Sword Master Reacts To Star Wars: Jedi Survivor's Combat & Lightsaber Styles

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[Music] this is David Rawlings founder of the London long sword Academy and a swordmaster with over 25 years experience today we're showing him gameplay from Star Wars Jedi Survivor to get his take as a qualified swordsman and more importantly a Star Wars nerd [Music] oh I'm gonna have so much fun choosing how to put my lightsabers together [Music] be sure to watch to the end of the video to find out how you can enter our giveaway and be in with a chance to win some very cool prizes right over to David [Music] [Music] thank you nope so all these sweeping movements they are absolutely fine they're basically they're along Cardinal lines of fencing so usually you have kind of a vertical line or a steep line which we'd call something like a fendente or a PARTA diagonal lines absolutely wrath school and bratos this kind of thing horizontal lines tondos really really obvious simple things so all of this is absolutely fine one-handed two-handed doesn't really make much difference I always worry about a little bit about how much the lightsaber techniques tend to be very very wide very very sweeping it's not a problem with having wide sweeping moves they very much keep opponents at Bay you can get reactions from your opponents in general you kind of want to keep your point a little bit more focused on the opponent and then still make these same movements according to what they're doing if you're fighting against multiple opponents slightly different you might want those movements of clearance to face onto another opponent and then when you're cutting somebody yeah go for it all the way through this is actually something I really like about Star Wars games in general is that there is that feeling of wanting to slice through something so there's a real commitment to the strike you might take more time to disabling them from being able to fight back against you a little bit first so they'd be a tendency to maybe cut little bits off them until their arms dropped and then you can go for the big finish going for a deep kill is very very dangerous there was a nice little point where there's a suppression of the blade or an engagement of the blade from underneath usually if we were doing any form of fencing if somebody was on top of our blade here we'd hold up against it so that we know what they're going to do we don't want to just attach our blade underneath because they'll probably hit us through the face so you have this little moments of Engagement where you're waiting and you'll either push their blade aside or you'll wait for them to attack and push them back over to the other side and then reattach from that point so yep that's good that technique has been consistently great through all of the Jedi games so this is a hideously hideously inefficient way to fence against somebody who's got a shield basically hitting somebody who's got a shield directly in front of them gives them the distance to hit you straight off the bat so if you can basically just block something and stab with it at the same time any single time attack that your opponent gives you which is basically they hit you you can block and stab them more or less at the same time so it's not a useful way really of fighting against someone with a shield people like Tebow for example and Cavendish will in general use the shield against the opponent you'll tend to attack either the head and the leg at the same time or the leg to bring the shield down then attack the head something like this you'd probably try and use the shield to inhibit the use of the weapon arm so that as your Shield is forward it means the sword is backwards and it means that the sword has reduced reach and that's closer to Tebow so anything where you can get the opponent to pull the shield forwards in order to defend them basically starts exposing this side so if someone brings the shield in front like this this keeps their sword weapon distance even if they try and stab over here it's a little bit of a problem with them as long as you can get to the outside as long as you can hit them kind of here that's good movement and that involves moving around the opponent in order to get the action that's good when we're talking about Girard Tebow we're basically two different ways of dealing with this so if the sword comes forwards at all depending on how the sword comes to us we either want to be on the outside of this which makes things easy because The Shield's not so usable to us or to be on this side of the sword if the sword is in this profile to try and walk the sword away from the opponent's Shield so we're trying to take it away from their ability to defend or if they push the shield across for any reason to deal with the sword here now we want to go away from The Sword we're using that to become a hassle to this so if you block this with your Shield proper block it there you go makes it harder for you to do the thing with your sword see that's simple so if I'm using two swords very often what I will try and do is I'll try and do a sweep that does two things so I'll have a sweeping effect that gives us a Tahoe and a reverse and then I'll clear okay so we'll have a one here and then a two so twice we're hitting high and low and then we're hitting high and low again thus we're taking away the utility of the shield in effect because you have to defend two things at once does that make sense if you drop that you're getting that one if you do the other one you're getting the other one okay so in both cases we have two attacks two attacks yep okay I think if you're going up against Shields with a light tape it really depends on what material is if it's cortosis and I think it's in chatterpoint they first really start using it is the idea that you're short out a lightsaber so that's absolutely superb you've got a moment where the lightsaber doesn't work if they were doing that then that would be great clearly they're not in this so I think functionally it becomes the same as any other sword and shield or sword versus Shield style because you've got a shield which is capable of stopping a lightsaber and you've got to work around that so pretty much the same as any form of swordsmanship it's of course one of the best things that any has any kind of souls-like mechanic to it anything where your primary way of staying alive is dodging out the way of everything and maintaining distance has got to be seen as a good thing because everything relates to the distance between you and your opponent if you can move around them great Cavendish talks about literally trying to get behind your opponent and then says they won't let you or they won't suffer you to do so but that's your plan if you can do it you always take away their advantage or you take away their advantage more so nearly every single sword system there's very very few that don't will generally move to one side of the opponent there's very few purely linear systems so that movement around your opponent to gain advantage to gain uneven angles very very important I need backup to kill you [Music] I always think we're a little bit unkind with double-ended lightsabers as well because it's very very common for pole arms to have effectively two ends to them so although you'll have the primary end which is going to have the big weapon on it be a spear be it a halberd or whatever a kind of weapon you'll quite often have at least a spike on the other end of the weapon which means that both hens have facility to injure somebody usually people end up using it like a Pole weapon and that is really really fairly standard lots of striking lots of looping you might turn it over the head and swap hands but that's an easy place to swap hands because it's symmetrical and then you just go back to using it like a standard one-bladed halberd effectively again it's one of those things it seems an awful look like a vanity project a lot of the time and again still have that capability to use something whether it's useful that's a different thing so it's an interesting thing when you go from the two-handed lightsaber being a Pole weapon to being a two-handed sword effectively fundamentally you're using it in a very very similar way you've still got the two hands hanged you're still hitting you're still hitting and you might Spike occasionally you might strike with the back end but predominantly you're using it very similar to the way that you would a long sword and this with pole arms is not untrue and then it's really just about how you manage that extra length around your body without injuring yourself quick ly so it's from a sword pattern point of view or from a Renaissance martial artist's point of view as soon as you start having enclosed environments you get a lot less swinging you get a lot more Point work because you're trying to move around quite narrow things so for example if we have a narrow Alleyway that we're trying to defend with a really big sword such as one that I have at the back you won't try and sweep it there's no point you'll just end up with your sword absolutely snared up on hitting walls and all kinds of things so it's very much a stab someone that way roll against the wall stab someone again stab someone again so you'll literally turn against the walls making sure that your point is going towards the opponent but it's not swinging and that requires one high ceiling and two a willingness to recognize that there's always going to be these obstacles that are going to basically leave you open should you strike them and it's true generally our principle would be as much as possible in an environment like that to keep everybody over one side so you'd go along almost like a human typewriter just going like this one this one this one this one no you stay over there so there's constant awareness of the people trying to get past you and you have to stop that as much as possible so you can keep all of your opponents focused into one area and try and press them so it's kind of like sheepdogging the idea of driving your opponents in One Direction so they're manageable don't let them round behind you foreign I like to think if you're going to try and do anything like that you've got two primary ways of doing it one is to stick the sword out but the most important one is to not be where it is when it comes towards you there's certainly things where you can try and deflect Throne Spears and that kind of thing but again I would suggest that primarily getting out of the way is your safest way of doing those things I think this is the thing is whenever you're dealing with anything to do with Jedi you're not dealing with people who are using normal capabilities so their inherent ability to put their lightsabers in the right place it's kind of connected to more to the force rather than to and I actually oh I'm timing this and I'm catching you like this it's kind of an understanding of where the opponent's pointing before they shoot the gun and that kind of blaster and that kind of thing I think within the context of the universe it makes sense sometimes when we're talking about lightsabers I have this slight Obsession as to whether their ability to absorb impact is consistent because sometimes people are just kind of redirecting bolts back at things without any effort and then sometimes you have to bat it back like it's a dentist book that kind of affects how you think about how you have to move the opponent's sword out the way so if a lightsaber is very very good at absorbing kinetic shock which the implication is that you can do with Blaster shots and the implication that it can do with sword shots you don't actually if it's similar to a metal sword you don't have to move the thing out the way they're really really good at absorbing shock without being flung out of the way so it's in just a semantic point and I never I don't think it's dealt with consistently within the uh the Canon of Star Wars so really an any pad weapon style there's not usually as much difference as you might imagine again a lot of these things are situational when you're dealing with one opponent you want your point on as much as possible not too much difference between that and sword and Dagger and sword and buckler the reach of the weapon affects their interaction with each other so you have to move them slightly differently this is nice someone has been looking at their gardenia you can tell that somebody who's done this has absolutely looked at gardinio online and has tried to work out what the things are doing so the action where you're driving high and low with the sword and then double crossing these are absolutely something you'll see in gardinio yeah someone's been watching good in you I would very very strongly suggest that this is not even somebody who's just been taking lip service I think that somebody's actually watched good in your work so yep that's a good thing I'm very happy with that I like that the idea of just using a weapon singly and holding the other one back when you don't need to use both absolutely superb hold one ring reserve and watch for your opening good always room for spinning attacks if you think about this logically this is one of the things that Gerard tevo talks about the idea of a spinning attack is really relative to where the opponent's blade is so any action where you're bringing in your left shoulder for example it may be safer just carrying on and continuing that motion into a full spiral this is referred to as a technique called the tornado and Tebow certainly uses it this idea of circling in with the blade in order to finish your opponent and the idea being is that you might think that that exposes your backbone or what it does is it keeps you safer for longer and allows you to get closer to the opponent before you finish them while their sword stays out extended hey cop hold on I've had this since I started freelancing it's gotten me out of some bad situations and I figured it might do the same for you so you may be thinking does Hema the discipline I practice have a a pistol manual of a sword and Pistol yes it does I believe it's Pringle that does it which is I think boarding Cutlass or possibly spedroon and Flintlock if I remember Eileen oddly enough when you're doing pistol and sword if I remember Pringle correctly you actually hold the pistol in a reverse grip so the Pistol barrel will actually rest down your arm and this is a fairly consistent thing within various different versions of swordplay so in Iberian swordsmanship and Spanish swordsmanship they talk about people having a piece of wood down their arm that they just used a block and when you're using a pistol very very much the same thing just this idea that you're using the hole of the barrel to do this I think particularly when you've got something which is only going to be used for firing once that's really really useful the other thing which you may see in this is absolutely using your weapon to Parry and then shooting them with the thing while you're doing it makes complete sense very very simple and I I think again that's Pringle so you're kind of like just Parry shoot absolutely fine so yep now when I was talking about fighting people in narrow spaces this is very very similar to what you would do if you've got someone in an aerospace you don't want to be swinging this all over the place it's more about doing this so that you're controlling this narrow space very much keeping your opponent at Bay and it's going to be harder for them to get around that point as well so it makes an awful lot of sense if you look at in the context of this you may well block with the other weapon and thrust or block with the other weapon and thrust with this or in this case shoot with the other thing cool good you also as a fencing May insist on using the point but then what you do in the point is set aside it can mean that you have to disengage the blade in a much wider form if you thrust at somebody and they get in close you probably don't want to try and thrust them you'll have to bring your hand back it's going to be an awful lot of effort when you could just go like oh look I've cut you ow and it's fine foreign [Music] choosing how to put my lightsabers together this is interesting the guard he's using seems to be sort of like quite based on a kilimirot so squadier tester I would suggest cool little bit montante-ish ah now there's an interesting thing this suggests to me that again somebody has been watching montante rules so the reason that generally you make this sweep if you are doing it with a montante rather than a lightsaber you would kick the bottom of the sword and it's really to get it in movement so that you can carry on and do a swing from a cold start so if you think it's kind of like your quick draw but with a montante it's difficult to get moving when the point is down so you give it a kick that spins it into play and then you crack on with it so I would suggest again somebody has been looking at montante rules online in the same way as somebody's been looking at gardenia's two swords online which is a good thing I am happy about this the thing that I dislike about this however is the idea that it has drag but it also has weights if it has weight then it should have flow and if it has drag then it should have drag I think this is also possibly to do with what they've watched and the idea of making these sweeps very very dramatic and you can make these sweeps very very broad because again quite often we're heard in groups of people or we're trying to keep areas at Bay this kind of thing but again you want to be be in control of the weapon as much as possible the bigger the weapon the more you set it aside so you have to recharge the movement again the more trouble you're going to have defending yourself with it you can make quite refined movements with this and refined is relative but you don't need to kind of yank it you really only want to be stepping towards the opponent as far as you can reach them with the weapon fully extended you don't want to be standing Toe to Toe swinging the thing from behind you it's not particularly good use of of space you're trying to keep people at a distance and that's one of the reasons you got such a freaking big sword in the first place I'll catch every blow now Montana you absolutely absolutely can spin with I'd suggest you primarily spin from the other side so there are very very much reasons for spinning and this fundamentally is to get along the weapon maintain the cover as long as possible keep the cover going striking so the first thing I'm going to do is quite simply from here I'm going to strike the weapon down and then I'm going to wheel the whole thing around covering and then I'm going to try and hit you so the idea of this is being that we have an application for spinning because here it's safer for me to keep the weapon down for that brief moment I tend to like to do a double cover as I go in so that as I come from this point and I strike that as I'm going in I'm going to try and cover this again before I go you don't need to you can just take a much much more prosaic view of just striking this down and absolutely hefting I prefer a double cover okay so particularly if we take this from the point of view if you're jabbing out so if you slowly extend the spear out for me just towards the face there okay now I have more distance to cover now I have a reason to cover your sworders and going through now I have a reason to finish so you see the more extension we have from your initial attack the more I have to pursue the whole action going backwards so again if you jab out for me one two three all right it's one of the things I noticed in some of this footage and I don't know if it's consistent doesn't seem to be but sometimes when you cut on a horizontal plane you get a vertical plane in the cut that really really bugs me yep horizontal blow vertical that bugged me [Music] the turning off of lightsabers is a really really interesting thing it has some really really important ramifications so absolutely if you're going towards an opponent and you have the potential for them to block the equivalent would be to withdraw your hand and then go back in so obviously you don't have to do that you don't have to withdraw the hands so it has a very much positive aspect if you're going against someone who is venting very very defensively you could absolutely utilize this to disengage from one side chains through from one side and attack them on the other disadvantage could be regarded that as you turn it off if your opponent is more offensive then what you've done effectively is you've still withdrawn your ability to defend yourself so if somebody was in the habit of pursuing every movement back into guard for example you could say that the same repercussion is going to occur if you turn the lightsaber off so in the process of you turning it off they're hitting you as the blade goes retracts in effect it has historical context even though it's done in a different way I think the edge alignment thing is annoying and I don't mean the edge alignment as in which way is your lightsaber facing but if you're cutting something horizontally surely it's going to leave a horizontal line through something rather than the thing doing that so that that bugs me but otherwise it looks absolutely awesome it amuses me that it seems clear to me that somebody has been watching videos of historical swordplay which is lovely I think there's going to be a lot of people who really really want to crack into it and again so much whenever we're looking at combating games obviously there's so many difficulties in creating the idea of blocking and parries but in general you have to create that through your own awareness of the environment and your willingness to go well obviously I have inhuman resilience in this game to a degree so I can get away with doing all this stuff or you can go for the sort of like the one life attempt and just try and keep your distance and if you do that then you'll start using those sweeps and things in a more historical way because you're using distance so I think it looks beautiful impressive next time you want to pick a fight you go through us before you click away I'm another Dave and you may remember me from such hits like the voiceover from the beginning of this video I just want to remind you all to be sure to check out the pin comment below for a chance to win a selection of very cool prizes this giveaway is happening all week across Gamespot shows so make sure to check out all of the offerings across the week such as the Kurt Locker spot on and Firearms expert react the giveaway is available to us residents only so there will be some terms and conditions that will apply but either way best of luck and thank you once again for watching [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 512,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Expert reacts, experts react, firearms expert reacts, sword expert, sword master, star wars, jedi survivor, star wars jedi survivor, lightsaber, combat, duel, breakdown, reaction, david rawlings, longsword, lightsaber fight, cal kestis, blaster, jedi, sith, weapons, crossguard, firearms expert, jedi survivor expert reacts, star wars jedi survivor gameplay, star wars jedi survivor review, cutscenes, star wars sword master, star wars jedi survivor breakdown, lightsaber breakdown, may 4th
Id: 1gWLMIZ_pjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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