WHICH IS THE BEST NEW LARGO? - Slime Rancher Glass Desert Update - Slime Rancher Largos

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how is that even possible I'm I'm just I can't I just can't get get into the ocean you're ruining it are we going everybody my name is fin plan with that we're playing slime rancher we're going to be doing something that you guys have been suggesting and that is create like a whole bunch of different logos we're going to be combining like all the other you know pre glass desert slimes with the glass desert slide in creating a whole bunch of different logos to see which ones we like the best I'm guessing it's going to be some kind of mosaic climb combo but I do really like the the dervish tabular logos those things are pretty cool what have we got inside this drill just a bunch of glass stuff see you later see I don't really care for that stuff I've got heaps of it already so what we need to do is collect the slimes it's got one mosaic slime we need to get some dervish slime hey there dude we're getting all the pure one we don't want any of the you know the largos because we need to combine it we should have most of the ports already back in our ranch so should be it should be too hard to find all the ports that we need to combine it with these new slimes mmm where's some more mosaics flies oh here's a tangle slime we've got one of each so far but we're going to need lots more than this what's in here I just like opening the things see what the newest threat extractors I don't even really care to pick the stuff up totus like pressing the button oh no that was some cars he almost turned into a pink tangle I'll go okay Deborah's line get an ear make up there's some as they all their logos okay we don't want you dude those guys are creating fire we better get out of here before we get bring you guys around here somewhere what are you doing cheap he's just spinning around creating devastating storms try and get up on top of this ledge come on get up there yeah we can see through the wall what's that about and let's jump up this way where's the easiest way to do this maybe up here just jump we're kind of stuck kind of stuck stop getting stuck in the wall Finn there we go jump up on top of this guy with a little rock cloth in his mouth let's have a look at here ceases any other slimes we're after we could do with like ten of each I think I think that'd do the trick maybe back through this way I'll there be heaps down here there's definitely mosaic slime that come out of here although where are they they're gone no around no worries let's get him name is too cool that's five of the dervish slimes I'm pretty more eaters one let you get in my gum there buddy we ghost is not Oh heaps more we've almost got all the ones we need just one more dervish climb and I think we'll be fine where are you dude where the hind maybe if we suck these pink slimes up we can spawn some other oh here we go right there cool we've got ten of them exactly where after let's grab 11 just cuz he's there like why wouldn't you right then we go grab a head back this way over the fire storm coming we're about ready to get burnt to a crisp there's gonna be toasty sandwiches that they're so angry look at him look out angry is specific he's got a smile oh thanks I'm getting me get you in there as well and then another one there we've got form of a exclaims that makes five is the rest of the tangle come on target Oh get out of the way there dude here we go get in there and we're picking them all up Oh No get me a Isis that'll kill him nice look at that the Oasis Eve jump it's a good thing you're in there oh he's I got a live show you along in the Oasis no sorry that'll kill him let's jump down here have a look in the pool party zone is where the pool party goes on well I think I'm around here with Luis it's like it's empty tangled fly lines around here just a whole bunch of tango logos not actual tangled lines and what about we do this all right bear with me here with me this is going to work all right this is gentle he died it's gonna work put him in a you in there you in there okay oh he's dead you're gonna be dead oh all right we're getting all these logos and putting all the logos around there okay watch this watch this putting all the logos over there it's put in there why you still why was he still dying it's a bit weird oh here we go this is what we want oh no one hey nice I wanna be stable on the feet nice one they've all like transformed already that's fine doesn't matter now we only need two of the mosaic slimes then we've got eleven of each even though I don't think I need eleven I don't think there's that many other slimes to create so it doesn't matter least we have extra so if we go back this way I know there's some spots where the mosaic slimes definitely spawn just over here in like the first area where we made some choices so back over this way because just through here should have heaps of mosaic slimes spawning no dervish just a whole bunch of dervish one that's not very good and what about through here oh no no no mosaic slime what's that about man I love the glasses so much such a cool space ooh yes eleven of each that's good all right let's take them back to our ranch and start feeding them different things there's going to be cool all right getting it out of the way I'm just running through just like pushing all these slides in the face okay all right we're back oh look at these cool little glowy orbs that I made yeah that's like does like can different colored echoes just piled on top of each other these guys look like they're pretty hungry I'm going to speed them I might feed them some cue berries and where's the cue berries get all the pop when a gun I feel kind of bad because they look like they're on the verge of kind of busting free and taking over put them in there cool you guys all have food today I'll crank back the the feeding there a little bit they go dudes munch on them you guys are having a bit of fun that's good let's get they're in there they're in there we got that going on over there we've got the echoes which we don't really need mm what are we gonna do down here let's get rid of these guys we don't we don't really need them let's put them into the ocean back into the slime see see is later I just go all right let's get rid of this what what happen there is that possible oh oh I know what happens yeah well that's pretty crazy okay who can guess what happened never have again okay they just kill these guys before they eat on my puddle plunder ow no he grabs hold of my face I get come on dude come here you're going in the salon see as well and you go he's in the slime seat okay so what happened I had some quantum largos going on in here one of these the tangle bar goes would have shot a like on their vine straight out into this plot and eaten one of the ports that they shouldn't have eaten that is crazy hello you're know that was possible okay they're going to have to be sort of distance that's a bit of a worry all right let's create a crown or through this high wall insufficient coins if it's serious oh man I feel pull it's funny that I don't have any money man I've always got heaps of money let's sell some of thee what do we got what can we sell that would make us a lot of money probably some boom ports room floor there we go let's get a whole bunch of the food port no okay cool and I've got a market set up right here it's one of these little portable markets look at the money going up that make it put black that's pretty good how much we're going to have I might even just sell all but one all but three even oh okay hang on we need three because we need to make the different combinations one two three there we go look out get out of the way and that stuff alright let's head back down to the docks and let's create the other the other things what are the calls they call corral fin that's what they call let's create what he disappeared off the end of my gun alright well shucks these guys in there okay we're just going to do it one at a time we're going to create a one at a time all right do that oh no no she get stopped eat them all all right okay you can stay there hang on no I'm going to put you there I didn't mean to create him already it looks like we're doing the dervish ones G alright let's just create a slime stage we don't have a slime stage we need to make a slime stage so we can create the slime stages okay let's make a slime stage here yes plum stage fabricate might even make two of them yeah we get two slime stages happen that's true okay let's just have some sleep because things get a little bit crazy now we don't want to make any mistakes just because we haven't slept there's a nice little nap who put all hour and a half and fly back to the docks okay back down at the dock let's create the the plantation let's do it here we go is one slime stage two slime stage okay we've got the two slime stages so we can kind of put our favorite slimes there I guess and it's kind of a place for us to stick them as well while we wait I'm kind of worried that at the moment if we put contango flames in they're going to eat all of the they're going to eat the stuff out at the other Corral's and turn themselves into tire again we don't want that we've definitely done with that why is it a different war I'm just going to suck these thoughts up cool here's the very first of the the logos that we're going to be making hey there you go champ all right so we have the boom-boom dervish Lago cheese my mouse is going to be tongue-tied by the time I'm done with this I'm going to put the tangler climbs in here hopefully these guys don't eat anything they're not supposed to from around the different Corral and we should be fine boom dervish logos looking pretty cool I don't mind him I don't mind him let's get this tangle on bow why are you guys getting food okay they don't eat it so we're fine it'll be okay alright and let's put the slime here let's put this little guy down and let's feed him the boom and see which one we like best dude eat this eat it all that's pretty cool I quite like these guys I like it the green I like how they're green but there's still got like the boom like larva and stuff going on through them yeah that is seriously cool all right let's get them as ain't that's way too many mosaics okay and let's create you alright throw my boom there you go dude eat the boom floor eat the boom port those are also pretty cool so out of those three which ones work the best i Jesus tell you what these are pretty cool right but I think I think I like that one the most that fiery it looks like a fiery Bulbasaur that is so cool all right see dude you're eliminated you're be eliminated see you later awesome he's going to blow up that's how you get the firework achievement yeah which we don't need let's keep him there I'm keeping that because it is awesome okay Jerry slime let's make a tabby dervish that's not that's not a slime that is a plot there you go eat this now these ones are one of my favorites again they're definitely one of my favorites I've seen these ones before can you stop that can you please stop that please what are you going stop running away they eat it eat it eat the floor dude why do you why are you freaking out yes yes and love these ones alone okay here we go on looking in what you don't allow to do that fine stage you're supposed to stay there I really like those ones I really like them okay let's get one of these tanga climb as to tangle one just one tangle point there we go tangle climb and it's a decoy oh my face I think these are the ones that definitely look like Bulbasaur there you go do it eat it eat it stuck glitching out who where he goes oh yeah look at them look like Bulbasaur that's pretty cool I do like the tabby one more though okay definitely like this have you one more all right let's get them as X 1 that's tumors excellent we only wanted one atrazine fun you go dude now all he's going to eat it you go over here say all that thing there you go eat that yeah we've seen them they're not too bad they can go in the ocean so that's a pink mosaic and they're all right pink tabby logo sorry the tangled tabby logo he's not too bad he looks like Bulbasaur he's kind of cute but I think we can all agree that the tabby dervish logo looks awesome it's just like a really cool all gray color does he look better than the tangle boom logo I'm not too sure that's a really tough decision I'm going to go with the dervish yep tabby dervish see dude you're eliminated get out of here OOP firework bang into the ocean oh I just realized we created the wrong one we created a pink mosaic we needed to create a caddy mosaic let's do that now quickly do it there we go you go dude tabby music eat it eat they're cute they are cute are they better are they better than these look are they better some would argue yes I'm not one of those people here dude go in the ocean see you later you're our reigning champ so far good work okay so now we can do the pink dervish we've wrote it on the pink mosaic we can do the pink dervish here we go pink dervish it's literally right there okay let's stick him on the slide - let's see what it looks like what are you guys thinking do you like the pink dervish unless I'm not sure I like the pink dervish I think it's a little bit boring okay I'm not convinced I'm not convinced all right let's go for pink tangle are you serious are you serious where did you even eat that film wait where did you where did you get where did you get the plot to turn all of yourself how is that even possible I'm I'm I can't I just can't get get in the ocean you ruining this you're ruining it cheese okay get in there yeah I'm not happy I'm not happy you guys misbehaving and you're going into the ocean for it go get out of here I don't even know where you got the food to make yourselves like turn into the lodge I'm just I'm so mad I'm so mad I can only assume that these guys ate something created a port these guys sucked it out of the ground like they do they just went for mutant style and then it was just this big chain reaction and that was it now I need to go to the glass desert and get more you go dude that was quick okay I think we can agree that the tangle pink lago looks better than the dervish okay i think yeah definitely dervishes out here oh you just hotel he's taken it upon himself to go yet on the best I'm better than that other one I'm gonna sit right here is he better than the cabbie Dutch I don't know I don't know I do like the colors all right with the grand pink I definitely like that color scheme I think it's really cool but that gray I don't know I mean I'm going to decide I'm going to go out to the I'm going to go out to the glass desert get some more tangle climbs and decide while I think about this alright let's get a few more different ports so let's go for we get the pink in the tabbies last time let's go for the rocks and the red you go dude lunch on that you go guys there's a bit of food in the middle here speed of time any get they should give us the plots we need let's get a crystal awesome a couple more crystals left three we only need three we'll come back and get some costume sport later on this would have been the nice thing to do let's get D and actually just pop these in there that way they've got their own their own tree they can feed themselves teach a man to fish or set himself on fire or something I forget the thing but you guys know what I mean okay here we go I hope you guys have decided which are these two you like the most because I made my decision into slime see here champ okay now let's get hopefully you guys aren't going to drop any more plots in there that'd be awesome let's just drop the tangle arms in and hopefully they don't go eaten anything they shouldn't okay we're going to need to keep an eye on them what do you iron off what are you looking at he's looking at something a bit stuck okay let's make all the rock combinations so let's get one of these guys why are you guys so upset I don't get it you're all and stuff I don't know why anyway let's get this mosaic slime we're going to have to get rid of you because we need space see you buddy have a good swim all right mosaic slime and rock poor Apple just hit him on the head with it oh hey that's cool I like these ones it's sort of like colorful and stuff I think the blue works really well with like the crystal look yeah definitely one of my favorite music let's make a dervish rock slime here we go dervish Rock lager coming right up there you go buddy just eat it yeah not too bad not too bad there okay I think the the mosaic definitely looks better out of the two of them plug it up yeah mosaic is easily winning right now so hot right now okay get the tangle you go buddy and tangle rock Largo coming right up eat it I love how they do that with a vine sook you didn't even eat it try again try again oh we got it that time I look at a flower the flower is blue and he's got like the rocky bit which one looks the best I don't know it's really hard to say you can't do that all right well you look the worse okay you look the worst I'll throw that out like a tornado to the sky it's pretty much out of these two right now look which is the best I don't know I think the rock slime looks better but only just only just see champ let's keep him around let's keep in Branson now let's do the ramp all right get a dervish here we go eat this eat that we're doing the red turban Lagos come on man that's not too bad that's not too bad I wish these guys were a little bit happier you know wish they'd cheer up a little bit let's get rid of you all right you're pretty awesome but we're going to get rid of year so we've got this I get a tangle and let's see which looks best out of the tangle and the dervish ah that is cool I like these colors look at those colors that is such a cool green it's like the mint green but it's also got like the fluoro green going on as well alright that's pretty good let's go for a mosaic now and these guys going to look awesome to clear all sparkling that's the question ended up dude is that come on getting your mouth i'm nam nom nom nom which which i can't decide a really kind of size I think I'm going to go for the tangle in this case yes definitely go up to the tangle that thing looks awesome it does it's even though like the little radioactive flower on top of its head you know what I mean probably killing everybody well it is if you said too close look at my radiation going up but if you hit him with water I've got water hit him with water look at this Frank what it goes I mean the radiation goes away and now it doesn't hurt us see you can get nice and close be alright into the water champ see you later dervish crystal Largo let's do this bang it eat it those are cool I don't mine these ones now too bad not too bad they look a lot like the rock one oh they've got like a slightly more vibrantly sort of purple coloured elements of them and the crystals that obviously goes like that rainbow sort of crystal effect instead of just like chunky looking rocks okay tangle and we'll go for Christmas eat that one here we go what do you look like funny not too bad not too that's pretty cool actually I quite like that one I like to flower on the top alex is cool the comparable color I like it alright and we've seen these ones before but we're going to create them again anyway mosaic crystal back I missed him I missed him hang on let's try again let's try again you go dude you go be dead they're pretty cool which is the best I'm going to I'm going to go from as eight this time I just really like the chunky shards and stuff with like the shininess of the mosaic I think that yeah I think that wins to get off the net and stop smacking into me it hurts a lot okay you win you're going into the slime sea though you come lastly you didn't look very good alright okay let's get the remaining ports and let's feed them up let's start with the the honey port plus do these ones so let's go for a honey dervish we're just gonna have to try and suck him out of there as best we can hang on we can do this I've done this before there we go okay you get them out of there I mean your dude over this way nice and let's feed him a honey port there you go oh he's hunting it down he's doing a good job just about too fat I quite like this one I think that I don't really like the ring on the dervish slide okay I'm just gonna I'm just going to put it out there I don't really like the ring I think it was a little bit weird but on the honey slime it looks pretty good I don't know why it is I think it's a suit see it looks like weird honey slimy jelly stuff spinning around I think it actually looks alright let's get you out of there oh we got to hang up put one back in just one and just one that's both of them can we just get one of you please here we go alright see that little trick if you get nice and close when you do that you're able to get it out of it oh dude no you get back on there you get back over this way oh and that worked out alright then eat that what what just happened I don't know oh I like that color look at that shininess that's shining this is so cool I like that I like that color that is really good okay and let's get them as aook eat yes okay let's pop him over there and have a look at them let's compare them who looks the best I think the tangle oneness round I think it really did you look all right but you kind of just look a lot like a honey slime with mosaic slime coating you know what I mean they kind of wrapped him in mosaic slime wrapping paper you win this round good job into the slime see you God let's go for dervish quantum eat that where you go and come on buddy it's right there yeah we've seen them before they're okay they're not too bad let's go for a tangle tangle quantum coming right up there you go buddy eat that much away on it do the vine thing do the vine thing there we go he's going to eat that and they're not too bad I kind of like the gold flower thing on top of their head but it's a little bit boring certainly not the best I think as the quantum largos I still think the quantum red is like the best I think it just creates like a really cool color I like it I like that I like that I like the like the weird sort of like swirling us of it I think that's cool I'm just going to stick you there for a minute chin yeah I quite like them I think that's good I think the mosaics while I'm with that round yep good job give yourself a pat on the back if you had arms I know you don't have arms okay dervish hunter we're going to have a lot of angry slimes here in a minute watch what happens so when you create Hunter hunter logos they're angry straight off the bat they get really mad CEO angry is it such an angry slime let's pop him there if you're going to stay me no now now can you not keep you're going to chase me down off the slime stage that's the question no he's not he's going to stay there all right well that's that's good of him I'm glad he's not trying to eat me still okay let's get the tango climb here you go dude you eat that one so this is going to be dangerous this is so mad okay please don't nope nope get get back here get back you hop on there alright you stay there I think I'm quite like the dervish one so far now I'm not too sure I don't cruise I don't really like the green and the brown I think it's like a really weird mix of colors but let's have a look at what the mosaic compass lamb looks like this will be interesting to see there you go dude there you go that's yours munch away oh yeah that that is cool that is quite cool he's going to go for me isn't he I'm gonna hide over you can't get me put right how did you do that how did you still get me I don't know I think he wins that round though good job you won cheer up cheer up you win okay and into the slime scene and into the slime sea nice he tried to get me even though he was flying through the sky alright so we've got one more to go we've got the phosphorus limes to go let's do this dervish phosphor I don't think I've seen this one yet I don't think I have any idea what this combination looks like yeah that's okay it's pretty much as expected isn't it it is it's pretty cool though I don't mind it I like out with the dervish ones how if you actually look at the main blob of the slime how they've got like a cool little band around them they've got like a ring I mean that's pretty cool let's talk about the swirly ring I mean like they've actually got like a stripe okay let's get this tangle I'm tangled phosphor what happens with the antennas with the flower on its back how's that work here we go oh cool yeah okay also kind of as expected they look so see-through don't they they look like a weird sort of plant okay and miss egg one mosaic phosphor coming right up here we go dude there you go munch on that once on that it's yours if you'll eat it eat it strike action hey oh yeah he wins clearly he wins look at him the purple with the shiny rainbow effect and stuff zank he went see you later you're going in there you don't get down kick down and you can go in there as well now I think out of all the slime so far it's really hard to say which one I like the most but I really think I like the tangle honey slimes quite a bit I thought they were pretty cool let's get a honey floor and let's just try that once more and we might even feel it much to put a smile on his face see how he goes all right so let's speed this honey port to the tangle climb there you go dude here's a poker couch eat that hey he likes it cool man and now he's happy all right you sit on the floor I'm stage look at him I think out of all the ones that we created today out of all the largos I think this one was my favorite I don't know why it is I just really like the stripey sort of shyness to it I think it was the most surprising I wasn't expecting it but it's really awesome which one it's your favorite out of all those let me know in the comments below I think that was seriously cool out of all the slimes though out of all the new ones from the glass says it's the little mosaic slime just on his own is still my favorite I like that guy is so cool but yeah I like this lager it's awesome but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give it one of these ones and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 422,128
Rating: 4.647059 out of 5
Keywords: Slime Rancher Glass Desert update, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher update, Glass Desert Update, 0.6.0 Update, slime rancher news, gaming news, Download Slime Rancher, Download Slime Rancher Update, family friendly Slime Rancher, mosaic slime, slime rancher mosaic, rare slime, secret slime, Let's Play Slime Rancher, tangle slime, dervish slime, fire slime, glass desert largos, new largos
Id: tqjik8-gPa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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