gus Gus Gus well decision I liked I looked at Gus's camera to see what he would say I will now undef in and mute Gus and message it in is there a person in the jury that would like to present this usually a juror is the one to share the arrived at this decision I will still sentence them but I would like one of the jurors to deliver the news if that's okay Jerusalem was actually about to say I vote through if everyone else is well he's well spoken all right I'll go for it yeah oh yeah thank you okay I will introduce you so you know I told them they may return we will physically see Gus return and digitally suspended Thor return all right we're loading into the video welcome back Johnson Johnson and Johnson I'd like to welcome you welcome you back to my courtroom I want to say that I'm very proud of my jury today they had a good discussion over everything and I believe that these are all rational and brave men for doing what they're doing I want to again stress that the the sentencing for this will have to be followed by whoever is guilty so I will now throw to our representative juror mr. Gooden thank you and thank you gentlemen for being here today and giving me this opportunity to you inflict justice so I just an insight into our thought process at least my thought process as a jury member I just I decided early on this crime was committed by a barbaric person and from what I gathered from spin and what we all did is that he was just not capable of committing this crime so we were able to rule spin out right away so between Gus and Thor unfortunately Gus we did come to the decision that you are too defensive you killed a guy one time in a booger related thing and you made up that Facebook post and try and and framed your mom in the process so sorry may you rot in hell say Gus Johnson is now found guilty of booger wall in my courtroom Gus Johnson you are sentenced to make your Twitter and Instagram bio I did booger wall for the rest of the month you will also have to Instagram post and tweets I did booger wall the sentencing is now put on you mr. Johnson thank you I just want to say if I may one final statement before we close out you may you may have the floor I just want to say to all the members involved in this decision you clearly made the right choice obviously this is not a falsehood and I think you made the choice that was ultimately the best and safest choice for you and your families I think that this won't come back to bite you in the ass in any way the guilty party has pulled a gun in my courtroom absolutely not this is not a kangaroo court put the gun away or at least take the clip out goddamn it not my courtroom how would you get past that past security I bring my phone in here I I'll be real with you drew the bailiff has slept on my couch on several occasions and he really owed me a favor so your honor I I read you a bag disappointed in you you spoken like a true criminal get this guy also to lock in my book wall why did you come back in here with the gun ready [Laughter] no stratify the PC I'm just saying that I want to close out this trial by thanking all parties involved especially our guests smooth through thank you crank game plays Danny Gonzales drew Gooden jacksFilms and Nikki jakey for joining us as the jurors this went way more professionally than I expected and again they want to share I'm glad that we could all agree that this was not a kangaroo court and the trial is done thank you for joining us [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 692,849
Rating: 4.9737167 out of 5
Keywords: Booger Wall, Trial, Eddy Burback, Gus Johnson, Sven Johnson, Thor Johnson, Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzalez, JacksFilms, NakeyJakey, Ethan Nester
Id: DTpYvTq0mpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 44sec (5264 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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