I Almost Set My Grandma On Fire - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

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[Music] do I have anything in my teeth before we start no bottom row no you're good okay you know I hate is one like your friends like you you discover like later on you're like oh [ __ ] I had some spinach in my teeth like yeah man that was in there for like four what the [ __ ] that would make me really mad I had some people some friends when I was younger get mad if you pointed that out yeah like hey dude you got some of your teeth or hey sorry you guys I'm in your nose to be like [ __ ] dude yes what well you don't always you walk around with a little buggy in your nose yeah like it's only boogie2988 nose that would gradually get more comfortable though as time goes on hell yeah good job good job no I hate that [ __ ] so much and I just hate friends in general I [ __ ] hate every friend I have I hate to show friends definitely I only watched a few episodes of friends really I don't have a strong opinion how do use it like fullerene eating any meat what what's going on right now where again this is the final group of ones that we said we were recording before I had to leave so it's again that that summer break feel where I'm about to go to Chicago winter in March I'm gonna start surfing you know I love it always sending with Dennis does that move oh cool guy that's some good [ __ ] I don't know yeah so if any world events happen the next three weeks sorry you're getting no coverage from us dude what if something like huge happen to one of us and we just didn't record a new podcast like something really [ __ ] up happen we just kept like putting these podcasts out like everything was normal that would be not so what if I died and we just kept posting I guess every week and what if I had to find out on the podcast that you died just doesn't age well at all I know it's gonna happen what if like what if like Dick Cheney just like bum-rushed the White House and asserted power and just was like I'm the president now [ __ ] you and Trump let him check this one out we're just gonna be real edgy he already did that once that's what you're getting from this podcast that's fighting political commentary I was just about to say it before you did the biting motion sorry I thought of it first you know I didn't I can't prove that well I don't have to cuz I'm saying it and that's reality now sorry I'm over you that's a cool shirt you have on there thanks I'm really happy with it it's nice one thing though is it's like embroidered for it yeah but on the other end of it it's I don't know how to explain it it's just kind of like a flat pictured this logo but with a bunch of black behind it as well yeah and when you just see it on the inside of the shirt it looks like [ __ ] is it comfy it looks like you'd scratch up your little Canadian dime nips not Canadian oh it's Canadian diamond brand no I just assumed that they were smaller I was trying to think of what's the smallest thing I could call your nips I don't know I don't know what your nipples sound like I just wanted to throw it to see what they sound like well yeah it doesn't agree it's not uncomfortable it's really it's soft for it but it when you're when the shirts inside out it kind of looks like [ __ ] that's some dope that's good that's some dope that's GOP that's [ __ ] dumb yeah so I'm wearing a compliment my shirt Eddie sorry compliment my shirt that I'm wearing oh you got a shirt on you got a Gus nature say something good about this shirt I'm wearing I'm saying oh it's a guy's nutty shirt yeah well you get that's probably as warm as we're gonna get on that one boys um what what is that shirt Stanford good good and um and Eddie does that does that shirt stand for good in Eddie because it's a good cuz that's a good shirt you think Tony would be cool to just take over as the new host or what I don't think he would because he hangs up on us every time I speak on that shirt though bro somebody mailed this shirt to me I think this is the first thing I got in my p.o box was this shirt um we don't have any merch for the podcast right now we probably will later yeah so this is my unofficial rogue renegade back alley Gus and Eddie shirt I'm wearing did somebody sent that do you remember the person at all or I don't know I want to say Angela I don't think that what's her name by his head Angela no what I really want to say Angela this you kept cutting me off I was trying to get that out there also I'm sipping on Izzy's from snack guy thank you again snack guy for sending me so much good [ __ ] over the oh yeah that's why we had so many I forgot snack guys just killing it I think I've probably received three to four hundred individual Izzie's from snack guy and them not recently in one but he always says he's been doing it for like years unless there's multiple snack guys that are trying to cash it like if it's like a Banksy thing where everyone's like there's an exit to the gift shop about snack yeah so no world events going on I kind of like that we never talk about that [ __ ] though cuz it's like I don't care how you what are you gonna trust us this talk about [ __ ] what are we gonna do do you want us to have some like scrolling newsfeed thing on the bottom or on the bottom we all think also we stock up the podcast quite a bit so it would be bad world news that'd be bad like we've pretty much hear a saying today like guys you hear about this country knows that's what we got to do is we got a report on breaking news but only when it's fresh for like ten minutes and have really strong stances on it uh-huh and then just stock it up and release it ten months from then you're thinking I have a really really hilarious thing I would love to share with you what's up did I ever I can't remember there was this there's this article written and my tiny little small town newspaper about it about a choking situation it's not that it's nice right no it's not not Michael choking on the bursa everybody gangsta till Michael start choking let me look at my drafts thing here though I saw this on Facebook I don't really use Facebook at all yeah I never do also Tony if for any reason my screen is on screen right now could you please blur that [ __ ] out because that's all my ideas on my inbox I think you'll be fine with the angle but yeah Tony could you if I just record Gus's screen could you just put it right here right now thanks dude hurts my feelings a lot that you'd think that that's fine to say I'll do no will just pop up OBS and record some just all this and then I'll just pop it up and the podcast you act like I don't have a pepper spray bottle in my room you're so compact like I don't also have a pepper spray bottle in my room I got you that as part of your birthday present better start acting like it really [ __ ] myself there I pepper sprayed myself in the foot that's the only reason you got the pepper spray was to threaten me with it and then you without thinking got me the gift damn it well I didn't want it to be too unfair there's an immediate loss for both people so anyway again you fellas in ladies know I'm from a small town in Wisconsin and I don't really use Facebook that much anymore like it's not even that I ever passed you passively view it I like messenger I never [ __ ] look at Facebook yeah if I ever it's like them one time little trap me is if I get a notification for something and then I'll click on the home page and instantly go oh I'm on Facebook I hate it I hate it but for years I always liked leaving the friends like I wouldn't slough off friends cuz it's so shitty but it's really interesting to stay friends with like the people from your tiny small town most of them are wonderful but some of them are like people that you friend it in like sixth grade and then they're just these [ __ ] now you know just awful like just horrible hateful things they say on Facebook's like why do people get so openly angry on Facebook it's ridiculous I mean they do it on everything but I just can't think of wanting to like for everybody I know be like I'm gonna pull her eyes have the people it's so we're like I can't imagine - I'm so grateful that it's not as much of a part of our lives because it's like I look at so many adults you know I'm talking to people that are like 35 to 70 who just go on Facebook like for hours every day and I go home and I hear people talking about like yeah I used to be friends with this person but she was getting really nasty on Facebook so I stop dude 2016 was a mess for middle aged people on Facebook right before the election holy [ __ ] dude well that's probably like the biggest friend purge ever in honesty's in history it's not it [ __ ] with I was gonna say the Boomers but it's there yeah it's younger than the Boomers sorry dude okay so anyway this article that I read huh on Facebook this is this is the epitome of just small-town reporting like this is beyond a slow news day I'm gonna change the names for obvious reasons what is a slow news day and your smallest thing you could have a shooting in my town and still be like that's a slow news so this article is titled elementary principal to the rescue here's a go it goes just like this the school day was coming to an end January 23rd one special education teacher I'm gonna change her name Anna looked over and saw a co-worker visibly struggling to swallow water after eating half a great but one thing really quick it people can quote and search exactly what you're saying so if you read it out loud they're gonna be able to find their names in place so that's fine okay I'll change the names though for the four are lazy thanks guys appreciate ya she looked over and she saw a co-worker visibly struggling to swallow water after eating half a grape hold on are they choking on the grape or do they just eat a half a grape and they're just having a hard time drinking water I don't know also do you bite grapes sometime I'm they're enormous I mean if you get if I'm eating a lot of grapes sometimes I'll [ __ ] around with a grape you'll kind of like peel it a little bit with your mouth not with my hands they're [ __ ] insane but like sometimes you'll be like I'll change this grape up I'll change up the game but never I just that's like if you're eating too many great and then they're just not going down anymore yeah also it's like if you bite half a grape you're gonna put the other half in your mouth before you swallow yeah you're not gonna just bite it hmm okay you just put it away back in the fridge you know what I'll tap out here open grape down on the glass of your fridge alright so she's choking after eating half a grape also was it like did the teacher already know like a [ __ ] choking she's struggling drink water oh no dude she realized in that moment that she was in fact choking and ran to get help here's a quote I was trying to drink water to wash down the grape that was lodged in my throat but I kept coughing it up because there was nowhere for the water to go also if you're coughing you're not choking technically when it would be lodged in there you can I mean yeah like just the the literal official definition of choking unless I'm incorrect is that it's fully obstructed yeah but they might just be saying coughing is then like I don't know my choker okay so that's a good point um but I kept coughing it up because there was nowhere for the water to go said that they spelled choking wrong said the chocking victim I like I they're right but I like the phrase there was nowhere for the water to go it's just and also this is a very scary moment for this person but I'm just picturing the most comical like the grape starts and they're just keep sipping and coughing water up itself I can't breathe over here [ __ ] help these grapes half's are getting bigger every day said the choking victim who wished to remain anonymous how do you show your face in church after that hey did you see that Donna choked on half agree that dumb [ __ ] I'm gonna use Donna as the fake name that I sling out there next okay that is when elementary school principal Donna Johnson came to the rescue she had learned how to perform the Heimlich maneuver when she was trained as a lifeguard by Michael Anderson around 20 years ago at the pool so it's just like what do we need a [ __ ] bi she trying to credit everybody they're all town this is the [ __ ] where you turn in an S on your like [ __ ] I need like two more papers I talk about the backstory they had added so it's the girl that comes in to do the Heimlich and there's like what are the last 20 years of your Heimlich experience let me see what is it said yeah so I was sitting in my office completely oblivious to whatever happens oh yes so she learned it 20 years ago at the pool she was then recertified over the years because of her time as an educator but has never had to use it until now quote I was sitting in my office completely oblivious to what was going on when Ana came in and asked if I knew the Heimlich maneuver I ran out and asked if I could perform the procedure on her she nodded yes since she couldn't other the word utter the words because she was choking said Donna doesn't doesn't Good Samaritan Law cover that if you see somebody isn't that what that lies I don't know it's like if you see somebody choking and then you try and help but then they still die their family can't like sue you for that yeah I don't think do you need to ask for permission to do the Heimlich on somebody that's choking I don't know I don't know I just grabbed someone right away I have Jude I do the Heimlich on people that aren't choking all the time yeah wrong is that weird well yeah I don't think so is I think what we're both getting at here also I love to how they phrased it works like the girl ran in and asked if you knew the Heimlich like hey Donna really sorry to bother you do you know the Heimlich maneuver yeah first she asked two like hey sorry are you you busy right now oh no I got nothing go on okay sorry Donna's choking out may I enter now let me see after what seemed to be roughly 20 hard thrusts that's a lot of [ __ ] thrust that Heimlich does not feel good it hurts also don't phrase it like that yeah I love this after what seemed to be roughly 20 hard thrusts the grape literally shot out and went straight into the garbage can quote I was worried wondering if this was going to work out or not the school nurse was already gone for the day so Anna was in the process of dialing 911 with dialing out before dialing 911 the phone system you can't pick up the phone and dial 911 this this was our whole school district you had to go let you had to pick it up it was like press nine to dial out beep enter your number now dude the [ __ ] is listening to that [ __ ] yeah oh my god also I just love that I was kind of expecting the article to say like I was hoping I was afraid that the grape wouldn't make it into the trash can but luckily it did the first time was a Miss so we crammed the grape back down the throat grab the other half from the bridge by the time the first responders arrived the grape had already been dislodged the big takeaway from this is that it does not matter how old you are cut your grapes in half and understand that you can choke on anything even as the grape was already in it yeah you better shred that [ __ ] up dude what I did I don't have anything to say about that cut your grapes and hat that doesn't make a scrap of sense this journalist was just getting done writing this it's just like but what is it what does the article say what's the message message here alas the last little bit thing says here the elementary school has now also added 9-1-1 to their speed dial for future accidents good thank you article was at the front page also I mean with the size of your town if somebody asked to remain anonymous they're not remaining anonymous yeah I don't understand that because it's like who is going to read this only people in town who is going to tell people who it was all the people in town yeah doesn't isn't it for your town each grade is just one class right pretty much okay so all you have to do is like your parent reading hey Jessica yeah who choked today yeah oh cool done alright good that's good thank you no I don't understand that [ __ ] it's so fun though I kind of want to like look in the future too to just keep up on the local news because this is the dumbest stuff yeah you better hope people keep choking on great I'm hoping so everybody's gangsta till wow they've remained anonymous yeah you can't it doesn't work out have you ever choked on anything though no I don't know if he can cut it out if he doesn't want it yeah but Tony choked twice when we were kids the first one I was too young to really understand it like what was going on I think we were like three or four and he's choking on a marshmallow so watch out for that for if you're a parent and you have a kid popping a whole marshmallow in there yeah um so I remember just sitting in my family it's cuz you're three or four at no point in your mind is like oh my brother might die you're like oh no something's going on and that's it so uh I remember being my family room and just seeing my dad giving Tony the Heimlich over the sink and just kind of looking and being like do I yeah I suppose do to do anything and then my dad saved him there with the Heimlich and then once when we were eight and we were at a restaurant he was Jim so what'd he just say like he choked again but there was you know those fireball candies oh yeah the hot tamales yeah but like yeah that brand too is just the circle ones right so by the way before we went to the cabin last year I was I was at a restaurant that they gave him out for it and I had one they suck even an adult they're really [ __ ] terrible I think they're called red hots and I only see him at Christmas time people put him on really wreath cookies I've seen in multiple places my aunt does this she puts him on wreath cookie so it's like this delicious cookie and then here's this [ __ ] acidic Satan and it's hard as hell why would you put that on it's not for biting you're supposed to like suck on it they're terrible so uh yeah he started choking on one of those that one was scary cuz I old I was old enough to be like there's a lot of time has gone by so but my dad gave him the Heimlich again there and they stopped giving those candies out it's always funny cuz it's like a famous restaurant in the area because they have really really good chicken tenders they're like battered and they're really awesome so sometimes if we're talking about that restaurant some people feel like hey you remember when they used to give those like the hot candies out during it yeah when the person usually would be like whatever happened to that they don't serve like Tony Hoffman got him so Tony out here taking down local businesses Tony's just goes to restaurants he doesn't like it just starts choking on the food it's just only he's the best food critic because he finds things on the menu that suck and then he chokes on them so they take them off no we will have to have this ever again oh sorry Tony for exposed India there I respect you Tony I do that reminded me when you're talking about the marshmallows [ __ ] one of the funniest things ever when I was a kid my family was just out at our aunt and uncle's house and they were sitting around the campfire and my little brother Thor must have been like four years old hmm and we're cooking marshmallows and we're doing it the right way which is let him catch on fire blow it out and eat that hard the blacks yeah there's the perfect way but the right and lazy way he's just plated up for a second it's like I like marshmallows but I don't like them enough to wait five minutes for my marshmallow that's it I do the same thing with with hot dogs I just fully burned him yeah I like that crispy ass [ __ ] terrible carcinogen but I still eat it so Thor is out there and he's got it he's got a marshmallow you know he's just a little kid so he brings it up to his lips and you know how kids blow out like candles and stuff so I was just they go so who's trying to aim it so Thor brings the thing up to his mouth with a flaming marshmallow and he just it just hits him right in the mouth and he just goes and he pulls it away and there's a sticky chunk of flaming marshmallow my god on his face and he immediately goes and my aunt stands up and she goes oh my god and she ran around the fire and [ __ ] slapped the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's NBC's the slap for ya but the thing is to like it happened so quickly and Thor had no like frame of reference so for all he knew he was just going oh and my aunt goes oh my god and just slap the [ __ ] out of him and holy [ __ ] I felt bad for that kid I mean I feel like there was for sure liquid around there to just splash on his face instead of I know people panic but a full slap across the face yeah you ever caught on fire set some [ __ ] on fire um I'm sure I have I didn't I didn't I usually would like set small [ __ ] on fire I'm I know everybody likes to feel like I'm a pyro with that stuff everybody likes see [ __ ] burns sometimes quote me on that but no I don't think anything like big of burning something down that's good I remember I don't think I started any big fire things but I always said this on the Christmas fun [ __ ] I'll tell it quickly again I almost set my grandma on fire at Christmas we were we were unpacking these tins of cookies and there were wax paper sheets between each of the like layers of cookies so it was like me and all the other ladies in the kitchen unpacking [ __ ] aunts and Grandma and stuff and my grandma's pretty very mild-mannered and stuff I was not noticing I had a very big sheet pile of these wax paper sheets and they were building up and in oops it got a little too close to a candle so we were looking away and suddenly we like turn back and the entire sheet of paper whoosh it's like it's a stack of wax paper was like on fire oh [ __ ] and I just remember vividly my grandma ran in grabbed the whole stack and ran it to the sink and the whole time she was going and there were just ashes and stuff all over her she threw it in the sink she was fine but I was so mortified the rest of the day did she normally swear was that what the one time you've ever seen it that might be the only time I ever heard her swear that's great there's just [ __ ] I you're maybe they don't want to know it you ever catch one of your parents swearing like they didn't before yeah I my dad would never like my dad and I swear in front of him now he swears in front of me but I don't think he ever tried to hide it so if I ever heard it wasn't like got yeah yeah but I remember just a few times no story to it like hearing my mom accidentally say [ __ ] and feel like what the [ __ ] and I had no idea she could even say that word I've always I mean to this day to my dad is such a mild manner just calm who will collect a dude like just such a level head and and growing up like that helped a lot too because it's like when he's disciplining you so one time in a 3-month period where he kind of raised his voice you're like oh my god like he was just so chill about everything and I remember one time like I was I think like 18 and I was helping him move a dresser and then like his end slipped out and it almost like it just barely missed this full dresser could have crushed his hand and it scared him and he right away he went son of a [ __ ] and then I was just like are you okay okay yeah yeah and then after we got done moving it he came back to me it just was like hey I'm really sorry for saying that back there I was like dad it's cool you almost crushed her hand like it's fine that's great I like that where it's just I'm you know nowhere near that not swearing but I like the need to apologize for doing it yeah I so so crazy my mom has always been a lot more cavalier about there though I don't know I don't know it's just well I don't know about you but with swearing it was like the second I could at school like away from teachers and I was learning swears just like instantly part of my vocabulary yeah where I just I don't know it just especially because people said not to say it I was like I gotta say yeah I say I love you buddy hell yeah I remember one time in third grade a kid like pissed me off on purpose and I told him to shut up and instantly he was like I'm gonna tell on you and I remember you like shut up snot Blaire and then he tried telling on me and the teacher was like shut up isn't nice so I'm gonna give you a note to your parents and I remember going to my mom being like I got a note that said I told the kid to shut up and she's a teacher so she was like okay real weird choice you teacher to do I remember I don't know why I remember this it's so stupid but being in second grade and our guidance counselor came in and she was reading like a book about like controlling your anger and the first line in the book was like a kid talking to her mom and the kid goes shut up so she just goes shut up I said to my mom and I just remember the whole class going what the [ __ ] did you just say not for yeah yeah I guess yeah but just how shocking shut up was well yeah I feel like a lot of parents because and I get it totally they don't want their kids telling other kids or them to shut up yeah so I think kids think it's a word you're not supposed to say when really it's like know what the context don't [ __ ] tell me to shut up you're three years old so yeah I think they tie those lines with it you know what I think though what I think it's time for some [Music] [Applause] also I'm realizing since we stocked up these episodes if people are just like Ellis ain't having this section we are gonna have three weeks of it that yeah it's fine one thing is I just want to say more about the teacher thing what was great is if I had a really bad teacher and I really told my mom honestly what would be happening my mom is like a beloved teacher for high school I mean a high school for elementary school I've never people will come back and visit her as adults all the time yeah so um whenever there would be a teacher that I thought was being unfair and I tell my mom and she would also be like yeah she's out of control it's like I got approval from a good teacher about how this is a bad teacher that's mrs. Baur back from Shannon thanks Shannon we got some flipping books you guys must think we're nerd City over here was whether it was there a note in it for audio listeners he's not laughing at my stutter very sorry read something teaching dull and [ __ ] children and it's not like a joking [ __ ] it's from like the 30s when it wasn't yes oh man it's dull they're dull and [ __ ] you can't put that in the same category I think dole was like interchangeable with it and back then though this one says the sweet potato Queens book of love and it's just a bunch of ladies on the front you guys find these book I don't know and why okay we didn't I don't think we mentioned books when we mentioned the PIO box yeah why have we gotten so many comedy books comedy books more than anything else so far we've open like ten packages and six of them have been books honestly is there a table of contents for the doll I love - it says on each page you know the name of the the stuff circles arithmetic dull and [ __ ] children let's see the goal chapter one the goal the needs of [ __ ] children what the [ __ ] I mean it was a common word then yeah I suppose so like it's still fine in that book I guess cuz it's you know that without words for people I don't even I don't know the words accept it now but that proves my point the approach to the [ __ ] mind let me let me check that just sounds so bad it sounds like each chapter is an insult can we awaking we get demonetised for saying that a bunch we can die maybe me you what you do is what very mature people do and you go people like when they go let me just read a little excerpt the approach to arithmetic as a rule it is better not to give any arithmetic as such to dull and children until they are at least seven years old mentally what do you mean mentally how is that how do you measure that not like a real book yeah this is a real book there was an actual expert thinking he's an expert where he's like just wait until they're seven years old mentally what does that mean dude yeah also this chapter in this book men who made need killing then what to eat when tragedy strikes queenly entertainment oh so you declare yourself a queen this chapters for me real quick during the pre primary period and the first grade they should be exposed to numbers in many concrete forms counting of children chairs pictures or other classes of objects should be encouraged weird we have specific instructions for this it says hello Edgar and gus-gus dang I hope this finds you well wait okay so the directions you should start reading from there please restate that okay please respond that it does wait I say that yeah no yeah cuz read the next Gus please hand the paper to Eddie and that's because it says if Eddie is holding the paper give it to Gus and then take it back [Music] okay hi Eddie no give it back okay thanks Gus that was for Eddie tell him I said thanks Shannon said thanks thanks Shane good anyway these books will help you both trust me thanks again that was for you too Gus directions Manning the paper why are you guys actually funny in all of these packages yeah is there bird [ __ ] on this book is this bird [ __ ] I mean it could be could be could be a lot of things could be the the [ __ ] of a dull child - you never know let's get when do you think this book was made I'm gonna guess 1926 it looks hmm it looks old but not that old time I'm gonna say by the font on it I'm gonna go with it's either late 60s or early 70s is my guess okay I don't think it's that late though oh my god what 1926 oh [ __ ] I did not look at that how did they get this book in that condition this whole time can we just acknowledge how much of a [ __ ] slam-dunk that everybody else got Oh someone ripped out the first the first page there was something on there that we were not meant to see I don't know Thank You Shannon that was a banger all right what's the next one we got here honestly I'll tell you guys too in the oh this is from Ryan and Joseph the hole in the back from Lubbock Texas obviously something escaped I'm gonna punch through that hole in the past like when I did suspicious package videos on my main channel I would like you know you can't keep everything I threw out a lot of the books I definitely kept the black fatherhood protecting our legacy book but every book that we've gotten so far I'm not throwing the [ __ ] out you have various it's a VHS tape of ETS whoa that's actually really awesome that's so cool I'm gonna keep that bad boy - dude hell yeah I mean we'll both keep that family I mean you know it's the rule you open and I keep what's inside anyway wait here's the thing do you think that the actual VHS in this is et I for the bit I'm gonna say yes though I think so too I trust them it is eaten okay it's got that cool green top to it I always liked when there's different colors on the VHS I feel like I only saw these when I was at the library and I don't know why this is a nerd version of the dear Gus and Eddie it's the hard water buildup in the showerhead guys remember those fellas wait a hard water buildup when they asked what's the best way to clear up oh yeah I wonder if they fixed it we just wanted to send you guys something Gus we didn't know or but we didn't know that would it be funny so we decided to send you our extra our extra copy that's what the extra an Extra Terrestrial is they did say Gus this is now yours I hope your hard water buildup is better now yeah hopefully it didn't ruin your only now copy of ETM VHS really suck well that does it for this week's version of me alright you ever watched Timmy the tooth I know it's [ __ ] terrifying I loved it as a kid it was just cuz I mentioned in the library you know there'd be only be my library there was only specific things to rent it wasn't like like the next time I've ever had games and everything was like kind of a mini blockbuster yeah but I was just educational stuff are really for young kids and Timmy the tooth is this like really weird all puppet show about a tooth and his dog toothbrush that's not the name of the dog the dog is a toothbrush dog and like a bunch of [ __ ] dentist related things and that's it but the theme song [ __ ] rules and I'm gonna try and find it so once it okay we probably won't even get flagged for that I don't think it's good who's gonna claim us for [ __ ] Timmy the tooth yourself it's one podcast episode airs guys I don't even know if there's a sponsor on this one I mean you can edit it after so there's a possibility that you're listening to this and then there's gonna be like royalty free music yeah alright Timmy the tooth intro that's somebody filming their screen good I would I would sing that [ __ ] as a kid dude Timmy the tooth of rules I love the order of operations that we just witnessed someone filmed their TV with a cell phone so that we could play it into the mic to be filmed on this this were you guys to listen to it's just the best quality you could have now that's transformative in nature they can't even the only thing we need to add now is audio jungle wait do you think we'll get flat because I made that and they'll think that it's audio jungle yeah damn it I should have added in live watermarks free while you were playing just pick up like the hypercam alright time for the question portion of the show where we answer your questions if you tweet at us at Eddie Berbick or at Gus Johnson and use the hashtag Gus and Eddie don't respond to our tweets we'll answer your questions yeah you say if you tweet at us but we don't want them to tweet at gosh dang it I say just the hashtag but still follow us you don't have to know for sure that kind of friend that like doesn't have the backbone to stand up just kind of hey you guys feelin talk us tonight no no thanks yeah I mean either I wouldn't I was really down for that I actually [ __ ] hate tacos I don't hate tacos you're right dude Dave [ __ ] rooms not moved forward so funny of you to say that that fireplace is hot Madison asks what's the grossest thing you have seen online no I don't want to talk about that genuinely it's just [ __ ] disgusting you what about in person and I don't even like the gross [ __ ] just in case people are eating and stuff I hope you guys know it's just I don't know personally for me when I see gross [ __ ] it's full like get it away yeah I'm big I'm not big on snot anything involving snot yeah I say that's not for me alright what else we got here did I have chicken Express when I was in Texas I did not I not have chicken Express that's one thing is a lot of people when you go to their place like you gotta have this food and it's fine if you're suggesting places the ER asking for it but people are like what you went to Texas and did get water burger it's like dude I'm like you can't always just get the food you want exactly right there you know you might be busy here that's not what they were saying I was not picking on them I'm sorry man [ __ ] you man this is a very cyberbullying friendly podcast yeah we really cyberbully the [ __ ] out you guys like too much we do like you though we can't like all of them that's just a fact I don't like any wasn't it like Aziz Ansari he had that bit where it was um like most people that enjoy his stuff he probably wouldn't like because he doesn't like most people that's just yeah I think he started out as special by being like I'd probably hate you if we hung out let me see here at post Gary Oh asks here's a hypothetical question for two of you okay every 12 hours 32 ounces of any liquid of your choice P sorry I finished a question actually inline painlessly exits your urethra uh what liquid do you choose he didn't say or is it she sorry uh well let me double-check all right just do you want the answer Eddie yeah it's hold on you got it come on audio listeners he's reaching in the air for some you know a little higher and that there you go I'm here to tell you Eddie it's a girl you're listening Gus just pulled down 800 very weird it gender-reveal balloon that's just a foot with toes it's enormous he got it for a video that you've already seen now but then it couldn't go in the video he couldn't fit in the box I just don't like the toes on it I just think that's so weird dude yes oh my god yes wait how do you this one's so weird though I feel like the whole thing's gonna not pop but it'll all leak out I'm gonna snip it at the base okay I haven't done this in years dude we're just gonna go we're just gonna get comments you know helium makes you impotent then the whole thing in the mix okay okay if you have to do that I will okay I'm good champ what should I say we gotta say our catchphrases yeah take it home with you it's [ __ ] rad nice it's about half way wait I gotta get a little more on that tastes like chemical fire it's probably just a balloon he's gonna do that burp fine don't actually do that yo Tony you want to edit this [ __ ] up tell me come on over boys oh my god wow that really went down pretty sick like fully swallowing yeah well you just inhale it wow that went way quicker get a big hit there you go what's that boys hate where it's like a little bit like it's there but then you feel like you're doing it as well and you don't want to this is fully I'm not doing it on purpose you ever have that kid in school that's like here let me try it and they try it and they clearly didn't get any yeah that sort of things you your brain wants to do it but then the first second yeah mine's fully going now oh do some are Kelly lines from his interview oh yeah so so Robert what did she exactly say something like like what do you you have to say about people saying you're attracted to younger women do I look like I'm attracted to younger women I love all women okay women children okay wow that dips in it goes fast I'm good for now good give me one more are Kelly I think it came back for a second wind three mix to heal not even good at all give me another arc anything I don't know what another arc le thing is [ __ ] go for some kind of Chris Brown line talk about the death grip on your balls everybody gives me [ __ ] for hitting Rihanna but you didn't know that she had a death grip on my balls [ __ ] weird man this is he's going again I don't know what he's he's triple dipping can this harm you in any way it's the remix to ignition pop it fresh out the kitchen mama rolled in that body got every man in here which is so weird to hear if you exhale oh my god it is is it like immediately it's still a little bit there I can hear it I probably took way more of that than I should have what if you just got stuck like that forever people would not take me seriously like they do now that's the thing is everybody takes me seriously that's a weird thing so strange I don't you remember what the [ __ ] question was I would choose water like for survival [ __ ] if it's just like yeah I could just pee in my own mouth every 12 obviously though if you could say that it's full pure clean water get over yourself grow up pee in your own mouth of you're thirsty what are you gonna waste water for the rest of the world when you're producing it yourself ah sounds really selfish to me pee in your own mouth could you imagine if people could just be given that gift like Flint would be saved instantly there's a bunch of people peeing in a river yeah pee the bat away um let me see here at ocular occult asks hard or soft tacos I go soft on that boys yeah I'm back and forth on stuff if you're talking cheap really cheap taco is hard but good tacos solved that's true the problem is to like it almost sucks ordering hardshell tacos from Taco Bell sometimes like if you get on post mates and we're not bitching about post mates but it's just like it gets too so yeah especially the Doritos locos taco that one can get as if it's like a supreme that won't be hard shell on the top and sauce bottom of the meat is at Montana Jordan 98 are you built Ford Tough hell yeah really dude not me I'm like I'm like a Pinto at Justin the blame this is just dumb one what's the most forgettable experience you've ever had with a person he set us up thanks for the setup buddy got him um let me see you some bangin questions all this time do you speak German this one's in German oh there's uh no what what about the crib daddy well I'll pull up the crib dad oh yeah you don't have to leave the hash tag he has his one last week and I forgot let me see oh here's a good one at PacSun Twinkie said what is one childhood possession that you'll never get rid of my great grandma made me two blankets when I was born and you were until I was nine and they're just real good blankets and I liked they get like really cold yeah and then I like having them around because it's like the feeling of when you're too hot in bed and it's like the cold pillow feeling I got one in the room when back home damn it's still fully intact and normal that's a good question it's it was made well sir when I was born yeah so it's like how the [ __ ] is that thing not ripping apart I don't understand dude that's not that's a good answer I like that I was uh I'm trying to think childhood possession I still have a couple cool rocks I found outside as a kid like I even went back home this last summer and I was just like going through some boxes and stuff as my mom just like hey I found this stuff from over the years do you want to keep it or save it and there's some cool rocks of like I don't need these but those some cool rocks I kept them I I always always weirdly jealous of people with rock collections cuz I'd always feel like every rock I see is not cool but then people break out these like tin boxes and they'll have like really cool [ __ ] rocks where they get in these bad boys I don't know all right so [ __ ] daddy asked us which we love by the way go follow them on Twitter at real young [ __ ] what is your favorite bad food combination that you love but people shame you for I would say the publicly shamed one that I think is is one of the best combinations is fries good ranch are an incredible combination and I think it was just like Daniel Tosh made a bit about hating ranch and it infected this nation with horrible hatred that's some dumb [ __ ] like you get someone like Tosh or on a show and just you do a bit like hey by the way [ __ ] ketchup and everyone's like oh [ __ ] yeah dude why did he do that for Kenan Thompson I remember for years people hated Kenan on SNL because Tosh made a joke like about how cleaning was the shittiest person on there it's like eating [ __ ] yeah Kenan who dislikes Kenan what an asset annual come on guy also he said that uh [ __ ] Hayden pinned the tears torso was weird and it's just like dude sometimes you don't have to just say something's bad for it but also I was 13 and I was like yeah at Chloe locks said what's your favorite scent slash smell cinnamon apple like for during the holidays yeah one candle I have in my room that have been lighting up is that so I go in there and I just feels like Christmas every time mm-hmm I just the thing is I know it's like a seasonal scent but I just like it so I don't I get it all the time cuz I'm an adult I like that I always some really specific things that I like I like freshly cut grass that's delicious and I always like it on your taco I like yeah I don't know if you told that if I can that's from my stand-up show that's a paywall that you can't listen yes oh that and I always really liked musty basements okay like really damp old basements that's such a weird answer and I can't even think of what that smells like yeah I wish that like you just knew cuz like I can I can think of like five basements from like friends or family that I went in and been like I like that basement that's that's so bizarre I don't know if it's just sort of like that earthy smell coming up through the concrete I really like it that's I can't even yeah I can't even picture it cuz I mean just finished basements usually have that smell to or you know just ones unfinished basements and our basement used to smell like that and it was [ __ ] great I remember it was kind of it was like weird kid [ __ ] but I would go down there sometimes like if I were feeling just look around and now that was an upper boy it's just like asbestos or something it's good to be back I know here I can get I'll tell you what smells like okay lean in close to the mic close your eyes think of like a basement and there's a little box of baseball cards over there there's there's that ping-pong table dad swore he'd fix up from the yard sale there's about 10 pairs of boots I've never seen anyone my family wear boots why are those over there this is actually really quick before the description or before my basement was finished this is almost like an exact description of my old basement goddamn and then imagine that there's a bunch of half deflated sport balls that you never really played with but your parents thought someone play with that so there's a frisbee right next to it you don't even know buddy bought that frisbee it's just there and you don't know where the frisbee even came from but it's there and you know just on the basic eyeballing aging of the plastic that it could not have been made after 1983 that's true and for some reason it's like a wheel it's like a drawing of a wheel on the top and you're like that's frisbee that's how we always wrong with you and it's about an inch and a half thick okay cuz that's how they made plastic in the 80s because they did not care so you see all that stuff right now yeah take a whiff oh it smells like our apartment oh cool no yeah I got you nope so what's the next question you're just eroding everything I create one thing that was terrifying for me as a kid is before our basement was finished which my dad just did like all of it himself because he was like contractors are expensive so I'm gonna do everything but the electric yeah took him a while but before it was finished it was where you know everything discarded in our house went and my sister had this like not life size of an adult but like life size as a kid like the top half of a Barbie so you could like dress it up I think and like do its hair but it's like a it was a cold dark unfinished basement so if I ever had to put anything down there there'd just be like a blonde top torso of a girl down there yeah hate that beyond belief mm-hmm it sucks also I wonder how that thing aged I wonder where that is right now if it got crushed or if it's just in a dumpster just staring at the sky do you think it looks like a 27 year old woman so unsettling I don't like this you see it you leave it in the basement for like 40 years old woman staring I would burn the whole house down yeah I would do it even if there wasn't one of those things in there I've done it it's art it's called arson so what were you gonna arrest me no it's early time asks is there anything cooler than being cool high school obviously I said I said is there anything cool than being cool ice cold all right all right all right let me see oh this is for you mr. bad movie guy I don't know if you already answered this what's up at file list panda what movie have you seen that's so bad that you actually had to stop watching I don't well one thing is I've never walked out of a movie before yeah I just I think I answer this on the podcast a long time ago is the newer Tarzan movie that came out it was so it was the exact middle bad of it wasn't you know so bad it's good it was just so mediocre and boring and the dialogue was so bad but I was seeing the movie with my dad and Tony and I was like this was just me and Tony I'd probably just walk out his movie cuz it's just a waste of my time it just feels like I hear people talk all the time we're like yeah that movie sucked I walked out of it and it's just like how do you bring yourself to do that dude you know I'm gonna tell you in fact it's really gonna frustrate you do it um so my my uncle has terrible taste in movies whenever he talks about movies it's like Jesus Christ that's your take yeah um and oddly enough which this is a fine for people's favorite movies ever I guess but like his favorite movie is the notebook which is just huh but he and my aunt locked out of interstellar before they went to space what they left during the farm stuff which I I did go through interstellar because I was looking on the TV cuz I got it in 4k yeah and it is longer than I remember I think it's like 40 minutes but they left before space dude that's stupid how do you do that it's a stupid thing that's like going to a Superman movie and being like I'm [ __ ] Clark Kent's boring get out of here like the Cape dummy I couldn't believe it and they were so yeah movie was so bad it's like you didn't see the movie cuz you didn't finish it that's ridiculous that's the thing is usually if a movie so bad I feel compelled to finish it to fully get my opinion of it being bad because sometimes last acts of movies are better than the rest of the movie yeah Jurassic world is a case of that being the truth and what was the other movie we talked about in the last episode rancic world - the fallen Kingdom no that was I don't remember I I feel like everyone has just a movie illiterate uncle though cuz I'm the same thing where it's like this dude is like a college professor and he's I love him he's the best but he did [ __ ] like he said like he went and saw the he saw No Country for Old Men okay Best Picture I want to say 2007 yeah and he said he's never done this before at the end of the movie in the theater he stood up and said this was the worst [ __ ] movie I have ever seen and he believes it to this day did the audience just turning just go [ __ ] you he's like I didn't want to do it but there were like four people in theater so I rolled the dice on that one but it's like he said that's one of the worst movies I've ever seen and I was like I've actually never seen No Country for Old Men so it can't speak to it here's what I here's what I believe though - truthfully clearly the Academy [ __ ] is you know it's [ __ ] yeah it's not it's not a true measure of stuff but if you have a movie that is that wins Best Picture I think it's so unfair to say that is the worst movie I've ever seen yeah because the thing is there's enough value in it for a lot of people to still enjoy it yeah that's the weird thing is I really hate when people will just see something they don't like and fully call it [ __ ] because I don't think that's fair it's like you're missing out on clearly some people find value in it and I'm not saying it's like a higher IQ thing like the Rick and Morty meme but like you're not getting that so you could either ask somebody what they enjoy out of it and just go oh not for me or you should go the thing you love [ __ ] sucks it's so stupid it's like what why did you why would you do that I put him on film probation for that one and then I fully divorced him filmography wise this year because he said that he hated baby driver and I was like go [ __ ] yourself yeah not a fan of that I still love you uncle but goddamn I'm not taking any of your movie suggestions yeah baby drivers just so [ __ ] fun I know it's like if you got some joy in your heart enjoy the movie yeah and like he said this it was pre Spacey find out stuff and he is usually not swaying on either side it's like far to the left or right of like liking a movie or something like that but he said I absolutely hated baby driver and I'm said oh you're a stupid person with movies you're not gonna movies I mean if yeah if he's fully again is the absolutely hating I the thing is that's just I don't get it cuz I do usually for movies don't absolutely hate them even the the so bad it's good movies that I make fun of I love those movies like dude [ __ ] peanut butter solution I love that movie it gave me so much [ __ ] joy you know like I don't know it's just cuz something's bad doesn't mean you have to hate it you can find joy in it just cuz it's not the best there's a middle ground here's a this this girl has a kind of scandalous profile picture I'm sorry I'm not going to show it on screen if you didn't have to even mention it well don't add her now that we're talking about oh it's a meme isn't it no it's not actually I'll just say her display name because there's a million people this name Mackenzie suka Danny's or IHOP Danny's I think I've only really been I happen Denny's a couple of times I want to say Denny's and just the name sounds more like classic American diner yeah I mean the Denny's diner you know I'm also not really a pancake guy yeah I hate pancakes they're boring I don't like them at all I'm just they're boring to me hit everything oh no yeah for me it's just like you get two good bites of a pancake and you're like this thing's double stacked there's way too much of this [ __ ] yeah it's just like eating a big sponge for breakfast except I do love from a restaurant in the town I grew up in there's a breakfast place that has a chocolate chip pancakes and those rule C chocolate chip pancakes blueberry pancakes lingonberry pancakes delink about pancake there's a little Lebowski reference okay all right like that's good there's stuff going on but if you're like I'm just eating a sponge with syrup on it so that's not fun give me some french toast french toast yeah if your point if you're looking at french toast or plain pancakes it's an easy decision because it's the same thing but better yeah and if you disagree [ __ ] you you suck on subscribe by the way did you know we're at like 54 k already now really yeah that's a lot of people yeah I didn't even know we I was just assuming when I checked it it would be like fifty point eight but it's still good doing well so you guys for all the K that was really special okay I think a lot of it comes from the the drew and jakey episode still gets recommended like crazy yeah and obviously the episodes are doing better than ever now but still I'm gonna credit only drew and jakey and not us Thank You drone jakey do y'all grill your hot dogs or boil them asks Dan Godlewski 32 okay they're both on care and if you didn't if you have a strong opinion then I hate [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] wrap your grilled hot dog in a pancake and go [ __ ] yourself did you ever like you ever just microwave hot dogs fresh oh the fridge yeah okay good I have had I've told you people give me grief about [ __ ] with the hot dog arena stuff more than more than two off they don't get that the Midwest [ __ ] they don't get it I know people do it here too but it's like sometimes you use white bread as a bun yeah what it's like I'm so sorry that your parents could afford to buy buns and white bread but we were microwaving this [ __ ] what am I gonna get an entire propane tank to make hotdogs microwave that bad boy the same except there's just not the little crispy I do prefer it on a grill but it's like it's not dis gusting to boil it I think hot dogs from restaurants though are better boiled like or I don't even the machines does that count as boiling I know it's hot water but it seems like the classiest hot dogs I've ever had are not ever grilled because it keeps the flavor and when you boil it that's a good-ass point right there yeah yep you every one of those roller dogs from a gas station no they I've had him a couple times and just seeing it I don't know why they display them like that because it looks gross yeah the sticky oil that gets stuck as it's shiny as hell what are some of your favorite gas station snacks in there you're hungry you're in high school you're after school you run in for snack I never get actual food from gas stations or or 7-eleven the one time I actually did last year when I was in New York Tony kept saying that the [ __ ] taquitos there looked good and because there it was like spicy barbeque or not spicy very like spicy buffalo chicken and it looks kind of good and then we were really drunk one night and we got them and we were like these are [ __ ] terrible really really bad yeah but um I used to if it were talking high school flamin hot cheetos are my number one like grabbing a snack but I don't eat a much anymore I'm kind of more of a takis guy now they're not better but I prefer them right now that's that is it just a phase that's what I think it is thanks God you catch me running to that gas station 7-eleven actually has some pretty good shitty snacks like for food and stuff like that like their pizza shitty yeah good wings shitty good you know but I'm slinging in there and I'm gonna get some sunflower seeds I'm gonna get some maybe some barbecue Pringles dare I say might get a pop-tart blueberry or hot fudge sundae and I am walking out of there with a goddamn icy mm-hmm who has still not contacted me there's not a chance it's been a while since I mentioned that I've been trying to get even alike - I see there's like for two years it's not gonna happen dude I love icees and I want to do promotion with them I think genuinely of as far as sweet drinks go I sees white cherry is the best sweet drink you could ever have and I salute rack dude it's so good and you know you're not getting all that harmful ass coloring there cuz you're like I'm not eating that red 40 it's clear it's a natural dumbass natural way one thing is I think two underappreciated chips ones more popular is a honey barbecue Fritos god damn those are good also Snyder's pretzels the not the main ones good which is fine for regular pretzels but they have buffalo ones that taste of any buffalo chip or spicy chip you're thinking of it tastes the most exact like an actual wing that you'll ever have really it's so [ __ ] good yeah I love it I had it at the cabin last year I don't know if you had any at all but yeah they rule I gotta try that I love Snyder's honey mustard stuff I've never had that that sounds awesome pretzels god damn it's maybe Striders and you just have more of their flavored pretzels because that sounds like they rule we give a lot of free promo out here on the show there might be though so if you do it we're making that calling boys and girls and it's not there anything that I've ran out of balloons you did you think you had more than one up there why I was just hoping before we recorded he's just pulling a bunch down when anything said it's a girl oh no oh no was he gonna say this time he's gonna beg why don't you plead - I see look at the camera and plead - I see to finally accept your sponsorship I see fire your PR guy on social media and hire me I have tweeted at you 50 [ __ ] times in the last two years brag about your sub numbers I have nearly a million subscribers and unless the last couple weeks don't change I could potentially have a million subscribers by the time you hear this now I'm gonna get to my serious voice I see [ __ ] text me back you have one week whenever you get to it or I don't buy my weekly I see next week I haven't have nice eat forever dude yeah me neither I've been on the Slurpee train I might switch sides I see you have one month I'm switching sides you have two months I see a lot of foodies in the comments today at great salt Lord says what's your favorite kind of cheese and I'm gonna say pepper jack I am it's not the best cheese but just childhood tied to it just a regular regular ol American boy I like American on [ __ ] but now I like with grilled cheese you get one slap of American one slap with cheddar on there it's a good combo okay but also I love sorry good I was gonna finish up my okay I love from I think it was from that movie chef as they made a grilled cheese with in they made an instruction video for it yeah whenever you see somebody make a grilled cheese with like combined actual really good cheese and then they pull that thing apart is that mix it's like man I wish I gave any effort into making my grilled cheese do you think for like commercial stuff cuz I always you see that stuff on like reddit irreverence like here's how they actually portray food in commercials or on ads and stuff how do they fake a grilled cheese pull apart like that I don't I don't know there's do they think they add anything to it or because sometimes you pull it apart like yourself you're like this is exactly like the commercial yeah the thing is I feel like that one might be normal because the grilled cheese doesn't need to be fluffed to not be flat all you need is the cheese to stretch yeah so they could just be cooking like four at once and then just keep pulling them apart which food like company a restaurant or brand or whatever has the most delicious-looking like commercial food does it have to be okay so for your commercials because once I'd mention just I realized that the cartoon Pizza I've mentioned to you that I've wanted so bad is from a goofy movie yeah where it's literally dripping off the the cheese that sounds good which like wouldn't even be that good in person cuz they're just be so hot it's dripping yeah yeah I don't know who has the best looking food I always it's I never understood why they had for like seafood and stuff they were always dropping the seafood in slow motion yeah maybe cuz it's just sitting there isn't as appetizing maybe I feel like every Applebee's ad is just gravity verse food yeah a bunch of [ __ ] falling all the time come get your [ __ ] salad this romaine coming down really slow did I ever tell that I think I've told to you I don't know if you remember but the Pepsi NEXT thing no on the podcast where I was a I think it was a freshman in high school and we were at my friend John's house and it was a couple of us and then a group of girls we would hang out with - and an ad came on that was for I believe Pepsi NEXT which is a lighter blue colored can for Pepsi and that's all you see that's different the blue is different can you make sure if that's the actual one Pepsi NEXT yeah so like whatever the Pepsi was the ad was saying something about maybe it having like a different flavoring or different sugar or something and yeah that's it right yeah okay so the ad didn't even show them pour it into a cup they just sipped it out of the can and one of the girls we were hanging out with said oh my god that looks so good what and I was like what and usually I'm not making arguments with people but I was like kind of joking like what looks good about that it's just a can of Pepsi she's like no but it's a different can't like it loose it's a different flavor I was like yeah but you only saw an aluminum can you didn't see any of the yeah I was like even if they poured it out it would just look like Pepsi and she's just like well what if like what about this and she pulls up a water bottle she's like what if I say this looks good and I was like it's clear I can see the water I'm about to drink and I know that it's water which has one taste yeah and then she goes well what about this cuz there's the only other thing there was like a box of urine smileys the gummy snacks oh yeah yeah it was a box of Smiley's and on the box they're Smiley's on the Box like pouring out of the bag I was like the food's they here to to see Evan she acted like I was being ridiculous she said I don't know I just thought it looks good it's a cab yeah so yeah I don't know that was really frustrating and I still remember that I hope she's dead what thing is uh I just got to remember we were talking about the grilled cheese thing and advertising do you remember that old cartoon ad for Kraft singles where it was the two cartoon guys like pulling apart a grilled cheese and then one of them pulls it so hard that I like sticks to the ceiling and the cheese starts like dripping down as it's all no no bread I remember being shown that while I got vaccinated really trying to distract me with the commercial and I remember being like grilled cheese pain real cheese and then you hated grilled cheese for the rest of your life yeah except I didn't I just don't get measles while I'm eating them I'm on the Pepsi NEXT thing right now still and it says related project products Pepsi edge what the hell is that I don't know is it like they say racial you can only drink it right as you're about to come the Pepsi then would stop you from doing it just keep going all night like throwing water on the flames I don't know I clicked on shopping you think anyone's selling in Pepsi edge yeah la beast would have already bought it by now didn't they bring back Crystal Pepsi they did it right some is it what does it taste like it doesn't taste like Pepsi it just tastes like oh that's pop okay so not enough to like want to get it again it was just for the novelty yeah Giroux see a video of somebody finding an original Crystal Pepsi and drinking it I think that was la beast okay barfs everywhere yeah yeah okay then I didn't I didn't know la beast yeah he just drink he that's the guy seems like a really nice dude he's been around on YouTube forever and he does like food challenges and good for him because he has been successful on YouTube for years and years and especially if you're doing like challenges or you have like a theme like that how do you know run out of [ __ ] it's well it's hard even just algorithmically you know like YouTube the corporation just goes like yeah okay you've had your time yeah I'm even clicking on uploads here his last two uploads all got over like here's 420 3k 567 good for you la beast hell yeah their rules his display name is Skippy 62 a bull so not only has he defied the odds of eating [ __ ] for years but his display name is so good for him yeah I think he was actually pretty instrumental in memeing getting Crystal Pepsi back it's awesome he had that huge viral video of hip vomiting everywhere from drinking like that 20 year old bottle and it's just like let's get Crystal Pepsi back you know what's insane to me is how how badly Pepsi and Nike [ __ ] up the Back to the Future Anniversary Oh Pepsi and Nike responsible for that or it would like not [ __ ] up the way it was celebrated but Nike like only made a certain amount of the whatever what exactly are the shoes from the from oh I don't wanna [ __ ] it up I know what you're talking about yeah so the back of the future shoes they sent Michael J Fox a pair yeah but they're very limited and it's like if you guys just even sold those for like three months they would easily sell out they'll have to tie their own shoes but I know Nikes like very exclusive but Pepsi was the one that really [ __ ] up because there's that futuristic cannister of Pepsi when he goes to the diner you know in 2015 and they teased it I believe three days before the anniversary and then we're like yeah we're selling eight hundred of them so why did you do that yeah that could have been on shelves for a year exactly I don't know what the [ __ ] they did if there was just branded Back to the Future stuff like isn't that so cool it looks cool as hell Tony can you put the Back to the Future Pepsi on there please Holly [ __ ] I wouldn't even if I wasn't a fan of Back to the Future I would buy it just because it looks cool yeah that doesn't it doesn't even look like too obscene in your face like that is the future that's just like I could see that actually being in the future yeah it looked classy as hell dude and yeah I think they had a limited release where you would have to sign up for it and then get the chance to pay for a pack of that that's so stupid she's like guys what the [ __ ] you doing like just don't do it then you know yeah ridiculous oh my god I just hate when companies fumble that [ __ ] yeah Pepsi over to [ __ ] up the backs of future [ __ ] then [ __ ] up the Superbowl yeah dude goddamn it also though that Pepsi looks so good are you looking at this Pepsi edge photos right now honestly what is Pepsi is that the green one just I don't know something about this Oh this classic Pepsi though oh dude looks good well that's what I like when they they have the throwback ones because they always sell it with the regular old logos yeah like the ones with real sugar you know the Mountain Dew did also I taste it though and I don't know if it was this while I was still in high school drinking pop all the time or soda if you're from literally anywhere from unless I just [ __ ] up what I was saying except for where we're from when I was still having I remember having the throwback one saying like this is gonna be way better because the real sugar yeah and I was like this tastes kind of watch this is extremely the same issue kind of yeah it was kind of that diet pop taste where you just feel that slave like something's wrong huh yeah I remember I think I remember drinking Pepsi edge actually cuz what I used to do is my dad used to be an elementary school teacher and it was the coolest thing ever is after school I would just stay at school and then a couple other buddies of mine their mom worked in the office and then like so there was four of us after school grades 1 through 3 where we would just you know be still around for about two hours and we'd go to the gym and have four kids with the full gym Arsenal and all the cool toys it's so weird cuz I would only get that when I would go help my mom set up for the year because she would just bring us along one cuz she was watching us but she tricked us into thinking like oh you're gonna help out so I felt like I mattered but I love my mom but uh yeah so being in a school when you're like the only kid around is the coolest feeling in the world it was so nuts we used to like take the scooters and stuff do you ever have a scooter unit um little plastic sit on just yeah oh yeah the ones that [ __ ] your fingers up so badly oh yeah and if you push them too fast they go yeah we used to take those and make mat cars out of them you know take a folded up mat and then just like push each other around the school and do racist that rules it was like the [ __ ] you know or it's like oh going to the computer lab and this is pre like Web Filter and then just play games dude there were with the bomb school computers used to have games on them yeah because they were like it was when they were trying out educational games all the time but of just be a regular game with a numbers in it so you just play them that's what I would do mainly when I was helping out my mom is I would just sit on dad the like colored IMAX and I would just like sit on those like well like a big teal one and just kinda games that's the good [ __ ] I remember - it's like the computer lab was right across from the teachers lounge so he could like I would go to school all the time and be like yeah me and Brandon Bryce just go hang out in the teachers and they used to have they had this ancient pop machine in the teachers lounge and as late as like I went in there when I was like 20 still I was like a few years ago just out of curiosity I was like pickin up my sister from school is like one of that old pop machines back in there and you could go in there and unfortunately they fixed it when I tried this last time but it was broken you could go in there and you could put in if you only put in quarters to quarters like 50 cents and if you like bumps the Machine when you click - pop - pops would fall out healthy for 50 cents you paid 24 25 cents a pop so they it was so old that it was pre-programmed with the price so you just never inflation didn't matter that's the thing is like cuz ya they were already 50 cents which even when we were like 10 and stuff that's a good deal for like as can of soda yeah I mean I feel like when we were growing up normal vending machines I don't know what it is now it would be 125 for a bottle pretty much yeah yeah and then yeah you don't see a lot of canned vending machines a lot yeah it's mostly the bottle stuff but it was always I think it was like a 75% chance that you'd have of two of them falling out and so we'd always go in there and we'd be like come on come on cuz you only have quarters sometimes you're just like I found a quarter at recess and we'd see like who doesn't get a pop and we put it in and like dude honestly now that you're saying that I'm thinking I feel bad for kids right now because court like the amount of quarters that aren't floating around because of debit cards is probably way less for kids to use for things like it's just fun throwing a quarter on the counter dude what I loved is you know I told you I went to that place Miller's where my family would go on vacation it's like I was I hate the name resort for it it was just a very like shittily put together bunch of cabins right on a lake in Wisconsin and it was like every was the most dangerous thing possible the playground was everything was breaking down always but it had this charm to it because he was like my childhood place yeah and they had in the campus for it again they just named nice names this thing's it was like this shitty building where they had a bar there and pool tables and a ping-pong table and like a couple arcade machines but everything was from like twenty years before we were born so uh at night time all the kids would be in there and all the adults would be at the bar drinking and the arcade machines was an original alien the movie arcade machine I don't know if there's alien or aliens I believe it was aliens and that one was like still operational then a completely busted Donkey Kong machine that just didn't work there wasn't the top to the joystick or anything but all year I would just have a giant ziploc bag under my bed and every time I got a quarter I'd save it so that I'd go on vacation and I would just have this giant bag of quarters to play arcade just aliens the whole time and that's nuts never beat it though I used to do that same [ __ ] there used to be a bi-yearly trip to this place called skate city that was like an hour it was like the coolest [ __ ] place Gate City was the bomb they had like a full arcade and then they had the skating rink that goes around in a circle and it was there were three sections there was like a big like NASCAR track for just in rollerblades and stuff too and then there was the dotted yellow line for all the badass pro skaters where they had a bunch of ramps and stuff and then in the middle of the big ring there was these things called turtle cars which you sat on them went there but and they had these handlebars and to this day I don't understand the physics of how turtle cars work you'd sit on them and you you went down this ramp and it was just like a ramp but you could like twist the things back and forth and some weird physics shits you could drive them forever were they like so you were turning maybe pedals and like connected to the side they realize like there were like three wheels two in the back one in the front and there were like these turtle cars there they're always there like like a casing around it or was it just like metal it was shot anything you sat on this little like circle of plastic and then the the hand bars were to steer it okay but if you like wiggle them back and forth you could just keep going forever oh [ __ ] I wonder if they were called turtle cars like in real life or if they're just like yeah I was thinking turtle cars maybe they were called torta lore turdus cars turtle or tortoise car from the yesterday yeah yeah turtle cars scooter I said from yesterday but two people listening that's gonna be from two weeks ago last week oh dude yeah flying turtle that's what I remember those yeah dude I'm so happy I got the description right Tony you don't have to do [ __ ] everyone look at my screen right now boom that's a turtle car there you go those were the bomb so you'd go oh yeah quarters so I would like save up my money all year and I would go and me and my buddy Austin would play big buck hunter for like four hours those arcade games like [ __ ] rule playing those are always fun they're so fun even if it's not accurate or you lose you don't care it's just fun I love to especially for the Big Buck Hunter franchise that it is still arguably one of the most popular arcade games and they've fully updated it so now they've got all the HD ones so it's like this looks good there's more aminals and you get on it and pun intended you get so much bang for your buck when you when you play those cuz like you slip a dollar in per player you're playing for like 20 minutes yeah dude that's awesome and because they always have the bonus stages and everything to just they're always trying to like prolong the game that's super honest arcade game thank you big buck company I would like to do sponsorship for you [ __ ] I see there's also oh dude now I'm excited to go home because I'm gonna go back to game works yeah the arcade place and I told you it wasn't there when we went but it's a halo machine it was I think I told you could like since I went in November but it's a bunch of big chairs with giant turrets and it's a new Halo arcade machine and you can tell by the graphics I think it's like the reach engine is that worth there's four of them in there yeah so it laid that a couple times okay yes it's like a dome where'd you play it they have it at the Dave & Buster's it would be the DB buoys we still haven't gone without it go we gotta go when I get back let's do it um but yeah that came [ __ ] rules dude yeah it's just like it's who thought to make a halo machine right now yeah that's so weird yeah well I guess it's better branding than making like a game with turrets that aren't that isn't Halo yeah because you don't really for arcade machines need a very popular brand of the moment not really no there was one a game works there's really cool I don't know if it's still there but I showed it to you when we were playing but I don't think you played it was that kind of Dome Star Wars one yeah the screen was a dome around you but then also when you were riding really fast had fans in it that blew at your face when you're going faster I like that I love that there's a certain entertainment industry with like amusement parks in arcades where it's like it's profitable to make something fun so we just poured money into making something more fun than usual love that [ __ ] I used to get so sucked into those coin pusher machines like crazy to the quarter machines that's a high good I saw it and I was like that's a gambling addiction ready to perform so I'm gonna stay away from that one what we used to do too even in college you know cuz drinks were so cheap you know for a couple bucks we challenged ourselves sometimes we go down to the Silver Dollar bar and we'd be like let's go play the quarter machine in the back see if we can get a couple bucks up and then buy each other some dollar shots the most profitable one I know you know this is the Taco Bell one the Taco Bell one is just it's asking you to win free tacos yeah cuz it's just not that hard I love it do I I told you before some of the most money stretching I was able to do in college was we had we were told that the Taco Bell in our town was one of the test market Taco Bell's where they pushed new ideas that didn't always get out to the main market stuff which is a college town is perfect it's perfect for it by the way really cook I meant I mentioned the thing but people don't might not know what it is just for the free Taco Bell was like this small plastic kind of tube with a bunch of like arms inside of it that you would twist a coin down and if you landed it on the bottom like arm then you want a free taco yeah that's dope as hell so what I would do is our Taco Bell had one of those as well yeah and they had a system where they said you could win two prizes max which is good they usually do one yeah if you get a quarter on there you get a giant five layer burrito Jesus a dime you get a hard shell taco and Nicola was oh yeah that was theirs yeah our system for it - yeah perfect so we would go in there and the one that we had was [ __ ] up where you could every single drop a quarter or any coin onto the second-to-last arm oh so you don't leave it land one so you had to land one you just had to kind of edge it right off for there you had a Pepsi edge it off and so you could go in there and win stuff and then also the Taco Bell for like six months had what was called the $2 meal deal where you got for two dollars you got a beefy Fritos burrito with rice and you got triple layer nachos and a medium drink for $2 holy [ __ ] so I would go into Taco Bell and I would spend two bucks and and 35 cents for two dollars and 35 cents I'd get a beefy 5 layer burrito a hard taco triple layer nachos and a drink for two [ __ ] dollars that's dude some of those deals it's Jaco Bell if you if you're listening to this podcast at home right now and you're also homeless go to Taco Bell very good because if you get it though I don't understand so what I'm saying is if you're on a budget for food yeah cuz you're homeless and you're sitting at home right now listen to the podcast then go to Taco Bell for a good deal I feel like this is real simple stuff we should maybe just move on before we get into an argument because I feel it brewing anyways next question here we go let me see someone just tweet us at pictures of sonic or Knuckles it says tough talk for a fellow with a small car I I'm a sucker for the sonic memes man I saw a horrible illustration of every sonic character with the faces of FAMILY GUY characters and it was too much obviously Peter was sonic there we go Cleveland was tails at Memory head see asks what are your sleep paralysis demons have you ever had sleep paralysis nope my sister has but I'm not that [ __ ] loser I had one time where I was at my girlfriend's house a few years ago and we were just like I fell asleep alone on her basement couch and it was one of those things where you fall asleep at like 10:00 and you're kind of drifting in and out of sleep and it was terrifying because I almost never have sleep paralysis stuff I it was full like it's reality to you yeah I mean it's it's you actually seeing things and then your brain putting [ __ ] in your vision yes so what happened was I was sleeping there and as I was dreaming the dream was that I woke up still on the couch still with all the same settings that I remembered I looked over to my right and her dad was standing facing the wall away from me oh and he's his head fully turned around like 180 anyway and he looked right at me and then opened his mouth and eyes and he walked up the wall and I just like that and I I woke up and I have never been more panicked in my entire life he was [ __ ] terrifying yeah genuinely when you saw her dad next were you like really [ __ ] unsettle very unsettled cuz like yeah how do you even hey man how's it going how's your day going it's like dude can you walk up walls how's your sleep man it was off the wall grab some food yeah all right good night oh now that's how we're gonna end the podcast that's how we're gonna end up life yes [Music] you
Channel: Gus & Eddy
Views: 250,871
Rating: 4.9180708 out of 5
Keywords: The Gus & Eddy Podcast, The, Gus, Eddy, Podcast, Gus Johnson, Eddy Burback, almost, set, my, grandma, on, fire
Id: MrcHts7_9ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 55sec (5275 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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