Which LIGHTSABER design is the best? STAR WARS

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You can never have too much Shad!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Choos-topher 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

I like Shad’s approach to lightsabers. He seemed to readily admit that the double bladed lightsaber was a lot better than he thought it’d be when he did a video on it. It has a lot of advantages over even a typical sword-staff though that I don’t recall if he mentioned, like no worry about edge alignment when using it like a staff, no massive weight from carrying around what’s basically two swords, and much easier portability, since the blades aren’t extended when not ignited. All that said, I think a lightsaber spear/pike/naginata with a lightsaber resistant shaft (either Beskar or whatever the Magnaguards electrostaffs were made out of) would be really useful. Kind of like the Knights of Zakuul had. I assume their hilt/shafts were lightsaber resistant?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Sirliftalot35 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2022 🗫︎ replies

Really solid video, and very entertaining! This guy obviously knows his stuff.

He has a lot of "what's wrong with this fight scene?" ones as well, and the one on Rey vs. Kylo on the Death Star in ROS was hilarious.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JosePrettyChili 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] greetings i'm chad and i have looked at some variant designs of lightsabers in the past but there are many more to go of course i'm gonna rehash some of the lightsabers i've already touched on but because i've done dedicated videos i won't need to go into too much detail now in regards to the singular lightsaber it is as about as basic a design as you can get in terms of a sword-like weapon handle plus blade laser plasma thing i do have multiple videos where i discuss the reality of having a you know blade of plasma would actually do to a human it'll make them explode due to uh explosive expansion converting the uh your liquid blood into gas instantly because it's so insanely hot and this is confirmed that they're insanely this insanely hot when qui-gon literally tries to melt through a blast door in this analysis i'm going to be looking at the utility of lightsabers based on how they function in the way that they're depicted so they cut and they cauterize and and even though they don't like because that's they don't actually cut they should melt like a a line this thick through someone anyway let's just pretend okay they cut and in that regard they're laser swords first lightsaber as i mentioned that's kind of our basis our baseline level and in all honesty it works but it's not my favorite design there are a couple of things lacking in it and my criticism with this carries through to many other lightsabers that only have a slight variant on the first one so if we look at uh say count dooku's lightsaber design it's curved you know give you a bit of a better grip granted but that's kind of it he wields it in a weird way though he he wheels it down like that so like the it's like off of his grip is it like he wills it also it's like so it's curved and it's kind of forward a bit like um like a gun that's interesting that wouldn't be a terrible uh grip for a sword in fencing there is a type of grip on certain um foils and i forget some because look i i study historical uh you know sword fighting not modern day fencing and so i'm not up to date on all the terms between a foil and a saber and i know there's like a saber in fencing is different to the foil and fencing different type uh but there is a almost like a pistol grip um handle in in the summer of uh uh sabres that they use in monday fencing i guess obviously works okay so you can uh sorry design yeah where it pushes it points the blade bit forward that has some utility to it in actual fact there are blades that have a forward curve and that gives you more leverage in the cut what's interesting is the drawback to having a forward curving blade is that it can knock you out of edge alignment when you cut but that's not really a problem with lightsabers because they don't have an edge and so a forward curving design might actually have more benefits than detriments the blade doesn't bend but the fact that it's curving forward from your grip when you hit down there is a possibility of messing up the edge line that's why even having a blade that curves back that can have a benefit in an assisting or encouraging draw cuts but you don't need that because lightsabers cut brilliantly well now when it comes to getting in the bind you might get a little bit more leverage with a forward pointed uh lightsaber from your grip and that can also also assist so if you've got the handle and it's forward pointing that can assist when you lean forward to try and curve around someone the the opponent's lightsaber to strike them really this one would come down to personal preference where you prefer a straight lightsaber or a forward curving one uh and dooku isn't the only one that has a forward curving one who's there is it ventress or adventurous hustler adventurous lady she has forward curving ones it balances in my opinion let's go on to darth maul's one this is one of the next most iconic stars lightsaber the double bladed lightsaber well i have a dedicated video on this one in which i basically find there's far more use and utility to that than you know you might think and the fact that a lightsaber beams can disappear when it's turned off makes it much more easier to carry you have the option doing one beam or two which gives you a larger handle with more leverage in terms of the historical comparison there are types of swords in history that had an exceptionally large handle in proportion to its blade the nagi maki from japan is a interesting example exceptionally large handle in terms of europe we see less examples you could maybe say a type of sword staff that had a much shorter shaft could qualify so there are definitely historical precedents for that type of weapon and with the double-bladed lightsaber you have the option of a large handled single-bladed or a double-bladed weapon and then you get all the interesting advantages that i talk about in the dedicated video so i actually really like the double bladed lightsaber in terms of all the different lightsaber variants it's probably one of my favorite i think is really cool and when it gets cut in half it still works it still works well look i wonder if it's because it cut far enough down that it would have only damaged that end of one mechanism there are second mechanisms yes because we're on the double-bladed one i want to talk about some of the variants except the uh the inquisitor one because i do want to say that to last but one of the most bafflingly dumb variants is seen on it is uh the evil rays lightsaber that we see in her vision on uh is it rising skywalker that we see that one yeah ryzer skywalker i've got a dedicated video on how incredibly dumb that design is but basically it's two lightsabers that are side by side that can be used side by side or flick out into a double-bladed lightsaber and you would he you just have the double blade lightsaber literally gives you everything that the double like because the utility of having two side by side is bafflingly dumb again look at the video as to the reasons why okay before we go into the one of the final variants of the double blade lightsaber the inquisitor one because yeah let's talk about some more of the variance of the normal lightsaber and this first one that comes up look even if they might have done it as a bit of a cash grab for um to have something different and something unique to me it's one of the most obvious additions to the standard design lightsaber it baffles me that no one thought of it or did it before and it creates a bit of a plot hole and that's kylo ren's guard lightsaber cross guards are really useful there's a reason why they were put on historical swords they're great i've always had this bones pick but i've never spoken up so here are you okay go eyes guys cross guard lightsaber right yes it's clearly got two bits of exposed metal that act as an okay what if that gets cut is it lightsaber resistant and if it is why don't just make your whole getup out of that stuff all right does it work okay i'm glad you brought it up because this is actually is a controversy that came around when this lightsaber was revealed and people saying it's dumb because it just chopped in half so one of the answers is lightsaber material why don't people just wear the whole lightsaber resistant material sometimes they do darth vader is one his outfit is lightsaber he gets a full-on hit on the arm in uh the empire strikes back from luke and it takes it he like on a regular person that should chop him in half he hurt he goes but he survives it and then gets right back into the fighting so he has lightsaber resistant armor then there is of course biscar we've seen mandalorian which is a hundred percent resistant well heats up so yeah and then we see the um special red guards in the last jedi whose armor is directly uh proportional in the use of the plot and what they want in the given fight scene where it'll block lightsabers if they want them to and then it'll chop right through it like it's nothing when they wanted such arbitrary nonsense that armor but it's there as well somewhat resistant because we see a guy tank one on his forearms and then other times you just go straight through one other um thing that i've heard people say is that the energy portion the actual plasma portion is going through the um the actual encasing and so if you cut through the casing you would still hit the energy portion inside that case which it would then block and it's there it is really just there to redirect the beam so it would damage it and the problem is then if that's the case you could screw up the entire thing because remember it's a light saber like this right and it comes down to the side and then there's that casing if you had a lightsaber slide down you could shave off the top of the first casing here and the side casing you shave off the top there and it was there to redirect the flow you would just have like this spewing out this thing so i'm not fully satisfied with that explanation about there's a there's a beam a plasma beam inside that casing um and i think if they designed some type of shielding energy flow that redirected the beam into the um the cross guard that could answer it so the issue i have with the cross guard is that it raises a plot hole is that why didn't anyone make it before they they should have had some explanation to describe that this is an advancement in technology maybe there's a new power source star wars technology had a cool kind of explanation that it reached the explanation wasn't reached a plateau this is why not more advances were coming about but that's also why when you go back in time most of the technology is pretty much the same especially between the prequels and the primary trilogy but of course when you go back really really far in the star wars expanded universe which is now uncannon you have technological differences like the proto lightsaber which needs a power pack and look if it functions like a normal lightsaber the proto pack yeah it's interesting i think the the cord would get in a way a little bit but not as much as the issue it's a vulnerability for being cut and then your lightsaber goes uh but yeah i think the predator lightsaber you know it's an interesting concept so again now going back to the crossguard thing they need to explain how it came about because it's so useful so darn useful in actual fact just for on the subject of really useful things in the lightsaber discussion handheld shields would be incredibly useful and powerful for anyone using a lightsaber jedi or not but the explanation is like you can't have handheld shields but then the prequels are made and we see gungans not particularly bright race who have to they have handheld shields it was just jar jar okay but jaja does not represent the kangen rex well and he gave me the power to the emperor he was the only one dumb enough to let the empire rise yeah us humans on earth would never do something so stupid and true without apology there is far less risk in having the crossguard strike your own hand than you might think uh thrand from the channel thane thrand did a test on that where he got like a prop and painted the things and did heaps of moves uh the cross guard never struck him when you get used to the position of the cross guard you become a um uh you adapt to it yeah and you have a you know almost subconscious awareness of where it is based on the sword position and so no having the crossguard hit you isn't a problem and then you have all the advantages of being able to do greater bind positions leverage ah cross guards are awesome gee what do i like better the kylo ren crossguard lightsaber or the double blader lightsaber it's tough i like them both i like them both more than the regular lightsaber we see an interesting lightsaber in rebels where it's like got a mechanical kind of knuckle bow on it i'm not sure if that's just look i haven't seen rebels it's a blaster is it oh it's a blaster out on top of it ah that's the blaster one was this a technological development but it's during the time in between the prequels of sequel no no it's during the time between the prequels and primary series and so can he use both at the same time from everything i've found it's a no it's a no okay then maybe maybe like because i i would say like if you could actually make something that could shoot at the same time as having the beam that's that's that's great yeah exactly all the bad weather is dead game over it would actually be phenomenal in terms of gun swords they existed they i have a video dedicated video talking about gun swords they're real sometimes more often the gun is in line with the the blade but other times it's there they didn't catch on because the sword was already getting phased out because guns were becoming so popular and even in situations in which you might find it useful unfortunately historically the gun sword gave you either a gun that wasn't as great as a dedicated made gun or a sword that wasn't as great as a dedicated main sword and with higher chances of damage to the gun because the impact is much greater that's what happens when you try to please everyone but if you could get one that worked just as well as each other combined then i think yeah absolutely there's some huge utility in that don't they use that in a movie where like there there's a character who's like a villain who likes to duel but when he points his sword like to duel he pulls a trigger shoots i'm pretty i've seen that in a movie or a tv show somewhere uh well might you might have seen it in my novel no it's not that one black black heart has uh they're not really guns but they're gun equivalents they're called shot spikes he has house shot spikes on his sword that he uses in dueling oh that's the pirate kills yeah that was a cool scene that whole check out my book if you're interested why don't most people in the setting do that uh shop spikes are actually highly regulated in the setting and uh illegal for most civilians but civilians only pirates have it because they they're willing to break the law you see but the civilians who must obey the law they are encouraged to wear swords because of monsters that might come about and have to be prepared because shot spikes are basically useless against these monsters so there's no point in having civilians ready but swords there's a reason why there's a sword culture in the book and i did think about this because that's the thing that you need to think about if you have this obvious but really useful adaptation of a weapon that is possible in the technology of the setting why aren't people doing it and this is the problem that i don't think people are thinking about in star wars these creators where they just want a new toy or something to sell so think of things to change it and they don't think of why hasn't anyone done this before if you could do it and if they can justify it they need to is it a new technological development is something unique or special about this character's lightsaber that enables it to function as a gun it's a bit of a novelty that you could achieve the same by just having a gun on your offhand or they're ready so combining the two it might save a little bit of time might not the fact that you need to turn off the beam to shoot the gun is that just as quick as drawing the gun and so you could almost justify it in the setting that the jedi didn't bother with it this is one of my criticisms the jedi one of the greatest weapons the jedis could use would be blasters and guns because they could use the force to assist aiming like high-powered long-range sniper rifle jedis holy crap that would be insane that's a good fan fiction right there yeah everyone does that in an episode he he pretends to be he goes undercover as like a highly skilled sniper assassin does he yeah apparently he's like really good at shooting him which makes no sense why i couldn't in the new obi wan tv if you're interested we have been reviewing the obi-wan tv series over on night's watch we have thoughts it's a great show so great we love content i'm a little on the fence on this because the reasons that jedi's don't use blasters in the star wars universe i'm not exactly happy with it's like so uncivilized but it could be really useful and if it's a matter between life and death and saving innocent lives you'd be able to achieve it better by using a gun tradition saying don't use gun to be less effective weapons to help save people's lives and achieve the goals the jedi is pretty darn stupid it's funny because as just before he had said so uncivilized he just used the blaster to save his own life but he said it's like we're still not going to teach other jedi to do it because they can die i know i mean and like because he would be screwed if he did have access to a gun but there are a lot of jedi who don't can't force pull a gun to them in a tough situation which they had a gun they could have lived you know what happened that same day order 66 where the blasters won exactly exactly so i just i love classic star wars i'd be disappointed but even classic star wars has some important criticisms okay just saying like i said i think jedi should be using blasters more often so i like this that it gives a blaster but in terms of is it really useful you could just have a blaster as a sidearm and a lightsaber if you could shoot at the same time the beam is out then it's op that's like holy crap this should be standard weapons and i really like it it's up there in actual fact if you could shoot at the same time with the beam out it might be the most offensively effective design uh more than a cross guard like better yet give one that has a cross guard and can shoot and there's a shield and it's double-sided now i get even ridiculous you don't need the double-sided one but one that can shoot and across guard hey i i'd be i'd say that's good so like what is this one here uh that's ventress right they connect and then she can separate them right because i i remember her ones being strongly curved darth maul won okay it should have the option to separate into two because what one looks like a shovel yeah it does it has i've seen that one it's just got like a weird kind of thing on it it's just for look it do i don't think it like maybe you could cut things with it what if you you need to chop through a bit of wood and you don't want to set it on fire with the lightsaber so you're just gonna it's the survivalist lifesaver [Laughter] other variants of normal lightsabers most of them are just variants of the handle design like the interesting survival one but then there is the saber um look i have a dedicated video on the dark saber and it's basically an edgy version of a normal lightsaber there's not real great advantages it has a weird kind of cross guard if that cross guard can protect it not cross-guard it's got like a angled small variant of a discard it's like rectangular however the blade is thinner and i did yeah i did mention that in my review by having a thinner blade it means it might be able to cut through resistant material quicker i don't know if that justifies it because you're fighting against a regular person is it you know it seems like it's a more powerful version of a lightsaber so it gets heavy as it cuts but i still prefer uh crossguard i prefer the gun shooting combo and probably the double double bladed one as well so it's on the lower end um but there's interesting things to be said about the dark saber i admit and i have a dedicated video on it if you want a deeper dive oh wow okay tonfa lightsabers where do they do these come up in anything are they just like a gimmick in terms of how yeah again i need to experiment can you get adventure swinging it around like that and is that better than just slicing it uh do you have better points of leverage because it's pointing forward like this uh it's got an interesting you know discussion about the pata which is the gauntlet sword which is a sword that comes forward out from the point of forearm and this kind of gets the same with the if you hold the tongue with the blade forward i would be worried about oh leverage would be a big problem like if you try and get in the bind right and it's pressing they could rotate it in your hand much easier than if you're holding it in your fist oh that could be a major uh failure fatal weak point in that design well you can hold it from either end you know you can hold it familiar you can you can so there's a question where you don't need to hold that in so then what's the point don't know so let me know what you think in the comments below about time for lightsabers yeah just thinking about it we'll see okay whip whip lightsaber having a kind of separate sense of location and being able to control things supernaturally to a crazy degree it would not only be helpful for this type of weapon it's actually essential no regular person would be able to use a um lightsaber whip with full confidence of safety and you might say hey there are master whip users who can have perfect aim and everything like that their whips don't cut through everything like what about when the whip lands on the ground are you just gonna damage the ground like you could not even masters have a chance of losing control and if you lose control of this weapon there's a chance of just instant death no like by itself without super human control it is a ridiculously dumb weapon all right now let's think about jedi's maybe maybe this is a still a tough one because there are elements you wouldn't be able to control because you can control it as much as you want but it's a flexible flippy around thing that as soon as it hits something or an opponent manipulates it against you you can't control your opponent you might be out of preempt with precognition but if they're fighting against another jedi-like person they could turn that weapon against you pretty severely can it go hard and soft i don't think so technically there is not depicted in many styles things dynamic use of lightsabers like lightsabers changing their form shape size dynamically in combat and so that's why i say most likely the whip would have to remain flexible the problem is is hitting the ground like even if you're a jedi just have some respect of other people's property if you're on the outside that's fine see if i came here and she's just fine just melting the ground around them everything because you can't wrap it up and hold it in your hand and so the other only ways to really avoid hitting a lot of things around you and the ground is turning it off every time you're not whipping it but then that restricts you your use okay you would have a really interesting range of threat with a whip lightsaber you could keep him at bay quite a lot by whipping it out and everything those types of attacks and this is where i give some credence to the whip in um castlevania i have great skepticism on the utility of long bull whips in combat generally and there are some people try and say it's a useful um self-defense weapon massive doubt in regards to that but the way that they're using castlevania it's a blessed whip that only needs to touch a vampire to make him explode and so it's a longer-range weapon that you can instantly pull back and reset it's like like a throwing dagger that you can suddenly get back in your hand and just whip it out and flick it again and in that utility in context it's actually far more viable it would be a very difficult weapon to defend against because it's so flexible if you tried to block it the whip has a very high chance of whipping around and cutting you anyway that's one of the biggest utilities of it it's a would be a very difficult weapon to defend against and people might say well then the regular whip has validity not as much as you might think because because the regular can't cut through everything if you're hit on any other part of the line of the whip except the very tip it's not going to hurt very much it's only the tip that cracks the speed of sound that can have the really high ouch specific yeah and if you get inside that range you could uh nullify the effect but anyway that's regular whips a lightsaber whip doesn't have that issue at all any part of the whip you get touched with your cut in half which is okay that is pretty devastating that means it has a very wide range of offense just these whole i could do wide ones you could do sharp snap ones but i feel like you have the same problem once you get inside of that if you can there's no there's no uh what do you call it leverage they can actually apply the leverage is a big weakness um as soon as there's a but thing is the lev the lack of leverage could be invented because if you try and block it just will flex around and hit you but if you could wrap it up and i think there's a higher ability to disable the weapon than other weapons but it kind of balances out by its other unique advantages it's a tricky one to analyze it has potential it has some valid potential i would say but only for a sith that doesn't care about cutting up everything um like if you could change a regular length lightsaber into a whip and then back oh boy that would be a bit crazy i do admit that would be nuts actually imagine like you strike down and they block up and then just turn it flakes it just cuts through so okay the whip has it's a bit of a wild card honestly it could be great it could be it's hard to say it's hard to say all right so finally i think we're coming to the inquisitor lightsaber so there are two kind of either depictions or modes of the inquisitor lightsaber from this picture this really looks like the circle can be folded in half um i when i first saw it i thought is there just like a half circle version a full circle version but it actually looks like no no this is they can fold out into the full circle and some just wear it in full circle mode and some just have it in half circle mode why does it have the circle it's so it can spin because that's a good trick is it lightsaber yeah is it lightsaber resistant though that metal on the circle if it was a good crosstalk it would need to be uh if not like i don't mind having a lightsaber with like a knucklebow guard of resist lightsabers material that would be cool put a blade on it just a extra utility i'm not against that i have interesting thoughts on the spinning utility uh one you would need to hold it on like if you hold it front forward on okay you have a massive opening in your hands you're not blocking really anything if they just strike and it's not just small it's a big circle like this that it's spinning around and so if you're just trying to offend the edge i don't really see the point if you can just have a realization and cut on the sides like that and so to protect your hand you would then need to spin it on a side i'll be spinning like that and what i'm about to say here might validate it in some people's mind it would give an unskilled person ability to offend that plane if you turn on the side spinning like that without needing to do anything actively themselves it's just spinning and it's just like a but it's like a line of cuttiness that goes forward where with a regular lightsaber you would need to actually angle it to it but the thing is you can offend that plane if you had a just talented and had a regular sword and just cut that way and protect against it you know that how obviously the thing can spin separate from the actual yeah where the power probably comes from right well what if you can get to the bottom one end and the other end can come up the opposite way maybe because it doesn't do that it already has the picture okay if they could spin separates to being you know that has an interesting utility it'll be maybe i i could give it more credit if it could do that but from everything that i've seen they're always in opposition one pointing another end and they only spin like that that still doesn't make sense because it can move separate it could be on a separate angle to the actual where the powers yeah i know they it should be able to do that but they i've never seen it depicted being added you do the other way deadly though it would be interesting like i do admit there's some interesting actually i would give it like yeah seriously if you're on the binder like this and you have a blade they can just go wink yeah that would be crazy cool yeah because the bind gets from one angle but if you can come to the exact opposite angle that's exactly honestly that would be really really cool i don't know why instead they just have it spin and they're spinning it i it's like a way to offend a certain plane if you're not that skilled and people this is the validating thing the inquisitors aren't meant to be that good with a lightsaber even though i think that's being contradicted by obi-wan but the inquisitors are meant to be really low level ineffective like they could only use the force little bits and they were purposely not fully trained as full on sith so darth vader and city exists could just wipe him out when their use was done still doesn't make sense that if they're hunting jedi not being fully trained that wouldn't make him that really tough but then they go in larger numbers and i mean in rebels i believe we see a single jedi take out like more than one inquisitor so jedi's are usually should be trained better than inquisitors which again seems to be contradicted in ob1 the show and if you hear the uh the noise that suddenly in the background that's the rain i can't do anything about it hopefully you can bear with me through it so the dumbest application that we've seen with the spinning is actually in rebels and it's that the inquisitors can kind of levitate themselves the spinning it doesn't make sense but like no it creates a gyroscopic effect like it seems like a very elaborate semi-levitation device when you're in star wars and they can just have flight packs or levitation things like why you don't need it you don't need it to be so awkward and inefficient and you have more effective options the creators said the lightsabers it isn't a spinning effect that makes them fly they have repulsive lifts built into the light side why are they spinning it they can just let it lift without speeding bloody mary poppins so either way it's a coke that's just like okay it is dumb let's quickly try and bullcrap a reason to make us look so silly uh because the blades don't have any sort of uh yeah i know they don't have um any uh uh aerodynamic effect angle yeah anyway yes and it could have been justified if they did what you said yeah have it rotate it would be difficult to troll and you need like buttons and it would be really bad if you actually press the wrong button and go and cut you the opposite way that would be bad but if you're super trained and you know where those buttons are by heart you would hate to miss click because this is the thing i play video games in terms in terms of really training yourself to get really familiar with what buttons do what you can still accidentally press the wrong one even after tremendous amounts of training i was playing russ the other day on the boat in the middle of the ocean i pressed the jump button got out my boat kept going so but these are supposed to be force users they're not as good as jedi or sith they're not as well trained i think there's a high chance that a inquisitor could accidentally press the control to make it do the wrong thing but if you just pretend they'll never make that mistake and they control it perfectly then i okay there's some interesting utility about having the other end move along the circle freely there's some problems with position because the ring can get in the way of you moving and angling it and would actually like literally get in the way i you would need to almost hold it like this to be able to get proper use and not have the ring hit your hands um and that makes the bind a bit like instead of having a bind on the forward you need to have the bind on the side and then you could have the ring rotate and cut up like that and so i think you could hold it in a way that the ring wouldn't make it too awkward you could still use it even with the ring there so look it's mostly dumb and gimmicky and it's not utilized the cool level that it could be done uh and yeah like i come to the reason why why do inquisitors specifically need such a and i think this is just they needed something cool and different to make them like you know whole doctrine yeah i'd much rather when you have something different that's justified reasonably within the world building you know the weapon the inquisitors should need if they're hunting jedi not just blasters shotgun blasters yeah jedi with his lightsaber yeah block this like a spray blaster shot is check made on jedi you know well they would have to dodge the only way yeah in the cannon the mandalorians fought the jedi and they found that even blasters weren't useful against them so they literally just got regular shotguns because they couldn't block it those are the light sabers i wanted to discuss sometimes there are even other more wacky lightsabers and we might have missed one or two sorry if we did but i think we covered most kind of iconic ones uh i'd love to hear your thoughts hey god hang on do you see this one this is what it is a four it's a four [Music] [Laughter] thanks for watching guys uh let me know what your thoughts so what do you think about certain different variant lightsaber designs i'd love to read them hope to uh see you there of course and hope to see you on the next video on chad university so until that time [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 558,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9RDNk0l0NKs
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Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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