The WORST Movies Of the Decade...

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the worst movies of the decade so we're going to start from 10 years ago 2014 and work our way up to 2024 and each year I'm going to rate a movie the worst of the Year along with some that I need to mention now I don't really know what came out in 2014 but I do remember that there was a movie called nut job like already the name is awful I remember watching this movie and it's so forgettable to the point where I don't even remember what happened what was the plot nothing I mean there's not really much you can do with the plot when it's literally about getting nuts yeah this [ __ ] was just boof and one of the characters looks like goddamn Ratatouille if he went through like three sewers in a severe meth addiction like you can't tell me this character design is good this [ __ ] sucks I mean it's not the worst of the worst that I've seen but it's up there now for 2015 I'm going have to go with Big Hero 6 I don't know just something about this movie just pissed me off I don't know what it is but it might be a hot take just hearing Baymax be a complete bot the entire movie that [ __ ] was kind of annoying it was like listening to a Texas speech B for like 2 hours unlike that other damn movie Nut Job I can at least remember some of the characters at least they're memorable especially that kids Aunt bro God damn so for the year 2016 I was between two movies The Ice Age sequel that came out that year and Norm of the north now I thought about it for a little bit and it's got to go to Norm of the north this [ __ ] sucked like I mean hey Ice Age you know you got the lovable characters but then you got nor of the North like I was like a for animated movies back then I I was going to the bottom of the barrel like I really clicked on a thumbnail that looked like this so I watched not only nut job I watched one with the weirdest looking polar bear as the front cover the character design looks like it's a polar bear for a Cheesy commercial when I was watching this movie everyone else got bored of it but no my dumb ass had to stay there I was so invested in Norm of the D I should have went to sleep okay I just looked at the Ron Tomatoes it is 6% yeah yeah a lot of people agree with me on this one that's probably the lowest Rotten Tomato score I've ever seen in my entire life this [ __ ] was it was pretty bad it was bad though the whole point of the movie was he was trying to get people not to move to Antarctica and that's it the movie could have been shot and animated or whatever into like a 10-minute short there was just way too much filler and there are three more sequels to Norm of the north don't worry if you didn't get enough of the first one like this [ __ ] was already mad or relevant to begin with it had a 6% on Tomato score 3.4 out of 10 on IMDb why are you making three more sequels like genuinely where's the logic out the window probably because there is none clearly 2017 there's a very clear winner I'm giving it to the Emoji Movie it is a crime that you have to still pay $329 to watch this [ __ ] this whole movie is about texting a girl and an emoji trying to make the right face which apparently this this isn't a 5 minute skid it's a whole movie and then they have a whole Lounge for un used emojis and then this main character guy with the goofiest looking haircut ever like seriously what is that but it looks like a balding emo but this guy the main character of course was over here acting like I got to have a purpose you think any of these emojis have purpose no then just accept that move on and don't make this [ __ ] a movie done this one might be the worst on the list but I'm going to rank them from 10 to one at the end of the video and then I'm going to Crown one the worst movie of the decade like I'm considering this movie because it's just so sugarcoated like you're not going to fit in every goddamn social group like there's some that you're not going to really Vibe with the people in it and that's okay and apparently it's so urgent that Mr Pub head has to fit in like holy [ __ ] and there already cringy jokes that were made in the trailer so you already know the movie's going to be worse 2018 is going to have to go to slender man which was a great horror movie concept but it was executed so poorly the amount of screen time that the Slender Man got was literally zero and then like some of the imagery in the movie was just so cursed yeah actually went to the damn theaters to see this [ __ ] and I remember leaving my skin was just crawling because of all the weird imagery displayed in the movie like bro I did not sign up to see weird ass imagery I signed up to be scared long story short that show was boof and the whole Slender Man concept was completely ruined due to this movie it was like I got click baited gashed up Slender Man heavy I'm like oh [ __ ] this is about to be crazy then no I was wrong bro like I that was the most disappointed I ever was after a movie like at least with the Emoji Movie I knew it was going to be a little bit corny I don't even know why the hell I watched that [ __ ] but I was curious about how bad it was but I knew going in okay this is going to be corny because it's adults talking about Emoji but Slender Man you think of this creepy horror creature you're about to get scared but no no I had pretty high expectations I thought I was going to be one of the goats of horror movies 2019 I got the Angry Birds movie too why do the pigs look like Discord mods seriously these character designs are questionable okay so like it's not the Angry Birds movie but it is an honorable mention but I found this movie because I looked up are there any movies with a 0% Rotten Tomato score and it's so boofed that I haven't even heard of it this shit's called the queen cor G so I've never heard of this all I'm I'll be back in like a few minutes I'm going to watch this Banger trailer and I'll get my opinions yeah that looks so hideous it's like the original Sonic design hideous they did Trump so dirty in this film what even is this it's about dogs in the Queen of England I guess I don't know this [ __ ] sucks an honor to meet you ma'am Royal selfie cheese [Music] steak see like this was that was already such a corny ass joke selfies were literally like six years ago from this I would never be caught to doing this ever bro look at his face like this [ __ ] is so cursed but anyway for 2020 we're going to have to go with SP SpongeBob it was called like sponge on the run it was kind of disappointing I mean there isn't really much to pick from for 2020 because well yeah literally all movie theaters were shut down until like the end of the year usually SpongeBob has good movies but not this one for 2021 I'm have to go with the dire Ro Wimpy Kid movie which was on Disney plus and I got Disney plus just to watch this [ __ ] and then I unsubscribed right after because these characters just look goofy as hell like look at Manny look at it like is that thing even human like it just puts a stain on the original movie that dropped in like 2010 it was like one of the biggest downgrades in history like what even is that and the funny part is when I was watching one of them I forget which movie it was they used this sound effect to create suspense are you ready yep a sound effect commonly used in the duck videos was used to create suspense bro like I was literally dying laughing when I heard it it was just funny to witness I don't even hate them for this that that you know what that was hilarious probably only for me though 2022 is going to be a no-brainer it's going to morbius the movie literally got memed on for being trash people started to ironically [ __ ] with the movie Just because it's that bad it became a meme to think the movie was a 10 out of 10 Oscar worthy blah blah blah and I said this in my memes video they ended up because of the meme surrounding morz they re-released the movie in some theaters and no one showed up like yeah no [ __ ] and no one's going to show up it's just a meme like no one's going to sit there and waste time watching morbius especially for a movie that did horrible on the first release who was going to go and see it for the re-release and it didn't even succeed in a thousand theaters it probably did worse now for 2023 I don't know if this is a hot take or whatever I'm so tapped out of like Disney movies but Elemental now look I haven't seen the movie yet but it looks terrible like I'm not going to hold you if you have to do some fake promotion through Tik Tok it's probably a bad move if you haven't heard about it moist critical made a video about it basically what they did was have someone film the movie like of someone in the theater and then they put some Applause track over I don't know what character it was that entered the movie or whatever bro just spawned in it was like his name was like Claude or something here's a tweet it says claude's got the whole theater rooting for him check him out in Elemental save it for the wedding hey like this [ __ ] just sounds so fake bro like come on Pixar man this is this was disappointing like bro how desperate are you to get Elementals some motion like who would even be hyped for Claude he's a completely new character and for 2024 I think it's a no-brainer even though we've only been through like half the year I'm going with mega mine too wow what a terrible movie The Plot was basically Mega mine try to stop villains from destroying the city but they think he's still evil plus the annoying stand that was was following him around the whole movie that [ __ ] was so annoying that was just some straight boo man I'm not going to hold you now for the final question you've all been waiting for what is the worst movie of the decade so here's my rankings from number 10 to number two Big Hero 6 St of a Wimpy Kid the 2020 SpongeBob movie Nut Job Elemental Slender Man Norm of the north the Emoji Movie Mega m 2 and the worst movie of the decade is got to go [Music] the Queen's Corgi what the hell even was that
Channel: The Duck
Views: 10,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ekuWnLbk1oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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