Find out YOUR lightsaber HILT style! (UPDATED) - Star Wars Quiz

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Hey everybody and welcome to Leia’s Lair. In this episode I have prepared an update to our quiz on which lightsaber hilt you would have in the Star Wars Universe. If you are enjoying the videos please give them a like and subscribe to the channel so I can continue making them for you! Now before we begin, grab a pen and paper or something to keep track of your answers and scores. After each question, select one response that aligns with how you’d choose to be in the Star Wars universe. It will then reveal how many points each response is worth, add that number to your tally. At the end we will add up all the points from the questions to determine which result you got. Alright, let’s begin! Question 1. You are walking through a dicey area when your clumsy companion bumps into a dangerous thug. Do you… A. Persuade the thug with the Jedi Mind Trick to leave your companion alone. B. Yell at your companion for his clumsiness. C. Hide and pretend you don’t know your companion. D. Ignore the situation. Defend your companion if necessary. E. Try to reason with the thug, you will do what you must. F. Get rid of both your companion and the thug. They are just a nuisance. G. Start a fight with the thug. No one messes with you or your companion. Question 2. You are a prisoner, and a vicious animal has been set loose to kill you. Do you… A. Take cover and wait for the situation to resolve itself. B. Think up an escape plan. Execute it precisely. C. Go into a blind rage. Strike down anything that is in your way to the exit. D. Defend yourself at all costs, your life is in danger. E. Kill the animal and the one who imprisoned you. They should not have been so foolish. F. Cut off the animal’s legs. It should suffer for trying to hurt you. G. Use the animal control ability to make them an ally and escape the situation. Question 3. During a battle with your opponent, your companion’s lives are threatened. Do you… A. Destroy the threat to your companions with your lightsaber. You should not worry about your opponent at this moment. B. Ignore the threat, now is your chance to defeat your opponent. C. Distract your opponent and flee with your companions. Their lives are more important. D. Use the Force to save your companions lives. You let your opponent get away. E. Save your companion’s lives at all cost. Sacrifice yourself if you must. F. Sacrifice your companions, it was always part of plan to win the battle. G. Attempt to save your companions and battle your opponent. You can handle both right? Question 4. You have a force vision of someone you love dying. Do you… A. Seek advice from the Jedi Council. They’ll know what’s best. B. Ignore it. Tell no one about it, in hopes that it doesn’t come true. C. Abandon your duties and run away with your loved one. This is the only way to save them. D. Tell your loved one about the vision. Maybe they can help. E. Do nothing. Let the future unfold as it will. F. Kill younglings in hopes of gaining dark sided abilities to save your loved one. G. Hope the vision comes true. This could be the key to unlocking your full potential. Question 5. You learn your apprentice, whom you love as a brother, has fallen to the dark side. Do you… A. Meditate on this matter and hope an appropriate solution presents itself. B. Take the high ground… C. Go on with your life and pretend you never knew him. D. Join him. You hear the dark side has cookies. E. Try to persuade him back to the light. Destroy him if he doesn’t. F. Destroy him and everyone he loves.They will only cause problems later. G. Cut off his limbs and let him burn in lava. How could he do this to you? Question 6. You find a droid that needs your help delivering a message. Do you… A. Ignore the message. You don’t need to create any more problems than you already have. B. Agree to help the droid. He will not be able to deliver the message without you. C. Hand over the droid to the authorities. They will know what to do. D. Help the droid to where he needs to go, but you do it anonymously. Never can be too careful. E. Deliver the droid, but demand payment upon completion. F. Destroy him. Hopefully nothing bad happens to your family later on… G. Wipe the droid’s memory. It could be some sort of trap. Question 7. Your family gets brutally murdered by the empire because of your new droids. Do you… A. Devise a plan to stop the Empire. Their tyranny ends now. B. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. C. Take it out on the droids and destroy them. It is all their fault. D. Go into hiding, your droids must be quite valuable if the Empire is willing to kill for them. E. Prepare to defend yourself. They’ll soon be back, and in greater numbers. F. Find out whoever did this to them, and end them. At all costs. G. Use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you. Act according to your hate. Question 8. Jabba the Hutt has taken your friends prisoner. Do you… A. Wave your hand and tell him to bring your friends to you. B. Send in your comrades to gain intel and provide you with backup before you confront him. C. Try to sneak in after and rescue your friends unnoticed. D. Try to reason with him. He can either profit by this, or be destroyed. E. Show him your lightsaber. That’s the last mistake he’ll ever make. F. Send in those droids that got your family murdered in the last question… It’s a gift to help the release of your friends. G. Threaten him with a Force Choke, so he releases your friends. Question 9. Which character do you look up to? A. Kylo Ren B. Ezra Bridger C. Yoda D. Darth Maul E. Count Dooku F. The Grand Inquisitor G. Obi-wan Kenobi Question 10. What color would your lightsaber be? A. Red B. Blue C. Yellow D. Black E. Purple F. White G. Green Alright that was the last question, good job on finishing the quiz. Now just add up all the points from the questions and we'll find out which result you have in the Star Wars universe. Between 10 and 13: You got the Proto-saber. The Proto-saber was an ancient prototype lightsaber that was held in an Imperial base. The proto-saber functioned differently from standard lightsabers. Instead of emitting a plasma blade, the proto-saber featured two physical prongs which rose up from a crossguard, though without the vent that typical crossguard lightsabers When ignited, white energy would light up between the two prongs. Users of the proto-saber were known to be old-fashioned. Between 14 and 17: You got the Lightsaber Pike. Lightsaber pikes were staff shaped double bladed lightsabers, although with much longer and thicker hilts. Some lightsaber pikes had a haft that when activated emitted a shoto blade that made it two to three meters long. Users of the lightsaber pike believed in justice and order above all. Between 18 and 21: You got the Lightsaber Pistol This type of lightsaber was a single-bladed lightsaber, with an attachment that allowed it to also work as a blaster. It’s design would help an individual to conceal their force sensitivity. Users of the lightsaber pistol were typically more secretive. Ideally they prefer to refrain from confrontation altogether, however if that is unavoidable, users of this style of saber prefer to deal with it in passive ways. Between 22 and 26: You got the Shoto-style Lightsaber These lightsabers were a variation of the single-bladed sabers, with shorter blades and hilts. Typically used for a secondary weapon, or a main weapon for wielders of shorter stature. Users of this style of saber would typically prefer to avoid combat unless necessary, and would instead utilize Force powers to resolve the situation. For these reasons, users of the shoto-style saber were often highly skilled in Force abilities. Between 27 and 31: You got the Cane-Disguised lightsaber. The cane disguised lightsaber was similar to any other lightsaber, although the hilt is concealed as the handle of a cane. The handle could detach, and then the saber could be used normally in combat. Users of the cane-disguised saber were known to be sneaky and deceptive. Between 32 and 36: You got the Curved-Hilt Lightsaber This lightsaber was similar to that of a standard single-blade, except it would feature a curve in the hilt. Users prefer to use one-handed fighting styles, therefore the shape of this style helps them to grasp the saber better. It would also allow for greater accuracy and finesse during combat. Users are often calm and do not look for fights, however when they do engage in combat, they show great control over the situation. Between 37 and 47: You got the Standard Single-bladed Lightsaber The most common lightsaber variation, it’s the typical hilt style of the Jedi and Sith. Users of this style prefer a more traditional, direct way of completing your tasks, and they don’t shy away from confrontations. They like to think before you act and that's why some of the strongest Jedi and Sith known in the universe use a standard single bladed lightsaber. Between 48 and 52: You got the Crossguard Lightsaber This three-blade design included a standard blade, with two perpendicular shorter blades that would act as vents. Users of this style of saber often craved more power and would use manipulated crystals to help gain it. When confronted with a situation, their emotions typically fuelled their actions. Therefore they are usually regarded as unpredictable. Between 53 and 57: You got the Dual-Phase lightsaber. The Dual-phase lightsaber was a lightsaber style that contained multiple kyber crystals, which would allow for the user to change the blade length to be extended or shortened in the middle of combat. This generally caused an opponent's guard to falter momentarily as they adjusted to the new blade length, allowing the wielder to press the advantage while their opponent was confused. Users of the dual-phase lightsaber were known to be devious and conflicted. Between 58 and 61: You got the Double-Bladed Lightsaber This lightsaber was an extra long hilt with a blade on each end, and could often be split into two separate lightsabers from the center. The double-bladed lightsaber primarily allowed for a faster rate of attack, being able to unleash a rapid assault with minimum movement. Users of this weapon liked confrontation, and were often more interested in combat. Therefore, they would rather ignite their lightsaber than use the Force. Between 62 and 65: You got the Double-Bladed Hinged Lightsaber This lightsaber design was similar to the double bladed lightsaber. It was essentially two single bladed lightsabers joined together by a hinge at their pommels. The double-bladed hinged lightsaber allowed for greater portability while being carried on the user's belt. Wielders could activate one or both blades while the weapon was still folded. Between 66 and 70: You got the Double-bladed Spinning Lightsaber This lightsaber design was similar to the double-bladed lightsaber, except it had a shorter hilt that was surrounded by a circular rim that could spin the blades along a track. Users of this lightsaber style were typically quite aggressive in nature, as such a modification was used mainly for intimidation. Users of this lightsaber are thought to be highly trained in combat, as mastering this hilt was not easy. Interested in finding out more about who you’d be in the Star Wars Universe. Check out our other quizzes. Anyways, I hope you had fun completing the quiz. So which one did you get? Let me know down below in the comment section. And remember to like, share, and subscribe to the channel for more great videos to come. I hope to see you all again in Leia’s Lair.
Channel: Leia's Lair: A Star Wars Channel
Views: 226,406
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Keywords: Star Wars, Star Wars Quiz, Quiz, Explained, Interactive, Test, Personality, Quizzes, Leia's Lair, Star Wars Universe, Star Wars Quizzes, Leia's Lair Quiz, Lightsaber, Lightsabers, Lightsaber Color, Lightsaber Colour, Lightsaber Hilt, Lightsaber Style, Lightsaber Styles, Lightsaber Style Quiz, Lightsaber Hilt Quiz, What lightsaber hilt would I have, What lightsaber style are you, Lightsaber Quiz, Lightsaber Test, Lightsaber Quizzes, Lightsaber Quiz Test
Id: jJqREFS03mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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