I Played and Ranked Every Star Wars Game

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yeah Star Wars a franchise known mostly for its movies but you wouldn't guess it considering they've made way more video games ever since Star Wars electronic Battle Command back in 1978 all the way up until the most recent Jedi Survivor lucasart has been pumping these games out faster than Catholic mothers can shoot children out of their Holy Grail just stop at three okay no more Sean's it's gotten to the point where I wouldn't even be surprised if you hadn't heard of most of these games like Star Wars lethal alliance or The Sims Star Wars and who's playing this who is who is this for today that's all about to change because I'm gonna play all these Star Wars games and I'm gonna tell you about them and then I'm gonna rank him on a tier list starting with s tier being the highest moving down to a b c d and f tier being the lowest now there's probably like a hundred games out there and most of them are ones I can't really get my hands on but I'm gonna do my best within what I can find unfortunately though there are going to be some limitations We're not gonna be playing any of the flash games educational games plug and play games games or any of the games before 2000. I also want to say I'm not ranking these objectively these are just my personal opinion based on my experiences with the game so if I disagree with you please don't find my house and put a punji pit in my yard just leave your opinion in the comments and maybe we'll talk about it but without further Ado please enjoy I we'll start it off with Star Wars Jedi power battles it takes place in the prequel era unless he chooses one of these five Jedi to play out naturally I picked Mace Windu because he's my special boy although he's not very special here considering he looks like this in the game he messed him up so bad they didn't even give him the purple lightsaber that is his one thing the story Loosely follows the phantom menace movie but that takes a backseat to the real gem here which is the gameplay [Music] can I please you let me hit come on Jesus finally [Music] this is such yeah this sucks and the platforming sucks too I'm gonna give this game an F tier give Mace Windu back his purple Star Wars battle for Naboo can somebody please tell me why the explosions look like this I'm not mad they're the funniest thing in any of these games I just want to know this game in my opinion is so bad it's good the explosions are funny and the gameplay is pretty straightforward and for an old game it doesn't even control that bad it's not something I'd come back to but it's definitely not the worst so D tier Star Wars Obi-Wan's Adventure I love you Obi-Wan please sign my forehead not to be confused with the Obi-Wan game for Xbox this one came out for the Game Boy Color I'm gonna say something crazy I like this one it looks like it was made in Ms paint but it's good fun I like just running around and Swinging the lightsaber it's all Wiggly and I think that's funny the puzzles are really simple and it seems like that's what the game was going for it wasn't exactly easy to progress through but I enjoyed the time I did spend in the game so C tier Star Wars demolition the premise is very simple your vehicle You Must Destroy other vehicle with vehicle it immediately reminded me of a game that I would play with like a friend or my brother when I was a kid you got these like Shield charging things you have to go sit in like weapon charging stuff and I think that makes the gameplay more interesting I do wish the game was more clear about what you're supposed to do but as soon as I figured it out I was in there wasn't really a story but honestly I didn't care I was too entranced by the way that the menu just kind of just runs away from you every time you click it the vehicles also like show visible damage when they get damaged that's just a little thing that I think is cool I don't know why it's probably just a very normal thing for games around that time I liked it I had fun beats here Star Wars Starfighter I thought the controls were a little weird here so I tried to invert the horizontal look and then I accidentally inverted the vertical look and you can't invert the horizontal and so I created the worst flying experience known to man the game controls bad and just doesn't do anything special for me it locks you in a first person view which I think is stupid and it looks like one of those arcade games that you find in a mall that you just know you're gonna get chlamydia if you touch after super bomb bad racing super bomb bad racing is a Star Wars Mario Kart clone that completely redefines what Star Wars can be because now you can be a cute little guy look at the Droid he's just so tiny I just love their heads they're just it's so big how did it get so big I don't know if I'd even call this a Star Wars game it's more of a Mario Kart clone that lucasart just threw up all over so I'm gonna give it detail Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2. as far as the flight Sim goes I like this one it did feel a little limited for being set in space but the controls are Snappy the game plays straight forward and I like being able to direct around my little Squad it's repetitive but overall pretty fun b-tier Star Wars Obi-Wan I love you Obi-Wan please sign up cheeks this is good I mean behind the crazy insane camera angles and some of the some of the Jank here there's a good game the biggest thing this game does that other Star Wars games don't do is that the lightsaber is controlled by the right stick I read online that it's a little you know hit or miss with fans I liked it I thought it was good the graphics are pretty subpar even for the time but I I love the atmosphere of a lot of these levels I think it feels good there's a level of like immersion that I I enjoy the story once again goes through the phantom menace but a little different uh the story was really wasn't for me but it just kind of kept me interested long enough to keep messing around with the lightsaber and the force powers and the flips you can do flips you just I just only did flips I went everywhere with flips the experience to fall apart when you need to do anything with depth perception because the camera angle sucks moose balls and the final fight you get with Darth Maul just sucks so bad oh it's so bad that no there's a lot of good stuff here but there's a lot of not good stuff here either I'd play the hell out of a remake but as it stands I give it a b tier Star Wars racer Revenge I understand they want to capitalize on the pod racing thing but this was just so boring to play I'd rather play bombad racing at least they had the funny heads and the little guy F tier Star Wars Jedi Starfighter sequel to Star Wars star fighter and it's better in a lot of ways but uh not better enough to justify existing I don't mean to be a hater but Rogue Squadron 2 already did this but way better you don't need to exist F tier Star Wars Flight of the Falcon how did you feel about that sound however you felt about it is how you will feel about this game lucasart I am not a fool I've played a lot of Space Invaders this is just Space Invaders but from a weird perspective F tier Star Wars Trilogy Apprentice of the force this game would be so awesome if it just like at some point during the gameplay broke the fourth wall and Luke Skywalker started acknowledging you directly and things started glitching and looking wrong and he just started like eating people and Brewing through the screen and like moving Star Wars Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast so here's where we get into the territory of people wanting to blow me up with a rocket launcher for having an opinion before I say anything though let me just take you through my experience with the game anything I saw on this game was in third person and I heard mostly that it was just the lightsaber combat that was so good in this game and so I jumped in you know thinking I was going to judge the lightsaber combat and it was a first person shooter and I played it for a while and it was still a first person shooter I'm like did I play the wrong game I look it up it's like oh you get the lightsaber later so I played longer I played for a couple hours I played for three hours four hours five hours no lightsaber six hours until you get the lightsaber the game with the best lightsaber combat and you don't get it for six hours I understand there's like a whole story reason he like shut himself off in the force and it's like a whole like edgy thing and then he's training or trying to resist the dark side I don't care I don't care it's boring it sucked he says he's trying to avoid the dark side he just uses lightning later it's just not dark side stuff do I not I just don't get it I can appreciate what the developers were going for here but that switch from first person to third person gameplay just felt like a different game and not in the way that it like kept it fresh over that time for me but more so in a way that it felt like they made two games and I wish they had only made one once you get there the lightsaber combat's okay but it's just that beginning section ruined it for me I am gonna say seats here Star Wars the Clone Wars I know it's their bread and butter but I'm already getting tired of the vehicle combat stuff I just don't care demolition got it right way before this you know just let me play as a person I take it back for some reason they wanted to give you the ability to walk as a person but just didn't want to make a new mechanic for it so they made the person control like a vehicle why are you running like that why are you going with all that gumption I just I just after F tier why Star Wars Attack of the Clones somehow even worse than power battles I'm not even gonna give it the time of day F's here Star Wars Bounty Hunter it did not exactly age well but like I don't know I get a jet pack I get to jump around I get to shoot stuff I like it the story was pretty forgettable but the gadgets that you get the things you can do and the levels that you can do them in just make it a fun experience It suffers from the same problem a lot of these older games suffer from which is that the camera is just dog this was remastered honestly I'd give it an S tier but as it stands now with a lot of the Jank I'm gonna say B tier Star Wars the new Droid Army all right say what you will about this one but the stylized look was Charming the lightsaber combat was fun it was overall mindless fun I do wish I could move a little faster but that's about it I'm gonna say C tier Star Wars Galaxies so Star Wars Galaxies is a game that got shut down a long time ago it's an MMO and no official servers exist for it anymore so instead of just watching videos or playing on the community servers I decided to do the same thing which is to Jurassic Star Wars YouTuber until he would tell me about his experience with the game and now you get to watch that what is Star Wars Galaxies because it just the way you described it in the video just seemed like it was you're just a normal person so you've never played it came out in 2003 so um I was three okay years old oh yeah not playing many PC games no no mostly with blocks and right and colors so the way I always describe it it's you're not just like running and gunning with a blaster you're not just swinging around a lightsaber you are a citizen of the Star Wars Galaxy you could be and you could be anything you want as as kind of basic as it would like for example I was a doctor in the game and I would like buff people before they went out on their Journeys I had a home on Tatooine it like Jedi were very rare it took forever to become a Jedi most people were just you know living their lives in this world and it was uh so different and so fun what would you say were like the the best things about this specifically what would you say it's that just the being being able to be anybody for me it was the community everybody like the community and the economy was so much fun because you know I had my profession and then somebody else might be what was called an image designer and you could literally like do plastic surgery on people's faces and stuff like that everybody had their own unique role and it just I don't know it all all came together really nice it wasn't just like I said a bunch of people with blasters it was just kind of a life simulator almost it's definitely different from any Star Wars game I've played for sure how many hours did you have in the game godly man so I played the game heavily from 2003 to probably 2006 or so and like that game and a couple other ones consumed my uh my gaming life and I couldn't tell you I have no thousands I have no idea I can't even estimate I can't even estimate I can imagine that's that's crazy what would you say the worst things about it were though the worst part about Star Wars Galaxies was that it changed so like I said in the beginning it was almost impossible to become a Jedi you would like see one every few months a couple years after the game came out they did a complete Game Change I I don't know how to describe it but basically after a few years of launch and you created a character well now you could just click Jedi and you could become a Jedi to me it kind of ruined the spirit of the game and it was in my opinion the game's ultimate downfall because so many people started bailing on it because you know it changed so drastically if you on a tier list like if you had to give it a letter grade I'm super biased man this is my all-time favorite Star Wars game um so for me it's it's the highest grade an A plus plus plus plus to the Moon um really uh dude I I cannot tell you how much fun I had back in the day with this game all right A plus plus plus plus there you go Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic this game ran like trash I played it for an hour and a half and I guess I never saved so I lost all of my progress I had to completely restart all over again the entire time I'm playing there's bugs and glitches throughout the entire thing s tier s tier let's get something straight here I don't care if this game got up put my grandma on a wheelbarrow and rolled her off a cliff the RPG elements in this game are done perfectly it is the only instance in which turn-based combat has ever been fun for me and the story is just I mean it's the only thing only game in the Star Wars universe that I feel like has brought anything new to the IP does that make sense because every game is just a phantom menace it really is every most of the games are The Phantom Menace but this one it is thousands of years in the past and they just let BioWare do whatever the hell they wanted to do and it was awesome this game somehow takes all the elements from games I don't really enjoy like the turn-based combat and stuff and makes it something that I can enjoy I had a blast throughout the entire thing and I would recommend this to somebody who doesn't even like Star Wars it's just it's just that good the story is really good I like it I like it a lot then let me use a sword that's just that that's awesome why do I want a sword I could have a lightsaber I don't know but I have a freaking sword I'm about to go stab some guys in the face I said it once I say it a million times s tier Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy do we really need the word Jedi twice in the title I just I'm curious to know like why you could just call it like Star Wars Academy and it would get the point across just fine finally there is a lightsaber right away right off the bat I don't have to do no messing around this is a sequel to Jedi Outcast the one I talked about before we got to play for like six hours before you get the lightsaber you get it right away here and it's I mean it's just as good as the last one as far as lightsaber combat goes not a ton changed here but you know the little changes are good but I've got to come clean here okay and I know I know I know a lot of people really like this game but I just wasn't feeling it I mean like the main antagonist just wasn't doing it for me in any way and the lightsaber combat well it was good you know I didn't mind it it just didn't like scratch any particular itch for me I think the additions of the Dual Sabers and the double-sided Sabers are good it's a good way to build on the last one it's got everything I would want on paper but it just didn't do it for me I'm not exactly sure what it is maybe it was the way that the characters felt a little off to me I don't know I don't know I know I would have loved it if I played it as a kid but I didn't uh lightsaber combat is good just not something I would come back and play a whole bunch so I'm gonna give this a c tier please don't put The Punchy pit in my yard Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3. I'll just say right now the Rogue Squadron Series has the best flight Sim controls of any of the many many many many many many flight Sims that Star Wars has put out and this just feels like more of that and you know there's there's added things here I really liked for some reason I just loved putting the ropes on the big wonky thingies I don't remember what they're called please don't kill me they just when you drive around them and then they go I love it I love it it was unfortunately this flight Sim did not learn from the mistakes of another flight Sim on this list and wanted to implement ground controls which I'm all for on paper but I mean just look at this why why why this section where you're playing is Luke Skywalker learning about the force just feels forced and you're forced to play through it before you can play anything else in the game and so that's just gonna force me to give it a seat here Star Wars Battlefront The Crowd Goes loads Star Wars Battlefront Star Wars Battlefront series something I've got a little more Nostalgia for so I'm gonna be a little bit biased here when I say I like this game I like it a lot obviously it's the first entry in the series so there's some minor Kinks like where you aim doesn't exactly and indicate where you shoot like the bullet doesn't go there I mean the game modes are here the you know that feeling of I'm in a large-scale battle in Star Wars it's there you know even from this first entry it's there and it feels good the weapons are cool the character models are cool the maps are cool and I've never said this about a game before but the loading screens just red oh oh oh that's just cool that's cool triangulate me down to the battlefield and let me kill a well the game is good I think it's got his issues and serves more as a base for what is to come in the future games and so I'm gonna give this one a b tier Star Wars Clone Wars Adventures this one's an MMO based on that animated show that came out a while ago and it did not last long at least not long enough for me to play it because you can't play it anymore this is something I probably would ask somebody about but I looked online and I found an emulator version of it it's just called it just says emulator I don't know what it is so I opened it up and it was broken but yeah this game wasn't even really functional I think it was some kind of demo that just got posted out there uh yeah nothing really works here I'm gonna give it an F tier at least for the emulator version if you played this game let me know in the comments what you thought Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2. let me tell you a story a story of greed corruption and deadlines that are too too too soon the original Knights of the Old Republic was made by BioWare and it was hit so much of a hit that BioWare was asked to make a sequel within one year's time BioWare wouldn't have anything to do with that a half-assed sequel no they were gonna do it they were going to do it right and so they just didn't do it they had nothing to do with it instead obsidian came in these are the people behind games like Fallout New Vegas and they pushed out a half ass sequel within a year a lot of the core elements are still here and the story is still really good but in my opinion your community shouldn't have to make a mod that fixes the game and makes it what it should have been you should just make the game and take the time to make it right I don't know it's not a bad game it's actually a good game I just if I were going to spend my time on one of these games I'd spend it on the first one even now it's still a fun playthrough I just know that it could have been better so I'm gonna give this a beat here Star Wars Republic Commando did you guys just make Halo but Star Wars because well well because this looks a lot like Halo but Star Wars and uh and this came out four months after Halo 2. and it was right around the popularity of hey like Peak halo meaning that the development cycles for this in Halo 2 would have been in probably around the same time like after Halo 1 came out um as so okay so this game's actually pretty cool you start off as a clone and you go through like the whole cloning process in the beginning it's actually pretty cool I like this little sequence a lot I'll give this game some credit the squad mechanics here are good I like them a lot the story you know it's a good story I like it unfortunately I didn't really like the shooting mechanics here and this is a shooting game um so I'm gonna give Halo a seat here Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga all footage you're gonna see here is from my live stream show it's called spit tag you should go watch this over on Twitch every Monday Wednesday Friday at 8pm EST I'm just saying I played this game so much as a kid I mean me and my brother just played this all the time this in Lego Indiana Jones it was 24 7 on and I thought I'd enjoy it just as much playing it this time around but I got angry maybe it's because I was playing it with my friend Milo who'd never played it before and doesn't know anything about Star Wars but I just I I really think it was the camera angles it's just these games would be so much better if the camera did not move move in this way this would be perfected later on in Lego Indiana Jones 2 when the camera would split and then come back together I think that was a good idea for that I still think I still thinkpressive that they're able to capture the essence of Star Wars in a game where no one speaks I think the gameplay is fun this is the game that inspired me to find the mini kits in life that's deep as though it very obviously shows its age and things like the camera angles I I like this game man and I like the memories I had playing this game and so I'm gonna give this super biased ranking at s tier The Sims Star Wars I do not like the Sims I find the Sims to be a hellish nightmare that traps you into spending almost eight hundred dollars to simulate something that you could experience by going outside I will not be playing The Sims but my girlfriend she likes the Sims so she is going to do this section instead I have grown up playing this thing this really dare touch this DLC with a 10-foot pole but when I received a fun little gift on Steam and was told to rate it I figured I might as well give it my best shot and to be honest I don't regret playing it unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of time to talk about this DLC in its entirety if I did this video segment would be an hour by itself this is not a review on every aspect of the game but only the biggest issue I experienced while playing while they're very common in Sims culture this pack particularly relies on something called rabbit holes for its content what are rabbit holes I hear you ask well it's where Sim disappears through a vehicle or building and experiences something without you with little to no acknowledgment on the details of what happened during that experience The Sims franchise usually does this in forms of movie theaters spa treatments or even going to work or school sometimes you can get a few vague pop-ups about what happens and you can choose what your sim does but usually it has a very little effect on your Sims this becomes a big problem for journey to Batu when all of their exciting content is hidden behind rabbit holes the big thing about Star Wars literally space you know what I didn't see any of the entire time I played this DLC space and it's not like Sims 4 can't make unique Realms they've done it before in our base game towns since 4 is free right now you could go in the base game and find one of the secret Realms one of the unique Realms that they could have made for Star Wars and I understand space travel is already Rabbit Hole established in the game and all of The Sims games before it but you couldn't have given Star Wars anything special in this doing a special totally legal delivery for the Scoundrels how about a scouting mission for the resistance here's a wall of text telling you what happened your sim just disappears you receive no repercussions for the choices you pick and you come home safe and absolutely normal every single time there was a lot of potential to make some very exciting space Realms or even new planet Realms they literally put the Millennium Falcon in the game which you can actually fly I personally didn't even think it was that big of a deal but I know Star Wars fans love the damn thing and honestly don't even get me started on the other alien races just being costumes and clothing items with all of this complaining I understand how it could come off that I absolutely despised this DLC but truly I really enjoyed it the gameplay outside of the rabbit holes was really fun and with all the different factions you could explore in the story lines it leaves a lot of creativity to create your own character and enjoy this world even if just to a very limited degree in The Sims with that being said despite the rabbit holes I will put this at a B on the tier list overall I think it's a great very nice goal-oriented game pack for those kinds of simmers who need a break from the mundane Slice of Life open-ended playstyle the main game usually provides Star Wars episode 3. I like it I like it so much I love it so much I loved playing this game when I was a kid I loved trying to get Darth Vader to have the blue lightsaber because what the fudge why does he have blue lightsaber he's a Sith and that's supposed to be red that's freaking crazy I'm eight years old I love Capri Sun and eating graham crackers off the floor there's really not much to this game I mean you just follow the events of episode three and these like kind of thought out levels they're not really they're kind of half-baked but my Fondest Memories are in the versus mode where you can you know plug in two controllers and fight each other and or even at the ending when you can play as Obi-Wan and Anakin and you can do that fight but there's an alternate ending where Anakin wins and then he kills Obi-Wan and he goes over and he kills Palpatine too and he gets up in his castle and it does a whole bunch of Anakin stuff I can acknowledge that the level design is just not good in that the controls the combat doesn't feel very good either but I had fun with the game and I'm gonna give it an eight here Star Wars Battlefront 2. I would do anything to go back in time and relive these memories playing this game you know I would do absolutely anything I would kill a man dead I'd do it this game is the perfect expansion on the last game I mean it just it has the Jedi which I remembered being a little more unique to each Jedi and now that I'm playing it it's mostly the same uh between each one but even still it's just it's such a good addition I love the sound effects I love the loading screens I love this game it's just good and the bullets finally go where they're supposed to and that is awesome the maps are perfect the game modes are perfect you know the gameplay is perfect I'm gonna give this an S tier Star Wars Empire at War I'm a hater I'm a hater I don't like these kinds of games they're just not for me I mean you know what if you wanted to feel like the commander of a big Star Wars Army and things like that this is the game for you totally it totally is I don't care about this kind of stuff I don't like it I didn't enjoy it I'm gonna give it a detail I'm sure it's good for somebody though Star Wars lethal Alliance this feels like I'm playing Star Wars Bounty Hunters but just less just like a lot less and also the main mechanic is shooting people I never aimed at anybody I never aimed I just ran in and it just shot people and I just pressed the shoot button and it just felt boring and I got bored and sad and hungry and I left I didn't want to play anymore F tier Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron this is a good PSP game it takes the core elements of the Battlefront games and kind of dumbs them down for the PSP to get a you know true ranking I'd probably have to break out my old white PSP with that Darth Vader decal on it go on a long drive plug that game in and just play it while my parents fight but I can't do that unfortunately but doing the best I can with what I played I liked it and I'd give it a b tier Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron I wish there was a category below F tier that I could put this game in I didn't like it and it pissed me off you go to double f here Star Wars the Force Unleashed most people will say Jedi Academy is the best lightsaber combat but this one for sure this Series has the best Force powers of any game the main protagonist Starkiller The Apprentice of Darth Vader can Crush these ships like soda cans Masa Yoda never did that the journey you go on in this game feels so unique and creative for something that is supposed to be like just a small piece between movies replaying this now I do feel like the gameplay doesn't hold up as well as I remember but the scale of this game is still so fulfilling and it makes you feel strong like no other Star Wars game in such a small detail too but I love how he holds the lightsaber with a reverse grip I think it's that power fantasy in this game that really does it for me it just scratches that itch and it is so unfortunate that Disney has now considered this not canon to the world at all in any way it's now I think Star Wars Legends story whatever why does the mouse hate fun and Whimsy Star Wars the Force Unleashed is an s tier game Star Wars the Clone Wars Republic Heroes I could not find a way to play this game uh but I've looked up some footage on YouTube and it just kind of looks like some Lego kind of rip-off thing that's meant to capitalize on the popularity of the show so I didn't bother with it I did however get to play the DS version which is also dog this game goes in F Star Wars the Force Unleashed Two this game was rushed out the door not really treated with care and just meant to capitalize on the success of the first one it did nothing to improve on the original but I ate it up I mean I was living my best life playing this game and I'll even say still it holds up I enjoy this game a lot even more than the first one the story is less compelling by far but gameplay it makes up for that in my opinion playing it now I do just feel nostalgic more than anything but I'm still gonna give this bad boy an S tier Lego Star Wars the Clone Wars I'd rather just play the Complete Saga I'll be completely honest here I mean there's nothing necessarily bad about this I just didn't enjoy it as much you know it's it's still a Lego game it's still fun to play with your friends or or whoever you want to play it with it just didn't you know I'm gonna play the old one this was just another forgettable Lego game for me and I'm gonna give it a c tier Star Wars the Old Republic BioWare just has some way of like burrowing into my brain and finding the things I hate the most and making me like them I hate MMOs they feel like such a waste of time to me and yet somehow this game is s tier so by the way I didn't get to work on Knights of the Old Republic too instead they jumped on the Old Republic which is an MMO based in that same area of time so I played this game from the perspective of a Sith Acolyte and my girlfriend played it from the perspective of a bounty hunter and our stories were so unique and different but compelling in their own ways and then when we both just so happen to end up in the same kind of place and I moved over into following her on her journey it felt natural it felt like my character was going on a specific journey and that just felt cool it stoked my creativity I was writing the story for this character in my brain I hate MMOs because I don't like the feeling of having to grind to progress but there always was a story reason that felt good and like and like I wasn't just wasting my my time here MMOs also have this look that turns me away and I don't like having to use the number keys but this game is so customizable there's a menu that you can completely move around the HUD and make it more digestible for someone like me and I think that's awesome of all the games on this list this is definitely one I'm gonna come back to and play continuing even after this video because I enjoyed it a lot and I'm so curious what the other stories you can experience in this game have to hold I really don't like MMOs but this one just got me and so I'm gonna give this an S tier connect Star Wars Angry Birds Star Wars smash Star Wars Commander this is a mobile game that has since been discontinued so I wasn't able to play it but watching some footage this is just Clash of Clans and I love Clash of Clans Clash of Clans gets a beat here Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes I don't know if this one is discontinued but it looks like raid Shadow Legends and I really love raid Shadow Legends raid Shadow Legends gets an S dear Vader Immortal so this game is exclusive not just to VR but to specifically the quest headset all the footage of this that you see is 100 totally on the Quest 2 headset and definitely not any workarounds involved here to play this game now I've played a few VR experiences and this one really really really impressed me the story felt great Darth Vader is huge the lightsaber was really fun to use in the game Darth Vader is huge the climbing felt fun and kind of scary and Darth Vader is huge look at that big boy over there oh my God why are you so big man I never on understood the intimidation factor of Darth Vader because he just looks like he's got a microwave on his chest the only thing I'd be scared of him for is leaving my Hot Pocket in there too long but I get it now because standing in front of me like it look you can see him in front of you he big oh he's so big he big big big I thought the mechanics felt really good I thought it was beautiful even on my definitely Quest 2 headset I'll be playing this again I only played through chapter one but I'm gonna play through the rest of my own time because this was good I'm gonna give this an S tier Star Wars Battlefront remake we could have had Battlefront three look at all of this stuff we could have had it no you and your remakes I mean reasonably this is pretty much just Battlefront 3 but like if they they just called it a different thing but still this game's good I'm just a hater you know I I enjoyed it I played it when it came out and I had a lot of fun with it then I played it recently with my friend Milo I enjoyed it you know things felt a little clunky here and there but overall it was good I'd honestly say the same thing for this game that I said for the original is it's more of a baseline for what's to come next and so I'm gonna give this game a beat here Star Wars Battlefront 2 remake this game's a tricky one right because it left a lot of bad taste in people's mouths with its predatory practices and microtransactions but there's a good game here I mean it's probably the best version of Star Wars Battlefront at least today I didn't play it at the time of its launch because all I'd heard was how bad these micro transactions were so I don't really have a perspective on that aspect of it if you do leave it in the comments I'd love to hear about it but my experience with the game was pretty good and since then EA's dealt with a lawsuit losing over 3.1 billion dollars money is not real that number doesn't make sense and none of that stuff is even in the game anymore in this game there are so many maps and characters and things that you can do so many Heroes with so many different abilities this to me feels like the definitive Star Wars Battlefront experience and if you feel like playing a Battlefront game I would say this is the one to pick up but again I really don't have that experience with EA you know picking me up and trying to ring me out like a sponge trying to get all of my money so I don't know playing it as it is now though I'm gonna say this is an S tier Star Wars Jedi fall in order Star Wars Jedi Fallen order is a souls-like game it is also an Uncharted game it is also a metroidvania game it is also the missing season of Shameless the point of what I'm trying to say is this game is trying to be a lot but does it succeed yeah it's pretty fun it's a fun game I like it I love the way that the world is presented here and I love you know the atmosphere of each of these levels and I really really like how the lightsaber feels and I like that it's hard enough to make me feel accomplished when I finish something but not so hard that I feel like I just got kicked in my teeth and pushed down the stairs every time I lose there is a part of me that wishes they didn't try to be so many different things all at once but at the end of the day they pulled it off pretty well the only thing I think is a weakness here is the metroidvania aspects and I know there's some discussion on whether it could be that because Metro Advantage is like 2D stuff but it's still got that like learn a new power go back and go through the same level in a different way thing and I just don't you know it doesn't really drive with me also the maps are confusing as hell and I think really that's just me it makes me feel dumb every time I'm trying to run around I can never find my way to get around I ran around this level for so long for so long I ran around here just trying to find the way I was trying to run back to the objective you got to go through like an elevator thing like a like a like a thing you got to get in this thing and it takes you back you can't run over there it's stupid I'm stupid but I wish there was a fast travel just give me a fast travel come on I don't want to run all the way all things considered even still this game does what it's trying to do very well and I would say that it's an S tier experience but you know maybe I'm being a little too loose with the S tier ranking you know maybe the S stands for Star Wars squadrons so this game actually has a VR function to it and I had played a game a while back where you pilot a map from inside of it and you're in VR and you're sitting down you're pulling levers and stuff and I thought that was so cool and I was expecting an experience kind of like that but you still play with your keyboard and mouse but I played the game for 15 minutes and it made me violently sick for the next four hours I've never had to fight back such a violent urge to vomit I think this is a cool concept I can't do it I'm gonna give this a b tier and that's a B for barf Lego Star Wars the Skywalker Saga this game is cool when you're not in a menu or a button prompt or whatever you want to call these things Cynthia and I had like a whole discussion about whether this is considered a menu let me know what you think is this considered a menu anyways I just ran from like objective to objective and I did tailing missions over and over again and I got bored so quickly how do you mess it up I mean there's so many good aspects to it right like the gameplay so good the third the third person shooting aspect so good and and the combo system it took a little getting used to but I loved it and it's like the levels were half a second long I was I played for half a second and then I run over to a to a little objective and I press a button saying do you want to start the new Mission and it's like I don't even know I started the last one is over already how did this happen I read online this is supposed to be an open world kind of game I never really like explored the open world because I never felt like there was a moment to do it and that's I guess it's just not the experience I was looking for I didn't care I tried exploring for a little bit I just didn't care I didn't want to I wanted to play through the game and you know play the puzzles and stuff like that and it just wasn't really there this might be a more decisive one but I'm gonna give it a detail Star Wars Jedi Survivor oh yeah this is good that is pretty you know I understand that a lot of the neon lights that they put in levels like they did in Hitman are just like ways to really Flex like the lighting mechanics of it and they did it here and it looks awesome I know a lot of people here were having trouble with the performance of the game and I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones I didn't experience anything like that I love the different ways you can hold the lightsaber and I love that I can do it right away I love that it's just frame one I got all the powers I got everything I don't have to wait for it it I don't have to go back and progress through and learn all these new moves I just have them I just have them and it's fun and it's awesome and God these levels feel so good I love the platforming here I think they really nailed it everything from the last game is made better here I'm not gonna include any spoilers so I'm not really going to touch on the story but I think this is a far more interesting story than the first one and it has me hooked and I can fast travel there's a fast travel button yes you can also give him a mullet and that's cool I don't the customization in this game is way better it's like they learned so much from all of their mistakes any complaint from the original and made it better here and I think that's awesome this is a really really good game and I'm I'm gonna be happy to keep playing it if you are watching this around the time of its release though I would suggest just you know give it some time before you go and spend seventy dollars on this game because a lot of people are saying that it just doesn't work the characters in this game I think are a real highlight for me because cause I think they're written to feel more real and and in some ways it feels shoehorned in like like with this first guy that you meet he kind of just tells you his life story and tells you about his kid and it's like I don't care man I just met you I don't know you this game is good and I'm not gonna stop being a anytime soon so I'm giving it a nest here and that concludes my personal Star Wars game tier list let me know what you think of any of these ratings if I'm wrong if I'm right there's any games that I missed just let me know and then go ahead and click this card right here to take you to a video where I talk about video game movies and why they shouldn't be made or should they click it goodbye
Channel: bizlychannel
Views: 353,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bizly, bizlychannel, star wars, I played and ranked every star wars game, star wars jedi survivor, star wars games, lego star wars, star wars tier list, game tier list, i played and ranked every, jrwi, just roll with it, spittake, The Funniest Jedi in All of Star Wars
Id: Sb4cs8UQC94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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